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Review King Arthur Movie

King Arthur is movie was produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by

Antoine Fuqua, David Franzoni, author of the original manuscript for the Gladiator,
wrote the screenplay. The movie is played by Clive Owen as Arthur where Clive
Owen is able to display a charismatic figure and care for everyone. King Arthur and
his followers became an important role in this movie and able to attract the attention
of the audience. The quality of the picture and the effects in this movie is very good
so, audience can feel the situation in that era. This movie was raised based on the
history of Roman in England. Historically, Romans had succeeded in controlling a
large part of England, and suddenly they had to faced their fate. In the 410th century,
after Roman rule was over, many German tribes came to England, they were angles. ,
saxon, and danes. In the movie the focus was played about Roman power at the time.
King Arthu is a descendant of the king and is of English blood. He has a close
relationship with Pelagius. Arthur was teach a good thing by peagius. Arthur has a
goal to make Britain a peaceful and free place. Germanius bishops rule them to
complete the last mission they have to do to get freedom. Arthur as the sarmatian
leader wanted another knight or his followers get that freedom. However, they did not
stop at that time. They found a new mission to saved Marius from the Saxon attack.
marius acknowledged himself as a god and made people become his slaves. Arthur
and other knights rescued a child and a woman named Guinivere who had been put in
prison because they have refuted marius command. Guinivere is descendants of tribal
woads. finally, Arthur and the tribe of woads formed an alliance to attack Saxon. In
the end the war was turned off by Arthur but, Arthur must lose his followers.
There are several aspects that can be found in this movie. One of them is how social,
cultural, political and religion in this movie.
Social and Culture

At the beginning of the story show that children in 10-15 years old were appointed
by the Romans to become knights and become king's guards. This is done as a
reaction to the Romans when Arthur and other knights success to defeat woads, they
return to their place and meet their families. This movie shows an atmosphere that
makes them fascinated, they celebrate with a party of drinking, eating and singing.
They let go of mutual longing with their wives, children and friends. Besides it, the
thing that can be done in this movie is all problems were done with war. Almost part
in the story present action of war. War has become a solution to the problem. Besides
it, we can see in some scenes that show some people working for farming.


Based on the history of Britain the spread of Christianity occurred during

Roman rule. In this movie, how the bishops use the Christian movement for certain
purposes. Christian teaching was used as a tool to make some people became slaves.
Everyone who denies will be punished and killed. In this way people who dare to
deny the teachings of bishops are considered infidels and to atone their sins, they
must be punished. Unlike Pelagius who spreads the ideology of freedom and equality.
This teaching is called as heretic prophet. Arthur and other knights also wanted
intelligence for British society. They do not believe in something that is considered

Relations with other tribes

At the beginning of the story, the Roman knight must deal with tribes woads.
Told that woads hate Arthur. Even though they realized that Arthur has a king's
characteristic, they formed an alliance. Arthur and other knights have a good
relationship with the tribe of woads because Arthur has saved Guinivera as the
descendants of woads.
Theory of English Culture
Review king arthur movie

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