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Creating your own

You will need….

 1x Paper Plate  1x Split Pin  Scissors  Colours

 Compass  1x Straw

1. Fold your paper plate in half

2. Cut out half of the inside circle
3. Mark a line at the top, left and right sides of where you cut out the half
4. On the left, mark that as 0°, the top as 90°, and the right as 180°
5. Write your name at the bottom of the plate
6. Between 0° and 90°, write ‘Acute’
7. Between 90° and 180° write ‘Obtuse’
8. Flip the plate over, and repeat steps 3 to 6
9. Take a straw and cut it in half
10.Take a compass and poke holes through each end of the straw
11.Poke a hole in the plate that is in line with the 90° mark
12.Poke the split pin through one hole in the straw, and then poke the pin
and straw through the hole you made in the plate
13.Bend the straw in half and poke the pin through the hole in the straw
14.Once the straw is over the split pin, bend each half of the pin down to
keep the straw there
15.Decorate your new protractor medallion while waiting for next

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