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I recognise that the legibility of my writing is an area for improvement.

Regardless of the logistics in

how we presented within the class, to set an example for my students I should endeavour to make

my own writing more accessible for them.

Along with neatness it would be ideal to work on the speed of my writing. At times I found myself

not necessarily doing my think-aloud too quickly but I found myself waiting for my writing to catch

up to a point where I could speak or read my writing aloud. This would primarily affect management

or student attentiveness in a real classroom which could derail the session.

In a sequence of lessons, this lesson would serve as a demonstration of expectations and standards

through formative assessment practices. The students would have already discussed and

experimented with descriptive language while studying Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Dahl &

Blake, 2005), but this lesson would now give them a structure to frame their persuasive arguments

in subsequent lessons. By iterating that a reason is stated before explaining it and emphasising it

throughout the modelling, the students would recognise the importance of structure within this text


The reviewing of structural points was necessary and I believe I succeeded in that aspect.

Paragraphing was another point I felt I demonstrated well, not just in the context of persuasion but

in the letter as well. Ensuring clarity and flow in a persuasive argument is crucial to its success,

separating it from just a list of points without justification.

While I feel I did not rush the presentation, there was time available for me to re-read and review

the writing, ticking off criteria like a checklist to further exemplify expectations in assessment for

students and ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Cameron, S., & Dempsey, L. (2013). The Writing Book (1st ed.). Auckland: S&L
Publishing Ltd.
Dahl, R., & Blake, Q. (2005). Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. London,
England: Puffin.
k10outline - English v8.1. (2014). Retrieved 5 March
2018, from

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