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ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION the application, or the Bachrach Motor Company, Inc.

using name of the Rural Transit Company, Ltd., as a
1. Red Line Transportation Co. vs. Rural Transit Co. trade name

GR No. 41570 | Sept. 6, 1934 · However, PSC granted Rural Transit’s application
for certificate of public convenience and ordered that a
certificate be issued on its name
· This is a petition for review of an order of the
· PSC relied on a Resolution in case No. 23217,
Public Service Commission granting to the Rural Transit
authorizing Bachrach Motor to continue using Rural
Company, Ltd., a certificate of public convenience to
Transit’s name as its tradename in all its applications
operate a transportation service between Ilagan in the
and petitions to be filed before the PSC. Said resolution
Province of Isabela and Tuguegarao in the Province of
was given a retroactive effect as of the date of filing of
Cagayan, and additional trips in its existing express
the application or April 30, 1930
service between Manila Tuguegarao.
Issue: Can the Public Service Commission authorize a
· On June 4, 1932, Rural Transit filed an application
corporation to assume the name of another corporation
for certification of a new service between Tuguegarao
as a trade name?
and Ilagan with the Public Company Service
Commission (PSC), since the present service is not Ruling: NO
· The Rural Transit Company, Ltd., and the
· Rural Transit further stated that it is a holder of a Bachrach Motor Co., Inc., are Philippine corporations
certificate of public convenience to operate a passenger and the very law of their creation and continued
bus service between Manila and Tuguegarao existence requires each to adopt and certify a distinctive
· Red Line opposed said application, arguing that
they already hold a certificate of public convenience for · The incorporators "constitute a body politic and
Tuguegarao and Ilagan, and is rendering adequate corporate under the name stated in the certificate."
service. They also argued that granting Rural Transit’s
application would constitute a ruinous competition over · A corporation has the power "of succession by its
said route corporate name." It is essential to its existence and
cannot change its name except in the manner provided
· On Dec. 21, 1932, Public Service Commission by the statute. By that name alone is it authorized to
approved Rural Transit’s application, with the condition transact business.
that "all the other terms and conditions of the various
certificates of public convenience of the herein applicant · The law gives a corporation no express or implied
and herein incorporated are made a part hereof." authority to assume another name that is
unappropriated: still less that of another corporation,
· A motion for rehearing and reconsideration was which is expressly set apart for it and protected by the
filed by Red Line since Rural Transit has a pending law. If any corporation could assume at pleasure as an
application before the Court of First Instance for unregistered trade name the name of another
voluntary dissolution of the corporation corporation, this practice would result in confusion and
open the door to frauds and evasions and difficulties of
· A motion for postponement was filed by Rural
administration and supervision.
Transit as verified by M. Olsen who swears "that he was
the secretary of the Rural Transit Company, Ltd In this case, the order of the commission authorizing the
Bachrach Motor Co., Incorporated, to assume the name
· During the hearing before the Public Service
of the Rural Transit Co., Ltd. likewise incorporated, as its
Commission, the petition for dissolution and the CFI’s
trade name being void. Accepting the order of December
decision decreeing the dissolution of Rural Transit were
21, 1932, at its face as granting a certificate of public
admitted without objection
convenience to the applicant Rural Transit Co., Ltd., the
· At the trial of this case before the Public Service said order last mentioned is set aside and vacated on
Commission an issue was raised as to who was the real the ground that the Rural Transit Company, Ltd., is not
party in interest making the application, whether the the real party in interest and its application was fictitious
Rural Transit Company, Ltd., as appeared on the face of
2. Pison-Arceo Agricultural and Dev Corp vs NLRC words different. This was affirmed by the SEC en banc
and the Court of Appeals thus the case at bar.
279 SCRA 312 – Business Organization – Corporation
Law – Suit Under a Corporate Name ISSUE:

In 1988, a labor case for illegal dismissal was filed Whether or not Standard Philips can be enjoined from
against Jose Edmundo Pison and Hacienda Lanutan. using Philips in its corporate name
The labor arbiter issued a favorable for the dismissed
workers. Pison appealed and the National Labor RULING: YES
Relations Commission (NLRC) affirmed the labor arbiter.
A corporation’s right to use its corporate and trade name
However, in the NLRC ruling, it ordered Pison-Arceo
is a property right, a right in rem, which it may assert and
Agricultural and Development Corporation (PADC) as
protect against the whole world. According to Sec. 18 of
solidarily liable together with Pison and the Hacienda,
the Corporation Code, no corporate name may be
PADC being the owner of the Hacienda and in which
allowed if the proposed name is identical or deceptively
Pison is a majority stockholder. PADC assails the order
confusingly similar to that of any existing corporation or
of the NLRC on due process grounds as it averred that it
to any other name already protected by law or is patently
was not issued summons hence it was not able to
deceptive, confusing or contrary to existing law.
defend itself in court and therefore the judgment against
it is void. For the prohibition to apply, 2 requisites must be present:
(1) the complainant corporation must have acquired a
ISSUE: Whether or not the contention of PADC is
prior right over the use of such corporate name and
(2) the proposed name is either identical or deceptively
HELD: No. The Supreme Court emphasized that in labor
or confusingly similar to that of any existing corporation
cases and other administrative cases, the Rule of Civil
or to any other name already protected by law or
Procedure are not strictly applied especially so in the
patently deceptive, confusing or contrary to existing law.
interest of laborers. So long as there is a substantial
compliance, a party can be placed under the jurisdiction With regard to the 1st requisite, PEBV adopted the name
of the labor court. In the case at bar, there is substantial “Philips” part of its name 26 years before Standard
compliance when summons was served to Jose Philips. As regards the 2nd, the test for the existence of
Edmundo Pison who was also the administrator of the confusing similarity is whether the similarity is such as to
Hacienda. PADC is therefore adequately represented by mislead a person using ordinary care and discrimination.
Pison in the proceedings in the labor tribunal. If at all, the Standard Philips only contains one word, “Standard”,
non-inclusion of the corporate name of PADC in the case different from that of PEBV. The 2 companies’ products
before the executive labor arbiter was a mere procedural are also the same, or cover the same line of products.
error which did not at all affect the jurisdiction of the Although PEBV primarily deals with electrical products, it
labor tribunals. has also shipped to its subsidiaries machines and parts
which fall under the classification of “chains, rollers,
belts, bearings and cutting saw”, the goods which
Corporate Trade Name
Standard Philips also produce. Also, among Standard
A corporation’s right to use its corporate and trade name Philips’ primary purposes are to buy, sell trade x x x
is a property right, a right in rem, which it may assert and electrical wiring devices, electrical component, electrical
protect against the whole world. supplies. Given these, there is nothing to prevent
Standard Philips from dealing in the same line of
FACTS: business of electrical devices. The use of “Philips” by
Standard Philips tends to show its intention to ride on the
Philips Export B.V. (PEBV) filed with the SEC for the popularity and established goodwill of PEBV.
cancellation of the word “Philips” the corporate name of
Standard Philips Corporation in view of its prior 4. Lyceum of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals
registration with the Bureau of Patents and the SEC.
However, Standard Philips refused to amend its Articles [GR 101897, 5 March 1993]
of Incorporation so PEBV filed with the SEC a petition for
Facts: Lyceum of the Philippines Inc. had sometime
the issuance of a Writ of Preliminary Injunction, however
before commenced in the SEC a proceeding (SEC-Case
this was denied ruling that it can only be done when the
No. 1241) against the Lyceum of Baguio, Inc. to require
corporate names are identical and they have at least 2
it to change its corporate name and to adopt another
name not "similar [to] or identical" with that of petitioner. other. Lyceum of the Philippines then went on appeal to
In an Order dated 20 April 1977, Associate the Court of Appeals. In its Decision dated 28 June
Commissioner Julio Sulit held that the corporate name of 1991, however, the Court of Appeals affirmed the
petitioner and that of the Lyceum of Baguio, Inc. were questioned Orders of the SEC En Banc. Lyceum of the
substantially identical because of the presence of a Philippines filed a motion for reconsideration, without
"dominant" word, i.e., "Lyceum," the name of the success. Lyceum of the Philippines filed the petition for
geographical location of the campus being the only word review.
which distinguished one from the other corporate name.
The SEC also noted that Lyceum of the Philippines Inc. Issue:
had registered as a corporation ahead of the Lyceum of
1. Whether the names of the contending Lyceum schools
Baguio, Inc. in point of time, and ordered the latter to
are confusingly similar.
change its name to another name "not similar or identical
[with]" the names of previously registered entities. The 2. Whether the use by the Lyceum of the Philippines of
Lyceum of Baguio, Inc. assailed the Order of the SEC "Lyceum" in its corporate name has been for such length
before the Supreme Court (GR L-46595). In a Minute of time and with such exclusivity as to have become
Resolution dated 14 September 1977, the Court denied associated or identified with the petitioner institution in
the Petition for Review for lack of merit. Entry of the mind of the general public (or at least that portion of
judgment in that case was made on 21 October 1977. the general public which has to do with schools).
Armed with the Resolution of the Supreme Court, the Held:
Lyceum of the Philippines then wrote all the educational
institutions it could find using the word "Lyceum" as part 1. The Articles of Incorporation of a corporation must,
of their corporate name, and advised them to among other things, set out the name of the corporation.
discontinue such use of "Lyceum." When, with the Section 18 of the Corporation Code establishes a
passage of time, it became clear that this recourse had restrictive rule insofar as corporate names are
failed, and on 24 February 1984, Lyceum of the concerned. It provides that "No corporate name may be
Philippines instituted before the SEC SEC-Case 2579 to allowed by the Securities an Exchange Commission if
enforce what Lyceum of the Philippines claims as its the proposed name is identical or deceptively or
proprietary right to the word "Lyceum." The SEC hearing confusingly similar to that of any existing corporation or
officer rendered a decision sustaining petitioner's claim to any other name already protected by law or is patently
to an exclusive right to use the word "Lyceum." The deceptive, confusing or contrary to existing laws. When
hearing officer relied upon the SEC ruling in the Lyceum a change in the corporate name is approved, the
of Baguio, Inc. case (SEC-Case 1241) and held that the Commission shall issue an amended certificate of
word "Lyceum" was capable of appropriation and that incorporation under the amended name." The policy
petitioner had acquired an enforceable exclusive right to underlying the prohibition in Section 18 against the
the use of that word. On appeal, however, by Lyceum Of registration of a corporate name which is "identical or
Aparri, Lyceum Of Cabagan, Lyceum Of Camalaniugan, deceptively or confusingly similar" to that of any existing
Inc., Lyceum Of Lallo, Inc., Lyceum Of Tuao, Inc., Buhi corporation or which is "patently deceptive" or "patently
Lyceum, Central Lyceum Of Catanduanes, Lyceum Of confusing" or "contrary to existing laws," is the
Southern Philippines, Lyceum Of Eastern Mindanao, Inc. avoidance of fraud upon the public which would have
and Western Pangasinan Lyceum, Inc.,, which are also occasion to deal with the entity concerned, the evasion
educational institutions, to the SEC En Banc, the of legal obligations and duties, and the reduction of
decision of the hearing officer was reversed and set difficulties of administration and supervision over
aside. The SEC En Banc did not consider the word corporations. Herein, the Court does not consider that
"Lyceum" to have become so identified with Lyceum of the corporate names of the academic institutions are
the Philippines as to render use thereof by other "identical with, or deceptively or confusingly similar" to
institutions as productive of confusion about the identity that of Lyceum of the Philippines Inc.. True enough, the
of the schools concerned in the mind of the general corporate names of the other schools (defendant
public. Unlike its hearing officer, the SEC En Banc held institutions) entities all carry the word "Lyceum" but
that the attaching of geographical names to the word confusion and deception are effectively precluded by the
"Lyceum" served sufficiently to distinguish the schools appending of geographic names to the word "Lyceum."
from one another, especially in view of the fact that the Thus, the "Lyceum of Aparri" cannot be mistaken by the
campuses of Lyceum of the Philippines and those of the general public for the Lyceum of the Philippines, or that
other Lyceums were physically quite remote from each the "Lyceum of Camalaniugan" would be confused with
the Lyceum of the Philippines. Further, etymologically, incorporation of the persons named in the articles. The
the word "Lyceum" is the Latin word for the Greek court below found in favor of the defendant and refused
lykeion which in turn referred to a locality on the river to order the registration of the articles mentioned,
Ilissius in ancient Athens "comprising an enclosure maintaining and holding that the defendant, under the
dedicated to Apollo and adorned with fountains and Corporation Law, had authority to determine both the
buildings erected by Pisistratus, Pericles and Lycurgus sufficiency of the form of the articles and the legality of
frequented by the youth for exercise and by the the object of the proposed corporation. This appeal is
philosopher Aristotle and his followers for teaching." In taken from that judgment
time, the word "Lyceum" became associated with The chief of the division of archives, the respondent,
schools and other institutions providing public lectures refused to file the articles of incorporation, upon the
and concerts and public discussions. Thus today, the ground that the object of the corporation, as stated in the
word "Lyceum" generally refers to a school or an articles, was not lawful and that, in pursuance of section
institution of learning. Since "Lyceum" or "Liceo" denotes 6 of Act No. 1459, they were not registerable.
a school or institution of learning, it is not unnatural to Hence, this action to obtain a writ of mandamus.
use this word to designate an entity which is organized
and operating as an educational institution. To determine ISSUE: Whether or not the chief of the division of
whether a given corporate name is "identical" or archives has authority, under the Corporation Law, on
"confusingly or deceptively similar" with another entity's being presented with articles of incorporation for
corporate name, it is not enough to ascertain the registration, to decide not only as to the sufficiency of the
presence of "Lyceum" or "Liceo" in both names. One form of the articles, but also as to the lawfulness of the
must evaluate corporate names in their entirety and purposes of the proposed corporation.
when the name of Lyceum of the Philippines is
juxtaposed with the names of private respondents, they HELD: YES.
are not reasonably regarded as "identical" or
"confusingly or deceptively similar" with each other. CORPORATION LAW; POWERS AND DUTIES OF
2. The number alone of the private respondents in the BUREAU. — The chief of the division of archives, for
present case suggests strongly that the Lyceum of the and on behalf of the division, has authority under the
Philippines' use of the word "Lyceum" has not been Corporation Law (Act No. 1459) to determine the
attended with the exclusivity essential for applicability of sufficiency of the form of articles of incorporation offered
the doctrine of secondary meaning. It may be noted also for registration with the division.
that at least one of the private respondents, i.e., the Section 6 of the Corporation Law reads in part as
Western Pangasinan Lyceum, Inc., used the term follows:
"Lyceum" 17 years before Lyceum of the Philippines “Five or more persons, not exceeding fifteen, a majority
registered its own corporate name with the SEC and of whom are residents of the Philippine Islands, may
began using the word "Lyceum." It follows that if any form a private corporation for any lawful purpose by
institution had acquired an exclusive right to the word filing with the division of archives, patents, copyrights,
"Lyceum," that institution would have been the Western and trademarks of the Executive Bureau articles of
Pangasinan Lyceum, Inc. rather than Lyceum of the incorporation duly executed and acknowledged before a
Philippines. Hence, Lyceum of the Philippines is not notary public, . . .”
entitled to a legally enforceable exclusive right to use the Simply because the duties of an official happen to
word "Lyceum" in its corporate name and that other be ministerial, it does not necessarily follow that he
institutions may use "Lyceum" as part of their corporate may not, in the administration of his office,
names. determine questions of law. We are of the opinion that
it is the duty of the division of archives, when articles of
PURPOSE CLAUSE incorporation are presented for registration, to determine
whether the objects of the corporation as expressed in
1. Asuncion vs De Yriarte
the articles are lawful. We do not believe that, simply
[G.R. No. 9321. September 24, 1914.] because articles of incorporation presented for
registration are perfect in form, the division of archives
FACTS: The proposed incorporators began an action in must accept and register them and issue the
the CFI to compel the chief of the division of archives to corresponding certificate of incorporation no matter what
receive and register said articles of incorporation and to the purpose of the corporation may be as expressed in
do any and all acts necessary for the complete the articles. The chief of the division of archives, on
behalf of the division, has also the power and duty to Subsequently, Alicia transferred her shares to Margo.
determine from the articles of incorporation presented for
registration the lawfulness of the purposes of the In 1990, a special stockholder’s meeting of Margo was
proposed corporation and whether or not those purposes held where a new board of directors was elected. Raul
bring the proposed corporation within the purview of the Gala was elected as chairman, president, and general
law authorizing corporations for given purposes. manager. During the meeting, the board approved the
MANDAMUS TO COMPEL HIM TO PERFORM DUTIES. commencement of proceeding to annul the dispositions
— The duties of the chief of the division of archives, so of Margos’s property made by Alicia Gala. Similarity, a
far as relates to the registration of articles of special stockholder’s meeting was held in Ellice. A new
incorporation, are purely ministerial and not discretional; board was elected and Raul Gala also became
and mandamus will lie to compel him to perform his chairman, president and GM of Ellice, Raul Gala along
duties under the Corporation Law if, in violation of law, with the respondents filed a case against the petitiones
he refuse to perform them in the SEC for accounting and restitution for alleged
On the contrary, there is no incompatibility in holding, as mismanagement of funds of Ellice.
we do hold, that his duties are ministerial and that he
In turn the petitioners filed in the SEC a petition for the
has no authority to exercise discretion in receiving and
nullification of the election of directors of officers of both
registering articles of incorporation. He may exercise
Margo and Ellice. Essentially, petitioners sought to
judgment — that is, the judicial function — in the
disregard the separate juridical personalities of two
determination of the question of law referred to, but he
corporations, namely, Ellice Agro-Industrial Corporation
may not use discretion. The question whether or not the
and Margo Management and Development Corporation,
objects of a proposed corporation are lawful is one that
for the purpose of treating all property purportedly owned
can be decided one way only. If he err in the
by said corporations as properly solely owned by the
determination of that question and refuse to file articles
Gala Spouses. Among their arguments were: (1) said
which should be filed under the law, that decision is
corporations were organized for purpose of exempting
subject to review and correction and, upon proper
the property the property of the Gala Spouses from the
showing, he will be ordered to file the articles.
coverage of land reform laws, and (2) the two
Discretion, it may be said generally, is a faculty
corporations were meant to be used as mere tools for
conferred upon a court or other official by which he
the avoidance of estate taxes.
may decide a question either way and still be right.
The power conferred upon the division of archives Issue: Whether the separate juridical personalities of
with respect to the registration of articles of Ellice and Margo could be disregard on the grounds that
incorporation is not of that character. It is of the they were meant to be tools to avoid land reform laws
same character as the determination of a lawsuit by and estate taxes.
a court upon the merits. It can be decided only one
way correctly. Held: NO, a perusal of the Articles of Incorporation of
Ellice and Margo shows no sign of the allegedly illegal
purposes that petitioners are complaining of. And even
2. Gala vs Ellice Agro Industrial Corp. assuming that the petitioner’s allegations were true, the
legality of the purposes for which the two corporations
Doctrine: The legal right of a taxpayer to reduce the
were formed should be first threshed out in an
amount of what otherwise, could be his taxes or
administrative case before the Securities and Exchange
altogether to avoid them, by means which the law
Commission. (Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction).
permits, could be doubted
Moreover, on the contention that Ellice and Margo were
Facts: The spouses Manuel and Alicia Gala and their
meant to be tools for the avoidance of estate taxes, the
children Guia Domingo, Ofelia Gala, Raul Gala and Rita
court said that “…the legal right of a taxpayer to reduce
Benson, and their encargados (rough translation;
the amount of what otherwise could be his taxes or
representatives) VirgilioGaleon and Julian Jader, formed
altogether avoid them, by means which the law permits,
and organized Ellice Agro Industrial Corporation (Ellice).
cannot be doubted. (citing: Liddel& Co., Inc c. CIR)”
As payment for their subscriptions the Spouses Gala
transferred several parcles of land to Ellice. Note: Simplified, this case is about a feud between
Subsequently, the children and the encargados formed family members who organized two corporation.
and organized another corporation, Margo Management Petitioners are Alicia Gala (mother), Guia Domingo
and Development Corporation (Margo). The father, (sister), and Rita Benson (Sister), Respondents are Raul
Manuel Gala, sold his shares in Ellice to Margo. Gala (brother), Ellice Inc., and Margo Inc. (the family
corporations). the complaint when it learned that LGISC was to be
substituted to LG Otis because of the latter succeeding
PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS the former. THe motion also averred that Goldstar was
being utilized by LG OTIS and LGIC in perpetrating their
unlawful and unjustified acts against HYATT. Goldstar
was additionally impleaded as a party-defendant.
October 24, 2005 | Panganiban, J. | Certiorari | Venue –
Venue of Personal Actions 4. Goldstar filed a Motion to Dismiss the amended
complaint, raising the following grounds: (1) the venue
PETITIONER: Hyatt Elevators and Escalators
was improperly laid, as neither HYATT nor defendants
reside in Mandaluyong City, where the original case was
RESPONDENT: Goldstar Elevators, Phils., Inc. filed, and (2) failure to state a cause of action agains
(respondent), since the amended complaint fails to
SUMMARY: A case for unfair trade practices was filed by allege with certainty what specific ultimate acts
HYATT against GOLDSTAR. Both were corporations GOLDSTAR performed in violation of HYATT’s rights.
dealing with elevators. The case was filed in
Mandaluyong despite both have their principal office 5. Trial court dismiss the motion. Goldstar filed a MR but
located in Makati. GOLDSTAR filed a motion to dismiss the same was dismissed. CA reversed RTC and
on the ground of improper venue. The court held that it is declared that the venue was clearly improper, because
clear in the Civil Code and the Corporation Code that in none of the litigants “resided” in Mandaluyong City,
matters of venue, residence shall be considered where the case was filed.
synonymous as domicile which shall be understood to
be the place where their legal representation is
established or where they exercise their principal 1. WoN the venue (Mandaluyong) was improper— YES.
functions. This matter was also settled by jurisprudence.
DOCTRINE: It is a well established rule that the
residence of a corporation is the place where its principal RATIO:
office is located, as stated in its Articles of Incorporation.
1. Sec 2 Rule 4 of the 1997 Revised Rules of Court
FACTS: states tgat “Venue of personal actions – all other actions
may be commenced and tried where the plaintiff resides,
1. Both parties are engaged in the same business of or where the defendant or any of the principal defendant
selling installing and maintaining/servicing elevators and resides, or in the case of a non-resident defendant
escalators. On February 23, 1999, HYATT filed a where he may be found, at the election of the plaintiff.”
complaint for unfair trade practices and damages unther
Articles 19, 20 and 21 of the Civil Code of the Philippines 2. But since both parties to this case are corporations,
against LG industrial Systems Co. Ltd (LGISC) and LG there is a need to clarify the meaning of “residence.” The
International Corporation (LGIC), alleging that in 1988, law recognize two types of persons: (1) Natural and (2)
HYATT was appointed by LGISC and LGIC as the juridical. Corporations fall under juridical. A corporation,
exclusive distributor of LG elevators in the Philippines however, has no residence1 in the same sense in which
under a “Distributorship Agreement.” In the latter part of this term is applied to a natural person.
1996, LGISC made a proposal to change the
Distributorship Agreement to that of the joint venture, 3. In the case Young Auto Supply Company v Court of
however HYATT allege that the representatives of Appelas, the court ruled that “for practical purposes, a
LGISC and LGIC conducted the meeting in bad faith in corporation is in a metaphysical sense a resident of the
order to put pressures upon them and eventually place where its principal office is located as stated in the
terminated the Exclusive Distributorship Agreement. articles of incorporation.” But even before this ruling, it
has been already established that the residence of a
2. LGISC and LGIC filed a Motion to Dismiss on the corporation is the place where its principal office is
following grounds: (1) lack of jurisdiction over the established.
persons of defendants, summons not having been
served on its resident agent; (2) improper venue; and (3) 1 Residence is the permanent home---the place to
failure to state a cause of action. which, whenever absent for business or pleasure,
one intends to return
3. HYATT then filed a motion for leave of court to amend
4. The court held that in the purpose of venue, of particulars; that the prior motion placed Sy under the
“residence” is the same with “domicile.” Correspondingly jurisdiction of the trial court.
the Civil Code provides: “Art 51. When the law creating
or recognizing them, or any other provision does not fix ISSUE: Whether or not a plaintiff-corporation may file a
the domicile of juridical persons, the same shall be civil case not in its business address nor the business
understood to be the place where their legal address/residence of the defendant but in the place of
representation is established or where they exercise residence of its incorporators/officers.
their principal functions.” AND Under Section 14(3) of the
HELD: No. A corporation has a separate and distinct
Corporation Code, the place where the principal office of
personality from its incorporators. Its place of business is
the corporation is to be located is one of the required
its residence and not the residence of its president or
contents of the articles of incorporation, which shall be
any other officer. Hence, venue is improperly laid in this
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
case. The trial court of Pasig has no jurisdiction.
Anent the issue that there was a waiver, as a rule, the
5. In the present case, there is no question as to the
defense of improper venue is waived if it is not alleged in
residence of respondent. What needs to be examined is
a motion to dismiss. In the case at bar, Sy was able to
that of petitioner. Admittedly, the latter’s principal place
file his motion to dismiss in a timely manner. It is of no
of business is Makati, as indicated in its Articles of
moment that there was a prior motion for a bill of
Incorporation. Since the principal place of business of a
particulars that was filed. There is nothing in the rule that
corporation determines its residence or domicile, then
states that no other motion should have been filed prior
the place indicated in petitioner’s articles of incorporation
to filing a motion to dismiss before a motion to dismiss
becomes controlling in determining the venue for this
grounded on improper venue may be allowed.
3. Young Auto Supply vs. Court of Appeals
6. HYATT argues that the Rules of Court did not provide
that when the plaintiff is a corporation, the complaint [GR 104175, 25 June 1993]
should be filed in the location of its principal office as
indicated in its articles of incorporation. This is however Facts: On 28 October 1987, Young Auto Supply Co. Inc.
settled by jurisprudence. (YASCO) represented by Nemesio Garcia, its president,
Nelson Garcia and Vicente Sy, sold all of their shares of
7. The choice of venue should not be left to the plaintiff’s stock in Consolidated Marketing & Development
whim or caprice. He may be impelled by some ulterior Corporation (CMDC) to George C. Roxas. The purchase
motivation in choosing to file a case in a particular court price was P8,000,000.00 payable as follows: a down
even if not allowed by the rules on venue. payment of P4,000,000.00 and the balance of
P4,000,000.00 in four postdated checks of
2. Sy vs Tyson Enterprises
P1,000,000.00 each. Immediately after the execution of
119 SCRA 367 – Business Organization – Corporation the agreement, Roxas took full control of the four
Law – Business Address markets of CMDC. However, the vendors held on to the
stock certificates of CMDC as security pending full
In 1979, Tyson Enterprises, Inc. filed a collection suit payment of the balance of the purchase price. The first
against Universal Parts Supply Corporation and its check of P4,000,000.00, representing the down
president John Sy. The suit was filed in Pasig, Rizal. payment, was honored by the drawee bank but the four
John Sy filed a motion to file for a bill of particulars which other checks representing the balance of P4,000,000.00
was denied. Subsequently, Sy filed a motion to dismiss were dishonored. In the meantime, Roxas sold one of
on the ground of improper venue. Sy alleged that Tyson the markets to a third party. Out of the proceeds of the
Enterprises should have filed the case either in Bacolod sale, YASCO received P600,000.00, leaving a balance
City (business address of Universal Parts) or in Manila of P3,400,000.00.
(business address of Tyson Enterprises). Sy alleged that
it is improper for Tyson Enterprises to file the case in Subsequently, Nelson Garcia and Vicente Sy assigned
Pasig even if it is the residence of Tyson’s president and all their rights and title to the proceeds of the sale of the
general manager, Dominador Ti. CMDC shares to Nemesio Garcia. On 10 June 1988,
YASCO and Garcia filed a complaint against Roxas in
The trial court as well as the Court of Appeals denied the Regional Trial Court, Branch 11, Cebu City, praying
Sy’s motion on the ground that he waived the defense of that Roxas be ordered to pay them the sum of
improper venue when he filed his motion to file for a bill P3,400,000.00 or that full control of the three markets be
turned over to YASCO and Garcia. The complaint also Court of Appeals was set aside.
prayed for the forfeiture of the partial payment of
P4,600,000.00 and the payment of attorney's fees and CORPORATE TERM
costs. Failing to submit his answer, and on 19 August
1. Benguet Consolidated Mining Co vs Pineda
1988, the trial court declared Roxas in default. The order
of default was, however, lifted upon motion of Roxas. On 98 Phil 711 – Business Organization – Corporation Law
22 August 1988, Roxas filed a motion to dismiss. After a – Sociedad Anonima – Corporate Existence
hearing, wherein testimonial and documentary evidence
were presented by both parties, the trial court in an Benguet Consolidated Mining Company was organized
Order dated 8 February 1991 denied Roxas' motion to in 1903 under the Spanish Code of Commerce of 1886
dismiss. After receiving said order, Roxas filed another as a sociedad anonima. It was agreed by the
motion for extension of time to submit his answer. He incorporators that Benguet Mining was to exist for 50
also filed a motion for reconsideration, which the trial years.
court denied in its Order dated 10 April 1991 for being
pro-forma. Roxas was again declared in default, on the In 1906, Act 1459 (Corporation Law) was enacted which
ground that his motion for reconsideration did not toll the superseded the Code of Commerce of 1886. Act 1459
running of the period to file his answer. On 3 May 1991, essentially introduced the American concept of a
Roxas filed an unverified Motion to Lift the Order of corporation. The purpose of the law, among others, is to
Default which was not accompanied with the required eradicate the Spanish Code and make sociedades
affidavit of merit. But without waiting for the resolution of anonimas obsolete.
the motion, he filed a petition for certiorari with the Court
In 1953, the board of directors of Benguet Mining
of Appeals. The Court of Appeals dismissal of the
submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission
complaint on the ground of improper venue. A
an application for them to be allowed to extend the life
subsequent motion for reconsideration by YASCO was to
span of Benguet Mining. Then Commissioner Mariano
no avail. YASCO and Garcia filed the petition.
Pineda denied the application as it ruled that the
Issue: Whether the venue for the case against YASCO extension requested is contrary to Section 18 of the
and Garcia in Cebu City was improperly laid. Corporation Law of 1906 which provides that the life of a
corporation shall not be extended by amendment
Held: A corporation has no residence in the same sense beyond the time fixed in their original articles.
in which this term is applied to a natural person. But for
practical purposes, a corporation is in a metaphysical Benguet Mining contends that they have a vested right
sense a resident of the place where its principal office is under the Code of Commerce of 1886 because they
located as stated in the articles of incorporation. The were organized under said law; that under said law,
Corporation Code precisely requires each corporation to Benguet Mining is allowed to extend its life by simply
specify in its articles of incorporation the "place where amending its articles of incorporation; that the prohibition
the principal office of the corporation is to be located in Section 18 of the Corporation Code of 1906 does not
which must be within the Philippines." The purpose of apply to sociedades anonimas already existing prior to
this requirement is to fix the residence of a corporation in the Law’s enactment; that even assuming that the
a definite place, instead of allowing it to be ambulatory. prohibition applies to Benguet Mining, it should be
Actions cannot be filed against a corporation in any allowed to be reorganized as a corporation under the
place where the corporation maintains its branch offices. said Corporation Law.
The Court ruled that to allow an action to be instituted in
ISSUE: Whether or not Benguet Mining is correct.
any place where the corporation has branch offices,
would create confusion and work untold inconvenience HELD: No. Benguet Mining has no vested right to
to said entity. By the same token, a corporation cannot extend its life. It is a well settled rule that no person has
be allowed to file personal actions in a place other than a vested interest in any rule of law entitling him to insist
its principal place of business unless such a place is also that it shall remain unchanged for his benefit. Had
the residence of a co-plaintiff or a defendant. With the Benguet Mining agreed to extend its life prior to the
finding that the residence of YASCO for purposes of passage of the Corporation Code of 1906 such right
venue is in Cebu City, where its principal place of would have vested. But when the law was passed in
business is located, it becomes unnecessary to decide 1906, Benguet Mining was already deprived of such
whether Garcia is also a resident of Cebu City and right.
whether Roxas was in estoppel from questioning the
choice of Cebu City as the venue. The decision of the To allow Benguet Mining to extend its life will be inimical
to the purpose of the law which sought to render incorporation to extend its lifespan.
obsolete sociedades anonimas. If this is allowed,
Benguet Mining will unfairly do something which new 3. Majority Stockholders vs Lim
corporations organized under the new Corporation Law
Short Summary: This lengthy case involves the validity
can’t do – that is, exist beyond 50 years. Plus, it would
of the infusion of additional capital effected by the board
have reaped the benefits of being a sociedad anonima
of directors, the questionable issuance of shares of stock
and later on of being a corporation. Further, under the
by the majority stockholders and the extension of
Corporation Code of 1906, existing sociedades
RUBY’s corporate term. As described by the SC, the
anonimas during the enactment of the law must choose
present action has been instituted for the purpose of
whether to continue as such or be organized as a
protecting the true and legitimate interests of Ruby
corporation under the new law. Once a sociedad
against the Majority Stockholders.
anonima chooses one of these, it is already proscribed
from choosing the other. Evidently, Benguet Mining RUBY has been experiencing severe liquidity problem.
chose to exist as a sociedad anonima hence it can no The majority stockholders wanted to infuse more capital
longer elect to become a corporation when its life is near into the corporation through issuance of additional
its end. shares. Hence, the Revised BENHAR/RUBY
Rehabilitation Plan of the majority stockholders
2. Alhambra Cigar vs SEC
proposed to call for subscription of unissued shares for
24 SCRA 269 – Business Organization – Corporation P11.814M. This led to the special meeting of RUBY’s
Law – Corporate Lifespan board meeting whose resolution authorized the issuance
of the unissued portion of the authorized capital stocks
On January 15, 1912, Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette of the corporation in the form of common stocks.
Manufacturing Company, Inc. was incorporated. Its However, the minority stockholders contended, among
lifespan was for 50 years so on January 15, 1962, it others, that they were not given notice as required and
expired. Thereafter, its Board authorized its liquidation. reasonable time to exercise their pre-emptive rights.
Under the prevailing law, Alhambra has 3 years to Hence, the minority stockholders wanted to nullify the
liquidate. acts of the majority stockholders in implementing the
capital infusion. Pre-emptive right refers to the right of a
In 1963, while Alhambra was liquidating, Republic Act stockholder of a stock corporation to subscribe to all
3531 was enacted. It amended Section 18 of the issues or disposition of shares of any class, in proportion
Corporation Law; it empowered domestic private to their respective shareholdings. SC ruled in favor of the
corporations to extend their corporate life beyond the minority stockholders.
period fixed by the articles of incorporation for a term not
to exceed fifty years in any one instance. Previous to Facts:
Republic Act 3531, the maximum non-extendible term of
such corporations was fifty years. - Ruby Industrial Corporation (RUBY) is a domestic
corporation engaged in glass manufacturing. Reeling
Alhambra now amended its articles of incorporation to from severe liquidity problems beginning in 1980, RUBY
extend its lifespan for another 50 years. The Securities filed on December 13, 1983 a petition for suspension of
and Exchange Commission (SEC) denied the amended payments with the SEC which was granted.
articles of incorporation.
- On August 10, 1984, the SEC Hearing Panel created
ISSUE: Whether or not a corporation under liquidation the management committee (MANCOM) for RUBY,
may still amend its articles of incorporation to extend its composed of representatives from Ruby’s creditors. One
lifespan. of the many task of MANCOM is study, review and
evaluate the proposed rehabilitation plan for RUBY.
HELD: No. Alhambra cannot avail of the new law
because it has already expired at the time of its - Subsequently, two (2) rehabilitation plans were
passage. When a corporation is liquidating pursuant to submitted to the SEC the BENHAR/RUBY
the statutory period of three years to liquidate, it is only Rehabilitation Plan of the majority stockholders led by Yu
allowed to continue for the purpose of final closure of its Kim Giang, and the Alternative Plan of the minority
business and no other purposes. In fact, within that stockholders represented by Miguel Lim (Lim). But the
period, the corporation is enjoined from “continuing the implementation of both majority plans has been enjoined
business for which it was established”. Hence, by the SEC and CA. Later, the SC issued a final
Alhambra’s board cannot validly amend its articles of injunction on the implementation.
- Sept 18, 1991: Notwithstanding the injunction order, - Sept 3, 1996: Lim together with other minority
SEC issued an Order approving the Revised stockholders, appeared in order to put on record their
BENHAR/RUBY Plan and creating a new management objections on the validity of holding thereof and the
committee to oversee its implementation. It also matters to be taken therein. Specifically, they questioned
dissolves the MANCOM. the percentage of stockholders present in the meeting
which the majority claimed stood at 74.75%(from
- The Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan had proposed the 59.829%) of the outstanding capital stock of RUBY. Lim
calling for subscription of unissued shares through a argued that the majority stockholders claimed to have
Board Resolution from the P11.814 million of theP23.7 increased their shares to 74.75% by subscribing to the
million ACS “in order to allow the long overdue program unissued shares of the authorized capital stock (ACS).
of the REHAB Program.” Lim pointed out that such move of the majority was in
implementation of the BENHAR/RUBY Plan which calls
- Oct 2, 1991: To implement the Revised plan, RUBY’s
for capital infusion of P11.814 Million representing the
board of directors held a special meeting and took up the
unissued and unsubscribed portion of the present ACS
capital infusion of P11.814 Million representing the
of P23.7 Million.
unissued and unsubscribed portion of the present ACS
of P23.7 Million. - Jan 20, 1998: the SC affirmed CA decision setting
aside the SEC orders approving the Revised
- The Board resolved that: The corporation be authorized
BENHAR/RUBY Plan because it not only recognized the
to issue out of the unissued portion of the authorized
void deeds of assignments entered into with some of
capital stocks of the corporation in the form of common
RUBY’s creditors in violation of the CA’s decision in CA-
stocks 11.8134.00 [Million] to be subscribed and paid in
G.R. SP No. 18310, but also maintained a financing
full by the present stockholders in proportion to their
scheme which will just make the rehabilitation plan more
present stockholding in the corporation on staggered
costly and create a worse situation for RUBY.
basis…and that should any of the stockholders fail to
exercise their rights to buy the number of shares they - Mar 17, 2000, Lim filed a Motion informing the SEC of
are qualified to buy by making the first installment acts being performed by BENHAR and RUBY. Allegedly,
payment of 25% on or before October 13, 1991, then the the implementation of the new percentage stockholdings
other stockholders may buy the same and that only of the majority stockholders and the calling of
when none of the present stockholders are interested in stockholders’ meeting and the subsequent resolution
the shares may there be a resort to selling them by approving the extension of corporate life of RUBY for
public auction. another twenty-five (25) years, were all done in violation
of the decisions of the CA and this Court, and without
- The minority directors claimed they were not notified of
compliance with the legal requirements under the
said board meeting.
Corporation Code. There being no valid extension of
- Sept 1, 1996: Lim receive a Notice of Stockholders’ corporate term, RUBY’s corporate life had legally
Meeting scheduled on September 3, 1996. The matters ceased. Consequently, Lim moved that the SEC: (1)
that will be taken up in said meeting include the declare as null and void the infusion of additional capital
extension of RUBY’s corporate term for another twenty- made by the majority stockholders and restore the
five (25) years and election of Directors. capital structure of RUBY to its original structure prior to
the time injunction was issued; and (2) declare as null
and void the resolution of the majority stockholders
extending the corporate life of RUBY for another twenty-
five (25) years.

- Sept 18, 2002, the SEC overruled the objections

raised by the minority stockholders regarding the
questionable issuance of shares of stock by the majority
stockholders and extension of RUBY’s corporate term
because the filing of the amendment of articles of
incorporation by RUBY in 1996 complied with all the
legal requisites and hence the the presumption of
regularity in the act of a government entity stands. It
pointed out that Lim raised the issue only in the year
2000. Moreover, the SEC found that notwithstanding his
allegations of fraud, Lim never proved the illegality of the Ratio: A stock corporation is expressly granted the
additional infusion of the capitalization by RUBY so as to power to issue or sell stocks. The power to issue shares
warrant a finding that there was indeed an unlawful act. of stock in a corporation is lodged in the board of
directors and no stockholders’ meeting is required to
- Before the CA, Lim demonstrated the following consider it because additional issuances of shares of
evidence to rebut the presumption of regularity: stock do not need approval of the stockholders. What is
only required is the board resolution approving the
(1) it was the board of directors and not the stockholders
additional issuance of shares. The corporation shall also
which conducted the meeting without the approval of the
file the necessary application with the SEC to exempt
MANCOM; (2) there was no written waivers of the
these from the registration requirements under the
minority stockholders’ pre-emptive rights and thus it was
Revised Securities Act (now the Securities Regulation
irregular to merely notify them of the board of directors’
meeting and ask them to exercise their option; (3) there
was an existing permanent injunction against any But CA found, which the Court affirmed, that: the
additional capital infusion on the BENHAR/RUBY Plan, foregoing payment schedules as embodied in the said
while the CA and this Court both rejected the Revised Revised plan which gives Benhar undue advantage over
BENHAR/RUBY Plan; (4) there was no General the other creditors goes against the very essence of
Information Sheet reports made to the SEC on the rehabilitation, which requires that no creditor should be
alleged capital infusion, as per certification by the SEC. preferred over the other. One of the salient features of
the Revised Benhar/Ruby Plan is to Call on unissued
CA Decision (which is cited by SC in its decision):
shares forP11.814 M and if minority will take up their
- SEC erred in not finding that the October 2, 1991 pre-emptive rights and dilute minority shareholdings.
meeting held by RUBY’s board of directors was illegal
With the nullification of the Revised BENHAR/RUBY
because the MANCOM was neither involved nor
Plan by both CA and SC on Jan 20, 1998, the legitimate
consulted in the resolution approving the issuance of
concerns of the minority stockholders and MANCOM
additional shares of RUBY. The CA further noted that the
who objected to the capital infusion which resulted in the
October 2, 1991 board meeting was conducted on the
dilution of their shareholdings, the expiration of RUBY’s
basis of the September 18, 1991 order of the SEC
corporate term and the pending incidents on the void
Hearing Panel approving the Revised BENHAR/RUBY
deeds of assignment of credit – all these should have
Plan, which plan was set by CA and SC.
been duly considered and acted upon by the SEC when
- The CA pointed out that records confirmed the the case was remanded to it for further proceedings.
proposed infusion of additional capital for RUBY’s With the final rejection of the courts of the Revised
rehabilitation, approved during said meeting, as BENHAR/RUBY Plan, it was grave error for the SEC not
implementing the Revised BENHAR/RUBY Plan. to act decisively on the motions filed by the minority
Necessarily then, such capital infusion is covered by the stockholders who have maintained that the issuance of
final injunction against the implementation of the revised additional shares did not help improve the situation of
plan. RUBY except to stifle the opposition coming from the
MANCOM and minority stockholders by diluting the
- The CA likewise faulted the SEC in relying on the latter’s shareholdings. Worse, the SEC ignored the
presumption of regularity on the matter of the extension evidence adduced by the minority stockholders
of RUBY’s corporate term through the filing of amended indicating that the correct amount of subscription of
articles of incorporation. SEC should have invalidated additional shares was not paid by the majority
the resolution extending the corporate term of RUBY for stockholders and that SEC official records still reflect the
another twenty-five (25) years. With the expiration of the 60%-40% percentage of ownership of RUBY.
RUBY’s corporate term, the CA ruled that it was error for
the SEC in not commencing liquidation proceedings. The SEC remained indifferent to the reliefs sought by the
minority stockholders, saying that the issue of the validity
Issue: WON the additional capital infusion is valid? [No of the additional capital infusion was belatedly raised.
because the issuance of additional shares was done in Even assuming the October 2, 1991 board meeting
breach of trust by the controlling stockholders. Here, the indeed took place, the SEC did nothing to ascertain
majority sought to impose their will and, through whether indeed, as the minority claimed: (1) the minority
fraudulent means, attempt to siphon off Ruby’s valuable stockholders were not given notice as required and
assets to the great prejudice of Ruby itself, as well as reasonable time to exercise their pre-emptive rights; and
the minority stockholders and the unsecured creditors.] (2) the capital infusion was not for the purpose of
rehabilitation but a mere ploy to divest the minority present action has been instituted precisely for the
stockholders of their 40.172% shareholding and reduce purpose of protecting the true and legitimate interests of
it to a mere 25.25%. Ruby against the Majority Stockholders. On this score,
the Supreme Court, has ruled that:
Pre-emptive right under Sec. 39 of the Corporation Code
refers to the right of a stockholder of a stock corporation “Generally speaking, the voice of the majority of the
to subscribe to all issues or disposition of shares of any stockholders is the law of the corporation, but there are
class, in proportion to their respective shareholdings. exceptions to this rule. There must necessarily be a limit
The right may be restricted or denied under the articles upon the power of the majority. Without such a limit the
of incorporation, and subject to certain exceptions and will of the majority will be absolute and irresistible and
limitations. The stockholder must be given a reasonable might easily degenerate into absolute tyranny. x x x”[67]
time within which to exercise their preemptive rights. (Additional emphasis supplied.)
Upon the expiration of said period, any stockholder who
has not exercised such right will be deemed to have Lamentably, the SEC refused to heed the plea of the
waived it. minority stockholders and MANCOM for the SEC to
order RUBY to commence liquidation proceedings,
The validity of issuance of additional shares may be which is allowed under Sec. 4-9 of the Rules on
questioned if done in breach of trust by the controlling Corporate Recovery. Under the circumstances,
stockholders. Thus, even if the pre-emptive right does liquidation was the only hope of the minority
not exist, either because the issue comes within the stockholders for effecting an orderly and equitable
exceptions in Section 39 or because it is denied or settlement of RUBY’s obligations, and compelling the
limited in the articles of incorporation, an issue of shares majority stockholders to account for all funds, properties
may still be objectionable if the directors acted in breach and documents in their possession, and make full
of trust and their primary purpose is to perpetuate or shift disclosure on the nullified credit assignments.
control of the corporation, or to “freeze out” the minority
interest. In this case, the following relevant observations In fine, no error was committed by the CA when it set
should have signaled greater circumspection on the part aside the September 18, 2002 Order of the SEC and
of the SEC -- upon the third and last remand to it declared the nullity of the acts of majority stockholders in
pursuant to our January 20, 1998 decision -- to demand implementing capital infusion through issuance of
transparency and accountability from the majority additional shares in October 1991 and the board
stockholders, in view of the illegal assignments and resolution approving the extension of RUBY’s corporate
objectionable features of the Revised BENHAR/RUBY term for another 25 years.
Plan, as found by the CA and as affirmed by this Court:
There can be no gainsaying the well-established rule in
1. Marc II Marketing, Inc. vs. Joson
corporate practice and procedure that the will of the
majority shall govern in all matters within the limits of the G.R. No. 171993. December 12, 2011.
act of incorporation and lawfully enacted by-laws not
proscribed by law. It is, however, equally true that other Petitioner Marc II Marketing, Inc. is a corporation
stockholders are afforded the right to intervene primarily engaged in buying, marketing, selling and
especially during critical periods in the life of a distributing in retail or wholesale for export or import
corporation like reorganization, or in this case, household appliances and products and other items.
suspension of payments, more so, when the majority Respondent Alfredo Joson, on the other hand, was the
seek to impose their will and through fraudulent means, General Manager, incorporator, director and stockholder
attempt to siphon off Ruby’s valuable assets to the great of petitioner corporation. Lucila Goson, in her capacity
prejudice of Ruby itself, as well as the minority as President of Marc Marketing, Inc., to work as the
stockholders and the unsecured creditors. General Manager of petitioner corporation. It was
formalized through the execution of a Management
Certainly, the minority stockholders and the unsecured Contract as petitioner corporation is yet to be
creditors are given some measure of protection by the incorporated at the time of its execution. It was explicitly
law from the abuses and impositions of the majority, provided therein that respondent shall be entitled to 30%
more so in this case, considering the give-away signs of of its net income for his work as General Manager.
private respondents’ perfidy strewn all over the factual Respondent will also be granted 30% of its net profit to
landscape. Indeed, equity cannot deprive the minority of compensate for the possible loss of opportunity to work
a remedy against the abuses of the majority, and the overseas. Petitioner corporation decided to stop and
cease its operations, due to poor sales collection or more Vice-President; (4) Treasurer; and (5)
aggravated by the inefficient management of its affairs. Secretary. The position of General Manager was not
On the same date, it formally informed respondent of the among those enumerated. The board of directors has no
cessation of its business operation. Concomitantly, power to create other corporate offices without first
respondent was apprised of the termination of his amending the corporate by-laws so as to include therein
services as General Manager since his services as such the newly created corporate office. The corporate
would no longer be necessary for the winding up of its officers enumerated in the by-laws are the exclusive
affairs. Feeling aggrieved, respondent filed a Complaint officers of the corporation while the rest could only be
for Reinstatement and Money Claim against petitioners regarded as mere employees or subordinate officials.
before the Labor Arbiter. Insisting that the Labor Arbiter
has no jurisdiction over the case, petitioners instead filed INCORPORATORS
an Urgent Motion to Resolve the Motion to Dismiss and
the Motion to Suspend Filing of Position Paper.

1. Which between the Labor Arbiter or the RTC, has G.R. No. 164588, October 19, 2005, YNARES-
jurisdiction over respondent’s dismissal as General SANTIAGO
Manager of petitioner corporation.
FACTS: Yumul was one of the incorporators of Nautica
2. Whether respondent as General Manager of petitioner Canning Corporation. Under the AOI, Yumul has
corporation is a corporate officer or a mere employee of subscribed to 1 share with par value of Php 100. Yumul
the latter. was appointed Chief Operating Officer/General Manager
of Nautica. First Dominion Prime Holdings, Inc. (FDPHI),
RULING: Nautica’s parent company, through its Chairman Alvin Y.
Dee, granted Yumul an Option to Purchase up to 15% of
1. The Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction over the case. the total stocks it subscribed from Nautica. A Deed of
Respondent’s dismissal as petitioner corporation’s Trust and Assignment was executed between FDPHI
General Manager did not amount to an intra-corporate and Yumul whereby the former assigned 14,999 of its
controversy which is exclusively cognizable by the subscribed shares in Nautica to the latter. The deed
Regional Trial Courts. The dismissal of a corporate stated that the 14,999 “shares were acquired and paid
officer is always regarded as a corporate and/or an intra- for in the name of the ASSIGNOR only for convenience,
corporate controversy. Intra-corporate controversies also but actually executed in behalf of and in trust for the
include controversies in the election or appointments of ASSIGNEE.”
directors, trustees, officers or managers of such
corporations, partnerships or associations. When Nautica declared dividends, Yumul received his
cash dividend representing his 15% share. Upon
2. Respondent is not a corporate officer, but an resignation, Yumul requested Dee to formalize his offer
employee of the corporation. Corporate officers are to buy Yumul’s 15% share in Nautica and demanding the
those officers of a corporate who are given that issuance of the corresponding certificate of shares in his
character either by the Corporation Code or by the name should Dee refuse to buy the same. Dee, through
corporation’s by-laws. The aforesaid Section 25 of the Nautica’s corporate secretary, denied the request
Corporation Code, particularly the phrase “such other claiming that Yumul was not a stockholder of Nautica
officers as may be provided for in the by-laws,” has been and that he was just a nominal owner of one share as
clarified and elaborated in this Court’s recent the beneficial ownership belonged to Dee who paid for
pronouncement in Matling Industrial and Commercial said share when Nautica was incorporated. Yumul
Corporation v. Coros, 633 SCRA 12 (2010), where it requested that the Deed of Trust and Assignment be
held, thus: Conformably with Section 25, a position must recorded in the Stock and Transfer Book of Nautica, and
be expressly mentioned in the [b]y-[l]aws in order to be that he, as a stockholder, be allowed to inspect its books
considered as a corporate office. Thus, the creation of and records.
an office pursuant to or under a [b]y-[l]aw enabling
provision is not enough to make a position a corporate Yumul’s requests were denied allegedly because he
office. A careful perusal of petitioner corporation’s by- neither exercised the option to purchase the shares nor
laws, particularly paragraph 1, Section 1, Article IV, paid for the acquisition price of the 14,999 shares. Atty.
would explicitly reveal that its corporate officers are Arguelles maintained that the cash dividend received by
composed only of: (1) Chairman; (2) President; (3) one Yumul is held by him only in trust for First Dominion
Prime Holdings, Inc. corporation as one among its stockholders and the
corporation may legally refuse the issuance of stock
Yumul filed a petition for mandamus with the SEC, certificates. Even granting that there was an agreement
praying that the Deed of Trust and Assignment be between Yumul and Dee whereby the former is holding
recorded in the Stock and Transfer Book of Nautica and the share in trust for Dee, the same is binding only as
that the certificate of stocks corresponding thereto be between them thus, the SEC and the Court of Appeals
issued in his name. The SEC ruled in favor of Yumul. correctly found Yumul to be a stockholder of Nautica.
Upon appeal, the CA affirmed the SEC ruling.
The conduct of the parties also constitute sufficient proof
ISSUES: of Yumul’s status as a stockholder. He was elected as a
director, thereafter, he was elected as president. Thus,
1. WON Yumul has transferred his subscription to Dee
Nautica and its stockholders knowingly held Yumul out to
and has thereby ceased to be a stockholder of Nautica.
the public as an officer and a stockholder of the
2. WON the Corporate Secretary of Nautica may be corporation.
compelled to record the Deed of Assignment in the Stock
2. NO. Petitioners allege that Yumul failed to exercise
and Transfer Book of the corporation.
the option to purchase shares of stocks in Nautica, thus
HELD: there was no cause or consideration for the Deed of
Trust and Assignment, which makes it void for being
1. NO. The validity of its incorporation is not affected simulated or fictitious. Anent the validity of the Deed of
when such individual gives nominal ownership of only Trust and Assignment, the Court ruled that the
one share of stock to each of the other four determination of whether a contract is simulated or not is
incorporators. Incorporators continue to be stockholders an issue that could be resolved by applying pertinent
of a corporation unless, subsequent to the incorporation, provisions of the Civil Code, particularly those relative to
they have validly transferred their subscriptions to the obligations and contracts. Disputes concerning the
real parties in interest. A transfer of shares of stock not application of the Civil Code are properly cognizable by
recorded in the stock and transfer book of the courts of general jurisdiction. The SC refrained from
corporation is non-existent as far as the corporation is ruling on whether or not Yumul can compel the corporate
concerned. As between the corporation on the one hand, secretary to register said deed. It is only after an
and its shareholders and third persons on the other, the appropriate case is filed and decision rendered thereon
corporation looks only to its books for the purpose of by the proper forum can the issue be resolved.
determining who its shareholders are. Without such
recording, the transferee may not be regarded by the

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