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NAME: Alejandra González Chavarria

☼Listening Reading 32m I read an I found new words like
♥Reading the New article about 1.Predatory: intended to injure others
☼Writing York Times the SENTENCE: Deforestation is a predatory action
newspaper government
☼Speaking against trees.
shutdown the
US suffered. 2.Shutdown: the act of stopping an operation
S: The shutdown is necessary

♥Listening Listening 30m I listen 7 songs 1. Struggling: To try very hard to do, archive
☼Reading the Playlist by singers
or deal with something that is difficult or that
☼Writing in Youtube. different
causes problems.
SENTENCE: Lights gone, days end, struggling
to pay rent, long nights, strange men.
2. Warfare: Military fighting in a war.
SENTENCE: Past lovers and warfare.
3. Whole: Complete or full: not lacking.
SENTENCE: So tell me, can we work this whole
thing out?
4. Spend: To pay for something.
SENTENCE: I spend her love until she's broke
5. Shelter: A structure that covers or protects
people or things.
SENTENCE: I wanna hide the truth, I wanna
shelter you.
NAME: Alejandra González Chavarria
♥Listening Listening 2h I listening y 1. Treat: To deal with or think about
☼Reading the TV view two
(something) especially in a particular way.
☼Writing series chapters of
☼Speaking Grey’s Grey’s SENTENCE: You still have to treat his pain.
Anatomy Anatomy.
2. Nicked: A small broken area that appears
on something after something else hits or cuts
SENTENCE: In surgery when I was holding it I
popped a glove whit my fingernail. I think I
may have nicked her heart.
3. Owns Us: To have (something) as property.
SENTENCE: We’re interns, Hank. The hospital
owns us. It’s what we do.
4. Lung: Either one of the two organs that
people and animals use to breathe air.
SENTENCE: The tumor was crushing her lung.
5. Clot: A coagulated mass produced by
clotting of blood.
SENTENCE: No, It’s a clot. Big one.
6. Passed Out: To lose consciousness.
SENTENCE: And this morning she passed out in
the shower.
7. Twitching: To make a slight, sudden
movement that is not controlled or
SENTENCE: And you notices her foot twitching.
8. Balance: The state of having your weight
spread equally so that you do not fall.
SENTENCE: Her balance is off.
NAME: Alejandra González Chavarria
☼Listening Reading 1h Reading the 1. Foolishly: Having or showing a lack of
♥Reading the lyrics of lyrics of song
goodsense, judgment or discretion.
☼Writing songs. kpop in
☼Speaking English. SENTENCE: Agreeing to you foolishly, I’m just
Because I love
harassed by you till the end.
the kpop.
2. Hesitate: To stop briefly before you do
something especially because you are nervous
or unsure about what to do.
SENTENCE: Just let go, don’t even hesitate.
3. Mistaken: To understand (something or
someone) incorrectly.
SENTENCE: Don’t be mistaken, I only smile
easily for myself.
4. Starry: Full of stars.
SENTENCE: Starry night, the stars shine, the
wind blows around by you and me.
5. Approval: Permission to do something:
acceptance of an idea, action, plan, etc.
SENTENCE: Even just loving myself, I needed
someone else's approval.
6. Method: A way of doing something.
SENTENCE: My cold heart forgot its method to
call you.
7. Disappeared: To stop being visible
SENTENCE: I am crying, at this disappeared
fallen sand castle
8. Weaknesses: The quality or state of being
SENTENCE: I wish all my weaknesses could be
NAME: Alejandra González Chavarria
9. Babbling: Talking idly or foolishly.
SENTENCE: Try babbling into the mirror, who
the heck are you.
10. Comfort: To give strength and hope.
SENTENCE: It’s okay to believe, I’ll comfort you
Magic Shop.

☼Listening Singing a 1 h 30 m Singing a 1. Spread: To move apart.

☼Reading songs in covers in
SENTENCE: Fly like those petals there: spread
☼Writing English English but it’s
super fail my wings in the air.
because I’m
2. Allure: To entice by charm or attraction.
SENTENCE: But in your wings there’s the devils
3. Snowflakes: A small soft piece of frozen
water that falls from the sky as snow.
SENTENCE: Snowflakes falling from the sky.
4. Surroundings: The places, conditions, or
objects that are around you.
SENTENCE: I’m so happy I can’t breathe, my
surroundings become more transparent.
5. Explode: Break apart in a violent way with
parts flying outward.
SENTENCE: Baby come on, never stop, hold me
till I explode.
6. Pretend: To act as if something is true
when it is not true.
SENTENCE: Baby just pretend that tonight I
can be your last love.
7. Hurting: To cause pain or injury to yourself
or a part of your body.
SENTENCE: Is falling apart, and hurting within.
NAME: Alejandra González Chavarria


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