What The Smoot Hawley Act Can Teach Protectionists Today

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What the Smoot Hawley Act Can Teach  May 28, 1929. Smoot-Hawley passes the House.

prices drop to 191 points.
Protectionists Today
 June 19. Senate Republicans revise bill. Market rallies,

The Smoot-Hawley Act is the Tariff Act of 1930. It hitting its peak of 216 on September 3.

increased 900 import tariffs by an average of 40 to 48  October 21. Senate adds tariffs to non-farm imports.
percent. Most economists blame it for worsening the Great Black Thursday stock market crash.

Depression. It also contributed to the start of World War II.  October 31. Presidential candidate Hoover supports
bill. Foreigners start withdrawing capital.
In June 1930, Smoot-Hawley raised already high U.S.  March 24, 1930. Senate passes the bill. Stocks fall.
tariffs on foreign agricultural imports. The purpose was to  June 17, 1930. Hoover signs the bill into law. Stocks
support U.S. farmers who had been ravaged by the Dust drop to 140 in July.
Bowl. Rather than helping, it raised food prices for
Americans who were already suffering from the Tariffs forced import prices up 45 percent. Millions of
Depression. It also compelled other countries to retaliate Americans had just lost everything in the stock market
with their own tariffs. That forced global trade down by 65 crash. Overnight, imports became unaffordable luxuries for
percent. Smoot-Hawley showed how dangerous trade all but the wealthy. It made it harder for those who lost their
protectionism is for the global economy. Since then, world jobs to afford anything but domestic goods. Canada,
leaders advocate free trade agreements that promote Europe and other nations swiftly retaliated by raising tariffs
increased trade for all participants. on U.S. exports. As a result, exports fell from $7 billion in
1929 to $2.5 billion in 1932. Farm exports fell to a third of
History their 1929 level by 1933.

Prior to depression 25 percent of Americans were Global trade plummeted 65 percent. That made it difficult
farmers. Between 1915 and 1918, food prices skyrocketed for American manufacturers to remain in business. U.S.
as the world recovered from World War I. High demand for auto manufacturers suffered from tariffs on 800 products
food created speculation in farmland. By the 1920s, they used. At the time, exports comprised 5 percent
farmers had taken on debt to fund growth and pay for the of gross domestic product.
land. But as Europe recovered, food prices abruptly
returned to normal. Debt-laden farmers faced bankruptcy. Smoot-Hawley's Lessons for Today
Congress wanted to protect American farmers from the
now cheap agricultural imports. It raised farm tariffs to the President Donald Trump advocates a return to trade
same level as tariffs on manufactured goods. As the bill protectionism to increase U.S. jobs. He immediately
wound its way through Congress, every legislator wanted withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the biggest
to add protections for their states' industries. trade agreement since the North American Free Trade
Agreement. He is trying to renegotiate NAFTA
By 1929, the bill proposed tariffs on 20,000 imported with Mexico and Canada. He announced a 25 percent tariff
goods. Economists, leaders, and newspaper editors on steel from these allies, the European Union, Japan, and
completely opposed the bill. They knew it would become China. These countries are announcing retaliatory
a barrier to international trade. Other countries would measures.
retaliate. The tariffs would also raise import
prices. Congress debated the bill as the stock market Protectionism would have an even more devastating effect
crashed in October 1929. in 2018 than it did in 1929. Exports now comprise 13
percent of U.S. GDP. The United States exports a lot of oil,
How It Contributed to the Depression commercial aircraft, food, and automobiles. These
industries will suffer a great deal from a trade war.
The timing of the bill's passage through Congress affected
the stock market.

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