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RFQ Number

Supplier Name:Axiom Engineering &CMT

Date of RFQ 02 – 11 – 2018

Supplier Address: Khushal khan Meana Closing Date 09 - 12 - 2018

Contact No: 0783 80 16 53 Closing Time 04:00 PM


Service Title Conducting engineering laboratory tests

Contract Period January 01, 2019 – December 30, 2019

Projects Locations All provinces across Afghanistan.


Integrity Watch is an Afghan civil society organization committed to increase transparency, accountability,
and integrity in Afghanistan.

The mission of Integrity Watch is to put corruption under the spotlight through community monitoring,
independent assessments, research, and advocacy. Integrity Watch’s work has four major components: (1)
Community Monitoring, (2) Independent Assessments (3) Research, and (4) Advocacy. We mobilize and
train communities to monitor infrastructure projects, public services, courts, and extractives industries.
We evaluate proper use and efficiency of aids, provide policy-oriented research, facilitate policy dialogue,
and advocate for integrity, transparency, and accountability in Afghanistan.

Integrity Watch was created in October 2005 and established itself as an independent civil society
organization in 2006. It has approximately 80 staff members and 1400 volunteers. The head office of
Integrity Watch is in Kabul with provincial programmatic outreach in Badakhshan, Balkh, Bamyan, Ghor,
Herat, Kabul, Kapisa, Logar, Nangarhar, Parwan, Panjshir, Samangan, and Wardak.


Reconstruction Assessment Program (RECAP) is an Integrity Watch program which focuses on assessment
of infrastructure and development aid projects. At RECAP, we perform independent engineering
evaluations of on-going and completed infrastructure projects, operation and maintenance inspection of
public facilities and impact assessment of national development projects.
ReCAP works closely with SIGAR (Special Inspection General for Afghanistan Reconstruction) to provide
independent and objective inspections of Afghanistan reconstruction projects. In addition to this, ReCAP
also manages the Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST) establishment in Afghanistan. CoST
aims to improve the value for money spent on public infrastructure by increasing transparency in the
delivery of public sector construction projects.

The engineering laboratory company will be directly responsible to conduct engineering site tests
(attachment A) according to the international engineering standards, and reporting the results to Integrity
Watch Afghanistan on a pre-set schedule. It is worth mentioning that, repairing all the areas at the project
site which are destructed during the course of sampling for the tests (i.e. filling the core cutting area with
the same sample material and bringing the tested area to its original condition.), is part of conducting the
tests and no additional payments will be made.

Moreover, the costs related to these engineering tests such as transportation to the projects site,
accommodation, and food shall be covered by the service provider. Moreover, the service provider will be
responsible for providing security to its laboratory staff during travels and while taking samples on the
project site. The prices offered on the quotation shall include deductible Afghan Government income tax.

Attachment A, Request for Quotation (RFQ) Form, represents the default type of tests which will be
conducted for each project. RFQ Form shall be filled for EACH PROVINCE where engineering laboratory
companies are providing to travel and conduct tests. The engineering laboratory companies shall NOT
provide price for the capital cities across Afghanistan where they are not able to travel and work.
However, the number of tests for each project will be decided by Client and paid accordingly. All costs
should be calculated in U.S. dollars.


 Must be certified by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (valid original certificate will be
checked if selected).
 Registered as engineering and construction materials testing laboratory company with Ministry of
 Hold minimum 5 years of experience in performing quality engineering tests for infrastructural
(buildings and roads) projects across different provinces of Afghanistan.
 Hold a good reputation for good customer service and quality work.
 Good knowledge of working with International Organizations and NGO’s.


Your sealed bid envelope shall be sent to House #3, Street #8, Qala-e-Fatullah, Kabul, Afghanistan, and
include the followings:
1) Request for Quotation (Attachment A)
2) A color copy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers certificate, and
3) Registration License with Ministry of Commerce

The deadline for submitting the bid is December 09, 2018 at 4:00 PM (GMT +4:30). Late and incomplete
quotations will not be considered.
Attachment A
Capital (Kabul)
Supplier Details For Client Use ONLY
Supplier Name: Axiom Engineering & Material Testing
Supplier Address: khushal khan Meana Date of RFQ:
Closing Date and Time: Dec 9, 2018
Contact No:0783 80 16 53
4:00 PM (GMT+ 4:30)
Email Purchase Request No:

S. No Description Quantity Price (USD)

Concrete Core Cutting Tests vertical/horizontal.

1 (includes sampling on site, repairing to original 1 75
condition, testing & report test results)

Standard Proctor Soil Compaction Density Test

2 (includes sampling on site, repairing to original 1 65
condition, testing & report test results)
Asphalt Core & Density Test (includes sampling on
3 site, repairing to original condition, testing & report 1 80
test results)

Marshal Stability Test (includes sampling on site,

4 repairing to original condition, testing & report test 1 130

Asphalt Extraction Test (includes sampling on site,

5 repairing to original condition, testing & report test 1 55

GMM Test (includes sampling on site, repairing to

6 1 50
original condition, testing & report test results)

Full test
7 Other Costs (Transportation, Accommodation, etc...) Free

Total: 455

Signed by:

Position: Finance/DLM Date: 6-Jan-2019

Sign and Stamp:

Attachment A
North Zone (Panjsher, Parwan, Kapisa, Faryab, Saripul, Samangan, Baghlan, Balkh, Jawzjan, Kundoz,
Takhar and Badakhshan)
Supplier Details For Client Use ONLY

Supplier Name: Axiom Engineering & CMT Laboratory RFQ No:

Supplier Address: Khushal Khan Meana Date of RFQ:

Closing Date and Time: Dec 9, 2018
Contact No: 0783 80 16 53
4:00 PM (GMT+ 4:30)
Email Address: Purchase Request No:

S. No Description Quantity Price (USD)

Concrete Core Cutting Tests vertical/horizontal.

1 (includes sampling on site, repairing to original 1 75
condition, testing & report test results)

Standard Proctor Soil Compaction Density Test

2 (includes sampling on site, repairing to original 1 70
condition, testing & report test results)
Asphalt Core & Density Test (includes sampling on
3 site, repairing to original condition, testing & report 1 80
test results)

Marshal Stability Test (includes sampling on site,

4 repairing to original condition, testing & report test 1 140

Asphalt Extraction Test (includes sampling on site,

5 repairing to original condition, testing & report test 1 55

GMM Test (includes sampling on site, repairing to

6 1 45
original condition, testing & report test results)

Full test
7 Other Costs (Transportation, Accommodation, etc...) 100

Total: 565

Signed by:

Position: Finance/DLM Date: 6-Jan-2019

Sign and Stamp:

Attachment A
South Zone (Daykundi, Uruzgan, Zabul, Nimroz, Helmand and Kandahar)

Supplier Details For Client Use ONLY

Supplier Name: Axiom Engineering & CMT
Date of
Supplier Address: Khushal khan meana kabul
Closing Date and Time: Dec 9, 2018
Contact No: 0783 80 16 53
4:00 PM (GMT+ 4:30)
Email Address:
Purchase Request No:
Description Quantity Price (USD)
Concrete Core Cutting Tests
vertical/horizontal. (includes sampling on
1 1 80
site, repairing to original condition, testing
& report test results)
Standard Proctor Soil Compaction Density
Test (includes sampling on site, repairing
2 1 70
to original condition, testing & report test
Asphalt Core & Density Test (includes
3 sampling on site, repairing to original 1 90
condition, testing & report test results)

Marshal Stability Test (includes sampling

4 on site, repairing to original condition, 1 150
testing & report test results)

Asphalt Extraction Test (includes sampling

5 on site, repairing to original condition, 1 55
testing & report test results)
GMM Test (includes sampling on site,
6 repairing to original condition, testing & 1 50
report test results)
Other Costs (Transportation, Full test
7 130
Accommodation, etc...) package

Total: 625

Signed by:

Position: Finance/DLM Date: 6.Jan.2019

Sign and Stamp:

Attachment A
East Zone (Bamyan, Wardak, Gazni, Logar, Paktika, Paktya, Khost, Laghman,Nuristan, Kunar and Nagarhar)

Supplier Details For Client Use ONLY

Supplier Name: Axiom Engineering & CMT
Date of
Supplier Address: Khushal khan meana
Closing Date and Time: Dec 9, 2018
Contact No: 0783 80 16 53
4:00 PM (GMT+ 4:30)
Email Address:
Purchase Request No:
Description Quantity Price (USD)
Concrete Core Cutting Tests
vertical/horizontal. (includes sampling on
1 1 75
site, repairing to original condition, testing
& report test results)
Standard Proctor Soil Compaction Density
Test (includes sampling on site, repairing
2 1 65
to original condition, testing & report test
Asphalt Core & Density Test (includes
3 sampling on site, repairing to original 1 90
condition, testing & report test results)

Marshal Stability Test (includes sampling

4 on site, repairing to original condition, 1 140
testing & report test results)

Asphalt Extraction Test (includes sampling

5 on site, repairing to original condition, 1 55
testing & report test results)
GMM Test (includes sampling on site,
6 repairing to original condition, testing & 1 45
report test results)
Other Costs (Transportation, Full test
7 120
Accommodation, etc...) package

Total: 590

Signed by:

Position: Finance/DLM Date: 6-1-2019

Sign and Stamp:

Attachment A
West Zone (Badghis, Herat, Ghor and Farah)

Supplier Details For Client Use ONLY

Supplier Name: Axiom engineering & CMT
Date of
Supplier Address: Khushal khan Mean kabul
Closing Date and Time: Dec 9, 2018
Contact No: 0783 80 16 53
4:00 PM (GMT+ 4:30)
Email Address:
Purchase Request No:
Description Quantity Price (USD)
Concrete Core Cutting Tests
vertical/horizontal. (includes sampling on
1 1 80
site, repairing to original condition, testing
& report test results)
Standard Proctor Soil Compaction Density
Test (includes sampling on site, repairing
2 1 65
to original condition, testing & report test
Asphalt Core & Density Test (includes
3 sampling on site, repairing to original 1 85
condition, testing & report test results)

Marshal Stability Test (includes sampling

4 on site, repairing to original condition, 1 130
testing & report test results)

Asphalt Extraction Test (includes sampling

5 on site, repairing to original condition, 1 55
testing & report test results)
GMM Test (includes sampling on site,
6 repairing to original condition, testing & 1 55
report test results)
Other Costs (Transportation, Full test
7 120
Accommodation, etc...) package

Total: 590

Signed by:

Position: Finance/DLM Date: 6-1-2019

Sign and Stamp:

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