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What Dropping Out Really Means

The stigma surrounding dropping out needs to disappear, and here’s why
BY MAYA HARTIG out…if I got to that point, it have a plan. An observational
would be because something study done in 2013 showed that

T he halls of high school—in

Bigfork’s case, anyway—are
drab, uninviting, and cold in
traumatic happened in my life
outside of school,” such as a car
accident or the death of a close
87% of dropouts completed the
General Education Development
Test (GED), and 41% of dropouts
comparison to the open arms family member. While Meisner were able to find employment
of home. Teachers can be tough believes that dropping out means without any form of diploma
and demanding, standardized “quitting, because you give whatsoever.
tests tedious and boring, and up on…the most basic level of Though these numbers may
when it comes to other students, education,” it is clear that she can seem optimistic, there are still
well, they can be just mean. The still empathize with someone who other options for those at risk
environment of school is not might. to seek out. Meisner suggests
always a desired one, causing “I think [students] drop out students “do extracurricular
many students to ‘drop out’ and because either situations at home activities, and I know this sounds
seek other opportunities in their are hard, or they are not putting way easier than it actually is,
life. in effort. Generally, the kids who but find friends who are good,
By definition, a ‘dropout’ is drop out do not drop out because because kids who drop out are
“one who drops out of school,” it was difficult just at school. friends with kids who are at risk
according to Merriam Webster. It They drop out because things are of dropping out or drop out…
is also “a momentary defect on a difficult everywhere in their life,” they should get involved in things
magnetic tape or disk caused by a says Meisner.   that benefit them other than in Office skills teacher Cindy Landers stand disapprovingly,
temporary loss of signal,” but that To educator and principal Mark school.” holding a form for a dropout to sign and return. When students
is not the point. The point is that Hansen, however, dropping out Additionally, Hansen is willing choose to drop out, many of their teachers and peers feel
the stigma surrounding dropouts means that “the student does not to work with such BHS students disappointed.
has become so much more than have a plan after they leave high who feel they cannot complete
the definition; to many, dropping school.” Hansen’s opinion, based high school. “I try to intervene in Meisner admits that she jokes who drops out of school” and
out means being lazy and making on years of experience, is factual it quite early, just so I can get a about dropping out “all the time. nothing more, then there is no
excuses, but this viewpoint and unbiased, which is a strange feel for what the kids are doing. I am not serious about it though, need for any more bias towards
often comes from a community occurrence for opinions. We talk about hopes and dreams and I feel like that is a dangerous dropouts. In many cases, there
member or outsider. “I do not think you are dropping and what they want to do and see thing to joke about.” She hopes are underlying situations that
“Dropping out could have out because high school is not how they feel.” that students, and herself, will jokesters and critics are not aware
benefits for some people your thing,” commented Hansen. Both Hansen and Meisner see find the seriousness in these of; this stigma is not helping
depending on your situation,” “To me, a dropout is leaving dropping out as a serious issue, terms before their high school anyone, especially not the kids in
said junior Shea Meisner. “I school without a plan.” yet many students joke about the years are over. need of support.
do not see myself dropping But in most cases, dropouts do concept as if it were just a term. If a dropout is truly “one

would carry” states Elizabeth any other crew launch system,

Spacex, Blue Origin,
The Modern Space Race and the United Launch
Howell, a writer for
Unlike previous crew modules,
Starship will not need parachutes
to land; instead it will belly flop
Alliance are all compet- Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner will through the atmosphere to bleed
use air cushions to softly “land off velocity, then rotate tail down,
ing for the chance to re- on [the] expansive desert plains burn in the opposite direction of
supply the Internation- in New Mexico or Utah,” says to burn off the rest of its velocity,
Stephen Clark of the Associated then land on its three multipur-
al Space Station (ISS) Press, unlike previous American pose tail fins.
and reaching missions modules which were forced to Last but not least, there is Jeff
that stretch further land in the Pacific Ocean. Starlin- Bezos’ secretive Blue Origin,
er will hitch a ride on the rocket which has been slowly and
than Earth’s influence called Atlas V. carefully engineering their New
“Some of the Atlas V’s past mis- Shepard, a spaceship that has
including the construction of the sions include the New Horizons completed 10 successful flights.
Mercury capsule for NASA in probe that flew past Pluto, the “New Shepard is the company’s
the 1960s, along with revolution- Mars Curiosity rover and the reusable suborbital flight system,
Falcon 9 in the hangar after flight. (Picture Credit to SpaceX izing commercial flight for the mysterious X-37B military space designed to carry both humans
Rocket Laboratory). Federal Aeronautics Association plane,” states Howell. and robotic payloads, and it
(FAA). Boeing has currently been Elon Musk’s SpaceX has partici- makes its journey in 11 minutes,”
BY CHANCELOR OLSEN include Boeing, Elon Musk’s developing a brand-new crew pated in 32 successful landings says Meghan Bartels of the As-

SpaceX, and Jeff Bezos’ Blue module called CST-100 Starliner, of their Falcon 9 booster, 17 of sociated Press. Blue Origin’s goal
ince 2002, multiple private
Origin. a modern take on a “crew module which have been re-used for mis- is orbital flight with their New
space agencies have been
Boeing is an aircraft manu- that is designed to fit up to seven sions. Musk’s all time goal for his Glenn concept, although it “is
working tirelessly on their own
facturer with technological astronauts, although the configu- company is for humans to become unlikely to fly before 2020” states
advanced aerospace technology
breakthroughs throughout the ration could change depending a “multi-planetary species,” he Bartels. New Glenn’s first stage
to compete in the modern space
history of space exploration, on how much cargo the spacecraft states in a press conference about will be very similar to SpaceX’s
race. These private companies
the Big Falcon Rocket (BFR), Falcon 9 rocket, which bleeds

Suck it Up and Snip Snip later dubbed the “Starship” and

“Super Heavy” booster. In early
January, SpaceX completed the
construction of the test vehicle for
off its velocity by burning in the
opposite direction of its trajectory,
then carefully lands either on a
landing pad or a ship at sea.
Boys across the U.S. High School, Greensburg India-
napolis), said that he enforced this
a professional look for that school
or specific team is baffling to par-
the Starship in Boca Chica, Texas.
This prototype appropriately
The future of space will be led
by multiple commercial indus-
are having to cut rule because it promotes team ents and students. If students wish named Starhopper, has a similar tries, all possessing their own
unity and projects a wholesome, to play a sport while maintaing purpose to SpaceX’s Grasshopper, advanced technologies to make
their hair to clean-cut image for athletes. Pat- their own style of hair, whether it which “was a reusable vertical- space flight cheaper and more
compete in sports rick and Melissa Hayden stated in
a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court
be long or short, they should be
allowed to do so as they please.
takeoff-and-landing (VTOL) rock-
et prototype,” explains Howell.
accessible to the common citizen.
Who knows, maybe the first hu-
that their son was kicked off the Keeping a unified and well put Starship is designed to be a man footsteps on Mars will be in
Greensburg High School basket- together look for a team does not two-stage crewed rocket, with the late 2020; by means of spacecraft.

B eing an adolescent navigat- ball team after he refused to cut seem to be as much of an issue for capability to send 100 passengers
ing their way through high his hair and comply with team the female sports teams as in the to the moon and Mars. Unlike
school is a struggle in itself. rules, which require that players’ case of male teams? Thus giving
Imagine being a teen trying hair be above their eyebrows, col- the males a harder time in keep-
out for a sports team and being lars, and ears. ing their own identity. Being part
told that your hair needs to be The Indianapolis Star reported of a sports team is an wholesome
cut in order to play. opportunity to contribute
This is a reality in factors that one uniquely
high schools across contains.
the nation. Boys on Nathan L Essex states
athletic teams all over that “teachers can de-
the country are being velop rules for student
required to cut their conduct in their class-
hair as a regulation to room if such rules are
play sports. Deny- considered reasonable
ing young men this and necessary to main-
uniqueness is now tain order and proper de-
deemed unconstitu- corum and do not unduly
tional, due to a ruling infringe upon students
by a three-judge panel of the U.S. that the Haydens want court to rights and freedoms.” This means
7th Circuit Court of Appeals. rule that the policy is unconsti- that administrators, teachers, and
In Nathan L. Essex’s book The tutional, force the school district coaches cannot make students cut
200 Most Frequently Asked Legal to stop enforcing the policy, and their hair legally. It is infringing
Question for Educators, it quotes award any necessary damage re- upon their constitutional rights of
“because students enjoy a level of funds to the family. Tuck Hopkins, self expression.
constitutional freedom in schools, the attorney representing Greens- The last step to take in this
they should expect, for example, burg Community Schools, said debacle is ensuring that students
fairness and equality of treat- the boy was not denied an educa- are able to express their consti-
ment” along with “protection tion or kicked out of school. tutional rights. A solution to this
against unreasonable invasion of “It’s two different standards,” he topic can be reached while a level
privacy, a right to be themselves said, “there is no right to engage of respect is obtained.
within reasonable limits.” Despite in extracurricular activities.” How
this, discrimination is still hap- students are supposed to maintain
pening. individuality if adults continuous-
Coach Stacy Meyer (Greensburg ly tell them to change to maintain

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