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Montessori School of Jaen, Inc.

Campugo St., Sto. Tomas South, Jaen, Nueva Ecija

S.Y. 2018-2019

Achievement Test in English 7

Name: ________________________________________ Score:
Grade and Section: ____________________ Date: ________________

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space provided.

_______1. _________usually means works of poetry and prose that are especially well written.
a. Literature b. Legend c. Poem d. fiction
_______2.__________ a story from the past that is believed by many people but cannot be proved to be true.
a. Myth b. non-fiction c. History d. Legend
_______3. A tale or legend originating and traditional among a people or folk, especially one forming part of
the oral tradition of the common people.
a. Folktale b. Folksong c. Folklore d. Folkdance
_______4. A quiet, gentle song sung to send a child to sleep.
a. Lullaby b. rap song c. love song d. gentle song
_______5. Is a literary genre written in dialog to be delivered by the characters or actors onstage in front of an
a. Drama or play b. theatre c. script d. stage show
_______6. _____are sorted alphabetically according to the authors’ or editors names of the entries
a. Author cards b. title cards c. subject cards d. library cards
_______7. _______ are sorted alphabetically according to the title of the entries.
a. Authors b. title cards c. subject cards d. library cards
_______8. ____ are sorted alphabetically according to some system of key words.
a. Authors b. title cards c. subject cards d. library cards
_______9. This section of the library provides assistance to students to find some information in the library.
a. Information desk b. fiction c. non-fiction d. reference
_______10.Magazines and newspapers are called _________.
a. Periodicals c. card catalog c. checkout desk d. fiction
_______11. In the _________section, there are books that have facts about all kinds of topics.
a. Periodicals c. checkout desk c. fiction d. nonfiction
_______12.__________ is a part of a word that contains one vowel sound; it may also contain one or more
consonant sounds.
a. Intonation b. pitch c. syllable d. melody
_______13. __________ is a word that is used to modify a noun or a pronoun.
a. noun b. pronoun c. verb d. adverb
_______14. Is a word that expresses action or state of being.
a. Noun b. pronoun c. verb d. adverb
_______15.__________ is a written when someone wants to ask guests to an event being planned.
a. Love letter b. friendly letter c. business letter d. letter of invitation


Direction: Fill in the blanks in the short text, using the following words have learned in the vocabulary
list (tended, cabin, fiddle, harmonica, distraught). (2 pts. each)

Sally was a young girl who loved to play 16. _______________. It was a gift given to her by
her father on her birthday. Sally and her father lived in a red 17. _____________. The two of them
18._______________ a garden of fruits and vegetables. She played her fiddle whenever they attended
the country 19_________________ Roel, a young man, owned a 20.____________________.
Together, Sally and Roel played beautiful music for the 21._________________ mother’s child.
Directions: Choose the appropriate nouns in Column B that will go with the single nouns in Column A.
Write them beside the nouns to form separate compound nouns.
22. gold ______________________ headline
23. table ______________________ can
24. sofa ______________________ bracelet
25. newspaper ______________________ mat
26. budget ______________________ bed
27. guest ______________________ player
28. garden ______________________ deficit
29. medicine ______________________ lamp
30. tin ______________________ hose
31. rubber ______________________ cabinet

Prepared by:

Ms. Niña Romina G. Navalta

English Teacher
Checked by:

Mrs. Lina Db. Javaluyas


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