Useful Excel Shortcuts

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Shift+F11 Open new sheet

Ctrl+N New workbook
Ctrl+TAB Switch between workbooks
Ctrl+Page UP/DOWN Switch between sheets
Shift+F3 Shortcut to go to formula window
Shift+spacebar Select entire row
Ctrl+spacebar Select entire column
Ctrl+Shift++ Insert row/column (After selecting entire row/column)
Ctrl+Shift+- Delete row/column
Ctrl+Arrow Keys Selection Inside Table
Shift+Arrow Keys Selection Inside Table
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Keys Selection Inside Table
Ctrl+A Select table(Inside Table)/ Select Sheet(Double Tap A)
Alt+= Sum all above
Ctrl+Shift+1 1000 separator with 2 decimals
Ctrl+Shift+5 Convert to percentage
Ctrl+1 Open Cell properties
=today() Today’s date(Auto refresh)
=now() Today’s date and Time(Auto refresh)
F4 Repeat last step
Alt+T+O Excel Options
Ctrl+Shift+down Select up to last cell data
Ctrl+~ Toggle Formula View
Ctrl+[/] Go to linked cell
Ctrl+K Hyperlink
Alt+E+S(+V/T) Alt edit special(Values/Transpose)
F4(x2/x3) Absolute/changing - row/columns
Double click + sign Fills empty cells in table with formula values
Alt+D+F+F Filter on/off
Alt+; then ctrl+v Paste visible data
Goal Seek Get value for a particular problem
Data Table Calculate values using reference
Indirect Link names from other sheets

Tab color Color Sheet Tab

Ctrl+drag sheet Copy Sheet
Select all sheets Type across all sheets
Hide/Unhide Sheet Hide a sheet
=Cell no Link Cell no
Format painter(Single/double click) Copy Formatting
=TRANSPOSE(Cell range) Copy Transpose (Use Ctrl+Shift+Enter)
Vlookup Use F4 to stop table shifting
Clear icon (Super Delete) Clears everything
Conditional Formatting(Use Formula/Stack) Format according to conditions
Text to columns Convert text in cell to columns
Remove Duplicates Remove duplicate values
Data validation Restrict input values
5 things that a cell can accommodate:

 Value/formula
 Formatting
 Cell comments
 Hyperlink
 Validation

Vlookup(lookup value, table array, col_index_no.,Zero):

lookup value= freeze lookup value column
table array= freeze table
col_index_no. = linked cell or column(column no.)

Match(lookup value, lookup array, Zero):

Use vlookup with match to change column index no. in vlookup.

Use index with match to get row and coln. no.

Retains value within defined area via reference
Eg. =OFFSET($A$1,MATCH($A7,$B$1:$B$3,0)-1,MATCH(B$6,$A$1:$C$1,0)-1)

If(Test,true value, false value)

Returns value depending upon logical test
Eg. =IF(B2>90,"A+",IF(B2>80,"A",IF(B2>70,"B",IF(B2>60,"C",IF(B2>50,"D","Fail")))))
Use If with “and” for multiple logical tests
Convert error to a particular value


To sum values & to count values respectively
Eg: =COUNTIF($B$2:$B$13,E5)
For multiple values use SUMIF & COUNTIF
Eg: =COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$13,$E$10,$B$2:$B$13,F10)
SUMIF with wildcard

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