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The course shows us to look at ourselves, and by healing/regenerating ourselves,

others around us will heal and regenerate. It is a time for us, to nurture and nourish
our souls. We learn how to cleanse every organ, and realign our whole body. We look
at past, present and future and work with our beautiful souls. Sara Herring.


Introduction 3

Initiation 5

Room Cleansing 6

Intentions 6

Three Shadow Process 7

Removing Blocks Process 8

Visualizations 8

Meeting Your Soul 9

The Heart Crystal 11

The Sphere of Living Matter 12

Shield of Life 13

The Temple of the Soul 14

Clearing the Past 15

Change of Events – Changing the Past 16

- Family Constellation 16
Multi-Dimensional Clearing 17

Converter 18

Number Codes 19

Regeneration of the Spine 29

Organ Regeneration 31

Tooth Regeneration 32

Working with the Eyes 33

Birth Defect Process 34

An Autistic Child Process 35

Arcade Stream Process 36

2 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

Specialized Cancer Process 37

Regeneration of the Human Body 38

Treating the Treatment 39

Transplant Solution 40

The Digestive System 41

Weight Control Process 41

Change the Situation 42

Abundance Process 43

Information Source 44

Personal Record – Acknowledgements 45


This work is not new. The idea of organ regeneration and amazing healings has been
part of the sacred literature of most of the World religions. It was in the early 1990‟s
that Spiritual Scientists [a unique Russian description] who, using the Bible as a
resource, began to actively pursue and document amazing results, initially using
electronic devices and then graduating to bringing about changes, through changes in
consciousness, at the same time as Western scientists began demonstrating quantum
physics and other indigenous peoples began to share their shamanism and dreamtime

This Work Book allows the searcher to find processes that exist, where quantum
physics meets the spirit world, that enable them to bring about a new reality of health
and harmony, where they are able to access the pattern of the original matrix of
information, the Creator‟s pattern and an understanding of the inter-connectedness of
all life to re-make their own life to the original intended version, in effect to change
their world through consciousness.

The language of this book, having been drawn from various sources, uses spiritual

The soul creates light and information.

The mind moves information from the soul into consciousness

Takes the information and manifests it into matter of the visible world around us. By
changing information we change our self and our world. In essence, we may change

3 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

our world by the desire to know or observe our self. By knowing our self we get to
find the Creator.

People search for the Creator in remote places, while we realise that Creator is part of
every soul, and through consciousness part of all living matter. This recognition of the
creative power being part of all that is allows us to attain unlimited possibilities. We
use the title Creator as an alternative to All That Is or The Infinite to label the creative
force of the universe.

These are purely words, one way of trying to describe an inexact entity. You may
prefer other words to describe the Deity, or lack of one, in your life. The best news is
that, if you follow the guideline processes in this Work Book, you cannot do it wrong
and you may positively change your reality.

There are a series of Processes in this Work Book which will enable you to do works
of consciousness for yourself to deal with appearances of illness, injuries and
disharmony. You will be able to make positive changes to your self-image and other
aspects of your reality. You will begin works of regeneration of the organs in your
body that will have a positive effect on your health, if you will accept it. The ultimate
goal is to become the person that you and the Creator intended you to be.

All of our Processes contain a share point. We do not do things only for our self
because we know that all life in connected. The share point we choose is the sentence
“My healing blesses all of creation” So whatever personal issue we are addressing
we first acknowledge that when we bring healing into the world it makes all of
creation a little more complete.


The results that come from this healing work are not the result of our personal
knowledge but come out our soul‟s knowing. There is a process we share in this work
book to make accessing the area of soul knowledge more readily available.

Once we understand that we really know nothing, we open a pathway of freedom,

away from any sense of victimhood. If we don‟t know „how‟ – it‟s obviously not our
job to change it.

We can approach the healing work, for our self or another, with the freedom that „we
don‟t know how to do this‟ but we are open to accept that it can happen if we get out
of the way.

Nobel Prize Laureate, Nuclear Physicist, Richard Feynman said “All scientific
knowledge is uncertain, the experience with doubt and uncertainty is important. We
know that it is enough to be able to live and not know.”

“The one thing I am sure of is that I know nothing” – Socrates

“Train your lips to repeat as often as possible: I know nothing.” – the Talmud

4 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

Our not knowing puts us in good company.


This is not a secret society but we do become involved in secrets. Much of the
knowledge, that enables these process to bring about such changes, has been hidden
or suppressed by various forces in society that have a vested interest in all of us not
being able to heal our own lives.

There are some specific processes that we will share, early in this work shop, that give
us a grounding and awareness that will build our consciousness and ability to be part
of the healing and regeneration movement, we will be able to change reality.

This is not „head work‟, this is from the heart and you will only „get it‟ when you
come from your heart space and allow the knowledge to flow for you.

We are going to ask you to be courteous about questions. Each person is here to learn
the lessons that are for them, each experience will be unique and it will not be until
you later integrate all the experiences into your being, that you will realise how much
you have gained. Please write down any questions that you have to ensure that you
don‟t forget them while you wait. Many questions are answered in the natural flow of
information and there will be plentiful opportunities for private conversations with the

We are going to start with two “clearing processes” to ensure that both this room and
we ourselves have no negatives that will impede our progress.

5 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator
All of creation is blessed by this healing
I intend to clear this room of all negative energies.

I visualise a large silver sphere in the centre of the room, a stream of energy goes
straight up from this sphere to the Creator. I then visualise placing a smaller
sphere in each corner of the room and, as I watch, all the negative energies in the
room flow from the small spheres to the large sphere in the centre of the room.

We place the command “All negative energies from this room rise to Creator
and immediately become positive.”

I send a light impulse from my soul and fix this result with the light of the
Creator NOW


This is an active process. Get up and stand where there is at least three feet [1 meter]
clear in front of you. Visualise a column of golden light in front of you. Notice flashes
of light and energy coming from this column. Step forward into the column of light
and see how it begins to rotate around you – it is drawing away from you all negatives
and attachments. When the column begins to slow you may step out of it, feeling


This work depends very much on the intentions of the practitioners and the level of
acceptance of its clients, as does most healing work. Although you will have many
times when you feel that a specific intention is the perfect answer there is much to be
said for a generic “best possible outcome” and not being attached to a particular
outcome. You will never have reason for disappointment if your intention is for the
best possible outcome that this client can accept. Some of the things we do and say in
this workshop, and later out in the world, are challenging to believe, if you are not on
a healing path, which is why we make that a condition for joining us. We have to be
like the Queen in “Alice in Wonderland” who could believe six impossible things
before breakfast each day.
I became involved in this work because I have spent my life since I was sixteen
wanting to be a healer, although I was getting good results with other energetic
processes, I sensed that, for me, there had to be more and I wanted that for my clients,
and then for everybody else‟s clients. So here we are, gathered together in a divine
appointment to share the most exciting journey, that goes inside of us and we meet
our soul, our Creator and our self.

Now we are going to ask you what your intentions are for this workshop? What do
you want to leave here with?

6 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


All of us, to different degrees, are affected by three shadows over our life. These
shadows can be absolutely crippling or just a minor inconvenience. This process is
designed, by aligning us with the purposes and potentials that we and the Creator had
planned for us to enjoy now, to bring us out from any shadows and into the bright and
shining path of possibilities.

I am spirit, I and the Creator are one

My healing blesses all of creation
My intention with this healing process is to step out of the shadows and to achieve the
peace, confidence and ability that the Creator and I had planned for me to have now.
I go to the past, my soul knows when, to one hour before the trigger for the first event
that gave me any reason to believe that I was separate from the Creator.
From that place and time, I make a new choice, I will not go my own way, I will follow the
bright and shining path of the Creator. The other participants and events, they went their
own path of the Creator, our paths did not cross.

I am in this place of peace, this sacred site I have chosen, in the quietness on my mind the
Creator speaks, “You are the part of me, that I cannot be. You are an aspect of the Creator
having a human experience. We can never be separated, we are one.”

Once again, I go to the past, my soul knows when, to one hour before the trigger for the
first event that gave me any reason to think that I was not worthy, or not good enough in
any situation.
From that place and time, I make a new choice, I will not go my own way, I will follow the
bright and shining path of the Creator. The other participants and events, they went their
own way of the Creator, our paths did not cross.

Once again this place of peace surrounds me. The sacred site comforts me. Out of the
quietness the small gentle voice of the Creator speaks, “You are unique, together we made
you for the plan we agreed upon. Without you, the plan is unfinished. You are like the one
shining facet of the diamond that completes the thing of beauty and wonder. You are
good enough, you are worthy, you are unique. You are that part of Me that we are waiting

Once again, I go to the past, my soul knows when, to one hour before the trigger for the
first event that gave me any reason to believe that I could not trust the Creator. From that
time and place, I make a new choice, I will not go my own way, I will follow the bright and
shining path of the Creator. The other participants and events, they went their own way of
the Creator, our paths did not cross.

In the quietness, once more I hear the Voice of the Creator, “It is deep in your knowing
that we are one. You too are a creator. You have created the reality you are in now and
know that you can make another choice. Together we are part of the process of creation
we can never, not be working together.”

7 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

I feel the gratitude, the peace and the possibilities. My soul illuminates these decisions in a
burst of light and they are confirmed and fixed with the light from the Creator’s soul and
sent into infinity.


This process is to remove any hindrances or blocks that may prevent us from
receiving the best possible outcome from our healing.
I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.
My healing blesses all of creation
My intention with this process is to allow healing and transformation into my
I go into the past, my soul knows exactly when, to one hour before the first time
that an event or a decision by another person caused me to give up the freedom
to make my own decisions. From that time and place I make a new choice – I will
follow the bright and shining path that the Creator and I had planned for me
during this lifetime. By changing my past I change my life now.
My choice for freedom of decision making, now active in my life, allows me to
receive healing and transformation, allows me to accept different pathways that
help my journey through life, allows me to reach my full potential. I illuminate
this decision with a light from my soul and it is fixed with a light from the
Creators soul and sent into infinity at [date and time] ….
So it is.


We are going to be doing some visualisations during this exercise that will give us a
very unique understanding of our self and some opportunities to change our present
reality. This is a challenging process, because it is our first major “journey” and a
long one. It is also a very rewarding, fundamental step into the world of cell and organ
regeneration. If it is your intention to really understand and participate in this work for
your own benefit and because you know that every act of healing is a blessing on all
of creation – you cannot get this wrong.

Is there anyone here who feels that they have not yet accessed the gift of
visualisation? Or would like their gift to be regenerated?

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator.

My healing blesses all of creation
My intention is to accept the gifts of visualisation and understanding that the
Creator has made available. I signify my acceptance by placing one hand over
my eyes and the other hand over my heart and speaking out the words of power
“Thank you”
And so it is done.

8 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


Our first journey through our consciousness takes us into the structure of our Soul.
The soul is the Creator‟s invention and it operates, or vibrates, at a “Creator level”
and we cannot add, or take away, any part of our soul. However it is in our power to
restore it to the image the Creator had in mind when it was created.

There are some pictures in this book but we are trying to avoid the impression that
this is a rigid, only one way, process. My picture of the soul, would work for me but it
may confuse you. It may give us a point of disagreement and we would both lose
something. I will give you a word picture and the images you get will be unique to
you – the rest of us will have no idea how talented you are – and your pictures will be
the ones you get and understand when you use this process in future.

When we move through the structure of our consciousness we will arrive at the soul.
There will be pictures in the background that we will come back to visit. The flower,
the book of life and the human figures are all important, they are being projected by
your soul but we have some important work to do first.

Visualise the soul as a sphere. Like the earth, it has two poles, an upper one and a
lower one. The upper one is the Construction Point and the lower pole is the
Archiving Point, which is where we will arrive. The Archiving Point is where the
records are kept. These are the records of our incarnations and access to the
knowledge of the universe. How do you see this archive? Is it one computer, or miles
of library shelves? Beautiful books, in neat rows or dusty scrolls scattered around?
However it is, it has been working for you to a standard you could accept. This is a
time for you to make the intention

I now intend that this Archive will be able to serve my needs as my life comes
into resonance with the plan that the Creator and I had made for my life. So it is.

The soul creates a piece of information. The mind transfers the information. In this
work we activate and engage our mind, soul and consciousness. As we enter the
Archiving Point, eternity, or the dynamic future, is to our right. Infinity, or the past, is
to our left.

Flowing constantly from the Construction Point to the Archiving point [from the top
pole to the bottom pole] is a stream of light from the Creator that never stops. We will
find may gifts come from this ever-flowing light. From our position in the Archiving
Point we look to the left there is an array of nine firstborn cells, one develops during
each month of pregnancy. Between these cells there are eight screens each holding
information about the make-up of our body. We are now going to share in a process
that will imprint regenerating and reconstruction information from these screens and
cells into every cell in our body.

9 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.

My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention is to begin a work of reconstruction and regeneration through my
whole body.

I am at the Archiving Point in the light stream of the Creator.

I see my nine first-born cells. I look at them from all sides. Are they clear and
clean? They should be transparent and sparkling clean. To clean them I send a
burst of light from my soul. If I need to make changes to any of these nine first-
born cells I institute the changes now, using the wisdom of the Creator.

Then I look closely at my eight screens. They also need to be completely clean
and clear. I send a burst of light from my soul to clean and polish them. If I need
to make changes to any of these eight screens I institute these changes now using
the wisdom of the Creator. I illuminate these decisions with a burst of light from
my soul and fix the decision with the light from the Creator‟s soul and send it
into infinity.

We send regeneration decisions into infinity as all of these conditions have a history
and we are seeking to bring about changes in the past, which will appear in our
present. If we had experienced difficulties during our development time in the womb
this process begins a work of reconstruction.

10 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


This process takes you on a spiritual walk to do a complete self-assessment and
begin works of healing. This visualisation, over time, will enable you to see how
your actual life has varied from the life you and the Creator had planned for you and,
more importantly, how to return to the point we call “the Creator‟s standard for me”.

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator.

All of creation is blessed by this healing
I intend to review my past and my present.

I see my Heart Crystal l. I look carefully at the crystal, is it bright and shiny
or dark and dull? I activate a light action to clean and polish my Crystal. The
Crystal begins to vibrate which activates it to attain the Creator‟s standard
for me.

Next I see the Book of My Life. How does it look? Is it scuffed and worn, or
bright and shiny? The condition of the Book of My Life indicates to my soul
how closely my life is following the plan of the Creator. If I am not happy
with the condition of the Book of My Life I can create a new book by these
simple words; I create a new Book of My Life just as the Creator originally
planned it for me.

As I open the Book of My Life I can recognise myself. As I flip through the
pictures I find a picture where I am most comfortable with myself, in good
health, happy, where my life was most in order. This is the standard of the
Creator for me I choose to revisit that moment. I visualise stepping into that
picture and recapturing the feelings and rightness of the experience.

I will revisit the Book of My Life to see more of the Creator‟s plan.

I will call upon my Heart Crystal for many aspects of healing and so it is.

11 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


This is a process that only needs to be done once. It bestows a gift that may be called
upon for healing as often as it is needed.

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator.

All of creation is blessed by this healing

My intention is to access the Sphere of Living Matter the raw material of


I am at the Point of Archiving, the place where all the records of the Universe
are maintained. To my right I feel eternity and I open my senses to become
aware of the Peace in this condition. To my left I sense the open-ness of Infinity.
Moving as fast as I can, I go to the furthest point of infinity that I can imagine.
As I arrive I send a light impulse from my soul to eternity. This impulse, carries
all the information of the Creator‟s standards of structure and regeneration
which apply to me, my soul and my body.

Many small spheres develop around my body as a fine mist of shimmering light,
this relates to the number of regeneration processes, both my own and of the
environment, which would take me to the Creator‟s standard. The denser this
mist appears, the more processes there are to complete.

At the same time, in front of my solar plexus, a Sphere of Living Matter forms. It
is filled with golden light and energy – the light of the Creator. I am able, at any
time, to take small spheres from the Sphere of Living Matter and place it on my
own body, or the body of another, for regeneration.

I illuminate this process and fix the results with the light of the Creator NOW.

12 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

The Shield of Life is, as the name suggests, a protection Process. Not only will
this Process shield our body from negative energies but it helps to strengthen our
immune system.

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator.

All of creation is blessed by this healing.
I intend to build a Shield of Life to be protection for my entire body.

I use the very material of the Creator and build a Shield of Life. My immune
system can be restored to the Creator‟s standard and I have protection of my
entire body. I apply the Shield of Life to my third cervical vertebra which
holds the information about my immune system. I illuminate this vertebra
with the light of my soul and the light spreads to regenerate all stem cells.
The Shield of Life forms a rectangular shape and positions itself in front of
my most vulnerable area.
I give a light impulse from my soul and fix the result with the light of the
Creator and send the result to Infinity.

The Shield of Life remains constantly available and we can activate it instantly
whenever we feel under threat or surrounded by negative energies by simply
affirming Shield of Life NOW!

13 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


This process is full of possibilities for us. We may by visiting the Temple of the
Soul have revealed to us a spiritual name, a name given us by the Creator.

The name contains within it knowledge of the Creator and of our life-task. It also
accesses a stream of light which brings more power to critical healing situations or
regenerating and reconstruction processes.

The name will appear at just the right time, which may not be the first time you
use this process.

I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.

My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention is to visit the Temple of the Soul and seek the spiritual name
that the Creator has for me.

I go to the high level of my soul, to the Archiving Point. Before me there is a

temple at the top of twelve steps. I climb the steps and cross a courtyard.
I step into the cool dark interior of the temple. It is beautiful. Hidden lights
shine on stunning paintings. Gentle musical tones play quietly. As I step
forward a spotlight shines on a marble table and highlights a book laying
closed on the table. A voice whispers “You may open the book”. As you reach
toward the book you see a letter on the cover. This is the first letter of your
spiritual name. Browse carefully through the book and notice the other
letters that you see. Some names are long, some are short. Then on the back
cover will be the last letter of your spiritual name.

If my name is complete, I close the book and thank the Creator, who is a
tangible presence in the temple. [If my name is not completed on this visit
then I close the book and silently ask when I should re-visit the temple]

14 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

I leave the temple and go down the steps to my Archiving Point. I illuminate
the memory of this visit with a light burst from my soul and fix the result
with a light from the Creator‟s soul‟
So it is.


To apply many of these processes now we need to take things out of our past.
Quantum physics teaches that everything is made up of light and information and
everything can be changed. By changing the past, we change the future, by changing
ourself we change the world.

This process is unique and does not need to be repeated although repetition will do no

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator.

All of creation is blessed by this healing.
My intention is to clear my past.

Considering the salvation of all people I have made the decision that in this and
in previous lives I did not kill, I did not participate in cannibalism, I did not steal
to enrich myself, I did not build weapons to kill people, I was not involved in any
destruction, in which lives were destroyed, I did not offer black magic and I was
not the cause of any negative events.

I send a light from my soul and illuminate this decision with the Creator‟s light. I
fix this decision NOW

15 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


Before you use each new Process, whether it concerns health or specific events we
need to change the cause which led to the present condition. We mentally go back in
time to 1 Hour before the trigger of the cause that led to the event, then from that
place we say:

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator.

All of creation is blessed by this healing.

I do not participate in upcoming events. I choose the bright path of the Creator.
The events and all participants have chosen their bright paths of the Creator.
Our paths do not cross. I send a light impulse from my soul and illuminate this
decision with the Creator‟s light. I fix this decision NOW.


There are circumstances within our family constellations, the interlocked network of
relationships, generations, debts and burdens, negatives and positives, which impact
upon us now, maybe without our knowledge.

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator.

All of creation is blessed by this healing.

I widen my consciousness to be aware of the family constellation that includes

I expand and become aware of seven generations which have passed and seven
generations which are yet to come.
I am one with the Creator and we cut every negative connection, every debt or
burden that would prevent me from becoming the person that the Creator and I
have planned that I should become.

16 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

As these negative ties are loosed and my spirit feels lighter within me, I can now
intend that I follow the path of the Creator. Other participants follow their own
path of the Creator, our paths do not cross. Negative outcomes are avoided.

I illuminate this action with a light impulse from my soul and the Creator
confirms and fixes the result with a burst of light and sends the result into

There are some conditions which seem to defy our logical understanding and our
feeling is this had to come from „somewhere else‟. Quantum Physicists now talk in
terms of eleven dimensions, Shambhalla Healing deals with thirteen dimensions. In
this process we clear each of the other dimensions so that there are no negative inputs
or surprises.

We are then able to invite the “me” in another dimension who has already achieved
the healing outcome I seek, to imprint me with a further blueprint. that will speed my
journey toward reaching the place that the Creator and I had planned for me to be in

I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.

My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention with this healing is to clear any negative influences from other
dimensions and to invite specific healing and encouragement from another

I journey to the Archiving Point in the light stream of the Creator.

I step forward into the Hall of Dimensions and am greeted by three beings.
I mentally ask to have all of the other dimensions cleared of any negative inputs.
A large screen in front of me bursts into light. A large diagram, like a road map,
appears on the screen and as I watch, each of the lines representing a dimension
turns green as it is cleared for me.

The three beings then ask me to turn and face another screen. I now intend to
ask the „me‟ in another dimension who has already achieved this healing
intention and is more advanced than I am on the journey to being the person
that I and the Creator had planned for us to be now to support me.

The screen flickers and turns gold. Within the swirling gold light there is a
shape. The three beings urge me forward and I step into the screen. A quiver
goes through my whole body as I step forward into the golden light. It is like
being wrapped in the softest imaginable material.

The screen goes dark. The three beings each touch their „third eye‟ with the
index finger of their right hand and lightly touch my mouth.

I illuminate this experience with a light from my soul and fix it with a light from
the Creator‟s soul.

17 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

The Converter is a Process for converting negative cells to positive. For example,
negative diseased cells can be turned into positive healthy cells by this Process. Or
you may decide to put grey hair into the Converter so that it returns to its natural
colour. There are many possibilities.

How does the Converter work? It collects the negative cells you nominate or that
it finds, if you institute a „whole body scan‟ and takes them into the ground where
they are bathed in a bath of living matter of the Creator and then returned as
positive cells. It can also „convert‟ negative thoughts or weather events.

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator

All of creation is blessed by this healing.
My intention is to use the Converter to transform negative cells [thoughts,
hair colours etc] and transform them immediately into positive cells.

I time travel back to one hour before the “trigger” for the cause of my health

I see the cause of this illness [or situation], from this place I say, I do not
participate in the illness, I choose my way, the way of Creator. Other events
and participants have chosen their way of Creator – our paths did not cross. I
send a light from my soul and illuminate this with the light of Creator. I fix
the decision now.

I program the Converter „Negative to Positive and Regeneration to the

Creator‟s standard for me. I put the Converter on the leader cell of any

18 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


Partially translation from


“ghost healing- live. de” - PRO Bios teachings of G. Grabowoj

(E. Thape 17NOV2010 - )

21.1 Key information of numbers

Every number stands for a mental condition

1 Beginning

2 Activity/Action

3 Results

4 interaction of the exterior reality

5 inner reality, cell level

6 optical system of the information

19 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

7 the platform or aspect of the soul's development

8 space-time construction or the exit into infinity

9 number of the creator, which includes all previous elements

0 the zero is a specific structure. It marks a special space, when a number changes its quality (zero

We'll explain this with an example of the number sequence for overweight according to Grabavoj:

Overweight 4812412

4 - Is the correlation between the external worlds, which becomes a new quality of time, if it changes

Its interaction with the external world

8 - The time of infinity changes the reality

1- That which got changed, will be a beginning for you

2- Starting at the beginning, you'll start an action

4- you'll create a new interaction with the exterior world

1 - you'll change through the new relationships to the new world

2 - From this state you'll start acting differently

Your body will start to act differently; it's striving back to the standard of the Creator. The
overweight looses itself.

In this way you can grasp the number sequence.

Unknown sicknesses:

Body consists of 7 parts and every part gets a number allocated:

Head 1819999

Neck/Throat 18548321

Right Arm/Hand 1854322

20 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

Left Arm/Hand 4851384

Torso 5185213

Right Leg/Foot 4812531

Left Leg/Foot 485148291

Selection of known "diseases"/sicknesses

and the relating number combinations for harmonizing and healing:

Harmonizing the present 71042 Name target of concentration (focus)

Harmonizing the future 148721091 """

Harmonizing the past 7819019425 """

Plants 8111120218 """

Animals 555142198110 """

All unknown diseases/sicknesses choose in relation to the body:

Unknown diseases general 1884321

Examples of specific diseases/sicknesses/illnesses

Acute respiratory insufficiency 1257814

Acute cardiovascular insufficiency 1895678

Acute critical condition 1258912

Alcoholism 148543292

Allergies 45143212

Arteriosclerosis 54321898

21 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

Arthritis 8111110

Arthritis, rheumatoid 8914201

Alcohol addiction 148543292

Anemia 48543212

Eye illnesses 1891014

Asthma bronchial 8943548

Respiratory system illness 5823214

Occupational illness 4185481

Musculoskeletal system 514218873

Normalizing Blood system 148542139

Blood scaling Biochemical 514832189

Blood pressure higher 8145432

Blood pressure lower 8143546

Blood system illness 1843214

Connective tissue illness, diffuse 5485812

Bronchitis, acute 4812567

Bronchitis, chronic 4218910

Surgical illness 18574321

Craniomypathy 8421432

Griping 8123457

Diabetes mellitus 8819977

Circulatory disorder 1454210

Diarrhea 81234573

Drug addiction 5333353

22 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

Depression manic 514218857

Ovaritis 5143548

Epilepsy 1484855

Fatty Liver 5143214

Female Disorder 1489145

Gallstone disease 0148012

Gastritis 5485674

Gastritis acute 4567891

Gastritis chronic 5489120

Vascular obliteration 81543213

Joint diseases 5421891

Joint corrections 8144815

Hordeolum sty 514854249

Facioplegia, faciadis 518999955

Glaucoma 5131482

Shingles/zoster 51454322

Gout, big toe 8543215

Skin and sexually transmitted diseases 18584321

Hepatitis A and B 5412514

Cardiac arrest 8915678

Heart rhythm disturbance 8543210

Cardiac pain 8124567

Cardiac Insufficiency/failure 8542106

ENT Ear-nose-throat disorders 1851432

23 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

Heart attack 8914325

Coronary blood vessels 1454210

Hemorrhoids 58143219

Hypertonia (high blood pressure) arterial 8145432

Impotence 8851464

Infectious diseases 5421427

Children‟s diseases 18543218

Childlessness 9918755

Circulatory system disorders 1289435

Bone fractures 7776551

Collapse 8914320

Head and neck tension 8421432

Critical Conditions 1258912

Coma 1111012

Varicose veins 4831388

Cramps 51245424

Circulation insufficiency 85432102

Near sighted 541832198

Improve Laboratory values 1489999

Liver insufficiency 8143214

Cirrhosis of the liver 4812345

Food poisoning by bacteria or toxins 5184231

Edema of the lungs 54321112

Lymph and swollen knots 4845714

24 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

Migraine 4851485

Multiple sclerosis 51843218

Bechterews disease 4891201

Myoma 51843216

Nosebleed 65184321

Nightblind 5142842

Neurodermatitis 1484857

Neuropathy 148543293

Retinal detachment of the eyes 1851760

Kidney and urinary passage disorders 8941254

Renal colic 4321054

Kidney stone disorder 5432143

Kidney insufficiency, acute 8218882

Scaling of laboratory parameters 1489999

Scaling blood system 148542139

Scaling urine 1852155

Scaling gastric juice 5148210

Scaling saliva 514821441

Scaling gall juice 514852188

Scaling biochemistry blood 514832189

Ear wax clot 48145814

Osteoarthrosis deformed 8145812

Orthopedic disorder by trauma 1418518

Parkinsons 5481421

25 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

Mental disorders 8345444

Rheumatism 5481543

Period, painful 4815812

Rheumatic disorders 8148888

Shock, traumatic 1895132

Tendon sheath infection 1489154

Sepsis 58143212

Thyroid gland (endocrine disorder) 1823451

Sleeping disorders 514248538

Cold/sniff 5189912

Psoriasis 18543214

Sexual dysfunction 1818191

Sexual dysfunction psychological 2148222

Addiction Smoker Nicotine 1414551

Metabolism Disorder 1823451

Congestion (dissolution) 52025

Tumor diseases 8214351

Overweight 4812412

Poisoning 4185412

Vegetative Dystony 8432910

Congestion 5484548

Burns 8191111

Digestive disorders 5321482

Luxation/Dislocation 5123145

26 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

Warts 5148521

Wasps and bee stings 9189189

Spine, Neck Problems 5481321

Wounds 5148912

Teeth and oral cavity disorders, general 1488514

Abscess 518231415

Bleeding after Tooth removal 8144542

Tooth aches acute 5182544

Caries, tooth decay 5148584

Paradontosis 58145421

Paradontis 5182821

Pulpitis 1468550

dental scale/tartar 514852182

Tooth fracture 814454251

Tick cephalitis 7891010

Cyst in gum 514218877

Number sequences for events:

Eternal Life 1489999

General Resurrection 1798391

General Rescue 14111963

Universal number sequence for

control of events 942181942

27 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

Spreading of knowledge on Earth 9721854218

Self”assembly”/building of the Body 9187948181

Memory improvement 5893240

Development of higher Intuition 35986

Correct processing of information 5555555

Fast Help 938179

Protection against terror attacks

- bombs 718914391

- poisonous gases 99817

-chemical weapons 3194217

Protection against viral sicknesses

(also swine and bird flu) 7794218

Normalizing of household problems 137142133914

spiritual contact with G. Grabovoj 3582295

to understand the teachings better 17981

28 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


The spine supports the entire structure of the human body both in the physical
world and the information world. Our central nervous system runs through the
spinal cord and there are a number of energy information points aligned with
specific vertebrae.

The state of our spine also reflects the state of our relationship with the world. As
we involve our self in negative situations, the energy information points respond
to this and begin to impact on the physical body as discomfort or pain. Prolonged
exposure to negative energy means more damage and possible impairment.

The same principle that we follow that says that there is an ideal version of us, as
planned for by us in conjunction with the Creator, that exists as a reality that is
available for us to choose, so there is an ideal spine, designed to suit the person we
could be. We are going to bring about the regeneration of the spine by offering
some processes to raise the standard of our present spine, to change the past and
then to meld together our much improved spine and the ideal spine of the Creator,
custom built for us.

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator.

My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention is to change the past and bring rejuvenation to my spine.

I go back in time to one hour before the events which triggered the cause of
damage to my spine. From that place and time I declare that I see a cause for
my spine problems so I do not participate in upcoming events. I go my way,

29 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

the bright shining path of the Creator. The events and all other participants
have gone their way of the Creator. Our paths did not cross. I illuminate this
decision with a light impulse from my soul, the Creator fixes this decision and
sends it to infinity.

I place in front of my chest a Shield of Life which glows with life. I take hold
of the Ideal Spine of the Creator and place it immediately behind my own
spine. I use a tube of Creator‟s Living Matter Golden Glue to fill the gap
between my spine and the Ideal Spine of the Creator. I now place a second
glowing Shield of Life behind my back and firmly push the two Shields
toward each other so that bringing together of these two spines, regenerates
my whole spinal structure.

This is the regeneration of the spine to the standard of the Creator. I now use
the Crystal of my Heart to bring about the gentle adjustment of my vertebrae
both vertical and horizontal until the vertebrae are all in the standard
position. I apply the purple light of healing and rejuvenation to all the nerves
that sit within my spine. With this light I alter the structure of these nerves so
that they have the ability to mend themselves and restore my body to the
condition that the Creator and I planned for now. So it is.

30 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

This is our “headline” procedure yet it is no more complex than any other process
that we employ. It may require a higher level of confidence in the mind of the

I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.

My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention is to replace or regenerate the [name of organ]

I go back in time to one hour before the event that triggered the removal or lack of
function of the organ in order to transform the circumstances,

I see the cause of the organ removal. I do not participate in the upcoming
events. I go my way, the bright path of the Creator. The events and all
participants have gone their bright paths of the Creator. Our paths did not
cross. I illuminate this decision with a light impulse from my soul and fix the
decision with the light of the Creator‟s soul.

For the regeneration of the missing organ [or function of dysfunctional

organ], I put a glowing screen of the Creator behind the remaining stump.
On the remaining stump I place a small sphere of living matter. Within this
small sphere I visualise the regenerated organ to the Creator‟s standard. This
“still phantom organ” should glow in my visualisation. I set an impulse for
regeneration “From negative to positive and regeneration to the Creator‟s

I illuminate this decision with a light impulse from my soul and fix the
decision with a light from the Creator‟s soul – and send it to infinity.

31 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

In this process to regenerate a tooth, or some teeth, we become more involved
in science and we exercise our imagination.

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator.

All of creation is blessed by this healing
My intention is to regenerate a tooth [some teeth] to the Creator‟s standard
for me.

First, we change the situation that led to the loss of teeth

I travel back to one hour before the „trigger‟ event that led to the loss of my
tooth. I do not choose to participate in future events, I went My way, the
bright path of the Creator. The events and all the participants have gone
their bright path of the Creator. Our paths did not cross. I send a light
impulse from my soul and illuminate this decision with the Creator‟s light.

I visualise taking a stem cell from my spinal cord and put it into the “Point of
Tooth Creation” of the missing tooth. I add a sphere of living matter to the
space of the missing tooth and add the blessing “Regeneration to the
Creator‟s standard for me” I give a light impulse from my soul and
illuminate it with the light of the Creator. I fix the result with the light of the
Creator NOW.

It is possible to adapt this process to treat the eyes for defective eyesight or,
potentially for a missing eye.

32 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


Although the eyes may be worked on using several different processes, there has been
a constant request for a very specific process to rejuvenate and restore eyesight. This
process has been proven to be effective.

I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.

My healing blesses all of Creation.
My intention with this healing is to rejuvenate my eyesight to the standard that
the Creator and I had planned for me to have now.

I go back in time to one hour before the first event which triggered a
deterioration in my eyesight. From that time and place, I make a new decision.
I will not go my own way, I will follow the bright shining path of the Creator.
The other events and participants went their own paths of the Creator. Our
paths never crossed.
I illuminate this decision with a light from my soul and fix it with a light from the
Creator‟s soul and send it to infinity.

My soul knows the cause of the deterioration of my eyesight. I go back in time

and find the first cell which accepted any loss of sight. I reach my fingers toward
that cell and using the Creator‟s converter – I turn that cell from negative to
positive. I see the cell burst into light and life. Every other cell which had
followed that first leader cell into negative eyesight quickly follows it back into
positive light and life. I illuminate this decision with the light from my soul and
fix it with a light from the Creator‟s soul and send it into infinity.

I take my Crystal of my Heart and hold it before my eyes. As I watch, the purple
healing light of the Creator shines in a focussed beam through the crystal and
into my eyes. There is no glare, just a cool vibration as the Creator‟s healing
light rejuvenates and restores my eyesight. I accept this healing with gratitude
and the Creator‟s blessing is upon it.

I lay quietly and visualise the night sky. The stars shine like
diamonds on deep blue velvet, streaks of light mark the pathways of
visitors across the infinite spaces. I can feel the awesome healing
presence of the Creator just allowing healing to happen to my eyes as
I participate in this scenery of majesty.

33 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


This process differs from our usual pattern of dealing with cells and organs as it one
of the few which work on the DNA of the client. We do know that each part of our
body is replacing or regenerating itself constantly to its own timetable. Left to itself,
as it is until we are invited to intervene, each organ, cell and DNA simply replicates
itself. If you are born with a malformed kidney, or birthmarked skin, each
replacement just brings you more of the same. In this process we, using our
consciousness and connection with the Creator make a new choice in the energetic
and informational fields.

I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.

My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention with this healing is to change the information in my DNA that will
enable me to become the person that the Creator and I planned that I would
become during this lifetime.

I go back in time, my soul knows when, to review the original pattern of my

DNA. I go to the Archiving Point of my soul, where all knowledge is available to
me. On a large screen before me there is a display of my DNA. All 3 billion
chemicals are laid out like galaxies of stars. The parts which have faulty
information show a flashing red light. I access the Creator‟s knowledge of the
condition of perfectness for all of my DNA and using the Creator‟s Converter
re-create each faulty piece of DNA to the Creator‟s highest standard for me.
I illuminate these decisions with a light from my soul and fix them with a burst
of light from the Creator‟s soul and send them into infinity.

Where there is a specific birth defect we would tailor the wording to suit the
circumstances. We may also use this process where a family carries a negative gene
or stem cell that predisposes family members to a particular illness. We use the screen
to search out faulty genes or stem cells and convert them to perfect.

34 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


Autism is not considered to be a specific illness in this modality. It is, rather, a
consequence of decisions made at a mind level.

I am spirit, I and the Creator are one.

My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention is to change the past.
I go back to one hour before the event that was the trigger for the onset of autism.

From this place and time I make the choice that I will follow the bright path of
Creator. Other events and participants will follow their own paths of Creator.
Our paths do not cross.

I follow the path and standard of the Creator. I let go of all negative emotions,
thoughts and events which I have entered into and taken upon myself. My new
path is to gain knowledge without entering into negative events. I illuminate this
decision with a light from my soul and fix this decision with a light from the
Creator‟s soul and send it into infinity.

35 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


This process may be used for the treatment of Breast Cancer.
I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.
My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention with this healing is to remove all the negative energy of breast
I visualize standing in a luxurious shower cabinet, above me is a shower head of
The walls glow with a luster like mother-of-pearl. The outlet beneath my feet is
The tap on the wall is gold and triangle shaped. An elegant sign over the tap says
“Healing Stream”.
As I reach for the tap I make the request “Arcade Stream please”
Like water coming from a shower head, a stream of rainbow colors run down my
inside and outside all of my cell structures. These colors reprogram my cells
from negative
to positive.
I observe how small dark colored pieces are flushed down the outlet [cancer cells
and metastases].
All negative energy is transformed into positive energy which is collected into the
of Living Matter.
I look to the side of the shower cabinet and in the full-size mirror I see a very
healthy human being.
And so it is.


This process may be adapted, as your intuition guides you, so that you request a
different stream for other conditions.

CREATOR STREAM a green flow, for multiple challenges, clients in a coma,

dangerous circumstances.
HEALING STREAM a purple flow, for any healing needs.
ABUNDANCE STREAM a gold flow, to remove sense of poverty or lack, open to
CLEARING STREAM a white flow, to remove blocks to receiving or sense of
RELATIONSHIP STREAM a red flow, to remove blocks to developing
LOVE OF GOD STREAM a pink flow, to allow the love of God to permeate the
body and situation.

36 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


This process is designed to deal with any manifestation of cancer in a client.

I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.

My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention with this healing is to transform the cancer.

I visualize strings of light around the affected organ

I see the cancer cells appear as dark spots sitting on the strings of light as
Cancer cells spread into the consciousness.
I visualize a blue scalpel carefully scraping all the sick cancer cells from the light
into a silver sphere. I am able to skillfully repair the light strings.

I select the leader cell, that first cell to accept cancer. I illuminate this cell with a
burst of
light and program it to positive to the Creator‟s standard. I then place this
regenerated leader cell
into the complete light grid of the body.

I sprinkle silvery dust on the light strings of information so that the knowledge
and awareness
of cancer disappears.

I now transform the consciousness of the cancer. First I travel back in time, my
soul knows when,
to the moment the leader cell first accepted cancer. In that place and time I pull
the cell apart so that it has no power and no longer exists in time.
The being, or character, of the cancer will appear and its appearance may also
reveal its cause.
I immediately lock this cancer entity into a silvery white sphere so that it is
I will have to decide now how to remove the cancer entity permanently from
these three choices:

1. Send it to its home world through the Stargate

2. Ask it if it wants to stay and be permanently transformed into a positive being.
{If yes program the entity to the Creator‟s standard}
3. Exterminate it with the cosmic vacuum cleaner.
The transformed positive leader cell will influence all other cancer cells to
become positive.
I confirm this process with a burst of light from my soul and it is confirmed by
the Creator and sent into infinity.

37 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.

My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention with this healing is to bring about the regeneration of this body [or
specific organ].

I visualize my consciousness as a green cube [Green is the color of the Creator]

Into this cube I place an image of my body [or the specific organ].
Taking a blue thread I weave together a net which contains 9 plans, 9 spaces and
9 spheres which
create nine new shells that illustrate the ideal human body [specific organ].

I use a white light to merge the nine shells together. We give life to this ideal
body [organ] with
the pink light of the Creator and the Sphere of Living Matter.
I form the material from the Sphere of Living Matter into a pyramid shape
around this ideal body [organ]. I place this whole pyramid into the green cube of
my consciousness.

I send white light which contains the plan, or standard, of the Creator into the
green cube of consciousness and pyramid of living matter. I visualize the golden
light from the Creator coming from above and a blue light from Earth coming
from below – these lights merge in the body [organ] and
the whole body [organ] is regenerated as a hologram.

I compress the hologram, as coal is compressed into a diamond, into a dot. This
dot is placed in the thyroid [or specific organ]. The dot begins to rotate clockwise
and sends the energy and information into the whole body [organ]. And so it is.

38 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


We are aware that a vast number of pharmaceutical products and medical procedures
include some side effects which can be dangerous, or at least uncomfortable or
disturbing, for patients. WE NEVER TELL A CLIENT TO DISCONTINUE OR
PROCEDURES only their health professional should do that.

For this process we visualise using the material from the Sphere of Living Matter and
we form it into a pyramid shape.

I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.

My healing blesses all of Creation.
My intention with this healing process is to remove any negative side-effects or
unintended consequences from this [medical or pharmaceutical product or

This can also be used to treat food, drinking water or foreign bodies in the

I take some material from the Sphere of Living Matter and form it into the shape
of a pyramid. I visualise placing this pyramid on the medical equipment or inside
the medicine container. I point my fingers toward the pyramid which pulses with
light and intend that “this pyramid enhances every beneficial aspect of this
treatment by one hundred percent and this pyramid eliminates every negative
side-effect or unintended consequence”. I illuminate this decision with a light
from my soul and fix it with a light from the Creator‟s soul.

39 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


This process is similar to the “Birth Defects” one although with this process there
is often more urgency because of other complicating factors.

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator.

My healing blesses all of creation
My intention with this healing is to bring my body to the condition that the
Creator and I had planned for now, before this life adventure began.

I go back in time, my soul knows when, to one hour before the event which
triggered the situation where a transplant is required. From that place and
time I make a new choice. I will follow the bright and shining path of the
Creator, I will not go my own way. The other events and participants, they go
their own way of the Creator. Our paths do not cross. I illuminate this
decision with a light from my soul and fix it with a light from the Creator‟s
soul and send it to infinity.

I go to the Archiving Point of my soul, where all knowledge is available to me.

On the large screen in front of me all 3 billion chemicals of my DNA are
displayed. The faulty ones display a flashing red light. Using the Creator‟s
Converter I transform the faulty DNA to perfect, I illuminate this decision
with a light from my soul and fix it with a light from the Creator‟s soul.

I now, with the Creator, change the illusion of the passage of time. We speed
up the transfer and replacement of the newly perfected DNA into the
malfunctioning organ so that, it seems miraculously, the faulty parts of the
organ are replaced with perfect parts. The function of the organ reaches its
maximum output and the body responds with growing good health. I
illuminate this decision with a burst of light from my soul and confirm it with
a burst of light from the Creator‟s soul.

40 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.


This process enables you, by treating time as an illusion, to correct any errors in
your digestive system.

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator.

All of creation is blessed by this healing.
My intention is to regenerate my digestive system to the Creator‟s standard
for me.

I visualise before me a silvery sphere of light which contains all the

information of the Creator‟s standard for my digestive system, regenerated,
disease-free and working perfectly. I pull all the negative information about
my digestive system from my body and place it in a silver cube to my right.
Now, as I watch, the silver cube moves and melts into the silvery sphere of
light and all the information about my digestive system is made perfect. I
illuminate the silvery sphere with a burst of light from my soul and fix the
result with the light of the Creator and the silvery sphere is absorbed into my
digestive system NOW .


This process is good, it enhances your prospects of achieving the weight and shape
that you and the Creator had planned for you to have now. It will not over-ride poor
diets, lack of self-discipline or consistent poor choices if you keep making them.

I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.

My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention with this healing is that I will achieve the weight and body shape
that the Creator and I had planned for me to be at now.

I go back in time to one hour before the first event which triggered the cause for
my weight to vary from the Creator‟s standard for me. From that place and time
I make a new choice, I will not go my own way, I will follow the bright shining
path of the Creator. The other events and participants go their paths of the

41 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

Creator. Our paths do not cross. I illuminate this decision with a light from my
soul and fix it with a light from the Creator‟s soul and send it to infinity.
My soul knows the cause of my weight and shape not being at the Creator‟s
standard for me. I activate a process of rejuvenation which will travel through
my whole body, it will shine a light on every emotional chord, it will follow every
memory. The rejuvenation process also uses the Creator‟s converter so that in
every place, in every dark corner where there is a food or weight negative
emotion or memory – it is converted instantly and painlessly into a positive
emotion or memory. I can feel it growing, it is that unfamiliar feeling of hope, of
peace, and of contentment. I can feel the blueprint of the Creator‟s plan for my
weight and shape glowing with me. I illuminate this process with a light from my
soul and fix it with a light from the Creator‟s soul and send it into infinity.


Visualise a column of light about 60 cm or 2 feet in front of you. This light carries all
the information about Creation.

I am in spirit, I and the Creator are one.

My healing blesses all of creation.

I now picture the details of the situation I want to change [or want to attract into
my life].
I place the details into the column of light and bend it like a bow so that my
intention goes to the strongest point of the curve. My intention flows toward the
light of the Creator. In the instant that my intention and the light of the Creator
meet the desired outcome flashes into reality.

I illuminate this decision with a light impulse from my soul and fix the result
with a light from the Creator‟s soul.

42 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

It is surely in the plan that the Creator and I devised for me, that I would be in a flow
of abundance. No less than in any other aspect of my life should I be contented with
anything less than the Creator‟s standard for me in abundance.

I am in spirit, I am one with the Creator.

My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention is to allow abundance to continually flow into my life.
I go back in time one hour before any event which triggered any sense of lack or
poverty in my life, from that place and time I make a new choice. I follow the
bright path of the Creator. The other events and participants followed their own
paths of the Creator. Our paths did not cross. I illuminate this decision with a
light from my soul and fix it with a light from the Creator‟s soul and send it into

These decisions open my heart and mind to the opportunities for abundance and
the reasons for gratitude that exist in my life. Every day I am blessed. My life
flows like a river of blessings, positive new ideas come to me and the right people
appear at the right time. This is the Creator‟s standard for me. So it is.

43 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

As we become aware, different sources of information become available to us. Every
lifetime spent here leaves an imprint on the Crystalline Grid and we can access that
information. Are you talking to a dead person? Well no, you are talking to the
memory imprint of that person. Will the information be accurate? Yes it will, if you
are asking them about their life memories or things they did know. They can not tell
you about things they did not know or what it‟s like on the “other side”, they haven‟t
been there.

We access this information by going to the Archiving Point of our soul and with the
Creator‟s approval, asking for the information we require, that is for a good purpose.

You may like to ask a Lemurian Healer about working with crystals and copper, or a
healer from Atlantis about energy healing. Ask Jesus about treating eye diseases or
Elijah about treating leprosy. The possibilities are endless and your practice can
always be ready to deal with the unexpected.


We do not get many clients who have a broken finger nail or the occasional headache.
When they come they have a challenge to face. These exercises are based on typical
experiences. Please suggest the processes and number codes you would use in your
initial treatment.

1. Client had a stroke. No speech or movement on left side.

2. Client waiting for kidney transplant

3. Client with colon cancer

4. Client with crippling arthritis

5. Client lost three adult teeth

6. Client sexually abused as a child

7. Client being put out of home

8. Client wants to look and feel younger

9. Client has breast cancer

10. Client with spinal injury

44 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.




We stand on the shoulders of giants. Ideas and concepts are progressive and rarely
grow in isolation. The ideas in this work book were influenced and inspired by The
Bible, The Tanakh, The Amazing Secrets of Psychic Healing by Benjamin O Bibb,
Grigori Grabovoi, Arkadi Petrov, Igor Arepjev, Nadeschda Koroljov and Wadim
Koroljov in Russia who did pioneering work and research to initiate and develop parts
of this work.

Carola Sarrasin and Leona Moss in Thailand ; Svetlana Smirnova in Germany and
many unsung teachers who have initiated and shared processes which allow us the
successes we achieve today.

Fair Use Claim

It is a written condition that participants in the seven day practical seminars at the
Thailand Project may use the material of the seminar for teaching purposes. As the
material is not obtainable in its original form some concepts have been used as a basis
for derivative processes.

45 The Organ Regeneration Work Book one, working on yourself.

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