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Root Org Unit

Creating an Organizational Plan

An organizational plan consists of the organizational units that exist in the company. The
organizational units are related one to the other in a hierarchical reporting structure. However, they
can also be created independently of each other.
To create a new organizational plan, you create a root organizational unit. This is the highest unit
within the organizational plan (for example, the Executive Board). You then set up the organizational
plan, starting at the root organizational unit and working downwards.
Creating Root Organizational Units

1. Choose Tools Business Workflow Development Definition Tools Organizational

Management Organizational Plan Create .
2. Confirm the validity period proposed in the Creating a Root Organizational Unit dialog box.

This takes you to the Create Organization and Staffing (Workflow) screen. This user interface is
divided into four screen areas:
1. On the Basic Data tab in the details area, enter an abbreviation and a name in the Organizational
unit input fields for your root organizational unit.
 Abbreviation: <ini> _org
 Description: < Organizational plan ( ini )>
2. Choose .

The root organizational unit you have just created is then selected in the overview area.
Creating further organizational units
Starting from the root organizational unit, you create subordinate organizational units. In this unit,
you will create two further organizational units.

1. Choose > Organizational Structure, and select your root organizational unit.
2. Choose .

A new organizational unit is now created below the root organizational unit.

1. In the details area, enter an abbreviation and a description for the Organizational unit in the input
 Abbreviation: < ini _org_vk>
 Name:< Sales ( ini )>

When determining the validity period of objects and relationships, the system chooses the validity
period of the superordinate object as standard.
If you want to change the validity period for the organizational units to be created and their
relationships, change the values in the corresponding input fields in the details area.

1. Select your root organizational unit.

2. Choose .

A new organizational unit is now created below the root organizational unit.

1. In the details area, enter an abbreviation and a description for the Organizational unit in the input
 Abbreviation: < ini _org_fe>
 Description: < Research and development ( ini )>
2. Choose .

You can also include existing organizational units in your organizational plan. To do so, drag them
from the selection area to your organizational plan.
Reassigning organizational units
If changes are made to the organizational plan of your company, you can reassign the organizational
units involved.

If you reassign organizational units, note the following:

 If you change the assignment of an organizational unit, you also change the associated relationship
 If the validity period of the new relationship overlaps with the validity period of the original
relationship, the system delimits the validity period of the original relationship accordingly.
 Root objects cannot be reassigned. In your example, the root object has the abbreviation ini _org.

1. Select the organizational unit that you want to reassign in the selection area.
2. Drag it to the organizational unit under which it is to be assigned.

Delimiting organizational units

You delimit organizational units if you want to change their validity period, that is, bring forward the
validity end date.
When you delimit objects (in this case, organizational units), all of the associated links are
automatically delimited at the same time.

1. Double-click the organizational unit to open the details view.

2. Switch to display with periods. Choose .
3. Change the entry in the Valid to field.

You can only change a period if you also change a different entry of the organizational unit at the
same time. For example, change the description.

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