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Name : Muhammad Ishaidir Siregar

Student Number : 1706975034

Faculty & Class : Faculty Of Mathematic and Natural Science – MPKT B Q

1. Title of the article: Taking Responsibility

2. Author(s): The Jakarta Post Weekender Magazine, July 2007

3. Explain in two or three sentence why you have chosen this article: Why I have chosen this
article, because this article tells about how we do use the resource in efficiently for
industries, and this article tells us about how Industrial activities caused negative effects to
our environment. As current generation we must have a big responsibility to minimalize
that can be killing our planet and also have responsibility to manage all resource on the

4. Explain briefly in four or five sentence what the article is about: This article about of
insanity people on the earth who don’t have any responsibility used the assests. They don’t
think the negative effects that they will make to our future generation, like they are
exploiting fish that caused reduction in fish populations and clear cutting million hectares
of rainforest which has function as the lungs of the world only to make enormous profits
for their industries and themselves.

5. What is the writer’s message or purpose in writing this article: The messeges of the writer
for the readers is we have a huge responsibility to keep the sustainability of resources on
the earth. We have to realize that effect if we don’t have responsibility, like for future
generation, always remember don’t destroy the environment with dangerous action to
make profits for our industries. Those people who living for the sea must responsible for
well being that species an people in unrenewable resources based industries must have
developed alternative resources they are exploiting.

6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review: This
article reminds as current generation to have responsibility with action of using natural
resource We must not take actions that could cause damage to the sustainability of
environment. If we as the current generation could make the earth by beautulfully, it will
make a comfort to our next generation.

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