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Participation Rubric

Poor Needs Work Excellent/Advanced

Requirements Does not meet 3 or more Does not meet 1-2 Answers all questions posed to
requirements here: answers all requirements here: answers all the fullest extent, answer
questions posed to the fullest questions posed to the fullest concisely, and cite other ideas
extent, answer concisely, and extent, answer concisely, and when appropriate. Posting
cite other ideas when cite other ideas when clearly rehearsed and organized.
appropriate. Posting clearly appropriate. Posting clearly
rehearsed and organized. rehearsed and organized.
Weight: 25% Points: 0-8 Points: 9-17 Points: 18-25
Critical Does not answer questions Answers questions posed by Actively listens to the
Reasoning posed by instructor with a instructor with satisfactory contributions of others and adds
satisfactory degree of degree of reflection; does not to them; contributions to
reflection; does not actively seem to actively listen to discussion indicate preparedness
listen to contributions of contributions of others; for the discussion and a high
others; contributions does not contributions indicate degree of reflection about the
indicate preparedness; does preparedness most of the time; topics discussed; brings up
not challenge thinking and sometimes brings up relevant relevant questions to challenge
understanding; goes off on questions to challenge thinking thinking and understanding;
tangents. and understanding; may go off incorporates information from
on tangents. assignments or outside of
Weight: 50% Points: 0-17 Points: 17-33 Points: 34-50
Language & Includes frequent Some ungrammatical phrases, Exhibits fluent academic ASL
Formatting ungrammatical phrases, English language interferences skills (grammar, production and
English language interferences or colloquial ASL use detected. structure) and discourse skills
or colloquial ASL. Frequent May have issues with discourse, (including appropriate register,
issues with discourse, register, register, transition skills and/or opening, transitions between
transition skills and/or poise. poise. Overall language use ideas, and closing) as well as
Overall language use not acceptable, but could be more intonation (e.g. poise). Overall
acceptable for graduate level appropriate for graduate level language use very appropriate
discussions. discussions. for graduate level discussions.
Video is of subpar quality - Video is of satisfactory quality - Video is of high quality - takes
does not take into may not take into consideration into consideration lighting, attire
consideration lighting, attire lighting, attire and/or and background.
and/or background. background.
Weight: 25% Points: 0-8 Points: 9-17 Points: 18-25

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