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Week 6

LESSO OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES (include timing)
Week 6 Identify characteristic -Students will notice Observations noted Introduction:
features used in structural points in a - student  Introduce context of task through English text Charlie and the Whiteboard &
Lesson attentiveness Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl Markers
imaginative, informative persuasive argument
1 (later  Iterate to students we will be writing persuasive letters to Mr
and persuasive texts to -Students will
questioning) Wonka today because he would like to release an Onion &
observe suitable
meet the purpose of the - structure Garlic flavoured chocolate variety.
language to use in recognition in
text (ACELY1690)
persuasive review Lesson Body: Modelled Writing
arguments Link to later
Interpret ideas and -Identify structural formative  State that Wonka wants to release a Garlic & Onion flavoured
information in spoken variety, I am going to persuade him not to because I don’t like it Planning Document
layout of persuasive assessment – Burger (Writing
texts and listen for key  Refer to planning document
argument & letter through criteria Book)
- List reasons and elaborations
points to carry out tasks being made explicit
- State that the conclusion should remind the reader of what
and use information to in this lesson.
your argument is and why you are making it.
share and extend ideas  Begin Modelled Writing of final product (refer to script for
and specific think/write alouds)
- narrate own use of reasons and elaborations Script
information (ACELY1687) - highlight language in tone of argument
 Write pre-planned letter on board
Understand how texts  Point out conventions/structure of a letter
vary in complexity and
Lesson Closure:
technicality depending  Review/analyse written product on board, cross reference with
on the approach to the planning
topic, the purpose and  Underline/tick identified sections on board as students list
the intended audience structural points with example
 Inform students that they will now convince Mr Wonka to create
(ACELA1490) a flavour of their choice instead, now that I have convinced him
to not create that flavour I did not want.
Modelled Writing Script
As this is a letter to Mr Wonka, that is how I will set this out on my page after I have planned my
Dear Mr Wonka,
I believe that you should not release Garlic and Onion chocolate.
Straight away I have shown who is trying to persuade him and what I am trying to persuade them to
agree with or do.
Garlic and Onion both have very harsh flavours on their own.
This is my first reason or point
When cooked you might not notice the flavours, but on their own they are not sweet and would be
disgusting in chocolate.
Now I have explained my point or I have elaborated on my point, this should be what convinces the
reader that I am right with each point.
Now I will miss a line to paragraph and organise my points
Garlic and Onion have disgusting smells.
My second point is here.
Onions can bring tears to your eyes when cutting them because of how strong their smell is.
I am elaborating on the onion here but I still need to prove my point for the garlic.
When you eat food with garlic in it, your breath smells quite bad too.
Now I have elaborated on my second point.
I am missing a line again to separate my points, now onto my 3rd point.
Garlic and Onion in chocolate could also be dangerous if used in chocolate. They both have a papery skin
that needs to be peeled before you use it. If some of this peel is in the chocolate, someone could choke on it
and need help.
Same as the others, I outlined my reason and then explained why it is important.
Garlic and Onion would be disgusting and dangerous in chocolate,
Before I finish, I am reminding the reader of what I am saying in just a few words
I think you should make a different flavour that is more appealing to more people.
This is almost my solution to the argument, it says what I am trying to convince to reader to do or
Thank you, Mr T.
And because this is a letter, we sign off politely like this.

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