Sample Qualitative Research Questionnaire

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Name (Optional): ________________________

Age: _____________________

Strand and Section: _______________________

Sex: ______________________________

Kindly check the answer of your choice.

Are you familiar with verb tenses?

____ Yes

____ No

____ Not sure

How proficient are you in verb tenses?

____ Easy

____ Intermediate

____ Advanced

The following questions are made to test your proficiency in verb tenses, encircle the letter or underline
the right answer.

1. John's mom ________ him home from school most days.

A. Drived
B. Driving
C. Drive
D. Drives

2. One day last year John ___________ for his mom at the front door.
A. Will wait
B. Wait
C. Waited
D. Did wait

3. Just before he got there, a tree branch ________ down on the car.
A. Will crash
B .Crash
C. Crashed
D. Crashing
4. The branch __________ John's mom inside the car.
A. Trap
B. Trapped
C. Will trap
D. Shall trap

5. The firefighters _____________ her.

A. Rescued
B. Will rescued
C. Rescue
D. Rescuing

6. We (went, gone, are going, go) to visit our grandmother last week.

7. Your girlfriend (is taking, takes, taken, took) 3 hours to get ready for the party tonight.

8. The cleaner (washes, washed, is washing, wash) the floor of our apartment twice a week.

9. She (is sleeping, sleep, doesn't sleeps, slept) all day after going out dancing the night before.

10. My brother (drove, drives, no drive, driven) to the airport this morning with Taylor Swift.

11. When Carol called last night (I did watch, have watched, was watching, watched my favorite) TV

12-13. I (have been working, worked, was working, had been working) for this company for more than
thirty years and I (was intending, have intended, intend, will intend) to stay here until I retire.

14-15. Thomas is an author who (has been writing, wrote, has written, was writing) since he was a child.
Altogether (he will be writing, has written, has been writing, was writing) seven novels and three
collections of short stories.

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