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fm Page 875 Wednesday, August 22, 2001 8:46 AM

et al. dynamics of carabid predation on slugs

Journal of Animal FORUM
Mair Ecological
UK Science,
Ecology2001 Graphicraft Limited, Hong Kong

Ecology 2001
70, 875 – 876 Spatial dynamics of predation by carabid beetles on slugs
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne

In a recent issue of Journal of Animal Ecology, Bohan used this difference and the decline in slug numbers
et al. (2000), presented data from a field survey ana- between these two periods as evidence of significant
lysing the distribution of slugs and a slug predator predation of slugs by beetles.
Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger) through time and over It is implicit in this study that slug numbers have
a range of spatial scales. Slugs were sampled at 0·25, 1, declined between the two months; however, no actual
4 and 16 m scales with beetles being sampled at 4, 8 and data of this type are given. We have therefore inter-
16 m scales. The distributions of the two main slug polated from the density maps the change in ‘large’ slug
species (Deroceras reticulatum (Müller) and Arion populations between June and July by analysing the
intermedius Normand) were found to be spatially data presented in their Fig. 3a,b. Consideration of the
independent at all spatial scales; however, total slug data shows that where a decline in slug numbers
distribution at the 16 m scale was found to be aggre- occurred, there was an average reduction of 56·9%.
gated in June and random in July. The distribution of Even allowing for our interpretation of the inter-
P. melanarius was aggregated at the 16 m scale and polated maps, we believe that this observed reduction in
random at the 4 and 8 m scales in June, whilst in July the numbers of ‘large’ slugs is unlikely to be due solely
distributions were random at all spatial scales. Patterns to predation by P. melanarius; and that there must be
of beetle and slug distributions were therefore compared alternative explanations for the observed patterns. In
at the 16 m scale in June and July using spatial analysis order to refute the predation hypothesis, we compare
by distribution indices (SADIE) algorithms. The pat- estimates of slug population size for the two periods
tern of P. melanarius distribution was not associated with the population density of potential predators. We
with either slug species, but to ‘all slugs’. ELISA tests then use these figures to estimate the per capita rate of
were carried out on individual P. melanarius to deter- predation required to lead to the observed decline in
mine whether they had consumed slug tissue and 11% slugs, given the levels of sero-prevalence in the beetle
overall were found to be sero-positive for slug protein. populations. If the beetles are responsible for the
The authors develop a hypothesis concerning the observed reduction in the slug population – of approx-
impact of beetle predatory activity on slug popula- imately 57% in 1 month (28 days) – and if there are ini-
tions; namely that predation by P. melanarius was ‘not tially 120 slugs m–2 (a density in the mid-range of those
opportunistic, but direct and dynamic.’ We analyse the observed), then 2·4 slugs m–2 must be killed each night.
data further and evaluate the extent to which the An average of 11% of the beetles caught on each sam-
hypotheses developed by the authors are supported by pling occasion in June and July tested positive; how-
the results of their analyses. We then present alternative ever, since beetles remain ELISA-positive for slug
explanations of the observed patterns by consideration protein for 2·5 days, only 4·4% of the beetles can be
of analyses at scales other than those presented. assumed to have killed slugs on any given night.
First, we question why comparisons between spatial With this estimate of 4·4% of beetles killing slugs
patterns of carabids and slugs were only made at the each night, the beetle density necessary to cause the
16 m scale, given that associations were also detected at observed decline would have to be 55 m–2. Densities of
the 4 m scale where beetle and slug sampling also coin- P. melanarius in the field have been found to range from
cided. If we consider their analyses at the 16 m level, 0·25 to 11 m–2 (Thiele 1977; Scheller 1984; Ayre 1995;
then the data presented by Bohan et al. indicate that Kromp 1999). We conclude therefore that this density
there was a significant association in the pattern of dis- of 55 m–2 is unrealistic, indicating that the decline in
tribution between slugs that were larger than 50 mg slug populations observed is unlikely to be due to
and beetles that were sero-positive to slug antibody in beetles alone.
June. This association was not obvious in July. They The authors suggested that beetles remain satiated
for up to 23 days following feeding, to account for the
static distribution of carabids over the sampling
Correspondence: Dr J. Mair, Department of Agricultural &
Environmental Science, University of Newcastle, Newcastle period. It is highly unlikely that P. melanarius will
© 2001 British upon Tyne, NE1 7RY. Tel: 0191-222-6599/5952. E-mail: remain satiated for such a long period of time. P.
Ecological Society melanarius will kill slugs even when satiated (Thiele Page 876 Wednesday, August 22, 2001 8:46 AM

876 1977); however, generalist carabids are known to be shot that is unlikely to be an indicator of the range in
Forum voracious feeders consuming at least their own body moisture or environmental conditions encountered by
weight daily (Thiele 1977; Kromp 1999) and up to three the slug during the intersample period. Finally, the
times their body weight per day in the case of P. authors did not consider the possibility that clumped
melanarius (Thiele 1977). As beetles feed every day, if distribution patterns might arise as a result of the
P. melanarius was strongly motivated to feed on slugs highly localized nature of birth and recruitment into
as suggested by Bohan et al. we would expect beetle dis- the population. Slugs lay large egg masses. This means
tribution to closely match the slug spatial distribution. that the spatial pattern of eggs in the environment is
However, the beetle distributions did not change inevitably highly clumped. One might expect that this
between months and the decrease in the numbers of clumping would persist into the juvenile stages of slugs,
large slugs was not significantly related to the distribu- as the ranging abilities of slugs is bound to be related to
tion of P. melanarius (P = 0·055). In July many sero- size. As slugs grow bigger they can move farther. Thus,
positive beetles were found in areas with few large as slugs age they would tend to move further apart and
slugs. This was interpreted as beetles consuming all the become less aggregated, all things being equal.
large slugs in that particular location in June and We suggest as our alternate hypothesis, that the
remaining present in the area because they were sati- observed distributions of slugs reflects the demographic
ated. However, for beetles to be sero-positive for slug features, such as egg distribution patterns, and that any
proteins in the July samples they must have consumed congruence between spatial patterns of beetles and
slug tissue in the previous 2·5 days, indicating that slugs was purely fortuitous or determined by environ-
beetles were not only feeding on ‘large’ slugs. mental parameters with which both were correlated.
There are several possible alternative explanations to
the patterns observed. First, whilst Bohan et al. have
included the effects of environment in their initial
hypotheses, they refuted the hypothesis that relative Ayre, K. (1995) Evaluation of carabids as predators of slugs in
humidity and temperature had any effects on slug popu- arable land. PhD Thesis, University of Newcastle upon
Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne.
lations. We contend that whilst they undertook the
Bohan, D.B., Bohan, A.C., Glen, D.M., Symondson, W.O.C.,
tests, their ability to test the hypotheses was restricted Wiltshire, C.W. & Hughes, L. (2000) Spatial dynamics of
by the quality of the data they had available, resulting predation by carabid beetles on slugs. Journal of Animal
in Type II errors for the tests undertaken. Secondly, we Ecology, 69, 367 – 379.
would contend that the environmental data used were Kromp, B. (1999) Carabid beetles in sustainable agriculture: a
review on pest control efficacy, cultivation impacts and
collected at inappropriate spatial and temporal scales.
enhancement. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,
Small-scale (less than 1 cm) variations in surface 74, 187 – 228.
topography mean that the soil microclimate varies at a Scheller, H.V. (1984) The role of ground beetles as predators
scale similar to that of the size of an adult slug. Coarse on early populations of cereal aphids in spring barley.
samples at the scale taken are unlikely to be able to Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie, 97, 451–463.
Thiele, H.U. (1977) Carabid beetles in their environments: a
resolve the differences in soil moisture content that
study on habitat selection by adaptations in physiology and
could generate patterns or clumping in the distribution behaviour. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
of animals. Thirdly, the time scale between samples of
these environmental data provide only a simple snap- Received 21 December 2000; accepted 1 May 2001

© 2001 British
Ecological Society,
Journal of Animal
Ecology, 70,

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