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Summer Training Report



JTC Tea Industries Private

(Submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Bachelor of business
administration) (2017-2018)


Ms. Shilpa Vikas


(Affiliated to M.D. University, Rohtak)
Sr. No Chapter No. Particular Page No

1 A Certificate

2 B Acknowledgment

3 C Declaration

4 1 Introduction of Topic
5 An overview on Marketing mix

6 2 Company Profile
7 3 Research Methodology
8 Research Design
9 Sample Design
10 4 Analysis and Interpretation of Data
11 5 Summary of Findings
12 Recommendations
13 Suggestions
14 Conclusion
15 Appendix
16 Bibliography
17 Questionnaire
Marketing concept
Marketing concept was founded in 1957 by Jhon B. Mc. Kitterick (CEOGeneral Electric):
„marketing concept is the philosophy of consumer orientation,philosophy which implies integral
and coordinated actions and reaching a certaingoal (Lefter, et al., 2006, p. 25)”. The most basic
concept underlying marketing isthat of human needs.

Human needs are states of felt deprivation. Wants are the form human needstakeas they are
shaped by culture and individual personality. When wants arebacked by buying power they
become demands.

Marketing definition is based on the following concepts: needs, wants,demands, markets,

change, transaction and relations, satisfaction and value, products, services and experiences
(Kotler &Armstrong, 2004,).

1.2 Marketing mix

Marketing is the art and science of selling. Ingredients for a good marketing(according to Philip
Kotler) are the 4P’s: product, price, promotion and placement.An effective marketing program
combines harmoniously all elements of themarketing mix. Marketing mix is the main instrument
of the company for obtainingstrong positioning on the concerned markets

Product policy. The authors of the paper: “Marketing. Explanatory Dictionary”(Florescu, et al.,
2003, p.537) define product policy as a decision adopted bymanufacturing or commercial
companies regarding the size, structure andevolution of the range of goods and services (Lefter,
et al., 2006, p.375, 405).Product policy is often compared with “the heart of marketing”. It has a
directconnection with the other elements of the marketing mix.
Price policy. Price is a market instrument and an index of the economic and socialreality (Lefter,
et al., 2006, p.449). Price is the only marketing mix variable whichleads to profits, the others are
generating only expenses and investments. Price is avery flexible element of the mix and it can
be changed rapidly, unlike the productcharacteristics and the placement activity.

Placement policy. Placement’s role is to assure the necessary balance in themarket primarily
between demand and supply and between producers andconsumers. Another role of the
distribution is to streamline the buying – sellingprocesses. The advantages of custom sales are:

• it allows maintaining control over the entire marketing process;

• it reduces distribution expenses;

• direct contact of the manufacturer with the consumer, it facilitates marketknowing;

• supporting the factory brand;

• controlling the price;

• guaranteeing the quality of the sold products;

• quality services.

The disadvantages of this type of sale are: usage of man y financialresources for trainings,
human resources.

Promotion policy. Promotion should be seen as a key tool of the marketing mix.The way how
the company combines the various promotion components in orderto achieve goals, rises the
promotional mix.

Personal promotion is a form of communication. This is defined as being: “o formof

communication from one person to another, in which the seller persuades thepotential buyer to
buy the products and services of the company” (Lefter, et al.,2006, p.562).
1. 3 Introduction to the Project

Tea (Hokkien: tê) is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water
over curedleaves of the Camellia sinensis, an evergreenshrub (bush) native to Asia. After water,
it is the most widely consumed drink in the world. There are many different types of tea; some,
like Darjeeling and Chinese greens, have a cooling, slightly bitter, and astringentflavour, while
others have vastly different profiles that include sweet, nutty, floral or grassy notes.

Tea originated in Southwest China, where it was used as a medicinal drink. It was popularized as
a recreational drink during the Chinese Tang dynasty, and tea drinking spread to other East Asian
countries. Portuguese priests and merchants introduced it to Europe during the 16th century.
During the 17th century, drinking tea became fashionable among Britons, who started large-scale
production and commercialization of the plant in India to bypass the Chinese monopoly.
Combined, China and India supplied 62% of the world's tea in 2016.

The term herbal tea refers to drinks not made from Camellia sinensis: infusions of fruit, leaves,
or other parts of the plant, such as steeps of rosehip, chamomile, or rooibos. These are sometimes
called tisanes or herbal infusions to prevent confusion with tea made from the tea plant.
All types of tea come from the same basic plant, the Camellia Sinensis plant. The differences
between teas arise from processing, growing conditions, and geography

The CamelliaSinensis plant is native to Asia but is currently cultivated around the world in
tropical and subtropical areas. With over 3,000 varieties, tea is the most consumed beverage in
the world after water

Tea can be divided into six basic categories: black, dark (including puer), oolong, yellow,
green, and white.

Black Tea

Black tea is allowed to wither, which precedes a process called oxidation (sometimes incorrectly
referred to as fermentation) during which water evaporates out of the leaf and the leaf absorbs
more oxygen from the air. Black teas usually undergo full oxidation, and the results are the
characteristic dark brown and black leaf, the typically more robust and pronounced flavors of
black teas, and when brewed appropriately, a higher caffeine content compared to other teas (50-
65% of coffee, depending on the type and brewing technique).

Dark Tea

Dark tea is from Hunan and Sichuan provinces of China and is a flavorful aged probiotic tea that
steeps up very smooth with a natural slightly sweet note.

Oolong tea
Oolong tea (also known as wulong tea) is allowed to undergo partial oxidation. These teas have a
caffeine content between that of green teas and black teas. The flavor of oolong (wulong) teas is
typically not as robust as blacks or as subtle as greens but has its own extremely fragrant and
intriguing tones. Oolongs (wulongs) are often compared to the taste and aroma of fresh flowers
or fresh fruit.

Green tea
Green tea is allowed to wither only slightly after being picked. Then the oxidation process is
stopped very quickly by firing (rapidly heating) the leaves. Therefore, when brewed at lower
temperatures and for less time, green teas tend to have less caffeine (10-30% of coffee). Greens
also tend to produce more subtle flavors with many undertones and accents that connoisseurs

White tea
White tea is the most delicate of all teas. They are appreciated for their subtlety, complexity, and
natural sweetness. They are hand-processed using the youngest shoots of the tea plant, with no
oxidation. When brewed correctly, with a very low temperature and a short steeping time, white
teas can produce low amounts of caffeine. Of course, steeping with hotter temperature and longer
time will extract more caffeine. But by definition, white tea does not have less caffeine than
other teas.

Puer tea
Puer tea is an aged black tea from China prized for its medicinal properties and earthy flavor. It
is perhaps the most mysterious of all tea. Until 1995 it was illegal to import it into the U.S., and
the process of its production is a closely guarded state secret in China. It is very strong with an
incredibly deep and rich flavor, and no bitterness, and an element that could best be described as
almost peaty in flavor.
Yellow tea
Yellow tea is a rare category of tea that is similar to green tea in appearance and flavor. Yellow
tea, however, typically does not have the grassiness of some green teas. Yellow teas typically go
through more oxidation than green teas and a longer, slower drying period. All yellow teas come
from China.
The young, dried leaves of this plant, prepared by various processes and used tomakea beverage,
usually served hot.
Aromatic, slightly bitter beverage made by steeping tea leaves in boiling wateAny of various pla
nts, such as New Jersey tea, having leaves that are or were formerly used to make a tea

Any of various beverages made by steeping the leaves, flowers, fruits, or other parts of certain pl
ants: herbal tea; peppermint tea.

Small tree (Camellia sinensis) native to Asia, having fragrant, nodding, cupshaped
white flowers and glossy leaves

Any of various beverages made by extracting an infusion from meat, especially be

An afternoon refreshment consisting usually of sandwiches and cakes served with tea.High tea.

An afternoon reception or social gathering at which tea is served.

Origin and History
Tea plants are native to East Asia, and probably originated in the borderlands of north Burma
and southwestern China.

There appears to have been at least three separate domestication events of tea and possibly four.

● Chinese (small leaf) tea

● Chinese Western Yunnan Assam (large leaf) tea
● Indian Assam (large leaf) tea
● Chinese Southern Yunnan Assam (large leaf) tea

Tea drinking may have begun in the Yunnan region during the Shang Dynasty in China,
when it was used for medicinal purposes. It is also believed that in Sichuan, "people
began to boil tea leaves for consumption into a concentrated liquid without the addition
of other leaves or herbs, thereby using tea as a bitter yet stimulating drink, rather than as
a medicinal concoction

Through the centuries, a variety of techniques for processing tea, and a number of different
forms of tea, were developed. During the Tang dynasty, tea was steamed, then pounded and
shaped into cake form, while in the Song dynasty, loose-leaf tea was developed and became
popular. During the Yuan and Ming dynasties, unoxidized tea leaves were first pan-fried, then
rolled and dried, a process that stops the oxidation process that turns the leaves dark, thereby
allowing tea to remain green. In the 15th century, oolong tea, in which the leaves were allowed
to partially oxidize before pan-frying, was developed. Western tastes, however, favored the fully
oxidized black tea, and the leaves were allowed to oxidize further. Yellow tea was an accidental
discovery in the production of green tea during the Ming dynasty, when apparently sloppy
practices allowed the leaves to turn yellow, but yielded a different flavor as a result

Today, India is one of the largest tea producers in the world, although over 70 percent of its tea is
consumed within India itself. In this, India is also among the top 5 per-capita tea consumers. A
number of renowned teas, such as Assam and Darjeeling, also grow exclusively in India. The
Indian tea industry has grown to own many global tea brands and has evolved into one of the
most technologically equipped tea industries in the world. Tea production, certification,
exportation, and all other facets of the tea trade in India is controlled by the Tea Board of India

Tea were categorized into four segments - economy (selling at less than Rs.10 per 100gm), mid-
priced (Rs.25 - Rs. 90 per 250gg), premium (Rs. 90 - Rs. 120 250gm) and compact (selling at
over Rs. 120 per 250gm). The compact, premium and medium-priced segments together
accounted for 20% of the volume share and 35% of the value share. The economy segment made
up the remaining lion's share of the market. The Tea industry in India was characterized by low
per capita consumption, especially in rural markets. The major players in the Indian Teamarket
were Tata Tea,Brooke Bond Taaza, Waghbakri tea, Lipton Green Tea, Pataka Tea.

Major Players:


❖Brooke Bond Taaza

❖ Waghbakri tea

❖ Lipton Green

❖Pataka Tea

❖Marvel Tea

When it comes to tea brand in India you cannot avoid Tata tea which was set up in 1962. It is a
joint venture of Tata sons and James Finlay and company. Largest market share is holds by the
Tata tea. The tea comes with energizing, great and refreshing flavor. Tata operates in the all the
continents in the world. Some of other variants of Tata tea is, Tata coffee, Joekels, Tetley, Good
earth, Jemca, Eight O’clock coffee, Himalayan water, Tata tea Agni, Tata tea life, Tata tea
premium, Tata tea gold etc.

This famous tea brand is owned by the Tata global beverages limited. In 1837 it was by Joseph
and Edward Tetley in Yorkshire, England. This brand was taken over by the Tata global
Beverages limited in 2000. Tetley is known for its great taste and currently sold in 50 countries.
It comes in various forms such as, tea packets and tea bags. While some other variants of Tetley
are, Tetley flavoured tea, Tetley green tea, Tetley black tea etc. one of the most loved tea by the
families around the world just because of its quality and great taste.
Brooke Bond Taaza

Broke Bond Taaza tea is known for its great taste and unique aroma which makes it ideal for
families around the world. This is a product of Hindustan Unilever limited. It provides awesome
taste and much needed refreshment to the minds of people. Some of its variants are known as,
Taaza masala Chaska, Taaza dust and Taaza gold

Lipton Green

Lipton was introduced in 1890 by the famous Thomas Lipton. It is another very famous brand in
Indian market. This brand is marketed and owned by the Hindustan Unilever limited. It is
currently sales in over 100 countries while it is also globally renowned. Some of its variants are
known as; Lipton iced tea, Lipton Darjeeling tea, Lipton Yellow label, Lipton white and red tea,
Lipton fresh brew iced tea, Lipton flavoured black tea, Lipton black tea, Lipton herbal tea,
Lipton tea and honey etc.

Wagh Bakri

Wagh Bakri tea house was founded by the Sir Narandas Desai in Ahmadabad in 1892. This
tea is enjoying by the Rajasthan, Delhi and Gujarat. This is also one of the best teas available
in the Indian market which is known for its great taste and unique aroma flavor. Some its
variants are, WB perfect, Mili, Green tea mint, CTC tea, Green tea tulsi, Instant tea premix,
Organic tea, Good morning, Premium tea, Ice tea, Pure Darjeeling tea, Green tea mint etc.

Pataka tea

Pataka tea was founded by the Pataka global Limited. It was set up in 2000. Now it became a
famous tea brand in India just because of its great taste. It provides you refreshment. Pataka
primary dealing with beverages such as, food and healthcare, textiles and tobacco, it is one of the
famous tea brands in India and most loved by the Indian families. The price of this tea is quite
less as compare to other brands tea which makes it standout in the Indian market. Some of its
variants are known as, Pataka Mukta, Pataka dust and Pataka leaf.

Size of the Industry

Today Indian Tea Industry is having 1692 registered tea manufacturers, 2200
registered tea exporters; 5548 number of registered tea buyers and nine tea auction centers. All-
India Tea production rose by 1280/0 to 1_62 lakh tones during January April 2010. The Southern
states performed better than the Northern counterparts. The states of Tamil Nadu; Kerala and
Karnataka recorded between 13-24% growths Production in Assam-the largest tea producing

India is the second largest producer of tea in the world with production at 979 million kg in 2000
According to the prediction of a normal monsoon forecast by the India meteorological
department, the Tea Board had earlier said that production in 2010 could be around one billion

However; achievement of that target looks dicey This is because Assam has witnessed excessive
rains and pest attacks which have already impacted production in Assam.

Tea Vs Health

 Tea can boost exercise endurance. Scientists have found that the catechins (antioxidants) in
green tea extract increase the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel, which accounts for
improved muscle endurance.
 Drinking tea could help reduce the risk of heart attack. Tea might also help
protect against cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.
 Tea is hydrating to the body (even despite the caffeine!).
 Regular tea drinking might also counteract some of the negative effects of smoking and
might even lessen the risk of lung cancer
 tea has been found to improve bone mineral density and strength.


Established in year 1989, JTC Tea Industries pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading Picketers and
Suppliers of Tea. Our products such as Assam tea, green tea, Darjeeling tea, herbal green tea,
Organic green tea, are highly appreciated by our clients for its premium quality and high-class
packaging. We use high quality raw material for packaging which is procured only from reliable

Our Organization JTC Tea Industries Private Limited is an ISO 22000-2005 certified
organization under the Brand name Khushboo & Panache. Engaged in manufacturing various
kinds of tea. It has sound experience of 20 years in the respective field.

We are backed by a world class packaging unit equipped with technologically advanced
machinery & equipment. Our packaging unit has been provided by all required facilities in the
packaging process. It helps us in delivering premium quality packaging services of our product

Our organization has gained a strong and reputed position across the India like in Jammu
Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Western U.P., Rajasthan and Delhi. We have successfully
achieved this much clientele only because of our quality product range, high class packaging and
distribution services. Our wide distribution network helps in delivering our range anywhere in
domestic market safely and within the given time frame.

Vision, Mission& Philosophy

JTC is a customer-focused company committed to consistently offerbetter quality products and
services that maximize value to the customer. Thiscustomer-centric philosophy has been well
emphasized at JTC through:

• Continuously exploring & developing new products & processes.

• Laying emphasis on cost effectiveness.

• Maintaining effective Quality Management System.

• Complying with safety, environment and social obligations.

• Imparting training to all involved on a continuous basis.

• Teamwork and active participation all around.

• Demonstrating belongingness and exemplary behavior towardsorganization, its goals and


JTC is a phenomenon and synonymous with Value for Money. The brandtranscends the specific
dynamic of any particular product category, which is bestcaptured in its above mission statement
- a statement of sustained innovation, anunceasing effort to deliver better value to consumers,
through better productquality.

JTC is aptly considered as a marketing miracle
and this is reflected in thestrength of the brand.
JTCKhushboo has successfully challenged and
changed theconventions of tea marketing and
todayleading business schools areanalyzing its
strategies to demystify this miracle. JTC core marketing thrustrevolves around prompting
consumer trials by offering a good quality product atmost competitive price and retaining these
new consumers by continuouslyoffering the same 'Value for Money' equation. This is borne by
the fact that todayJTC can boast of a strong brand loyalty from its Sonipat consumer base.
Basedon the pragmatic concept of 'Umbrella Branding', JTC has been increasinglysuccessful in
extending its brand equity to other product categories like PremiumTea, Green Tea, lemon tea,
Assam tea bag, thusopening new vistas to the field of Brand Building.

Ivory tower theories are rethinking their business basics-thanks to chairmanof JTC. Taking on
the might of a multinational, his-priced teaJTCcaptured a majority market share arresting the
sales and growth of a consumergiant’s up market brand. Among the greatest success stories in
the annals ofmarketing management in Sonipat is that of a low-priced tea of reasonablygood
quality which, in the course of a mere decade, put the skids on a product thatwas considered the
pride of a powerful multi-national. The story of JTC hasbecome a classic as a marketing case-
study. And the story of its progenitor is asgenuine and romantic a tale of rags-to-riches as one
could hope to find anywhere.For married housewives, struggling to balance their monthly
budgets, JTC cameas a boom. It was much cheaper than Tata Tea, which had already gone well
out oftheir reach; and it refresh you nearly as well. Its Anti-oxidants was farsuperior to that of the
slabs of cheap tea product that had been their solealternative until then. By the early 1990s the
burgeoning sales of JTC reached arate of growth that was twice or thrice that of the industry in
general. Moreover,JTC operated in the small-scale sector and, therefore saved an
enormousamount of excise duty that multinationals had to pay on every kilo of teaproduced. The
latter simply could not hope to bring the price down to a level thatwas attractive enough for the
middle and lower-middle classes, which were thebulks segments for JTC sales.

The pricing policy adopted by JTC for its Khushboo TEA i.e.adequate Quality atan Affordable
price has challenged the mighty TATA TEA.

Considerable importance is attached to research and development at JTC Tea PVT. LTD... Every
process and product is supported by our well equipped, modern research and development centre
where a dedicated team of experts apply themselves to developing the latest, innovative product
designs and process technology. Their endeavors have consistently improved product
performance and functionally, keeping in mind that customer's needs are constantly changing.

This apart, JTC TEA PVT. LTD.'s joint venture partners, who are themselves world leaders in
their respective fields, provide technology bridges that enable transfer of technology that is
further adapted by JTC TEA PVT. LTD, to suit indigenous or developing country's
environmental conditions and needs.

There are two types of data :
1. Primary Data
2. Secondry Data
Reserch problem of general nature can be solved to a greater extent with the use of secondary
data. But when research is undertaken on significant and complex problems, primary data are
needed. There are some objectives and types involved in the collection of primary data.
1. Primary Data Objectives
2. Types of Primary Data

Primary Data Objective

The objectives of primary data are formulated on the basis of research objectives. Formulating
the objectives gcuidelines and directions of research planning.The findings of the research
should be capable of offers the best feasible means of solution.
Secondry Data

It includes those data which are collected for some earlier research work and appManohar
Filament Pvt. in the study the researcher has presently undertaken
Types of Secondary Data
There can be a number of ways by which secondary data be classified.
a) Internal Data: Data that originate within the firm for which the researcher is being
conducted are internal data.
b) External data: It refers to those which are collected by the researchers outside the
company for which the research is being conducted.

In this research the researcher has used primary data from a selected population of 1000 citizen
Of Sonipat those who Likes TeA. From 1000 the researcher selected 200 samples for research
work. The researcher conducted direct one of structured interview with the selected samples.


Interview Schedule
Interview Schedule is a list of question and through this the researcher collected the relevant
information from the respondents. The questions were asked personally.

In this Resercher has used Questionnaire method

The term questionnaire usually refers of self-administered process whereby the respondent
himself reads the question and records his answers without the assistance of an interviewer.

Function Of a Questionnaire
The main Function Of a questionnaire of to obtain specific quantative and quatartive
information will accuracy aand competness. it provides instruction to the respondent to
record the answer. It facilitates Interviews to record the answers. It facilites interviewer to
record the information and data Successfully.
Data Processing
the collected data is subjected to processing and analysis. The following Were the steps used
in collection of data from field.
Code book: The first step was to scruitize the information in the interview schedule qand to
make a code book which required for the future analysis of data. Therefore all the interview
schedule were throughly checked and scruitinzed.
Tabulation: Tables Have Been Prepared to analyze various attributes of respondent


1. Classification on the basis of Education, Monthly Income &

No. Particular Variable No. of Percentage

1 Education Illiterate 10 5%

School Up to 4 12 6%

School Up to 5-9 18 9%

Some collage but 50 25%

not Graduate
Graduate / PG 66 33%
Graduate/ PG 25 14%
Not Discussed 16 8%

Total 200 100%

2 Monthly income Up to- 5,000 18 9%

5001-15000 28 14%
15001-25000 64 32%
25000 and above 90 45%
Total 200 100%
3 Occupations Service 128 6%

Profession 20 10%
Business 38 19%
Retired 56 28%
Any Other 74 37%
Total 200 100%
Above table Sr. No. 1 shows that the most of the respondents are literate(95%) and Sr. No. 2
shows that 45% respondent have monthly income above25000 whereas 32% respondent have
monthly income of 15001-25000, 14%respondent have monthly income 5001-15000, and 9%
respondent monthlyincomeis up to-5000.

Above table Sr. No. 3 shows those 28% respondents areretired whereas 37% are respondent have
any other occupation, 19%respondent have business, 10% respondent have profession and 6%
respondentare doing service.
2. Classification on the basis of Tea Uses:

Sr No Particular No of respondent Percentage %

1 Tata tea 76 38%
2 Lipton green tea 40 20%
3 Tettley tea 30 15%
4 Pataka chai 20 10%
5 JTC Khushboo tea 10 5%
6 Any other 14 7%
Total 200 100

Above table shows that 38% respondent use TATA teawhereas 20% respondent use Lipton green
tea, 15% respondent use Tettley tea, 10% are use Pataka chai,7% respondent use any other tea
and 5% respondent use JTCKhushbooTea.









Tata Tea Lipto Green tea Tettley Tea Pataka Chai JTC khusboo chai any other

No of respondent Percentage of respondent

3. Classification on the basis of use of particular Tea preference reason:
Sr no Particular No of respondent Percentage
1 Overall good product 104 52%
2 Overall past good experience 28 14%
3 Others good experience 26 13%
4 Overall good quality in low price 24 12%
5 Overall good quality in low price 18 9%
Total 200 100

Above table shows that 52% respondent purchase the product because ofoverall good product.
Whereas 14% respondent use their particular productbecause of overall quality in low price, 13%
respondent use their particularbecause of overall past good experience,12% respondent use their
particularbecause of others good experience, 9% respondent use their particular productbecause
of better distribution channel.







Overall good Overall past good Others good Overall good quality Overall good quality
product experience experience in low price in low price

No of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

4. Classification on the basis of respondent when it uses:

Sr no Particular No. Of Percentage of

Respondent Respondent
1 Everyday 144 72
2 Once a Week 40 20
3 Any Other 16 8
Total 200 100

Above table show that 72% respondents useto drink tea Daily.Whereas 20% respondents Drink
Weekly their product by any other way.









Daily Weekly Any Other

No Of Respondent Percentage of Respondent

5. Classification on the basis of basic requirements for tea whilepurchase it:

SR no Particular No OF Respondent % OF Respondent

1 Taste 74 37%
2 Refresh 46 23%
3 Healthily 30 15%
4 Cost 24 12%
5 Packing 18 9%
6 Other 12 6%
Total 200 100

Above table shows that 37% respondent use their tea becauseTaste. Whereas 6% respondent use
their tea for any other reason,12% respondent use their tea for cost, 23 % use because of It
Refreshing Nature









Taste Refresh Healthy Cost packing other

no of Respondent % of Respondent
6. Classification on the basis of switching on product:

Sr No Particular No of Respondent % of Respondent

1 Yes 162 81
2 No 38 19
200 100

Above table shows those 81 % respondents keep switches on their product and 19% respondents
are loyal to their product.






Yes No

No of respondent % of Respondent
7. Classification on the basis of influence of advertisement & packaging
parameters on choice of customer:

Sr No Particular No of respondent % of Respondent

1 Cost 24 12
2 Taste 80 40
3 Advertisement 50 25
4 Neighbors & 26 13
5 Packaging & 20 10
Total 200 100

Above table shows that 40% respondents have influence Taste where as 25% respondents have
influence ofadvertisements ,17.50%,13% haveinfluence of neighbors, 10% have influence of
packaging and quality, 12%haveinfluence of cost










Cost Taste Advertisment Neighbors and Packing & Quality

No Of Respondent % of Respondent
8. Classification on the basis of Awareness harmfulness of tea on
Sr No Particular No of Respondent % of Respondent
1 Yes 154 77
2 No 46 23
Total 200 100

Above table shows that 77% respondents are aware about theharmfulness of tea, and 23%
respondents are not aware about theharmfulness of tea.










yes No

No of respondent % of respondent
9. Classification on the basis of preference of purchase as per
availabledistribution channels:
Sr no Particular No of respondent % of respondent
1 Departmental Store 8 4
2 Super Market 60 30
3 Convenient Store 54 26
4 Kirani Store 80 40
Total 200 100

Above table shows that 40% respondent use kerana store for their purchase of tea. Whereas 30%
respondents use super market for their purchase of tea, 26% respondent use convenient store for
purchase of tea.










Departmental Store super market convenient market Kirana Store

no of respondent % of Respondent
10. Classification on the reason for making preferred store:

Sr no Particular No of Respondent % of Respondent

1 For Discount 28 14
2 Variety 68 34
3 Service 84 42
4 Proximity 16 8
5 Ambience 4 2
Total 200 100

Above table shows that 42% respondent are prefer the store for Servicewhereas 1% respondent
are preferring the store for discount, 34% respondentprefer store for variety, 8% respondent are
preferring the store for proximity and2% respondent are preferring the store for ambience.










For Discount Variety Service Proximity Ambience

NO Of Respondent % of Respondent
11. Classification on the basis of the frequencies of discount & incentives
Which Provide By preferred store:
Sr No Particular No of Respondent % of Respondent
1 Always 0 0
2 Often 24 12
3 Sometime 120 60
4 Not at all 56 28
Total 200 100

Above table shows that 60% the respondent gets discount and incentives from preferred store
sometimes whereas 28% respondent not get discount and incentives from preferred store, 12%
the respondent gets discount and incentives from preferred store often.








Always often sometime Not at all

No of Respondent % of Respodent
12. Classification on the basis of Brand Awareness:
Sr No Particular No of respondent Percentage %
1 Tata tea 200 100%
2 Lipton green tea 200 100%
3 Tettley tea 200 100%
4 Pataka chai 200 100%
5 JTC Khushboo tea 200 100%
Total 200 100

Above table shows the entire respondents are aware about all brands oftea and soaps.






Tata Tea Lipton green tea Tettley tea Pataka chai JTC Khushboo tea

No of Respondent % of Respondent
13. Classification on the basis of like to switch the tea if get somepromotional
Sr No Particular No of Respondent % of Respondent
1 Yes 36 18
2 No 164 82
Total 200 100

As per above table we can observe 18% consumers switch their productsif they got profitable
schemes from another brands.










yes no

No Of Respondent % of Respondent
14. Classification on the basis of influence to respondent choice:
Sr No Particular No of respondent Percentage %
1 Family 68 34%
2 Friend 18 9%
3 Advertisement 40 20%
4 Schemes 28 14%
5 self 46 23%
Total 200 100

Above table shows that 20% respondents have influence of advertisementsto their choice
whereas 34% respondents have influence of family to themchoice, 14% respondents have
influence of scheme to their choice, and 23%respondents have influence of their own experience
and in last % respondent areinfluence by their friend’s opinions.









Family Friends Advertisement Schemes Self

No of respondent % of respondent

The questionnaire was conducted to the 200 people in the Sonipat. The questions are separated in
different sections: identity, knowledge, consumption, purchasing and extra value

The study reveals that 38 percent of the respondents prefer Tata Tea, 20 percent of the
respondents prefer Lipton Green tea, 15 percent of the respondents prefer Tettley tea, 10 percent
of the respondents prefer pataka Chai and 5 percent of the respondents prefer JTC Khushboo
Tea, maximum are satisfied with the brand they are using Tata Tea. 25% respondents have
influence of advertisements to their choice

whereas 34% respondents have influence of family to their choice, 14% respondents have
influence of scheme to their choice, and 23% respondents have influence of their own experience
and in last % respondent are influence by their friend’s opinions. 60% the respondent gets
discount and incentives from preferred store sometimes whereas 28 % respondent not get
discount and incentives from preferred store, 12 % the respondent gets discount and incentives
from preferred store often.

1) The all tea brands organization in Sonipat city need to promote themproducts on price plank
without compromising quality of product.

2) The marketers need to implement promotional strategies like discounts,offers, coupons,

exhibitions, road shows & arrange product trials to attractmore consumers of Sonipat city.

3) The organizations also need to give attention towards packaging design,advertising on local
media, celebrity endorsement activities whicheffectively attract consumers.

Marketing Mix of JTC Tea Factory

Product Design and technology

Khushboo tea is not based on any sophisticated technology, the other way around, it’s a really
simple beverage (tea) in which we add little Herbs of tapioca or other flavors. Making those little
herbs is the only part of the process in which we will need certain technologic instruments.
There’s two parts when looking into the design of our Khushboo tea. The first one concerns the
vessel or container (most of the time it is going to be a cup, which we plan on personalized) and
the second one is focused on the actual Flavor. This product is a beverage which shares the same
use pattern as other hot and cold beverages such as coffee, different sodas, tea, smoothies etc.
Depending on the type of tea you use you can experience different effects, and here they are
some of them: Black tea, white tea and green tea Quality
The slogan “Tan man Main Tajgi” is catchy and has several meanings. First, it means that there
is not only tea in the drink, there are also Herbs of tapioca that makes it even better. Secondly,
there will not be only proposed Khushboo tea in shop. The consumer has the opportunity to
create himself his own fresh smoothie or taste our delicious homemade cake with his drink

Physical shop
The product is going to be sold by intermediaries to the customers in shop, using the direct
channel. Realization of the majority of the tasks will be within the distribution channel, using

Web page site must agree with company philosophy of simple and healthy life. It will have a
page telling about our story and the creation of our business, another one explaining what
Khushboo tea is, a third one about our products, and the last one is going to be just for
announcements, both activities (meetings, concerts…) and special offers.
Pricing influences customer demand and the perception they have of your firm’s value. As we do
have direct competitor in Sonipat, there will be adopted a competition pricing strategy. Prices
will be a little lower than the national market. Indeed, according to the survey that was made,
these prices allows to have relatively comfortable margins.

The respondents are much aware about the household care. In FMCGincludes all consumable
household care items which people buy at regular basis foreveryday use. The tea is most
common & needed on daily basis in whole world. Now days tea market is grown upbecause
consumer much aware about Flavor&Taste.Tea organizationpresents their new improved
products which contain all required features by theconsumers. Tea is demanded from both rural
& urban areas. The consumersof Sonipat city purchase tea for monthly use which depends on
Taste, quality, safety, fragrance, packaging & most ofadvertisement of brand. The most of the
consumers use Tata Tea, Lipton &Tittles Tea for Dirking in get toghere which are very
expensive but consumers believes intea quality. Some consumers use JTC which is economy
type often, & good for regular use. The consumer which are notsatisfied with current tea brand,
switch current brand with another brand forsatisfaction. The all consumers behavior of
purchasing tea brand affected bythe various factors which are family’s choice, brand
advertisement on Television, Radio, Newspaper etc., various schemes like various discounts,
offers, couponsetc. & their self-need satisfaction. The tea brand organization of Sonipat cityneed
to analyze consumer buying behavior continuously to understand themexpectations & makes
changes in organization marketing policies to retain &attract more customers towards them.


During conducting this research, I come across the following limitations: -

1. The research period was a short period to carryout study with almostprecautions.

2. Sometime the respondents are not available at their place.

3. Very often the responded do not express their true feelings, in such casetheir habit, preference,
practice cannot be assessed correctly.

4. Some of the respondents refuse to give the important information bestknown to them.

However, in spite of these limitations all efforts have been put to make thereport correct,
genuine, and fulfilling the objectives of the reports.






Question-1. Are you a male or a female?

Male ( ) Female ( )

Question-2. How old are you?

10 -18 years ()19 - 25 years ( ) 26 – 45 years ( )

45 - 60 years ( ) More than 60 ( )

Question-3. What’s your Professional category?

Service ( )Profession( )Business( )

Retired ( ) Any other( )

Question-4. How much do you earn Monthly?

Up to 5000 ( )5001-15000 ( )

15001-25000( )25000 and above ( )


Question-5. Do you know aboutKhushboo tea is?

Yes ( )No( )

Question-6. If drinking Khushboo tea, would you be interested in knowing theorigin of the

Yes ( ) No ( )


Question-7. How often do you drink Khushboo tea?

Daily()Once a week()Occasionally()

Question-8. When do you usually drink it?

Morning ( ) After work ( )

For dessert ( ) At night ( )

Question-9. What Brand do you prefer?

Tata tea( ) Lipton Green Tea ( )

Tittle Tea( ) JTC Khushboo Tea ( )

Any other( )

Question -10. What is the most important thing for you?

Packaging ( ) Taste()



Question -11.How particular Tea preference reason for you?

Overall good product ( ) Overall past good experience( )

Other good experience ( )Overall good quality in low price( )

Better distribution channel( )


Question -12. What price would you pay for a 100gm Khushboo tea?

Less than 20 ( )Between 20-50( )

More than 50()

Question -13. Preference of purchase as per available distribution channels

Departmental store( )Super Market( )

Convenient store( )Karana store( )

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