Air Volume For Drying

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H. P. Harrison
Member CSAE
Deportment of Agricultural Engineering
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

INTRODUCTION different levels of probability. In of t and tw summarized for one week

stead, an average was determined, intervals from August 1 to November
The practice of drying hay and which by definition, has a probability
grain with unheated or tempered air 27 for the period 1950-66. It was
level of 0.5. The reason for making necessary to calculate the indices for
in Western Canada is limited. The
this simplification is the likelihood of each 1% moisture content (wet
reluctance to use a system that pro the operator tempering the air under
vides low cost drying is due to a basis) as the constants a and b, and
adverse conditions rather than over
number of reasons, not the least of therefore, tx change with the mois
designing the system. In other words,
which is the opinion that the climate a large fan and duct should not be ture content of the grain. The rela
of Western Canada is not suitable. tionship of tx and the moisture con
considered in order to compensate
Difficulties, especially if the season for the occasional poor drying
is late, cannot be overlooked. On the tent may be noted from the psychro-
weather when it is easier to do so by metric chart in figure 1. In the adia-
other hand Moysey and Wilde (1) adding some heat.
concluded for the Saskatoon area that batic process of drying, sensible heat
nearly two batches of wheat at 18% An examination of the dry bulb is changed to latent heat with no
moisture content could have been temperatures and relative humidities change in the wet bulb temperature.
dried to 14% during September, 1959 for the period of August through No Also in figure 1 the relationship be
with as little as 3 cfm of unheated vember suggested that the agricul tween t—tx and AX (the amount of
air per bushel where 1959 was con tural area of Alberta could be divided water the air can take up) may be
sidered a poor harvest year. In addi into four distinct, but arbitrary, cli noted where:
tion, the opinion ignores the signifi matic regions. These regions ap
AX = x' — x, and
cant effect of tempering the air by peared to be represented by the Leth-
adding small amounts of heat. bridge, Calgary, Edmonton and Fair- x — the humidity ratio of air
One of the main difficulties experi
view weather stations. The cost of entering grain at t and tw
securing the required weather data and
enced by the author in the promotion from the Climatological Division, De
of drying with natural and tempered partment of Transport, however, pre x' = the humidity ratio of air
air was the inability to advise on the cluded obtaining it for more than one leaving the grain at tx and
size of duct and fan system required station. In view of this, Edmonton tw-
which in turn is based on the quan was selected because it seemed to be
tity of air required. The common de The amount of water to be removed
a climatic average of the province in by the air is:
sign figure is 3 cfm per bushel and so far as agriculture is concerned.
which, as noted above, was used by Aw = w — w'
Moysey and Wilde. The figure, how Brooker and McQuigg (2) defined
ever, must vary with the following t—tx when positive as an index of where w — weight of water held
independent variables: by one lb. of grain or
drying potential and, when negative,
as an index of wetting potential hay — initially, and
—the amount of moisture to be
removed where, w' — weight of water held by
—the rate of moisture removal
one lb. of grain or hay
t = dry bulb temperature of air —finally.
—the climate during the drying entering the grain or hay
period It is more useful, however, to sub
tx = dry bulb temperature of air stitute Mw, the initial moisture con
—the amount of heat added (if leaving the grain or hay
any). tent (wet basis) and Mw', the final,
This study was initiated in order to = a -)- btw where a and b for w and w' or
determine the relationship of these are constants which vary
variables and provide a guide to air Aw — Mw - Mw (1-Mw)/
with the moisture content
volumes required. of the grain or hay 1-Mw 1
tw = wet bulb temperature of Dividing Aw by AX or
Aw/AX = (lbs. water/lb.
It is important to note that the re Natural Air grain) / (lb. water/
quired air volume is a weather de lb. dry air) or,
pendent function and, therefore, dif Indices were calculated for the Ed
ferent values could be expressed for monton station using hourly values — lb. dry air/lb. grain.


which is the average for the range
of moisture contents noted. The table
is based on a seven-day period,
though other periods, either shorter
or longer, can be easily calculated. In
essence this, and the foregoing, as
sumes that the air leaves the grain at
equilibrium with the wettest grain.
In order for this to be a valid assump
tion, the air flow must be moderate
and the on-off of the fan must be con
trolled so that ventilation occurs only
when t — tx is positive.
An example of the use of the table
and equations 1 and 2 is as follows:
A. Drying wheat (60 lb./bus.) from
18% moisture content to 14%
during the last week in Septem
WET BULB LINE ber (1 week drying period) re
X quires 10. cfm/bus. or,
Aw — .18 — .14 (.82/.86) —
DRY BULB TEMP (°F) .18 — .133 = .047 lb.
Figure 1. Psychrometric Chart water/lb. grain;

TABLE I. TAX FOR SMALL GRAINS - EDMONTON. q _ 13 x 60 X .047/3.6 =

B. As above, except last week of
Date Moisture Ranges (percent - wet basis, drying to 14%) September and first week of
22 21
r-14 -14
17 16 15 October (2 week period) or,
-14 -14 -14
Aug. 1 - 7 8.6 7.9 7.3 6.7 6.0
13 X 60 X .047/(3.6 +
5.3 4.7 4.1
8 - 14
8.2 8.1 7.5 6.6 6.1 5.6 4.7 4.2 4.7) = 4.4 cfm/bus.
15 - 21 8.1 7.6 7.1 6.2 6.1 5.2 4.6 4.1
22 - 28 6.2 5.7 5.3 4.9 4.1 3.7 3.1
It can be noted from equation 2
29 - 4 6.1 5.7 5.2 4.9
that the air volume is inversely pro
4.2 3.7 3.0 2.6
Sept 5-11
portional to TAX. From Table 1,
6.5 6.0 5.5 5.1 4.7 3.9 3.4 2.9 therefore, large air volumes are re
12 - 18 6.9 6.4 5.9 5.5 5.0 4.3 3.8 3.2 quired late in the season when drying
19 - 25 6.5 6.1 5.6 5.2 4.5 4.1 3.6 3.0 to a low moisture content. In fact,
26-2 5.6 5.2 4.9 4.2 3.6 3.0 2.5 2.0 drying to a safe moisture content after
Oct. 3-9 6.4 6.1 5.7 5.0 4.7 4.2 3.5 2.9 the third week in October with
10 - 16 6.2 6.1 5.6 5.1 4.6 4.0 3.3 2.8
natural air is virtually impossible. On
17 - 23 4.8 4.7 4.1 3.8 3.5 3.1 2.6 2.1
the other hand, considerable moisture
24 - 30 3.7 3.4 3.1 2.6 2.3 1.9 1.5
can be removed from very wet grain
31-6 2.7 2.4 2.1 1.8
after this time without adding heat.
1.5 1.0
Nov. 7-13 1.1 .87
.7 .6
Such economies of operation are
.7 .55 .28 .17 .06 • 01
available only if a high level of man
14 - 20 .94 .82 .60 .41 .28 .17 0 0 agerial skill is available.
21 - 27 .93 .74 .59 .37 .23 .08 .01 0
The "lumpiness" of the data in
Table 1 is due to:
The air voluine then is —the limited summary period (15
q — 13 WwAw/TAX . IfWw = lb./bushel, then q = = cfm/ years)
where bushel. —the step type selection of the
— cu. ft./min. (cfm) of air constants a and b (and there
The difficulty in applying equation fore TAX)
required, 2 is that AX changes as drying pro
w. = weight of grain or hay ceeds. In addition, the system should —the constants a and b change
(with moisture) - initial, be operating only when t —tx is pos abruptly at 32°F.
— number of minutes of itive for maximum efficiency and,
drying per batch period, therefore, T changes as drying pro Tempered Air
ceeds. In view of this, a table of Tempering the inlet air by adding
13 = number of cu. ft. per 1 TAX for small grains (see Table 1) a small amount of heat affects the
lb. of dry air. is provided for the Edmonton station index t — tx significantly. The great-


est wetting potential (t —tx is nega tures in the grain bin were useful in + THERMOCOUPLES

tive) for the Edmonton station was locating the drying zone. The air flow AT t/

4°F which occured on the week of

in cu. ft. per min. and the loss (or x THERMOCOUPLES

Aug. 22 - 28 at 6:00 a.m. By increas gain) of water were recorded period AT t°

ing the dry bulb temperature (t) 10°, ically. The latter was determined by + THERMOCOUPLES

t — tx became positive. That is, by weighing the bin and grain on a » TO t,

strain gauge type scale and was the 4> THERMOCOUPLES

increasing the inlet temperature 10°, basis for termination of the drying. In AT tw

drying could have taken place any addition, the moisture content was
time day or night from Aug. 1 to determined by twenty random DRYING
November 27 and quite possibly the samples at the beginning and ending
year around. It is interesting to note of drying as a check on the water loss AIR
that the greatest wetting potential in determined above. PROBE DRY
November was only 2.2°F. The temp
erature rise to change t — tx positive Results ^

in this instance was only 5.5°F. Figure 4 illustrates the typical pro
gression of the drying zone through
Tempering the air is accomplished the grain. It is interesting to note that
most conveniently with a propane the depth of the drying zone in
burner. In fact, there are a number creased with time. It also can be seen
of manufacturers offering fan-burner that the drying front barely reached
packages. If the source of power for the surface when drying was termin TRANSDUCER WEIGH SCALE

the fan is an internal combustion en ated. The location of the front at

gine, this could be the source of-heat. termination is supported by Figure 3.
Figure 2. Grain bin for drying
The author, by suitable ducting, but This illustrates the typical linear re-
excluding the exhaust, found that,
when the power of engine was match
ed to the fan, a 5° temperature rise
was typical. If the engine was larger
than required, such as using a small to
tractor, a 10° temperature rise was O
possible. A British drier manufacturer
advertises a temperature rise as much
as 25° using no other source of heat 3
but the engine used to drive the fan.
Tables of TAX for tempered air,
or even hot air, could be developed
and used with equation 2. For a large O
temperature rise the seasonal and LU
daily variations of t and tw become I—
insignificant. It should be noted that Figure 3. Rate of water loss
the resulting values would be valid
only if the air flow was of such mag
nitude that equilibrium of moisture
occurred before the air left the grain. z GRAIN SURFACE

A number of barley samples were

dried to check the validity of the as •—
sumptions made and their effect on i—
equation 2. Hie grain used had been CD
harvested late in the Fall of 1968 at
approximately 19% moisture content. o
This was subsequently dried to 13 or UL
14% in batches of 60-70 bushels. LU
While drying, the air temperature at U
various levels in the grain (See Figure z
2) as well as t and tw of the air (un I—

controlled) entering the grain, were a

recorded using thermocouples and a
sequential recorder. The air tempera Figure 4. Approximate location of drying zone

~ 300 Tempering the air by as little as
5° to 19°F provides for drying under
adverse climatic conditions and/or
^ 200 on a 24-hour basis.
0£ 1. Moysey, E. B. and Wilde, D. H.
< 1965. Drying grain with unheated
J. air. Cdn. Agr. Eng. 7: 12-13.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
2. Brooker, D. B. and McQuigg, J. D.
TIME (hours) 1960. Analysis of weather data
pertinent to grain drying* Trans.
Figure 5. Change in air flow
Amer. Soc. Agr. Eng. 3: 116-119.
Aw T Q» (est.) Q (actual)
Trial Number
(lbs/lb grain) <°F) (hours) Uo3) (ft3 x 106) (ft3 x 106) QVQ continued from page S3
of California. First Annu. Rep.
1 .072 9.5
•4 3.1 1.3 1;4 .9 USAEPG Contract CA-36-039SC-
2 .075 9.0 95 3.4 1.5 1.1 1.4
80334, 74-107.
3 .060 11.4
•4 3.2 1.1 1.2 .9 11. Rijtema, P. E. 1959. Calculation
4 .063 11.6 51 2.9 1.0 .90
methods of potential evapotran
Inst, for Land and
5 .071 10.2 83 3.3 1.4 1.3 1.1 Water Manage. Res. Tech. Bull
6 .056 10.7 51 3.2 .88 .75 1.2
7 .067 9.0 66 3.3 1.4 .9 1.6 12. Stephens, J. C. and Stewart, E.
8 H. 1963. A comparison of pro
.069 7.6
'4 3.3 1.6 .9 1.8
cedures for computing evapora-
9 .063 7.5
>4 3.2 1.5 .9 1.7 t i o n and evapotranspiration.
I.A.S.H. Pub. 62: 123J33.
lation found between the water loss ient across the inlet duct was steep 13. Stern, W. R. and Fitzpatrick, E.
or moisture removal and the amount and a small change in position of the A. 1965. Calculated and observed
of air pumped through the grain. If air probe would alter the measured evaporation in a dry monsoonal
the drying period had been extended, air volume Q significantly. The pos environment J. of Hydro! No.
the rate would have been reduced sibility of values greater than one due 314: 297-311.
and become curvilinear after the dry to Q' seems remote. This would occur
ing front intercepted the grain sur only if the air picked up more mois 14. Suomi, V. E., Franssila, M. and
face. The water added (negative ture than that specified at equilib Islitzer, N. F. 1954. An improved
water loss) during the first few hours rium. In this regard, equilibrium was net radiation instrument. J. Met-
was due to the initial grain tempera close to the saturation curve. In view eorol. 11: 276-282.
ture being lower than the wet bulb of this, and the foregoing, reasonable
temperature. The drying period was 15. Tanner, C. B. and Pelton, W. L.
values of air flow apparently can be 1960. Potential evapotranspiration
considered to be the interval between estimated from the amount of mois
estimates by the approximate en
the time that the water loss was zero ture to be removed and the prevailing
(for the second time) until the grain, wet and dry bulb temperatures, pro ergy balance method of Penman,
was in the 13 to 14% moisture range. vided the air flow is not large. J. Geophys. Res. 65: 3391-3413.

The change in air flow with respect 16. Thornthwaite, C. W. 1948. An ap

to time, Figure 5, is partially attrib CONCLUSIONS proach toward a rational classi
uted to an increase in static pressure fication of climate. Geophys. Rev.
An equation was developed to as 38: 55-94.
due to a reduction in volume or gain sist in estimating the quantity of air
in density as the grain dried. required to dry grain and hay. The
wet and dry bulb temperatures of the
The significant result of the drying Edmonton
experiments is the ratio of the esti
area, on a per week basis
mate, Q', (calculated from the record from August to November inclusive,
ed values of t and tw) to the total were processed to simplify the use of
quantity of air pumped, Q, which the equation for small grains.
may be noted in Table 2. Values of The validity of estimating the re
Q'/Q much greater than one are at quired air flow from the wet and dry
tributed primarily to errors in Q, bulb temperatures appears reason
which were calculated from measure able, provided the air flow is not
ments of the air velocity. The grad large.


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