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Market Equilibrium
•To find market equilibrium, we combine
the demand and supply curve onto one
•The point of intersection of supply and
demand, marks the point of equilibrium.
•At this point of intersection, buyers and
sellers agree on both price and quantity.

pd = ps or qd = qs
Market Equilibrium
Given demand function (fd): q = -1/3p + 5 and supply function
(fs): q = 2/3p + 2. Find the market equilibrium and draw the

Market Equilibrium : qd = qs or pd =ps
qd = qs q = -1/3p + 5
-1/3p + 5 = 2/3p + 2 = -1/3(3) + 5
5-2 = 2/3p + 1/3p =4

Equilibrium point = E (pE, qE) = E (3,4)

Market Equilibrium
Market Equilibrium Graph!
fd : q = -1/3p + 5 fs : q = 2/3p + 2

p 0 15 p 0 -3
q 5 0 q 2 0

q fs
E (3,4)
-3 15 p
Tax Influence on Market Equilibrium

•Tax per Unit

Before Tax After Tax

Demand fd : p = f(q) fdt : p = f(q)
Supply fs : p = f(q) fst : p = f(q) + t
Equilibrium E (pE, qE) Et (pt, qt)
Tax Influence on Market Equilibrium
• The Change on Quantity after Tax

Δq = qE - qt

• The Change on Price after Tax

Δp = pt - pE
• Tax per Unit that Consumers paid

tc =Δp = (pt – pE)

Tax Influence on Market Equilibrium
• Total Tax that Consumer paid

Tc =(Δp) • (qt)

• Tax per Unit that Producers paid

tp = t - Δp
• Total Tax that Producers paid

Tp =(t-Δp) • (qt)
Tax Influence on Market Equilibrium
• Total Tax Collected by Government

T = t • qt
= Tc + Tp
Tax Influence on Market Equilibrium

•Percentage Tax

Before Tax After Tax

Demand fd : p = f(q) fdr : p = f(q)
Supply fs : p = f(q) fsr : p = f(q) (1+r)
Equilibrium E (pE, qE) Er (pr, qr)
Tax Influence on Market
Equilibrium (Example)
Given demand and supply function below:
fd: q= -2p+24 fs: q = 2p-10
If the tax per unit that collected by the
government is 1$, find:
a.Equilibrium price and quantity before and after
b.Total Tax collected by the government
c.Total Tax that consumers paid
d.Total Tax that producers paid
e.Draw the Graph!
Tax Influence on Market Equilibrium
a. Equilibrium market before and after tax
- Equilibrium market before tax
fd: q= -2p+24 pd = -1/2q+12
fs: q= 2p-10 ps = 1/2q+5
market equilibrium: pd = ps
pd = ps
-1/2q+12 = 1/2q+5 p = 1/2q+5
-q = -7; qE= 7 pE= 1/2(7)+5 = 17/2
market equilibrium point: E (17/2, 7)
Tax Influence on Market Equilibrium
a. Equilibrium market before and after tax
- Equilibrium market after tax
fdt: p = -1/2q+12
fst: p = 1/2q+5+t = 1/2q+5+1 = 1/2q+6
market equilibrium: pd = ps
pd = ps
-1/2q+12 = 1/2q+6 p = 1/2q+6
-q = -6; qt= 6 pt= ½(6)+6 = 9
market equilibrium point: Et (9, 6)
Tax Influence on Market Equilibrium
b. Total Tax collected by the government
T = t.qt
= 1.6 = 6$
c. Total Tax that consumers paid
Tc = Δp . qt
= (pt – pE). qt
= (9-8,5). 6 = 3$
d. Total Tax that producers paid
Tp = (t-Δp). qt
= (1-0,5)6 = 3$
Tax Influence on Market Equilibrium
• The Graph
fd: q = -2p +24
p 0 12 8,5
q 24 0 7

E (17/2, 7) fs: q = 2p -10

6 Et (9,6) p 0 5 8,5
q -10 0 7

5 6 8,5 9 12
fst: p = 1/2q +6
p 0 6 9
q -12 0 6
Given demand and supply function below:
fd: q= -2p+10 fs: q = 2p-8
q = quantity (in kg) p= price (in thousand rupiah)
If the tax per unit that collected by the government is
Rp500, find:
a.Equilibrium price and quantity before and after tax
b.Total Tax collected by the government
c.Total Tax that consumers paid
d.Total Tax that producers paid
e.Draw the Graph!
The Effect of Subsidy on Market

Before Subsidy After Subsidy

Demand fd : p = f(q) fds : p = f(q)
Supply fs : p = f(q) fss : p = f(q) - s
Equilibrium E (pE, qE) Es (ps, qs)
The Effect of Subsidy on Market
• The Change on Quantity after Subsidy

Δq = qs - qE

• The Change on Price after Subsidy

Δp = pE - ps
• Subsidy that Consumers received

sc =Δp = (pE – ps)

The Effect of Subsidy on Market
• Total Subsidy received by Consumers

Sc =Δp • qs

• Subsidy that Producers received

sp = s - Δp
• Total Subsidy received by Producers

Sp =(s-Δp) • (qs)
The Effect of Subsidy on Market
• Total Subsidy Provided by Government

S = s • qs
= Sc + Sp
The Effect of Subsidy on Market
Equilibrium (Example)
Given demand and supply function below:
fd: q= -2p+24 fs: q = 2p-10
If the subsidy that provided by the government is
1$, find:
a.Equilibrium price and quantity before and after
b.Total subsidy provided by the government
c.Total subsidy that consumers received
d.Total subsidy that producers received
e.Draw the Graph!
The Effect of Subsidy on Market
Equilibrium (Example)
a. Equilibrium market before and after subsidy
- Equilibrium market before subsidy
fd: q= -2p+24 p = -1/2q+12
fs: q= 2p-10 p = 1/2q+5
market equilibrium: pd = ps
pd = ps
-1/2q+12 = 1/2q+5 p = 1/2q+5
-q = -7; qE= 7 pE= 1/2(7)+5 = 17/2
market equilibrium point: E (17/2, 7)
The Effect of Subsidy on Market
Equilibrium (Example)
a. Equilibrium market before and after subsidy
- Equilibrium market after subsidy
fdt: p = -1/2q+12
fst: p = 1/2q+5-s = 1/2q+5-1 = 1/2q+4
market equilibrium: pd = ps
pd = ps
-1/2q+12 = 1/2q+4 p = 1/2q+4
-q = -8; qs= 8 ps= ½(8)+4 = 8
market equilibrium point: Es (8, 8)
The Effect of Subsidy on Market
Equilibrium (Example)
b. Total subsidy provided by the government
S = s . qs
= 1 . 8 = 8$
c. Total Tax that consumers paid
Sc = Δp . qs
= (pE – ps). qs
= (8,5-8). 8 = 4$
d. Total Tax that producers paid
Sp = (s-Δp). qs
= (1-0,5)8 = 4$
The Effect of Subsidy on Market
Equilibrium (Example)
• The Graph
fd: q = -2p +24
p 0 12 8,5
q 24 0 7

Es (8, 8) fs: q = 2p -10

7 E (8,5,7) p 0 5 8,5
q -10 0 7

4 5 8 8,5 12
fss: p = 1/2q +4
p 0 4 8
q -8 0 8
Given demand and supply function of Urea Fertilizer
fd: q = -12p+12 fs: q= 3p-3
q = quantity of Urea (in kg) p = price (in thousand rupiah)
If the subsidy that provided by the government is Rp 1000,
a.Equilibrium price and quantity before and after subsidy
b.Total subsidy provided by the government
c.Total subsidy that consumers received
d.Total subsidy that producers received
e.Draw the Graph!
Consumption Function
• Consumption Function

C = a + bY
• National Income

• Notation:
C = National Consumption a = autonomous consumption
Y = National Income b = ΔC/ΔY (Marginal Propensity
S = National Saving to Consume (MPC))
Consumption Function (Example)
Given consumption function below (in million rupiah):
C = 40 - 0,4Y
a.The consumption if Income= 200
b.Saving Function
c.Draw the graph!
a.Y = 200; C= 40 - 0,4(200) = 120 million rupiah
b.Y= C+S
S = Y-C = Y – (40 – 0,4Y)
= 1,4Y – 40 or -40 +1,4Y
Consumption Function (Example)
c. The Graph
Y 0 100
C 40 0


1. Given consumption function: C = 60+0,4Y.
a.Saving function
b.The consumption and saving if Income= 400
c.Draw the graph separately!

2. Given autonomous consumption of a country =

200 with MPC = 0,4. Determine:
a.Consumption and saving function
b.The consumption and saving if Income= 10000
• Total Revenue

• Average Revenue

AR = R/q
= (p x q)/q
• Notation:
R = Total Revenue AR = Average Revenue
p = Price q = Quantity
• Total Cost
C = FC + VC
= FC + v.q
• Average Cost

AC = C/q
• Notation:
C = Total Cost AC = Average Cost
FC = Fixed Cost v = variable cost per unit
VC = Total Variable Cost
Profit and Break Even Point
• Profit

π = Profit
• Break Even Point R = Total Revenue
C = Total Cost
R=C FC = Fixed Cost
VC =Total Variable Cost
R = FC + VC p = Price
R – VC = FC q = Quantity
V = Variable Cost per Unit
p.q – v.q = FC
q(p-v) = FC
qE = FC/(p-v)
Break Even Point (Example)
Given cost function: C = 30000 + 100q and total revenue
(R)=200q. Determine:
a.The quantity that needed to make it become BEP
b.If the company wants to gain profit 10000, how many units
should they produce?
a.C = R
30000 + 100q = 200q
30000 = 100q
q = 300
b. π= 10000, q=….?
π= R-C 10000 = 200q-(30000 + 100q)
40000 = 100q
q = 400
a. The fixed cost to produce a product is $3000.
Variable cost per unit is 40% of the product
price. If the price is $10, find the quantity to
get BEP and how many units should they
produce if they wants to gain profit $1800.
b. Given cost function: C = 10000+50q and R=
100q. Find the quantity to get BEP and if the
company produce 250 units, will they gain
profit or loss?

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