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Project No. : 506110-1923 Rev.

: 00

Document No. : DSCZ5-EL-AS-000-001 Sheet : 1 of 27

Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines

Document title:

Electrical Design Guidelines

0 03.04.2018 S1 Preliminary CM VN VN

Rev. Issue Date PEM Status Issued for Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Project : Dariba Zinc Smelter Expansion Phase IV - 100 KTPA Expansion (234 to 334 KTPA)

Client : Hindustan Zinc Limited

Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd

© 2017 Aker Solutions. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.
Project No. : 506110-1923 Rev. : 00

Document No. : DSCZ5-EL-AS-000-001 Sheet : 2 of 27

Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines



a) This specification along with General Engineering Specification, Erection & Installation
guidelines and Technical Specifications for various electrical equipments, Power
Distribution Block diagram shall cover minimum technical requirements of the electrical
system for EPC Contractor. This Specification should be read in conjunction with other
Documents referred above.

b) Complete design data & site conditions applicable in this regard shall be taken into
consideration for developing a comprehensive design and for proper
engineering/implementation of the Electrical system.

c) The equipment must be new, of the right grade, best quality of its kind, to best
engineering practice and latest state of the art technology and in accordance with the
purpose for which it is intended and shall ensure satisfactory performance throughout
the service life. Further Selection of all components shall be made after system study by
the Contractor and submitted for Approval by HZL/PMC.


a) The design and the installation shall be in accordance with established codes,
Standards, sound engineering practices and shall conform to the statutory regulations
applicable in India and at Site Location. In case of conflict in the various documents and
drawings and various Codes and Standards followed the most stringent shall govern.

b) The latest version of main codes, standards and statutory regulations given below shall
be considered as minimum requirements.

1. Codes and standards

i) Indian standards (IS)
ii) International standards (IEC)

2. Statutory regulations
i) Indian electricity act
ii) Central Electricity Authority Regulations
iii) The factory act
iv) Energy Conservation act
v) Requirement of other Statutory bodies

c) For equipment procured in India, Indian standards (IS) shall be referred whereas
equipments that are procured outside India, the relevant and applicable IEC standard
shall be followed.

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transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.
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Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines



a) Site Location : Dariba, Rajsamand, Rajasthan

b) Ambient temperature Max / Min. : 47 / 2 Deg. C
c) Design ambient temp. : 47 Deg. C
d) Max. relative air humidity : 35.3% (avg) at _Deg. C
e) Altitude : 488 Mtrs above MSL.
f) Information on speed & direction of :11.5 KM/hr towards N-E wind
g) Rainfall : 550mm
h) Seismic zone : Zone II
i) Tropicalizing required : Yes, Required
j) Atmosphere : Conductive dust laden,SO2/SO3

The Power distribution system applicable for EPC Contractor is as follows.

HZL proposes to locate new substation building to the opposite of existing lime
unloading station to cater various loads for the expansion of Leaching & Purification and
ETP Plant.

The new substation shall be fed from 11 kV Switchgear of Main Receiving Station
Substation (MRSS). The 11 kV Switchgear at MRSS does not have spare feeders, so
contractor shall do necessary modification to existing switchgear to add two new
outgoing transformer feeders. Contractor shall take power supply from these two feeders
to the new substation to be located opposite existing lime unloading station and further
develop the power system distribution to fulfil the normal power requirements for the
additional loads for this expansion project (to cater loads of L&P and ETP expansion).
The new substation shall accommodate distribution Transformer, 11 kV Switchgear, 415
V PCC, Diesel Transformer, MCC, VFD, Soft Starter, SCADA, UPS, Battery & battery
Charger, Lighting transformer etc to cater the various loads for the 100 KPTA expansion.

HZL proposes for new DG set to cater the additional emergency loads for the 100 KPTA
expansion. This DG set shall be located near the substation building.

Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd

© 2017 Aker Solutions. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.
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Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines


1.5.1. GENERAL

a) The electrical equipment and design engineering calculations/methods shall in general

conform to the Design Basis (Electrical Design Guidelines), General Engineering
Specifications, Technical specifications, Standards and Codes. For makes of the
equipment/components shall be one of the Vendors indicated in the Vendor List. If
make of component is not indicated, then it shall be subject to the approval of
Owner/PMC. For the purpose of standardizing MCC Motor schemes throughout the
plant, typical Motor control Logic schemes (along with Legend) with identification by
type codes to be followed. Supplier shall develop control wiring diagrams based on
these schemes and legend.

Centralized Air-conditioning system shall be considered for entire substation. Substation

building broadly shall consists of Switchgear/Electrical Room, UPS & Battery Charger
Room, SCADA Room, Instrument Rack room, Battery room for VRLA batteries, Battery
room for Lead Acid Batteries, Capacitor bays, Transformer bays (for current load
requirement) & additional 2 nos of transformer ways for future requirement, DG room,
Cable Cellar, toilet, maintenance and store room for the operator personnel.
The width of new substation shall cover the entire transformer bay including 2 additional
transformer ways as a minimum. VFD shall be located in Switchgear/Electrical room
without any partition, Air Conditioning to be considered as per heat Load calculation for
Panels & Recommendation from OEM.
Battery room for VRLA batteries shall be provided with split AC & exhaust fans. Battery
room for Lead Acid battery shall be statutory complied. Hydrogen detectors shall be
provided in the battery rooms.
Contractor shall design & engineer the substation in such a way that it should be
possible to extent in future seamlessly to cater the future loads / space requirements.
New Substation shall be common for L&P Loads and ETP Loads. L&P LSTK contactor
shall design & build the new substation considering both L&P and ETP Loads, also
provide the space for ETP LSTK contactor’s panels/MCCs/VFDs in the substation. ETP
LSTK contractor shall design, supply and install his own panels/MCCs/VFDs in the
substation. However L&P LSTK contactor shall co-ordinate with ETP contactor while
designing electrical equipment’s which shall be common for both the plant loads such as
but not limited to Transformer, DG, Lighting Transformer, UPS, Battery, SCADA, DBs,
provision for feeders in various panels etc
The clear height of bottom most cable tray running across the width of the substation
cable cellar shall be 2500 mm minimum from FFL for smooth movement of personnel
inside the cable cellar. All cables below panels shall be provided with fire proof coating
of 2 meter. Fire barrier shall be provided at the cable exits in the cable cellar.
Substation shall be provided with various safety equipment such as, shock hazard
charts, first aid boxes, caution boards, apron, eye shields, discharge rods, DCP portable

Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd

© 2017 Aker Solutions. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.
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Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines

CO2 fire extinguishers, insulating mats, sand buckets, Various voltage grade hand
gloves and other equipment for safety of all electrical equipment and personnel as per
statutory regulations.
The substation switchgear floor shall have a minimum clear height of 4.0 m. For
switchgear floor provided with air-conditioning, the minimum clear height shall be 4.0 m
in case of false ceiling and 4.5 m without false ceiling.
Smoke detectors shall be provided for Switchgear room & cable cellar.
Emergency exit route in the substation shall be provided with fluorescent mark on the
floor. Emergency exit door shall be fire proof and shall have push to open facility.
Substation shall be provided with access control system at the main entry door.
In addition to the main entry to substation for operating personnel, a separate entry of
rolling shutter shall be provided for moving equipments in/out of the substation. The
minimum size of separate entry shall be 3 m (Wide) x (max height of equipment + 1 m)

a) 11 kV Switchgear at the MRSS does not have spare feeders. Contractor shall add 2
new outgoing transformer feeders to take the power supply to the new substation.
b) 11 kV Switchgear at new substation shall be provided with two incomer and one bus
coupler and shall be fed from 11 kV Switchgear located at MRSS. Bus-A and Bus-B
shall feed 11 / 0.433 kV distribution transformers –A & B respectively.
c) During normal conditions, the bus-coupler CB shall be “OPEN” and the Incomer circuit
breakers shall feed the respective 11 kV / 0.433 kV transformers. In the event of
opening of one of the Incomer Circuit Breaker, Bus-coupler circuit breaker shall
“CLOSE” automatically and the healthy Incomer shall feed the total load on the
switchboard. Each switchboard shall be provided with an Auto/Manual switch. In Auto
position the changeover shall be automatic through SCADA as described above. In
Manual position, changeover shall be initiated manually by opening the Incomer Circuit
Breaker to be taken out of service. The Auto or Manual changeover shall be inhibited if
the Incomer circuit Breaker has opened/tripped on fault condition. On resumption of
Incomer supply which had failed earlier, the changeover shall be manual by opening
the Bus coupler Breaker and closing the respective Incomer Circuit Breaker. Circuit
Breakers shall be interlocked such that both the Incomer sources can be paralleled
momentarily through SCADA. Other interlocks as per safety and operational
requirements shall also be wired. During changeover of the incomer CB’s, momentary
paralleling (NO BREAK POWER SUPPLY), before closing CB for paralleling, SCADA
will decide the operation sequence after checking synchronization through SCADA.
Further details will be worked out during detail engineering.
d) The 3 position switchgear units shall be designed, manufactured and tested in
accordance with relevant Indian Standard specifications. The panels shall be indoor,
metal clad, with circuit breaker in fully draw out (on floor) design. The insulators shall
be made of high epoxy resin moulding. The busbars and cable chambers shall be
housed in separate chambers. The busbar and cable chambers should be fitted with

Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd

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Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines

bolted covers with gaskets and should be fixed to avoid direct access to live parts
immediately after opening respective covers. The busbars and jumper connections
shall be insulated to full maximum operating voltage. The design of the board shall
permit further extension at both ends. The cubicle shall be designed for IP4X protec-
e) The busbars and their connections shall be capable of withstanding, without damage,
the thermal and mechanical effects of through fault currents equivalent to the short time
rating of the switchgear.
f) The circuit breaker shall be capable of making and breaking the specified fault currents
without straining or damaging any part of the switchgear.
g) All CBs shall be operated at 110 V DC Control Power Supply. Every switchboard shall
have two (2) numbers of 110 V DC Power Supply feeders, one (1) operating and one
(1) standby. Changeover shall be automatic and manual with selector switch and shall
be realized by means of interlock inside switchboard.
h) All feeders shall be provided with numerical relays suitable for communications with
i) Each switchboard shall have 20% spare feeders with minimum of one (1) number of
each type at both the bus sections. In addition each bus section will be provided with
one (1) number feeder for future expansion. Contractor shall also provide Spare
feeders for additional two transformer ways in addition to the above requirement.
j) 11 kV Switch board shall be provided with Infra-red (IR) window for thermography.

k) Rear Door interlock shall be provided for incomer panel.

l) All HV Swicth boards shall be provided with LOTO arrangement.

m) For further technical details refer “Technical Specifications for HV switchboards : RDZ1-


Provide 11kV, outdoor capacitor banks including series reactors, all accessories &
provisions for control, interlocking, tripping, etc. for power factor improvement at new
substation. The kVAR requirement shall be calculated by the Contractor for an overall
power factor improvement to 0.99

1.5.5. Transformer

The maximum rating of 11/0.433 kV distribution transformer shall be limited to 2500

kVA. The configuration of transformer shall have vector group Dyn11, ONAN type of
cooling, OCTC tap changers. The transformer shall not be loaded more than 40% during
normal operation and a margin of 10% shall be kept for future loads. The contractor shall

Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd

© 2017 Aker Solutions. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.
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Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines

derive the rating of 415V Diesel Generator based on the emergency power requirements
considering loads for L&P area and ETP area. For further technical details refer
“Technical Specifications for Transformer : RDZ1-EL-ATS-000016”

a) PCC located at new substation shall be provided with two incomers and one bus-
coupler. The Incomers and bus-coupler shall be provided with 3 Pole Air Circuit
Breakers (ACB) of identical rating.

b) PCC shall supply to the loads of L&P area and ETP area. L&P Contractor shall
provide the required feeders for ETP loads in the PCC, ETP contractor shall take
power supply from these feeders to the MCC and further to the loads.

c) During normal conditions, the bus-coupler CB shall be “OPEN” and the Incomer
circuit breakers shall feed the respective Bus-section loads. In the event of
opening of one of the Incomer Circuit Breaker, Bus-coupler circuit breaker shall
“CLOSE” automatically and the healthy Incomer shall feed the total load on the
PCC. PCC shall be provided with an Auto/Manual switch. In Auto position the
changeover shall be automatic through SCADA as described above. In Manual
position changeover shall be initiated manually by opening the Incomer Circuit
Breaker to be taken out of service. The Auto or Manual changeover shall be
inhibited if the Incomer circuit Breaker has opened/tripped on Bus fault condition.
On resumption of Incomer supply which had failed earlier, the changeover shall
be manual by opening the Buscoupler Breaker and closing the respective
Incomer Circuit Breaker. Circuit Breakers shall be electrically interlocked such
that both the Incomer sources shall be paralleled momentarily. Other interlocks
as per safety and operational requirements shall also be wired. During
changeover of the incomer CBs momentary paralleling is energized after
synchronizing Through SCADA. Further details will be worked out during detail

d) Loads on each PCC bus section shall be distributed in such a way that the entire
continuous operating load on the PCC shall be equally distributed between the
two bus-sections during normal operating conditions and each Bus section is
loaded equally.

e) Operating and Standby Motors for the same process application (e,g operating
and standby Pumps) shall not be connected to the same bus-section.

f) All Motor feeders above 90kW shall be ACB controlled and shall be fed from
PCC. Motor starter feeders upto 160kW shall be DOL. Motor feeders above 160
kW and upto 200kW shall be fed from soft starters. Soft starters shall have DOL
bypass starter with ACB. Also, motors based on process applications can be soft

g) All ACBs shall be operated at 110 V DC Control Power Supply. PCC shall have 2
numbers of 110 V DC Power Supply feeders, one operating and one standby.
Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd

© 2017 Aker Solutions. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.
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Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines

Changeover shall be automatic as well as manual with selector switches and

shall be realized by means of interlock inside PCC/MCC.

h) PCC shall be considered with 20% spare feeders with minimum one of each
rating and/or type.

i) Rear Door interlock shall be provided for incomer panel.

j) All LV Swicthboards shall be provided with LOTO arrangement.

k) For further technical details refer “Technical Specifications for MV switchboards :


a) MCC shall be provided with two incomers and one bus-coupler. The Incomers and bus-
coupler shall be provided with 3 Pole Air Circuit Breakers (ACB) of identical rating.
Rating of ACB shall be standardized to 1000 amps and 1250 amps for Busbar thermal
rating of 800 amps and 1000 amps respectively.
b) The EPC Contractor shall design the number of MCCs as per the criteria given below:
i) For standardisation purpose, the thermal rating of the main busbar of MCCs
shall be fixed at 800 amps or 1000 amps.
ii) Load on each MCC shall be restricted to 80% of the thermal rating of the main
Busbar. Load on the MCC shall be arrived from the summary of Nameplate rating
of continuous operating loads & intermittent loads connected to the MCC. Load
factor shall be considered as 50 % for the intermittent loads. Diversity factor and
load factor shall not be considered for continuous operating loads.
iii) MCCs shall feed all 415V process plant loads viz. Motors up to 90 kW rating,
Heaters, MOVs etc
c) During normal conditions, the bus-coupler CB shall be “OPEN” and the Incomer circuit
breakers shall feed the respective Bus-section loads. In the event of opening of one of
the Incomer Circuit Breakers (e.g sustained under voltage on line side of Incoming
Circuit Breaker), Bus-coupler circuit breaker shall “CLOSE” automatically and the
healthy Incomer shall feed the total load of the MCC. MCC shall be provided with a
Auto/Manual switch. In Auto position the changeover shall be automatic as described
above. In Manual position changeover shall be initiated manually by opening the
Incomer Circuit Breaker to be taken out of service. The Auto or Manual changeover
shall be inhibited if the Incomer circuit Breaker has opened/tripped on Bus fault
condition. On resumption of Incomer supply which had failed earlier, the changeover
shall be manual by opening the Buscoupler Breaker and closing the respective Incomer
Circuit Breaker. Circuit Breakers shall be electrically interlocked such that both the
Incomer sources shall never be paralleled. Other interlocks as per safety and
operational requirements shall also be wired. Momentary paralleling feature is not to be
provided unless specified otherwise in respective equipment specification. Line PTs
and Bus PTs with necessary Under voltage relays and timer shall be provided.

Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd

© 2017 Aker Solutions. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.
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Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines

d) Loads on each MCC bus section shall be distributed in such a way that the entire
continuous operating load on the MCC shall be equally distributed between the two
bus-sections during normal operating conditions and each Bus section is loaded
It is envisaged to cut off power to MCC bus sections feeding non-essential electrical
users during power shortage condition due to failure of one or more major sources of
power by SCADA. EPC Contractor shall group all Emergency power consumers one
bus section of MCC. During Power shortage conditions, power to all MCCs/ Bus
sections will be cut off, except the one identified as emergency MCC/ Emergency Bus

e) Operating and Standby Motors for the same process application (e,g operating and
standby Pumps ) shall not be connected to the same bus-section.
f) All Motor starter feeders up to 90 kW rating shall be contactor controlled and shall be
fed from MCC. Motor starter feeders upto 160 kW shall be DOL. Motors based on
process applications can also be soft started. Soft starters shall have DOL bypass
g) All ACBs shall be operated at 110 V DC Control Power Supply. Every MCC shall be
provided with 2 nos. of 110 V DC incoming Power Supply feeders, One operating and
one standby. Changeover shall be automatic as well as manual shall be realised by
means of interlock inside MCC.
h) For all Motors supplied by EPC Contractor and for motors supplied by others as free
issue item to the EPC Contractor but within battery limit of EPC Contractor, a separate
common Marshalling rack (MJB) located at one end of the row of MCC(s) for interface
with DCS shall be provided. Control wiring shall be done between MCC/PCC/HV
Switchgear/ other distribution board feeders to Marshalling rack (MJB) by EPC
Contractor. DCS vendor shall do the wiring from MJB to DCS. LCS for various Motors
shall be wired to Motor feeders through the MJB.
i) MCC shall be considered with 20% spare feeders with minimum one of each rating
and/or type.
j) Main protection relays at Incomer of MCC shall be Microprocessor based relays.
k) Feedback on MCC Incomer and Bus coupler status to DCS shall be considered. These
shall be wired to the DCS through MJB.
l) All the Motor feeders shall be able to be operated from Local (PLC/LCS) as well as
remote (DCS). The mode of control shall be selected from the Plant DCS. DCS should
permit the drive to be run from Local.
m) While sizing MCCs all loads including those listed as free issue to EPC Contractor shall
also be considered in addition to Loads of EPC Contractor.
n) For motor feeders in general the following shall be the DCS-MCC interface:
i) Start function from DCS
ii) Stop function from DCS

Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd

© 2017 Aker Solutions. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.
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Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines

iii) Run Feedback to DCS from MCC feeder module

iv) Fault Trip – Alarm contact to DCS to indicate the Electrical Protection operated
v) A separate NC contact -“Stop PB on LCS pressed” feedback contact from the
Local Control Station shall be brought to the MJB for further wiring to the DCS.
This NC contact of the “Stop” Push button in Local Control Station is only for
Alarm Information to DCS.
o) One dummy vertical panel shall be considered in each MCC. In case beams of
substation buildings are below the MCC, then outgoing cabling is not possible from
those vertical sections and hence dummy panels shall be placed over the beams.

p) Minimum size of outgoing Motor Feeder Module shall be 300 mm and minimum size of
outgoing Distribution Feeder module shall be 225 mm.

q) From MCC to MJB for all feeders in one vertical, two numbers of multi core cable (Core
and double shielded pair) shall be used. One cable shall be used for pot free contacts
and other shall be 110 Volt control.
r) For further technical details refer “Technical Specifications for MV switchboards :
1.5.8. Diesel Generator

a) The diesel generator shall be used to cater the emergency loads in case of emergency.
The contractor shall derive the rating of 415V Diesel Generator based on the
emergency power requirements considering loads for L&P and ETP area. All thickeners
shall be on Emergency Power. For further technical details refer “Technical
Specifications for Diesel Generator : RDZ1-EL-ATS-000040”

a) SCADA shall be provided with all equipment & load management system to meet the
requirements and all necessary provisions for control, interlocking, tripping, etc for this
expansion project (Leaching & Purification and ETP Plant).
b) The SCADA system is to be designed and supplied to acquire metering, switchgear &
equipment status & protective relay data from 11kV Switchgear, all transformers, all
415V PCC, MCC, PDB, LDB & EPDB, DG, UPS, Battery.
c) The SCADA shall be capable of gathering digital and analog inputs in the substation,
intelligently processing these inputs, and transmitting such substation information to
SCADA control center to be located at CDSS via SCADA RTUs located at respective
New Substations. The system must also be capable of sending Open/Close
Commands, Single Point Commands and Set Point Commands to the field equipment.
Digital inputs shall be handled as binary or ternary status or alarms and also as pulse
accumulators. Additionally the SCADA must provide the capability to interface directly
with Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) such as communicable meters, numerical
relays, etc. via serial data ports, which shall be configurable for RS232, RS 485 or
Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd

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transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.
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Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines

d) The main SCADA system consisting of high end process controllers, operator stations,
peripherals & printers, etc. is located in CDSS.
e) Contractor shall provide 1 No of SCADA Operator Console, 1 No of tables with drawers
along with 4 Nos of chairs for engineering work station.
f) The SCADA of New Substation will be integrated with the SCADA of existing CDSS

a) PDBs shall have two (2) incomers with Auto / manual changeover facility. All
outgoing feeders shall be TPN MCCBs to cater to the requirements of Normal
lighting transformers, SPDBs, Battery chargers, UPS, etc. For further technical
details refer “Technical Specifications for Misc. MV switchboards : RDZ1-EL-

b) PDB shall supply to the loads of L&P area and ETP area. L&P Contractor shall
provide the required feeders for ETP loads in the PDB, ETP contractor shall take
power supply from these feeders to the SPDB and further to the loads.


a) EPDBs shall have two (2) incomers with Auto / manual changeover facility. All
outgoing feeders shall be TPN MCCBs to cater to the requirements of
Emergency Power requirements. For further technical details refer “Technical
Specifications for Misc. MV switchboards : RDZ1-EL-ATS-000002” RDZ1-EL-

b) EPDB shall supply to the loads of L&P area and ETP area. L&P Contractor shall
provide the required feeders for ETP loads in the EPDB, ETP contractor shall
take power supply from these feeders to the ESPDB and further to the loads.

1.5.12. MOTORS

a) All medium voltage (415 V) motors shall be three phase squirrel cage induction motors
(IE3) designed for direct on line (DOL) starting unless otherwise specified elsewhere in
the design basis. Motors shall be provided with minimum IP55 enclosure protection.
b) All motors shall be continuous maximum (S1 duty) rated with possible exception of
crane and hoist motors and turbine/engine starting motors, which may be rated for the
envisaged duty cycle. All outdoor motors shall be provided with GI/FRP canopy. Indoor
motors in corrosive environment shall also be provided with GI/FRP canopy.
c) For further technical details refer “Technical Specifications for MV Motors : RDZ1-EL-

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© 2017 Aker Solutions. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.
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Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines

a) Each Motor shall be provided with Local Control Station in Field near itself.
b) Local Control Station shall be GI/FRP enclosure with minimum IP65 enclosure
protection. Outdoor LCS shall be provided with GI/FRP Canopy. Indoor LCS in
corrosive environment shall also be provided with GI/FRP canopy.
c) Local Control Station shall include following minimum components as per process and
operation requirement.
i) Start and Stop Push Button.
ii) Ammeter ( for Motors rated 22 kW and above and for all conveyor motors and
rotary valves)
iii) LCS for VFD driven motors shall have digital speed indicator and speed raise and
lower pushbuttons in addition to the above.
iv) LCS for air circuit operated motors (motors above 90kW) shall have TNC switch
and Emergency stop pushbutton along with ammeter.
d) Stop /Emergency Stop Pushbutton shall be Mushroom Head, turn to release with pad
locking facility with removable key.
e) Motors installed at Elevated platforms (such as cooling tower fan Motor) shall be
provided with Emergency Stop Push Button at ground level in addition to the LCS
provided near the Motor.
f) For further technical details refer “Technical Specifications for Local Control Station :
1.5.14. CABLES

a) H.V (11 kV) Cables: HV cables shall be dry cured, XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed
(extruded), G.I armoured type with compacted stranded aluminum conductors. 11 kV
Cables shall be provided with conductor & insulation screen. Refer “GES Electrical,
doc. No. RDZ1-EL-AS-000001” for details.
b) MV (415V) power cables shall be XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed (extruded), G.I
armoured type with stranded aluminum conductors. Minimum size of Aluminum
conductor for M.V Cables shall be 6 Refer “GES Electrical, doc. No. RDZ1-EL-
AS-000001” for details.
c) Control cables shall be PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed (extruded), armoured type
with copper conductor. Minimum size of conductor for control cables shall be 1.5 For Control cables carrying CT secondary current, the conductor size shall be
minimum 2.5 Copper conductor shall be stranded. Refer “GES Electrical, doc.
No. RDZ1-EL-AS-000001” for details.
d) Lighting Cables from the outgoing MCB-ELCB of the SLDB/ESLDB to the Junction
Boxes/Lighting fixtures shall be 3core, PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed, armoured
type with copper conductor. Minimum size of conductor shall be 2.5 Copper
conductor shall be stranded.

e) Earthing Cables shall be Single core, unarmoured, PVC/XLPE insulated, PVC

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sheathed, stranded Aluminium conductor. Outer sheath of Earthing Cables shall be

Green colour coded.
f) Wherever Cable is required for feeding Three Phase and Neutral power supply to
distribution Board/Panel/Sockets etc. Cable shall be 4 Core or 3.5 Core.
g) For small motors (e.g. upto 2.2 kW) copper conductor cables with conductor cross
section of 2.5 sq. mm min can be used.
h) Following criterion shall be considered while selecting H.V / M.V Power Cables
including Lighting Distribution Cables upto the incoming of SLDB / ESLDB :
i) Short circuit withstand capacity
ii) Continuous current rating
iii) Voltage Drop
iv) System Voltage and type of Earthing
v) Derating due to Ambient / Ground Temperature
vi) Derating due to type of laying and grouping
vii) Soil conditions
i) Following criterion shall be considered while selecting Lighting Cables:
i) Continuous current rating
ii) Voltage Drop
iii) Derating due to Ambient / Ground Temperature.
iv) Derating due to type of laying and grouping.
v) Soil conditions
j) All control cables shall have minimum 20% spare cores except that control cables
having up to seven cores may have one core as spare.

a) As per the operation and process requirement, Variable Frequency drive shall be
provided for Motors.
b) VFD shall be located in Switchgear room.
c) Variable frequency drive shall be enclosed in separate free standing, floor mounted
sheet steel enclosure. VFD shall be fed from MCC/PCC based on the kW rating of the
Motor. VFD’s shall be provided with bypass feature for maintenance.
d) For further technical details refer “Technical Specifications for Variable Frequency
Drives : RDZ1-EL-ATS-000008”

a) Soft starter shall be provided for M.V (415V) Motor Ratings above 160 kW. Motors
based on process applications can also be soft started.

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b) Soft starters shall be enclosed in separate free standing, floor mounted sheet steel
enclosure and shall be fed from MCC. Provision shall be made in soft starter to start the
Motor by DOL starter in case soft starter is not operating. Composite Microprocessor
based Motor Protection relay shall be provided with DOL starter.
c) For further technical details refer “Technical Specifications for Soft Starters : RDZ1-EL-

a) 110 V AC, 50 Hz UPS shall be located in UPS & Battery Charger room in new
b) UPS shall be parallel redundant system having dedicated battery bank for each UPS
module (i.e. Battery Bank 1 for UPS 1 & Battery Bank 2 for UPS 2) and with output
transformer of 415 V / 200 V, secondary voltage (Line Voltage (Phase to Phase)
Voltage : 200 V / Phase Voltage (Phase to Neutral) : 115 V)
c) UPS ACDB to shall be located in Switchgear room in new substation.
d) UPS loads shall be further fed & distributed from UPSDB.
e) UPS shall be sized considering the loads for L&P area and ETP area. L&P contractor
shall provide the feeders for ETP area loads, ETP contractor shall further take the
power from these feeders to the loads.
f) UPS shall be common for electrical and instrumentation loads and shall have a backup
time of 8 hours.
g) Batteries for UPS shall be VRLA batteries and shall be located in Battery room. Battery
room for VRLA batteries shall be provided with Split AC & exhaust fans.
1.5.18. 110 V DC POWER

a) Battery charger shall be located in UPS & Battery Charger room in new substation to
provide power supply of 110 V DC.
b) Batteries for battery charger shall be Lead Acid batteries and shall be located in
separate Battery room. The battery room for Lead Acid batteries shall be statutory
c) Battery & Battery charger shall be sized considering the loads for L&P area and ETP
area. L&P contractor shall provide the feeders for ETP area loads, ETP contractor shall
further take the power from these feeders to the loads.
d) 110V DCDB shall be located in Switchgear room in new substation. Control Supply for
all ACBs and Changeover Contactors in LDB, EPDB and JB for DC lighting shall be fed
from this DCDB.


Lighting System shall comprise of:

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i) Normal Lighting
ii) Emergency Lighting
iii) DC critical lighting

a) Normal and Emergency lighting system shall be fed by 415 / 240 V, three phase four
wire AC supply.
b) Lighting system shall provide enough illumination so as to enable plant operators to
move safely within the accessible areas of plant to perform routine operation including
reading of field instruments, operation of all valves etc. and to carry out all the
necessary maintenance and adjustment to equipment.
c) During normal operation, both emergency and normal lighting shall be fed by normal
power source. On failure of normal supply, emergency lighting load shall be fed from
offline UPS.
d) DC Critical lighting shall be normally kept OFF and during failure of both Normal and
Emergency AC power supplies, battery bank of DC system shall feed the critical lighting
e) Areas requiring AC emergency lighting shall include, but not be restricted to the
i) Strategic location and process areas where specific safety / shut down operations /
process operations are to be carried out.
ii) Escape routes and Exit points
iii) Control rooms, Instrument rack room
iv) Substations, Switchgear and MCC room, UPS room, Battery room, Cable cellar,
Transformer Cell
v) Office rooms

f) 25% of the total lighting fixtures shall be fed from AC emergency supply.
g) Critical lighting shall be provided in indoor areas where switching operations or control
operations are required during extreme conditions (Failure of both Normal and
Emergency power supply).
h) Areas requiring DC critical lighting shall include the following as mimimum:
i) Instrument rack room
ii) Switchgear room, UPS & Battery Charger room

i) DC emergency lighting in critical areas inside battery limit shall be provided with a
minimum back up of one hour DC battery bank.

A maintenance factor of 0.7 shall be used for outdoor areas and 0.8 for indoor areas.
However, for dusty areas, maintenance factor as per relevant codes and standards

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shall be considered. Working plane height (where Lux level to be measured) shall be
considered as 1Meter from corresponding finished floor level.


a) Aviation Lighting
i) All tall structures such as chimneys, tall buildings and columns shall be provided
with aviation lights. The requirement of Aviation lighting shall be as per Annexure-
14 of ICAO rules. The type of Aviation lights shall be Neon spiral light. Aviation light
shall be fed from Emergency Supply.

b) Lighting Design for substation Buildings (Indoor Lighting)

In general the selection of lighting fixtures and lux levels shall be as per “General
Engineering Specification Doc. No. RDZ1-EL-AS-000001”.

i) All the light fittings inside the substation buildings will be LED type suitable for safe
areas. Battery rooms shall be provided with corrosive type lighting fixtures.

ii) All lighting fixtures in fully protected areas inside buildings viz. Substation buildings,
Control buildings and office / administration buildings shall be indoor type. Lighting
fixtures for peripheral lighting mounted outside the buildings shall be for outdoor
duty and shall have minimum class of protection of IP55.

iii) Switches shall be provided for switching of lights inside switchgear room, MCC
room, control room, office rooms, closed buildings etc. Switches shall be industrial
type for rooms with normal ceiling and shall be decorative type for rooms with false
ceiling. Switches shall provide clear selectivity for controlling the lighting fixtures.
Every switch Box shall be provided with minimum 5A Switch socket outlet. Every
enclosed room shall be illuminated by fixtures connected to at least to two different
phases. Loading on all the phases shall be uniform. Number of switch boxes,
Location and distribution of switch boxes shall be decided based on entry and exit
point from the rooms and the easy access /approach to the switch boxes. Switches
controlling the lighting fixtures and exhaust fan shall be installed outside the battery

iv) Adequate number of ceiling fan points shall be provided in Administration Building,
Offices, rooms allocated for operating and maintenance personnel, etc.

v) Battery room shall have fixtures mounted on wall in order to facilitate easy
replacement of fused lamps.

c) Lighting Design for Process Plant Area

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i) All lighting fixtures in plant area shall be LED type and rated for outdoor duty and
shall have minimum class of protection of IP55. The lighting fixtures shall be
suitably selected for the site conditions applicable viz. for Dusty areas, Lighting
fixtures shall be with Dustproof enclosures, for acidic area, the lighting fixtures shall
be corrosion resistant type (GI/FRP).

ii) The lighting fixtures inside process Areas shall be controlled from outgoing MCB-
ELCB feeder in the respective SLDBs / ESLDBs.

iii) Lighting fixtures distributed in process plants shall be evenly distributed on various
phases. Load on all three phases should be balanced. Lighting fixtures illuminating
particular area shall be connected to at least two different phases.

iv) All High Bay and Medium Bay fittings shall be provided with feature for easy
access/maintenance. Provision shall be made for platform/walkway for access /
maintenance to fitting. In case such provision is not possible, contractor shall
indicate the method of access/approach to such fittings. Contractor may also
provide floodlights mounted on side/corner at reachable locations. In every case
provision shall be made for access/maintenance. High/Medium bay fittings shall be
provided only with specific approval from HZL.


a) All lighting fixtures shall be rated for outdoor duty and shall have minimum class of
protection of IP55.

b) The lighting fixtures inside process Areas shall be controlled from outgoing MCB-ELCB
feeder in the respective SLDBs / ESLDBs.

c) Lighting fixtures shall be evenly distributed on various phases. Load on all three phases
should be balanced. Lighting fixtures illuminating particular area shall be connected to
atleast two different phases.

d) All High Bay and Medium Bay fittings shall be provided with feature for easy

The lighting transformer 415V / 415V shall be sized to include the lighting loads to be
added due to this expansion considering both L&P and ETP Loads. The lighting
transformer shall be located in separate room or in cable cellar. MIAN LIGHTING DB (LDB)

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a) Lighting Distribution board will have two bus sections. Both the Bus sections are fed
from Identical Rating Lighting Transformers.

b) LDB shall supply to the lighting loads of L&P area and ETP area. L&P Contractor shall
provide the required feeders for ETP loads in the LDB, ETP contractor shall take power
supply from these feeders to the SLDBs and further to the light fittings.

c) The thermal rating of each of the bus-sections shall be at least 1.2 times the full load
secondary current rating of the Lighting Transformer. Bus rating shall be restricted to
maximum 350 Amperes.

d) MLDB shall be provided with two Incomers and a Bus-coupler. Incomers and Bus-
coupler shall be provided with 4 Pole contactors of identical rating. The In-panel rating
of the Incomers and Bus-coupler contactors shall be at least equal to the Thermal rating
of the Main Busbars of the LDB. Maximum size of Main Contactor shall be restricted to
400A Nominal Rating.

e) The Incomers shall be provided with MCCB for protection. Under voltage relays shall be
provided in the Incoming side of MCCB. Fuses shall be provided with fuse failure
monitoring (striker pin arrangement shall not be considered). A common Potential free
contact shall be made available in the LDB and wired to MJB by Contractor for
signaling “Incoming fuse failure” in any of the phases.

f) During normal conditions, the both the Incomer Contactor shall be closed and the Bus
Coupler Contactor shall be open.

g) In the event of drop-out of the One of the Incomer Contactor due to under-voltage in the
Incoming line, the bus-coupler Contactor shall close automatically and the healthy
Incomer shall deed the entire load of the MLDB. MLDB shall be provided with
Auto/Manual switch. In Auto position the changeover shall be automatic as described
above. In Manual position changeover shall be initiated manually by switching off the
Incomer Contactor to be taken out of the service.

h) Upon resumption of Incomer Power Supply, the restoration of incoming Contactor into
service shall be done manually by opening the Bus coupler contactor and closing the
respective Incomer Contractors. The Contactors shall be electrically interlocked such
that both the Incomer sources shall never be paralleled. Other interlocks as per safety
and operational requirements shall also be wired. Momentary paralleling feature is not
to be provided.

i) Lockable (Lock and Key) Mushroom head type push button shall be provided for
Incomers and Bus-coupler which shall provide Emergency stop function and locking to
prevent inadvertent operation during maintenance conditions.

j) The contactors for Incomers and bus-coupler shall be operated at 110 V DC Control
Power Supply. LDB shall be provided with 2 nos. of 110 V DC Power Supply feeders,

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One operating and one standby. Changeover shall be automatic and shall be realised
by means of interlock inside LDB.

k) The outgoing feeders of the MLDB shall be provided with MCCB. For outgoing feeders
to SLDBS controlling outdoor light fittings photocells shall also be provided in addition
to MCCB. Photocell shall be wired to Main Lighting Distribution Board. Photocell
Contacts shall be multiplied in MLDB and wired to respective outgoing Contactor feeder
circuits of MLDB. Contactor feeders shall have provision for manual Switching

a) Emergency Lighting DB shall be fed from Offline UPS DB. During normal operation
Offline UPS shall be in offline mode and normal power supply feed the emergency
loads. During emergency operation Offline UPS will supply the emergency lighting
loads of L&P & ETP area.

b) Offline UPS shall be sized considering loads for both L&P area and ETP area.
c) ELDB shall supply to the lighting loads of L&P area and ETP area. L&P Contractor shall
provide the required feeders for ETP loads in the ELDB, ETP contractor shall take
power supply from these feeders to the ESLDBs and further to the light fittings. SUBLIGHTING DB (SLDB & EMERGENCY SLDB)

a) Emergency & Normal SLDBs shall be fed from respective LDBs.

b) SLDB / ESLDB shall be standardised to have 6, 12 and 18 ways (outgoing circuits).

Minimum 30% spare ways shall be provided in each lighting Sub Distribution Board.

c) SLDB / ESLDB shall be Indoor type or Outdoor type depending on the location of
Installation. Wherever the SLDBs are located in Substation, same shall be Indoor,
Industrial type. SLDBs located in control rooms, office rooms and rooms with false
ceiling shall be Indoor decorative and modular type. For Plant areas the SLDBs shall be
rated for outdoor duty and shall have min. class of protection IP55.

d) The incomer shall have TPN MCB and outgoing shall have 2 pole MCB and ELCB.

e) The Single phase outgoing circuits shall be from phase segregated busbars in separate
chambers inside the SLDB or ESLDB.

f) Internal wiring shall be 650V grade PVC insulated copper conductor stranded wire
colour coded for phase, neutral and earth.

g) Each outgoing feeder shall be provided with distinct terminals for phase, neutral and

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h) 20% spare terminal shall be provided in each terminal block. All outgoing feeders
name plate shall be tagged on the SLDB. Separate Earthing terminal strip for
connecting third core (earthing core) of outgoing Cable shall be provided. LIGHTING CABLES & WIRES

a) For rooms with false ceiling, concealed conduit wiring shall be used below the false
ceiling and surface conduit wiring above the false ceiling. Single core, PVC Insulated,
stranded copper conductor wires shall be used and the size shall not be less than 2.5 copper conductor. The wires shall be 1100V grade, unsheathed single wires
conforming to IS-696. Separate neutral wire shall be run for each circuit. G.I. wire shall
be used for earthing of lighting fixtures, Junction boxes and shall be laid inside the
conduits along with the wires. Number of wires to run in particular size of conduit shall
be as per IS-732. The wires shall be colour coded Red, Yellow & Blue shall be used for
three phase, Black for Neutral. For DC lighting, White colour shall be used for Positive
wires and Grey for Negative wires.

b) Surface conduits of GI shall be used for lighting in inside substations and other utility
rooms without false ceiling. Specification for wires and other materials shall be same as
that for the rooms with false ceiling, given above.

c) For Indoor and Outdoor plant areas, all cables for Lighting shall be armoured
PVC/XLPE Insulated cables. These cables shall be installed in cable trays and
wherever there are no cable trays, open ended GI conduits shall be used for laying the

d) Cables for street light poles and outdoor lighting masts shall be buried underground,
wherever cable trays are not available.

e) Lighting cables / wires can be flexible & laid in closed GI conduits. CONVENIENCE OUTLETS

a) 63 Amps Three phase Power Points

i) 63A, 415V, TPN + E power outlets with Switch fuse unit and Busbar type
terminals ( for welding machine) shall be provided in process buildings, substation
and other outdoor areas. The power points shall be provided busbar type
terminals wherever required to facilitate termination of multiple cables for looping.

ii) A 63A power point shall cover a radial distance of 50 m. around it’s location in the
same floor level. However different floor levels should have individual power

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iii) 63 Amps power points shall be fed from PDB/EPDB. Power Points shall have the
necessary earthing arrangements. Maximum 2 Nos. of Power Points can be
looped in one Circuit.

iv) Power Point shall be with minimum IP55 enclosure protection.

b) Single phase convenience outlets

i) 240V single-phase, 16 amps MCB (SPN) outlets shall be provided in process

buildings, substation, control rooms and other utility buildings. Single phase
socket outlets shall be located at strategic locations in the plant area depending
upon the application of testing instruments, hand lamps, small hand tools etc.

ii) There shall be separate Single phase receptacles (Power switch socket outlets)
for permanently connected loads viz. Room air-conditioners, electrical appliances
inside buildings etc.

iii) Single phase power outlets and receptacles shall be fed from Single phase
outgoing feeders of PDB/EPDB. Maximum three numbers of Single phase
convenience outlets shall be looped in one circuit.

iv) A 16A Single phase convenience outlet shall cover a radial distance of 25 m.
around it’s location in the same floor level. However different floor levels should
have individual Single phase convenience outlets.

c) 24 V power supply units

i) Fully weatherproof (IP55) Distribution board with control transformer 240V /

24VAC of 250VA capacity and outgoing terminals for 24V AC hand lamps shall be
provided at location as required by Process, operation and maintenance

ii) These distribution boards shall be fed from the nearest 16A Single phase
convenience outlet.

iii) The 24V AC power outlets shall be provided with distinct terminals for phase,
neutral and earth. 2 spare terminals shall also be provided.

iv) Hand lamps shall be provided for areas within battery limits.



a) The Earthing design for the plant shall be as per IS 3043 (1987), code of practice for

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b) Earthing system in general, shall cover the following :

i) Electrical Equipment Earthing for Personnel safety
ii) System Neutral Earthing
iii) Equipotential bonding (Static Earthing)
iv) Electronic Earthing

c) Earthing system shall consist of Earth Electrode pits interconnected by Buried Earthing
conductors forming Main Earthing grid, Earth Bus, Equipotential bonding connections
and Equipment earthing connections.

d) Material, Type & Size of Main Earth Grid, Equipment Earthing connection shall be as
per Equipment Earthing Schedule attached with Specification for Electrical Installation.

e) Scheme for Earthing of various equipment shall be as per Earthing scheme attached
with Specification for Electrical Installation.

f) Main Earthing grid conductors shall be G.I, buried underground. Connections to above
ground Earth Bus shall be through G.I conductor and shall be of the same size as that
of the Main Earth Grid. Earth Bus shall be connected to Main Earth grid with minimum
two nos. of connections. Wherever equipment (Motors, Cable trays, LCS, Vessels etc)
to be earthed are installed at higher floor levels, an Earthing grid formation shall be
made at such floor elevation. Size of such Earth Grid shall be same as that of the main
Earth Grid.

g) Connections to above ground Grid formation shall be of the same size of Main Earth
Grid (minimum 2 nos. of interconnections). It is preferred to route all above ground
Main Earthing grid conductor on Cable Trays.

h) Wherever Single core earthing Cable is used for equipment earthing same shall be
connected to nearest Earth Bus. Cable termination shall be with suitable Cable Lugs.

i) Wherever G.I Earth Strip is used for equipment earthing, same shall be connected to
nearest Earth Grid. All G.I to G.I connections shall be welded. All underground G.I to
G.I connection shall be applied with Bitumen compound coating. Zinc rich paint shall be
applied for above ground G.I to G.I connections. Welding shall cover all three edges of
contact and welding filler material shall be complete up to the thickness of G.I strip.

j) Equipment handling voltages lesser than 250V (except for local control stations) shall
have one connection to the Earth grid (either through external connection or one of the
core of Cable) as a minimum requirement.

k) Every G.I Cable tray shall be earthed at a minimum of two places along the length of
run and at every 25m. interval. Cable trays in muti tier shall be looped at every 25
meters interval by 1C 35 PVC insulated Al. Cable.

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l) All pipe racks/steel structure shall be earthed at every 25 metres interval.

m) As per the requirement of Process, Pipelines shall be earthed. Earth continuity shall be
ensured across all the flanges.

n) All Vessels, Columns, Exchangers, Storage tanks and other mechanical equipments
shall be earthed (static earthing ) by two different and distinct connections. Tank
diameter above 30 meters shall be earthed (static earthing ) by three different and
distinct connections.

o) Earthing connections of all street lighting poles (In general) shall be connected to the
main earth grid. For street light poles, MOV, or columns / Vessels in Isolated area
(away from the Main earthing grid), dedicated earth electrodes shall be provided for
earthing. In such case, the earth resistance of the earth pit or combination of pits should
be within 5 ohms. MOVs shall also be earthed with an extra core of the Power Cable.

p) Cable shield and armour of all cables shall be effectively earthed at Switchgear/Panel
end. This shall be ensured by separate looping links to earth terminal for the Cable
glands. It shall be ensured that Armour /shield shall not be connected to earth at
Load/Motor end.

q) All Light Fittings and Lighting JBs shall be earthed through third core of the Lighting
Cable. All single phase convenience sockets shall be earthed through third core of
Power Cable.

r) Switchgear Earthing : Main Earth grid shall be laid on Cable trays below the Switchgear
Panels. If the Switchgear is earthed with G.I strip the Earthing connection to Switchgear
Earth strip shall be bolted and shall be provided with disconnecting link. Earthing
Connection to Switchgear Earth strip shall be made at the End panels. Earthing
connection (G.I or Cable ) shall be made from inside the panel. Suitable opening shall
be provided in the bottom plate of the panel for same. After installation of Earth Strip
opening shall be sealed.

s) Wherever Earthing Cables are laid on steel structure, Column etc same shall be
protected by G.I conduits.

t) Wherever G.I strip are laid on RCC floors same shall be embedded in the 50 mm
finished flooring above the RCC.

u) Steel structure shall not be considered as earthing continuity connection to ground and
separate earthing conductor shall be considered.

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v) In corrossive environment, earthing conductor shall be laid aboveground in GI/FRP


w) System Earthing :
i) 415 V System shall be solidly Grounded. Neutral shall be connected to
separate Neutral Earth Pits. Neutral Earth pits shall be connected to Main
Earthing grid.

ii) Lighting Transformer Neutral shall be solidly grounded. Neutral shall be

connected to separate Neutral Earth Pits. Neutral Earth pits shall be connected
to Main Earthing grid.

x) Earthing calculation shall be done only after soil resistivity test.

y) On main piperack 75 x 10 mm earth strip shall be laid on cable tray and shall be
earthed at every 25 mtrs. of interval with 75 x 10 mm only.


a) EPC Contractor is responsible for calculating the Earth resistance and to calculate the
number of Earth pits required for obtaining the Earth grid resistance value as stipulated
in GES.
b) EPC Contractor shall provide earthing pits as per earthing battery limit drawing.

c) EPC Contractor is responsible for obtaining the necessary earth resistance value for
Lightning protection as follows:
i) For lightning protection, the value of 5 ohms as earth resistance shall be
desirable, but in no case it shall be more than 10 ohms.
d) Earth Pits shall be numbered for unique identification. Numbering system for Earth pits
shall be issued to Contractor during detail engineering.


a) Separate earth pits shall be provided for Electronic earthing system. The earthing grid
for electronic earthing shall be separate from the electrical earthing grid.

b) The Electronic earthing system network shall be separated from the Electrical earthing
network, effectively this shall be achieved by using Insulated Copper conductors for
connection between the Instrument panels and the Electronic earth pits. Wherever the
earthing cables are to be laid underground, they shall be protected by PVC conduits.

c) The Earth resistance for the electronic earthing network shall be as specified by
respective Instrument suppliers, but a max. value of 1 ohm shall be considered for
designing the number of Earth electrodes, however will be finally governed by the

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Vendor specification if the value required is less than 1 ohm.

d) The substation earth grid will be provided by EPC Contractor for plant power
distribution. In this also the electronic earth system (for DCS in the control room) shall
be provided with an effective resistance of 0.5 ohm.


a) The earth conductors inside the plant area shall be buried at least 600mm below
finished grade level.

b) There shall be provision for testing of Earth Resistance of Individual electrodes after
Isolation from the main Earth grid.


a) The Lightning protection design for the plant shall be as per IS 2309 (1989), Protection
of buildings & allied structures against Lightning – Code of practice.

b) Independent Earth pits (G.I pipe Electrode) shall be provided for lightning protection
and this shall be subsequently interconnected to the main earthing network. The whole
of the Lightning protective system ( for a building, Structure etc.), including any earth
ring should have a combined resistance to earth not exceeding 10 ohm without taking
account of any bonding. An earth Electrode should be connected to each down
conductor. Every down conductor shall have facility (at 1.2 M from FFL) to disconnect
the Earth Electrode for testing.

c) Overall Risk factor for Lightning protection requirement shall be calculated based on IS
2309 for deciding the requirement of Lightning protection for Equipments, structures
and buildings. In the calculations, due consideration shall be given for factors viz. Use
of structure, Type of Construction, Consequential effects, Degree of Isolation, Type of
Country. Annual thunderstorm days / year shall be considered as per IS:2309 for the
plant site location. The collection area and probable no. of strikes / year shall be
calculated as per IS 2309.

d) Irrespective of the risk Factor, all Substations shall be provided with Lightning

e) The down conductor and air termination conductor for Lightning protection shall be G.I.,
Size shall be 25 X 3 mm.

f) Lightning protection for flat roof buildings : Horizontal roof conductors (Air Termination)
shall be employed. The configuration and design shall be as per Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 of
IS2309. Number of down conductor shall be based on IS 2309. (Cl. 12.2).
Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd

© 2017 Aker Solutions. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.
Project No. : 506110-1923 Rev. : 00

Document No. : DSCZ5-EL-AS-000-001 Sheet : 26 of 27

Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines

g) Lightning protection for Large areas of roof of various profiles : Horizontal roof
conductors (Air Termination) shall be employed. The configuration and design shall be
as per Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 of IS2309. Number of down conductor shall be based on IS
2309. (Cl. 12.2).

h) Lightning protection for Chimney : Lightning protection shall be provided as per Fig. 11
and Fig. 12 of IS 2309. At least two nos. down conductors shall be provided.

i) Lightning protection for special structures: Protection shall be provided as per Section 3
of IS 2309.

j) EPC Contractor shall provide Lightning Protection with Earthing Material, Earth Pits &
Aviation lights For Chimney.


a) Existing cable trays have sufficient space to accommodate the new cables to cater the
various loads for the 100 KPTA expansion. However, EPC contactor has to do
necessary field surveys to evaluate the site conditions and decide/quote the
b) Cable laying shall be done in GI/FRP Prefabricated cable trays. All cable tray supports
on piperack, process buildings and outdoor areas shall be M.S epoxy painted. All Cable
tray supports in Cable cellar and trenches shall be G.I. Bolts nuts and washers shall be

c) For HV and MV cables, EPC contractor to size the cables with cables touching each
other. Single core cables shall be laid in trefoil formation. The cable sizing calculation
shall take care of the derating factors specified by cable vendors accordingly.

d) HV cables, M.V Power Cables and Control Cables shall be laid in three different Cable
Trays with separating distance of 300 mm. Minimum between them. Instruments cable
shall be laid on separate trays.

e) MV power cables shall be laid in single Tier and can be laid touching each other.

f) Control cables can be laid in two tier.

g) Due care shall be taken to design all the components of cable Installation to withstand
highly corrosive and acidic environment. Welding is not permitted on G.I supports.
Where welding is unavoidable, two coats of zinc rich paint shall be applied on the
welding joint extending to 300mm on either side.

h) As far as possible Cables shall be laid on Cable trays upto the Load/Motor.

Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd

© 2017 Aker Solutions. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.
Project No. : 506110-1923 Rev. : 00

Document No. : DSCZ5-EL-AS-000-001 Sheet : 27 of 27

Document Title : Electrical Design Guidelines

i) Inside process plants, the cable trays shall preferably be installed above ground upto
the various Loads. Cable trays shall be either supported from Civil structure, building
column or separate supporting structures for Cable trays. Cable tray support shall be
unique and shall not be used for multiple purpose like supporting other utilities. Cable
shall be laid from this overhead cable trays upto the Load. Local Vertical droppers from
these Cable trays to Motors/Load shall be done by using suitable size ISMC and
perforated tray.

j) As far as possible, laying of Cables through underground trench or buried underground

should be avoided. Cable laying in underground trenches is acceptable only if it is not
possible to install the Cable trays above ground.

k) Cable trays laid in process plant should have minimum obstruction with other services.
Cable trays shall not come into the area of movement for other services like Cranes,
Hoist, erection openings etc.

l) Cable trays shall be installed vertically in dusty areas.

m) Top most cable trays shall be provided with tray covers to avoid solar radiations.


Attached formats for Motor List, Cable List, List of Circuits for DCDB, UPS,
SLDB/ESLDB/LDB. Contractor shall use this format for filling the complete information
and submission along with the offer. Same shall also be updated during detail
engineering and documented.

Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd

© 2017 Aker Solutions. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of Aker Solutions.

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