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Arabs real time Astronomy

The 30 solutions of Mercury’s Perihelion

(I/O) θ’0 = θ’0 + [(I – O)/O] θ’0
Real time physics = event time physics + time delay physics
Quantum = classical + relativistic

My name is Professor Joe Nahhas Re- founder of Arabs real time physics July 4th 1973
There is one and only one physics Arabs real time physics
This is me in October 2009 flashing my 1979 picture stapled to my thermo book congratulating
myself on 1001 new Arabs real time physics formulas to change physics and history

Page 1

Confronting criminals in Alfred Nobel suit is my promise

Greetings: My name is Joe Nahhas and I was expelled from University of Michigan in 1991 and PHD wiped for exposing
criminals in Alfred Nobel suit Headquartered in USA department of energy

Frederick Reines 1953 US physicists of US DOE and Einstein’s dumbest thought E = mc2
Modern physics which is based on space – to time - back to space travel fiction is not physics
but Einstein’s and Alfred Nobel criminals’ stupidity imposed in classrooms and used in scientific
calculation terrorizing students with University “Professors’” stupidity

I Joe Nahhas accuse Nobel Prize winner Dr Stephen Chu of the crime of fraud
including scientific fraud money laundering in the amounts of billions of dollars
along with other Nobel Prize winners. Dr Stephen Chu is shelling billions in
research money when he knows it is all fraud. Crime started with Lorentz and
Einstein and the Alfred Nobel Prize Institution and USA department of energy is
where the crimes happened and keep happening. In 1953 Frederick Reines
rigged physics while he was working at USA department of energy to create the
dark energy multi billion dollars scam and the dark energy scam have/had
reached an unprecedented levels that criminals has to be confronted and Dr
Stephen Chu is a criminal in Alfred Nobel suit and it is the subject of this article

Western physicists after the 1932 two chemists discovery that the heavy metal of Uranium
can split releasing heat they raced for a way to speed up the splitting process to make a
heat bomb we call nuclear bomb. At this stage western physicists realized that they can
tell the USA congress and get all the money they want and they used visual effects to
claim new discovery fooling and blackmailing Congress the American people and
humanity and the time has come to expose them and who can expose them? I can!
There is no dark energy because it is based on modern physics and modern
physics is made up physics and can be deleted in its entirety without loss of
subject. I am that good and can show how modern physics is Garbage
Dark energy Neutrino crime:

Frederick Reines Neutrino crime

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1995 was awarded "for pioneering experimental contributions to lepton
physics" jointly with one half to Martin L. Perl "for the discovery of the tau lepton" and with one half to
Frederick Reines "for the detection of the neutrino". Frederick Reines and many others used
visual effects to claim discovery when there is no discovery and he did it while
working for America’s most wanted crime hub called US department of energy

Einstein is fraud and E = mc2/2 and not E = mc2 Terrorist Einstein talk about
is dark energy visual Illusion after 106 years till can never be found

I can show you using 5th grade math that he is fraud by showing that 5th grade math
can solve the same problems Einstein solved and the problems Einstein cannot
solve. I can show you how USA department of energy used visual effect to verify
Einstein’s theory when his theory and the experimental proofs are nothing but
fraud and a crime
Modern Physics is Garbage: I can use 5th grade math to beat Alfred Nobel
physics and physicists
A = A; add and subtract B to get
A = B + (A – B); divide by B to get
A/B = 1 + (A – B)/B; multiply by C to get
(A/B) C = C + [(A – B)/B] C
If a Car has a velocity C at a distance A and the Car is moving away; then, the
car velocity would be measured as (A/B) C at a distance B and the
difference between the two velocities measurements at A and B is (A/B) C
– C = [(A – B)/B] C
C = classical physics = event time measurement of C
(A/B) C = real time measurements of C = quantum mechanics
[(A – B)/B] C = time delay Illusion = relativistic
Or Quantum = Classical + relativistic
Meaning when light was discovered and used as measuring tool physicists
started seeing Illusions confused for real thing and called it modern
physics. Real time illusions only use was speeding up the information age
called modern technology. Everything scientist said that it exist they have
no proof because it is an Illusion
(A/B) C = C + [(A – B)/B] C

This equation ends 500 years of modern physics

University of Michigan time travel bus drivers and criminals like these idiots
who believe in dark energy when dark energy is all made up fraud

Chairs of Nuclear Engineering Department past 30 years

James J. Duderstadt Glenn Knoll Bill Martin Ron Gilgenbach

Arabs real time particle motion:

All there is in the Universe is objects of mass m moving in space (x, y, z) at a location r
= r (x, y, z). The state of any object in the Universe can be expressed as the product
S = m r; State = mass x location:
P = d S/d t = m (d r/d t) + (dm/d t) r = Total moment
= change of location + change of mass
= m v + m' r; v = velocity = d r/d t; m' = mass change rate
F = d P/d t = d²S/dt² = Total force
= m (d²r/dt²) +2(dm/d t) (d r/d t) + (d²m/dt²) r
= m γ + 2m'v +m" r; γ = acceleration; m'' = mass acceleration rate

In polar coordinates system

r = r r (1) ;v = r' r(1) + r θ' θ(1) ; γ = (r" - rθ'²)r(1) + (2r'θ' + r θ")θ(1)

r = location; v = velocity; γ = acceleration
F = m γ + 2m'v +m" r
F = m [(r"-rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)] + 2m'[r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] + (m" r) r
= [d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'²] r (1) + (1/mr) [d (m²r²θ')/d t] θ (1)
= 0 Light force law
First r = r [cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ] = r r (1)
Define r (1) = cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ
Define v = d r/d t = r' r (1) + r d[r (1)]/d t
= r' r (1) + r θ'[- sine θ î + cosine θĴ]
= r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)

Define θ (1) = -sine θ î +cosine θ Ĵ;

And with r (1) = cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ
Then d [θ (1)]/d t= θ' [- cosine θ î - sine θ Ĵ= - θ' r (1)
And d [r (1)]/d t = θ' [-sine θ î + cosine θ Ĵ] = θ' θ (1)

Define γ = d [r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] /d t

= r" r (1) + r'd [r (1)]/d t + r' θ' r (1) + r θ" r (1) +r θ'd [θ (1)]/d t
γ = (r" - rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)
With d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'² = F (r)
And d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0
If light mass m = constant, then
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = F (r) Eq-1
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Eq-2
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0 Eq–1
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Eq-2
From Eq-2: d (r²θ')/d t = 0
Then r²θ' = h = constant

Differentiate with respect to time

Then 2rr'θ' + r²θ" = 0
Divide by r²θ'
Then 2(r'/r) + θ"/θ' = 0
And 2(r'/r) = - θ"/θ' = 2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)]
Also, r = r0 (θ, 0) e [λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
And θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
For a fixed orbit: λ r = 0
Also, r = r 0 (θ, 0) e ỉ ω t

And θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2ỉ ω t

With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0
Let u = 1/r; r = 1/u; r²θ' = h = θ’ /u²
And d r/d t = (d r/ d u) (d u /d θ) (d θ/ d t) = (- 1/u ²) (θ’) (d u/ d θ)
= - h (d u/ d θ)
And d² r/ d t² = - h (θ’) (d² u/ d θ ²)
= [- h²/r²] (d² u/ d θ ²)
= - h² u² (d² u/ d θ ²)
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0 Eq–1
And - h² u² (d² u/ d θ ²) – (1/u) (h u²) ² = 0
Then (d² u/ d θ ²) + u = 0
Then u = A e - í θ
Then r 0 (θ, 0) = (1/A) e í θ
And r 0 (θ, 0) = r 0 (0, 0) e í θ
And r = r 0 (0, 0) e í θ e ỉ ω t

í (θ + ω t)
Or, r = r 0 e

This is real time particle motion

Light is emitted and not an emitter and humans have no means of measuring light
in motion and at best they can take a snap shot.
In mathematical language
Then r = r 0 e í θ at t = 0
And r = r 0 e í (θ + ω t)
Then ∆ r = r 0 e í θ [1 - e í ω t]
Or ∆ r = r [1 - e í ω t] = ∆ r (x) + í ∆ r (y)
∆ r (x) = r [1 – cosine ω t] = - 2r sine ² ω t/2
∆ r (x) = - 2r sine ² ω t/2 Eq - 3

Page 5

Dark energy Neutrino crime:

Frederick Reines Neutrino crime

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1995 was awarded "for pioneering experimental contributions to lepton
physics" jointly with one half to Martin L. Perl "for the discovery of the tau lepton" and with one half to
Frederick Reines "for the detection of the neutrino".

Anti-neutrino + proton ---------> neutron + positron

Positron + electron --------------> Gamma + Gamma
Gamma caught by a sensor and amplified to a signal 1 --> signal 1 on Oscilloscope
Neutron + Cadmium --> [Cadmium eats neutron] --> coughs Gamma
Gamma caught by a sensor and amplified to a signal 2 --> signal 2 on Oscilloscope

Reines and Cowan who claimed that if they install a tank of water close
to a nuclear reactor building and shield it from cosmic radiation then
the Neutrino can be found from seeing two γ- gamma signals.
The first signal γ- gamma signal is an indication of an Antineutrino
capture by a neutron and the second γ- gamma signal is an indication
of a neutron capture by cadmium and excited cadmium spits another γ-
gamma signal

A Water Tank with 200 liters of water and 40 CdCl2 or a mixture of tri
ethyl benzene

Page 6

* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *
signal 1 captured 25 μ seconds later signal 2 captures
Signal 1 and two differ by a small size captured on oscilloscope screens

Water has a refractive index of 4/3 and try ethyl benzene has a refractive index of
There was a time window of 25 micro seconds shots were taken and when a # 1
signal appeared in this 25 micro-seconds window the second window showed another
signal appearing within 0- 5 microseconds

A signal moving inside a medium is expected to get delayed from 0-5 micro
seconds in a 0-25 micro second window
The diffraction slows the motion inside a medium with refractive index n:
And r = r 0 e í (θ + ω t)
With θ = 0
Then r = r 0 e í ω t
Dividing by c
T = T (0)eỉωt
T = T (0) e ; ω t = arc tan (1/ n); n v = c; n = index of refraction; v = velocity
of light in medium; c = light speed in vacuum
T = T (0) [cosine ω t + ỉ sine ω t] = T (0) [1 - 2sine² (ω t/2) + ỉ sine ω t] = T (x)
+ ỉ T (y)
T (x) = T (0) [1 - 2sine² (ω t/2)] = T (0) {1 - 2sine² {[(arc tan (1/n)]/2}}
Δ T = T (x) - T (0) = - 2 T (0) sine² {[arc tan (1 /n)]/2}
Δ T = - 2 T (0) sine² {[arc tan (1 /n)]/2}
T (x) = T (0) cosine arc tan [1 /n)]
T (x) = T (0) cosine arc tan [3/4] = 0.8 T (0)
T (x) - T (0) = 0.2 T (0)
Δ T = 0.2 T (0)
The assumption that the free neutrino is detected at the Savannah River nuclear
power plant experiment in 1953 and published in nature 1956 by Reines and
Cowan and advertised by United Nations in 1958 is not only wrong but dead wrong.
The claim of a second signal detection delayed 5 micro second after the pair
annihilation indicating a neutron capture by Cadmium and proving the existence of
the neutrino to support Wolfgang Pauli Neutrino theory and relativity theory is not
justified. Here is why
Proof: The gate length is T (0) = 25 μ s (microseconds)
The Container that had Cadmium is basically Tri ethyl benzene mixed with water.
The refractive index of water at 25°C is 1.333 ~ 4/3 and the refractive index of tri
ethyl benzene is 1.44 with 5 to 1 ratio water to tri ethyl benzene which is a minor
distraction to water refractive index.

Δ T = - 2 x 25 sine² {[arc tan (~ 3/4)/2]} = 5 μ s time delays

Δ T = 0.2 T (0) = 0.2 x 25 = 5 μ s time delays
The coincidence of Pair annihilation gammas and Neutron capture gammas is not

If all the mixture was Tri ethyl benzene because the literature says it is a mixture
and it say it is tri ethyl benzene
Δ T = - 2 x 25 {[sine² arc tan (1/1.44)]/2} = 4.46575 μ s time delays

The delayed signal within the 5 μ s intervals is not a sign of Neutrino capture but a
flash of light caught traveled and caught delayed. Meaning it is the same gamma
and not two different gammas. What Reines and Cowan did is measuring the same
signal in a 25 micro second interval at the start they measured the signal and in
that 25 micro seconds interval the signal had 5 micro seconds signal time delay
that was measured as a second event. Reines and Cowan claimed two signals the
first event was the signal of pair annihilation and the second event is the neutron
capture and releasing a second gamma ray when in fact looking at the same signal.
This is the basis of all dark energy fraud

California institute of technology Ahmed Zewail Femto Chemistry historical mistake is the
same repeated stupidity
Γ = t ℮ ỉ θ; θ = arc tan (v/c)

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1999

"for his studies of the transition states of chemical reactions using femto second
Dr Ahmed Zewail
Nobel Lecture
Femtochemistry: Atomic-Scale Dynamics of the Chemical Bond
Using Ultrafast Lasers
Or finding t
In his Nobel work Dr Zewail used Cyanogenic iodide with λ = 306 nanometer; 1
nanometer = 10 - 9 and watched it fluoresces at λ = 388.9; t = 200 femto seconds;
1 femto second = 10 15 second
He shot a Laser beam to stir a solution that contained crystal of Cyanogenic iodide
Then every 10 femto seconds he shot again to see what happens and after the last
shot he concluded the stir is dead and Cyanogenic iodide broke
ICN ----------------> CN + I

The index of refraction of Cyanogenic iodide is n = 1.64 [US Army articles on the
With λ = c T: T (1) = 306 x 10 - 9/3 x 10 8 = 102 x 10 - 15
With λ = c T: T (2) = 388.9 x 10 - 9/3 x 10 8 = 129.633 x 10 - 15

Δ Γ = T (1) - T (2) = - 27.6333 x 10 - 15

And Δ Γ = - 2 t sine ² arc tan (v/c)
And Δ Γ = - 2 t sine ² arc tan (1/n)
And -2 sine ² arc tan (v/c) = - 0.1455
- 15 - 15
And t = Δ Γ / - 2 t sine ² arc tan (1/n) = - 27.6333 x 10 / - 0.1462 = 190 x 10
Or t = 190 x 10 - 15
The last shot is just a waste
Dr Zewail number is 200 +/- 30 femotseconds
Other Nobel Prize winner used the same visual trick at Micro scale
Then Nano technology came and used the same trick at nano scale
And then Pico technology came and used it at pico scale
I am not saying Dr Ahmed Zewail is wrong what I am saying is Dr Zewail and all
others are wrong and Dr Zewail is another Nobel and no Nobility.

But that is not all Einstein used the same crime

Lord Eddington used the same crime

So did Copernicus Galileo, Tyco Brahe, Kepler, Newton, Hooke, Le Verrier, Laplace Von Soldner,

The entire western civilization 500 years of physics

The entire western civilization 500,000 scientists used the same crime

All rights reserved

Page 9

Chapter one: What is Arabs real time astronomy?

Car size at distance 4

Car size at distance 3

Car size at distance 2

Car size at distance 1

Observer line: …………………Observer ………………

If we stand in the middle of the street and watch a car moving directly away from us we
see as if the size of the car shrunk. If we take a picture of the car at different distances
then we see that the pictures of the car look like as if the car contracted in size. The
further the car away from us the smaller image of the car in the picture. The size of the
car did not change but real time light data reflected from the car and ran through air
and into our eyes changes the real time image of the car to indicate a different location
of the car and not a different size of the car. Our eyes see real time images of a moving
car. If the car stops, then the image of the car freezes. A picture or a snap shot of a
moving car is a frozen image of the moving car. When a car moves its real time image
change size but the car does not change size. The car as a moving object at different
distances has a variable real time image that our eyes see in real time and depends on
distance and motion as perceived by our eyes. In short statements
Our eyes see objects in real time as different objects at different distances and different
speeds. Or, our eyes see real time objects we call images that change when measured
from different distances or when moving. Our eyes do not see actual objects but
Images of actual objects and our eyes see different images of same actual objects when
at different distances of moving
In mathematical form:
Page 2

1 = 1 self evident
2 = 2 is self evident
Image = image = I is self evident line - 1
Object = object = O = self evident line - 2
And, - Object = - objects = - O = self evident line - 3
I=I line - 1
O=O line - 2
And, - O = - O line - 3
Adding: line - 1 and line - 2 and line - 3
I + O – O = O + (I – O) line - 4
I = O + (I – O); O – O = 0 one left side
(I/O) = (O/O) + (I – O)/O; dividing by on both sides line - 5
Or, (I/O) = 1 + (I – O)/O; O/O = 1 line - 6
(I/O) O = O + [(I – O)/O] O Line - 7
Real time object = event time Object + time delay object
Real time astronomy = event time astronomy + time delay astronomy

Car size at distance 4

Car size at distance 3

R1 R2 O2
Car size at distance 2


R1 O1 d

R1 Car size at distance 1

Observer line: …………………Observer ………………

The image of R1 is R2; or R2 in real time is R1

Page 3

Let us do R1 real time analysis

R2 = R2
R2 = R1 + (R2 – R1)
Dividing by R1
(R2/R1) = (R1/R1) + (R2 – R1)/ R1
Visual measurement scale
(R2/R1) = 1 + [(R2 – R1)/ R1]
Distance R1 when measured using light source and not a measuring tape is not the same
as R1 but is measured as R2. R2 is the visual distance of R1. Using an eye as an instrument
visual distance R2 is smaller than actual distance R1. The percentage of visual distance R2 to
actual distance R1 is equal to (R2/R1).
(R2/R1) = 1 + [(R2 – R1)/ R1] = 1 + [(R2/ R1) – 1]
Percentage = 1 + [percentage – 1]
Multiplying by R1
(R2/R1) R1 = R1 + [(R2 – R1)/ R1] R1
Visual = actual + (Visual – actual)
In clear words when we try to measure the distance R1 using light source reflected from
the car we see a percentage of R1 which is (R2/R1) R1 and that percentage times R1 is the
visual we measure R2
Real time distance = event time distance + delay time distance
Visual distance = distance + visual effect
Visual measurement scale using distance
Real time astronomy scale using distance
(R2/R1) = 1 + [(R2 – R1)/ R1]
Visual measurement scale using Velocity
Real time astronomy scale using distance
(V2/V1) = 1 + [(V2 – V1)/ V1]
Visual measurement scale using angle
Real time astronomy scale using angle
(θ 2/ θ 1) = 1 + [(θ 2 – θ 1)/ θ 1]
Visual measurement scale using angular velocity
Real time astronomy scale using angular velocity
(θ’ 2/ θ’ 1) = 1 + [(θ’ 2 – θ’ 1)/ θ’ 1]
Visual measurement scale using time
Real time astronomy scale using time
(t 2/ t 1) = 1 + [(t 2 – t 1)/ t 1]

This formula is real time astronomical scale

(V/A) = 1 + [(V – A)/ A]

(Visual/Actual) = 1 + [(Visual – Actual)/ Actual]

Page 4

Arabs real time astronomy application

(I/O) θ’0 = θ’0 + [(I – O)/O] θ’0
Real time physics = event time physics + time delay physics

In old terms
Quantum = classical + relativistic
(R2/R1) = 1 + [(R2 – R1)/ R1]
(R2/R1) θ’0 = θ’0 + [(R2 – R1)/ R1] θ’0
This is Arabs real time astronomy distance scale to measure the angular velocity θ’0
(V2/V1) = 1 + [(V2 – V1)/ V1]
(V2/V1) θ’0 = θ’0 + [(V2 – V1)/ V1] θ’0

This is Arabs real time astronomy Velocity Scale to measure the angular velocity θ’0
Planet Mercury angular velocity accumulation in arc second per hundred years

(V2/V1) δ θ’0 = δ θ’0 + [(V2 – V1)/ V1] δ θ’0

Planet Mercury Angular velocity θ’0 = 2 π/Tm = 2(3.1415)/88 x24x3600
Tm = Planet Mercury orbital period = 88 days = 88 x 24 x 3600 seconds
Planet Mercury angular velocity accumulation in arc second per
century is: δ θ’0 = (2 π/ Tm) (1 century/Tm) (180/ π) (3600)

Or, δ θ’0 = (2 π/ Tm) (1 century/Tm) (180/ π) (3600)

= (2x3.1415/88x24x3600) (36526days/88days) (180/3.1415) (3600)
= 70.75
(R2/R1) θ’0 = θ’0 + [(R2 – R1)/ R1] θ’0
(R2/R1) δ θ’0 = δ θ’0 + [(R2 – R1)/ R1] δ θ’0
What we see = what there is + visual illusion
Modern astronomers see = 70.75 + 43
What there is = 70.75
The visual Illusion is = 43
[(R2 – R1)/ R1] δ θ’0 = 43
Page 5

As an example: when Astronomers look at planetary motion around the sun and
they saw the angular velocity in arc second per century:
Equal to δ θ’ m = (v m /r m) (180/ π) [36526/T m (days)] (3600)
= 70.75 arc second per century
Astronomers also saw the visual effect
Of: [(r m - r0)/r0] δ θ’ m = [(r m - r0)/r0] (v m /r m) (180/ π) [36526/T m (days)] (3600)
And it is equal to [(r m - r0)/r0] δ θ’ m = 43
Where r m = Mercury – Sun distance = 58.2 X 106km
And v m = Mercury around the sun orbital speed Sun distance = 47.9 km/sec
And r 0 = r e = Earth – Sun distance = 149.6 X 106km
And T m = Mercury around the sun orbital period
Planet Distance r Planet Orbit Less Spin Angular velocity;
X 106km Orbit T speed v Earth speed v/r
in speed km/sec arc sec/ century
Mercury 58.2 88 47.9 18.1 .002 70.75
Venus 108.2 224.7 35.05 5.7 6.52 10.86
Earth 149.6 365.26 29.8 .46511 4.1
Mars 227.936 687 24.14 0.2411
Jupiter 778.412 4333 13.06 12.6
Saturn 1,426.725 10760 9.65 9.87
Uranus 2,870.97 30690 6.80 2.59
Neptune 4,498 60180 5.43 2.68
Pluto 5906.4 90730 4.74

When astronomers measure the angular velocity from two different distances
they make the following error: [(r m - r0)/r0] δ θ’ m = 43

When astronomers measure Planet mercury angular speed around the Sun
from Earth r0 and not from the sun r m they make the following error
Error: [(r m - r0)/r0] δ θ’ m = 43

Arabs real time astronomy is:

Real time astronomy = event time astronomy + time delay astronomy

Visual = actual + Illusions
Visual = actual + (visual – actual)
Quantum = classical + relativistic
Real time classical = classical + relativistic illusions
Quantum mechanics and relativity theory is 20th century Garbage for physics.
Measurements = actual + errors
Actual + errors = actual + errors

Page 6

Chapter Two
The confrontation between Arabs real time Astronomy and
Western Nobel prize winner modern space time astronomy
Arabs astronomers:

M Mercury S Sun


1- All object classified as planets Suns Moons has a real time circular motion
As: r = r 0 e í (θ + ω t)
And not
1 – Kepler - Newton’s ellipse r= [a (1 - ε²)/ (1 + ε cosine θ)]
Or Einstein’s rotating ellipse: r= a (1 - ε²)/ [1 + ε cosine (θ - Ψ)]

2- The difference between two real time circular motions is a visual rotating ellipse
Or, the difference between r1 = r 10 e í [θ (1) + ω (1) t] and r2 = r 20 e í [θ (2) + ω (2) t]
Is Arabs real time ellipse: r= [a (1 - ε²)/ (1 + ε cosine θ)] e í [θ + ω t]

3 - Suns moons planets do not rotate around each other

That is: r= [a (1 - ε²)/ (1 + ε cosine θ)] e í [θ + ω t]
Is a visual ellipse
4 – Gravity does not exist between planets moons and sun
That Newton’s F = - G m M/r² is wrong
That Einstein’s F = - G m M/r² + k/r4 is wrong
5 – Gravity is due to atmosphere density and spin period
That G = G [Ρ, T°] = G [atmospheric density, spin period]

In short: Arabs real time astronomy says

500 years ago Europeans took 10th century Arabs real time Astronomy and changed it to Space- time
astronomy and in the process physics was changed from an Arabic science to European – western stupidity
globalized through planet of the Apes Institution and best known as Alfred Nobel Prize winner Institution

Page 7

Alfred Nobel Prize winner physics theory

Ape  Man  Modern Physicist Nobel Prize winner physicist  Ape Ass.

Alfred Nobel: The Man behind the Nobel Prize; Joe Nahhas: The Man after Alfred Nobel Institution head
Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been honoring men and women from all corners of the globe for
outstanding achievements in physics. The foundations for the prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel
wrote his last will, leaving much of his wealth to the establishment of the Nobel Prize. But who was
Alfred Nobel? Meet Alfred Nobel - scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, author and pacifist. What is modern
physics? Did anyone hear the big bang? Did anyone saw a black hole? Did anyone find Einstein’s gravity
waves? Did anyone hook up a hose to the sky and found dark energy to verify E = mc2? Does anyone
have a proof of Newton’s action at a distance? Does anyone have a proof of Einstein time travel? Does
anyone figure out why humans have to accept Alfred Nobel prize winners claim that the universe is made
up of particles that dies and rebirth billion billion times a second? Hey dude I am a redneck one
grandfather was a damn farmer and my other grandfather was a damn Carpenter and my father was a
Carpenter by inheritance but I never knew what a dumb ass really is till I met my science teacher! What
did Alfred Nobel honor? The difference between an Alfred Nobel Prize winner physicists and fortune
tellers is a flip of a coin. Space - Time is not physics but Alfred Nobel physicists’ flip of a coin between a
crime and stupidity. Alfred Nobel Institution honored criminals in Alfred Nobel suit for all of past
century. Modern space – time physics changed physics from science to stupidity and physicists from
researchers to criminals. In writing: Yes I am after Alfred Nobel Institution head on my plate and I
accept nothing less. Space – time physics is stupidity itself. Ending Nobel Prize for stupidity from
classrooms and scientific calculations is the only Nobel thing left to do. Alfred Nobel Prize became 1001
times more worth in cash value. Big Institutions backed wrong physics and physicists for all of past
century for a prize and a billion dollars jack pot and garbage for physics. I am Joe Nahhas and I am
unknown to the world of physics but I have 1001 new physics formulas to cut Alfred Nobel Institution
head and delete Alfred Nobel Prize winner physics and physicists without loss of subject. This book is
just the beginning and it is prime time and it is Arabs real time astronomy

Page 8

Chapter three: 10th century Arabs real time astronomy

Arab Physicists of Baghdad of 950 Ad had said:
I: Measurements are made along the line of sight or line of measurement

Arabs in 950 AD said that light going vertical (blue) to the eye it will go through the eye to
be seen. The Arabs added that light coming oblique (pink) to the line of sight (blue line) we
would see the part of light (pink) that is equal to the amount of light of horizontal amount
(blue) or its vertical projection. What the Arabs concluded is that human eye and machines
are unidirectional that can only recognize the amount of light along the line of sight or line
of measurements. The Arabs mean that any point on the oblique pink line will be measured
as its vertical projection as the blue line. The Arabs added that the horizontal projection of
the pink line is the amount that would be measured as Zero or not seen at all. A point
location on the pink line would be measured as equal to its vertical projection on the blue
line and that part would be seen detected and measured by the eyes and instruments and
its horizontal projection would not be detected or measured by the eyes or instruments and
would be completely missed.

r0 sine ω t

r0 cosine ω t
The angle between the pink line and the blue line is called light aberration angle. The
aberration angle between the line where an object is (pink) and an object projection is
with the eye as center. Light aberrations angle equals to: ω t = arc tan (v/c) where v
= relative velocity of the moving object and c is light velocity. The light coming from a
distant object is seen along the line of sight and that meant we do not measure actual
distance of an object r0 (pink line) but we measure its image or vertical projection
which is r0 cosine ω t (blue line) and we escape measuring the horizontal projection
r0 sine ω t which is perpendicular to the line of sight (black line).
Page 9

In Short, light coming from objects at distance r0 will be seen at r0 cosine ω t

Using real time mathematics to explain what we can see and/or detect or/and
measure is what the Arabs have/had said and that would mean that if we try to
measure a distance r0 we would not find r0 but we would find: Arabs real time
distance is seen in real time along the line of sight.
í ω (r) t
Or, r = r0 cosine ω t + í r0 cosine ω t = r0 e Eq - 1
Or r = real (blue = along line of sight) + í imaginary (black = perpendicular to line of sight)
í ω (r) t
Or, r = r0 e . The absolute value of r = the absolute value of r0
This statement said that light coming from objects when measured it is measured along line of
sight and that meant we see light projections of objects (blue line) of objects positioned at
positions r0 (pink). We do not see objects at r0 but see images of objects light projections
and images of objects light projection along the line of sight is r0 cosine ω t and images of
object light projections perpendicular along the line of sight is r0 sine ω t (blue line).

The Arabs said that we do not see or measure light reflected from objects but we
measure light speed projections as constant or light speed projections is
measured as constant.


The Arabs claim that we do not see objects position r0 but we see their visual position r.
What humans see is r0 measured along the line of sight and miss r0 perpendicular to the
line of sight. In other words an object at a distance r0 humans are not aware that they do
í ω (r) t
not see r0 but they see a visual of r0 which is r = r0 e and projection of r0 along
the line of sight that humans eye see and instruments measure is r0 cosine ω t and the
projection of r0 perpendicular to the line of sight is r0 cosine ω t. The Arabs added that
when accounted for, the difference between an object image or visual position r (quantum
mechanics) and object location or position r0 (classical mechanics) is equal to a time delay
effect (relativistic mechanics)
Page 10

Modern physics is based on 3 different mechanics classical quantum and

relativistic mechanics and their combination known as strings

Arabs said that there is one and only one mechanics

Quantum = classical + relativistic

Arabs real time dependent mechanics (quantum mechanics): r = r0 e í ω (r) t

Arabs real time independent mechanics (classical mechanics) is r = r0; t = 0
í ω (r) t
The difference between r = r0 e ; and r = r0
í ω (r) t
Or, r0 e - r0 = Arabs real time mechanics visual effects (relativistic mechanics)

Or r = r = visual distance and r0 = actual distance

Or, r = r0 + (r - r0)

Or visual distance = actual distance + (visual distance – actual distance)

Dividing by r0
And r /r0 = r0/r0 +(r – r0)/r0
And r /r0 = 1+ (r– r0)/r0
What are wrong in all of modern physics are all wrong physics measurements
What this law said is:
If the car width is r0 moves away the visual of the car width is r. The quantity r/r0 is the
percentage that humans eye see and instruments measure and it is equal to 1 and the
percentage difference between the car width and what the human eye see of the car
width or a time delay effect or a visual distance effect of (r– r0)/r0
If someone attempts to measure a quantity θ’0; then multiply by θ’0
And (r /r0) θ’0= θ’0 + [(r - r0)/r0] θ’0
What this formula said everything about modern astronomy is all wrong
What is wrong with all of astronomy? If we to measure the angular velocity of
moving planets around a star ,or, a star moving around another star in the skies
θ’0, then we do not measure actual θ’0 but we measure θ’0 + [(r - r0)/r0] θ’0
Or we have antidote to western space – time stupidity [(r - r0)/r0] θ’0

This is the basis of correct measurements. The entire western civilization 500
years of physics and the world 500,000 “modern” western civilization educated
physicists made/make this mistake and globalize their stupidity and to correct
this mistake is to delete western civilization physicists without loss of subject.
There is nothing in “modern” physics that can be considered as correct
because modern physics is based on wrong measurements. Modern physics is
“wrong time physics” that can be deleted without loss of subject. Arabs real
time physics is the past present and future of all of physics and it is the subject
of this book.
Page 11

Arabs real time astronomy: The Arabs Astronomers and Physicists said that:
We can not see or/and detect or/and measure something in space that did not
exist; we can not see or/and detect or/and measure something that had not
happened. We can only see or/and detect or/and measure things and events in
space that had happened. What we see or/and detect or/and measure is not
necessarily what there is and not necessarily what happened. We see or/and detect
or/and measure traces and images of objects of past event. We see or/and detect
or/and measure in present time of images of object and events that happened in
past time. That is we measure images and record data of objects of past events in
present time. An event changes in time and when an event is measured it is
measured after it happened.

Present time = present time

Present time = past time + (present time – past time)

Present time = past time + time difference

Present time = real time; past time = event time; (present time – past time) =
time delay, or, Real time = event time + time delay

Real time Astronomy = Event time Astronomy + time delays Astronomy

In Modern Physics language the Arabs would have said

Quantum = classical + relativistic
What there is = classical
What we see and measure and detect and partially record is = quantum
What we see and measure and has no detection because it is an Illusion =
Time dependent measurements = time independent measurements +
(Time dependent measurements – time independent measurements)
Measured = actual + (measured – actual)
We do not see object in real time but we see images of objects in real time
In common Terms: Image = object + (image – object)
With Image = I; object = O
I = O + (I – O)
I/O = O/O + (I – O)/O
I/O = 1 + (I – O)/O
Arabs real time measurements equation:
Is: (I/O) q = q + [(I – O)/O] q; q measured quantity ------------- Eq – 1
That is a quantity q when measured in real time it would appear as q + [(I – O)/O] q
500 years of modern physics and 500,000 of modern physicists is all wrong because of this
principle (I/O) q = q + [(I – O)/O] ----------------------- Eq - 1
Or quantum = classical + relativistic
If Eq – 1 is applied it would expose modern physics as stupidity itself and it would
expose modern astronomy as astrology itself. The thing about this principle given by
Eq – 1: (I/O) q = q + [(I – O)/O] q is that it is flawless physics law or truth itself

Page 12

There are objects at locationr0 (actual or classical distance) and when measured in
í ω (r) t
real time they appear as at a location r (quantum distance) = r 0 e

That is the distance in the Universe is a classical distance but when a distance measured in
real time it appears as quantum distance and the difference between classical distance and
quantum distance is relativistic distance

Quantum (real time distance) = classical (event distance) + [Quantum – classical]

Quantum distance = classical distance + relativistic distance
Relativistic distance = quantum distance – classical distance

í ω (r) t
We see detect and measure quantum distance r = r0 e of an actual or
classical distance r0 and the difference between quantum distance r = r0 e
and actual or classical distance r0 is relativistic distance
í ω (r) t
Take r = r0 e

Quantum (real time) = classical (event time) + [Quantum – classical]

Quantum time = classical time + relativistic time

Relativistic time = quantum time – classical time

We see detect and measure Arabs real time physics

í ω (t) t
Or, t = t0 e of an actual or classical time t0 ------------------ Eq - 3
í ω (t) t
And the difference between Arabs t = t0 e and actual or classical time t0 is
relativistic time

Quantum = classical + [Quantum – classical]

Quantum = classical + relativistic time
Relativistic = quantum – classical

All there is in the Universe is objects of mass m moving in space (x, y, z) at a location
r = r (x, y, z). The state of any object in the Universe can be expressed as the product
S = m r; State = mass x location is all of astronomy needed Equation -1
That is if mass of objects in space is known and if the location of object in space is
know then the state S = m r = mass x location of any object in space can be
known and that is all needed to be known to describe space motion of any object
and that is what is called astronomy
That is mass m location r and time t = Astronomy and from this we can conclude:

Page 13

Quantum (mass) = classical (mass) + [Quantum – classical]

Quantum mass = classical mass + relativistic mass
Relativistic mass = quantum mass – classical mass
í ω (m) t
We see detect and Arabs real time mass m = m0 e ------------- Eq- 4 of
an actual or classical time m0 and the difference between Arabs real time mass m
í ω (m) t
= m0 e and actual or classical time m0 is Arabs real time mass delay
Such a claim by the Arabs that Astronomical measurements are made along the line
Is saying Quantum mass = classical mass + relativistic mass

And saying (I/O) q = q + [(I – O)/O] q; q measured quantity Eq - 1

And real time distance r = r0 e í ω (r) t Eq - 2
í ω (t) t
And real time t = t0 e Eq - 3
í ω (m) t
And real time mass m = m0 e Eq - 4
And S = m r, the state equation Eq - 5
í ω (r) t
That is Arabs see detect and measure quantum distance quantity r = r0 e
When there is classical distance quantity r0
And the difference explains that the universe is seen in real time and not in silly Western
ideas of wrong space time. That is the difference between an object location and an object
measurement of its location is “relativistic” and that 500 years of “western” Modern
physics can be deleted without loss of subject and 500,000 “Modern” physicists can be told
idiots with no fear or regrets.
í ω (t) t
That is Arabs detect and measure quantum time quantity t = t0 e
When there is classical time quantity t0
í ω (m) t
That is Arabs see detect and measure quantum mass quantity m = m0 e
When there is classical mass quantity m0
What is wrong in all of Modern physics is this experimental mistake:
[(I – O)/O] q in everything that western modern space – timers do from space
science to nuclear structure and this mistake was made by every physicist. This
painful mistake is the one mistake when corrected it deletes western civilization
physics and physicists explain the universe correctly and matches experimental
results with unprecedented accuracy to delete “modern” physics of past 500 years
and delete 500,000 “modern” physicists without loss of subject. What I am going to
1- Show how this one mistake was/is made daily by all western civilization
educated “modern” physicists
2- How this one mistake won the majority of Nobel prizes and changed physics from
1258 Arabic science to 2010 western educated stupidity
3 – Show how correcting this mistake will solve any and all unsolved physical motion
problems that is not solvable by space – time physics or any read or published
Arabs real time physics and astronomy is the past present and future of all of
Page 14

Chapter four

Car size at distance 4

Car size at distance 3

Car size at distance 2

Car size at distance 1

Observer line: …………………Observer ………………
Humans do not see detect or measure cars but humans see detect and measures image
of the car. In other words humans see detect and measure images of objects in real
Page 15

The size of the car object is the same but the size of the car image is dependent on car
distance and transmitted signal. Meaning we see detect and measure an image of size I
in real time (present time) of an object O seen detected and measured in event (past
time). That is when images of cars are seen these images of the cars are seen in real
time. And when these car objects move the car see itself the same size. That is we
measure images of object in real time and not objects. The difference between images
and objects are visual illusions Arabs knew about and described in 10th century Ad.
Is that humans see detect and measure images of objects in real time

Why all Modern Physics and modern astronomy is all wrong?

With Image = I; object = O
I = O + (I – O)
I/O = O/O + (I – O)/O
I/O = 1 + (I – O)/O
And (I/O) q = q + [(I – O)/O] q; q measured quantity --------------------- Eq - 1

Modern physics is all wrong because Modern physics is wrong time physics based on
wrong physics measurements that misses by a factor of [(I – O)/O] q and this
quantity [(I – O)/O] q is taken as real experimental result and not as a relativistic
illusion correction. In other words:
Correct Physics is: (I/O) q = q + [(I – O)/O] q
Modern Physics is wrong because
(I/O) q = q + [(I – O)/O] q
What we measure = what there is + visual effects
Quantum = classical + relativistic
Quantum = we see in real time = observer dependent = time dependent measurements
Classical = object independent of observer = time independent measurements
Relativity = illusions
In mathematical terms:
Relativity = time dependent measurements – time independent measurements
Real time scale

Real time = event time + (real time – event time)

Real time = event time + time delay; time delay = (real time – event time)
With real time = Γ; event time = t; time delay = (Γ – t)
Γ = t + (Γ – t) = t + ∆ Γ; ∆ Γ = (Γ – t)
Γ/t = t/t + (Γ – t)/t
Γ/t = 1 + (Γ – t)/t
To measure orbital speed using time, then multiply by orbital speed to
get the following equation: (Γ/t) θ’0= θ’0 + [(Γ – t)/t] θ’0
And θ’0 = orbital speed
The quantity θ’0 measurement is independent of time
The quantity (Γ/t) θ’0 measurement is time dependent
The difference = [(Γ – t)/t] θ’0 = relativistic = Illusions

Page 16

With (Γ/t) θ’0= θ’0 + [(Γ – t)/t] θ’0

Modern physics is wrong when: In general

1 - (Γ/t) θ’0= θ’0 Quantum = classical or when someone looks at the car from
different distances and wonder why he/she does not see the same size car.

An observer sees a car passing by at close distance

An observer sees a car passing by at far distance

Each observer will find the car size different

2 – Modern physics is wrong when (Γ/t) θ’0= [(Γ – t)/t] θ’0

When quantum = relativistic

3 – Modern physics is wrong when θ’0= [(Γ – t)/t] θ’0

When classical = relativistic

Let us demonstrate the power of Arabs real time Physics and astronomy and see
how Arabs real time astronomy works but first let us do some definitions.

Page 17

Real time distance scale

Measured distance = actual distance + [measured distance – actual distance]
Or, r = r0 + (r x – r0)
And r /r0 = r0/r0 +(r – r0)/r0
And r /r0 = 1+(r– r0)/r0
And (r /r0) θ’0= θ’0 [(r - r0)/r0] θ’0

Real time Velocity Scale v

With r = r0 + (r – r0)
Divide by t
Then r/t = r0/t + (r/t – r0/t)
And v = v0 + (v – v0); dividing by v0
And v/ v0 = 1 + (v – v0)/ v0
Multiplying by θ’0
And (v/ v0) θ’0= θ’0+ [(v – v0)/ v0] θ’0

Real time acceleration scale γ

With r = r0 + (r – r0)
Divide by t²
Then r/ t² = r0/ t² + (r/ t² – r0/ t²)
And γ = γ 0 + [(γ – γ 0)]; dividing by v0
And γ / γ 0 = 1 + [(γ – γ 0)/ γ 0]
Multiplying by θ’0
And (γ / γ 0) θ’0= θ’0+ [(γ – γ 0)/ γ 0] θ’0
The angular speed is a 5th grade math that is measured wrong by Astronomers expose
the stupidity of modern physics and the stupidity of modern astronomy
The circumference of a planet circular motion is C = 2 π r m where r m is the radius.
In 1969 I knew about circular speed v m = 2 π r m/ T m where Tm is the period of
rotation. Also, in 1969 I knew about angular speed θ’ m = 2 π /Tm = (v m/ r m).
Or C = 2 π r m; v m = 2 π r m/Tm; θ’ m = 2 π /Tm = (v m/ r m)

θ’ m = 2 π /Tm= (v m/r m)
Page 18

Angular velocity is θ’ m = 2 π /Tm= (v m/r m)

In arc second per century δ θ’ m = (v m/r m) (180/ π) [36526/Tm (days)] (3600)

Arabs Real time Astronomy distance scale:

Is: (r m /r0) θ’ m= θ’ m [(r m - r0)/r0] θ’ m

Multiplying by δ θ’ m
Then (r m /r0) δ θ’ m= δ θ’ m + [(r m - r0)/r0] δ θ’ m
In arc second per century δ θ’ m = (v m/r m) (180/ π) [36526/Tm (days)] (3600)
The distance Error is: [(r m - r0)/r0] δ θ’ m
The velocity Error is: [(v m - v0)/v0] δ θ’ m
The acceleration error is: [(γ m – γ 0)/ γ 0] δ θ’ m
The angular velocity real time distance scale Error:
Is: [(r m - r0)/r0] δ θ’ m = [(r m - r0)/r0] (v m/r m) (180/ π) [36526/Tm (days)] (3600)
The angular velocity real time velocity scale Error:
Is: [(v m - v0)/v0] δ θ’ m = [(v m - v0)/v0] (v m /r m) (180/ π) [36526/T m (days)] (3600)
The angular velocity real time acceleration scale Error:
Is: [(γ m – γ 0)/ γ 0] δ θ’ m = [(γ m – γ 0)/ γ 0] δ θ’0 (v m /r m) (180/ π) [36526/T m (days)] (3600)
As an example: when Astronomers look at planetary motion around the sun and
they saw the angular velocity in arc second per century:
Equal to δ θ’ m = (v m /r m) (180/ π) [36526/T m (days)] (3600)
= 70.75 arc second per century
Astronomers also saw the visual effect
Of: [(r m - r0)/r0] δ θ’ m = [(r m - r0)/r0] (v m /r m) (180/ π) [36526/T m (days)] (3600)
And it is equal to [(r m - r0)/r0] δ θ’ m = 43
Where r m = Mercury – Sun distance = 58.2 X 106km
And v m = Mercury around the sun orbital speed Sun distance = 47.9 km/sec
And r 0 = r e = Earth – Sun distance = 149.6 X 106km
And T m = Mercury around the sun orbital period
Planet Distance r Planet Orbit Less Spin Angular velocity;
X 106km Orbit T speed v Earth speed v/r
in speed km/sec arc sec/ century
Mercury 58.2 88 47.9 18.1 .002 70.75
Venus 108.2 224.7 35.05 5.7 6.52 10.86
Earth 149.6 365.26 29.8 .46511 4.1
Mars 227.936 687 24.14 0.2411
Jupiter 778.412 4333 13.06 12.6
Saturn 1,426.725 10760 9.65 9.87
Uranus 2,870.97 30690 6.80 2.59
Neptune 4,498 60180 5.43 2.68
Pluto 5906.4 90730 4.74

Page 19

This quantity of:

[(r m - r0)/r0] δ θ’ m = [(r m - r0)/r0] (v m /r m) (180/ π) [36526/T m (days)] (3600)
And it is equal to [(r - r0)/r0] δ θ’ m = 43 is taken as the proof of the existence of
silly Modern Astronomy notion that the Universe is not made of three dimensional
Space (x, y, z) = (length, width, height) but made of a more complex space – to
imaginary time – back to space Universe (x, y, z, it) = (length, width, height,
imaginary time)

[(v m – v e)/v e] δ θ’0 = [(v m – v e)/v e] (v m /r m) (180/ π) [36526/T m (days)] (3600)

And it is equal to [(r - r0)/r0] δ θ’ m = 43
[(γ m – γ e)/ γ e] δ θ’ m = [(γ m – γ e)/ γ e] (v m /r m) (180/ π) [36526/T m (days)] (3600)
[(γ – γ 0)/ γ 0] δ θ’ m= 43

Space – time is Einstein’s crime against physics

I am the Greatest Nuclear Physicist of all time
And I have 1001 all new physics formulas to prove it
My name is Joe Nahhas and I am the greatest Physicist and Astronomer of past
present and the future because as a teenager I stood up to criminals with Nobel
prizes and this book is how to expose criminals with Nobel prizes in physics and the
fact that most criminals with Nobel prizes are a product of the big western
institutions has nothing to do with science but has something to do with western
capitalistic greed fraud and arrogance that changed physics from science to
stupidity and the time has come to delete stupidity and that is to delete western
physics and physicists without exception since the rise of western civilization 500
years ago starting with Copernicus. There is nothing correct in all western
civilization physics that is taught in classrooms and used in scientific calculations.
Yes, I am saying that all of physics is all wrong and this book is the proof of it and
there is nothing better than to start with the grand master of stupidity, German –
American moron of the 20th century, the one and only Albert Einstein.

Page 20

Einstein greatest achievement in space said

Planet Mercury travel in space at an angular speed of 70.75 arcs second per century
And in time at angular speed of 43 arcs second per century
The Advance of Planet Mercury’s Perihelion given by Euclid’s Geometry
[2 π/T] [180/π][36526/88][3600] = [2 π /88 x 24x3600] [180/π][36526/88][3600] = 70.75
Einstein’s time travel space – time formula:
ψ = - 6 π GM/a c² (1 - ε²) [180/ π] [36526/T][3600] = 43 angular velocity time travel of
planet Mercury
G = 6.673 x 10-11= gravitational acceleration constant
M =2x1030 kilogram = mass of the Sun
Eccentricity of Mercury’s orbit = ε = 0.206
T= 88 days = period of Planet mercury’s rotation around the Sun
And c = 299792.458 kilometer/second =light speed in kilometers/second
And a = 58.2 x 106 km/sec = semi major axis of planet Mercury orbit
The grand moron of the west said Planets travel in space and time
The Grand moron said planets travel in space around the Sun in an elliptical orbit




The Grand moron said planets travel in time around the Sun rotating the elliptical orbit




This is space travel

And the motion of a planet m around the Sun M measured as a rotating ellipse

This is time travel

Page 22
Unless this moron can prove time travel he can keep his German stupidity to himself and Alfred Nobel
Institution because time travel is Einstein’s and Alfred Nobel Institution stupidity

I am not saying Einstein is a moron but what I am saying is all western physicists
are morns to say the least and can be deleted without loss of subject to be exact.
Practicing again
If 1= 1
Then we can write anything that is equal to itself as equal to itself like:
Visual = Visual
Actual = actual
- Actual = - actual
----------------------- Add
Visual = Actual + (Visual – actual)

Divide by actual
Visual/actual = Actual/actual + (Visual – actual)/actual
Visual/actual = 1 + (Visual – actual)/actual
Image/object = 1 + (Image – object)/object
I/O = 1+ (I – O)/O
We do not see object O but we see Image I. If we to look at planet Mercury from
Earth and not from the Sun, then we are not looking at θ’ m= 2 π /T m = (v m /r0) but
we are looking:
At θ’0 I/O = 1 θ’0+ [(I – O)/O] θ’0
Or θ’0 I/O = θ’0+ [(I – O)/O] θ’0
The visual illusion and Modern Physicists confusion is: [(I – O)/O] θ’0
Where I is Mercury – Sun distance = 58,200,000 kilometers = r m
And O is Earth – Sun distance = 149,600,000 kilometers = r e
The Visual Illusions and modern Physicists confusion of Planet Mercury is:
[(I – O)/O] θ’0 = [(r m – r e)/ r e] θ’0
Page 23
Multiplying by (t/t) = 1

[(I – O)/O] θ’0 = [(r m/t – r e/t)/ r e/t] θ’0

Then [(I – O)/O] θ’0 = [(v m – v e)/ v e] θ’0
[(I – O)/O] θ’0 = [(r m – r e)/ r e] θ’0 = [(r m – r e)/ r e] (v0/r0)
[(I – O)/O] θ’0 = [(v m – v e)/ v e] θ’0 = [(v m – v e)/ v e] (v0/r0)
With v0 = v m; and r0 = r m
With r m = 58.2 x 109 m; r e = 149.6 x 109 m; v m = 47.9 km/s; T m = 88 days

With (v m /r m) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m) = 70.75 arc second per century

Copernicus Distance Illusion

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(r m – r e)/ r e] (v m /r m) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)] = 43

= [(58.2 x 109 - 149.6 x 109)/ 149.6 x 109] (70.75)
= [(58.2 - 149.6)/ 149.6] (70.75) = 43 arc second per century
Nicklaus Copernicus Distance Illusion

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(r m – r e)/ r e] (v m /r m) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)] = 43

M r Copernicus you are wrong and you are deleted

With [(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(r m – r e)/ r e] (v m /r m) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)]


Is Galileo

Page 24
With r m = v m T m; r e = v e T e

Or Galileo’s linear motion visual Illusion

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(v m T m – v e T e)/ v e T e] (v m /r m) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)] = 43

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0= [(47.9x88 – 365.26x29.8)/ 365.26x29.8] (70.75) = 43

M r Galileo you are wrong and you are deleted

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(v m T m – v e T e)/ v e T e] (v m /r m) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)] = 43

Page 25
Tyco Brahe Velocity Illusion: [(r m – r e)/ r e] = [(r m /t) – (r e/ t)]/ (r e /t) = (v m – v e)/ v e

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(v m – v e)/ v e] (v m /r m) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)] = 43

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(47.9– 29.8)/ 29.8] (70.75) = 43

M r Tyco Brahe you are wrong and you are deleted


[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(v m – v e)/ v e] (v m /r m) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)] = 43

Page 26
(I/O) q = q + [(I – O)/O] q

M r Lippershey you can even read the telescope and you are deleted

Hans Lippershey the person who attempted to get a patent for the telescope in 1609

Modern Physics is wrong because Hans and the entire Western civilization still
have no clue how to read the telescope

(I/O) q = q + [(I – O)/O] q

Page 27
Rene Descartes Cartesian failures
t = t0 e í ω (t) t
í ω (t) t
Γ = te
Along the line of sight

Γ x = t cosine ω t
Γ x = t + (Γ x – t) = t + ∆ Γ x; ∆ Γ x = (Γ x – t)
Γ x /t = t/t + (Γ x – t)/t
Γ x /t = 1 + (Γ x – t)/t

What is [(Γ x – t)/t]

Then ∆ Γ x (seconds) = Γ x - t = - 2 t sine² {[arc tan (V rm - V r e)/ (√ 2c)]/ 2} = 43

And in arc ∆ Γ x (arc seconds) = Γ x - t
= - 30 t sine² {[arc tan (V r m - V r e)/ (√ 2c)]/ 2} = 43

Where r’ = V r; and r θ’ = V θ; and V r ²= 2 γ r r; and V θ ²=rγθ

The confusion is and was γ r = γ θ; V r ²= 2 V θ ²; and taking V r = (√ 2) V θ

And taking V r = V r (Mercury) - V r (Earth) = V r m - V r e
And V θ = V r / (√ 2
∆ Γ x Arc second) = Γ x - t
= - 30 t sine² {[arc tan (V r m - V r e)/ (√ 2c)]/ 2} = 43 arc second /century

Page 28
Chapter 3: Arabs real time light motion

Car size at distance 4

Car size at distance 3

Car size at distance 2

Car size at distance 1

Observer line: …………………Observer ………………

Visual objects seen through emitted or reflected light follow this law
Light measurement of visual motion of objects law: (I/O) q = q + [(I – O)/O] q

The proof:
Page 29
All there is in the Universe is objects of mass m moving in space (x, y, z) at a
r = r (x, y, z). The state of any object in the Universe can be expressed as the
S = m r; State = mass x location:
P = d S/d t = m (d r/d t) + (dm/d t) r = Total moment
= change of location + change of mass
= m v + m' r; v = velocity = d r/d t; m' = mass change rate
F = d P/d t = d²S/dt² = Total force
= m (d²r/dt²) +2(dm/d t) (d r/d t) + (d²m/dt²) r
= m γ + 2m'v +m" r; γ = acceleration; m'' = mass acceleration rate

In polar coordinates system

r = r r (1) ;v = r' r(1) + r θ' θ(1) ; γ = (r" - rθ'²)r(1) + (2r'θ' + r θ")θ(1)

r = location; v = velocity; γ = acceleration
F = m γ + 2m'v +m" r
F = m [(r"-rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)] + 2m'[r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] + (m" r) r
= [d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'²] r (1) + (1/m r) [d (m²r²θ')/d t] θ (1)
= [-Gm M/r²] r (1) ------------------------------- Newton's Gravitational Law
First r = r [cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ] = r r (1)
Define r (1) = cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ
Define v = d r/d t = r' r (1) + r d[r (1)]/d t
= r' r (1) + r θ'[- sine θ î + cosine θĴ]
= r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)

Define θ (1) = -sine θ î +cosine θ Ĵ;

And with r (1) = cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ
Then d [θ (1)]/d t= θ' [- cosine θ î - sine θ Ĵ= - θ' r (1)
And d [r (1)]/d t = θ' [-sine θ î + cosine θ Ĵ] = θ' θ (1)

Define γ = d [r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] /d t

= r" r (1) + r'd [r (1)]/d t + r' θ' r (1) + r θ" r (1) +r θ'd [θ (1)]/d t
γ = (r" - rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)

With d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'² = F (r)

And d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0
With m = constant, then
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = F (r) Eq-1
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Eq-2
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0 Eq–1
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Eq-2

Page 30
From Eq-2: d (r²θ')/d t = 0
Then r²θ' = h = constant
Differentiate with respect to time
Then 2rr'θ' + r²θ" = 0
Divide by r²θ'
Then 2(r'/r) + θ"/θ' = 0
And 2(r'/r) = - θ"/θ' = 2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)]
Also, r = r0 (θ, 0) e [λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
And θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
For a fixed orbit: λ r = 0
Also, r = r 0 (θ, 0) e ỉ ω t

And θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2ỉ ω t

With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0
Let u = 1/r; r = 1/u; r²θ' = h = θ’ /u²
And d r/d t = (d r/ d u) (d u /d θ) (d θ/ d t) = (- 1/u ²) (θ’) (d u/ d θ)
= - h (d u/ d θ)

And d² r/ d t² = - h (θ’) (d² u/ d θ ²)

= [- h²/r²] (d² u/ d θ ²)
= - h² u² (d² u/ d θ ²)
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0 Eq–1
And - h² u² (d² u/ d θ ²) – (1/u) (h u²) ² = 0
Then (d² u/ d θ ²) + u = 0

Then u = A e - í θ
Then r 0 (θ, 0) = (1/A) e í θ
And r 0 (θ, 0) = r 0 (0, 0) e í θ
And r = r 0 (0, 0) e í θ e ỉ ω t
Or, r = r 0 e í (θ + ω t)

This is quantum mechanics

í ω (r) t
Arabs real time astronomy is actually quantum mechanics r = r0 e
Light is emitted and not an emitter and humans have no means of measuring light
in motion and at best they can take a snap shot.
In mathematical language
Then r (θ, 0) = r 0 e í θ at t = 0
And r (θ, t) = r 0 e í (θ + ω t) = r 0 e í θ e í ω t = r (θ, 0) e í ω t
And r (θ, t) = r (θ, 0) [cosine ω t + í sine ω t]
And r x (θ, t) = r x (θ, 0) cosine ω t
And ω t = cosine-1 [r x (θ, t) / r x (θ, 0)]

Then ∆ r = r x (θ, t) - r x (θ, 0)
= r x (θ, 0) [(cosine ω t) – 1]

And [r x (θ, t) - r x (θ, 0)]/ r x (θ, 0)

= [(1 - 2 sine² ω t/2) – 1]
= - 2 sine ² ω t/2; ω t = cosine-1 [r x (θ, t) / r x (θ, 0)]

Arabs real time astronomy:

Image = Image = I
Object = Object = O
- Object = - Object = - O

Image = object + (Image – Object)

I = O + (I – O)
(I/O) = O/O + [(I – O)/O]
(I/O) = 1 + [(I – O)/O]
(I/O) θ' 0 = θ' 0 + [(I – O)/O] θ' 0

Quantum = classical + relativistic Illusion

I = r; O = r 0
Or, (r / r 0) θ' 0 = θ' 0 + [(r – r 0)/ r 0] θ' 0
And [(r – r 0)/ r 0] θ' 0
Or [- 2sine ² ω t/2] θ' 0; ω t = cosine-1 [r x (θ, t) / r x (θ, 0)] = cosine-1 (r/ r 0)
For planet Mercury:

The distance visual effect Error is: [(r m – re)/re] δ θ’ m

The quantity: δ θ’ m = (v m/r m) (180/ π) [36526/Tm (days)] (3600) = 70.75

With v m = 47.9 km/sec; r m = 58.2 x 106 km; Tm = 88 days

With r = 58.2 x 109 m = Sun – Mercury distance

And r e = 149.6 x 109 m = Sun Earth distance

With [(r m – re)/re] = [- 2sine ² ω t/2] = 0.61

And ω t = cosine-1 [r x (θ, t) / r x (θ, 0)] = cosine-1 (r/ r 0)
Or ω t = cosine-1 [r x (θ, t) / r x (θ, 0)] = cosine-1 (r m/ r e)

And [(r m – re)/re] δ θ’ m

= [- 2sine ² ω t/2] (v m/r m) (180/ π) [36526/Tm (days)] (3600)
= [- 2sine ² {[cosine-1 (r m/ r e)]/2}] (v m/r m) (180/ π) [36526/Tm (days)] (3600)
= 0.61 x 70.75 = 43
Page 32
Chapter five: Arabs real time light Astronomy

A- Kepler’s force laws

F = - ω² a and F = - GmM/a²
Or, F = - ω² a = - GmM/a²
And T²/a³ = 4 π GM

Mr Kepler you are wrong and you are deleted

Johannes Keplers:
Kepler’s law: a³/T² = k = constant
Isaac Newton space Inverse square law γ = k/r²
Hooke’s time Inverse square law γ = r/t² or γ = r/T²
Kepler’s Space – time Law: k/r² = r/ T²; or, a³/T² = k = constant
Where this law came from?
Acceleration = γ = r/t² = k/r²
γ = time coordinates r/t² = space coordinates k/r²; r substituted for t
γ = r/t² = k/r²
γ = - k/r² Newton’s theft = Newton
γ = - r/t² = - r/T² = - k r Hooke’s theft = Hooke’ law
Of: a³/T² = k = constant
Or, a1³/ T1² = a2³/ T2²
Or, a1/ a2 = (T1/ T2)2/3
And (a1 - a2)/ a2 = (T1/ T2)2/3 – 1
Or (am – a e)/ a e = (Tm/ Te) 2/3 – 1
Nicklaus Copernicus Distance Illusion
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(r m – r e)/ r e] (v m /r m) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)] = 43
Become: Kepler’s vision of idiot Einstein: Nicklaus Copernicus Distance Illusion
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(Tm/ Te) 2/3
– 1] (v m /r m) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)] = 43

Page 33
When Newton came with F = - GmM/r²
Physicists calculated: θ' c m = v /r;cm

Angular velocity with respect to center of mass

And Astronomers observed: θ's = v s/r

Angular velocity with to the sun

And v cm = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a]

And v s = √ (GM/a)

And (θ' cm - θ’s) /θ’ s = [(2 π/T c m) - (2 π/T s)]/ (2 π/T s)

= (T c m/T s) – 1 = (v s/v c m) – 1
= [√ (GM/a)] x {√ [(m + M) a/ GM²]} - 1
= √ [(m + M)/M] - 1
= √ [1 + (m/M)] - 1
≈ 1 + (m/2 M) – 1 ≈ m/2 M

And (θ' cm - θ’ s) /θ’ s ≈ (m/2 M)

And (θ' cm - θ’ s) / θ' s = (2 π/T s) (m/2 M)
And [(θ' cm - θ’ s)] T s = π (m/ M)
Multiplying by [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)]

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = (π m/M) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)] = 43

T²/a³ = 4 π²/GM with respect to the sun

To T²/a³ = 4 π²/G (M + m) with respect to the center of mass
That is Kepler's measurements data are centered from the sun and Newton's data
are centered at the center of mass and this would explain this mistake like this:
T² (1)/a³ = 4 π²/GM and
T² (2) /a³ = 4 π²/G (M + m)
When Newton changed Kepler's equation he solved the advance of perihelion as

The advance of Mercury perihelion by Newton

T (1) = T (2) √ [M/ (M + m)]

And 2π/ T (1) = [2 π/ T (2)] √ (1 + m/M)
And θ' (1) = θ' (2) √ (1 + m/M)
And θ' (2) = θ' (1) /√ [1 + (m/M)] ≈ [1 - m/ (2M)]
This approximation was not on the original work
And θ' (2) - θ' (1) = θ' (1) [1 /√ [1 + (m/M)] - 1]
And θ' (2) - θ' (1) ≈ - θ' (1) (m/2M) = - [2 π/T] [m/2M) = - π m/MT radians/T

Page 34
W " (calculated) = [- π m/MT] (180/π degrees) (3600 seconds) (36526 century); T
= days; with m = 0.32 x1024 kg; and M = 2.0 x1030 kg; T = 88 days

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = (-180 x 36526 x 3600/T) (π m/M)

= 43.0" seconds of arc /100 years

Mr Newton you are wrong and you are deleted

Page 35
Hooke’s for law F = - ω²x; 3 – Newton’s law F = - GmM/x²
If Hooke’s law is taken the F = - k r in one dimension
Then r’’ +ω²r = 0; then r (θ, 0) = r0 e ỉ ω t
Then r = r0 e ỉ ω t; and r = r0 [1- 2 sine² ω t/2]
And (r - r0)/ r0 = - 2 sine² ω t/2
The distance visual effect Error is: [(r m – re)/re] δ θ’ m

The quantity: δ θ’ m = (v m/r m) (180/ π) [36526/Tm (days)] (3600) = 70.75

With v m = 47.9 km/sec; r m = 58.2 x 106 km; Tm = 88 days

With r = 58.2 x 109 m = Sun – Mercury distance

And r e = 149.6 x 109 m = Sun Earth distance

With [(r m – re)/re] = [- 2sine ² ω t/2] = 0.61

And ω t = cosine-1 [r x (θ, t) / r x (θ, 0)] = cosine-1 (r/ r 0)
Or ω t = cosine-1 [r x (θ, t) / r x (θ, 0)] = cosine-1 (r m/ r e)

And [(r m – re)/re] δ θ’ m

= [- 2sine ² ω t/2] (v m/r m) (180/ π) [36526/Tm (days)] (3600)
= [- 2sine ² {[cosine-1 (r m/ r e)]/2}] (v m/r m) (180/ π) [36526/Tm (days)] (3600)
= 0.61 x 70.75 = 43

Mr Hooke I really like you but you can be deleted

Page 36
Chapter Five: The all time wrong Astronomer
Then Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier came
The angular velocity of Mercury around the Sun is: θ m' = v m /r m
And δ θ’0 = (v m /r m) (180/π) (3600) (26526/Tm); Tm = 88 days

If it is measured for planet Mercury from the sun then

Then it is θ m' = v m /r m

If planet Mercury around the sun measured from earth then =

Then θ m' (Earth) = (v m + v e)/r m


And θ m' (Earth) = v m /r m + v e /r m

And not v m /r m
Le Verrier [1] mistake is: v e /r m
The angular speed delay is: v* e /r m
Or, [(v e/v m) (v m /r m)]
Taking into account Earth rotation vº e
Le Verrier mistake: Then the angular speed delay:
Is: v e /r m = [v* e /r m +/- vº e /r m]
In arc second per century multiplying by [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)]
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(v* e +/- vº e) /r m] [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)]
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(v* e +/- vº e) /v m) (v m /r m)] [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)] = 43
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(v* e +/- vº e) /v m) (v m /r m)] [(180/π) (3600) (26526/Tm)]
Page 37
Idiot Le Verrier
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(r m – r e)/ r e] (v m /r m) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)] = 43
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [(v m T m – v e T e)/ v e T e] (v m /r m) [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)]
Arabs real time Astronomy is 5 laws
And saying (I/O) q = q + [(I – O)/O] q; q measured quantity Eq - 1
And real time distance r = r0 e í ω (r) t Eq - 2
í ω (t) t
And real time t = t0 e Eq - 3
í ω (m) t
And real time mass m = m0 e Eq - 4
And S = m r, the state equation Eq - 5

Page 38
Chapter six
Newton equation is a solved wrong for 350 years
Newton’s unprecedented stupidity

Being a good mathematician is solving own equation wrong?

Newton said there is gravity Force F = -GmM/r² whose solution is this




Fig1. Newton’s gravitational law

And r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ε cosine θ)]
But you idiot this solution is wrong
[λ + ỉ ω (r)] t
Real time solution is: r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ε cosine θ)] ℮ (r)
"Apparent advance of perihelion"
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = (-720x36526x3600/T) {[√ (1- ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} x
[(v°+ v*)/c] ² = 43 arc second per century
Page 39
All there is in the Universe is objects of mass m moving in space (x, y, z) at a
location r = r (x, y, z) = r [length, width, height].

The state of any object in the Universe can be expressed as the product
S = m r; State = mass x location:

P = d S/d t = m (d r/d t) + (dm/d t) r = Total moment

= change of location + change of mass
= m v + m' r; v = velocity = d r/d t; m' = mass change rate

F = d P/d t = d²S/dt² = Total force

= m (d²r/dt²) +2(dm/d t) (d r/d t) + (d²m/dt²) r
= m γ + 2m'v +m" r; γ = acceleration; m'' = mass acceleration rate

In polar coordinates system

Location = r = r r (1)

Velocity = v = r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)

Acceleration = γ = (r" - rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)

F = m γ + 2m'v +m" r

F = m [(r"-rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)] +

2m'[r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] +
+ (m" r) r (1)

F = [d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'²] r (1)

+ (1/mr) [d (m²r²θ')/d t] θ (1)

F = F1 + F2

F1 = [d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'²] r (1)

F2 = (1/m r) [d (m²r²θ')/d t] θ (1)

Newton's Gravitational Equation is: F = -GmM/r²

With d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'² = -GmM/r² (1)

And d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0 (2)

Page 40
The solution is not
And r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+εcosθ)]
But this solution
[λ +ỉω ]t
Real time solution is: r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ε cosine θ)] ℮ (r) (r)

"Apparent advance of perihelion"

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = (-720x36526x3600/T) {[√ (1- ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} x
[(v°+ v*)/c] ² arc second per century
All there is in the Universe is objects of mass m moving in space (x, y, z) at a location r
= r (x, y, z) = r [length, width, height].
The state of any object in the Universe can be expressed as the product
S = m r; State = mass x location:
P = d S/d t = m (d r/d t) + (dm/d t) r = Total moment
= change of location + change of mass
= m v + m' r; v = velocity = d r/d t; m' = mass change rate
F = d P/d t = d²S/dt² = Total force
= m (d²r/dt²) +2(dm/d t) (d r/d t) + (d²m/dt²) r
= m γ + 2m'v +m" r; γ = acceleration; m'' = mass acceleration rate
In polar coordinates system
Location = r = r r (1)
Velocity = v = r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)
Acceleration = γ = (r" - rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)
F = m γ + 2m'v +m" r
F = m [(r"-rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)] +
2m'[r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] +
+ (m" r) r (1)
F = [d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'²] r (1)
+ (1/mr) [d (m²r²θ')/d t] θ (1)
F = F1 + F2
F1 = [d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'²] r (1)
F2 = (1/mr) [d (m²r²θ')/d t] θ (1)

Newton’s force law is F1 = [-GmM/r²] r (1)

Kepler's force law is:

F2 = (1/mr) [d (m²r²θ’)/d t] θ (1) = 0

If m is constant then d (m²r²θ’)/d t = 0; and d (r²θ’)/d t = 0

Or, r²θ’ = h = 2 π a b/T; a = mean distance from sun and is called semi major axis
and b is the semi minor axis.

Page 41



And the motion of a planet m around the Sun M measured in real time is a rotating ellipse


Tyco Brahe Logged observational Data of Planets P motion around the Sun S and
then Kepler stated the areal velocity law: If Planet p observed from the sun then the
trajectory of planet p will cut equal areas in equal times.
Page 42





Page 43
When the areas size A are sliced equally it was found that the times spent by planets
orbiting around the Sun and making areas A each are equal also.
Or, r² (0) θ' (0) = r² (1) θ' (1) = r² (2) θ' (2) = r² (3) θ' (3) = --
= location² x [angular speed] = constant
= Areal velocity
If r² θ' = h
Then differentiating with respect to time
Then d (r² θ')/ d t = d h/ d t
And 2 r r’ θ’ + r² θ’’ = 0
Or 2 (r’ /r) = - (θ’’/θ’)
The r = r0 e íωt

And θ’ = θ’0 e –2íωt

With r = r0 e íωt

In real time r (n) = r (0) e í ω t

With r² (0) θ' (0) = r² (1) θ' (1)
Then θ' (1) = [r² (0)/ r² (1)] θ' (0)
And θ' (1) = {[e í 2 ω t] θ' (0)
And θ’ (1) = {[cosine 2 ω t + í sine 2 ω t] – 1} θ' (0)
Δ θ’ (1) = Δ θ’ (x) + í Δ θ’ (y)
= [cosine 2 ω t + í sine 2 ω t] θ' (0)
Δ θ’ (x) = [cosine 2 ω t] θ' (0)
Δ θ’ (x) = [1 – 2 sine² ω t] θ' (0)
Δ θ’ (x) - θ' (0) = - 2 θ' (0) sine² ω t
Δ W = Δ θ’ (x) - θ' (0) = - 2 θ' (0) sine² ω t
= -2(2π) [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² ω t
And θ' (0) = h/r² (0) = 2 π a b/T a² = 2π√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²
Δ W = - 4 π) [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² ω t
If this apsidal motion is to be found as visual effects, then
With, v ° = spin velocity; v* = orbital velocity
And v/c = (v* + v°)/c = tan ω t
Δ W = -4 π [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} radians
Multiplication by 180/π to change to degrees
Δ W ° = (-720/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} Degrees
And multiplication by 1 century = 36526 days and using T in days
W° (ob) = (-720x36526/Tdays) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} x
sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} degrees/100 years
With v° << c and v* << c,
Then sine Inverse tan [v°/c + v*/c] ≈ (v° + v*)/c
Δ W ° (calculated) = (-720x36526/Tdays) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} x
[(v° + v*)/c] ² degrees/100 years
This is the equation for axial rotations rate of planetary and binary stars or any two
body problem.
The circumference of an ellipse: 2πa (1 - ε²/4 + 3/16(ε²)²- --.) ≈ 2πa (1-ε²/4); R
=a (1-ε²/4)
Page 44
Finding orbital velocities
From Newton's inverse square law of an ellipse motion applied to a circular orbit
gives the following: m v²/ r (cm) = GmM/r²
Planet --- r (cm) ----- Center of mass ------- r (CM) --------- Mother Sun
Planet ------------------- r -------------------------------------- Mother Sun
Center of mass law m r (cm) = M r (CM); m = planet mass; M = sun mass
And r (cm) = distance of planet to the center of mass
And r (CM) = distance of sun to center of mass
And r (cm) + r (CM) = r = distance between sun and planet
Solving to get: r (cm) = [M/ (m + M)] r
And r (CM) = [m/ (m + M)] r
Then v² = [GM r (cm)/ r²] = GM²/ (m + M) r
And v = √ [GM²/ (m + M) r = a (1-ε²/4)]
Planet orbital velocity or primary velocity:
And v* = v (m) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 48.14 km for planet Mercury
Velocity of secondary or Mother Sun velocity
And v* (M) = √ [Gm² / (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)]
Applications: mercury ellipse and its axis rotation of 43 " /century
1- Planet Mercury axial "apparent" rotation rate
Δ W’’ = (-720x36526x3600/T) {[√ (1-ε²]/ (1-ε) ²} (v* + v°/c) ² seconds of arc per
The circumference of an ellipse: 2πa (1 - ε²/4 + 3/16(ε²)²- --.)
≈ 2πa (1-ε²/4); R =a (1-ε²/4)
Where v* (p) =√ [G M² / (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] ≈ √ [GM/a (1-ε²/4)]; m<<M; Solar
system data: G =6.673x10-11; M=2x1030kg; m=.32x10^24kg; ε = 0.206;
T=88days; c = 299792.458 km/sec; a = 58.2km/sec; v° = 0.002km/sec
Calculations yield: v* =48.14km/sec; [√ (1- ε²)] (1-ε) ² = 1.552
Δ W = (-720x36526x3600/88) x (1.552) (48.14/299792)²
Δ W’’ = (-720x36526x3600/T) {[√ (1-ε²]/ (1-ε) ²} [(v* + v°)/c] ²
= 43 seconds of arc per century
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0
= (-720x36526x3600/T) {[√ (1-ε²]/ (1-ε) ²} [(v*m + v° m)/c] ² seconds of arc per
Or, Newton is plain stupid? There is no proof of action at a distance?
F = -GmM/r² is not a proof of gravitational pull between planetary objects but
rather the interaction of earth with its atmosphere
G = 1/ (2/5) (4π/3) p T² = √ (2π)/ (4π/3)p T²; ρ = air density =1.2045kg/m³; and T =
Earth rotation period = 23.9333x3600; Then G = 6.6747 x 10-11
G = 1/ (radius of gyration) (sphere) (air density) (Earth spin) ²
G = √ (2 π) / (4π/3) p T² = √ (2π)/ (4π/3)p T²
Suggesting that gravity measured on Earth is local to earth surface caused
by Earth spin motion
Also a rotating Ellipse can be derived from many different solutions and
not necessarily from an inverse square law

Page 45
Chapter seven
Inverse Cube equations F = m γ = - k/r³ r (1), then in polar coordinates
With m [d² r/dt² - θ'²r] = - k /r³ Inverse Cube Gravitational law (1)
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Kepler's Areal Velocity Equation (2)

These two equations give an axial rotation rate:

One: φ = π (m/ M) (180) [36526/T] [3600] arc second/100 years
= 43.0344 seconds of arc / century for Mercury
Two: δ θ' = - 720 [36526/T] (3600) √ (1 - ε²)/ T (1 - ε) ² (v/c) ² arc second/100
= 43.0" seconds of arc /century for Mercury
With m = constant
Then d² r/dt² - θ'²r = - k/ r³ (1)
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 (2)
From (2) d (r²θ')/d t = 0; r²θ' = h
From (1), θ'² d² r/ dθ² - θ'²r = - k/ mr³
And θ'² [d² r/ dθ² - r] = - k/ mr³
And d² r/ dθ² - r = - (k/mh²) r
And d² r/ dθ² - r [1 - (k/mh²)] = 0
And r (θ, 0) = r (0, 0) e ỉ {√ [1 - (k/mh²)]} θ
From (2) d (r²θ')/d t = 0; r²θ' = h
Then 2rr'θ' + r²θ'' = 0
Dividing by r²θ'
We get 2 (r'/r) + (θ''/θ') = 0
And 2 (r'/r) = - θ''/θ' = 2ỉ ω t
And r = r (0, 0) e ỉ {√ [1 - (k/mh²)]} θ e ỉ ω t
And θ' = θ' (θ, 0) e - 2ỉ ω t
Or r = r (0, 0) e ỉ {√ [1 - (k/mh²)]} θ + ỉ ω t
And θ' = θ' (0, 0) e -2ỉ [{√ [1 - (k/mh²)]} θ + ω t]
And θ' = θ' (0, 0) e -2ỉ [{√ [1 - (k/mh²)]} θ + ω t]
And θ' = (θ' (0, 0) {cosine 2 [{√ [1 - (k/mh²)]} θ + ω t]
- ỉ sine 2 [{√ [1 - (k/mh²)]} θ + ω t]}
And θ' - θ' (0, 0) = - 2 θ' (0, 0) sine² [{√ [1 - (k/mh²)]} θ + ω t]
And δ θ' = - 2 θ' (0, 0) sine² [{√ [1 - (k/mh²)]} θ + ω t]
If k = Gm M α (1 - ε²); h = 2π a b/T
Then: k/mh² = Gm M a (1 - ε²)/m 4 π ² a² b²/T²
And k/mh² = GM T² (1 - ε²)/4 π ² a b²; multiply by (a²/a²)
Then [a² (1 - ε²)/ b²] [GM T²/4 π ² a³] = [GM T²/4 π ² a³]
Then δ θ' = - 2 θ' (0, 0)] sine² [{√ [1 - (GM T²/4 π ² a³)]} θ + ω t]
Taking Kepler's: GM T²/4π²a³ = 1
Page 46
Then δ θ' = - 2 θ' (0, 0) sine² ω t
And θ' (0, 0) = h/r² = 2πab/Ta² (1 - ε) ²
= 2πa²√ (1 - ε²)/Ta² (1 - ε) ² = 2π√ (1 - ε²)/T (1 - ε) ²
And δ θ' = - 4π√ (1 - ε²)/ T (1 - ε) ² sine² ω t
With ω T = arc tan v/c << 1
Then δ θ' = - 4π/T√ (1 - ε²)/ (1 - ε) ² sine² arc tan (v/c) radians per T
Or δ θ' = - 4π/T√ (1 - ε²)/ (1 - ε) ² (v/c) ² radians per T
And δ θ' = - 4π/T√ (1 - ε²)/ (1 - ε) ² (v/c) ² [180/π] [36526] [3600] arc second/100 years
Or δ θ' = - 720 [36526/T] (3600) [√ (1 - ε²)]/ (1 - ε) ²] (v/c) ² arc second/100 years
Or δ θ' = - 720 [36526/T] (3600) (1.552) (48.2/c) ² = 43.11 " arc second/100 years
If k = Gm (M + m) α (1 - ε²); h = 2π a b/T
If we take Newton’s G (M + m) T²/4π²a³ = 1
Then δ θ' = - 2 θ' (0, 0)] sine² [{√ [1 – [G (M + m) T²/4 π ² a³)]} θ + ω t]
And G (M + m) T²/4π²a³ = 1
And 1- G (M + m) T²/4π²a³ = 0
Then δ θ' = - 2 θ' (0, 0) sine² ω t
Then δ θ' = - 2 2 π √ (1 - ε²)/T (1 - ε) ² sine² ω t
= - 4 π √ (1 - ε²)/T (1 - ε) ² sine² ω t
Or δ θ' = - 720 [36526/T] (3600) [√ (1 - ε²)]/ (1 - ε) ²] (v/c) ² arc second/100 years
If k = mh²; then δ θ' = - 2 θ' (0, 0) sine² ω t
Or δ θ' = - 720 [36526/T] (3600) [√ (1 - ε²)]/ (1 - ε) ²] (v/c) ² arc second/100 years
If k = m²h²/M; then δ θ' = - 2 θ' (0, 0) sine² [{√ [1 - (k/mh²)]} θ + ω t]
Become δ θ' = - 2 θ' (0, 0) sine² [{√ [1 - (m/M)]} θ + ω t]
And (m/ M) << 1; t = 0
Or r = r (0, 0) e ỉ {√ [1 - (m/M)]} θ

Then r ≈ r (0, 0) e ỉ [1 - (m/ 2M)]} θ

And r ≈ r (0, 0) e ỉ [(θ - φ)]
With φ = m/ 2M θ
Taking θ = 2 π
Then φ = π m/ M radians
And φ = π m/ (M) [180/π] [36526/T] [3600] arc second/100 years
If k = m²h²/ (M + m)
Then φ = π m/ (M + m) radians
And φ = π m/ (M + m) [180/π] [36526/T] [3600] arc second/100 years
Or φ = π (m/ M) (180/ π) [36526/T] [3600] arc second/100 years
= 43.0344"/100 years
Or φ = π m/(M +m) (180/ π) [36526/T] [3600] arc second/100 years
= 43.0344"/100 years

Or δ θ' = - 720 [36526/T] (3600) √ (1 - ε²)/ (1 - ε) ²] (v/c) ² arc second/100

= 43.0"/100 years
Page 47
Chapter eight: Nuclear gravity
Or Yukawa’s:
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0: M r Yukawa travel is not physics but Alfred Nobel physicists’ stupidity

Nuclear Gravity F = (-GmM/r²) e k/r

With d² (m r)/dt² – (m r) θ'² = [-GmM/r²] e k/ r Nuclear gravity Equation (1)

And (m²r²θ')/d t = 0 Kepler's Areal Velocity (2)

(2): d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0
Then m²r²θ' = constant; if m is taken as constant then r²θ' = h
And (1): d² r/dt² - r θ'² = [-GmM/r²] e k/r

Let m r =1/u
Then d r/d t = -u'/u²
= - (1/u²) (θ') d u/d θ
= (- θ'/u²) d u/d θ
= - h d u/d θ
And d² r/dt² = -hθ'd²u/dθ²
= - hu² [d²u/dθ²]
With d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'² = [-GmM/r²] e k/r
Nuclear Gravity (1)

With e k/r ≈ 1+ k/r; k/r <<1

And -hu² (d²u/dθ²) - (1/u) (hu²)² = -GMu² [1 + k u]; α m/M r << 1
And (d²u dθ²) + (1 – GMk/h²) u = GM/h²
And u = [GM/ h²]/ {(1 – GMk/h²) + A cosine [√ (1 - GMk/h²)] θ}
And r = 1/u = 1/ {[GM/ h²]/ {[1 – GMk/h²] + A cosine {√ [1 – GMk/h²]} θ}
= [1 – GMk/h²]/ (M/ h²)]/ {1 + ε cosine {√ [1 - GMk/h²]} θ
Where [1 – GMk/h²]/ (GM/h²) = a (1 – ε²)

And [1 – GMk/h²] = (GM/h²) a (1-ε²)
And h² - GM k = G M a (1- ε²)

Then h²/GM – a (1- ε²) = k

And √ [1 – GMk/h²] =√ {[1 – (GM/h²) [(h²/GM) – a (1 - ε²)]}

= √ {[1 – 1 + (GM/h²) a (1 - ε²)]}
= √ [(GM/h²) a (1 - ε²)]
= √ {[GMT²/4π²a4 (1 - ε²)] a (1 - ε²)]}
= √ (GMT²/4π²a³)
= 1; T²/ a³ = 4π²/ GM Kepler’s
Then, r = 1/u = (GM/ h²) + A cosine θ
If, T²/ a³ = 4π²/ G (M +m) Newton’s
Then, √ [1 – GMk/h²] = √ (GMT²/4π²a³) = √ [M/ (M + m)]
= 1/ √ [1 + (m/M)] ≈ 1/ [1 + (m/2M)] = 1 – (m/ 2M)
And [1 – GMk/h²]/ (M/ h²)]/ {1 + ε cosine {√ [1 - GMk/h²]} θ
= a (1- ε²)/ [1 + ε cosine {√ [1 – (GMk/h²)]} θ
= a (1- ε²)/ {[1 + ε cosine [(1 – m/2M) θ]}
= a (1- ε²)/ [1 + ε cosine (θ – Φ)]
And 2 π Φ = 2 π (m/ 2M) = π (m/M)
If Newton’s law were to be F = - Gm (M + m)/r²
The 2 π Φ = 2 π [m/ 2(M + m)] = π [m/ (m + M)]

(m α/ M r)
Nuclear Gravity (-GmM/r²) e

Abstract: Yukawa Gravity (-GmM/r²) e (m α/ M r) or the nuclear gravity force is the

crudely approximated Newtonian gravity force (-GmM/r²) explains planetary
motion around the sun as a rotating ellipse with a rotation rate φ = [π m/(m + M)]
(180/π)(36526/T)(3600) = 43.03 seconds of an arc per century for the most talked
about planet of mercury; m = 3.2 x 1024 kg; M = 2x1030 kg; T = 88days

With d² (m r)/dt² – (m r) θ'² = (-GmM/r²) e (m α/ M r) Gravity Force (1)

And d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0 Kepler's Areal Velocity (2)

Then m²r²θ' = constant; if m is taken as constant then r²θ' = h

And (1): d² r/dt² - r θ'² = -GmM/r² + Gm²α/r³

Let m r =1/u
Then d r/d t = -u'/u² = - (1/u²) (θ') d u/d θ = (- θ'/u²) d u/d θ = - h d u/d θ
And d² r/dt² = -hθ'd²u/dθ² = - hu² [d²u/dθ²]
-hu² [d²u/dθ²] - (1/u) (hu²)² = -G M u² [1 – (α m /M) u]; α m /M r << 1
Or (d²u/ dθ²) + (1 – Gmα/h²) u = GM/h²
And u = [GM/ h²]/[1 – Gmα/h²] + A cosine {√ [1 - Gmα/h²]}θ
Page 49

And r = 1/u = 1/ {[GM/ h²]/ [1 – Gmα/h²] + A cosine {√ [1 – Gmα/h²]} θ}

= [1 – Gmα/h²]/M/ h²]/ {1 + ε cosine {√ [1 - Gmα/h²]} θ

Where [1 – Gmα/h²]/GM/h² = a (1 – ε²)

And [1 – Gmα/h²] = (GM/h²) a (1-ε²)

If α = a (1 – ε²), the h² = G (m + M) a (1- ε²)

Then Gmα/h² = G ma (1 - ε²) /G (m + M) a (1- ε²)
= m/ (m + M)

With r (θ, 0) = [1 – Gmα/h²]/M/ h²]/ {1 + ε cosine {√ [1 – Gmα/h²]} θ

Then r (θ, 0) = a (1 – ε²)/ {1 + ε cosine {√ [1 – Gmα/h²]} θ

And r (θ, 0) = a (1 – ε²)/ {1 + ε cosine {√ [1 – m/ (m + M)]} θ

And m << M; √ [1 – m/ (m + M)] ≈ 1 - m/2(m + M)

With {√ [1 – Gmα/h²]} θ ≈ [1 - m/ 2(m + M)] θ

If θ = 2π, Then 2π [1- m/2(m + M)] = 2π - 2π [m/2(m + M)]

With r (θ, 0) = a (1 – ε²)/ {1 + ε cosine [θ – mθ/2(m + M)]}

Then r (θ, 0) = a (1 – ε²)/ [1 + ε cosine (θ – φ)]
And φ = mθ/2(m + M)

With θ = 2π, then φ = 2πm/2(m + M) = π m/ (m + M) radians/second

Multiplication by 180/π, then φ = 180m/ (m + M) degrees/second

Multiplication by (36526/T), then φ = [m/ (m + M)] (180)(36526/T)


Multiplication by 3600, then φ = [m/ (m + M)] (180) (36526/T)(3600)


With Planet Mercury: m = 3.2x1024kg; M = 2x1030kg

Then φ = [3.2x1024/ 2x 1030] (180) (36526/T)(3600) seconds of an arc per century

And φ = 43.03426909''/century
φ = 2 π m/2(m + M) = π m/ (m + M)

And [(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [π m/ (m + M)] (180/ π) (36526/T) (3600)]

Page 50
Chapter Nine
Frequency Games
What is the accumulated value of 2 π f per century for planet mercury seen from
The angular frequency is ω = 2 π f
How I would see ω of planet mercury turning around the sun from earth?
The answer is there will be a frequency change of
W = 2 π f [v* m - v*e]/v* e; radians per second
Where v*e = Earth orbital velocity around the Sun = 29.8 km/sec
And vº e = Earth spin speed = 0.465 km/sec
And v* m = Mercury orbital velocity around the Sun = 47.9 km/sec
With f = 1/T; f = frequency; T = Period = 88 days
If W is wanted in degrees multiply by: 180/π
If W is wanted in degree per century multiply by (180/π) x (36526 days/ T)
If W is wanted in arc second per century multiply by
(180/π) x (36526 days/ T) x 3600
W = [2 π f [(v* m - v*e)/v* e] x (180/π) x [36526 days/ (T days)] x 3600
With f = 1/T (seconds)
W = [360 x 3600 x (36526/T (days)] [1/T (seconds)] [(v* m - v*e)/v* e]
W = [360 x 3600 x (36526/T (days)] [1/ 24 x 3600 x T (days)] [(v* m - v*e)/v* e]
W = 15 x (36526/T² (days)] [(v* m - v*e)/v* e]
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 =15 x (36526/T² (days)] [(v* m - v*e)/v* e]
For Mercury
W = 15 x [36526/ (88)²] [(47.9 – 29.8)/29.8] = 43.0 arc second per century
The conclusion is
With ω = 2 π f = 2 π /T angular frequency in event time
And ω (real time) = ω (event time) + Δ ω
Δ ω = ω (real time) - ω (event time)
= 2 π f [(v* m - v*e)/v* e]
= 2 π f Z; Z = [(v* m - v*e)/v* e]
= red shift

And Δ ω = 2 π f (1 + Z)
The Advance of Planet Mercury Perihelion is 2 π f Z = 2 π Z/ T
Δ ω = (2 π/T) [(v* m - v*e)/v* e]
In arc seconds per century: Multiply by: (180/π) [36526/T (days)] (3600)
And Δ ω = [2 π / T (seconds)] [(v* m - v*e)/v* e] x
(180/π) [36526/T (days)] (3600);
T (seconds) = T days x 24x 3600
Δ ω = [2 π / T days x 24x 3600] [(v* m - v*e)/v* e] x
(180/π) [36526/T (days)] (3600)
Δ ω = [15 x 36526 / T² (days)] [(v* m - v*e)/v* e] = 43

Page 51
Chapter Ten: Space – time unlimited stupidity
Visual force: F = - Gm M/r² - Gm Mk/r³

With m [d² r/dt² - θ'²r] = - Gm M/r² - Gm Mk/r³ Visual Gravitational law (1)
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Kepler's Areal Velocity Equation (2)

Gives an axial rotation rate of

W = 15 x (36526/T² (days)] [(v* m - v*e)/v* e]

Boundary value Law

With d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'² = - k/ r² Inverse square Gravitational (1)
And d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0 Kepler's law (2)
At Perihelion: d² r/d t² - r θ'² = - GM/r² = - r θ'²; d² r/d t² = 0
Then r θ'² = GM/r²
A quick answer by Newton would be: First θ' ² = [GM/r³]
And ω² = [GM/r³] [(v* m - v*e)/v* e] ²

In arc sec / century

Then ω = {[GM/r³]} 1/2 [(v* m - v*e)/v* e] [(180/π) (3600) (36526/Tm)
= 43"/century
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0
= {[GM/r³]} 1/2 [(v* m - v*e)/v* e] [(180/π) (3600) (36526/Tm)

Constant acceleration law

Or, r 1 /θ'² 1= r 2 /θ'²2 = constant
Or, θ' 2= {√[r 2/ r 1]} θ' 1
And θ' 2 - θ' 1 = {[√ (r 2/ r 1)] - 1} θ' 1
Δ θ' = {[√ (r 2/ r 1)] - 1} θ' 1
This is the angular time delay and will be seen as angular visual Illusion
The angular speed is θ' = v/r
For Mercury: θ' = v/r = (47.9km/sec)/58,200,000 km = 0.000000843 radians/sec
If you want the accumulation value in arc sec /century W", then
And W" = (v/r) (180/π) (3600) (26526/T) = angular velocity in arc sec per century.
If it is measured for planet Mercury then
W" = (47.9/58,200,000) (180/π) (3600) (26526/88)
W"= 70.75 arc second per century
Or, Δ W" = {[√ (r 2/ r 1)] - 1} W" (1)
What is the angular visual Illusion for planet Mercury that would be seen when
measured from Earth with Earth location r (1) = Earth = 149.6 x 106
And r (2) = Mercury = 58.2 x 106
And W" (2) = - 70.75 arc sec /century
Δ W" = {[√ (r 2/ r 1)] - 1} W" 1
Δ W" = {{√ [149.6/58.2]} - 1} [-70.29] = 43.0" arc per century
[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = {{√[r e/ r m]} - 1} (v m /r m)] [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)
Page 52
Constant Areal velocity Law

Or, r² 1 θ'1= r² 2 θ'2 = location x speed = constant = Areal velocity

Or, r 1 v 1= r 2 v2

Or, θ' 1= (r 2/ r 1)² θ' 2

And θ' 1 - θ' 2 = [(r 2/ r 1)² - 1] θ' 2

Δ θ' = θ' 1 - θ' 2 = [(r 2/ r 1)² - 1] θ' 2

Δ θ' = [(v 1/ v 2)² - 1] θ' 2

This is the angular time delay and will be seen as angular visual Illusion
The angular speed is θ' = v/r
For Mercury: θ' = v/r = (47.9km/sec)/58,200,000 km = 0.000000843 radians/sec

If you want the accumulation value in arc sec /century W", then
And W" = (v/r) (180/π) (3600) (26526/T) = angular velocity in arc sec per century.

If it is measured for planet Mercury then

W" = (47.9/58,200,000) (180/π) (3600) (26526/88)
W"= 70.29 arc second per century

Or, Δ W" = [(v 1/ v 2)² - 1] W" (2)

What is the angular visual Illusion for planet Mercury that would be seen when
measured from Earth with Earth location r (1) = Earth = 149.6 x 106
And r (2) = Mercury = 58.2 x 106

And W" (2) = - 70.29 arc sec /century

Δ W" = [(v 1/ v 2)² - 1] W" (2)

Δ W" = [(v 1/ v 2)² - 1] (v m /r m)] [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)

Δ W" = [(29.8/ 47.9)² - 1] [-70.75] = 43.0" arc per century

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0

= [(v e/ v m) ² - 1] (v m /r m)] [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T)

Page 53

No Force solution
Newton said there is gravity Force F = -GmM/r² whose solution is this




Fig 1. Newton’s gravitational law

With m [d² r/dt² - θ'²r] = 0 Zero force law equation (1)
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Kepler's Areal Velocity Equation (2)
Equation (2) r = r0 e ; θ' = θ'0 e - 2 í ω t
Equation (1) - h² d² θ/ d u² - h² u³ = 0
Or d² θ/ d u² + u = 0
Then u = u0 e - í θ
And r0 = r0 (0) e + í θ
Or, r = r0 (0) e í (θ + ω t) [h/ θ'0]½ e í (θ + ω t)
And θ' = θ'0 e - 2 í ω t
Δ θ' = - 2 θ'0 sine² ω t
= - 2[2π/T] x [180/ π] [38526/T] [3600] sine² ω t
= - 2 [2π/88 x 24 x 3600] x [180/ π] [38526/T] [3600] sine² ω t
= - 141.5 sine² ω t
And ω t = arc tan [(r m - r e)/ (r m + r e)] ½
= arc tan [(149.6 – 58.2)/ (149.6 + 58.2)] ½
Δ θ' = - 141.5 sine² arc tan [(149.6 – 58.2)/ (149.6 + 58.2)] ½
= 43 arc seconds per century
Planet Distance r Planet Orbit Less Spin Angular velocity;
X 106km Orbit T speed v Earth speed v/r
in speed km/sec arc sec/ century
Mercury 58.2 88 47.9 18.1 .002 70.75
Venus 108.2 224.7 35.05 5.7 6.52 10.86
Earth 149.6 365.26 29.8 .46511 4.1
Mars 227.936 687 24.14 0.2411
Jupiter 778.412 4333 13.06 12.6
Saturn 1,426.725 10760 9.65 9.87
Uranus 2,870.97 30690 6.80 2.59
Neptune 4,498 60180 5.43 2.68
Pluto 5906.4 90730 4.74
Newton’s mathematically wrong [(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 =
(-720x36526x3600/88) (1.552) (48.14/300,000) ² arc sec per century
= 43
This particular equation structure is the basis of stars studying. Originally, I derived
it from Arabic real time physics literature.
A visual Illusion along the line of sight is constructed as follows:
Instead of seeing r0 we see r0 cosine arc tan (v/c) and perpendicular to the line
of sight we see r0 sine arc tan (v/c)
Or r = r0 [cosine arc tan (v/c) + í sine arc tan (v/c)]
Or r = r0 e í arc tan (v/c)
Or r = r0 e
And areal velocity law gives the same results
If r² θ' = h
Then differentiating with respect to time
Then d (r² θ')/ d t = d h/ d t
And 2 r r’ θ’ + r² θ’’ = 0
Or 2 (r’ /r) = - (θ’’/θ’)
The r = r0 e íωt

And θ’ = θ’0 e –2íωt

With r = r0 e íωt

In real time r (n) = r (0) e í ω t

With r² (0) θ' (0) = r² (1) θ' (1)
Then θ' (1) = [r² (0)/ r² (1)] θ' (0)
And θ' (1) = {[e í 2 ω t] θ' (0)
And θ’ (1) = {[cosine 2 ω t + í sine 2 ω t] – 1} θ' (0)
Δ θ’ (1) = Δ θ’ (x) + í Δ θ’ (y)
= [cosine 2 ω t + í sine 2 ω t] θ' (0)
Δ θ’ (x) = [cosine 2 ω t] θ' (0)
Δ θ’ (x) = [1 – 2 sine² ω t] θ' (0)
Δ θ’ (x) - θ' (0) = - 2 θ' (0) sine² ω t
Δ W = Δ θ’ (x) - θ' (0) = - 2 θ' (0) sine² ω t
= -2(2π) [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² ω t
And θ' (0) = h/r² (0) = 2 π a b/T a² = 2π√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²
Δ W = - 4 π) [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² ω t
If this apsidal motion is to be found as visual effects, then
With, v ° = spin velocity; v* = orbital velocity
And v/c = (v* + v°)/c = tan ω t
Δ W = -4 π [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} radians
Multiplication by 180/π to change to degrees
Δ W ° = (-720/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} Degrees
And multiplication by 1 century = 36526 days and using T in days
W° (ob) = (-720x36526/Tdays) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} x
sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} degrees/100 years

Page 55

Abstract: light measurements are done along the line of sight and we measure light
projections to our eye. Meaning, that we do not measure distance r but we measure r
cosine arc tan (v/c) when light is used and as a consequence instead of measuring time
T we measure T cosine arc tan (v/c) and here is the experimental proof of it.

Your eyes

A000 0
0000 0
0000 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 θ (2) 0 0 0
0 θ (1) 0 0 θ (3) 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
B------------------------- 0 --------------- 0 ------------- 0
1 2 3
The projections of light is what we measure and the projection of 1
and 2 and 3 is AB
If the angle between ray 1 and AB is θ (1)
If the angle between ray 1 and AB is θ (2)
If the angle between ray 1 and AB is θ (3)
Then C (1) cosine θ (1) = C (2) cosine θ (2) = C (3) cosine θ (3) = c = AB

You want experimental proof?

Here is my iron clad proof of my theory: This is using the light
projections to be equal c then the advance of perihelion and stars to
solve mercury Venus and DI Herculis binary stars better than all is

If an object at location A sends light signals in all directions at time at t = 0 where

B1 is;
And B1 is moving to B2 then the projection of AB2 of AB1 is measured. AB1 is
theorized and AB2 is measured; or AB2 = AB1 cosine θ
And θ = arc tan (v/c)
B1B2 /AB1 = sine θ; AB2/AB1 = cosine θ; B1B2/AB2 = tan θ
Instead of measuring time t we theorize time t and we measure time Γ = t cosine θ

Page 56

A Light V E L O C I T Y B2
O θ C O

Γ = t cosine arc tan (v/c) = t {1- 2 sine² {[arc tan (v/c)]/2}}

Γ - t = - 2 t sine² {[arc tan (v/c)]/2}
With r2θ’ = h and 1/T= θ’’/θ’ = - 2r’/r = 2/t

Or T = t/2 or the time measurements changes are twice period changes

Or (Γ – t)/2 = - t sine² {[arc tan (v/c)]/2} is the time delays for periods

With t = 1 century and t in arc seconds is 15 times time seconds then

(Γ – t)/2 = - 15 T sine² {[arc tan (v/c)]/2}; T = One century

With v = 47.9 (mercury) – 29.8 (Earth) =18.1 km/sec

(Γ – t)/2 = - 15 (36526) sine² {[arc tan (18.1/300,000)]/2] = 43

= 15 x (36526/T² (days)] [(r m – r e)/ r e] = 43

= 15 x (36526/T² (days)] [(v m T m – v e T e)/ v e T e] = 43

= 15 x (36526/T² (days)] [(v m – v e)/ v e] = 43

= 15 x (36526/T² (days)] [(Tm/ Te) – 1] = 43

Or, Center of mass gravity equation

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 = [π m/ (m + M)] (180/ π) (36526/ T m) (3600)] = 43

Page 57

Mr Laplace yes you are deleted

The solution to F = -GmM/r² is not

r = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ε cosine θ)] and it is time you get corrected
Real time solution is: r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ε cosine θ)] ℮ [λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
"Apparent advance of perihelion"
Or, Boundary value law

[(I – O)/O] δ θ’0 =

= {[GM/r³]} 1/2 [(r m – r e)/ r e] [(180/ π) (3600) (36526/ T m) = 43

= {[GM/r³]} [(v m – v e)/ v e] [(180/ π) (3600) (36526/ T m) = 43

1/2 2/3
= {[GM/r³]} [(Tm/ Te) – 1] [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m)] = 43

= {[GM/r³]} [(v m T m – v e T e)/ v e T e] [(180/π) (3600) (26526/T m) = 43

Page 58
Chapter Eleven
Arabs real time physics in outer Space
The problems Einstein and all others can not solve
Apparent Apsidal motion of binary (two) stars
This is the solution to the 150 years apsidal motion puzzle that is not solvable by
space-time physics or any said or published physics including 500 years of Modern
physics and 500,000 modern physicists. Binary stars apsidal motion or "Apparent"
rate of orbital axial rotation is a visual effect along the line of sight of moving
objects applied to the angular velocity at Apses. From the thousands of close binary
stars astronomers picked a dozen sets of binary stars systems that would be a
good test of relativity theory and modern physics collected data for all of past
century and relativity theory failed every one of them. This rate of "apparent" axial
rotation is given by this new equation
W° (ob) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} (v* + v°/c) ²
degrees/100 years
T = period; ε = eccentricity; v° = spin velocity effect; v*= orbital velocity effects
The simplest problem in physics that all 500 years modern physics and
500,000 modern physicists could not solve by any physics:

1 – As Camelopardalis
2 – DI Herculis
3 – V1143 Cygni
4 – V 541 Cygni
5 - AI Hydra
6 - V 731 Cephei
7 - SW Canis Majoris
8 - NV Canis Majoris
9 - GG Orion
10- CM Draconis
11- VV PYX
12 – EW Oriomis
13- V1147 Sagittari
14 – PSR 1913 + 16
12 – PSR 0737 – 3039
Solution: Location r = r r (1) ; Velocity v = r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)
Acceleration γ = (r" - rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)
S = m r; State = mass x distance
P = d S/ d t = d (m r)/d t = m (d r/d t) + (d m/d t) r
Velocity = v = (d r/d t); mass rate change = m' = (d m/d t)
P = m v + m' r; Momentum = change of state = change in location or change in
F = d P/d t = d² S/d t² = d [m (d r/d t) + (d m/d t)]/d t
= m d² r/d t² + (d m/d t) (d r/d t) + (d m/d t) (d r/d t) + (d² m/d t) ² r
Page 59
F = m d² r/d t² + 2 (d m/d t) (d r/d t) + (d² m/d t) ² r
Force = Change of momentum
F = m a + 2 m ' v + m" r
F = - GmM/r²
Or, Newton's Kepler's equation: F = - GmM/r²
With d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'² = -GmM/r² Newton's Gravitational Equation (1)
And d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0 Kepler's force law (2)
With m = constant, then m can be taken out from both equations (1) and (2)
With d² r/d t² - r θ'² = - GM/r² Newton's Gravitational Equation (1)
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Kepler's force law (2)
From 2: With m = constant; then d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0
And m² d (r²θ')/d t = 0
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0
And r²θ' = h
With (1): d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'² = -GmM/r²
With m = constant
Then m [d² r/ d t² - r θ'²] = - Gm M/ r²
And [d² r/ d t² - r θ'²] = - G M/ r²
Let r =1/u
Then d r/d t = -u'/u² = - (1/u²) (θ') d u/d θ = (- θ'/u²) d u/d θ = - h d u/d θ
And d² r /d t² = - h θ'd²u/dθ² = - h u² [d²u/dθ²]
And - h u² [d²u/dθ²] - (1/u) (hu²)² = - G Mu²
Or, [d²u/ dθ²] + u = G M/ h ²
u = G M/ h² + A cosine θ
And r = 1/u = 1/ [G M / h² + A cosine θ]
= (h²/ G M)/ [1 + (Ah²/ GM) cosine θ]
= (h²/GM)/ (1 + ε cosine θ)

Then r (θ, 0) = a (1-ε²)/ (1+ ε cosine θ)

This is Newton's Classical Equation solution of two body problem. We solved this
equation and we got the motion equation:
Is: r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ ε cosine θ)] which is the equation of an ellipse with
eccentricity ε and semi - major axis a, and a semi- minor axis whose value is b = a
√ [1 - ε²] and two foci one equals to c = ε a, and the other foci location equals to -
c = - ε a. Or the motion of one ball around the other ball should be an ellipse with
the other ball at one of the foci +/- ε a, of the ellipse with semi major axes (- a, a)
on x-axis and semi minor axes (-b, b) on y- axis and foci (- c, c) on x- axis again
with angle of rotation θ. If this law to work on two planets instead of two balls like
planetary motion around the sun, then Astronomers should see this motion of a
planet moving around the sun in an ellipse with the sun at one of its foci.
Page 60

What astronomers saw was not an ellipse but a rotating ellipse like the ellipse
below wth rotating angle ψ


Page 61
When the areas size A are sliced equally it was found that the times spent by planets
orbiting around the Sun and making areas A each are equal also.
Or, r² (0) θ' (0) = r² (1) θ' (1) = r² (2) θ' (2) = r² (3) θ' (3) = --
= location² x [angular speed] = constant
= Areal velocity
If r² θ' = h
Then differentiating with respect to time
Then d (r² θ')/ d t = d h/ d t
And 2 r r’ θ’ + r² θ’’ = 0
Or 2 (r’ /r) = - (θ’’/θ’)
The r = r0 e íωt

And θ’ = θ’0 e –2íωt

With r = r0 e íωt

In real time r (n) = r (0) e í ω t

With r² (0) θ' (0) = r² (1) θ' (1)
Then θ' (1) = [r² (0)/ r² (1)] θ' (0)
And θ' (1) = {[e í 2 ω t] θ' (0)
And θ’ (1) = {[cosine 2 ω t + í sine 2 ω t] – 1} θ' (0)
Δ θ’ (1) = Δ θ’ (x) + í Δ θ’ (y)
= [cosine 2 ω t + í sine 2 ω t] θ' (0)
Δ θ’ (x) = [cosine 2 ω t] θ' (0)
Δ θ’ (x) = [1 – 2 sine² ω t] θ' (0)

Δ θ’ (x) - θ' (0) = - 2 θ' (0) sine² ω t

Δ W = Δ θ’ (x) - θ' (0) = - 2 θ' (0) sine² ω t
= -2(2π) [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² ω t
And θ' (0) = h/r² (0) = 2 π a b/T a² = 2π√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²

Δ W = - 4 π) [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² ω t

If this apsidal motion is to be found as visual effects, then

With, v ° = spin velocity; v* = orbital velocity
And v/c = (v* + v°)/c = tan ω t

Δ W = -4 π [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} radians

Multiplication by 180/π to change to degrees

Δ W ° = (-720/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} Degrees
And multiplication by 1 century = 36526 days and using T in days

Page 62
W° (ob) = (-720x36526/Tdays) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} x
sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} degrees/100 years

Astronomy re - written

Primary → v°(p) ↑ v* (p)↑ v° (p) ↑v* (p)↓ v° (p) ↓ v* (p) ↑ v° (p) ↓V* (p) ↓
Secondary ↓
v°(s) ↑ v* (s)↑ Spin=[↑,↑] [↑,↑][↓,↑] [↓,↑][↑,↑] [↓,↑][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) - v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v* (p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
Examples AS CAM
v° (s) ↑v* (s)↓ [↑,↑][↑,↓] [↑,↑][↓,↓] [↓,↑][↑,↓] [↓,↑][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
v° (p) ↓ v*(s) ↑ [↑,↓][↑,↑] [↑,↓][↓,↑] [↓,↓][↑,↑] [↓,↓][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v*(p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
Examples AS CAM
v° (s) ↓V*(s) ↓ [↑,↓][↑,↓] [↑,↓][↓,↓] [↓,↓][↑,↓] [↓,↓][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
Examples AS CAM

W° (calculated) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1- ε²)]/ (1- ε) ²]} [(v° + v*)/c] ²

degrees/100 years

1- As Cameloppardalis: Binary stars System

AS Cam Data T=3.431; r (m) =0.1499; m=3.3 M (0); M=2.5 M (0)
R (m) =2.57 R (0); [v° (m), v° (M)] = [40, 30]; ε = 0.1695; 1- ε = 00.8305
R (M) = 2.5 R (0); r (M) =0.1111; m + M=5.8 M (0); G=6.673x10-11
M (0) = 2 x 1030 kg; R (0) = 0.696x109m;
The circumference of an ellipse: 2πa (1 - ε²/4 + 3/16(ε²)²- --.)
≈ 2πa (1-ε²/4); R =a (1-ε²/4)
Finding orbital velocities
From Newton's inverse square law of an ellipse motion applied to a circular orbit
gives the following: m v²/ r (cm) = GmM/r²
Planet --- r (cm) ----- Center of mass ------- r (CM) --------- Mother Sun
Planet ------------------- r -------------------------------------- Mother Sun
Center of mass law m r (cm) = M r (CM); m = planet mass; M = sun mass
And r (cm) = distance of planet to the center of mass
Page 63
And r (CM) = distance of sun to center of mass
And r (cm) + r (CM) = r = distance between sun and planet
Solving to get: r (cm) = [M/ (m + M)] r
And r (CM) = [m/ (m + M)] r
Then v² = [GM r (cm)/ r²] = GM²/ (m + M) r
And v = √ [GM²/ (m + M) r = a (1-ε²/4)]
Planet orbital velocity or primary velocity:

And v* (m) = v (m) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)]

R =a (1-ε²/4)

Calculations: (1- ε²/4) = 0.9928

[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ² = 1.43
With a = [R (m)/r (m)] = (2.57/0.1499) (0.696x109) = 11.9327x109
And v* (m) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1- ε²/4)] = 110km/sec
= √ [6.673x10-11 (2.5)² (2 x 1030) / (5.8) 11.932x109 (0.9928)] = 110.178km/sec

And v* (M) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1- ε²/4)]

= √ [6.673x10-11 (3.3)² (2 x 1030) / (5.8) 11.932x109 (0.9928)] = 145.435 km/sec

Spin: v° = 40 + 30=70km/sec
And v* (e) = v* Earth = 29.8 km/sec
And vº (e) = 0.465 km/sec
Then v* + v °= v* (m) + v* (M) + v* (e) + vº (m) + v° (M) + vº (e)
= 110.178 + 145.435 + 70 + 29.8 – 0.465 = 355 m/sec
[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ² = 1.43; T = 3.431days

W°= (-720x36526/T) x {√ [(1-ε²)] (1-ε) ²} {[v* + v°]/c} ²

W°= (-720x36526/3.431) x (1.43) (355/ 300,000) ² = 15.0°/century

Dr Guinan and DR Maloney 1989: W°= 15°/century 1989
DR Khailullin and Dr Kozyreva: 1983 W º= 14.6 °/century
Einstein: 44.3º/ century

2 - Binary stars System: DI Her Apsidal Motion Solution

DI Her Apsidal motion solution:
Data: T=10.55days r(m) = 0.0621 m=5.15M(0) R(m)=2.68R(0)
And ε = 0.4882; r (M) = 0.0574 M=4.52 M (0) R (M) =2.48; m + M=9.67 M (0)
L = 2000 +/- 200 Ly

Page 64
1- ε = 0.5118; (1-ε²/4) = 0.94; [√ (1-ε²)] / (1-ε) ² = 3.33181; 1 + ε = 1.4882;
G=6.673x10-11; M (0) = 1.98892x19^30kg; R (0) = 0.696x109m
V* (p) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 99.88 km/sec
V* (s) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 113.8km/sec

A- Apsidal motion is given by this formula:

W° (cal) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} [(v° + v*)/c] ² degrees/100

And v° = - 45 km/s - 45 km/sec = 90km/sec

Now let us calculate v* (cm) = ∑m v/∑m = 106.38km/sec
With v* = 2 v*(cm) = 212.76 km/sec
And v° = -90 km/sec
Then v* + v° = 212.76 - 90 = 122.76 km/sec and
W° (cal) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} sine² [Inverse tan
= (-720x36526/10.55) (3.33181) (122.76/300,000)²
W° (cal) = 1.39°/century
With σ = √ {∑ [v* - v* (cm)] ²/2}
= √ {[106.36 - 99.88]²/2 + [106.36 - 113.8]²/2} = 6.975 km/sec
Then W° (cal) = 1.39°/century +/- 0.16
Observed 2004: 1.39° +/- 0.3°/century; Relativity: 4.27°/century

B - W° (cal) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} [(v° + v*)/c] ² degrees/100

With v° = - 45 km/s + 45 km/sec = 0 km/sec
And v* = v* (cm) = ∑m v/∑m = 106.38km/sec

W° (cal) = (-720x36526/10.55) (106.38.300, 000) ² degrees/100 years

W° (cal) = 1.044 degrees/century
C - V* (p) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 99.88 km/sec

With v* x √ (1-ε²/4)/√ (1-ε) = 99.88 √ (.94)/√ (0.5118) = 135.36

And v* x √ (1-ε²/4)/√ (1+ ε) = 99.88 √ (.94)/√ (1.4882) = 79.38

K (A) = [(135.36 + 79.38)/2] = 107.37 km/sec

V* (s) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 113.8 km/sec

With v* x √ (1-ε²/4)/√ (1-ε) = 113.8 √ (.94)/√ (0.5118) = 154.2254 km/sec

And v* x √ (1-ε²/4)/√ (1+ ε) = 113.8 √ (.94)/√ (1.4882) = 90.44312 km/sec
K (B) = 122.3342 km/sec

V* = [m K (A) + M K (B)]/ (m + M) = 114.3646 km/sec

Or v* = [K (A) + K (B)]/2 = 114. 85 km/sec; with v* = 114.85

Page 65
W° (cal) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} sine² [Inverse tan
= (-720x36526/10.55) (3.33181) (114.85/300,000)²
= 1.22° degrees/ century
Observed: 1.24° degree/century +/- 0.05°

References: Go to Smithsonian/NASA website SAO/NASA and type:

1- Apsidal motion of DI Her: Dr Edward Guinan and Dr Frank Maloney; 1985.
2- New Apsidal Motion of DI Her: Dr Edward Guinan and Dr Frank Maloney; 1994.
3- D. YA. Martynov; and KH. F. Khaliulullin 1980
4- Petrie et al.1967
5- Petrova - Ovlav Apsidal motion catalogue
6- Riazi 2003
7- Maloney Guinan 2004

3 - V1143 Cgyni Apsidal Motion Solution

V1143 Cgyni data

T= 7.641days; r (m) = 0.059; m =1.391 M (0); R (1) =1.346R (0); ε = 0.54
And [v ° (m), v° (M)] = [18, 28]; r (M) = 0.058; M=1.347 M (0)
Distance [38 +/- 2 parsec] = 123.956 +/- 6.524 Ly
We have 1- ε = 0.46 1- ε²/4=0.9721 R (0) = 0.696x109m
With a = [R (1)/r (m)] R (0) = 15.87823729x10^9m; 1+ ε = 1.54
With v (p -perihelion) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1- ε)] = 110 km/sec
And v (p- aphelion) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1+ε)] = 60 km/sec
K (A) = (110 + 60)/2 = 170/2 = 85km/sec
With v (s - perihelion) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε)] = 113.6 km/sec
And v (s - aphelion) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1+ε)] = 62 km/sec
K (B) = (113.6 + 62)/2 = 175.6/2 = 87.8km/sec

With v (1) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a] = 74.632 km/sec

And v (2) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a] = 77.0699 km/sec
When spinning on opposite directions

1- With v° [21, 28] = 28 - 21 = 7

2- With v° [18, 28] = 28 - 18 = 10
3- Taking average 10 + 7/2 = 8.5

With v (m) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 77.5126 km/s

And v (M) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 80.00448 km/s
Also, [√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ² = 3.977622971
Page 66
With 1- v° + v* = 157.51648km/sec - 10 km/sec = 147.51648km/sec
And 2- v° + v* = 157.51648km/sec - 8.5 km/sec = 149.01648km/sec
And 3- v° + v* = 157.51648km/sec - 7 km/sec = 150.51648km/sec

W° (obo) = (-720x36526/T) x {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} {[v* + v°]/c} ²

1- W°/century= (-720x36526/7.641) (3.977622951)

2- W°/century= (-720x36526/7.641) (3.977622951)
3- W°/century= (-720x36526/7.641) (3.977622951) (150.51648/300,000)² =

With v* = 2 v* (cm) = 157.4770 km/sec

And v ° = v° (p) - v° (s) = 21 - 28 = -7 km/sec
Then v* + v ° (p) = 157.477 - 7 = 150.477 km/sec

W° /century= (-720x36526/7.641) (3.977622951)

Observed values are: W° = 3.393987698°/century; W° = =3.489592985
Average observed: 3.44°/ century

1-Geminez and Margrave, 1985
[0.00071°/cycle] = [1 century = 36526days/7.641days] = 3.393987698°/century

2- Anderson and Nordstrom and Garcia and Geminez 1987: 0.00073°/cycle

[0.00073°/cycle] = [1 century = 36526days/7.641days] = 3.489592985°/century

Relativity theory: 4.254435283°/ century = 0.00089°/cycle

4- V541Solution: Apsidal motion catalogue

W° (cal) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} [(v°+ v*)/c] ² degrees/100 years
T = 15.3379days; r (m) = 0.0440 m = 2.4 M (0) R (m) = 1.88 R (0)

And [v°(m),v°(M)]= [24±2,24±2]

And ε = 0.479 r (M) =0.0425 M=2.4 M (0) R (M) =1.79 R (0)
With 1- ε = 0.521 1-ε²/4=0.94263975; [√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ² = 3.2339

Page 67
And a = [R (m)/r (m)] R (0) = (1.88/0.0440)0.696x10^9m = 29.73818182x10^9m
Then a (1-ε²/4) = 28.03x10^9m
And v (m) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 75.5883km/sec; v° (m) =24
And v (M) = √ [Gm²/a (m + M) (1-ε²/4)] = 75.883km/sec; v° (M) =24
With v°=24 + 24= 44km/sec
And v* = 151.1766km/sec
With v* + v°= 151.1766 - 48 = 103.1766km/sec
W° (ob) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} {[v* + v°]/c} ²
W° (ob) = (- 720 x 365226/15.3379) (3.2339) (103.1766/300,000)²
W° (ob) = 0.65°
Notice: [v° (m), v° (M)] = [24 ± 2, 24 ± 2]
If v° (m) = v° (M) = 24 + 2 = 26
Then v* + v°= 151.1766 - 52 = 99.1766km/sec
And W° (ob) = (- 720 x 365226/15.3379) (3.2339) (99.1766/300,000)²
W° (ob) = 0.60°/century
Observed is W°= 0.60° +/ -0.1/century Lacy = [0.5°; 0.7°]

Relativity: W° = 0.97°/century

1- Apsidal motion of V541Cgyni Lacy 1989

5 - AI Hydra apsidal motion puzzle solution

W° (cal) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} [(v°+ v*)/c] ² degrees/100 years

AI Hydra Apsidal motion solution:

Data: T=8.29days r(m) = 0.1418 m=2.15M(0) R(m)=3.92R(0)
[v°(m),v°(M)]=[28,27]; and ε = 0.0.23; r (M) = 0.1002 M=1.98 M (0) R (M)
=2.77(0); m + M=4.13 M (0); L = 575 +/- 15 Ly

1-ε = 0.77; (1-ε²/4) = 0.986775; [√ (1-ε²)] / (1-ε) ² = 1.6414
G=6.673x10^-11; M (0) = 1.98892x19^30kg; R (0) = 0.696x10^9m
Then a = [R (m) / r (m)] = 19.24062059 x 10 ^ 9 m

V (m) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 81.11439578 km/sec

V (M) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 88.11km/sec

Apsidal motion is given by this formula:

W° (ob) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} [(v° + v*)/c] ² degrees/100


Page 68
With v* = v (m) + v (M) = 81.11439578km/sec + 88.11km/sec =
And v° = v° (m) + v° (M) = 28 + 27 = 55 km/sec
Then (v* + v°) = 224.2243958 km/sec
W° (ob) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} sine² [Inverse tan
= (-720x36526/8.29) (1.6414) (224.2243958/300,000)²
= 2.90°/ century
W° (observed) = 2.90°/century as measured
Observed is 2.90°/century
Space-Time Relativity theory 6.8° / century
Now let us calculate v* (cm) = ∑m v/∑m
= 2.15 x 81.11439578 + 1.98 x88.11= 84.46822 km/sec
With v* = 2 v*(cm) = 168.936411 km/sec; And v° = 55 km/sec
Then v* + v° = 223.9364411 km/sec and
W° (observed) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} sine² [Inverse tan 223. 936/300,000]
= (-720x36526/10.55) (3.33181) (223.9364411/300,000)²
W° (observed) = 2.9°0/century
With σ = √ {∑ [v* - v* (cm)] ²/2}
= √ {[88.11 -84.46822]²/2 + [81.11439578 - 84.46822]²/2}
= √ {[3.64178]²/2 + [3.35382422]²/2} = 3.5 km/sec
Then W° (ob) = 2.9°0/century; observed is W° = 2.9°/per century
And Einstein's 100,000 space-timers 6.8° / century
References: Go to Smithsonian/NASA website SAO/NASA and type:
1- Apsidal motion of AI Hydra Popper 1985
2- KH. F. Khaliulullin and V.S Kozyreva 1988
3- Petrova - Ovlav Apsidal motion catalogue 1999
6 - V731Cehpei Apsidal Motion Solution
Primary → v°(p) ↑ v* (p)↑ v° (p) ↑v* (p)↓ v° (p) ↓ v* (p) ↑ v° (p) ↓V* (p) ↓
Secondary ↓
v°(s) ↑ v* (s)↑ Spin=[↑,↑] [↑,↑][↓,↑] [↓,↑][↑,↑] [↓,↑][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) - v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v* (p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
Examples V731Cephei
v° (s) ↑v* (s)↓ [↑,↑][↑,↓] [↑,↑][↓,↓] [↓,↑][↑,↓] [↓,↑][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
v° (p) ↓ v*(s) ↑ [↑,↓][↑,↑] [↑,↓][↓,↑] [↓,↓][↑,↑] [↓,↓][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v*(p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
v° (s) ↓V*(s) ↓ [↑,↓][↑,↓] [↑,↓][↓,↓] [↓,↓][↑,↓] [↓,↓][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
Examples V731Cephei
Next the same equation will be used to find the advance of Periastron or "apparent"
apsidal motion of V731 binary stars system.

V731Cehpei Apsidal Motion Solution

W° (ob) = (-720x36526/T) x
{[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} [(v°+ v*)/c] ² degrees/100 years

V731data [see below]

T= 6.068567days; m= 2.577 M (0); M = 2.577 M (0)

And [v° (m), v° (M)] = [19+/-3, 18+/-3]
And ε = 0.0165 a = 23.27x R (0)

M + m = 2.738; 1-ε=0.9835 1-ε²/4=0.9999 R (0) = .696x10^9m

With v° [21, 28] = [19 +/- 3] + [18 +/- 3] = 37 +/- 6

With v* (p) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 85.6111965km/sec

And v* (M) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 109.38km/sec

Also, [√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ² = 1.033694356

With v* (cm) = 2∑m v∑/m = 96.46688km/sec; 2 v* (cm) = 192.9337619

And σ = √ {∑ [v*-v* (cm)] ²/2} = √ {[96.46688 - 85.6] ²/2} +

{[109.38 - 96.46688] ²/2} = 11.9288422 km/sec

With v* (p) = 85.6111965km/sec +/- 11.9288422 km/sec

And v* (s) = 109.38km/sec +/- 11.9288422 km/sec

Then v* (p) + v* (s) = [192.9337619 +/-] x 2 = 23.8567844 km/sec

Then v* + v° = 229.9288422km/sec +/- 29.8567844 km/sec

Now: Taking the upper limit

Then v* + v° = 229.9288422km/sec + 29.8567844 km/sec = 259.7856266

Page 70
W° (obo) = (-720x36526/T) x {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} {[v* + v°]/c} ²
W°/century= (-720x36526/6.068567) (1.033694356)
(259.7856266 /300,000)²=2.91°/century
W°/century = 3.35914177°/century = 0.0335914177°/year

U = 360/0.0335914177° = 10717 years

Observed values are U = 10000 +/- 2500

References: 1- Absolute dimensional and apsidal motion of V731Cep

V. Batkis; M.Zejda; I. Bulut; M.Wolf; S. Bilir; H. Bakis; O.Demircan: J.w.Lee:
M.Slechta: B. Kucerova. 2008

7 - NV CMa Binary stars apsidal motion table

8 - NV CMa apsidal motion solution:

Data: T=1.885159 days; ε = 0; v* (p) = 128.55 km/sec; v* (s) = 130.87 km/sec
[√ (1-ε²)] / (1-ε) ² = 3.33181; v° (p) = 51.7 km/sec and v° (s) = 52.4 km/sec
Apsidal motion is given by this formula:
W° (ob) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} [(v° + v*)/c] ² degrees/100

With v* = v* (p) + v*(s) = 259.42 km/sec and v°

= v° (p) + v° (s) = 104.1
And v* + v° = 363.52 km/sec

W° (observed) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²}

sine² [Inverse tan 363.52/300,000]
= (-720x36526/1.885159) (1) (363.52/300,000)²
= 20.48333818°/century = 0.2048333818°/year

U = 360°/0.2048333818°/year;

U = 1757. 5 years

References: Go to Smithsonian/NASA website SAO/NASA and type:

Absolute dimensions NV CMa; Kaluzny, J; Pych, W; Rucinski, S. M; Thompson, I.B

Page 71
Relativity theory coffin nail # 8 SW Canis Majoris
W° (cal) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} [(v° + v*)/c] ² degrees/100

T = period = 10.09 days; ε = eccentricity = 0.3179

And v° = spin velocity effect = v° (p) + v°(s) = 57km/sec

And v*= orbital velocity effect = v*(p) + v* (s)

= 80.5 + 87.8 = 168.3 km/sec

For SW Canis Majoris: v* + v° = 225.3km/sec

W° (observed) = 2.99565967°/century = 0.0299565967°

U = 360/ 0.0299565967= 12017years

U (observed) = 12,000 years

Einstein and space-timers 14,000 years

SW Canis Majoris Binary stars

Primary → v°(p) ↑ v* (p)↑ v° (p) ↑v* (p)↓ v° (p) ↓ v* (p) ↑ v° (p) ↓V* (p) ↓
Secondary ↓
v°(s) ↑ v* (s)↑ Spin=[↑,↑] [↑,↑][↓,↑] [↓,↑][↑,↑] [↓,↑][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) - v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v* (p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
Examples Sw Canis Majoris
v° (s) ↑v* (s)↓ [↑,↑][↑,↓] [↑,↑][↓,↓] [↓,↑][↑,↓] [↓,↑][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
v° (p) ↓ v*(s) ↑ [↑,↓][↑,↑] [↑,↓][↓,↑] [↓,↓][↑,↑] [↓,↓][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v*(p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
v° (s) ↓V*(s) ↓ [↑,↓][↑,↓] [↑,↓][↓,↓] [↓,↓][↑,↓] [↓,↓][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
Examples SW Canis majoris

Page 72
SW CMa apsidal motion solution:
Data: T=10.09 days; r (m) = 0.0942; m = 2.22 M (0); R (m) = 3.01R (0); ε = 0.3179
And r (M) = N/A M = 2.03 M (0) R (M) =2.46 R (0); m + M = 4.25 M (0)
And [v° (m), v° (M)] = [30+/-2, 27+/-3]
K (1) = 80.5; K (2) = 87.8

1-ε = 0.6821; (1-ε²/4) = 0.974734898

[√ (1-ε²)] / (1-ε) ² = 2.037835646

G=6.673x10^-11; M (0) = 1.98892x19^30kg; R (0) = 0.696x10^9m

Then a = [R (m) / r (m)] = 22.23949045 x 10 ^ 9 m

V* (p) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 77.26298km/sec

V* (s) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 84.4944913km/sec

And v* = v* (p) + v* (s) = 161.7574713 km/sec

With v° = v° (p) + v° (s) = 30 + 27 = 57 km/sec

And, v* + v° = 218.7574713km/sec

Apsidal motion is given by this formula:

W° (ob) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} [(v° + v*)/c] ² degrees/100

W° (ob) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} sine² [Inverse tan

= (-720x36526/10.09) (2.037835646) (218.7574713/300,000)²
= 2.8242°/ century = 0.026242/yr
U = 360/ 0.026242 = 12747 years
Taking: v* + v° = 80.5 + 87.8 +57 = 225.3 km/sec
W° (ob) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²}
Sine² [Inverse tan 225.3 /300,000]
= (-720x36526/10.09) (2.037835646) (218.7574713/300,000)²
= 2.995659677°/ century = 0.0299565967°/yr

U = 360/ 0.0299565967 = 12017 years Nahhas

U (observed) = 12,000 years

References: Go to Smithsonian/NASA website SAO/NASA and type:

1- Lacy Apsidal motion Canis Majoris 1997

9 - GG Orion Apsidal motion puzzle solution
Primary → v°(p) ↑ v* (p)↑ v° (p) ↑v* (p)↓ v° (p) ↓ v* (p) ↑ v° (p) ↓V* (p) ↓
Secondary ↓
v°(s) ↑ v* (s)↑ Spin=[↑,↑][↑,↑]=orbit [↑,↑][↓,↑] [↓,↑][↑,↑] [↓,↑][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) - v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v* (p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
Examples GG Orion
v° (s) ↑v* (s)↓ [↑,↑][↑,↓] [↑,↑][↓,↓] [↓,↑][↑,↓] [↓,↑][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
v° (p) ↓ v*(s) ↑ [↑,↓][↑,↑] [↑,↓][↓,↑] [↓,↓][↑,↑] [↓,↓][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v*(p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
v° (s) ↓V*(s) ↓ [↑,↓][↑,↓] [↑,↓][↓,↓] [↓,↓][↑,↓] [↓,↓][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
Examples GG Orion
Data: T=6.6314948; m = 2.342 M (0); M = 0.2338 M (0); R (1) = 1.852 R (0); R (2) =1.830
ε = 0.2218; 1 - ε = 0.7782; r (1) = 0.0746; r (2) =.988 r (1); m + M = 4.68 M (0)
And [v° (p); v° (s)] = [16 +/- 1; 16 +/- 1]; [v° (p); v° (s)] = [25 +/- 3; 24 +/- 3];
U = 10700 +/- 4500 years
(1-ε²/4) = 0.9877; [√ (1-ε²)] / (1-ε) ² = 1.57
G=6.673x10^-11; M (0) = 1.98892x19^30kg; R (0) = 0.696x10^9m
With v* (p) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 95.6 km/sec
And v* (s) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 95.735 km/sec
And v° (p) = 16 km/sec; v° (s) = 16 km/sec
Then v* (p) + v* (s) + v° (p) + v° (s) = 223.335 km/sec
W° (ob) = (-720x36526/6.6314948) (1.57) [223.335/300,000] ² degrees/100
W° (ob) = 3.45°/century = 0.0345°/year
U [years] = 360/[0.0345°/year]
U = 10,432 years Nahhas
U (observed) = 10700+/-4500years

References: Absolute dimensions and apsidal motion of eclipsing binary GG Orion

Dr Lacy; Dr Torres; Dr Claret; Dr Sabby: 2000
The time has come to send relativity theories and all four-dimensional space-time
confusion of physics to the...
Page 74
Chapter Twelve
Arabs real time physics in outer Space II
A- Arabs Binary stars and Binary Pulsar apsidal motion
2009 total collapse of general relativity theory; CD Draconis Binary stars
Primary → v°(p) ↑ v* (p)↑ v° (p) ↑v* (p)↓ v° (p) ↓ v* (p) ↑ v° (p) ↓V* (p) ↓
Secondary ↓
v°(s) ↑ v* (s)↑ Spin=[↑,↑] [↑,↑][↓,↑] [↓,↑][↑,↑] [↓,↑][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) - v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v* (p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
Examples CD Draconis
v° (s) ↑v* (s)↓ [↑,↑][↑,↓] [↑,↑][↓,↓] [↓,↑][↑,↓] [↓,↑][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) + v°(s) v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s) -v°(p) + v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
v° (p) ↓ v*(s) ↑ [↑,↓][↑,↑] [↑,↓][↓,↑] [↓,↓][↑,↑] [↓,↓][↓,↑]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) + v*(s) -v*(p) + v*(s) v*(p) + v*(s) -v* (p) + v* (s)
v° (s) ↓V*(s) ↓ [↑,↓][↑,↓] [↑,↓][↓,↓] [↓,↓][↑,↓] [↓,↓][↓,↓]
Spin results v°(p) - v°(s) v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s) -v°(p) - v°(s)
Orbit results v*(p) - v*(s) -v*(p) - v*(s) v*(p) - v*(s) -v* (p) - v* (s)
Examples CD Draconis

10 – 2009 CD Draconis apsidal motion Table:

Data: T=1.268389985days; m = 0.231 M (0); M = 0.2141 M (0); a = 3.7634 R (0); ε=
And [v° (p); v° (s)] = [9.5 +/- 1; 10.0 +/- 1]
Einstein and space – timers: W° = 1.91x10-3/day
m + M = 0.4451 M (0)
1-ε = 0.9949; (1-ε²/4) = 0.99993498; [√ (1-ε²)] / (1-ε) ² = 1.01
G=6.673x10-11; M (0) = 1.98892x1030kg; R (0) = 0.696x10 9m
With v* (p) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 72.436 km/sec
And v* (s) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 78.153 km/sec
And v° (p) = 9.5 km/sec; v° (s) = 10 km/sec
Then v* (p) + v* (s) + v° (p) + v° (s) = 170.117 km/sec

Page 75
Apsidal motion is given by this formula:

W° (ob) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} [(v° + v*)/c] ² degrees/100


W° (ob) = (-720x36526/1.238389985) (1.01) [170.09/300,000] ² degrees/100

W° (ob) = 6.731598944°/century = 0.06731598944°/year

U [years] = 360/[0.06731598944°/year]

U = 5348 years Nahhas

U (observed) = 5400+/-3200years
Einstein's and space-timers U = 360/ [0.00191x365.26] = 516 years
Can it get any better?
It is not just about dumping relativity it is dumping relativity and Alfred Nobel
institution with it.

References: Absolute properties of the low-mass eclipsing binary CM Draconis;

By : Juan Carlos Morales; Ignasi ribas; carme jordi; Guillermo Toress; Jose
Gallardo; Edward F. Guinan; David Chardonneau; Marek wolf; David w.latham;
Guillem Angalada Escude; David H.Bradstreet; Mark E.Everett; Francis T. O,
Donavan; Georgi Mandushev; Robert D. Mathieu and other 15

11 - V 1147 Sagittari
V 1147 Sagittari: Data: U = 592.5 +/- 6 years
With K (p) = 117.4 km/sec; K(s) = 130.8 km/sec
Giving v* (p) = 117.4 + 29.8 - 0.465 = 146.735 km/sec
And v* (s) = 130.8 + 29.8 – 0.465 =160.135 km/sec
Orbital speed of earth = 29.8 km/sec; spin speed of earth is 0.465 km/sec
And vº (p) = 80 + 29.88 – 0.465 km/sec = 109.335 km/sec
And vº(s) =75 + 29.88 – 0.465 km/sec = 104.335 km/sec
Then v* + vº = 146.735 + 160.135 + 109.335 + 104.335 = 520.54km/sec
[√ (1- ε²)] (1-ε) ² = 2.62
W (cal) = (-720x36526/3.28) x (2.62) (520.541/300,000)²= 63º/century
U = [63/100]-1x 360 = 570 years.
Observed values; 592.5
Absolute dimensions of solar-type eclipsing binaries V 1147Sagittari
J. Anderson, A. Gimenez 1985

Page 76
12- EW Orionis
EW Orionis: Data: U =16300 +/- 3900
With K (p) = 73.18km/sec; K(s) = 75.46 km/sec
Giving v* (p) = 73.18 + 29.8 - 0.465 = 102.515 km/sec
And v* (s) = 75.46 + 29.8 – 0.465 =104.795 km/sec
And vº (p) = 9 + 29.8 - 0.465 = 102.515 km/sec
And vº (s) = 73.18 - 29.8 + 0.465 = 102.515 km/sec

Orbital speed of earth = 29.8 km/sec; spin speed of earth is 0.465 km/sec
And vº (p) = 9km/sec; vº(s) =8.8km/sec
Then v* + vº = 102.515 + 104.795 +9.0 + 8.8 =225.11km/sec
[√ (1- ε²)] (1-ε) ² = 1.167

W (cal) = (-720x36526/6.93) x (1.167) (225.11/300,000)²= 2.1367º/century

U = [2.1367/100]-1x 360 = 16848 years.

13 - The Apsidal motion of VV PYX

Data: T = 4.596 days; m = 2.098 M (0); M = 2.098 M (0)

With r (p) = 0.1156 and r (s) = 0.1156 and R (m) = 2.167 R (0) and R (M) =
2.167 R (0)
And ε = 0.0956; 1 - ε = .9044; U = 3200 +/- 1000
And [v° (p); v° (s)] = [23; 23]
V = 381.03095km/sec


With m + M = 4.196 M (0)

And (1-ε²/4) = 0.99771516; [√ (1-ε²)] / (1-ε) ² = 1.216984877
G=6.673x10^-11; M (0) = 1.98892x19^30kg; R (0) = 0.696x10^9m
And a = [R (m)/r (m)] = [2.06/ 0.097] R (0) = [2.167/ 0.1156] [0.696x109 m]
Then a = 13.04698962 x 109 m
And a (1-ε²/4) = [13.04698962 x10^9m] [0.99771516] = 13.01717934 x109m

K (A) = {√ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1- ε)] + √ GM²/ (m + M) a (1+ ε)]}/2

K (A) = {√ [6.673x2.098²x2x10-19/ (4.196) 13.04698962x10^9x0.9044]

+ √ [6.673x2.098²x2x10-19/ (4.196) 13.04698962x10^9x1.0956]}/2
= [108.85 + 98.96511511]/2 = 103.9km/sec

K (B) = {√ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1- ε)] + √ Gm²/ (m + M) a (1+ ε)]}/2

= 103.9km/sec

Page 77
With v* (m) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 103.70 km/sec

And v* (M) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 103.70 km/sec

And v* (cm) = [m v* (p) + M v* (s)]/ (m + M) = 103.70 km/sec

And v° (p) = 23vkm/sec; v° (s) = 23 km/sec

W° (ob) = (-720x36526/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} (v* + v°/c) ²

degrees/100 years

T = period; ε = eccentricity; v° = spin velocity effect; v*= orbital velocity effects

With v* (m) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 103.70 km/sec

Primary orbital speed contribution to apsidal motion

Is v* (m) = 103.7 + 29.8 – 0.465 = 133 km/sec

And v* (M) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 103.70 km/sec

Secondary orbital speed contribution to apsidal motion

Is v* (M) = 103.7 + 29.8 – 0.465 = 133 km/sec
And v° (m) = 23 km/sec

Primary spin speed contribution to apsidal motion

Is vº (m) = 23 + 29.8 – 0.465 = 52.335 km/sec
And v° (M) = 23 km/sec

Secondary spin speed contribution to apsidal motion

Is vº (m) = 23 + 29.8 – 0.465 = 52.335 km/sec
Then v * + vº = 370.67

With ε = 0.17; T = 4.596 days

[√ (1-ε²)] / (1-ε) ² = 1.216984877

W° (cal) = (-720x36526/4.596) (1.216984877) [370.67/300,000] ²

U = 3386 years Nahhas'
U (observed) = 3200 +/- 1000years

Absolute dimensions of solar-type eclipsing binaries EW Orionis
J.V. Clausen, H. Bruntt, E.H. Olsen, B.E. Helt, and A. Claret 2009

Page 78
Chapter 13: Alfred Nobel prize winner for less than a $
1993 Nobel Prize Winner Dr Joseph H. Taylor
Binary Pulsar 1913 + 16
For PSR 1913 + 16
Data: Joseph Taylor and Joel M. Weisberg 2004
With a =2.3417725 R (0); R (0) = 0.696 x 10 9meters
And ε = 0.6171338
T = 0.322997448930
And θ' = 4.226595 °/year
With mass m = 1.4414 M (0) and M = 1.3867 M (0); M (0) = 2 x 1030 kg
V* (p) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a] = 235.9574664 km/sec
V* (s) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a] = 245.2640841km/sec
W° (cal) = (-720x365.26/Tdays) x
sine² [Inverse tan (v/c)] degrees/100 years
= (-720x365.26/0.329974489) x sine² [Inverse tan (481.22/300, 00)] deg/100
W = 4.2°/year

15- PSR J0737 – 3039

Data: U =21.3 years
With m = 1.34 M (0); M = 1.25 M (0); M (0) = 2 x 1030
And ε = 0.0878; [vº (p), vº (s)] = [22.7 km/sec, 2km/sec]
With G = 6.673 x 10 – 11; T =2.4 hours; a = 1.145 x 0.069 x 109
With K (p) = v* (p) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 303 km/sec
And K(s) = v* (m) = √ [Gm²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] = 325 km/sec
Giving v* (p) = 303 + 29.8 - 0.465 = 332.335 km/sec
And v* (s) = 325+ 29.8 – 0.465 =354.335 km/sec
And vº (p) = 22.7 + 29.8 - 0.465 km/sec
And vº (s) = 2 - 29.8 + 0.465 km/sec
Orbital speed of earth = 29.8 km/sec; spin speed of earth is 0.465 km/sec

Then v* + vº = 332.335 + 354.335 +22.7 + 2 =711.37km/sec

[√ (1- ε²)] (1-ε) ² = 1.197

W (cal) = (-720x36526/6.93) x (1.197) (711/300,000)²= 1770º/century

U = [1770/100]-1x 360 = 20.3389 years.

The Double pulsar PSR J0737 - 3039
Burgay, M; D’Amico,N.; A.Manchester,R.N; Lyne, A.G.; Kramer, M; Mclaughlin, M.A; Lorimer, D.R;
Carmilo, F.; Stairs, I.H: Freire, P.C.C; Joshi,

Page 79
Chapter 14
B- Arabs Real time GPS or Real time Global positioning systems

B- Arabs real time Global Positioning System: GPS

Abstract: The Global Positioning System or GPS 45 micro seconds per day time
delays have nothing to do with Einstein's relativity theory time travels confusions of
physics and they are a consequence of Satellite orbital speed and Earth rotational
speed given by this formula below. Even if Einstein's formulas were correct for all
practical purposes they are insignificant to the performance to the GPS system.
Earth - Satellite distance is a variable that Engineers account for and the tiny
"relativistic" effect has no significance whatsoever because distance adjustment is
far more than any relativistic adjustment. For the president of the United States
President to ask for Innovations like that in an AAAS meeting is a sign of a
bankrupt scientific community and for those who knew the facts must have laughed
to their teeth at the president.

NASA's and AAAS laughing at the president requires a reply with laugh at AAAS and
NASA and all other including the person who wrote the speech for the president

GPS time delays of 45 micro seconds per day have nothing to do with relativity
theory or Einstein or AAAS or NASA or silly time travel physics or any theory. This
time delay is due to Earth rotation and satellite orbital speed that Scientists turn
their heads away from because without Einstein's silly magic sock of time travel
physics, Physicists will have less tricks that allows them to say anything publish
anything based on nothing for jobs money prestige Nobel Prizes and silly physics.

W" (ob) = (-720x3600x15) [(v° +/- v*)/c] ² arc sec /day

T = period; ε = eccentricity; v° = spin velocity of earth; v*= orbital velocity of

And v* = 14000km/hr = 3.88888888889 km/s; ε = 0; T = 0.5 days and v° =

U = W" x (24/360) = 45.016microsecond per day

Relativity theory silly professor of time travel accounted for 38 Micro seconds and
blamed the other 7 Micro seconds on weather

1 – Arabs Global Positioning Systems in arc second per century:

W" (calculated) = [-720x36526x3600/T] {[√ (1 - ε²)]/ (1 - ε) ²} (v/c) ² arc sec/
Page 80
2 – Arabs Global Positioning Systems in arc degree /century
W" (calculated) = [-720x36528/T] {[√ (1 - ε²)]/ (1 - ε) ²} (v/c) ² arc sec/ century

3 – Arabs Global Positioning Systems in arc second per year:

W" (calculated) = [-720x365.26x3600/T] {[√ (1 - ε²)]/ (1 - ε) ²} (v/c) ² arc sec/ century

4- Arabs Global Positioning Systems in arc degree per year:

W" (calculated) = [-720x365.26/T] {[√ (1 - ε²)]/ (1 - ε) ²} (v/c) ² arc sec/ century

5 - Arabs Global Positioning Systems delays in arc degree per cycle:

W" (calculated) = [-720/T] {[√ (1 - ε²)]/ (1 - ε) ²} (v/c) ² arc sec/ century

6 Arabs Global Positioning Systems delays in arc second per cycle:

W" (calculated) = [-720x3600/T] {[√ (1 - ε²)]/ (1 - ε) ²} (v/c) ² arc sec/ century

7- Arabs Global Positioning Systems delays in arc second per day:

W" (calculated) = [-720x3600] {[√ (1 - ε²)]/ (1 - ε) ²} (v/c) ² arc sec/ century

8- Arabs Global Positioning Systems delays in second per cycle:

W" (calculated) = [24/360] [-720x3600/T] {[√ (1 - ε²)]/ (1 - ε) ²} (v/c) ² arc sec/ century

9 - Arabs Global Positioning Systems delays in second per day:

U (seconds/day) = [-720x 3600/15] {[√ (1 - ε²)]/ (1 - ε) ²} (v/c) ² sec/day

10 - Arabs Global Positioning System Circular Satellite Orbits time delays in seconds/day
U (seconds/day) = [-720x 3600/15] (v/c) ² sec/day

Application of Arabs Global positioning system

GPS Data: T = 0.5 days satellite orbital Period; ε = 0

And v° = 0.465km/sec Earth spin speed;
And v* = 14,000 km/hr = 35/9 km/second
Then v* +/- v° = 35/9 = 3.88888889km/sec - 0.465km/second
We subtracted because satellite and motion and spin orientations are opposite
GPS time delays are given by this formula per day in seconds of an arc
W" (ob) = (-720x3600/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²]} [(v° +/- v*)/c] ² seconds/day
W" (ob) = (-720x36/0.5) (1) [3.423888889/300,000] ² seconds of arc /1 day
W" (ob) = 0.000675246 arc seconds per day to get this answer in seconds divide
by 24hours/360degress = 15

U [seconds] = 0.000675246 x [24/360] seconds/day

U = 0.000045016 seconds/day = 45 micro seconds /day

Page 81
Chapter 15
Arabs Real time Interplanetary Telecommunications systems

C - Interplanetary telecommunications around the sun

Harvard Irwin Shapiro historical mistake

Relativity stupidity of Harvard Physics department

Universal Constant Γ0 =16πGM/C³= 247.597μs

Abstract: Interplanetary time delays around the moving sun derived from three
dimensional time-dependent Newton - Kepler's equations solution gives a solar
round trip time delay rate of:
ΔΓ= 16πGM/c³ [1 + (v°/v)] ² = ΔΓ0 [1 + (v°/v)] ²
ΔΓ0 = 16πGM/c³= 247.597μs
G = Gravitational constant; M=Sun mass; a=mean distance from Sun. And
eccentricity; c = light speed; a = mean distance
And v = Planet speed; v°= Sum/Difference in spin between Earth and planets.
When applied to actual data it gives extremely accurate results better than
Shapiro's Space-time-delay analysis and without space-time fictional forces or
space-time fiction.
Page 82
W° (ob) = (-720x36526/Tdays) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} x [(v° + v*)/c] ²
degrees/100 years

The circumference of an ellipse: 2πa (1 - ε²/4 + 3/16(ε²)²- --.) ≈

2πa (1-ε²/4); R =a (1-ε²/4)

Where v (m) = √ [GM²/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)]

And v (M) = √ [Gm² / (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)]

Then W (ob) = -4π [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ² sine² [ω (m) t + ω(r) t]

Δ θ = T W (ob) = - 4π {[√ (1-ε) ²]/ (1-ε) ²} (v° + v*/c) ²} radians; and with ε =

Δ θ = - 4π (v° + v*/c) ² Sun-Photon; and with v° = 0

Δ θ = -4π (v*/c) ²
Sun-Photon: 0 = ε [Sun - Photon] ≠ ε [Earth - Mars] = 0.2075
The circumference of an ellipse: 2πa (1 - ε²/4 + 3/16(ε²)²---)
≈ 2 π a (1-ε²/4); R =a (1-ε²/4)
v=√ [Gm M/ (m + M) a (1-ε²/4)] ≈ √ [GM/a (1-ε²/4)]; m<<M; Solar system
ΔΓ = 2 arc length/c = 2[Δ θ] d/c = 2[- 4π (v/c) ²] 2R/c; ΔΓ = -16π/c (v/c) ²;
ΔΓ = 8πd/c³ [GM/a (1-ε²/4)] =16πGM/c³ (1-ε²/4) = Γ0 (1 - ε²/4)

ε = [a (planet 1) - a (planet 2)]/ [a (planet 1) + a (planet 2)] =0.2075 Mars-Earth

Γ0 = 16 πGM/c³= 247.5974607μs=universal constant

ΔΓ = 250μs Mars-Earth.

x 1000 x 1000 x 1000

Planet Distant Planet- Planet+ Eccentricity 1-ε²/4 ΔΓ0 ΔΓ
Earth Earth μs
Mercury 57,910 91,690 207,510 0.44185822 0.95119032 247.597460 260.3
4 8 7
Venus 108,200 41,400 257,800 0.16058960 0.99355274 247.579460 249.2
4 5 7
Earth 149,600 0 299,200 0 1 247.579460 247.597
Mars 227,940 78,340 377,540 0.20750119 0.98923581 247.579460 250.273
2 4 7
Jupiter 778,330 628,730 927,930 0.67756188 0.88522747 247.579460 279.6789
5 3 7
Saturn 1,429,40 1,279,80 1,579,00 0.81051298 0.83576717 247.579460 296.230
0 0 0 3 6 7
Uranus 2,870,99 2,721,39 3,020,59 0.90094650 0.79707384 247.579460 310.61
0 0 0 4 9 7
Neptune 4,504,30 4,354,70 4,653,90 0.93570983 0.78111177 247.579460 316.98
0 0 0 5 6 7
Pluto 5,913,52 5,763,92 6,063,12 0.95065246 0.77406497 247.597460 319.86650
0 0 0 9 1 7
Page 83

These data compared to Shapiro's time delay from NASA 1977 Vikings 6, 7 Earth -
Mars Telecommunications mission are more accurate because the actual value is
250μs and the value published by Doctor Irwin Shapiro of Harvard is 247.597μs
Although this formula works the correct formula is
Δ θ = -4π [(v° + v*)/c] ² Sun-Photon; and with v° ≠ 0
v = √ [GM/a] = 24.1 km/sec; vº = 0.46511 – 0.241 = 0.224 km/sec
ΔΓ = 2 arc length/c = 2[Δ θ] d/c
= 16πGM/c³ [1 + (vº/v)] ² = 247.597 x [1 + 0.224/24.1)]²
Δ Γ = 250 µs For Mars; 0.4651 = Earth rotation; 0.241 = mars rotation; v = mars
Harvard physics department is where physics changed from science to stupidity

Page 84

Physics in a capitalist country is a business and physics is not

necessarily science or scientific and if it is a western invention it is to be
at least 88.88 % fraud
After World War II and the emergence of USA as a global superpower and the shift of power from
traditional old empires to the new world “superpower” American Universities rushed for gold and gold is
“reputable” physics department that can say anything publish anything based on nothing and nothing is
Robert Pound and Glen Rebka confusion of an experiment . Harvard strikes again with fraud Robert
Pound and Glen Rebka (top)
22.5 meters apart

To start with gravity is a spin effect of a planet with atmosphere

The gravitational and electric and magnetic constants all are derived from two
constants p and T which are air density and Earth spin
Page 85

If we took a look at the most famous physics fundamental constant G from Newton's
350 years old Equation F = - GmM/r², or, Coulomb electric force equation F = - Qq/4π
ε 0, one can see that, for example, G’s value has unit dimension of [G] = [1/ρ T²]; ρ is
density and T is time rotational period. If we can show that the gravitational constant G
= G (ρ, T) is a variable air density and Earth rotational period dependent then we can
say what Earth is saying that the most famous physics fundamental constants are not
so universal constants because all three fundamental constant are air density and Earth
spin dependent.
Proof: G = G (ρ, T) = 1/ [(2/5) (4 π/3) ρT²] = √ (2π)/ (4 π/3) ρT²
Nothing that: 8 π /15 = (2/5) (4π/3); 4π/3 and 2/5 come from spherical aspect
Where: ρ = air density; T = Earth rotation period
The 2/5 is the ratio for radius of gyration of a sphere
Taking T = 24 hours and ρ = 1.2045 kg/m³
G = 1/ (8 π/15) ρT² = 6.674 x 10 - 11
And ε 0 = 1/4πρT² = 8.85 x 10 -12

And μ = 4πρT²/c²

When Newton’s equation F = - mM/r² was solved it produced the angular velocity r’
= r’0 e í ω t
Divide by c
And r’/c = (r’0/c) e íωt
T = T0 e íωt
And f = f0 e - í ω t
And f = f x + f y = f 0[cosine ω t - í sine ω t]
And f x = f 0 cosine ω t
And f x - f 0 = f 0 [1 – 2 sine² (ω t/2)] - f 0
And δ f = f x - f 0 = – 2 f 0 sine² (ω t/2)
And δ f/f 0 = - 2 sine² (ω t/2) Up
And δ f/f 0 = 2 sine² (ω t/2) Down
And δ f/f 0 (total) = [2 sine² (ω t/2) Down] – [- 2 sine² (ω t/2)]
And δ f/f 0 (total) = 4 sine² (ω t/2)
With ω t = arc tan (v/c)
With v = δ f/f 0 (total) = 4 sine² [(arc tan √2gh) /2]
With v << c

Then δ f/f 0 (total) ≈ 2gh/c² = 2x9.81x22.5/ (299,792,458)² = 4.91 x 10-15

Page 86

Chapter 16 Handymen in white ropes

In Cleveland Ohio there were two handymen in white robes named
Michelson Morley

Set up this round rotating table in 1887 with a lamb, two mirrors beam splitter,
Page 87
In Modern times an animation of the experiment would look like

Their reasoning was that if they rotate the table 90 degrees they would see the
interference pattern should change looking through the telescope.
When the interference pattern did not change they claim that physical quantities
data would not change when rotated 90 degrees or 1 = 1 +i
A. Michelson and E. Morley
Handymen in white ropes confusions of an Experiment
In General

V = v = Velocity of Earth assuming that emitter - receiver line-up with earth line
travel at start and during this whole experiment. That would be the x-x line
X' ------Earth moving in this direction with velocity v -----------X
And C = c at start
What is turning is the table that has the lamb and the mirrors and the telescope on
top of it.

To turn a quantity you multiply by e î θ

And that means light c and distance d
C = c e î θ = velocity of light
And d = d e î θ
Then: V = v; C = c e î θ; d = d e î θ; e î θ = cosine θ + î sine θ
For example:

Page 88

1-Assume θ = 0° Arm A
Then: V = v; C = c; d = d
Forward is C-V = c - v
Backward C+V = c + v
And t = d/ (c-v) + d/ (c + v)
2- Assume θ = 90° then e î 90 = î Arm B
Then V = v; C = c î; d = d î
Forward is C-V = -v + c î; and its measure is = √ (c² + v²)
V is along the x-x and has no component on y-y axis and î means along the y-y
Backward C+V = v + c î; and its measure is = √ (c² + v²)
And comes to this is Position I
Position 1: Right-Upper
Right: t (1) = d/ (c -v) +d/ (c +v) = 2dc/ (c² - v²) = (2d/c) [1/ (1- v²/c²)]
Upper: t (2) = d/√ (c² + v²) + d√ (c² + v²) = 2d/ √ (c² + v²) = (2d/c) [1/√ (1 +
Now Position II
3-Assume θ = 90° Arm A
Then: V = v; C = ỉ c; d = d
Forward is C-V = -v + c î; and its measure is = √ (c² + v²) MMX mistake √ (c² -
Backward C+V = v + c î; and its measure is = √ (c² + v²)
And t' (1) = 2d/ √ (c² + v²) = (2d/c) [1/√ (1 + v²/c²)]
4- Assume θ = 90° + 90° =180 then e î 180 = -î Arm B
Then V = v; C = -c; d = d
Forward is C-V = -c - v; V is along the x-x and has no component on y-y axis and î
means along the y-y axis
Backward C+V = -c + v
Then t = d/-c+ v forward and in absolute value t = d/ (c - v)
And t = d/-c -v backward and in absolute value t = d/ (c + v)
And t' (2) = d/ (c - v) + d/ (c + v) = 2dc/ (c² - v²) = (2d/c) [1/ (1- v²/c²)]
With t' (1) = 2d/ √ (c² + v²) = (2d/c) [1/√ (1 + v²/c²)]
Conclusions is turning the table 90° has no effect what so ever on time length
In General
If we twist the table by an angle θ then V = v; C = c e î θ; d = d e î θ; e î θ = cosine
θ + î sine θ
Now position I
V = v; C = c cosine θ + î c sine θ; d = d cosine θ + î d sine θ
Forward: C - V = c cosine θ -v + î c sine θ and its measure is √ [(c cosine θ -v) ²
+ c² sine ² θ]
Backward: C + V = c cosine θ +v + î c sine θ and its measure is √ [(c cosine θ +
v) ² + c² sine ² θ]
Page 89

And t (1) = d / √ [(c cosine θ -v) ² + c² sine ² θ] + d / √ [(c cosine θ + v) ² + c²

sine ² θ]
And Position II
V = v; C = c cosine [θ + 90°] + î c sine [θ + 90°] = c sine θ - ỉ c cosine θ
d = d cosine θ + î d sine θ
Forward: C - V = c sine θ -v - î c cosine θ and its measure is √ [(c sine θ -v) ² + c²
cosine ² θ]
Backward: C + V = c sine θ + v - î c cosine θ and its measure is √ [(c sine θ + v) ²
+ c² cosine ² θ]
And t (2) = d / √ [(c sine θ -v) ² + c² cosine ² θ] + d / √ [(c sine θ + v) ² + c²
cosine ² θ]
As General rule:
And t (1) = d / √ [(c cosine θ -v) ² + c² sine ² θ] + d / √ [(c cosine θ + v) ² + c²
sine ² θ]
And t (2) = d / √ [(c sine θ -v) ² + c² cosine ² θ] + d / √ [(c sine θ + v) ² + c²
cosine ² θ]
If θ = 0 then, we get position I
Right: t (1) = d/ (c -v) +d/ (c +v) = 2dc/ (c² - v²) = (2d/c) [1/ (1- v²/c²)]
Upper: t (2) = d/√ (c² + v²) + d√ (c² + v²) = 2d/ √ (c² + v²) = (2d/c) [1/√ (1 +
If θ = 90°, then we get position II
With t' (1) = 2d/ √ (c² + v²) = (2d/c) [1/√ (1 + v²/c²)]
And t' (2) = d/ (c - v) d/ (c + v) = 2dc/ (c² - v²) = (2d/c) [1/ (1- v²/c²)]
There is no Path difference change
If θ = 45 degrees, then
Upper: t (2 = d/ (c -v) +d/ (c +v) = 2dc/ (c² - v²) = (2d/c) [1/ (1- v²/c²)]
Right: t (1) = d/√ (c² + v²) + d√ (c² + v²) = 2d/ √ (c² + v²) = (2d/c) [1/√ (1 +

And the difference is still the same

Now Let us turn the Table 30°

A- Assume θ = 30° then Exp [30° î] = √ 3/2 + 1/2î

Then: V = v; C = c Exp [î 30°]; d = d Exp [î 30°]; Exp [î 30°] = cosine 30° + î
sine 30°
And t (1) = d / √ [(c cosine 30° -v) ² + c² sine ² 30°] + d / √ [(c cosine 30° + v)
² + c² sine ² 30°]
And t (2) = d / √ [(c sine30° -v) ² + c² cosine ² 30°] + d / √ [(c sine 30° + v) ² +
c² cosine ² 30°]
And t (1) = d / √ [(c √ 3/2 -v) ² + c² /4] + d / √ [(c √ 3/2 + v) ² + c² /4]
And t (2) = d / √ [(c/2 -v) ² + c² (√ 3/2) ²] + d / √ [(c /2 + v) ² + c² (√ 3/2) ²]
Now let us use v = 30km/sec and c = 300,000km/sec
If θ = 0 then,
Page 90

Right: t (1) = d/ (c -v) +d/ (c +v) = 2dc/ (c² - v²) = (2d/c) [1/ (1- v²/c²)]
Upper: t (2) = d/√ (c² + v²) + d√ (c² + v²) = 2d/ √ (c² + v²)
= (2d/c) [1/√ (1 + v²/c²)]
If θ = 30° then,
And t (1) = d / c √ [(√ 3/2 -v/c) ² + 1 /4] + d / c √ [(√ 3/2 + v/c) ² + 1 /4]
And t (2) = d / c √ [(1/2 -v/c) ² + (√ 3/2) ²] + d / c √ [(1 /2 + v/c) ² + (√ 3/2)
We can take (d/c) Then Multiply that at the end
If θ = 0 then,
Right: t (1)/ (d/c) = 2 / (1- v²/c²)] = 2.00000002
Upper: t (2)/ (d/c) =2/√ (1 + v²/c²)] = 1.99999999
Then δ t = 3 x 10-8 (d/c) = 3 x 10-8 (d/300,000,000) = 10 -16 d
Then δ t = 10 -16 d
If θ = 30° then,
And t (1)/ (d / c) = √ [(√ 3/2 -v/c) ² + 1 /4] + √ [(√ 3/2 + v/c) ² + 1 /4] =
0.99999134 + 1.00000866 = 2
And t (2)/ (d / c)
= √ [(1/2 -v/c) ² + (√ 3/2) ²] + √ [(1 /2 + v/c) ² + (√ 3/2) ²]
= 0.999995 + 1.000005 = 2
Then δ t' = 0
So the difference is
ΔΓ = δ t - δ t' = 10 -16 d
With fringe shift = c ΔΓ/ δ r = 3x10-8d/λ; λ = 5.9 x 10^-5 c m; d = 11m =1100c m
With (d/λ) = 1100/ (5.9x 10-5)
Then fringe shift = (3300x10-8)/ (5.9x 10-5) = .559322034

Well if fringe shift does not happen at angle 90° and fringe shift happens at 30°
why no shift seen?

The initial problem was and is the lineup of apparatus with earth velocity which is
impossible because of the infinite numbers of possibilities of earth motion in space
and if it happened it will be momentarily.
MMX will never work and all similar experiments will not work unless it is designed
as a 3-dimensional set-up and not a one-dimensional wish washy set-up
An ideal setup is a spherical set-up but a more realistic setup will be discussed
below how to find earth path in space

The conclusion was 1 = 1 +i

Or E = mc²/2 = (mc²/2).1 = (mc²/2) (1 + i) ² = 2i (mc²/2) = i mc²

Or E = mc²; i in absolute value = 1

Page 91
Page 92
Chapter 17 Earth Path in real space in real time
Earth path in space is possible and Einstein can keep his relativistic
trash to himself: Self – referenced motion
There is a serious problem in all of physics and that is timing of
experiments and physics experiments theory.
Earth absolute motion is a circle that is going to tie spin to orbit motion and waiting
experimental verifications
Finding new sources of energy requires the elimination of bad physics and bad
physics is E = mc² because it is based on space - time physics and space time
physics is wrong because I can prove it wrong as follows.
What is wrong with space - time is that it is a wrong idea and it is without proofs.
Time is a human made scale and making it a dimension is scientifically stupid and
the reasoning behind accepting time as a dimension and not as a scale is the
assumption that it matches experiment. Time as a dimension allowing the
exchange of time for space or squeezing space to expand time is not acceptable to
me regardless what all Nobel prize winners have said about it and regardless what
the 100, 000 living physicists are saying about it and regardless what all 100, 000
dead physicists had said about it because it is wrong and proving it wrong is what I
can do and did the first time I read what started it and that would be the original
dumb idea and experiment in Cleveland Ohio in 1887 by Michelson and Morley.
What dumb Michelson and Morley experiment did is it started stupidity as accepted
The stupidity of Michelson and Morley experiment is the following.

We can not measure something that did not happen. We can only measure
something that had happened. We can measure something in present time that
had happened in past time.
Michelson and Morley experiment is stupid because two handymen in white robes
tried to measure something in real time and wondered why they did not see it in
past time.

Present time = present time

Present time = past time + [present time - past time]
Present time = past time + time delays

Real time = event time + time delays

What we measure = what happened + what changed till things are measured.
Real time physics = event time physics + time delays physics
What we see or measure is relativistic = Absolute event + relativistic time delays
What happened is absolute = real time relativistic event - real time relativistic

Michelson and Morley mistake is the attempt:

Page 93
Real time = event time [this is the wrong idea that started space - time stupidity]
What are missing are time delays
[Known as quantum theory and relativity theory]

Real time = event time + time delays

This formula is my 1973 discovery that not only Nobel Prize winners are wrong but
all of physics and physicists are wrong because physics solution is based on the
idea that:

Real time = event time

In one dimension:

How would I know if I am going to the right or the left?

The problem is very simple, I would send a signal to 2 signals to two equidistant
repeaters that send back the signal to me and the signal that comes first indicate a
motion in opposite direction. Installing a multi opposite directional repeaters
system and one signal and for each tow opposite direction have on timer will
produce Earth path in absolute space and may produce the greatest formula in all
of Physics and that would be mass motion and spin and better than that it will
erase stupidity from classrooms know as space - time.

Abstract: Finding new sources of energy require the elimination of bad physics
and bad physics is Einstein's space-time (x, y, z, ict) confusion of physics that lead
to energy fraud symbol E = mc² because energy spent is based on distance
traveled and not relative distance and distance traveled is self referenced distance
or absolute motion and finding this motion is waiting on funding for discovery since
the beginning of time and experimentally is possible. Discovering Earth absolute
motion in space could be one of the greatest discoveries in physics of all time
because it will answer the trillion dollar question if mass m spin s and absolute
motion r are related by a mathematical formula that expresses a physical law and if
this law is to be found can it explains the structural design of the solar system and
if so what applications of such a law is useful inside the nucleus to produce new
sources of energy?

Page 94
The experimental set - up

Experimental set-up d <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<E

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d
Sensor x' Emitter Ex Lead Sensor x

Timer T x

And d
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<E>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d
Sensor y' Emitter E y Lead Sensor y

Timer T y

And d
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<E>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d
Sensor z' Emitter E z Lead Sensor z

Timer T z

1-Assume there is a pulse emitter E shooting pulses in six different directions of the
Euclidean system of axes per unit time τ; x'-x and y'-y and z'-z axes at six
equidistant receivers of distance d and has three wire leads Ex, E y, E z connected
to three Timers Named T x , T y, and T z.

2 - The six equidistant receivers are named x', x, y', y, z', z.

3- Three timers are named timer T x with three wires one to receiver x' and one
wire to receiver x and one wire to emitter wire lead E x and timer T y with three
wires one to receiver y' and one wire to receiver y and one wire to emitter wire
lead E y and timer T z with three wires one to receiver z' and one wire to receiver z
and one wire to emitter wire lead E z are used
4- These six pulses has their directions grouped in three sets of pairs x'-x, y'-y, z'-
5- Three timers T x; T y, and T z are associated with the three axes respectively
a - Timer T x takes measurements from Emitter lead E x; receiver x' and receiver x
b - Timer T y takes measurements from Emitter lead E y; receiver y' and receiver y
c - Timer T z takes measurements from Emitter lead E z; receiver z' and receiver z

Page 95
d <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<E>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d
Sensor x' E x Lead Sensor x

t x' Timer T x tx
1- Timer T x receives 3 signals
a- From lead E x a signal departures from emitter E to T x register E [T x, n = 1, 2, 3,]
b - From receiver x' a signal departures to timer T x [t x', n =1, 2, 3,]
c - From receiver x a signal departures to timer T x [t x, n =1, 2, 3,]
If t x' - T x is the travel time from emitter E to receiver x'
And t x - T x is the travel time from emitter E to receiver x

If t x' < t x Then t x' - T x < t x - T x

And motion Earth is in the x - direction
Let C = average velocity of the pulses and v = velocity of earth in x'-x
RIGHT (C - V x'-x) = d/ t (x-direction) = V x = measurable quantity; t (x-direction)
measured because d is known
LEFT (C + V x'-x) = d/ t (x'-direction)/d = V x' = measurable quantity; t (x'-direction)
measured because d in known
Then C = (V x' + V x)/2
And V x'- x = (V x' - V x)/2 Equation X-1 Measurable quantity
Similarly we can get
V y'- y = (V y' - V y)/2 Equation Y-1 Measurable quantity
V z'- z = (V z' - V z)/2 Equation Z-1 Measurable quantity
V (earth) = √ [V² x'-x + V² y'-y + V² z'-z]
If we take unit of times τ = period of a light source (or a high speed signal)

Wave V V V V = √ [V²x + V²y + X= Y= Z= r=X+Y+Z

# x'- y'- z'- V²z] τVx τVy τV
x y z z
1 Vx Vy1 Vz V1=√ [V²x1 + V²y1 + X1 Y1 Z1 r (1) = X1 + Y1
1 1 V²z1] + Z1
2 Vx Vy2 Vz V2=√ [V²x2 + V²y2 + X2 Y2 Z2 r (2) = X2 + Y2
2 2 V²z2] + Z2
3 Vx Vy Vz V3=√ [V²x3 + V²y3 + X3 Y3 Z3 r (1) = X3 + Y3
3 3 3 V²z3] + Z3
4 Vx Vy4 Vz V4=√ [V²x4 + V²y4 + X4 Y4 Z4 r (4) = X4 + Y4
4 4 V²z4] + Z4
Page 96

The idea of this experiment is to find distance travel segments r (1); r (2); r (3); r
(4); ...ETC; then join them together.

With [r (1); τ]
O -------------- O [r (4); τ]
- - O ------------------
[r (2); τ] - -
- - [r (3); τ]
- O

r (1) = X1 + Y1 + Z1
r (2) = X2 + Y2 + Z2
r (1) = X3 + Y3 + Z3
r (4) = X4 + Y4 + Z4

The smaller the signal time interval or period τ then the more accurate the
experiment. Such a set-up is not only capable of finding absolute motion but it will
give clues to finding the relation between mass m spin s and its orbit r of planet
Earth. If mass m motion r and spin s are found to be related it will the greatest
formulas of all time because all there is in the Universe is mass m space r and spin
s. Earth mass m and spin s are know but mass r is Earth absolute motion that had
been waiting on funding for discovery since the beginning of time.

Page 97
Chapter 18
Johann Georg Von Soldner 1801 light bending historical mistake

Abstract: Newton proposed F = - GmM/r² as gravitational law

In 1801 Johann Georg Van Soldner was the first person to calculate the gravitational
bending of light using Newtonian Mechanics and he got:
Johann Georg Van Soldner ς (Johann) = 2 {cosine -1 [v²/ (-c² + v²)} - π
With v² = GM /R where G = gravitational constant = 6.673 x 10-11; C = 3 x108m/sec
And M = Sun mass = 2 x 1030 kg; R = sun radius = 0.695 x 10 9 m; v = 437.89
Einstein said if make – believe time travel and new forces added:
Then: ς (Einstein) = 4 (v/c) ²; ς (Johann) = 0.8789 arc sec; ς (Einstein) = 2(0.8789)
Johann Georg Van Soldner derivation was incomplete and when completed and
approximated it produces Einstein’s formula without Einstein’s space – time fiction
and as light aberration and not light bending.
Johann Georg Van Soldner wrong derivation of angle of light aberration around the Sun

With d² r/d t² - r θ'² = -GM/r² Newton's Gravitational equation (1)

And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Kepler's force law (2)
Assuming mass m = constant

With (2): d (r²θ')/d t = 0
Then r²θ' = constant = h
Differentiate with respect to time

Then 2rr'θ' + r²θ" = 0

Divide by r²θ'
Then 2(r'/r) + θ"/θ' = 0
And 2(r'/r) = - (θ"/θ') = 2[λ (r) + ì ω (r)]
And 2(r'/r) = 2[λ (r) + ì ω (r)]
And (θ"/θ') = - 2[λ (r) + ì ω (r)]
Solving for r = r (θ, t) = r (θ, 0) r (0, t) = r (θ, 0) ℮ [λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
With r (0, t) =℮ [λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
-2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
Then θ'(θ, t) = [h/ r² (θ, 0)] ℮
And, θ'(θ, t) = θ' (θ, 0) θ' (0, t)
Page 98
-2[λ +ỉω ]t
And θ' (0, t) = ℮ (r) (r)

Also θ'(θ, 0) = [h/ r² (θ, 0)]

And θ'(0, 0) = [h/ r² (0, 0)]

With (1): d² r/d t² - r θ'² = - GM/r²

Let r =1/u
Then d r/d t = -u'/u² = - (1/u²) (θ') d u/d θ = (- θ'/u²) d u/d θ = - h d u/d θ
And d² r/d t² = - hθ'd²u/dθ² = - h u² [d²u/dθ²]

And - hu² [d²u/dθ²] - (1/u) (hu²)² = - G Mu²

[d²u/ dθ²] + u = G M/ h²
And u = G M/ h² + A cosine θ

And du/ d θ = 0 = - A sine θ; θ = 0

Then u (0) = 1/ r (0) = GM/h² + A; h = RC
C = light velocity of 300,000km/sec; And A = 1/R – GM/ (RC) ²
And u = G M/ h² + A cosine θ = GM/ (RC) ² + [1/R – GM/ (RC) ²] cosine θ

And r = 1/u = 1/ {GM/ (RC) ² + [1/R – GM/ (RC) ²] cosine θ}

If r --- ∞; GM/ (RC) ² + [1/R – GM/ (RC) ²] cosine θ = 0
Divide by GM/ (RC) ²

Then 1 + [R²C²/ GM R – 1] cosine θ = 0

And cosine θ = -1/ [C²/ (GM/ R) – 1]
Or cosine θ = 1/ [1 – (C²/V²)]; GM/R = V²
Or cosine θ = v²/ (v² - c²)
And θ = cosine -1 [v²/ (v² - c²)]
And ς (Johann) = 2 {cosine -1 [v²/ (-c² + v²)} - π ≈ 2 [π/2 + (v/c) ²] – π = 2 (v/c) ²; v/c <<1
Sun Light

θ ς

Einstein invented many things to come up with double the amounts:

Or, ς (Einstein) = 4 (v/c) ²

Here is Johann Georg Van Soldner 1801 Historical mistake

We have u (θ) = G M/ h² + A cosine θ
[λ +ỉω ]t
And r (θ, t) = r (θ, 0) r (0, t) = r (θ, 0) ℮ (r) (r)

And r (θ, 0) = 1/ u (θ, 0) = 1/ [G M/ h² + A cosine θ]

Or, r (θ, 0) = (h²/GM)/ [1 + (h²/GM) A cosine θ]
Or, r (θ, 0) = (h²/GM)/ [1 + ε cosine θ]

Real time orbit: r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ ε cosine θ)] ℮ [λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
This equation is real time Universal mechanics solution
[λ + ỉ ω (r)] t
This: r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ ε cosine θ)] ℮ (r) --------------------------------- I
It is the math formula that matches a physical experiment
If time is frozen that is t = 0
Then r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ ε cosine θ)] we get the classical or event time solution ----------- II
Relativistic is the difference between I and II

And it is the visual illusion between motion II and Visual motion I

The difference between an event and its measurement in real time

-2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t

With θ’ (θ, t) = [h/ r² (θ, 0)] ℮
With (θ”/ θ’) = - 2[λ (r) + ì ω (r)]
Then θ” (θ, t) = - 2[λ (r) + ì ω (r)] [h/ r² (θ, 0)] ℮ -2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
With λ (r) = 0
-2 ỉ ω t
Then θ” (θ, t) = - 2 ì ω (r) [h/ r² (θ, 0)] ℮ (r)

Or, θ” (θ, t) = - 2 ì ω (r) [h/ r² (θ, 0)] [cosine 2 ω (r) t + ί sine 2 ω (r) t]

The real part or along the line of sight

Is Real θ” (θ, t) = 2 ω (r) [h/ r² (θ, 0)] sine 2 ω (r) t] (t/t)
Or, Real θ” (θ, t) = 2 t ω (r) [h/ t r² (θ, 0)] sine 2 (r) ω t]

Or, Real θ” (θ, t) / [h/ t r² (θ, 0)] = 2 t ω (r) sine 2 ω (r) t

At t = T; light aberration angle in real time is confused for light bending. With ω T
= arc tan (v/c)
Then ψ = visual illusion angle = θ” (θ, T) / [h/ T r² (θ, 0)]
Or, ψ =2 T ω (r) sine 2 ω (r) T

Johann Georg Van Soldner 1801 historical mistake

Is: ψ = [2 arc tan (v/c)] sine [2 arc tan (v/c)]

Page 100

With (v/c) << 1; 2 arc tan (v/c) ≈ 2 (v/c)

And sine 2 arc tan (v/c) ≈ sine 2 (v/c) ≈ 2 (v/c)

And ψ = [2 arc tan (v/c)] sine [2 arc tan (v/c)]

≈ [2 (v/c)] [2 (v/c)]

Or ψ ≈ 4 (v/c) ² radians
Or, ψ ≈ 4 (v/c) ² x (180/π) degrees
Or, ψ ≈ 4 (v/c) ² x (180/π) x 3600 seconds
With v² = GM/R
Then ψ ≈ 4 GM/R c² x (180/π) x 3600 seconds
Einstein with the help of others rigged eternity to come up with 4 (v/c) ² and not 2 (v/c)
² to justify experimental illusions or 2[2(v/c) ²]
Ψ = 7200 [arc tan (437.89 / 300,000)] sine 2 [arc tan (437.89/300,000)]
= 1.757855865 arc second
MR Eddington: keep the trash to England Royals


Chapter 19: 20th century greatest mistake is E = mc²

The difference between old physics and new physics is double

That is one Einstein equal two Newton.
Newton energy definition is En = mc²/2
Einstein doubled that amount or E e = 2 En = 2[mc²/2] = mc²
It is not just Einstein and Newton are wrong but physics is 500 years wrong Page 1
Abstract: The elimination of 500 years of Physics including relativity theory is a matter
of time and not a matter of science and the time is 1900.

E = mc² death certificate is now available

Real time Physics: We can only measure past events. We can not measure
something that did not happen. We can only measure things that had happened.
What we measure is not what happened. We measure in present time an event
that happened in past time.

Present time = present time

Present time = past time + [present time - past time]
Present time = past time + real time delays
Real time physics = event time physics + real time relativistic delays

What one sees is relativistic = what happened in an absolute event + relativistic

What happened in an event is absolute = real time physics - real time relativistic

Observer time = observed traveler time + time delays

Real time = absolute time + time delays
Real time = Event time + time delays
Real time Physics = event time Physics + time delays Physics
Page 102

Quantum = classical + relativistic

Naming Γ as real time and t as event time

Γ = t + (Γ - t) = t [1 + (Γ – t)/t] = t (Γ/t)
Γ = t + Δ Γ; Δ Γ = Γ - t

If an event happens on Planet Mercury and the event is seen from the Sun at event
time t, then this same event would be seen from Earth in real time as time Γ = t +

Γ = t + (Γ - t)
Real time = Event time + time delays
Γ = t + Δ Γ (x) + ỉ Γ (y) = t + Δ Γ

Δ Γ = Δ Γ (x) + ỉ Γ (y)
Δ Γ (x) is along the line of sight time delays
Δ Γ (y) is perpendicular to the line of sight time delays
Γ = t (Γ/t)
ỉωt ỉωt
Γ=te ; Γ/t = e
ίωt ίωt
Multiplying by c, then r = c Γ = c t e = r0 e ; ω T = arc tan (v/c)

Or r = r0 e

A – Light aberration ω T= arc tan (v 0/c)

B – Michelson and Morley ω T = [π/2 + arc tan (v 0/c)]

Real time location is r = r 0 ℮ ỉωt

Real time velocity v = [v 0 + í ω r 0] ℮ ỉωt

The definition of energy

E = m (V. V)/2
= (m/2) [v 0 + í ω² r 0]. [v 0 + í ω r 0] ℮ 2 ỉ
= (m/2) [(v0² - ω² r 0²) + 2 í ω (r 0 v 0)] [cosine 2ω t + í sine 2ω t]
= (m/2) {[(v0² - ω² r 0²) cosine 2ω t - 2 ω (r 0 v 0) sine 2ω t]
+ í [(v0² - ω r 0²) sine 2ω t + 2 ω (r 0 v 0) cosine 2ω t]}
= Ex + i E y
Ex = (m/2) [(v0² - ω² r 0²) cosine 2ω t - 2 ω (r 0 v 0) sine 2ω t]

Page 103

Case I
Constant velocity of light principle: v 0 = ω r 0 = c
Ex = (m/2) [(c² - c²) cosine 2ω t - 2 c² sine 2ω t]
Ex = (m/2) [- 2 c² sine 2ω t]
Ex = - m c² sine 2ω t
A – Light aberration ω T= arc tan (v 0/c)
Ex = - m c² sine 2ω t
Ex = - m c² sine 2 [arc tan (v 0/c)]
Ex = - m c² sine 2 [arc tan (c/c)]
Ex = - m c²
B – Michelson and Morley ω T = [π/2 + arc tan (v 0/c)]
Ex = - m c² sine 2ω t
Ex = - m c² sine 2[π/2 + arc tan (v 0/c)]

Ex = - m c² sine 2[π/2 + arc tan (c/c)]

Ex = - m c² sine 2[π/2 + π/4]
Ex = - m c² sine [3π/2]
Ex = m c²

Case II
Rest Energy Principle: v 0 = 0; ω r 0 = c
Ex = (m/2) [(0² - c²) cosine 2ω t - 2 c (0) sine 2ω t]
Ex = (m/2) [- 2 c² cosine 2ω t]
Ex = - m c² cosine 2ω t
A – Light aberration ω T= arc tan (v 0/c)
Ex = - m c² cosine ω T= arc tan (v 0/c)
Ex = - m c² cosine 2 [arc tan (0/c)]
Ex = - m c² cosine 2 (0)
Ex = - m c²
B – Michelson and Morley ω T = [π/2 + arc tan (v 0/c)]
Ex = - m c² cosine 2ω t
Ex = - m c² cosine 2[π/2 + arc tan (0/c)]
Ex = - m c² cosine 2(π/2)
Ex = - m c² cosine π
Ex = - m c² (-1)
Ex = m c²
Page 104

Michelson Morley
This 1907 Nobel Prize winner Dude along with this Dude put a Lamp two mirrors
and a telescope on a round rotating table.
This was the set –up.

Page 105
Michelson and Morley looked at the virtual image from the two mirrors of
light reflections through the telescope. They claim that if they to rotate the
table then the image should change. When Michelson and Morley rotated
the table in 1887 and the image did not change they claim that you can
rotate data without change in results!

Then conclusion of this wacky claim that won a Nobel Prize is that
The number 1 can be replaced by 1 + i; i is the complex number

Or; in Cartesian coordinates

Page 106

If we take E = (mc²/2) (1)²

And replace (1) with (1 + 1i)
Then E = (mc²/2) (1)² = (mc²/2) (1 + 1i) ²
E = (mc²/2) (1 + 1i) ² = (mc²/2) (1 – 1 + 2i) ²
E = 2i (mc²/2) = imc²
|E| = |imc²| = mc²
Case III: Classical Energy Principle: v 0 = c; ω r 0 = 0: Then ω
Ex = (m/2) [(c² - 0²) cosine 2 ω t - 2 c (0) sine 2ω t]
Ex = (m/2) (c² cosine 2 ω t)
Ex = (m/2) [c² cosine 2 (0) t]
Ex = m c²/2

E = mc²/2 and not E = mc² but the visual illusion ∆ E = mc²

The crooks of “University” are using visual effects to claim Dark energy or an
expansion of 500 years of western stupidity and fraud in physics

Page 107
Chapter 20: special relativity stupidity
All there is in the Universe is objects of mass m moving in space (x, y, z) at a
r = r (x, y, z). The state of any object in the Universe can be expressed as the
S = m r; State = mass x location:
P = d S/d t = m (d r/d t) + (dm/d t) r = Total moment
= change of location + change of mass
= m v + m' r; v = velocity = d r/d t; m' = mass change rate
F = d P/d t = d²S/dt² = Total force
= m (d²r/dt²) +2(dm/d t) (d r/d t) + (d²m/dt²) r
= m γ + 2m'v +m" r; γ = acceleration; m'' = mass acceleration rate

In polar coordinates system

r = r r (1) ;v = r' r(1) + r θ' θ(1) ; γ = (r" - rθ'²)r(1) + (2r'θ' + r θ")θ(1)

r = location; v = velocity; γ = acceleration
F = m γ + 2m'v +m" r
F = m [(r"-rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)] + 2m'[r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] + (m" r) r
= [d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'²] r (1) + (1/mr) [d (m²r²θ')/d t] θ (1)
= [-GmM/r²] r (1) ------------------------------- Newton's Gravitational Law
First r = r [cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ] = r r (1)
Define r (1) = cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ
Define v = d r/d t = r' r (1) + r d[r (1)]/d t
= r' r (1) + r θ'[- sine θ î + cosine θĴ]
= r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)

Define θ (1) = -sine θ î +cosine θ Ĵ;

And with r (1) = cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ
Then d [θ (1)]/d t= θ' [- cosine θ î - sine θ Ĵ= - θ' r (1)
And d [r (1)]/d t = θ' [-sine θ î + cosine θ Ĵ] = θ' θ (1)

Define γ = d [r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] /d t

= r" r (1) + r'd [r (1)]/d t + r' θ' r (1) + r θ" r (1) +r θ'd [θ (1)]/d t
γ = (r" - rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)

With d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'² = F (r)

And d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0
With m = constant, then
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = F (r) Eq-1
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Eq-2
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = - ω²s r E q – 1 Hooke’s Law
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Eq-2
Page 108
From Eq-2: d (r²θ')/d t = 0
Then r²θ' = h = constant
Differentiate with respect to time
Then 2rr'θ' + r²θ" = 0
Divide by r²θ'
Then 2(r'/r) + θ"/θ' = 0
And 2(r'/r) = - θ"/θ' = 2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)]
Also, r = r0 (θ, 0) e [λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
And θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
For a fixed orbit: λ r= 0
Also, r = r 0 (θ, 0) e ỉ ω t

An object of length r could be seen longer or shorter if it extended or shortened e λ

or twisted e í ω t making it in general r e [λ + í ω] t. If the length of an object is not
extended or shortened then λ = 0 and it could be seen as a twisted visual effect.
Then r -------------------------- Visual r = S = r e í ω t
1- The illusion of length contraction:
Length contraction is just a visual effect of projected light aberration and
it is an "apparent" visual effect and not real

Alfred Nobel Institution Idiot

An object located at r ----- light sensing -----measured as S = r e í ω t
with ω t =
arc tan (v/c); tan (v/c) = light aberrations angle = ω t
S = r e í ω t caused by light aberrations visual effects as follows:
If e í ω t = [cosine ω t + ỉ sine ω t]; From S = r e í ω t
Page 109
It changes to: S = r {√ [1- sine² arc tan (v/c)] - ỉ sine arc tan (v/c)}
= r {√ [1- (v/c) ²] - ỉ (v/c)}; v/c <<< 1

Where S x = √ [1- sine² arc tan (v/c)]; And S y = cosine arc tan (v/c)
With v/c << 1 then; Where S x = √ [1- sine² arc tan (v/c)]; And S y = cosine arc
tan (v/c)
In absolute value S = r
Along the line of measurement: S x = √ [1- sine² arc tan (v/c)] ≈ r √ [1-(v/c) ²];
v/c << 1
This the equation for length contraction of Lorentz's used in Einstein's theories
But it is the light aberrations visual effects and it is "apparent and not real

2 - Constant velocity of light leading to Time Dilations

Projected light aberrations
S x = r cosine ω t
Hypotenuse = S x = [c t x] = c t x √ [1- sine² arc tan (v/c)]
S x ≈ c t √ [1-(v/c) ²]; from constant velocity of light
and c is constant in all reference frames
Where t = local self time; t x = time by observer

t x = t √ [1-(v/c) ²]; and

t = {1/√ [1-(v/c) ²]} t x absolute math

These are time dilatation equations given by Einstein’s special relativity theory.

t x' = t' √ [1-(v'/c) ²]; and

t' = {1/√ [1-(v'/c) ²]} t x' absolute math

Two observers observing the same thing the time dilations are

Then, t x = t √ [1-(v/c) ²]; t = {1/√ [1-(v/c) ²]} t x absolute math; Lab purposes
And, t x' = t √ [1-(v'/c) ²]; t' = {1/√ [1-(v'/c) ²]} t x' absolute math; Lab

However; two observers looking at each other

S (A) = r exp [ỉ ω t]
S (B) = r exp [- ỉ ω t]
S x (A) = S x = c t x ≈ c t x' √ [1-(v/c) ²]
S x (B) = S x = c t x' ≈ c t x √ [1-(v/c) ²]
And t x ≈ t x' √ [1-(v/c) ²]
And t x' ≈ t x √ [1-(v/c) ²]
That is why there no twin Paradox except on science fictions books because it is all
about aberrations and nothing real.
Page 110
3 – Momentum

S x = Visual location along the line of sight = r [√ [1-(v/c) ²]

P x = v [√ [1-(v/c) ²]; v =constant; P x = d [S x]/d t
And m P x = m v [√ [1-(v/c) ²] = m (0) v

4 – Mass Then m = m (0) / [√ [1-(v/c) ²]

Also; m = m (0) / [1-1/2(v/c) ²]

5- Energy

mc² = m (0) c² / [1-1/2(v/c) ²]

E = m (0) c²; v = 0

Also m ≈ m (0) [1+ 1/2(v/c) ²]

Hence m c² ≈ m (0) c² + m v ²/2

Page 111
Chapter 21
Quantum mechanics Copenhagen Cyclic Interpretation
Ape  Man  Modern Physicist  Nobel Prize  Ape Ass.

Then came the Copenhagen Interpretation

The Copenhagen idiots with Nobel prizes

That new physics is needed!

This new physics is quantum mechanics!
Quantum mechanics is a purely western stupidity:

I - In 950 AD with Arabs visual location law is quantum mechanics:

Is r = r 0 e í (θ + ω t)

All there is in the Universe is objects of mass m moving in space (x, y, z) at a location
r = r (x, y, z). The state of any object in the Universe can be expressed as the
S = m r; State = mass x location:
P = d S/d t = m (d r/d t) + (dm/d t) r = Total moment
= change of location + change of mass
= m v + m' r; v = velocity = d r/d t; m' = mass change rate
F = d P/d t = d²S/dt² = Total force
= m (d²r/dt²) +2(dm/d t) (d r/d t) + (d²m/dt²) r
= m γ + 2m'v +m" r; γ = acceleration; m'' = mass acceleration rate
In polar coordinates system
r = r r (1) ;v = r' r(1) + r θ' θ(1) ; γ = (r" - rθ'²)r(1) + (2r'θ' + r θ")θ(1)
r = location; v = velocity; γ = acceleration
F = m γ + 2m'v +m" r
F = m [(r"-rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)] + 2m'[r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] + (m" r) r
= [d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'²] r (1) + (1/mr) [d (m²r²θ')/d t] θ (1)
= [-GmM/r²] r (1) ---------------------------- Newton's Gravitational Law

Page 112
First r = r [cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ] = r r (1)
Define r (1) = cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ
Define v = d r/d t = r' r (1) + r d[r (1)]/d t
= r' r (1) + r θ'[- sine θ î + cosine θĴ]
= r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)

Define θ (1) = -sine θ î +cosine θ Ĵ;

And with r (1) = cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ
Then d [θ (1)]/d t= θ' [- cosine θ î - sine θ Ĵ= - θ' r (1)
And d [r (1)]/d t = θ' [-sine θ î + cosine θ Ĵ] = θ' θ (1)

Define γ = d [r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] /d t

= r" r (1) + r'd [r (1)]/d t + r' θ' r (1) + r θ" r (1) +r θ'd [θ (1)]/d t
γ = (r" - rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)
With d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'² = F (r)
And d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0
With m = constant, then
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = F (r) Eq-1
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Eq-2
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0 Eq–1
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Eq-2

From Eq-2: d (r²θ')/d t = 0

Then r²θ' = h = constant
Differentiate with respect to time
Then 2rr'θ' + r²θ" = 0
Divide by r²θ'
Then 2(r'/r) + θ"/θ' = 0
And 2(r'/r) = - θ"/θ' = 2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)]
Also, r = r0 (θ, 0) e [λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
And θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
For a fixed orbit: λ r = 0
Also, r = r 0 (θ, 0) e ỉ ω t
And θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2ỉ ω t
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0
Let u = 1/r; r = 1/u; r²θ' = h = θ’ /u²
And d r/d t = (d r/ d u) (d u /d θ) (d θ/ d t) = (- 1/u ²) (θ’) (d u/ d θ)
= - h (d u/ d θ)
And d² r/ d t² = - h (θ’) (d² u/ d θ ²)
= [- h²/r²] (d² u/ d θ ²)
= - h² u² (d² u/ d θ ²)

Page 113
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0 Eq–1
And - h² u² (d² u/ d θ ²) – (1/u) (h u²) ² = 0
Then (d² u/ d θ ²) + u = 0

Then u = A e - í θ
Then r 0 (θ, 0) = (1/A) e í θ
And r 0 (θ, 0) = r 0 (0, 0) e í θ
And r = r 0 (0, 0) e í θ e ỉ ω t
Or, r = r 0 e í (θ + ω t)

This is quantum mechanics

í ω (r) t
Arabs real time astronomy is actually quantum mechanics r = r0 e
Light is emitted and not an emitter and humans have no means of measuring light
in motion and at best they can take a snap shot.
In mathematical language
Then r (θ, 0) = r 0 e í θ at t = 0
And r (θ, t) = r 0 e í (θ + ω t) = r 0 e í θ e í ω t = r (θ, 0) e í ω t
And r (θ, t) = r (θ, 0) [cosine ω t + í sine ω t]
And r x (θ, t) = r x (θ, 0) cosine ω t
And ω t = cosine-1 [r x (θ, t) / r x (θ, 0)]
Then ∆ r = r x (θ, t) - r x (θ, 0)
= r x (θ, 0) [(cosine ω t) – 1]
And [r x (θ, t) - r x (θ, 0)]/ r x (θ, 0)
= [(1 - 2 sine² ω t/2) – 1]
= - 2 sine ² ω t/2; ω t = cosine-1 [r x (θ, t) / r x (θ, 0)]
rabs real time astronomy:
Image = Image = I
Object = Object = O
- Object = - Object = - O

Image = object + (Image – Object)

I = O + (I – O)
(I/O) = O/O + [(I – O)/O]
(I/O) = 1 + [(I – O)/O]
(I/O) θ' 0 = θ' 0 + [(I – O)/O] θ' 0

Quantum = classical + relativistic Illusion

I = r; O = r 0
Or, (r / r 0) θ' 0 = θ' 0 + [(r – r 0)/ r 0] θ' 0
And [(r – r 0)/ r 0] θ' 0
Or [- 2sine ² ω t/2] θ' 0; ω t = cosine-1 [r x (θ, t) / r x (θ, 0)] = cosine-1 (r/ r 0)
For planet Mercury:
Page 114
The distance visual effect Error is: [(r m – re)/re] δ θ’ m

The quantity: δ θ’ m = (v m/r m) (180/ π) [36526/Tm (days)] (3600) = 70.75

With v m = 47.9 km/sec; r m = 58.2 x 106 km; Tm = 88 days

With r = 58.2 x 109 m = Sun – Mercury distance

And r e = 149.6 x 109 m = Sun Earth distance

With [(r m – re)/re] = [- 2sine ² ω t/2] = 0.61

And ω t = cosine-1 [r x (θ, t) / r x (θ, 0)] = cosine-1 (r/ r 0)
Or ω t = cosine-1 [r x (θ, t) / r x (θ, 0)] = cosine-1 (r m/ r e)
[(r m – re)/re] δ θ’ m = 0.61 x 70.75 = 43
All rights reserved
Page 116
Chapter 22: Earth Absolute Motion is circular
Copernicus said that Planets move around the sun in an ellipse
Galileo affirmed that planets move around the sun in an ellipse
Tycho Brahe collected the astronomical data and confirmed that planets move around
the Sun in an ellipse




Figure - 1

Kepler wrote the acceleration law: a/T2 = k/a2

And deduced that planets move around the sun in an ellipse and that the sun is at
the focus of the ellipse like in figure above

Newton and Hooke reiterated the same thing as Kepler and wrote: r/ t2 = k/r2

Astronomers found that the motion is not an ellipse but a rotating ellipse

Einstein wrote another acceleration law r/t2 = k/ r2 + k1/r4 to describe a rotating ellipse

7 billion people were told by Alfred Nobel prize winner physicists that Planets rotate
around the Sun in a rotating ellipse

What if I can prove all wrong?

I am Joe Nahhas
And I am better than good and I am after Alfred Nobel Institution head

Page 117



Newton gave the equation of the ellipse:

As: r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ε cosine θ)]

Einstein said he corrected Newton and wrote the new equation:

Is: r (θ, t) = a (1-ε²)/ [1+ε cosine (θ - Ψ)]

It is a fact that Astronomers see this axis tilt and Einstein got a formula for it: ψ = {6 π G
M/a c² (1 - ε²)} [180/ π] [36526/T (days)][3600]
G = 6.673 x 10-11= gravitational acceleration constant
M =2x1030kg = mass of the Sun

Eccentricity of Mercury’s orbit = ε = 0.206

T= 88 days = period of Planet mercury’s rotation around the Sun
And c = 299792.458 km/sec =light speed/sec
And a = 58.2 x 106 km/sec = semi major axis of planet Mercury orbit
ψ = {6 (π) 6.673 x 10-11 (2 x 1030)/58.2 x 106 (299792.458) ² [1– (0.206)²]} x [180/ π]
[36526/88] [3600] = 43 seconds of an arc per century

Page 118

Newton used magical powers or action at a distance force F = G

m M/r2
Einstein said if Newton can add magical power then I can do
magic powers of Newton and add Einstein’s own magical
powers of time travel force and the force
Is F = G m M/r2 (space force) + k/r4 (time force)

These two morons claim that what we see is due to magic

where the Sun is pulling on the planets to keep them around?
Did anyone see the Sun Pulling?
Did anyone see a damn robe not the Sun hanging the planets to
revolve around it but to hang these two idiots with Alfred Nobel
There is nothing Nobel about Alfred Nobel
institution that gave prizes for magical forces and time travel
and garbage for physics.

Page 119

I am not saying that Alfred Nobel physicists are idiots to say the
least but what I am saying is that Alfred Nobel prize winner
physics is stupidity itself and Alfred Nobel prize winner
physicists are crooks to be exact. Time is not a structure like
space to allow Alfred Nobel Institution to dictate stupidity in
classrooms on the rest of us and Alfred Nobel Physicists can
keep stupidity to themselves. Alfred Nobel prize is worth 1001
times in money. Alfred Nobel prize is a 1 billion dollar business
each. Big Institutions with massive funding needs backed bad
physics and idiots for physicists for 1 billion dollars prize and
the world stuck with garbage for physics.
What is modern physics?
Did anyone hear the big bang? Did anyone saw a black hole? Did anyone find Einstein’s gravity waves?
Did anyone hook up a hose to the sky and funnel dark energy to verify E = mc2? Does anyone have a
proof of Newton’s action at a distance? Does anyone have a proof of Einstein time travel? Does anyone
figure out why humans have to accept Alfred Nobel prize winners nuclear claims that the universe is
made up of particles that dies and rebirth billion billion times a second? Hey dude I am a redneck one
grandfather was a damn farmer and my other grandfather was a damn Carpenter and my father was a
much damn redneck I sometimes feel reluctant to claim him but I never knew what a dumb ass really is
till I met my science teacher talking about the greatest idiots of physics starting With the seven idiots in
order Copernicus Galileo Newton and Einstein!

What did Alfred Nobel honor?

My answer to that is: “University” Crooks in Alfred Nobel Suit
The difference between a crook and a Nobel Prize winner is a flip of a coin
The difference between me and all others I can prove them crooks and I dare all to prove me wrong.
Starting with Einstein and Newton to make Galileo irrelevant to the subject of planetary motion around
the Sun because of now and now is July 4th 1973 there is no Galileo and there is No Einstein and there is
no Newton because I can prove them all wrong including NASA and Europeans space agency and all
Newton’s space force: F = G m M/r2
Einstein’s – Newton space - time:

F = G m M/r2 (Newton’s space force) + k/r4 (Einstein’s

time force)

The force is with Joe Nahhas and in real time space F = 0

Nahhas said the only magic is an act of kindness of a human to all others!
My act of kindness to humanity is to make humanity aware of the criminals with Nobel prizes and the
idiots with Intelligent portfolios!

Page 120

What I am saying is that there is no Newton’s gravitational

force and Einstein’s space – time force is silly to say the least
and I can prove that there is no gravitational force between the
Sun and the Planets force, or, F = o solution is a rotating ellipse

What I am saying dear Pope John Paul is that those with

“knowledge” and sick intentions to be arrogant and claim
magical forces and mocks the believers have absolutely no clue
what they see in their telescopes and have nothing to offer
beside stupidity that started with Newton and perfected with
Alfred Nobel Institution’s dumbest Einstein. To start with let me
solve this equation F = 0. The solution of F = 0 is the equation
of a real time circle
Is r = r 0 e í (θ + ω t)

All there is in the Universe is objects of mass m moving in space (x, y, z) at a location
r = r (x, y, z). The state of any object in the Universe can be expressed as the

S = m r; State = mass x location:

P = d S/d t = m (d r/d t) + (dm/d t) r = Total moment

= change of location + change of mass
= m v + m' r; v = velocity = d r/d t; m' = mass change rate
F = d P/d t = d²S/dt² = Total force
= m (d²r/dt²) +2(dm/d t) (d r/d t) + (d²m/dt²) r
= m γ + 2m'v +m" r; γ = acceleration; m'' = mass acceleration rate

In polar coordinates system

r = r r (1) ;v = r' r(1) + r θ' θ(1) ; γ = (r" - rθ'²)r(1) + (2r'θ' + r θ")θ(1)
r = location; v = velocity; γ = acceleration
F = m γ + 2m'v +m" r

F = m [(r"-rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)] + 2m'[r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] + (m" r) r
= [d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'²] r (1) + (1/m r) [d (m²r²θ')/d t] θ (1)
= [-G m M/r²] r (1) -------------------- Newton's Gravitational Law

Page 121

First r = r [cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ] = r r (1)
Define r (1) = cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ
Define v = d r/d t = r' r (1) + r d[r (1)]/d t
= r' r (1) + r θ'[- sine θ î + cosine θĴ]
= r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)
Define θ (1) = -sine θ î +cosine θ Ĵ;
And with r (1) = cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ
Then d [θ (1)]/d t= θ' [- cosine θ î - sine θ Ĵ= - θ' r (1)
And d [r (1)]/d t = θ' [-sine θ î + cosine θ Ĵ] = θ' θ (1)
Define γ = d [r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] /d t
= r" r (1) + r'd [r (1)]/d t + r' θ' r (1) + r θ" r (1) +r θ'd [θ (1)]/d t
γ = (r" - rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)
With d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'² = F (r)
And d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0
With m = constant, then
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = F (r) Eq-1
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Eq-2
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0 Eq–1
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Eq-2

From Eq-2: d (r²θ')/d t = 0

Then r²θ' = h = constant
Differentiate with respect to time
Then 2rr'θ' + r²θ" = 0
Divide by r²θ'
Then 2(r'/r) + θ"/θ' = 0
And 2(r'/r) = - θ"/θ' = 2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)]
Also, r = r0 (θ, 0) e [λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
And θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
For a fixed orbit: λ r = 0
Also, r = r 0 (θ, 0) e ỉ ω t
And θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2ỉ ω t
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0
Let u = 1/r; r = 1/u; r²θ' = h = θ’ /u²
And d r/d t = (d r/ d u) (d u /d θ) (d θ/ d t) = (- 1/u ²) (θ’) (d u/ d θ)
= - h (d u/ d θ)

Page 122

And d² r/ d t² = - h (θ’) (d² u/ d θ ²)

= [- h²/r²] (d² u/ d θ ²)
= - h² u² (d² u/ d θ ²)

With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0 Eq–1

And - h² u² (d² u/ d θ ²) – (1/u) (h u²) ² = 0
Then (d² u/ d θ ²) + u = 0

Then u = A e - í θ
Then r 0 (θ, 0) = (1/A) e í θ
And r 0 (θ, 0) = r 0 (0, 0) e í θ
And r = r 0 (0, 0) e í θ e ỉ ω t

í (θ + ω t)
Or, r = r 0 e
What I am saying Dear Pope is this is the equation of motion of
any planet!

It is also the equation of motion of the smallest particle light!

í [θ (m) + ω (m) t]
Now Planet Mercury motion is r m = r m 0 e
The Sun Motion is r s = r s 0 e í [θ (s) + ω (s) t]

Sun r
r s Mercury

r1 r0 r m
X1 r2

Page 123

In mathematical form: r1 = x1 + r s
And r2 = x2 + r m

Then r2 - r1 = x2 - x1 + r m – r s
Or, r = r0 + (r m – r s)
To find the extreme values of r,
Then: d r/d t = d r0/d t+ (d r m/d t – d r s/ d t) = 0

And (d r m/d t – d r s/ d t) = 0; d r0/d t = 0

And d r m/d t = d r s/ d t
í [θ (m) + ω (m) t]
Now Planet Mercury motion is r m = r m 0 e
The Sun Motion is r s = r s 0 e í [θ (s) + ω (s) t]

í [θ (m) + ω (m) t]
And d r m/d t = r m 0 [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] e
í [θ (s) + ω (s) t]
And d r s/ d t = r s 0 [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] e

With r m 0 [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] Cosine [θ (m) + ω (m) t]

= r s 0 [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] Cosine [θ (s) + ω (s) t]
And r m 0 [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] sine [θ (m) + ω (m) t]
= r s 0 [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] sine [θ (s) + ω (s) t]
Then dividing we get: tan [θ (n) + ω (n) t] = tan [θ (s) + ω (s) t]
Or, [θ (m) + ω (m) t] = [θ (s) + ω (s) t] + [n π = 0; n =0]

And θ (m) - θ (s) + = [ω (s) - ω (m)] t

This is the time delay Illusion
And, r m 0 [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] = r s 0 [θ’ (s) + ω (s)]
And [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] = (r m 0/r s 0) [θ’ (m) + ω (m)]

And [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] - [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] = [(r m 0/ r s 0) -1] [θ’ (m) + ω (m)]

In arc second per century:

Is: [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] - [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] x (180/π) x (36526/88) x (3600)
= [(r m 0/ r s 0) -1] [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] x (180/π) x (36526/88) x (3600)

Page 124

And, r m 0 [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] = r s 0 [θ’ (s) + ω (s)]

And r m 0 [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] = r e 0 [θ’ (e) + ω (e)]

And [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] - [θ’ (e) + ω (e)] = [(r r

m 0/ e 0) -1] [θ’ (m) + ω (m)]

In arc second per century:

Is: [θ’ (e) + ω (e)] - [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] x (180/π) x (36526/88) x (3600)
= [(r m 0/ r e 0) -1] [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] x (180/π) x (36526/88) x (3600) = 43

r m 0

r s 0
M M Mercury S Sun
r m0 r 0

Is: r 0 = distance between centers

Is: r = r 0 + (r m 0 + r s 0)
And r min = r 0 - (r m 0 + r s 0)
And c = (r max - r min)/2 = r m 0 + r s 0
And a = (r max + r min)/2 = r 0

With c = (r max -r min )/2 = r m 0 +r s 0

And a = (r max + r min)/2 = r 0
This establishes visual ellipse of semi major axis a and a semi minor axis b = √ (a²
- c²) = a √ [1 – (c/a) ²] = a √ (1 – ε ²)
And h = 2 π a b = 2 π a² √ (1 – ε ²)
Areal Velocity is: 2 π a² √ (1 – ε ²)/T

Page 125




Figure - 1
Page 126

And Farthest distance = r max = r 0 + (r m 0 +r s 0 )=a+c

And closest distance = r min = r 0 - (r m 0 +r )=a-c

s 0

At closest approach: h =2 π a² √ (1 – ε ²)/T

And dividing h / (a – c) ² = 2 π a² √ (1 – ε ²)/T a² (1 – ε) ²
Or r²θ' = h will give θ' (a) = 2 π √ (1 – ε ²)/T (1 – ε) ²

And for any motion θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2ỉ ω t

And θ’ = {[cosine 2 ω t + í sine 2 ω t] – 1} θ' 0 (θ, 0)
And θ’ = θ’ (x) + í θ’ (y)
= [cosine 2 ω t + í sine 2 ω t] θ' 0 (θ, 0)
And θ’ (x) = [cosine 2 ω t] θ' 0 (θ, 0)
= [1 – 2 sine² ω t] θ' 0 (θ, 0)

And θ’ (x) - θ' (0) = - 2 θ' 0 (θ, 0) sine² ω t

= -2(2π) [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² ω t
= - 4 π [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² ω t

Page 127

If this apsidal motion is to be found as visual effects, then




With, v ° = spin velocity; v* = orbital velocity

And v/c = (v* + v°)/c = tan ω t

= -4 π [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} radians

Multiplication by 180/π to change to degrees

Ψ ° = (-720/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} Degrees
And multiplication by 1 century = 36526 days and using T in days

Ψ’’ (calculated) = (-720x36526/T days) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} x

sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} degrees/100 years

And in arc seconds per century:

Ψ’’ (calculated) = (-720x36526x3600/T days) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} x
sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} degrees/100 years = 43

Page 128

The confrontation between physics and physicists

By Professor Joe Nahhas 1978

Greetings: my name is Joe Nahhas and I am the greatest physicist of all time since July 4th 1973
I am unknown to the world of physics but I have 1001 new real time physics formulas to change physics and
history to delete all physics and wipe out written history and this is a revolt!
Abstract: There is no solar system and Earth does not move around the Sun. I can say
that there is no solar system and Earth does not move around the Sun because I can
prove that there is no solar system and that Earth does not move around the Sun. There is
a solar group of objects humans call one star few planets and few moons. Each object of
the solar group has its own independent orbit (circle) and all are in the same neighborhood
looking like a solar “system” where Earth is visually looking like it moves around the Sun
in an ellipse and the Sun at the focus (not center) of that ellipse. Gravity is a spin effect
found inside the atmosphere. There is no gravity outside the atmosphere. There is no
gravity between Earth and Sun. Taking that there is no gravity between Earth and Sun
leads to a circular motion for the Sun and a circular motion for Earth. The difference
between two circular motions is visual motion and not an actual motion of an ellipse. An
ellipse motion requires an inverse square law that is given by Newton’s equation that says
the gravitational force F between Earth of mass m and the Sun of mass M is given by F = -
G m M/r² where r is the distance between Earth and sun and G is a constant number. A
rotating ellipse requires Newton’s law of space motion - G m M/r² and Einstein’s time
motion k/r4 to a total force of F = - G m M/r² + k/r4 in contradiction to Qur’an F = 0

In Short Planets Moons Sun all swim freely and no gravity restrictions. No gravity means the Force F = 0. The
solution of F = 0 leads to a circular orbit for all

. Sun r
r s Mercury

r1 r0 r m
X1 r2

r s 0
M M M Mercury S Sun
r m 0 r 0

The Sun S moves in a circle and Planet mercury moves in a circle.

And Farthest distance = r max = r 0 + (r m 0 + r s 0) = a + c
And closest distance = r min = r 0 - (r m 0 +r )=a-c
s 0

Gives a visual ellipse and visual (not actual gravity) meaning planets seems to move around the Sun
and not actually moving around the Sun



Figure - 1

If we took a look at the most famous physics fundamental constant G from Newton’s 350 years old Equation F = -
G m M/r² G’s value has unit dimension of [G] = [1/ρ T²]; ρ is atmospheric density and T is time rotational period.
If we can show that the gravitational constant G = G (ρ, T) is a variable air density and Earth rotational period
dependent then we can say what Earth is saying that the most famous physics fundamental constants are not so
universal constants because all physics fundamental constant are air density and Earth spin dependent. For
G = G (ρ, T) = 1/ [(2/5) (4 π/3) ρT²]; 5/2 ~ √ (2 π)
Nothing that: 8 π /15 = (2/5) (4π/3); 4π/3 and 2/5 come from spherical aspect
Where: ρ = air density; T = Earth rotation period; T = 23.9333 hours and ρ = 1.2045 kg/m³
G = 1/ (8 π/15) ρT² = 6.674 x 10 – 11
[G] = [1/ρ T²] ~ 0 if spin period is very long or atmospheric density is very high
This fact applies to electromagnetic fundamental constants:
Like ε (0) = 1/4πρT² = 8.85 x 10 -12; μ (0) = 4πρT²/c²
There is no “gravity” between the “sun” and “planets” and that means: The force F = 0
And not F = - G m M/r²

Yes I am saying that astronomers have no clue what they see using their telescopes
What I am saying is that there is no F = - G m M/r² and there is no solar system where the motion of a planet
around the sun is an ellipse with the sun at the focus of the ellipse.



Figure - 1

Kepler wrote the acceleration law: a/T2 = k/a2

And said that the motion of a planet around the sun is an ellipse like in figure - 1
And wrote the equation of motion law
As: r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ε cosine θ)]
Newton and Hooke reiterated the same thing as Kepler and wrote: r/ t2 = k/r2
Astronomers found that the motion is not an ellipse but a rotating ellipse
And wrote the equation of motion law
As: r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ε cosine θ)]
Einstein wrote another acceleration law r/t2 = k/ r2 + k1/r4 to describe a rotating ellipse



Newton gave the equation of the ellipse:

As: r (θ, t) = [a (1-ε²)/ (1+ε cosine θ)]
Einstein said he corrected Newton and wrote the new equation:
Is: r (θ, t) = a (1-ε²)/ [1+ε cosine (θ - Ψ)]
It is a fact that Astronomers see this axis tilt and Einstein got a formula for it: ψ = {6 π G
M/a c² (1 - ε²)} [180/ π] [36526/T (days)][3600]
G = 6.673 x 10-11= gravitational acceleration constant
M =2x1030kg = mass of the Sun
Eccentricity of Mercury’s orbit = ε = 0.206
T= 88 days = period of Planet mercury’s rotation around the Sun
And c = 299792.458 km/sec =light speed/sec
And a = 58.2 x 106 km/sec = semi major axis of planet Mercury orbit
ψ = {6 (π) 6.673 x 10-11 (2 x 1030)/58.2 x 106 (299792.458) ² [1– (0.206)²]} x [180/ π]
[36526/88] [3600] = 43 seconds of an arc per century

Newton used magical powers or action at a distance force F = G

m M/r2
Einstein said if Newton can add magical power then I can do
magic powers of Newton and add Einstein’s own magical
powers of time travel force and the force
Is F = G m M/r2 (space force) + k/r4 (time force)
These two morons claim that what we see is due to magic
where the Sun is pulling on the planets to keep them around?
Did anyone see the Sun Pulling?
Did anyone see a damn robe not the Sun hanging the planets to
revolve around it but to hang these two idiots with Alfred Nobel

There is nothing Nobel about Alfred Nobel

institution that gave prizes for magical forces and garbage for
Page 6
I am not saying that Alfred Nobel physicists are idiots to say the
least but what I am saying is that Alfred Nobel prize winner
physics is stupidity itself and Alfred Nobel prize winner
physicists are crooks to be exact. Time is not a structure like
space to allow Alfred Nobel Institution to dictate stupidity on
the rest of us and Alfred Nobel Physicists can keep stupidity to
themselves. Alfred Nobel prize is worth 1001 times in money.
Alfred Nobel prize is a 1 billion dollar business each. Big
Institutions with massive funding needs backed bad physics
and idiots for physicists for 1 billion dollars prize and the world
stuck with garbage for physics.
What is modern physics?
Did anyone hear the big bang? Did anyone saw a black hole? Did anyone find Einstein’s gravity waves?
Did anyone hook up a hose to the sky and funnel dark energy to verify E = mc2? Does anyone have a
proof of Newton’s action at a distance? Does anyone have a proof of Einstein time travel? Does anyone
figure out why humans have to accept Alfred Nobel prize winners nuclear claims that the universe is
made up of particles that dies and rebirth billion billion times a second? Hey dude I am a redneck one
grandfather was a damn farmer and my other grandfather was a damn Carpenter and my father was a
much damn redneck I sometimes feel reluctant to claim my dad but I never knew what a dumb ass is
really is till I met my science teacher talking about the greatest idiots of physics Newton and Einstein!
What did Alfred Nobel honor?
My answer to that is: “University” Crooks in Alfred Nobel Suit
The difference between a crook and a Nobel Prize winner is a flip of a coin
The difference between me and all others I can prove them crooks and I dare all to prove me wrong. Starting
with Einstein and Newton to make Galileo irrelevant to the subject of planetary motion around the Sun
because of now and now is July 4th 1973 there is no Galileo and there is No Einstein and there is no Newton
because I can prove them all wrong including NASA and Europeans space agency and all others!
Newton’s space force: F = G m M/r2
Einstein’s – Newton space - time:
F = G m M/r2 (Newton’s space force) + k/r4 (Einstein’s time force)
The force is with Joe Nahhas and in real time space F = 0

Nahhas said the only magic is an act of kindness of a human to all others!
My act of kindness to humanity is to make humanity aware of the criminals with Nobel prizes and the
idiots with intelligent portfolios!

What I am saying is that there is no Newton’s gravitational

force and Einstein’s space – time force is silly to say the least
and I can prove that there is no gravitational force between the
Sun and the Planets force, or, F = o solution is a rotating ellipse

What I am saying dear Pope John Paul is that those with

“knowledge” and sick intentions to be arrogant and claim
magical forces and mocks the believers have absolutely no clue
what they see in their telescopes and have nothing to offer
beside stupidity that started with Newton and perfected with
Alfred Nobel Institution’s dumbest Einstein. To start with let me
solve this equation F = 0. The solution of F = 0 is the equation
of a real time circle
Is r = r 0 e í (θ + ω t)

All there is in the Universe is objects of mass m moving in space (x, y, z) at a location
r = r (x, y, z). The state of any object in the Universe can be expressed as the
S = m r; State = mass x location:
P = d S/d t = m (d r/d t) + (dm/d t) r = Total moment
= change of location + change of mass
= m v + m' r; v = velocity = d r/d t; m' = mass change rate
F = d P/d t = d²S/dt² = Total force
= m (d²r/dt²) +2(dm/d t) (d r/d t) + (d²m/dt²) r
= m γ + 2m'v +m" r; γ = acceleration; m'' = mass acceleration rate

In polar coordinates system

r = r r (1) ;v = r' r(1) + r θ' θ(1) ; γ = (r" - rθ'²)r(1) + (2r'θ' + r θ")θ(1)
r = location; v = velocity; γ = acceleration
F = m γ + 2m'v +m" r

F = m [(r"-rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)] + 2m'[r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] + (m" r) r
= [d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'²] r (1) + (1/m r) [d (m²r²θ')/d t] θ (1)
= [-G m M/r²] r (1) -------------------- Newton's Gravitational Law

Page 8

First r = r [cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ] = r r (1)
Define r (1) = cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ
Define v = d r/d t = r' r (1) + r d[r (1)]/d t
= r' r (1) + r θ'[- sine θ î + cosine θĴ]
= r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)
Define θ (1) = -sine θ î +cosine θ Ĵ;
And with r (1) = cosine θ î + sine θ Ĵ
Then d [θ (1)]/d t= θ' [- cosine θ î - sine θ Ĵ= - θ' r (1)
And d [r (1)]/d t = θ' [-sine θ î + cosine θ Ĵ] = θ' θ (1)
Define γ = d [r' r (1) + r θ' θ (1)] /d t
= r" r (1) + r'd [r (1)]/d t + r' θ' r (1) + r θ" r (1) +r θ'd [θ (1)]/d t
γ = (r" - rθ'²) r (1) + (2r'θ' + r θ") θ (1)
With d² (m r)/dt² - (m r) θ'² = F (r)
And d (m²r²θ')/d t = 0
With m = constant, then
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = F (r) Eq-1
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Eq-2
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0 Eq–1
And d (r²θ')/d t = 0 Eq-2
From Eq-2: d (r²θ')/d t = 0
Then r²θ' = h = constant
Differentiate with respect to time
Then 2rr'θ' + r²θ" = 0
Divide by r²θ'
Then 2(r'/r) + θ"/θ' = 0
And 2(r'/r) = - θ"/θ' = 2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)]
Also, r = r0 (θ, 0) e [λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
And θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2[λ (r) + ỉ ω (r)] t
For a fixed orbit: λ r = 0

Also, r = r 0 (θ, 0) e ỉ ω t
And θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2ỉ ω t
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0

Let u = 1/r; r = 1/u; r²θ' = h = θ’ /u²

And d r/d t = (d r/ d u) (d u /d θ) (d θ/ d t) = (- 1/u ²) (θ’) (d u/ d θ)
= - h (d u/ d θ)

Page 9

And d² r/ d t² = - h (θ’) (d² u/ d θ ²)

= [- h²/r²] (d² u/ d θ ²)
= - h² u² (d² u/ d θ ²)
With d² r/dt² - r θ'² = 0 Eq–1
And - h² u² (d² u/ d θ ²) – (1/u) (h u²) ² = 0
Then (d² u/ d θ ²) + u = 0
Then u = A e - í θ
Then r 0 (θ, 0) = (1/A) e í θ
And r 0 (θ, 0) = r 0 (0, 0) e í θ
And r = r 0 (0, 0) e í θ e ỉ ω t
Or, r = r 0 e í (θ + ω t)
What I am saying Dear Pope is this is the equation of motion of
any planet!
It is also the equation of motion of the smallest particle light!
Now Planet Mercury motion is r m = r m 0 e í [θ (m) + ω (m) t]
The Sun Motion is r s = r s 0 e í [θ (s) + ω (s) t]

Sun r
r s Mercury

r1 r0 r m
X1 r2

In mathematical form: r1 = x1 + r s
And r2 = x2 + r m
Then r2 - r1 = x2 - x1 + r m – r s
Or, r = r0 + (r m – r s)

Page 10

To find the extreme values of r,

Then: d r/d t = d r0/d t+ (d r m/d t – d r s/ d t) = 0

And (d r m/d t – d r s/ d t) = 0; d r0/d t = 0

And d r m/d t = d r s/ d t
í [θ (m) + ω (m) t]
Now Planet Mercury motion is r m = r m 0 e
The Sun Motion is r s = r s 0 e í [θ (s) + ω (s) t]

í [θ (m) + ω (m) t]
And d r m/d t = r m 0 [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] e
í [θ (s) + ω (s) t]
And d r s/ d t = r s 0 [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] e

With r m 0 [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] Cosine [θ (m) + ω (m) t]

= r s 0 [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] Cosine [θ (s) + ω (s) t]
And r m 0 [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] sine [θ (m) + ω (m) t]
= r s 0 [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] sine [θ (s) + ω (s) t]
Then dividing we get: tan [θ (n) + ω (n) t] = tan [θ (s) + ω (s) t]
Or, [θ (m) + ω (m) t] = [θ (s) + ω (s) t] + [n π = 0; n =0]

And θ (m) - θ (s) + = [ω (s) - ω (m)] t

This is the time delay Illusion
And, r m 0 [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] = r s 0 [θ’ (s) + ω (s)]
And [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] = (r m 0/ r s 0) [θ’ (m) + ω (m)]

And [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] - [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] = [(r m 0/ r s 0) -1] [θ’ (m) + ω (m)]

In arc second per century:

Is: [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] - [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] x (180/π) x (36526/88) x (3600)
= [(r m 0/ r s 0) -1] [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] x (180/π) x (36526/88) x (3600)

And, r m 0 [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] = r s 0 [θ’ (s) + ω (s)]

And r m 0 [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] = r e 0 [θ’ (e) + ω (e)]

Page 12

And [θ’ (s) + ω (s)] - [θ’ (e) + ω (e)] = [(r m 0/ r e 0) -1] [θ’ (m) + ω (m)]

In arc second per century:

Is: [θ’ (e) + ω (e)] - [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] x (180/π) x (36526/88) x (3600)
= [(r m 0/ r e 0) -1] [θ’ (m) + ω (m)] x (180/π) x (36526/88) x (3600) = 43

r m 0

r s 0
M M M Mercury S Sun
r m 0 r 0

Is: r 0 = distance between centers

Is: r max = r 0 + (r m 0 +r s 0 )

And r min = r 0 - (r m 0 +r s 0 )
And c = (r max -r min )/2 = r m 0 +r s 0

And a = (r max +r min )/2 = r 0

With c = (r max - r min)/2 = r m 0 +r s 0

And a = (r max + r min)/2 = r 0

This establishes visual ellipse of semi major axis a, and a semi minor axis;

b = √ (a² - c²) = a √ [1 – (c/a) ²] = a √ (1 – ε ²)

And h = 2 π a b = 2 π a² √ (1 – ε ²)
Areal Velocity is: 2 π a² √ (1 – ε ²)/T



Figure - 1

And Farthest distance = r max = r 0 + (r m 0 +r s 0 )=a+c

And closest distance = r min = r 0 - (r m 0 +r )=a-c
s 0

At closest approach: h =2 π a² √ (1 – ε ²)/T

And dividing h / (a – c) ² = 2 π a² √ (1 – ε ²)/T a² (1 – ε) ²
Or r²θ' = h will give θ' (a) = 2 π √ (1 – ε ²)/T (1 – ε) ²

And for any motion θ' = θ' 0 (θ, 0) e -2ỉ ω t

And θ’ = {[cosine 2 ω t + í sine 2 ω t] – 1} θ' 0 (θ, 0)
And θ’ = θ’ (x) + í θ’ (y)
= [cosine 2 ω t + í sine 2 ω t] θ' 0 (θ, 0)
And θ’ (x) = [cosine 2 ω t] θ' 0 (θ, 0)
= [1 – 2 sine² ω t] θ' 0 (θ, 0)

And θ’ (x) - θ' (0) = - 2 θ' 0 (θ, 0) sine² ω t

= -2(2π) [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² ω t
= - 4 π [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² ω t

Page 15

If this apsidal motion is to be found as visual effects, then




With, v ° = spin velocity; v* = orbital velocity

And v/c = (v* + v°)/c = tan ω t

= -4 π [√ (1-ε²)]/T (1-ε) ²] sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} radians

Multiplication by 180/π to change to degrees

Ψ ° = (-720/T) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} Degrees
And multiplication by 1 century = 36526 days and using T in days

Ψ’’ (calculated) = (-720x36526/T days) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} x

sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} degrees/100 years
And in arc seconds per century:
Ψ’’ (calculated) = (-720x36526x3600/T days) {[√ (1-ε²)]/ (1-ε) ²} x
sine² {Inverse tan [(v* + v°)/c]} degrees/100 years = 43
Banger Georges Lemaitre and Time traveler Albert Einstein and Real Timer Joe Nahhas
Time Travel Bus Driver Einstein said that his proudest space – time travel
achievement is the proof that planet Mercury travels with space angular velocity of
70.75 and time angular velocity of 43.0
Big Banger Georges Lemaitre said that The Universe came from a Big Bang Explosion
Joe Nahhas said Buzz off:

Einstein greatest achievement in space said

Planet Mercury angular speed travel in space is 70.75 and in time 43
The Advance of Planet Mercury’s Perihelion given by space formula of:
[2 π/T] [180/π][36526/88][3600] = [2 π /88 x 24x3600] [180/π][36526/88][3600]
= 70.75
And Einstein’s formula of: ψ = - 6 π GM/a c² (1 - ε²) [180/ π] [36526/T] [3600] = 43 angular
velocity = angular speed of time travel of planet Mercury
G = 6.673 x 10-11= gravitational acceleration constant
M =2x1030 kilogram = mass of the Sun
Eccentricity of Mercury’s orbit = ε = 0.206
T= 88 days = period of Planet mercury’s rotation around the Sun
And c = 299792.458 kilometer/second =light speed in kilometers/second
And a = 58.2 x 106 km/sec = semi major axis of planet Mercury orbit

In my 5th grade I did this:

Angular velocity = θ’0 = θ’0 line - 1

Visual angular velocity = θ’ = θ’ line - 2
- Visual angular velocity = - θ’ = - θ’ line - 3

Add line - 1 and Line – 2 and line - 3

Then θ’0 = θ’ + (θ’0 - θ’); Divide by θ’

And (θ’0/ θ’) = 1 + [(θ’0 – θ’)/ θ’]; multiply by θ’0

Then (θ’0/ θ’) θ’0 = θ’0 + [(θ’0 – θ’)/ θ’] θ’0

Quantum = classical + relativistic

And [(θ’0 – θ’)/ θ’] θ’0 = [(2πR0 /T– 2πR/T)/ 2πR/T] θ’0
Or, [(θ’0 – θ’)/ θ’] θ’0 = [(R0 - R)/R] θ’0
R0 = Mercury’s distance from the sun = 5.82 x 106 km
R = Earth’s distance from the sun = 149.6 x 106 km
And Mercury’s angular velocity;
Is θ’0 = 2πR0/T = 2π x 5.82 x 106 /88x 24x3600 radians /period
And Mercury’s angular velocity accumulation in arc seconds per century
Is: δθ’0 = (2π x 5.82 x 106 /88x 24x3600) x (36526/88) (180/ π) (3600) = 70.75
[(R0 - R)/R] δθ’0 = [(5.82 x 106 - 149.6 x 106)/ 149.6 x 106] x
(2π x 5.82 x 106 /88x 24x3600) x (36526/88) (180/ π) (3600) = 43.0 arc second per century
Where this came from?

It is called Arabs real time astronomy?

Car size at distance 4

Car size at distance 3

Car size at distance 2

Car size at distance 1

Observer line: …………………Observer ………………

If we stand in the middle of the street and watch a car moving directly away from us
we see as if the size of the car shrunk. If we take a picture of the car at different
distances then we see that the pictures of the car look like as if the car contracted in
size. The further the car away from us the smaller image of the car in the picture. The
size of the
car did not change but real time light data reflected from the car and ran through air
and into our eyes changes the real time image of the car to indicate a different location
of the car and not a different size of the car. Our eyes see real time images of a moving
car. If the car stops, then the image of the car freezes. A picture or a snap shot of a
moving car is a frozen image of the moving car. When a car moves its real time image
change size but the car does not change size. The car as a moving object at different
distances has a variable real time image that our eyes see in real time and depends on
distance and motion as perceived by our eyes. In short statements
Our eyes see objects in real time as different objects at different distances and different
speeds. Or, our eyes see real time objects we call images that change when measured
from different distances or when moving. Our eyes do not see actual objects but
Images of actual objects and our eyes see different images of same actual objects
when at different distances of moving
In mathematical form:
1 = 1 self evident
2 = 2 is self evident
Image = image = I is self evident line - 1
Object = object = O = self evident line - 2
And, - Object = - objects = - O = self evident line - 3
I=I line - 1
O=O line - 2
And, - O = - O line - 3
Adding: line - 1 and line - 2 and line - 3
I + O – O = O + (I – O) line - 4
I = O + (I – O); O – O = 0 one left side
(I/O) = (O/O) + (I – O)/O; dividing by on both sides line - 5
Or, (I/O) = 1 + (I – O)/O; O/O = 1 line - 6
(I/O) θ’0 = θ’0 + [(I – O)/O] θ’0 Line - 7
If we try to measure the angular velocity of planet Mercury around the sun θ’0 from
planet Earth and not from the Sun a visual effect (error) of
[(I – O)/O] θ’0 is measured that Einstein’s call time travel
(I/O) θ’0 = θ’0 + [(I – O)/O] θ’0
Quantum = classical + relativistic
What we see = what is + visual effects
Real time object = event time Object + time delay object
Real time astronomy = event time astronomy + time delay astronomy
If we try to measure an object θ’0 we see it as (I/O) θ’0 and the difference
Is [(I – O)/O] θ’0 = visual effects
And the accumulation is
[(R0 - R)/R] δθ’0
And Planet Mercury angular velocity space travel
Is δθ’0 = (2π x 5.82 x 106 /88x 24x3600) x (36526/88) (180/ π) (3600) = 70.75
And Arabs 10th century correction to idiot man of the 20th century Einstein
Is: [(R0 - R)/R] δθ’0 = [(5.82 x 106 - 149.6 x 106)/ 149.6 x 106] x
(2π x 5.82 x 106 /88x 24x3600) x (36526/88) (180/ π) (3600) = 43.0 arc second per century
Another method is the product method
If two objects going in two different orbital paths around the Sun and one with speed v*
m = planet Mercury Orbital speed around the Sun and one with speed v* e = Planet Earth
orbital speed around the Sun; then the cross multiply is: (v* e - v° e/v m + v° m) δθ’0 = [(29.8
– 0.465)/47.9 + 0.465] (70.75) = 43
Buzz off Einstein
Then came the big Banger
The big Banger said that: r = r
And r = r + 0
And r = r + (r0 - r0)
And r = (r - r0) + r0; dividing by r0
Then: r/r0 = 1 +(r - r0)/r0
And: n λ /n λ 0= 1 + (n λ – n λ0)/ λ0
Or, λ/ λ0 = 1 + (λ – λ0)/ λ0 = 1 + Z
This quantity [(λ - λ 0)/ λ 0] = Z = Red Shift is a measure of a different is an indication
of a different location and not of an expanding Universe to claim big bang
Distant r, λ

Lab r0, λ0

Lab λ0 will have a different value Lab λ0 when measured from a distant.

That is: (r/r0) λ 0= λ 0 + [(r – r0)/ r0] λ0

Or, (λ / λ 0) r 0= r 0 + [(λ – λ 0)/ λ 0] r0

The conclusion is that if we use distance scale to measure wavelength λ0

We will measure it as λ and a wavelength distance Illusion delay by the quantity of [(r –
r0)/ r0] λ0 will be added or subtracted to λ0
And if we use wavelength scale to measure distance r0; then a distance wavelength
Illusion delay by the quantity of [(λ – λ 0)/ λ 0] r0 will be added or subtracted to distance

What Lemaitre confusion is distance Illusion expansion of [(λ – λ 0)/ λ 0] r0 when he tried
to measure r0
Nahhas confession to these two: “I am real timer and I am a proud American redneck
and yall Idiots; Big Bang and Time Travel is a purely western stupidity”

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