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Introduction of the topic
Objective of study
Research of methodlogy
Limitation of study
Dimension of employee performance
Development of the scale
Exploratory study
Individual incentive plans
 Halsey plan
 Rowan plan
 Emerson plan
 Bedeaux plan
 Taylor plan
Production based individual incentive plan
 Merrick plan
 Gantt plan

pg. 1
Group incentive plan
 Priest man plan
 Scalon plan
 Profit sharing
Data analysis and interpretation

pg. 2
From the above analysis we found that monetary incentive has a
positive impact on the efficiency of employee performance .With an
increase in monetary incentive the moral of the employees increase
which leads to increase in efficiency of employees performance .the
study also reveals positive associations between the demographic
variables such as age ,gender ,years of experience etc. and employee

 Let them in on what is going on within the company as well as
how their jobs contribute to the big picture
 You can get insight into what things are important to employee
by using surveys , suggestion boxes and team meeting
 Encourage employees to find a personal fit with the company
 Employees need to trust each other as well as their leadership
 Nice way to say thanks to your employees anytime is by
heading out gift cards.
 Every employees know how much you appreciate their hard
work and office
 Those employees give their best for company .company has to
provides a suitable incentive scheme for them

pg. 3
Introduction of the topic
Objective of study
Research of methodlogy
Limitation of study

pg. 4
Dimension of employee performance
Development of the scale
Exploratory study
Individual incentive plans
 Halsey plan
 Rowan plan
 Emerson plan
 Bedeaux plan
 Taylor plan
Production based individual incentive plan
 Merrick plan
 Gantt plan
Group incentive plan
 Priest man plan
 Scalon plan
 Profit sharing

pg. 5

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