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Electrochimica Acta 283 (2018) 1498e1506

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Single frequency impedance strategy employed in rapid detection of

leukemia cancer cells using an electrospun PES-nanofiber reinforced
ternary composite-based cytosensor
Mojtaba Shamsipur a, *, Mohammad Bagher Gholivand a, Hosna Ehzari a,
Afshin Pashabadi a, Elham Arkan b, Kamran Mansouri c
Department of Chemistry, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Nano Drug Delivery Research Center, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Medical Biology Research Center, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Cancer is one of the main causes of death in today's world, therefore, extending fast and reliable ap-
Received 26 April 2018 proaches for early monitoring of cancer cells have become one of the great challenges for scientists. This
Received in revised form work reports exploiting a fast single frequency impedance strategy coupled to a new constructed
14 July 2018
composite for the quantitative detection of the human chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) cell lines,
Accepted 15 July 2018
Available online 18 July 2018
K562. The platform used for the fabrication of the cytosensor is based on an electrospun poly[ether-
sulfone] (PES) sub-layer ready for improving by the upper nanodimension layers comprised of gold
nanoparticles and multiwall carbon nanotubes (AuNPs/MWCNTs). The binding of K562 cancer cells with
Leukemia K562 cancer cells
the pre-immobilized capture ssDNA was successfully transduced by Faradaic impedance spectroscopy
Electrospun nano fibers (FIS). To diminish the possible nonspecific impedance changes that may cause some uncertainties in FIS
Faradic impedance spectroscopy signal, and to considerably decrease the time of the extended method, a fast single frequency mea-
Single frequency measurement surement (SFM) strategy was tested based on recording total impedance jZj in different individual fre-
quencies, the methodology that was succeeded to recognize the target cells in measurement times as low
as several seconds. Under the optimum conditions, the assessed signals were proportional to the pop-
ulation of K562 cells from 102 to 107 cells mL1 with a calculated detection limit of 60 cells mL1. The
proposed biosensing-device also demonstrated high stability and reproducibility, which was able to offer
great promise for the quantitative assay of K562 in routine analyses. The results of real sample analyses
introduced the proposed device as alternative tool for CML K562 cell detection in real biological samples.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction a rapid and reliable method will be a great help to these patients
With the rise of cancer threat that causes innumerable world- The conventional detection methods for K562 are the cyto-
wide cancer fatality, its early diagnosis and advance in treatment chemistry test [5], the bone marrow consideration [6], the immu-
have received great attention [1,2]. Chronic myelogenous leukemia nophenotyping [7] and the bone marrow minimal residual disease
(CML), a malignancy of pluripotent hematopoietic cells, is a type of examination [8]. However, almost all these methods faced the
cancer that starts in certain blood-forming cells of the bone problems of low specificity, high testing costs, sophisticated
marrow. It cause proliferation of mature granulocytes (neutrophils, instrumentation, time-consuming procedure, and need to a bone
eosinophils and basophils) and their precursors. K562, as one of the marrow examination that cause severe pain for the patients [9].
most aggressive human chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) cell These severities can deter early-stage patients from diagnostic tests
lines, is derived from CML patients, therefore its early detection via and reduce their chance to exploit point-of-care tools, the occur-
rence that can be very dangerous.
In the recent decade, a genetic abnormalities detection meth-
odology has attracted a great interest [10,11] for diagnostic of CML.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Shamsipur).
Concurrently, RT-PCR method was introduced for the study of bcr/
0013-4686/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Shamsipur et al. / Electrochimica Acta 283 (2018) 1498e1506 1499

abl fusion gene, as a specific fusion gene of CML [12,13]. Apart from calibration curve, assessed by the multiple individual frequency
the benefits, these methods required the complex procedures such procedure, and the results displayed a promising feature for the
as the extraction and reverses transcription of RNA [14], moreover, established biosensing strategy based on SFM.
the PCR method may generates large positive or negative un-
certainties in the obtained response. 2. Experimental
In the last few years, electrochemical biosensing devices have
been well recognized as a cost effective, easy use, specific and 2.1. Reagents and chemicals
sensitive detection approach for K562 cells. Among them, the
constructed devices joined with the Faradaic impedance spectros- All chemicals were of analytical reagent grade and used without
copy (FIS) technique have attracted great interests. The combina- further purification. N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N0 -ethyl-
tion of bio-recognition elements with the FIS delivered two most carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC.HCl) and N-hydroxysuccinimide
important advantages, i.e., high sensitivity toward affinity events at (NHS, 98%) were obtained from SigmaeAldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA),
interface of electrode/electrolyte, and transduction of surface [K3Fe(CN)6] and [K4Fe(CN)6] were obtained from Merck (Darm-
changes through a nondestructive approach. However, these ben- stadt, Germany). HAuCl4.3H2O were obtained from Shanghai Re-
efits are often associated with some sources of uncertainties agent Company (Shanghai, China). MWCNTs were purchased from
through signal measurements, which are mainly caused by time- Nanoport. Co. Ltd. (Shenzhen, China). Bovine serum albumin (BSA)
length of either of individual measurement that allows diffusion was obtained from SigmaeAldrich Chemical Co. (USA). The
of charged probe species into biosensing layer engineered at the aptamer [5ˊ-(NH2)-TTT TTT TTT TAC AGC AGA TCA GTC TAT CTT CTC
surface of transducer [15e17]. To minimize the sources of un- CTG ATG GGT TCC TAT TTA TAG GTG AAG CTG T-3ˊ was synthesized
certainties, an exclusive solution has been proposed based on using and purified by Faza Biotech Co. Ltd (Tehran, Iran).
a measurement approach that decreases possible non-specific
measurement related-changes. Operationally, it will be applied by 2.2. Culture and collection of cells
limiting the possibility of diffusion of probe species during signal
recording in FIS, which mostly occurs in low frequencies region The leukemia K562 cell line was cultured in RPMI and supple-
(Warburg portion). The aborting the Warburg portion can assist in mented with 10% fetal bovine serum, penicillin (0.1 g mL1), and
decreasing the possible non-specific signal changes. Another streptomycin (0.1 g mL1) in an incubator (5% CO2, 37  C). After
strategy rely on signal assessment by “single frequency measure- collecting, the cells sample were centrifuged at 500 rpm (5 min)
ment” (SFM), the procedure that is able to dramatically reduce the and separated from medium, it was washed twice with sterilized
measurement time to a few seconds and even shorter. 0.01 M PBS (pH 7.4). The sediment was further suspended in spe-
Electrospinning as a versatile method was utilized to fabricate a cific volume of 0.1 M of PBS buffer to obtain final concentration of
polymer-based nanofiber in role of platform to incorporate the 107 cell mL1 (stock solution). The desired concentration was ob-
exclusive properties of nanostructure shaped PES in a new tained by successive dilution from the stock solution. The cell
biosensor for fast monitoring of K562. There are various advantages numbers were estimated by a Petroff-Hausser cell counter.
for the PES, including the resistance to many solvents and chem-
icals, mechanical stability, good electrical characteristics, low creep 2.3. Apparatus and measurements
and easy processing in sensor construction [18]. The combination of
these advantages with the well-known properties of AuNPs in Electrochemical measurements were performed with a m-
electrochemistry aided us to fabricate a platform tailored for bio- Autolab type III (Eco Chemie B.V.A) computer-controlled poten-
sensing application, where a sensitive device with good long-term tiostat and running with the Nova 1.11 software. The electro-
stability and repeatability was established for detection of K562. chemical cell was equipped with a saturated Ag/AgCl as reference
During recent decades, frequent reports have expressed different electrode, a Pt wire as auxiliary electrode, and with the prepared
abilities for AuNPs in electrochemical (bio) sensors. It has proper biosensor as the working electrodes. FIS measurements were
biocompatibility in biomolecules detection, high effective surface possessed in a solution containing K3Fe(CN)6/K4Fe(CN)6 (1:1,
area, improved sensitivity and outstanding electrocatalytic activity 0.5 mM) as the redox probe, with an AC voltage amplitude of 5 mV
[19]. AuNPs function as “electron antennae” that efficiently trans- and a frequency range of 10 kHz to 0.01 Hz at an open-circuit po-
port electrons between the electrode and the electroactive species, tential (OCP). For the fabrication of PES-NF, a laboratory scale
thus, promoting the kinetics of electron transfer processes [20,21]. electrospinning setup was employed.
In this work, we introduced a robust and biocompatible ternary
composite employed in immobilization of a capture probe ssDNA 2.4. Preparation of GCE/PES-NF/AuNPs/MWCNT/ssDNA
able to assay K562 cells. The poly(ether sulfone) (PES) was
appointed for the construction of an electrospun nanofibers sub- After the electrode cleaning with commonly used procedures,
layer, since it could provide a mechanical strength, continuous the GCE/NF was prepared by electrospinning in the solution of PES
porous structure with a large surface area, chemical and biological (20 wt %) in ethanol. At first, the solution of 3% wt. of PES was
compatibility, and proper electrical conductivity [18,22,23]. The prepared in ethanol and sonicated for 30 min to disperse it
results of comparative examinations disclosed the best perfor- completely. The electrospinning process was performed under
mance for the ternary composite PES/AuNPs/MWCN in trans- electric fields of ca. 100 kV m1. The voltage applied to a 30 cm gap
duction of the tiny specific binding events occurred between the between the spinneret and the collector (glass carbon electrode).
recognition element, ssDNA, and the K562 cancer cells target at the Next, the AuNPs were electrodeposited onto the GCE/NF by CV
electrode/electrolyte interface by FIS. Exploiting SFM in different scanning from 0.2e1.2 V in a solution of 0.5 M H2SO4 containing
individual frequencies makes it possible to transduce the occurred 0.6 M of HAuCl4 at a scan rate of 50 mV s1 for 15 cycles. In the next
affinity interactions over times around a few seconds, depending step, 1 mg of the treated MWCNTs were dispersed in 1 mL of DMF
the magnitude of the applied frequency. It can minimize possible by an ultrasonic bath for one hour; then 2 mL of the prepared sus-
sources of uncertainties caused by non-specific interactions during pension was dropped onto the surface of the GCE/NF/AuNPs and
relatively long measurement time for recording Nyquist plots. was dried at room temperature. For preparing the biosensor, the
Finally, the obtained data with SFM were compared to the main GCE/NF/AuNPs/MWCNTs were immersed in 0.05 M PBS (pH 7.0)
1500 M. Shamsipur et al. / Electrochimica Acta 283 (2018) 1498e1506

containing 20 mM of EDC and 40 mM of NHS for 30 min to activate GCE (a), GCE/NF (b), GCE/NF/AuNPs (c) and GCE/NF/AuNPs/
the interfacial carboxylic groups at the surface confined MWCNTs MWCNTs (d). In order to avoid the possible “measurement related
on the composite platform. In following and after quick washing impedance changes” with higher concentrations of charged probe
with PBS, 2 mL of 10 mM of aptamer was carefully drop-casted onto [16,24], we performed measurements using 0.5 mM of [Fe(CN)6]3-/
the pretreated composite electrode and dried for 1 h in RT. The (instead of the typically used concentrations 5e10 mM). Fig. 2A
fabricated biosensor was soaked in 1% BSA for 30 min to eliminate displays the Nyquist plots recorded in 0.5 mM of the redox probe.
the possible nonspecific adsorption. The overall schematic of the An ideal Nyquist plot demonstrates a semicircle with a diameter
composite electrode preparation and biosensing approach is shown corresponding to the charge transfer resistance (Rct) of heteroge-
in Scheme 1. Finally, the GCE/NF/AuNPs/MWCNT/ssDNA was dried neous redox reaction of the probe's Faradaic process at the elec-
in air and stored at 4  C in 0.1 M PBS of pH 7.4 when not in use. trode/electrolyte interface. In a usual manner, the semicircle is
followed by diagonal straight line, emerged at lower frequencies,
3. Results and discussion corresponding to the impedance of current due to diffusion elec-
troactive species from solution to the electrode interface (Warburg
3.1. Morphological and electrochemical characterizations of the element, W). Then, in order to calculate the relevant Rct, the ob-
GCE/PES-NF/AuNPs/MWCNT tained impedance curve was fitted into an electrical circuit, which
was designed based on the features of the obtained impedance
Fig. 1 shows the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image spectrum. The solution resistance (Rs) arises from the finite
taken for different exposed layers GCE/PES-NF (A), GCE/PES-NF/ conductance of the ions in bulk solution, which is generally not
AuNPs/(B) and GCE/PES-NF/AuNPs/MWCNT (C). Fig. 1A illustrates affected by binding events.
the two different magnification SEM image taken from GCE/NF that The capacitance between the electrode and array of ions in so-
shows a diameter about 200 ± 50 nm for the electrospun PES lution can be modeled as a series of combination of surface
nanofibers. The represented SEM image for GCE/NF/AuNPs (Fig. 1B) capacitance and double layer capacitance [24e27]. The impedance
allows for comparison size of the electrodeposited AuNPs that spectra of the modified electrode were consistent with a modified
homogeneously are distributed on the PES-NFs. Further consider- Randles' model, where, the double-layer capacitance (Cdl) is
ation disclosed the size of AuNPs ca. 22 ± 7 nm. The next image replaced by a constant phase element (CPE), due to “frequency
(Fig. 1C) describes the morphology of the surface covered by a well- dispersion”. The terms frequency dispersion (or capacitance
dispersed solution of MWCNT. It demonstrates a mean diameter of dispersion) arise from diverse source that heterogeneously
about 51 ± 6 nm for the MWCNTs that are fully covered the GCE/ distribute capacitance and is attributed to surface-roughness/-
PES-NF/AuNPs (C). The Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy heterogeneities, fractal geometry caused by dilatational symme-
(EDX) and Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-ray try fact, porosity of surfaces, various local composition and slow
Spectroscopy (SEM/EDX) images are shown in Fig. 1D. The EDX and adsorption reactions [28e30]. The represented Nyquist plot for the
EDX/SEM clearly indicates the presence of different percentages of bare GCE displayed a relatively small Rct (Fig. 2A curve a), mean-
C, Au, and O at the prepared composite electrode. while, the Rct value disclosed a great enhancement for the
To illuminate the capability of interfacial charge transfer for the possessed curve at the GCE/NF (Fig. 2A, curve b), suggesting that
different exposed layers, FIS and CV were carried out in a solution of the electrospinning of PES onto the surface of GCE dramatically
0.5 mM [Fe(CN)6]3-/4- and 0.1 M KCl. The corresponding Nyquist disturbs the charge transfer process and capability of charge-
plots (Fig. 2A) and voltammograms (Fig. 2B) are represented for transfer was diminished (Fig. 2A, curve b).

Scheme 1. Overall illustration for fabrication of the K562 biosensor.

M. Shamsipur et al. / Electrochimica Acta 283 (2018) 1498e1506 1501

Fig. 1. SEM images of GCE/PES-NF (A), GCE/NF/AuNPs (B), GCE/NF/AuNPs MWCNTs (C). SEM-EDAX and EDAX spectrum recorded at GCE/NF/AuNPs MWCNTs elemental different
showing signal of C, O and Au, respectively, as is illustrated (D).

Importantly, it should be pointed out that over the middle range that the use of PES-NF as a sublayer could deliver a functionalized
of pH in aqueous solutions, the relatively hydrophobic PES surfaces platform with the higher effective surface area. This property,
strongly adsorbs anions and revealed a negative zeta potential coupled with the upper nanostructured layers AuNPs and func-
values [31]. Therefore, the electrostatic interaction between the tionalized MWCNTs, assisted us to prepare a device with much
negative charged GCE/PES-NF and the negatively-charged redox higher density of recognition elements at a particular geometric
probe, [Fe(CN)6]3-/4-, can justifies one portion of the significance area. In addition, the presence of NF as a robust hydrophobic sub-
impedance increase in Fig. 2A curve b. As expected, the electrically- layer can assist the composite to keep intact the established ar-
driven deposition of AuNPs on the GCE/NF impressively decreased chitecture in an entirely hydrophilic region. This feature could
the diameter of impedance spectra (Fig. 2A, curve c). After the prolong the life-time and stability of the sensing device, the subject
anchoring of MWCNTs on GCE/NF/AuNPs, the composite electrode that through the experimental studies was proved.
exhibited a much lower interfacial charge transfer resistance for the In the next experiments, the successful immobilization of the
occurred redox reaction (Fig. 2A, curve d), providing a well- capture probes on the GCE/PES-NF/AuNPs/MWCNT was explored
established composite surface ready for induction of the appro- by FIS and CV (Fig. 2C and D). The displayed impedance curves in
priate selectivity toward K562-cell by the desired sequenced of Fig. 2C clearly confirmed the covalent attachment of NH2 termi-
anti-K562 aptamer. For further clarification, the corresponding nated sequence on the carboxylated MWCNT-COOH interface. As
cyclic voltammograms after each step of surface modification were seen, upon immobilization of the aptamer, the Rct value largely
recorded and the results found to be in agreement with the increased (Fig. 2C, curve b) compared to that obtained the from
impedance data (Fig. 2B). The preliminary examinations exhibited Nyquist plot for the non-bioconjugated composite interface
1502 M. Shamsipur et al. / Electrochimica Acta 283 (2018) 1498e1506

Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammograms (A) and Nyquist plots (B) recorded in the solution 0.1 M KCl 0.5 mM [Fe(CN)6]3/4- for GCE (a), GCE/nano fiber (b), GCE/NF/AuNPs (c) and GCE/NF/
AuNPs/MWCNTs (d). Cyclic voltammograms (C) and Nyquist diagrams (D) recorded at GCE/NF/AuNPs/WMCNTs (a), GCE/NF/AuNPs/MWCNTs/ssDNA (b) and GCE/NF/AuNPs/
MWCNTs/ssDNA after treatment with 1  103 cells mL1 of K562 cells (c).

(Fig. 2C, curve a). This signal enhancement was ascribed to the concentrations of the aptamer were considered and the corre-
physical coverage by the oligonucleotides and the resulting repul- sponding binding events were monitored by FIS (see Figs. S1A and
sive electrostatic-interaction between negatively charged phos- B). The biosensor prepared with the immobilized concentration of
phate backbones of the ssDNA with [Fe(CN)6]3/4-. The next FIS 10 mM aptamer delivered approximately 95% of the highest
measurement was accomplished at the K562 treated-biosensor, response, while, 40% increase in aptamer concentration (i.e., up to
where the prepared biosensor was soaked for the optimized incu- 14 mM) caused only 5% improvement in the response. Apart from
bation time of 40 min in a solution of 1  103 cells mL1 of this, during frequent experimental tests, it was found that the
K562 cells. In this case, the Rct value distinctly increased (Fig. 2C, sensor constructed by 10 mM of aptamer revealed initial responses,
curve c), signifying the creation of an effective barrier due to which were much more repeatable and more confident than those
binding of the bulky targets to the recognition elements immobi- of other biosensors fabricated using the higher concentration of
lized on the platform, which suppresses the access of redox probe aptamer, most possibly because the increased probability of the
to the surface of electrode. The corresponding CV results were nonspecific interactions toward the surface. It caused the aggre-
found to be in agreement with the obtained FIS spectra in the redox gating of recognition elements (aptamers) so that, during the
probe solution (Fig. 2D). measurements, will lead to some uncertainties and fluctuations in
To evaluate the role of PES and AuNPs on the performance of the response.
cytosensor, we compared the corresponding impedance data Moreover, the effect of incubation time, as an imperative
recorded at the GCE/PES-NF/AuNPs/MWCNT (Fig. 3A), GCE/PES-NF/ parameter for the complex formation between recognition element
MWCNT (Fig. 3B) and GCE/AuNPs/MWCNT (Fig. 3C) toward and target, was investigated for the different incubation times of
1  103 cells mL1 of K562 cells. The respective sensitivities were 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 min. The corresponding impedance signal
found to be 1.06 U cell1, 0.487 U cell1, and 0.202 U cell1, drastically increased up to 40 min, while the longer incubation
respectively, indicating the superior performance of GCE/PES-NF/ times did not improve the DRct response significantly, so 40 min
AuNPs/MWCNT in transduction of the occurred affinity events be- was selected as the optimal incubation time during all measure-
tween the immobilized aptamer and K562 cells. The corresponding ments (Figs. S1C and D).
calculated effective surface area found to decrease in the order of
GCE/PES-AuNPs > GCE/PES > GCE, which is consisting with the re- 3.3. Analytical performance of cytosensor
sults of the biosensors prepared based on these platforms.
To evaluate the effect of different concentration of K562 cells on
3.2. Optimization studies the response of the biosensor, the respective Nyquist plots were
measured, after incubation (for 40 min) of aptamer in a buffer so-
In order to immobilize the K562-aptamer on the GCE/NF- lution of pH 7.4 containing different amounts of cells, over the
AuNPs/MWCNTs, primarily, the solutions containing different frequency range of 105e0.1 Hz, with AC amplitude of 5 mV and in a
M. Shamsipur et al. / Electrochimica Acta 283 (2018) 1498e1506 1503

Fig. 3. Nyquist plots recorded in the solution 0.1 M KCl 0.5 mM [Fe(CN)6]3/4- for GCE/PES-NF/AuNPs/MWCNT (A), GCE/PES-NF/MWCNT (B) and GCE/AuNPs/MWCNT (C) toward
1  103 cells mL1 of K562 cells.

solution of 0.5 mM of the redox probe. A complete calibration curve [16,32e34]. Although more elucidation of such behavior aimed to
was obtained from the resulting impedance data for the proposed be studied by our research group.
biosensor over a concentration range of 1  102e7  107 cells mL1
(see Fig. 4A). In details, upon the successive increase in the cell
3.4. Single frequency measurements: shortening the measurement
population in the incubation solution, a new equilibrium was
established at the interfacial electrode/electrolyte region, where
the higher target concentrations induced the successful formation
In recent decades, Faradaic impedance measurements have
of an affinity complex between recognition element and the target
been extensively employed in monitoring charge transfer changes
cell. The event occurred impeded the interfacial electron transfer
caused by interfacial binding events at surface of improved trans-
process of [Fe(CN)6]3/4- and caused a gradual increase in the
ducers for bio-/sensing of various diverse analytes. Most of all
diameter of Nyquist plot's semicircle. Accordingly, the measured Rct
Nyquist plots that were assessed during these measurements
values were sketched against log K562 cell concentration (cell
encompass a semicircle portion that was followed by a diagonal
mL1) (Fig. 4B), representing an appropriate linear relationship
straight line (Warburg line) corresponding to the impedance of
over the concentration range from 1  102 to 7  107 cells mL1
diffusion electroactive species from bulk solution to the interfacial
with a correlation coefficient of 0.9941. The detection limit (DL) was
region. Warburg line typically emerges in low frequencies, where
calculated based on three times standard deviation of the blank
the lower rate of polarities changes allow conducting Faradaic
signals (3s) as 60 cells mL1.
process, leading to diffusion of electroactive spices, i.e., charged
These results signified the proper affinity of the aptamer to
redox probe, to the sensing layer confined at the surface of elec-
target at the transducer surface, which found to be improved or
trode. These events could induce gross non-specific signal changes
comparable to those of previously reported electrochemical assay
and limit the accuracy of quantitative sensing methods.
methods for K562 cancer cell (Table 1). From inset of Fig. 4B, it can
Using of mostly positive DC (>0.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl) potential in
infer that the interaction of such biochemical reactions as antibody-
working with negative charged probe Fe(CN)3/46 results in rear-
antigens, DNA hybridization, protein-protein interaction and
rangement of the negatively charged species in biosensing layer
protein-DNA interactions are predominates by MichaeliseMenten
and variation of charge transfer resistance, the changes that is
relations. This mechanism explains the binding events in
referred as “measurement-related Rct changes” [15]. Herein, during
biochemical systems, in which the binding process become slow
impedimetric bioassay procedure, we used lower concentration for
with increasing target concentration. In brief, the existence of such
redox probe (0.5 mM) and aborted Nyquist plot upon approaching
behavior can be regarded as the main reason that confines the
Warburg region to avoid any “measurement-related Rct changes”.
magnitude of signal change obtained for a fixed incubations time
We concluded that a shortening in the measurement time over a
1504 M. Shamsipur et al. / Electrochimica Acta 283 (2018) 1498e1506

recording one complete spectrum that could dramatically diminish

the measurement time from around several min to the times lower
than 10 s. In this work, the variation of total impedance (jZj) as a
function of K562 concentration at several frequencies, in low fre-
quencies region were explored and the obtained relations were
plotted in Fig. 5A. The relative variations in the slopes of jZj vs. log
[K562] were compared with the slope obtained by the calibration
from multi-sine measurements (Fig. 5B). It was shown that, in
different applied frequencies, the relative variation of the slopes is
less than 15%. Therefore, a calibration curve with a comparable
sensitivity can be constructed by recording only one jZj value for
each concentration. Utilizing this alternative strategy lead to a
considerable savings in time and easily working.

3.5. Reproducibility, repeatability, stability and specificity

Reproducibility of the evaluated signal was studied at the sur-

face of GCE/NF/AuNPs/MWCNTs/ssDNA. The EIS response of the six
electrode constructed precisely through same procedure was
investigated by Faradaic impedance measurements. The relative
standard deviation (RSD) of the six measurement for particular
concentration of K562 cancer cells was calculated to be 2.87%,
indicating high reproducibility of the extended sensing device
under the optimized experimental condition. The repeatability of
the response was also considered for the biosensor after six mea-
surement for K562 treated electrode (i.e., 1000 cell mL1). The
relative standard deviation (RSD) was obtained as 2.16%. The sta-
bility of the constructed biosensor was finally investigated. After 18
day storing in dark (4  C), the signal change was evaluated and
signified that 89.7% of its initial response was retained, compared
with the freshly prepared electrode. The binding specificity be-
tween the fabricated biosensor and some possible interferences
including MCF-7, prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and A239 was
compared to the K562 response (Fig. 6). The corresponding changes
occurred in the transduced signal are shown on top of each bar as
Fig. 4. (A) EIS responses of GCE/NF/AuNPs/MWCNTs/ssDNA after incubation with
percent. The increase in Rct for the bound complex of K562 and its
different concentrations of K562 cancer cells. (B) The plot of Rct vs. log [K562] over the specific aptamer is quite obvious, while the change in charge
concentration range of 1  102e7  107 cells mL1. Inset shows the signal relate to with transfer resistance is minimal for typical selected interferences.

3.6. Human serum samples analysis

low range of frequency, just enough to attain the semicircle portion, The application of the proposed biosensor in clinical laboratory
will be beneficial. diagnosis was tested. The conventional sample preparations pro-
Particularly, in electrochemical driven protein-biosensing de- cedures was applied to prepare the serum sample for the analytical
vices, considering the fact that the population of massive target investigation of the biosensor toward K562. In details, 3 mL
proteins at the surface is variable in subsequent measurements, it is methanol was added to 2.5 mL of serum sample and, after vortexing
difficult to monitor and recognize these nonspecific signal changes. for 6 min, the precipitated proteins were separated by centrifuga-
Therefore, exploiting a transduction approach that permit lower tion for 3 min at 5500 rpm. The clear supernatant layer was filtered
occurrence of such non-specific signal changes can greatly im- through 0.45 mm milli-pore filter to obtain protein-free human
proves the accuracy of response. During this work, we also used a serum sample and its volume was adjusted to 12.5 mL using double
single frequency measurement (SFM) by the recording the total distilled water. Afterward, K562 cancer cells were spiked directly
impedance (jZj) in an individual frequency [16,35,36], instead of into blood sample preparation and the standard addition method

Table 1
Merits of some comparable published biosensors developed for the determination of K562 cells.

Transduction signal LOD (cell mL1) Liner range (cell mL1) References

Electrochemical 1000 5  103e5  107 [37]

Electrochemical 3000 1  104e1  107 [38]
Electrochemical 500 7.5  102e3.9  106 [39]
Electrochemiluminescence 46 1  102e2  107 [40]
Electrochemical 79 1  102e1  107 [41]
Electrochemical 73 1  102e1  107 [42]
Electrochemical 30 1  102e1  107 [43]
Electrochemical 60 1  102e1  107 This work
M. Shamsipur et al. / Electrochimica Acta 283 (2018) 1498e1506 1505

Fig. 7. The Nyquist plots of cytosensor in the solution 0.1 M KCl 0.5 mM [Fe(CN)6]3/4-
recorded without cell incubation (a) after incubating in healthy serum (b) and CML
serum patient (c).

was applied to measure the K562 cancer cells content using the EIS
method. The recovery of the K562 cancer cells was found to be
between 90.02 and 104.1% (Table 2), representing the appropriate
analytical performance of the method toward blood samples con-
taining K562.
Similar measurement were also conducted in serum sample of
CML patient and its response was compared with a normal sample
of a healthy person, a brief examination that disclosed the capa-
bility of the biosensors in identification of a CML patient. As shown
in Fig. 7, the Rct response of the biosensor before and after treat-
Fig. 5. A) Variation of total impedance (jZj) as a function of [K562]. In several fre- ment to the CML sample was drastically changed from 571 to
quency. B) The relative variation of the slopes of in either of individual frequencies in 1217 U, while a similar procedure for the healthy sample shows that
comparison to the multi-sine calibration showed in Fig. 3. the Nyquist plot did not show significant change in Rct (613 U).

4. Conclusions

We know that fast and quantitative detection of cancer cells can

take away a part of the cancer-related suffering from the patient's
side. In this study, a non-complicated and easy produced composite
was employed to support a single strand DNA able to monitor K562
cancer cells. We believes the composing of PES, AuNPs and
MWCNTs cannot introduce a new approach in material engineer-
ing, but the displayed performance of composite in conjugation
with the recognition element would promise us to reports a
powerful biosensing device for K562 in routine analyses. Although,
the procedure of signal transduction by recording the conventional
Nyquist is associated with some possible source of uncertainties
through signal recording, as is expressed in the discussion section,
we aimed challenges to counteract them by assisting SFM. This
procedure significantly saved time of transduction of the binding
events occurred at the electrode/electrolyte interface. The results
Fig. 6. Comparison of the EIS responses of GCE/NF/AuNPs/MWCNTs/ssDNA by showed a promising a correlation in figure of merit when using
employing different cells. (MCF-7, prostate-specific antigen (PSA), A239 and K562 cells
SFM in compared to its traditional multi-sine procedure.
(1  104 cells mL1).

Table 2
Determination K562 cancer cells in blood sample.

Number of sample Spiking K562 cell (cells mL1) Detected K562 cell (cells mL1) RSD% (n ¼ 3) (%) Recovery (%)

1 3  103 3.12  103 2.11 104.1

2 1  104 9.64  103 2.02 96.39
3 2  105 1.80  105 1.91 90.02
4 2  106 1.95  106 1.45 97.65
1506 M. Shamsipur et al. / Electrochimica Acta 283 (2018) 1498e1506

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761 (2016) 80e88.
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