DLL Earth Quake Hazard

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LLENO Day/Time 10:00- 12 :00

Subject DRRR Time Allotment 120 min.
DATE January 28,2019 2 periods

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the…
Potential earthquake hazards:
1. Ground shaking
2. Ground rupture
3. Liquefaction
4. Earthquake-induced ground subsidence
5. Tsunami
6. Earthquake-induced landslide
B. Performance Standard The learners develop a family emergency preparedness plan to guide them on what to do before, during,
and after an earthquake
C. Learning • identify various potential earthquake hazards (DRR11/12-If-g-17)
Competency/Objectives • analyze the effects of the different earthquake hazards (DRR11/12-
Write the LC code for each. If-g-19)
D. Specific Learning At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
Outcomes 1. Identify the possible different effects from a major earthquake
2. Relate the different effects with associated earthquake hazards
3. Identify and explain the different earthquake-related hazards that can affect my home and
II. CONTENT Potential Earthquake Hazards and their Effects
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource Teaching Guide for Senior High School:Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction,Commission on Higher
Education, 2016,p.42-49
C. Materials Materials
Activity notebook, manila paper or cartolina, visual aids for
instruction and activities (see procedure)
A. Elicit A. Motivation(Opening Prayer through VP) (5 min)
1. Ask the class what they think of when they hear the word earthquake.(5 Min)
2. Write these on the board.
3.Allow the students to share their personal experience with regards to earthquake.
B. Engage 4. Ask participants to create a web or visualization of their collective knowledge/understanding of the topic
on a piece of chart paper using just one of the colored markers. (10 mins)
Sample responses: Shaking, damages- collapse of building, injuries, deaths,
5.Communicate Learning Objectives (5 mins)6. Introduce the topic Potential Earthquake Hazards and
their Effects
6.Define what an earthquake is.
7. Define what a fault is.
8.Ask the class what is the meaning of hazard to them.
C. Explore 9.Sharing of Stories
1. Based on learners’ answers on the assignment, ask the learners to name earthquake events that
they were able to research on – whether by internet or interviews.
2. Write the answers on the board for reference of learners for later discussion.
3. Why are these earthquake events remembered? (Possible Answers: Because of its impacts, the
damages, the deaths and injuries, it directly affected learner, affected relatives, etc)
D. Explain Lecture Part
1. Post some photos of impacts of earthquake on the board.
2. Discuss the 5 different earthquake-related hazards using the photos.
3. Hazards are events or phenomena that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts,
property damage, loss of livelihood and services, social and economic disruption or environmental
damage. The following are the most common earthquake-related hazards: ground rupture, ground
shaking, liquefaction, tsunami, and earthquake-induced landslides.

E. Elaborate A. Ground Shaking.
1.Demonstrate ground shaking using jelly. You need to prepare the jelly the night before
the activity so that it is fully set when learners begin the activity. Pour the jelly into eight
8½-inch square pans to be shared by 3 groups (divide jelly into 3) or in one large pan
for the entire class to share
2. Ask the learners what they observe.
Note: The discussion on ntensity will be linked later on the hazard maps topic.
B.Ground rupture- displacement on the ground due to movement of fault .
a. This will be experienced by areas where fault passes through
b. The movement may have vertical and horizontal component and may be as small as less than 0.5
C. Tsunami- sea waves resulting from the disturbance of ocean floor by an earthquake
a. This is a series of giant sea waves commonly generated by under-the-sea earthquakes and
whose heights could be greater than 5 meters.
b.Examples of recent tsunami events in the Philippines are the August 1976 Moro Gulf
Earthquake and Tsunami and the November 1994 Oriental Mindoro Earthquake
D.Liquefaction- is a process that transforms the behavior of a body of sediments from that of a solid
to that of a liquid when subjected to extremely intense shaking.
a. As a result, any heavy load on top of the sediment body will either sink or tilt as the sediment
could no longer hold the load, such as what happened in Dagupan City during the 16 July 1990
earthquake. (e.g. San Francisco 1906: http://www.iris.edu/hq/inclass/animation/
b.Demonstrate liquefaction using a pan, put sand to fill up to half the height of pan slowly pour
water to into it half level of sand. Put a heavy object (brick, etc) on top. Shake the pan. The
brick/ heavy object should tilt.
c. Ask the learners, what can you observe?
E. Earthquake-induced landslide- failures in steep or hilly slopes triggered by an earthquake
a. loose thin soil covering on the slopes of steep mountains are prone to mass movement,
especially when shaken during an earthquake.
b.Many landslides occur as a result of strong ground shaking such as those observed on
the mountainsides along the National Highway in Nueva Ecija and the road leading up to
Baguio City during the 16 July 1990 earthquake.
V.Evaluate 4. Prepare this template on a large manila paper, put enough space for learners to put their metacards
and provide for each group.
Group Activity (40 mins)
Pre-Activity (5 mins)
1. Divide the class into 3 groups. For each group, learners should identify 1 Facilitator to lead the
discussion, 1 person to act as Secretary to write the final answers, another person as Reporter to
discuss the results of group discussion. All learners should write the identified impacts on the
metacards. And there should be group discussion.

Enrichment Reflection Questions

1. Reinforce, reiterate where / in which environment each of the hazard is experienced or is more
2. Ask the learners, based on what they have learned so far, think of their home, what are the possible
impacts/ effects of the 5 earthquake hazards to their home/s?
3. Ask the learners to write this checklist in their notebook:
What are the potential hazards that can affect me, my home and my community. How?
Will I be affected by (check all the will apply)
I. Ground Rupture (only if a fault passes through my home) (Note: This will be important for areas with
known presence of faults)
II. Ground shaking: Yes
III. Liquefaction (Note, only for areas near rivers, coastal areas, underlain by soft sediments or water-
saturated materials)
IV. Earthquake-induced landslide (if my home is near/ at the base or on the slope of a mountain side)
V. Tsunami (if my home is near the coast)

VII. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week.
What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
IV. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
IV. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
A. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
B. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
C. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

H. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
I. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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