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The Republic-Monitor • www.perryvillenews.

com NEWS Tuesday, May 15, 2018 • 9A

Mayfest year. “The car was basically tests received a certificate for
in the same shape it is today,” free diapers from the Proctor

From Page 1A
ADK crowns ‘Cutest Baby’ said Chad, who added that
they purchased the car from
and Gamble stand.
For the Republic-Monitor an estate sale in Altenburg. The Missouri Child Iden-
meet a lot of fantastic people “It was really only used to tification Program held a free
in the last three years,” He- For many years, Alpha drive to church.” session on Saturday from 10
roes for Kids said in a state- Delta Kappa Women’s Ed- A big draw at the car a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Colon-
ment. “Philo Barnhart and ucators Sorority has spon- show, especially among the nade Room near the carnival,
Charles D. Moisant are two sored a “Cutest Baby Con- younger set, was a chance to making it convenient for par-
of them. It was amazing to test” in conjunction with drive a virtual reality mock- ents to drop in for a bit of air
have them join us for May- Perryville’s Mayfest activ- up of NASCAR driver Alex conditioning and to collect
fest and showcase their tal- ities. Bowman’s No. 88 Hendrick vital information about their
ents. We look forward to A large portion of the Motorsports race car.
being able to work with them children, should an Amber
proceeds generated from Connor Keller, 14, of Ste. Alert ever be necessary.
again. Thank you to every- this contest are used by the Genevieve, completed two
one that came out to meet Don and Debbie Black of
ADK organization to annu- laps and reached — sort of MoCHIP led the event with
them.” ally award a scholarship to — 165 mph.
The artists’ visit was spon- the help of local volunteers
a Perry County college stu- “It was cool,” Keller said. and the Perryville Masonic
sored by the Republic-Moni- dent who applies and meets
tor, Incredible Edibles, Perry Submitted photo Submitted photo TINY TRACTORS Lodge 670.
the required criteria. To Saturday afternoon, the “Since its inception in
County Towing, Earthworks, date, ADK has been able to Padme Hope Cooper (left) shows off the sash and
Mary Jane Burgers & Brew, embroidered sun hat she won after being named kids had a chance to see just 2007, 11 kids have been re-
award more than $12,000 to
Hoeh & Pistorio, Mooni- “Cutest Baby” during a contest sponsored by Alpha how strong they were when covered because of our pro-
deserving applicants.
er’s Florist, All Creatures There were a total of Delta Kappa. Cooper also received a $100 gift card. they took part in the Mini gram,” said Don Black. Over
Veterinary Clinic, Villain- eleven eligible applicants Olivia Nicole Verseman was the runnerup and re- Tractor pull. Sawyer Clif- 700,000 children have gone
ous Grounds, and Super 8 by for the “Cutest Baby Con- ceived a $50 gift card. ton came in first in the 0-40 through the MoCHIP pro-
Wyndham. test” this year, and mem- pound weight class with a gram since 2007. No micro-
Outside of the art world, bers of Alpha Delta Kappa year’s contest were: First Third Place: Mollie Mae pull of 38 feet, 11 inches. In chip is involved.
a crowd estimated at 10,000 would like to thank every Place: Padme Hope Coo- Schamburg, daughter of the 41-50 pound class, Shane MoCHIP, which is fund-
people was able to take part family who participated, per, daughter of Brian and Matt and Suzanne Scham- Nicholes was first with a pull ed by the Missouri Grand
in or bear witness to all the and also, each and every Rachel Cooper; Second burg. of 43 feet. Brooklyn Strong Lodge, is a free program pro-
usual activities, including the person who stopped by the Place: Olivia Nicole Verse- The third place winner was tops in the 51-60 pound vided for children from birth
diaper derby, the bed races, tent to vote. man, daughter of Ryan and was not available for a pho- class with a pull of 36 feet, 8 to age 21, and has even been
a car show, a vintage tractor The winners of this Danielle Verseman; and tograph. inches. Presley Clifton won made available to Alzhei-
show and a larger-than-usual the 61-70 pound class with mer’s patients in some cases.
craft fair. a pull of 37 feet, 8 inches. A On Saturday at noon, just
“We had about 30 more ipant got to travel the route Kammler, third GREEN THUMBS total of nine kids participated halfway through the day with
craft vendors than last year,” twice. Kevin Gruenwald, ■■Large machine quilts: The Perryville Gar- in the event. a steady stream of visitors,
Wengert said. husband of Meredith Gru- Joyce White, first; Kris Nic- den Club held their May- TOSSIN’ WASHERS 22 local children had been
enwald, was dressed up as cum, second; Jean Miller, fest Plant Sale at the Faherty The washers tournament helped through the program.
HOMETOWN PARADE MoCHIP helps parents col-
Beast to her Beauty. Since third House on Saturday from 8 was a raging success, espe-
The weekend kicked off lect a photograph, digital fin-
Gruenwald was at the front ■■Multi-tech quilts: Ruth a.m. to 5 p.m., selling hun- cially on Saturday night.
Friday night with the annual gerprints, basic information,
of the parade and Barnhart Ann Nilson, first; Eva Lipe, dreds of large and small The two tournaments
parade, led by Meredith Gru- emergency contacts, a den-
enwald, a veteran and the re- near the end, Gruenwald got second; Jo Ann Clements, plants that had been master- combined for 62 teams,
back to the starting point in third fully potted and cared for by while Friday night’s event tal bite impression, and two
cipient of the 2018 Repub-
time to ride with Barnhart on ■■Wall quilts: Debbie Na- the members of the club. had a total of 22 teams. laminated ID cards. The dig-
lic-Monitor’s Citizen of the
a flatbed from Perry Coun- tions, first; Nancy Pleimann, Plants ranged from dec- “I’m not sure if that’s a ital information is stored on a
Year award, who rode in a
ty Towing, along with sever- second; Nancy Pleimann, orative ferns, hostas, and record, but it sure is a lot of disc readable by law enforce-
vintage military Jeep dressed
al costumed members of He- third hanging plants to garden fa- teams,” Sue Verseman said. ment only, and that disc is
as Belle from Beauty and the
roes for Kids. ■■Club projects: Dana vorites, such as tomatoes On Friday, Matt Stark and given to the parents. All in-
“I loved it,” Barnhart said. Pritchard, first; William Cle- and strawberries. Cody Statler was victorious formation is wiped from Mo-
The Jeep was a nod to
One of the most popu- ments, second; Jo Ann Clem- “We start planting in over Kirk Hadler and Ber- CHIP computers before they
her past service. Perryville
lar costumed characters was ents, third March, and we are still tak- nie Riehn in the champion- leave the site.
Mayor Ken Baer signed a
“Marshall”, a Dalmatian fire- ■■Youth: Elise Melchior ing plants,” said Vennie ship game. Six Masonic lodges were
proclamation last year de-
fighter from the animated ■■Miscellaneous: Cale and Leuckel, president. She ex- In the first tournament represented at Saturday’s
claring 2018 the “Year of the
PAW Patrol show, which airs Jenn Clements, first; Jo Ann plained that the club is al- on Saturday, Adam Flentge event, as well as the Per-
Woman Veteran”. In addition
on Nick Jr. Clements, second; Laura ways open to plant dona- and Ryan Robbins out last- ryville Police Department,
to Gruenwald’s royal car-
Schumer, third tions for anyone in town ed Dalton Hoehn and Shawn Perry County Sheriff’s Of-
riage, several other women QUILT MANIA
The Memory Makers The quilt club also award- who is needing to split or re- Staler and 28 other teams. In fice, the hospital, a dental of-
veterans joined the parade on
Quilt Club held their annual ed members who participat- move plants, and will dig the the late tournament, Andrew fice, and several other local
a special float.
show at the First Assemblies ed in the challenge of the year, plants themselves if request- Martin and Andrew Meyer, volunteers.
Sal and Vita Galati, own-
of God Church on Friday and which was to design a quilt ed. beat Zach Schremp and Dal- For more information,
ers of Galati’s Italian Restau-
Saturday, and boasted approx- using whole handkerchiefs. “We try to help anybody ton Buehler in the champion- visit
rant and recipients of the 2018
Republic-Monitor’s Business imately 90 entries, according The quilt club awards includ- we can,” said Leuckel. ship game. BEDTIME?
of the Year award, also rode to quilt show chair Jo Ann ed best use of hankie, Norma The club of approximate- DIAPER DANDIES One of the annual high-
in the parade, which also fea- Clements. Awards were sepa- Wengert; best use of color, ly 100 members regularly Cell phones, remotes, and lights of Mayfest is the bed
tured bands from both St. rated into 9 categories. Jean Miller; and creative, Eva cares for the Perryville Se- other technology that has be- races sponsored by Main
Vincent and Perryville High ■■Antique: Mary Kutz, first Lipe. nior Center and Post Of- come a part of everyday adult Street Signs.
School, along with fire en- place; Jo Ann Clements, sec- EARLY MORNING EXERCISE fice, and donates a portion life may seem mundane, During the contest, teams
gines, clubs, businesses and ond; Martha Haertling, third Saturday’s festivities of their Mayfest sales to the but Saturday’s diaper derby of five push a large bed
assorted politicians seeking ■■Hand quilted: Theresa started early in the morning Faherty House as well. proved just the opposite. At 11 around an obstacle course,
election or re-election. Bert, first; Cleta Giesler, sec- with the Mayfest 5K and the Top sellers at this year’s a.m., as parents, siblings, and completing challenges along
“A lot of people said it ond; Noah Hager, third Kids One-Mile Run. plant sale included canta- friends crowded the Down- the way.
seemed longer,” Wengert ■■Small machine quilts: Jean A total of 171 runners par- loupe, squash, cucumber, town Plaza, spectators learned This year, five teams took
said, “but it was about the Miller and Terrie Olsen, first; ticipated in the two races. and buckeye trees, accord- firsthand how attractive those on the challenge — the Cham-
same number of entries as Jeanne Geibe, Nancy Plei- In the kids run, Ezekiel ing to Mary Ellen Franklin, items can be to little ones. ber of Commerce, Crossfit of
last year.” mann, and Kris Niccum, sec- Pyland ran the fastest mile at vice president. The event began with a Perryville, the Perryville Fire
At least one parade partic- ond; Betty Phillips and Sue “We have sold a lot,” said diaper decorating contest, Department, Garris Motive,
7 minutes, 1 second. On the
Franklin. which featured four contes- and a team made of random
girls’ side, Kyndall Flores
On June 12, the club will tants. Daniel Boxdorfer, son individuals from the crowd.
finished in 8:18 seconds,
participate in a local tour of of Mo and Travis Boxdorfer, Once on the course, con-
good enough for fifth overall.
Louise Picaut’s garden. For earned first place in his Pin- testants had to hop-scotch
Kellan Pitts was second
more information on up- occhio costume. Isabel Meyr, while carrying an ping-pong
overall at 7:09, while Samuel
coming events or how to daughter of Andrew and Eliz- ball in a spoon, bob for plas-
Janet was third at 7:31. tic fish in a metal wash buck-
join the club, contact Vennie abeth Meyr and the only fe-
Kenny Stephenson won et, pop a balloon between
Leuckel at (573) 547-4410. male entrant, came in second
the 5K with a time of 21:12, two members, wear a stove-
ahead of Justin Ward, who CARS FOR MILES dressed as Tinkerbell. Emmet
Saturday morning dawned Basler, son of Alexis Doza pipe hat and use an umbrella
finished second in 21:54. to pop a number of water bal-
The top overall female with the return of the Hiway and Steven Basler, came in
Rodders Car and Bike show loons,and don a dress and wig
was Courtney Paslich with third with a Stitch diaper and
and the River Hills Antique while belting out the chorus to
a time of 23 minutes, 24 sec- T-shirt. Trenton Brown, son
Tractor Club tractor show. “Let It Go” from the animat-
onds. of Ashley and Travis Brown,
ed movie Frozen before rac-
Car enthusiasts filled the was dressed as Dash from The
ing across the finish line.
parking lot at the Knight of Incredibles.
Garris Motive’s Team
Columbus Hall on St. Joesph After the decorating con-
Aladdin, led by Aladdin Gar-
Street while many vintage test, a few of the entrants were
ris, won the event. Other
tractors lined both sides of joined by other peers on all
Team Aladdin members were
the street closer to the down- fours as they prepared to race
Nick Spitler, Brandie Gar-
town square. (or toddle) to the finish line. ris, Amy Gerler and Shawn
Among those exhibit- Sicily Layton, daughter of Moore.
ing cars were Richard and Paige and Gabe Layton, didn’t
Mary Dickman of Arnold, stand for any distractions and YOU LOOK FAMILIAR
first-timers who brought zoomed past her opponents This year’s costume con-
their 1949 Mercury. The cou- with flying colors. Trenton test was also a popular attrac-
ple siad they have participat- Brown came in second by in- tion.
ed in several car shows, even crements as he chased down a Several kids in three age
driving to Nebraska. “We family member’s phone, only groups were judged on the
want to enjoy the car, so we to have it moved bit by bit to- Disney character costumes,

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drive it,” Richard said. “It’s ward the finish line. Evelyn which included everything
no fun in trailering it.” Taylor, daughter of Andrew from Disney princesses, vil-
Father and son exhibitors and Mindy Taylor, gave up on lains and sidekicks to a spe-
Harold and Chad Untereiner, asking to be held and eventu- cial appearance by a pint-
who won second place last ally made her way to her fam- sized Iron Man.
year with their 1981 Buick ily at the other end. Brody Schremp, dressed
Regal, were back again this The winners of these con- as Pinocchio, won the first-
place prize in the 3-year-old
and under category during the
times and prices: costume contest on Saturday.
Vincent Indians Girls Soccer Team (2018-2019 school year)
In the 4-6 year-old divi-
Perryville Pirate Girls and Boys Soccer Teams 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. sion, Clara Allen, dressed
Perryville Optimist Soccer League Cost: $80 - $10 off for each additional child as Sebastian from the Little
after the first registration Mermaid, took the top prize,
while big sister, Lucy Allen,
» Jerry
camp directors: 1ST - 8TH GRADE (2018-2019 school year)
5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
7, dressed as Ursula from
The Little Mermaid, won first
Fulton and Caitlin Pistorio Cost $100 - $10 off for each additional child place in the 7-10 year-old age
after the first registration division.
Information for this arti-
cle was contributed by Heath-

 register online @ 

Beth Durreman of the Repub-
lic-Monitor staff.

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