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You are invited to participate in a web-based online survey on the preferred venue
for to study. This is a survey project being conducted by Adele Ng Ching Lian, a student
at Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur for subject LAND 2951 Research Method.
This survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

DISCLAIMER: Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may refuse to take part
in the research or exit the survey at any time without penalty. You are free to decline
to answer any particular question you do not wish to answer for any reason. You will
receive no direct benefits from participating in this survey.

However, your responses may help us learn more about the reason behind student
prefer to study at the library or the café. We will the information confidential. All data
will be kept confidential. The surveys will not contain information that will personally
identify you. The results of this study will be used for research purposes only.

CONSENT: I have read and understood all the information written above. My
participation in this survey is voluntary and I am willing to share necessary information
for this survey.


Section A
1. What is your gender?
☐ Female
☐ Male
2. What is your race?
3. How old are you?
☐ 18- 21
☐ 21- 23
☐24 – 26
☐Above 26
4. What is your educational level?
☐Pre- University
Section B

5. How often do you go to coffee shop?

☐ once per week
☐Twice per week
☐More than twice a week
6. Please rank the following in order of importance from 1 to 4 where 1 is most
important to you and 4 is least important whenever you visit the coffee shop?

☐Fill in time

☐To study

☐Conduct meetings

☐Meet up with friends

7. How often do you go to the library?

☐ once per week
☐Twice per week
☐More than twice a week
8. Please rank the following in order of importance from 1 to 4 where 1 is most
important to you and 4 is least important whenever you visit the library?
☐Fill in time
☐To study
☐Conduct meetings
☐Meet up with friends
9. How long will it take you to study effectively?
☐Less than 1 hour
☐3-4 hours
☐5-6 hours
☐Above 7 hours
10. What factors do you usually consider before choosing a venue to study?


☐ Wi-Fi


☐Others, please specify:

11. Which venue reflect your answer above?

☐Coffee shops ☐Library
12. Does drinking coffee helps your work productively?
☐Yes ☐No
13. Which venue able to help you complete your assignments?
☐Coffee shops ☐Library
14. Are you more focused on my assignment when you are studying with what
kind of environment?
☐ Ambient noise ☐Quiet
15. Do you able to generate creative ideas when you are surrounded with noise?
☐Strongly agree
☐Strongly disagree
16. When do you visit coffee shops? (skip to question 20 if you choose the library)
17. Do you usually go to the same coffee shop or a variety of different ones?
☐The same coffee shop always
☐The same coffee shop mostly but I change sometimes
☐I go to a variety of different coffee shops
18. What are the most important factors to you when you visit a coffee shop?
Tick all that apply.
☐Quality of products
☐Variety of menu
☐Other, please specify:
19. How much you’re willing to spend in the coffee shop?
☐RM 50 – RM 80
☐RM80 – RM120
☐RM 130 – RM 170
☐RM 180 and above
20. When do you use the library? (skip to question 24 if you choose coffee shop)
☐Morning (8:30a.m – 12:00 pm)
☐Afternoon (12:00p.m- 5p.m)
☐Evening (5:00pm – 8pm)
21. Do you usually go to the same library or other public libraries?

☐The same library always

☐The same library mostly but I go to other library for resources

☐Different libraries

22. What are the most important factors to you when you visit the library?
☐Collections (Movies, Books, Audiobooks, Museum Passes, Wi-Fi Hotspots,
☐Meeting Rooms/Study Rooms
☐Quiet Reading
☐Copy Machines, Printers, or Fax
☐Wireless Connection
☐Public Computer
23. Did you find what you were looking for on your last visit
☐It was ordered for me from another library
☐Other, please specify:

Section C

24. Do you see your studies improve when you’re studying at your preferred
☐Yes ☐No

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