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EmiratesSkills Local Competition 2014

IT Software Solutions for Business Test Project

Test Project – IT Software Solutions for Business


Written by: AbdulRahman Al Marzouqi

Test Project for IT Software Solutions for Business Version: 1.0

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EmiratesSkills Local Competition 2014
IT Software Solutions for Business Test Project


This Test Project document contains the rules of the competition, the software provided,
the tasks that the competitors should accomplish, and the marking scheme of each task.


Please read the following rules carefully and ask the expert if you have any questions:

 The Solution must be provided using Java and MySQL.

 The Competitor may not bring or use any additional software, mobile phones, or
external storage devices.
 Communication with other competitors is not allowed while competing.
 Internet access is not allowed.
 The Competitor may not use headsets or headphones.
 The Test Project tasks should be completed within 3 hours maximum.
 The Test Project tasks are about EmiratesSkills National Competition 2015 -
Juniors Competition.
 Create a folder with your name on the Desktop and save all your work in it.


 NetBeans IDE 8.0.1

 MySQL Workbench 6.2.3
 MySQL Community Server 5.6.2
 MySQL Connector/J 5.1.33 (JDBC Driver for MySQL)
 Microsoft Office 2013


EmiratesSkills is introducing new skills to its National Competition year after year. It has
announced that there will be a Juniors Competition in the EmiratesSkills National
Competition (ESNC) 2015. The Juniors Competition will contain 4 skills. These skills are:
Electrical Installations, Graphic Design Technology, IT Software Solutions and Business,
and Web Design.

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EmiratesSkills Local Competition 2014
IT Software Solutions for Business Test Project

As an IT Software Solutions Specialist, you are required to develop a simple application to manage
the registration of the junior competitors and to review the competitors. These are the main tasks of
the test project. More details are mentioned in the next sections.

Task Description Marks

Task 1 Database Design 25%

Task 2 Implementation (Programming) 65%

Task 3 Documentation 10%


You will be asked to design, implement, and document your solution. Details or examples

will be provided to help you to develop the deliverables.

The Test Project is divided into three main tasks. Remember that you have a total of 3

hours to finish the three tasks. The root password of the MySQL Server is 'root'.

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EmiratesSkills Local Competition 2014
IT Software Solutions for Business Test Project


The following deliverables are required for task 1 of the project.

ID Name Description
1.1 Database Design An ER-Diagram for the Juniors competition
(ER Diagram) database needs to be designed.
1.2 Creating the Database Creating a new database, adding tables,
relationship, primary and foreign keys, and adding
data to the tables.

1.1 Database Design (ER Diagram)

Draw an ER-Diagram for the following description:

"For the junior competitors' registration, EmiratesSkills requires the following

information: First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Emirates ID, Email,
Grade, School, Category of Interest, and Personal Photo. A maximum number of
6 competitors can be registered in each skills. For each skill, there are at least
two experts and not more than 3. The work of the competitors and their marks
are stored also."

Save the ER-Diagram in your folder on the desktop and name the file

1.2 Creating the Database

 Create a new database in the MySQL Server. Name the database

 Use your ER-Diagram and the description above to create the tables with
the suitable attributes and relationships (primary and foreign keys).
 Use appropriate data types for your attributes.
 Add at least 5 records as sample data to each table.

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EmiratesSkills Local Competition 2014
IT Software Solutions for Business Test Project


The following deliverable is required for task 2 of the project.

ID Name Description
2.1 Registration and Search A system to help EmiratesSkills staff to register the
System final list of junior competitors and to be able to view
and search for them.

2.1 Registration and Search System

After the competitors register online by themselves and EmiratesSkills finalizes the
list, EmiratesSkills staff would like to add the final and accepted competitors to their

 Create a system with an interface that provides the ability to add competitors to the
o No more than 6 competitors should be allowed in each skill. A warning
message should appear if an attempt to add a seventh competition in a specific
skills was made.
o Only competitors who are 12-15 years old are accepted.

 Provide a search mechanism that enables the staff to search by the competitor's first
name, last name, Emirates ID, or Category of Competition.
o After finding and selecting a competitor, the user must be able to edit the data
or delete the record.
 Main screen
o This screen must be the first object displayed on the application after the user
opens it.
o A set of buttons or a menu must call the 2 other screens listed above
(registration and search).
 Implement exception handling in your system.

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EmiratesSkills Local Competition 2014
IT Software Solutions for Business Test Project


The users of the application would like to have a small manual that describes how the system
was built and how to use it to register and search for competitors. The following deliverable
is required for task 3 of the project.

ID Name Description
3.1 Documentation Create a manual for the system that you have

3.1 Documentation

You are requested to create a small document that describes how your system was built

and explains how the system works. Include some screenshots of the ER-Diagram and the

interfaces. Follow the following guidelines:

 Use 12pt size for normal text and 18 for headings. Use any size for other text.

 Add page numbers in the footer. Use this format: Page / Total Pages

 Required Sections:

o Cover Page

o ER-Diagram

o Interfaces and How to use the System

 Save the document as Documentation.docx in your folder on the desktop.

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EmiratesSkills Local Competition 2014
IT Software Solutions for Business Test Project


Task 1 – Database Design

Max Mark
Mark Awarded
8 The ER-Diagram matches the description. Deduct 0.5 for each mistake.

1 The ER-Diagram file is named ER_Diagram.

2 The database was created.

1 The database name is ESLC2014.

3 The required tables are created.

5 Relations, primary and foreign keys are set correctly.

3 The attributes have appropriate data types.

2 There are 5 records in each table. Deduct 0.1 for each missing.

25 Total

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EmiratesSkills Local Competition 2014
IT Software Solutions for Business Test Project

Task 2 – Implementation (Programming)

Max Mark
Mark Awarded
3 The code is clearly formatted and indented.

3 The code is commented.

3 A main screen is created.

3 The main screen appears first when running the application.

5 There are controls to navigate through the system (e.g. Buttons, menu, …)

3 Adding competitors interface is created.

5 Adding competitors is functional.

6 No more than 6 competitors are allowed in each skills.

A warning message appears if an attempt was made to add a seventh
Only competitors who are 12-15 years old are accepted.

4 Search window is created.

Search by competitor's first name, last name, Emirates ID, and Category of
Competition is possible. Deduct 2 for any missing.
7 Editing the data or deleting the record is possible after the search.

5 Exception handling is implemented.

65 Total

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EmiratesSkills Local Competition 2014
IT Software Solutions for Business Test Project

Task 3 - Documentation

Max Mark
Mark Awarded
1 The document is created.

1 The name of the document is Documentation.docx.

1 Correct font sizes are used.

1 The footer contains page numbering.

1 The page numbering format is as specified.

3 The required sections are added with reasonable information.

2 The document contains screenshots of the application.

10 Total

Total Marks

Max Marks Task Description Marks Awarded

Task 1 25% Database Design

Task 2 65% Implementation (Programming)

Task 3 10% Documentation

100% Total

Experts Signature

Chief Expert: Signature:

Test Project for IT Software Solutions for Business Version: 1.0

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