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Topical Review

Epilepsy and Chromosomal Rearrangements in

Smith-Magenis Syndrome [del(17)(p11.2p11.2)]
Alica M. Goldman, MD, PhD; Lorraine Potocki, MD; Katherina Walz, PhD; Jennifer K. Lynch, MD;
Daniel G. Glaze, MD; James R. Lupski, MD, PhD; Jeffrey L. Noebels, MD, PhD


Smith-Magenis syndrome is a multiple congenital anomalies/mental retardation syndrome associated with a heterozygous dele-
tion of chromosome 17p11.2. Seizures have not been formally studied in this population. Our objectives were to estimate the
prevalence of seizures and electroencephalographic (EEG) epileptiform abnormalities in patients with Smith-Magenis syn-
drome with defined chromosomal rearrangements and to describe the spectrum of abnormal EEG patterns. Prolonged
video-EEGs were obtained in 60 patients. Eighteen percent of patients reported a seizure history; however, abnormal EEGs
were identified in 31 of the 60 subjects and 27 of 31 were epileptiform. Generalized epileptiform patterns were the most common
(73%). Most patients with either small or large deletions had an abnormal EEG (83%; 75%) in contrast to those with a common
deletion (49%). Our results indicate that epileptiform EEG abnormalities are frequent in patients with Smith-Magenis syndrome.
Considering that close to one third of individuals with Smith-Magenis syndrome with epileptiform abnormalities also had a
history of clinical seizures, cortical hyperexcitability and epilepsy should be considered an important component of the Smith-
Magenis syndrome clinical phenotype. (J Child Neurol 2006;21:93–98; DOI 10.2310/7010.2006.00030).

Smith-Magenis syndrome (Mendelian Inheritance in Man 182290) is patients with Smith-Magenis syndrome were recently found to have
a multiple congenital anomalies/mental retardation syndrome asso- retinoic acid induced 1 (RAI1) heterozygous point mutations.6,7
ciated with an interstitial deletion of chromosome 17p11.2. Smith- Smith-Magenis syndrome is characterized by a variable degree
Magenis syndrome was described in 1986,1,2 and, subsequently, more of developmental delay, behavioral and physical abnormalities
than 100 patients have been reported.3 A common deletion involving such as hearing impairment, and minor skeletal and craniofacial
≈ 4 Mb within the critical interval of chromosome 17p11.2 is observed defects.5,8 Cardiac and renal anomalies commonly observed in
in 76% of patients,4 and the estimated birth prevalence of the chro- individuals with chromosome 17p11.2 deletions were absent in cases
mosome 17p11.2 microdeletion is 1 in 25,000.5 Five nondeletion with RAI1 gene mutations.5–7 Dysfunctional behavior is common
and multifaceted in this patient population. It is frequently char-
acterized by aggressiveness, impulsive outbursts, severe temper
Received February 4, 2005. Received revised April 1, 2005. Accepted for tantrums, limited attention span, and hyperactivity. Self-injurious
publication April 11, 2005. tendencies (such as head banging, onychotillomania, and poly-
From the Departments of Neurology (Drs Goldman, Lynch, Glaze, and embolokoilamania) are frequent, as are sleep abnormalities.5,8–13
Noebels), Peter Kellaway Section of Neurophysiology (Drs Goldman, Lynch, Seizures are part of the Smith-Magenis syndrome clinical spectrum,
and Glaze), Molecular and Human Genetics (Drs Potocki, Walz, Lupski, and
Noebels), and Pediatrics (Dr Glaze), Baylor College of Medicine, and Texas and the reported incidence of epilepsy in this population varies
Children’s Hospital (Dr Lupski), Houston, TX. between 11% and 30%.3,5,8 These data are based on historical and
This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health grants parental information, and there have been no reported systematic
T32-NS07399-04 (to A.M.G., J.K.L.) and 29709 (to J.L.N.), the National Institute electroclinical studies of electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns
of Child Health and Human Development (National Institutes of Health)
in Smith-Magenis syndrome.
(K08 HD01149) (to L.P.), National Cancer Institute grant P01 CA75719 and
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development grant P01 Our main objectives were to describe the spectrum of EEG
HD39420) (to J.R.L.), the Baylor College of Medicine Mental Retardation epileptiform abnormalities and to estimate the prevalence of
Research Center (HD2406407), and the Texas Children’s Hospital General seizures and epileptiform abnormalities in a group of 60 geno-
Clinical Research Center (M01RR00188).
typed patients with Smith-Magenis syndrome with underlying chro-
Address correspondence to Alica M. Goldman, MD, PhD, Department
mosomal rearrangements. The uniqueness of this study is the
of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, NB220,
Houston, TX 77030. Tel: 713-798-5862; fax: 713-798-7528; e-mail: systematic collection of clinical and electrophysiologic data on an exceptionally large Smith-Magenis syndrome cohort with a detailed

94 Journal of Child Neurology / Volume 21, Number 2, February 2006

molecular characterization of the genotype that allowed for close Table 1. Summary of the Electroencephalographic Abnormalities
genotype-phenotype correlations. Identified in the Smith-Magenis Syndrome Cohort
Generalized patterns on EEG (73%)
METHODS Bursts or runs of generalized slow waves
Runs of generalized spike-and-wave complexes at 3 Hz
Runs of generalized frontally or occipitally dominant
Subjects spike-and-wave complexes < 3.5 Hz
Bursts of generalized spikes and polyspikes
Sixty patients with Smith-Magenis syndrome [del(17)(p11.2p11.2)] were
enrolled in the multidisciplinary clinical study between December 1990 and Focal patterns on EEG (43%)
September 1999 through the General Clinical Research Center at the Texas Focal occipital, central, centrotemporal, or temporal spikes
Children’s Hospital in Houston under a protocol approved by the Baylor Col- and sharp waves
Runs of central spikes at 6–8 Hz
lege of Medicine Institutional Review Board. Informed consent was obtained Rhythmic high-voltage occipital 4 Hz waves
from the patient’s parent or legal guardian. The study population consisted Rhythmic bilateral high-voltage frontal theta activity
of 27 (45%) male patients, ranging in age from 2 to 31 years, and 33 (55%) EEG = electroencephalogram.
female patients, with an age range of 11 months to 37 years.

Polysomnography and EEG Recording

To define the total prevalence of epileptiform abnormalities,
Seizure history was obtained as part of the comprehensive clinical proto- we reviewed EEG tracings of the entire cohort and found that 31
col, and all patients underwent a detailed clinical and neurologic evalua- of the 60 patients with Smith-Magenis syndrome (52%) had abnor-
tion and polysomnographic recordings. Psychotropic medications were mal EEG studies. Twenty-seven of the 31 EEGs (87%) were epilep-
discontinued for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the study as per standard tiform. Nine of the 31 cases had a positive seizure history.
protocol. All EEGs were performed as part of an overnight polysomnography Generalized epileptiform patterns were found to be the most com-
and daytime multiple sleep latency test. Subjects were monitored contin- mon abnormality (73%). Focal epileptiform abnormalities were
uously during the nocturnal session for a minimum of 8 hours with a detected in 43% of the records (Table 1 and Figure 1). Epileptiform
21-channel polygraph (Nihon-Kohden model 4421K EEG recorder, Tokyo, discharges restricted to a wake state were detected only in one
Japan). The following parameters were recorded continuously: eight EEG patient. Fifty-two percent (14/27) of abnormalities were confined
channels (Fp1-C3, Fp2-C4, C3-O1, C4-O2, F7-T3, F8-T4, T3-O1, T4-O2) from exclusively to various sleep states, and 44% (12/27) were present
surface electrodes placed according to the International 10-20 system, in both wake and sleep tracings (Figure 2). The prevalence of
electro-oculogram, submental electromyogram, single-channel electrocar- EEG abnormalities in male and female patients was comparable
diogram, respiratory effort using thoracic and abdominal strain gauges, res- (55% in male patients).
piratory airflow using oral and nasal thermocouples, oxygen saturation
Twelve patients were being treated with an anticonvulsant at
using pulse oximetry, end tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure, leg move-
the time of the study, yet only two were taking the medications for
ment using a triaxial accelerometer, and behavioral observations made by
seizure control. The remaining 10 were prescribed antiepileptic
a technologist log and time-synchronized video monitoring. Standard cri-
drugs for management of behavioral problems but not epilepsy.
teria were applied to wake and sleep staging and to EEG pattern classifi-
Seven of these were found to display generalized and/or focal
cation. A multiple sleep latency test followed routine protocol and consisted
epileptiform patterns.
of four to five naps at 2 hours each.14 All studies were interpreted by a clin-
Twenty-three patients had imaging studies of the brain that
ical neurophysiologist physician board certified in sleep medicine (D.G.G.).
were reported previously.8 There was no statistically significant dif-
ference between patients with an abnormal brain imaging and
Cytogenetic/Molecular Analysis epileptiform EEG compared with those with a normal study.
Cytogenetic evaluation, including fluorescent in situ hybridization, along with
molecular analysis using pulsed field gel electrophoresis, and polymor- Genotypic Characteristics of Patients
phic markers were performed using methods described previously.3,4 With Smith-Magenis Syndrome
The mechanism leading to the microdeletion is an unequal cross-
RESULTS ing over owing to homologous recombination between flanking
repeat gene clusters.15–20 The chromosomal extent of this deletion
Prevalence of Epilepsy and EEG Abnormalities in could be determined in 51 individuals. Thirty-nine patients (≈76%)
Patients With Smith-Magenis Syndrome had the common Smith-Magenis syndrome deletion spanning
Seizures were reported to occur in 11 of 60 (18.3%) patients. Par- ≈4 Mb within chromosome 17p11.2.4 Other patients had smaller or
ents reported staring episodes suggestive of either absence or par- larger deletions involving the Smith-Magenis syndrome critical
tial seizures (7/11), generalized convulsions indicative of generalized interval, and in one case, deletion of the Smith-Magenis syndrome
tonic-clonic seizures (4/11), and drop attacks, the description of region was the result of a complex chromosomal rearrangement.
which corresponded to the usual presentation of atonic seizures Of all of the Smith-Magenis syndrome cases, patients with
(2/11). There was no detectable correlation between the age of either small or large deletions were more likely to have an abnor-
Smith-Magenis syndrome cases and the onset of seizures. No ictal mal EEG than the individuals with common deletions (83% and 75%
events were captured. Of the 11 patients with a reported seizure vs 49%, respectively) (Figure 3); however, this association did not
history, the EEG was normal in two and abnormal although not def- reach statistical significance. In an attempt to define a possible chro-
initely epileptiform in three, and epileptiform patterns were mosomal region involved in the development of epileptiform activ-
recorded in six. ity, we examined the genetic data of six patients with small deletions
Epilepsy and Smith-Magenis Syndrome / Goldman et al 95

Figure 1. Examples of epileptiform pat-

terns identified in patients with Smith-
Magenis syndrome. A, Generalized
spike-and-wave complex (patient 1090).
B, Generalized 3 Hz spike-and-wave
complexes (patient 1365).

96 Journal of Child Neurology / Volume 21, Number 2, February 2006


Although seizures have been reported in up to 30% of patients

with Smith-Magenis syndrome,5 these figures are based solely on
historical and parental information. In our cohort of 60 genotyped
patients with Smith-Magenis syndrome, recurring stereotypic clin-
ical events strongly suggestive of seizures were reported in 18.3%,
yet only 2 of 6 cases that had epileptiform findings during our
EEG study carried a formal diagnosis of epilepsy and were treated
with anticonvulsants. The remaining four cases that were not
treated were reported to have staring episodes. We can only spec-
ulate that these events were considered to be part of their "com-
mon" behavior and thus went on undiagnosed and untreated. The
extended EEG recording studies showed that the overall prevalence
Figure 2. Diagram summarizing the prevalence of epileptiform abnor-
of epileptiform abnormalities was 45%. Twenty-nine percent of
malities in relation to wake and sleep states. Twenty-two percent of
all epileptiform patterns were present in the wake state (W), non–rapid cases with epileptiform EEG had seizures by history. The great
eye movement (REM) (NR), and REM (R) sleep and are represented majority of all epileptiform abnormalities were expressed either
by the light gray portion of the diagram, section 1:W+NR+R. Nineteen exclusively during sleep (52%) or both in wake and sleep states
percent of all epileptiform abnormalities occurred in the wake state
and non-REM sleep, medium gray section 2:W+NR, and 4% in the wake
(44%). This proportion is in general concordance with the EEG char-
state and REM sleep, darker gray section 3:W+R. Thirty-three percent acteristics of other patients with epilepsy. It is possible that the
of epileptiform patterns were restricted to non-REM sleep, striped sec- prevalence of epileptiform abnormalities was underestimated in
tion 4:NR; 11% to REM sleep, dotted section 5:R; and 7% were found our study because we relied on sampling from only eight EEG chan-
in both non-REM and REM sleep, section 6 with squares:NR+R. Only
4% of all epileptiform abnormalities were found confined to the wake nels of the polysomnographic recordings. The electrophysiologic
state, white section 7:W. data were originally collected to evaluate the sleep characteristics
of patients with Smith-Magenis syndrome rather than to examine
their epileptiform abnormalities.12 It was the finding of seizures in
(Figure 4). All patients were deleted for areas within the Smith- our Smith-Magenis syndrome mouse model that prompted us to
Magenis syndrome critical region thought to be required for the reevaluate the clinical cohort and scrutinize their polysomno-
development of typical Smith-Magenis syndrome.15,21,22 Four of the graphic recordings for seizures and epileptiform patterns.23 Despite
six cases shared the proximal breakpoints; however, the distal the limitations of EEG recordings, the precise delineation of geno-
breakpoints were variable within this group and did not permit a type in our study population provided a unique opportunity to
more refined definition of genes involved in the epileptiform com- correlate distinct chromosomal aberrations with the clinical and
ponent of the Smith-Magenis syndrome phenotype. electrographic phenotypes. Seventy-six percent of the evaluated

Figure 3. Spectrum of mutations in

patients with Smith-Magenis syn-
drome.The clustered bar diagram com-
pares the frequency of the identified
mutation types across Smith-Magenis
syndrome patient groups. Five distinct
mutational categories (white bars =
common deletions; solid black bars =
small deletions; vertical striped bars =
large deletions; solid gray bars = com-
plex rearrangements; speckled white
bars = undetermined mutations) are
shown and compared among all
patients with Smith-Magenis syn-
drome, patients with Smith-Magenis
syndrome with a normal electro-
encephalogram (EEG-N), and patients
with Smith-Magenis syndrome
with an abnormal/epileptiform EEG
Epilepsy and Smith-Magenis Syndrome / Goldman et al 97

Walz et al reported an epileptic phenotype of a Smith-Magenis

syndrome mouse model [Df(11)17/+] generated by chromosomal
engineering.23 The engineered mouse chromosomal deletions
included the murine homologue of the retinoic acid induced 1
(RAI1) gene. Five of six mutant mice displayed epileptiform spike-
and-waves and polyspikes on their EEGs, predominantly during
behavioral sleep. One third also manifested frequent overt gener-
alized tonic-clonic seizures. It is of interest that one of the five
patients whose phenotype was due to mutation of RAI1 had a
reported seizure history, although no further clinical or electro-
physiologic details of his epilepsy were available.6 The chromosome
17p11.2 deletion mouse model also suggested a strain-dependent
increase in vulnerability to seizures during postnatal develop-
ment.23 We studied this phenomenon in our Smith-Magenis syn-
drome cohort, but the analysis of mean age difference between
groups with and without epileptiform EEG was not statistically sig-
nificant. Moreover, the male mouse deletion mutants were also
Figure 4. Schematic representation of small deletions in our patients
with Smith-Magenis syndrome. A, An ideogram illustrating chromo- behaviorally hypoactive,26 a characteristic that is in contrast to the
some 17. The 17p11.2 and 17p12 chromosome regions are indicated usual behavioral phenotype of patients in our study.
by white and solid vertical bars, respectively. B, Schematic illustration In summary, epileptiform EEG patterns are common in patients
of the ≈4 Mb common deletion region (SMS CDR) within chromosome
17p11.2 that is deleted in 80% to 90% of patients with Smith-Magenis with Smith-Magenis syndrome, and when present, close to one third
syndrome.5,16,17,31 Large deletions extend beyond the common deletion of individuals can be expected to manifest clinical seizures. It has
region, whereas small deletions are confined within the 4 Mb inter- been shown that untreated epilepsy can contribute to a variety of
val, as shown in this figure. SMS CR = Smith-Magenis syndrome crit-
sleep disturbances, as well as to maladaptive daily functioning.27–29
ical region, a minimal deletion interval responsible for the full
Smith-Magenis syndrome phenotype.15 The relative position of 10 of Disordered sleep and behavioral problems pose frequent man-
20 genes residing in the Smith-Magenis syndrome common deletion agement challenges in patients with Smith-Magenis syndrome,
region is shown.15 PMP22 and KCNJ12 genes are located outside the and their basis is multifactorial.11–13,30 Careful history taking, along
Smith-Magenis syndrome common deletion region. SMS-REPD, SMS-
REPM, SMS-REPP = distal, middle, and proximal low-copy repeat
with EEG studies, might help identify patients in whom unrecog-
gene clusters, respectively, which are the substrates for nonallelic nized seizure disorder associated with haploinsufficient genes
homologous recombination in Smith-Magenis syndrome. 17 C, within the chromosome 17p11.2 microdeletion interval might be
Schematic representation of the small deletions documented in our contributory to psychosocial dysfunction.
Smith-Magenis syndrome cohort. Solid lines indicate nondeleted
areas, whereas dotted lines represent deleted regions. Detailed maps
of the respective breakpoints are reported elsewhere.15,16
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