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PRESTRESSED CONCRETE rTH EDMON UPDATE AGI, AASHTO; IBC 2009 Codes Version EDWARD G. NAWY = depth of equivalent rectangular stress block. Ap = area enclosed by outside perimeter of con- crete cross secticn, Ag = gross area of seccion, in? Ay, = area of shear reinforcement parallel to flex- ural tension reinforcement, in? = Effective cross-sectional area within a joint, in a plane parallel to plane of reinforce- ‘ment generating shear in the joint. The joint depth shail be the overall depth of the column. Where a beam frames into a support of larger width, the effective width of the joint shall not exceed the smaller of: (a) beam width plus the joint depth (b) twice the smaller perpendicular distance from the longitudinal axis of the beam to the column side. Ay = total area of longitudinal reinforcement to re- sist torsion, in? A,, = area of reinforcement in bracket or corbel r sisting tensile force N,.. in? A, = gross area enclosed by shear flow path, in? Ayy = area enclosed by centerline of the outermost closed transverse torsional reinforcement, in. Ap, = area of prestressed reinforcement in tension A, = area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement, in? Ay, = area of compression reinforcement, in? = total cross-sectional area of transverse reir forcement (including cross-ties) within spacing sand perpendicular to dimension h, |, = area of one leg of a closed stirrup resisting tor- sion within a distance s, in? total cross-sectional area of transverse rein- forcement (stirrup or tie) within a spacing s and perpendicular to plane of bars being. spliced or developed, in.? area of shear reinforcement within a distance 8, or area of shear reinforcement perpendicu- lar to flexural tension reinforcement within a distance s for deep flexural members, in? ‘a of shear-friction reinforcement, in? A,q = area of shear reinforcement parallel to flex- ural tension reinforcement within a distance b = width of compression face of member, in. = perimeter of critical section for slabs and foot ings, in, », = width of that part of cross section containing the closed stirrups resisting torsion. , = width of cross section at contact surface being investigated for horizontal shear. web width, or diameter of circular section, in. ¢ = distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis, in. ¢; = size of rectangular or equivalent rectangular column, capital, or braccet measured in the di- rection of the span for which moments are being determined, in. ¢, = size of rectangular or ecuivalent rectangular column, capital, or braccet measured trans- verse tothe direction of the span for which ‘moments are being determined, in d = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension rein‘orcement, in distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of compressior reinforeement, in. d, = nominal diameter of bar, wire, or prestressing strand, in hickness of concrete cover measured from ex- treme tension fiber to center of bar or wire lo- cated closest thereto, in tance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of prestressed -einforcement € = eccentricity of load parallel to axis of member ‘measured from centroid of cross section. modulus of elasticity of concrete, psi E, = modulus of elasticity of bar reinforcement, psi. ‘modulus of elasticity of prestressing reinforce- ‘ment. Sf = specified 28-day compressive strength of con- crete, psi uy = average strength to be used as basis for select ing concrete proportions, psi. ‘equired average compressive strength of con- crete used as the basis for selection of con- crete proportions, psi quare root of specified compressive strength of conerete, psi -ompressive strength ofconcrete at time of initial prestress, psi. ‘Vf: = square root of compressive strength of con- crete at time of initial prestress, ps. Jig = average splitting tensile strength of light- weight aggregate concrete, psi ‘fz = stress due to unfactored dead load, at extreme fiber of section where tensile siress is caused by externally applied loads, ps = compressive stress in concrete due to effective prestress forces only (after allowance for all prestress losses) at extreme fier of section where tensile stress is caused by externally ap- plied loads, psi ‘fo, = stress in prestressed reinforcement at nominal strength, Ju = specified tensile strength of prestressing ten- dons, psi ‘uy = Specified yield strength of prestressing ten- dons, psi J, = modulus of rupture of concrete, psi f= tensile strength of concrete, psi ‘f, = specified yield strength of nonprestressed re- inforcement, psi = specified yield strength of transverse, rein- forcement, psi ‘hn = overall thickness of member, in. J = moment of inertia of section resisting exter- nally applied factored loads, in ‘moment of inertia about centroidal axis of gross section of beam, in. 1, = moment of inertia of cracked section trans formed to concrete, in = effective moment of inertia for computation of deflection, in = moment of inertia of gross concrete section, about centroidal axis, neglecting reinforce- ‘ment, in k = effective length factor for compression mem- bers. K,, = flexural stiffness of beam; moment per unit ro- tation flexural stiffness of column; moment per unit rotation flexural stiffness of equivalent column; mo: ‘ment per unit rotation, flexural stiffness of slab; moment per unit ro. tation, torsional stiffness of torsional member; mo- ‘ment per unit rotation. jevelopment length of standard hook in ten- sion, measured from critical section to outside end of hook (straight embedment length be- tween critical section and start of hook [point of tangency| plus radius of bend and one bar diameter). in = IX applicable modification factors, M, = maximum moment in member at stage deflec- tion is computed, = factored moment to be used for design of compression member. M, = moment due to dead load. M,, = cracking moment. nominal moment strength, maximum factored moment at section due to externally applied loads. M,, = factored moment at section, n = modular ratio of elasticity. = EJB, or EgJE. N, = factored axial load normal to cross section oc- curring simultaneously with V,; to be taken as positive for compression, negative for tension, ind to include effects of tension due to creep ind shrinkage. Ny = factored tensile force applied at top of bracket or corbel acting simultaneously with V,, to be taken as positive for tension. P,, = nominal axial load strength at balanced strain conditions, P. = critical buckling load. P,, = nominal axial load strength at given e ity. Pup = Outside perimeter of the conerete cross-sec tion A, in Pa = perimeter of centerline of outermost closed transverse torsional reinforcement, in. = radius of gyration of cross section of a com: pression member. spacing of shear or torsion reinforcement in direct parallel to longitudinal reinforcement, thickness of a wall of a hollow section, in factored torsional moment at section, nominal shi r strength provided by concrete. nominal shear strength provided by concrete when diagonal cracking results from combined shear and moment V.. = nominal shear strength provided by concrete when diagonal cracking results from excessive Principal tensile stress in web. V,, = shear force at section due to unfactored dead load. /, = vertical component of effective prestress force at section. nominal shear strength provided by shear re- inforcement factored shear force at section.

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