Feastly App Presentation

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1. What is Feastly?

2. Why do we develop Feastly?

3. What is in Feastly?
4. What will be in Feastly?
5. What is the target of Feastly?
6. Who is the target audience of Feastly?
7. What are the target markets of Feastly?

Feast + Fastly= Feastly
1. What is Feast Best Pay Fast
Feastly? Feastly is a platform that aims to bring together consumers
and the owners of cafes & restaurants to develop fastest,
safest and trending ways to help them make their all
transaction processes work in harmony.

a. Promptness
2. Why do b. Transparency
we develop c. Technological Trends
d. Trust

a. Reservation
3. What is in b. In-app online ordering
Feastly? c. In-app online payment
d. In app pre-order & payment (Take Away)

a. Social Network
4. What will be in b. Family Account (Feastly Family)
Feastly? c. Corporate Account (Feastly Business)
d. Premium Entities (Feastly Select)

a. Prod people into action
5. What is b. Increase the service quality
the target of c. Overcome the technological infrastructure
Feastly? deficiences
d. Build a world wide platform for daily use

Our Target Audience is composed
of 4 basic groups.

6. Who is the target a. University students and newly

audience of graduates between ages 18 to 24,
b. White Collars between ages 24 to 34,
Feastly? c. Executives between ages 34 to 48,
d. Tourists

Target markets we are planning
to begin with

7. What are the a. Domestic

target markets of İstanbul, İzmir, Ankara, Antalya

Feastly? b. International
London, Amsterdam, Stockholm,
Dubai, Doha, Abu-Dhabi


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