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F’s 2nd Grade

February 4, 2019

This Week
Student Days
We started Unit 5 “Measurement and Data”
February 18-President’s Day
in math last Friday. Please go to the Math
tab on our website to access an excellent . Homework
overview on this unit and what you can do at
March 15-Teacher Profes- home to reinforce learning. Please access
the thinkcentral website via our classroom website un-
sional Development
der “Online Resources.” That link is specific to our -Read at least
April 5-Teacher’s work day
school and if you simply google thinkcentral, you will
May 24-Teacher Professional not be able to log in. There will be learning opportuni- 20 minutes per
Development ties for Measurement and Data assigned to your child
April 8-12-Spring Break
on thinkcentral. night
May 27-Memorial Day I also now have BenchMark our new ELA program up
and running online. Please see under the “Online Re-
sources” tab of my classroom website.
June 13-Last day of school
Our Math “Parent University” will be on February 12th
-10 minutes of
from 2:30-4:00. I have heard from the math coach, thinkcen-
Mrs. Jennifer Sharp that I have lots of parents that
have signed up for this. The link to do so was sent in an AKA
email last week. I will be there as well to discuss what
you can work on specifically with your child. gomath
Regarding a Valentine party, your child is welcome to
make a collection box at home and bring it to school on
Valentine’s Day. They will have an opportunity to pass
out their Valentines during snack time in the morning.
Your child will be bringing home a hand written list of
their classmates’ names’ soon.

Specials’ Schedule

Day 1 - PE
Day 2 - HN
Day 3 - ART
Day 4 - FLES
Day 5– MUSIC

Daily Schedule
Lunch –12:00-12:45
Specials - 8:55-9:40
Thursdays– Lunch - Reminders
11:45-12:15  Please review the lunch menu with your child daily.
Specials-8:45-9:20  Water bottles
Additional FLES-  Snack should be sent in everyday.
Day 2 8:05-8:50

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