Participating in Worship Today: East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

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Participating in Worship Today East Stroudsburg

Ushers and Greeters 8:30 a.m.:Richard & MaryAnn Miller, Cassidy

Miller, John Miller, Jerry & Ginny Levanowitz, Linda George, Jessie
United Methodist Church
Gillespie 9:45 a.m.: Joyce Heller, Lisa & McKenna Datesman, Art &
Kathy North 11 a.m.: Ken & Sandy Brown, Pam O’Brien, Art & Kathy Mission: To love Jesus Christ and to share His love.
North, Nancy Gargone Sunday, October 24, 2010
Lay Readers 8:30 a.m.: Maria Jacobs 9:45 a.m.: Lynn Pappalardo
11 a.m.: Dena Perfetti
Acolytes 8:30 a.m.:Garrett Manhart
11 a.m.:Megan Eppley & Kaitlyn O’Brien
Children’s Church: Jessica Barrett
Church Driver: Janett Raughley
Altar Flowers Delivery for October: Madeline Milton

Staff Contact Information - Office 570-421-3280

Senior Pastor Edward C. Kimes, (ext.14) ekimes@
Associate Pastor-Discipleship Candy Labar (ext. 12)
Congregational Care Peggy Strack (ext. 23)
Church Administrator Sharmune Burgess (ext.10)
Lay-Led Ministries Kelli Oney (ext. 17)
Children’s Ministry Sue Randall (ext. 11)
Youth Ministry Scott Kuhnle (ext. 13)
Administrator of Finances Sue Mertz (ext. 15)
Financial Secretary Cyndie Faunce (ext. 25)
Sextons Harvey Smith & Sal Lapadula (ext. 16)
Nursery Attendants Ana Price, Jennessy Hernandez,
Kimberly Eaton
Music - Organist Pauline Fox
Choirs Norm Fox

83 South Courtland Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

Church Office email:
W ebsite:
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Weekly News Opportunities for Congregational Care
The information in this bulletin is a snapshot of weekly activities in
My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and
our church and community. It showcases new events that may not be
united in love, so that they may have the full riches of
present in our monthly newsletter. The Weekly News is also posted
complete understanding. Colossians 2:2a
on our website: along with other news and events.
Encourage one another. In 1 Thessalonians 5 Paul writes, Therefore
If you want your activity to be included, please make your
encourage one another and build each other up. Encourage the timid,
submissions to the church office before 10 a.m. on Tuesdays.
help the weak, be patient with everyone. God has called us all to build
Submissions can be faxed to 421-0778, emailed to
up and encourage one another. For those who are experiencing a really
or brought to the church office.
difficult time, our Stephen Ministers can provide the special
encouragement, care, and support they need until they are past the crisis.
If you would like more information about our Stephen Ministry, please
Welcome Visitors! call Peggy Strack at the church office at 421-3280.
If this is your first time worshiping with us, we welcome you. As a Homebound and Care Facility church members are always happy to
church we are committed to Love Jesus Christ and to Share His Love. be remembered by the church family. Encouraging cards or notes can be
We offer three services: 8:30 and 11 a.m. are traditional, and 9:45 a.m. sent to Henrietta Wakefield, Room 114 B Wing, Pleasant Valley Manor,
is contemporary. 4227 Manor Drive, Stroudsburg, Pa. 18360..
~ Our Welcome Center is located in Oberholtzer Hall, the room next Eye Care Clinic for uninsured and under-insured residents of Monroe
to the sanctuary. Brochures on all our ministries are available there. County is accepting patients. Call 570-992-7787 for information, or see
the flier on the Congregational Care Bulletin Board in Oberholtzer Hall.
~ Our Holy Grounds Café is a place for light refreshments and coffee
from 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. each Sunday in our Fellowship Hall. The Free Mammogram Program is offered by Pocono Medical Center to
café provides worshipers with an informal opportunity for fellowship. women meeting certain criteria. For more information, call
570-476-3488 or see the flier on the Congregational Care Bulletin Board
~ Our Infant and Toddler Nurseries are available every Sunday from in Oberholtzer Hall.
8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. They are located on the lower level of the church
and are staffed with our full-time, professional attendants and parent Grief Share for the Holidays - No matter how long it’s been since
volunteers. your loved one died, grief can make the holidays a painful time. Join us
Saturday, November 6 from 5-7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for an
~ Children’s Church for ages four through third grade is offered at the encouraging seminar that will help you survive the holidays and
11 a.m. service and is guided by a parent volunteer. Children will be discover new reasons to enjoy them again. To register, please call Peggy
dismissed after the Children’s Message. Please pick up your children Strack at 421-3280, ext. 23.
from the lower level classrooms of the church following worship.
Opportunities for Connecting as a Body of Christ Opportunities for Prayer and Praise
Church Doors Locked - For safety reasons all the doors to the church If you have a prayer request, please list it either on the prayer sheet in
and the back door to the office building will be locked during office the rear of the sanctuary or on the back of the friendship pad, making
hours. Please come to the office if you wish to enter the church. sure to include your name on the request. This aids us in updating
weekly requests. Confidentiality is very important; we want to honor
Upcoming Prayer Vigil and Corporate Prayer Open House - The each person's right to privacy. Please be mindful of this as you write
Bible tells us to pray about everything--and that includes important your requests.
events in the life of our church. With Commitment Sunday and our
church conference coming up in November, we as a church desire to
cover these events in prayer. Plan to attend the Healing and Illness
- Corporate Prayer Open House is Thursday, November 4, any time Doris Flick, (Loretta Anthes)
between 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Jeff (Campbell Group)
- 24 Hour Prayer Vigil is Saturday, November 6 and you can sign up Pastor Kimes (Church Staff)
on the board in Oberholtzer Hall for individual prayer time slots at the
church or in your home. Those with Cancer: Trish Walker (Rebecca Stager); Chris (Barbara &
Leon Warner); Rudy (Harriet Stocker); Joellen Berryman (Tom & Leigh
S.W.A.T. (Senior Workers Action Team), meets Tuesday October 26. Balcik); John (Ministry Placement Team)
Anyone who has three hours to help clean, paint or organize things
around our church is welcome. Ken & Bonnie Alspach will serve Other
breakfast at 8:30 a.m and the team will work from 9-Noon. Come when Stribling family (Jenni Poole)
you can leave when you must. Please, call Bob at 223-7076 for details. Pocono Plateau, financial blessing (Angie Simmons)
Praise for the birth of Sophia Susan to Joy Oberholtzer (Sandy)
Davis Class Meetings will meet at the home of Lee Karchner, 7 Strength, safety and protection while serving God: Megan Sanders,
Appenzell Terrace, Monday, October 25 at 1 p.m. For directions, call Ryan Moyer, Ben Drake, Jas Poole, Ally Jaggard, Spanish Health
Lee at 620-0266. Quilting Group will meet October 28 at Hamilton Ministries (Missions Team)
Manor at 10 a.m. The class needs fabric to make these quilts that are Strength, safety and protection while serving in Marines: Joshua
donated to Pocono Area Transitional Housing. Material can be dropped Hummel, Damon McHinney; Iraq: Kyle, August Jackson; Pacific: Faith
off in the Bridal Lounge. Call Harriet Stocker at 476-5306. Gibbs; Afghanistan: Jason Lamboy, Scott Kiess, Ryan Maciejczak,
Golf Outing: The youth program is offering a four-man scramble at Everett Horton, Chris Stowe, Kevin Overcash; Air Force: Amelia
GlenBrook Saturday November 6, at 1 p.m. Cost is $55 per person and Gordon, Dave Bennett; Army: (Japan) Kamahl Gordon; (Germany)
all money raised will go to the youth program. Please contact Scott Josh Kimple
Kuhnle to signup.
Adult Co-ed Recreational Basketball meets every Monday at 8 p.m.
in the Fellowship Hall. For more information call John at 426-7574.
Adult Basketball for men meets every Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. in the
Fellowship Hall. For more information call Eric at 242-6047.
Opportunities to Celebrate God through Worship Opportunities for Mission and Outreach
Ice Cream with Megan Sanders Friday, October 29 at 7 p.m. in
Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God Fellowship Hall. Megan is home (along with Dave and Paula) and will
Thanks Be To God for double blessing today of combined Adult Bell catch us up on what she has been doing through YWAM. Megan is one
and Chancel Choirs at 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. services! Introducing the of our Faith Promise Partners.
ringers this week, from smallest to largest bells are Cathy Shoemaker, Adult Mission Trip - In the spring of 2010 Middle Tennessee
Karen Raub, Dana Hollar, Linda Motts, Denise Zall, Winnie Repsher, (Nashville Area) had devastating flooding and tornadoes.
Christine Perfetti, Patty Swineford, Lynn Pappalardo, and Joe Dorsch. Approximately 36,000 families were affected. We are looking to set up
An additional strong person to help ring the largest bells would be a trip in the middle of spring 2011 to help these families get back on
appreciated. (Singers and other ringers will be introduced in future their feet. We will be leaving on a Saturday morning, visit a local
weeks.) church Sunday morning and return the following Saturday evening.
Additional singers are invited to join with the Chancel Choir at the This work week may just be the most rewarding week of your life. If
congregational dinner Friday evening November 12 for the enthusiastic interested, please contact Wayne Mertz at (570)730-9240 or
song "Thank You for the Music!" as part of the entertainment. Anyone with a willingness to serve is welcome.

For further information about music contact Norman or Pauline Fox at Family Promise is here the week of November 7 - 14. If you would be or 223-9889. willing to help with evening supervision Sunday, 11-7; Tuesday, 11-9;
or Wednesday 11-10, please contact Kelli at 421-3280.
URGENT NEED! The sound system ministry is a necessary vehicle to
effectively communicate the worship services every Sunday. If you Support Family Promise at The Empty Plate Italian Dinner Friday,
would like to be trained and participate once a month operating the November 5 from 5-7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Tickets are $12 for
sound system during 8:30, 9:45 or 11 a.m. worship, please see Bryan adults and $5 for children. Any bakers willing to make a dessert for the
Wallie or contact the church office at 421-3280 or dinner, please contact Faith Kimes at 421-5113.
Service Saturday is November 6. Our youth will be serving our
community through local missions projects the first Saturday of every
month. In order to make this program work, we need several adult
volunteers; please let Scott Kuhnle know if you are interested in helping
by contacting him at or 421-3280.
Special Needs Students: Do you have a passion for the care of special
needs students? Contact Scott Kuhnle at if you
would be interested in exploring options for a special needs ministry
here in our church.
Stine Class Collects Cell Phones for Soldiers - Americans will replace
an estimated 130 million cell phones this year; why not donate your old
phone into a prepaid calling card for U.S. troops stationed overseas.
Each donated phone provides an hour of talk time for soldiers abroad.
A box is located in Oberholtzer Hall until Christmas.
Opportunities for Spiritual Growth Opportunities
Youth for Spiritual
Ministry - Entering Growth
7th - 12th Grades
For information or to participate contact Scott Kuhnle
Young Adults Bible Study will take part in the Tuesday night World at
Religions study until November 9. For more information, please contact
Pastor LaBar at 421-3280, ext.12 or Golf Outing: The youth program is offering a four-man scramble at
GlenBrook, Saturday November 6, at 1 p.m. Cost is $55 per person.
Children’s Ministry - Birth - 6 th Grades All money raised will benefit the youth program. Sign-up with Scott.

Fire Drill Today! Our children will be having a FIRE DRILL to Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School Classes meet weekly at 11 a.m. in the
comply with our Safe Sanctuary policy during the Sunday School hour. Youth Room. We split into Jr. and Sr. High classes at 11:15 a.m.
The East Stroudsburg fire company will be on hand to evaluate our Sunday Night Program is from 7-9 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. There
performance and offer safety tips. will be a mix of games, worship, message, and discussion.
NEW! Our 6th grade students are now invited to participate in our Youth Praise Band practices every Wednesday from 7 - 8:30 p.m. in
J.A.M, after-school program. They meet from 2:45 - 5 p.m. at the the Youth Room. Anyone interested in playing an instrument or
church. Church vans will be available to pickup any interested students singing should contact Scott Kuhnle.
from JTL, Stroudsburg Middle and Jr. High. JAM is a time of fun and
fellowship. Permission forms are needed; please email Scott at Weekly Thursday Schedule • J.A.M, after- school program, NOW for 6-7-8th grades is from
2:45 - 5 p.m. Church vans will be available to pick up any
Lord’s Army , our after-school program for fourth-fifth graders, is interested students from JTL, Stroudsburg Middle and Jr. High.
Tuesday, October 26 from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. They will be hiking JAM is a time of fun and fellowship. Permission forms are needed.
Pinebrook Trail. Transportation from local schools is limited, please • Fellowship Meal from 5 - 6 p.m. for all 7 - 12th grade students.
call Sue Randall to register at 421-3280. • Jr. & Sr. High Small Group Bible Studies are from 6-7:30 p.m.
Youth Praise Dance (9 years and up) meets in the Fellowship Hall Our Next Service Saturday is November 6. Our youth will be
every Sunday from 5 - 6 p.m. For more information, contact Tracy serving our community through local missions projects. In order to
Martin at 570-424-5511 or make this program work, we need several adult volunteers---please
let Scott know if you are interested in helping.
Fall Weekend Retreat is Friday, October 29 – Sunday, October 31 at
Hopewell United Methodist Church for a weekend of fellowship and
worship. This trip is open to all students in 7th - 12th grades. Send an
email to Scott to sign up or for more information. Don't miss the
fun!!! For all those trick-or-treaters, we will be back in East
Stroudsburg by 1:30 p.m.
Youth Praise Dance (ages 9 and up) meets in the Fellowship Hall
every Sunday from 5-6 p.m. Praise dance encourages the dancers to
choreograph their own praise dance as an expression of their faith.
Faith Promise Update O
Can you count the "Stepping Stones" that our church offers for stepping
out into our community and a wider community beyond us to share
God's love in meaningful ways? Through small groups, youth groups,
Pastors' sermons, guest speakers such as Raymond Garcia, and
church-wide studies we have been made aware of God's challenge to be
willing to share God's love and Salvation - even in unexpected places.
During this past year, your contributions and prayer support through
FAITH PROMISE have made it possible to step out with one-time
support for those who are using their time and gifts for sharing their
faith in a full-time commitment. Support has been given to the Klein
Family in China, teachers in an English School in Afghanistan, Ally
Jaggard in a Christian Leadership Program, and Ben Drake with Youth
With A Mission (YWAM.)
There has also been some extra support given to ongoing Faith Promise
Partner. We helped Family Promise with household items for families
graduating from the program; United Methodist Committee on Relief
(UMCOR) with Haiti disaster funds; Spanish Health Ministries send
clients for a Spiritual Retreat and for Habitat for Humanity to purchase
foreclosed properties.
Sunday, October 31
This support is possible because of your commitment to step out and
6 - 8 p.m.
share a commitment to God's ways in this world. This is greatly Come out and join us for a safe, fun night of trick or treating. We will
appreciated as Leslie Howes writes, Thank you very much for your be transforming our back parking lot into the Garden of Eden.
continuous support of Monroe County Habitat for Humanity. We greatly
appreciate your generosity this year and always! Your Support is Needed:
There are many opportunities for you to serve right here in our church. - Four trunks for decorating are needed - we have the supplies.
Visit Fellowship Hall today and see the ministries that continually take - Two people to help make and bag popcorn.
place and step out and serve by volunteering. With joy and excitement - Three people to cook and distribute hotdogs.
let's continue stepping out for God and God's ways in our spiritually
needy world together. CANDY - Please bring a bag or two of candy to church next
Sunday, October 31. A collection box is located in Oberholtzer Hall.

We will also be handing chips on North Courtland St. from 6-8 p.m.
If you would like to help, please call Joyce at 421-2885.

Thank you for helping us share the love of Christ with our children.

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