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FLIGHT, 11 November 1955 741

Seen in its "anti-atom" finish, the Conyair

6-36 on the left was photographed recently
over Kent. A B-36 reconditioning and modifi-
cation programme is now under way at Con-
vair's Fort Worth plant. Seen below in the
new U.S. Navy colour scheme of grey and white
is a Chance Vought F7U-3M Cutlass. The
missile launchers are clearly seen under the
folded outer wings. Note also the slats.

notes a forthcoming development of the

Avitruc. A "pantobase" transport, it will
have turboprop power and boundary-layer

Nord 1500 Guepard. The name Guepard
(Cheetah) has been conferred on the
Nord 1500 experimental delta-wing fighter,
which made its first flight from Melun/
Villaroche on September 20th. Officially
admitted to be "characterized by two sorts
of powerplants," the Guepard is under-
stood to have a turbojet arranged along the
axis of a ramjet.
S.E.210 Caravelle. The latest price
unofficially quoted for this twin-Avon
transport is $1,857,000 (approximately
£664,000). During October the machine
was inspected by—among others—Alexan-
der Kartyeli and officials of the Republic
organization; directors of U.A.T.; Messrs.
Gray and Campbell Orde, respectively of
the M.O.S. and B.O.A.C; and Dr. Kimura,
technical adviser to Japan Airlines.
S.N.C.A.S.O. Vautour (Avons). As re-
ported in Flight of October 28th, a Vautour
all-weather fighter has been fitted with two
Rolls-Royce Avon RA.41 turbojets. The
thrust of this Avon is now given as 9,925 lb,
and it has been disclosed that the particular
Vautour is No. 09, one of the six pre-
production aircraft being delivered this
year. Together with the three prototypes,
these machines will serve for operational
development work. It is officially stated
that, while endurance tests and armament
trials with bombs, guns and missiles are
AIRCRAFT INTELLIGENCE being effected with the other prototype and
pre-production aircraft, No. 09 will "con-
tribute practical information on the be-
haviour and performance of the Vautour
Great Britain Boeing KC-135. It is intended that this airframe equipped with high-thrust
Mixed-Power Intercepters. It is reported tanker equivalent of the 707 transport shall engines." Deliveries of Vautours to the
in Italy that two mixed-power intercepters have a starter on only one of its four turbo- French Air Force will begin in the spring
—;one a Saunders-Roe, the other an Avro— jets. The other three will be started by of 1956, but all these machines will be
will soon make their first flights. One of compressor-bled air from that engine powered by S.N.E.C.M.A. Atar 101E3
these machines, it is said, will have a de blown into the intakes, thus saving space turbojets of 7,720 lb thrust.
Havilland Gyron or Gyron Junior and a and weight.
Spectre, whereas an Orpheus and an Hiller Rocket Helicopter. The destruc- Potez 75. Having undergone gunnery
Armstrong Siddeley rocket are specified tion by accident is reported of a recently tests at Cazaux, this twin-boom pusher left
for the other. completed Hiller helicopter developed from Les Mureaux recently for tests in North
the Hornet but with the ramjets replaced Africa. The aircraft is now equipped with
U.S.A. by "oxygenated water rockets." Addi- four machine guns and has provision for
tionally there was a small piston engine eight rocket projectiles.
Piasecki YH-16A. Since this, the world's mounted in the fuselage and driving a
largest helicopter, was illustrated in Flight's S.N.C.A.S.O. Djinn. The first Djinn
special Philadelphia Show reports (Sep- propeller. The machine is reported to have helicopter to be sold outside France was
tember 16th and 23rd), the tail has been climbed vertically with the rockets and to delivered recently to a Swiss company.
completely revised, now having anhedral have flown horizontally as an autogiro. It
is surmised that "alterations of dynamic Marcel Dassault Mystere IVA. Some
horizontal surfaces and vertical fins at the stability and insufficiency of directional days ago M. Roger Gromand, Assistant
extremities. control" may have been the causes of the Air Prefect, visited the Cambrai base of the
FairMd C-119 Flying Boxcar. The last accident. French Air Force to witness resumption of
machine of this type—the 1,112th—re- flying within the framework of "Operation
BoeingKB-50. One hundred Boeing B-50 Cormy." This operation had previously
cently left the Fairchild production line at bombers are being converted by the been interrupted as a result of a "jet engine
Hagerstown, Maryland. U.S.A.F. into KB-50 three-point tankers. failure." Operation Cormy is described as
They will be employed by Tactical Air a stepped-up Service exercise involving all
Bell Helicopters. Three gas turbines are Command, T.A.C. having long stated a
the intended powerplants of a 28/36- Dassault Mystere IVAs powered with the
requirement for multiple-point refuelling Hispano-Suiza Verdon turbojet. The first
passenger transport development of the for its fighters and fighter/bombers.
Bell HSL anti-submarine helicopter. Pre- squadron was equipped with these machines
Hitherto.. KB-29s, equipped with the at Cambrai in May this year. Principal
sent powerplant of the HSL is the Pratt and Boeing flying-boom system, have served.
Whitney R-2800 piston engine. Troubles object of the exercise is to determine
Aerodynamic improvements will add a few requirements in spares, supplies and main-
continue to be encountered with the anti- knots to cruising speed. tenance of the Verdon-Mystere over a
submarine version. Rotor blades of larger 4,000-hr flying period.
diameter are to be fitted. Stroukoff MS-S-l. This designation de-

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