Criterion C Student Work and Appendices

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Sewing a Traditional Polish Dance Costume

Table of Contents:

Criterion A: 3-5

Criterion B: 6-9

Criterion C: 10-12

Criterion D: 13-15

Annotated bibliography: 16-18

Appendices: 19-28

Criterion C

My goal was to sew a traditional Polish Krakowianka Dance Costume, and I have done

so successfully. The global context my product falls under is Personal and Cultural expression. It

had influenced the process of creating this product by taking something simple and universal and

being able to improve it by making something from my culture where I can express and embrace

my culture because my product is a very big part of Polish heritage. For my costume I was

originally going to sew the floral skirt, the white shirt and apron, and the detailed vest as well as

create the beaded necklace and the flower crown because those are all the pieces of the

Krakowianka costume. I was going to make it identical to the professional costumes that are

made. In the end I had done just that, I did not adjust anything and created all the pieces that I

said I was originally going to make. The end result was a stunning costume that looked

professionally made and included all the items that are traditional to the costume. However, for

my presentation I was originally going to present to the class that I volunteer in at the Polish

Saturday Language School I volunteer in. Unfortunately there were multiple snow days and I

was unable to present by the date that my product was due, and the teacher of the class I help out

in told me they were so far behind in work I was unable to present. Instead of presenting at the

Polish Saturday Language School I gathered a group of people from my grade in my school and

presented to them during lunch; I still had done a pre and post quiz and took comments and

constructive criticism as I originally planned on doing. I wanted to create a quiz to see if people

really learned something from my presentation and I wanted them to learn all the things I did but

in 20 minutes rather than 8 months like I had. What I wanted them to take away was: the

components of the costume, their origin, and their meaning. The questions I ended up asking on

the post quiz were: What are 3 things the costume represents? When are the costumes worn and

why? What are some of the main components of the costume? And, what was your favorite

component of the costume?

During the process of creating my product I faced many challenges. One of the many I

faced was when I was preparing to make a final product of one of the components I had to make

an outline out of other fabric so I could trace it onto my final fabric and cut it out. During the

creation of these outlines, I had to cut out multiple cut-outs because they didn’t turn out right, or

I had to keep changing the shape and measurements to fit my body better. Another challenge was

when I was sewing some of the pieces I had to keep repining them to get the pieces straight or to

look the way they’re supposed to, for example, I had to keep repining the pleats in the skirt so

that it fit me better and they were all even. In addition when I would do the trims I had to re pin

them to get them straight, and sometimes I would have to sew them by hand because they were

too thick and would break the needle on the sewing machine. The final challenge I faced when

making the costume was when I had to put the sequins and beading onto the vest, this took me

the longest because I had to be careful not to go through the second layer of fabric and to make

sure not to let all the thread and stitching show. Another challenge I faced was finding the fabric

for the skirt. It’s a fabric that you can’t find many places and is hard to find similar fabrics too.

Originally, I planned on buying a fabric from Poland however, it would’ve taken too long to get

to America and I wouldn’t have been able to finish my costume in time. Instead I spent weeks

going to different stores looking and asking for a fabric similar to what I needed but I had no

luck. Finally I came across a store online called Polish Art Center that was based in Michigan so

I was able to order the fabric and get it shipped to me in a week. All these problems showed that

I needed to use my thinking skills to get me out of these difficult situations so they couldn’t get

in the way of my completion of my product. A lot of times I had to apply what I learned in my

research to get me out of these difficult situations such as the vest and how I had to keep redoing

it, I had to refer back to what I had learned on making a vest to fix my mistakes.

Criteria for product:

for my product to be successful it needed to:

• Have straight stitching,

• Be very sturdy, as in not falling apart

• it will look professional and almost identical to the original traditional costume

(Added from earlier section, but to be considered here.)

Annotated bibliography

Articles and websites

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. "Mazurka." Encyclopedia Britannica Online.

Encyclopedia Britannica, 10 Feb. 2016. Web. 01 July 2016.

This source talks about one of the traditional Polish dances the mazurka. It is a dance that
originated from the region of Mazowia, like all costumes, each dance comes from a certain
region. In addition to that, the dances are very important because without the dances there would
be no dance costume. This is a credible website, and holds a lot of valuable yet credible
information and has everything on it because it is an encyclopedia. This source helped me to
understand one of the most popular folk dances in Poland. I wanted to know more about what
has become a part of the dance costumes so I could understand the Polish culture as a whole and
not just from bits and pieces.

PolskaTradycja. "Folklor." Polska Tradycja - Folklor, Legendy, Święta. Polska Tradycja, 2016.
Web. 15 Oct. 2016.

This source is about almost all the main regions and the costumes. They go very into
depth on what costume has what and what each piece means. In addition it has information on
the costumes in general and what they define in Polish culture. Although this site is in Polish, I
can understand it and I know it is a credible source. This is because it is similar to Wikipedia,
however, the have editors who monitor the site and make sure everything is credible and people
need to be approved to go on the site and write information in. This source was helpful because it
was the one source that looked at costumes as a whole and explained in detail what each piece
meant and what they all meant in general.

Trochimczyk, Maja. "PMRC Polish Dance Sites." PMRC Polish Dance Sites. N.p., 2000. Web.
01 July 2016.

This source holds information about the different costumes and their history and where
they originated from. These articles were credible because they are written by a historian who is
well known for her credible and relevant work. Her name is Maja Trochimczyk and she is a
music historian and has received her doctorate in that. She has multiple websites about Polish
Dances and has spent many years studying and researching Polish dances. Due to the authors
substantial knowledge on Polish dances I believe this is a credible source because it comes from
someone who knows a lot about the topic. This source helped me gain knowledge on the
backgrounds of their costume and their origination because not all sites went that far into depth
about the history.


Hartford Polish Saturday School. 4 May 2016. Hartford, CT. Facebook. Hartford Polish Saturday
School, 4 May 2014. Web. 1 Sept. 2016.

This image is an image of the dance group and I that I used to dance in with my Hartford
Polish Saturday Language School. It was very helpful because I used it for reference when
creating my costume because it was the costume I wanted to make. I favored this costume the
most and I mostly used this picture when making my product.

K, Roman. "Costume of Western Krakow Region." FolkCostume&Embroidery:. N.p., 03 May

2016. Web. 05 July 2016.

This image is of the traditional Krakowianka costume. I looked at it originally because I

felt it was the most traditional. It comes from a site that has credible information on all the
costumes and hold a lot of pictures which I used originally to pick out what costume I wanted to

Personal interview

Gwara, Irene. “How To Use a Sewing Machine.” Wethersfield, Ct. 5 November 2016. Personal

This source talked about how to use the sewing machine I would be working with. She
was very helpful because I was unsure what each part of the sewing machine was for and how to
use it. I was also unsure on how to use the older sewing machines since I was used to using the
newer machines. She is a credible source because she used to work in factories sewing leather
jackets and clothes. In addition to that she was a seamstress and when she lived in Poland she
used to make her own clothes, so she is very informed on how to sew and use a sewing machine.

Zagula, Emilia. “How to Embroider Designs with Beads and Sequins.” Newington, Ct. 10
December 2016. Personal Interview

This source taught me how to embroider patterns with sequins and beads. This source is
reliable because she used to help with fixing the costumes in the Polish dance group I was a part
of and she mainly fixed the embroideries on the vests when she would tailor them so she is very
informed on the topic.


Cozaszycie. "Zrób to Sama - Jak Uszyć Kamizelkę - Kamizelka Z Wełny [Coza Szycie]."
YouTube. YouTube, 06 Oct. 2015. Web. 1 Nov. 2016.

This source went into depth on how to make a vest. Although it was in Polish I was able
to understand the video. This source is credible because her whole channel is dedicated to
creating in depth videos on how to sew garments. This source helped me because it gave me a
guideline on how to cut everything out and where to take measurements and how.

Rita22982. "DIY How To Make A Gathered Mid Skirt ( Easy Sewing)." YouTube. YouTube, 07
Mar. 2015. Web. 1 Nov. 2016.

This source showed a video on how to sew a mid-length skirt. They are a credible source
because they go into depth on their videos on how to do everything and their whole channel is
dedicated to showing how to sew your own garments. This source was very helpful because it
gave me clarification on what I needed to do. I say this because I used this video more as an
outline and not a guide because I already had a general idea on how to sew a skirt and I just
needed clarification.

3000monika. "Jak Uszyć Kamizelkę." YouTube. YouTube, 25 Mar. 2011. Web. 1 Nov. 2016.

This source went into depth on how to make a vest. Although it was in Polish I was able
to understand the video. This source is credible because her whole channel is dedicated to
creating in depth videos on how to sew garments. This source helped me because it gave me a
guideline on how to cut everything out and where to take measurements and how.

Journal entry #4: sewing the floral skirt 12/24/26

To create the skirt I used the 3 yards I
ordered as the width, I then measured from my hip
to mid shin for the length. I then sewed the two
sides together length wise leaving two s yard
openings at the top and bottom. After that I went in
at the bottom and pinned the edges to hem it so there
was no raw edges and at the top did the same but
making 1 centimeter pleats as I go to bring those
three yards down to my waist size. I then sewed the
two hems and started to pin a gold detailed ribbon 6
inches from the bottom and then sewed it on as well.

demonstrated in this journal

Investigating Planning
Taking Action Reflecting x
x x
Explain why
x this reflects the criterion you selected: this x
journal entry demonstrates the criterion of taking action
because I am starting my final product, meaning I’m
starting toxtake action on my research by starting the final

ATL Skills Categories:

Thinking Self-Management Research Social Communication

Explain why this reflects the skill you selected: this journal entry reflects the skill of self-management because I
am starting to create part of my final product by taking on this big task by myself without help, in other words I am
controlling the way this product is made and how it works out in the end

Journal entry #5: making the flower crown 12/26/16

To make the flower crown I

first started by measuring around
my head and then cutting a wire
that size, I made another one that
size but attached it at the middle so
I could bend it up to create the two
tier crown. I then wrapped the
floral wire with floral paper to
conceal the wire. After that I
arranged the flowers where I wanted them to sit and then wrapped the stems with floral tape so
they would stick to the floral paper. In the end I then went and added leaves between the flowers
the same way I attached the flowers to make them look like real flowers.

Criterion demonstrated in this journal entry

Investigating Planning Taking Action Reflecting

x this reflects the criterion you selected: this journal
Explain why x entry demonstrates the criterion of taking action
becausexI am starting my final product, meaning I’m starting
x to take action on my research by starting the final
x ATL Skills Categories:

Thinking Self-Management Research Social Communication

Explain why this reflects the skill you selected: this journal entry reflects the skill of self-management because I
am starting to create part of my final product by taking on this big task by myself without help, in other words I am
controlling the way this product is made and how it works out in the end

Journal entry #6: sewing the apron 12/27/16

To create the apron I used the same measurements for the skirt but modified them. For the length
I used ¾ of what I took for the measurement, and then for the width I used 1/3 so that it only
covered the front. I then took that fabric and hemmed the sides. at the top to secure, I added a
piece of ribbon twice the length of my waist so there was extra to hang out after I made a bow
once it was secured on me. I folded it in half over the top of the apron and sewed across the edge
so it wouldn’t come off. After that I added 3 pieces of ribbon, two that were the same and one
that was different. They were a couple centimeters apart and the lowest one was 4 inches from
the bottom. Finally I added a trim to the bottom that was the same ribbon I used for the collar of
the shirt.

Criterion demonstrated in this journal entry

Investigating Planning Taking Action Reflecting

x this reflects the criterion you selected: this journal
Explain why x entry demonstrates the criterion of taking action
becausexI am starting my final product, meaning I’m starting
x to take action on my research by starting the final
x ATL Skills Categories:

Thinking Self-Management Research Social Communication

Explain why this reflects the skill you selected: this journal entry reflects the skill of self-management because I
am starting to create part of my final product by taking on this big task by myself without help, in other words I am
controlling the way this product is made and how it works out in the end

Journal entry 7: sewing the shirt 12/28/16

To create the shirt, I took my school uniform shirt which was the shape of the shirt I was going
for for the shirt and I traced it onto my fabric. I did the front then the back with a 1 inch seam
allowance. I then cut it out and pinned the edges together. After, I cut a slit on the front in the
middle of the collar and made it 2 inches long and I then hemmed that. I then went and sewed the
edges and took the pins out. Finally, I cut a piece of ribbon that went around the neck from one
side of the slit to the other that was the same ribbon as the bottom of the apron. I sewed it onto
the collar and then did the same for the bottoms of the sleeves but added elastic to the bottom of
the sleeves and sewed the same ribbon I used for the collar but one that was slightly smaller.

Criterion demonstrated in this journal entry

Investigating Planning Taking Action Reflecting

x this reflects the criterion you selected: this journal
Explain why x entry demonstrates the criterion of taking action
becausexI am starting my final product, meaning I’m starting
x to take action on my research by starting the final
x ATL Skills Categories:

Thinking Self-Management Research Social Communication

Explain why this reflects the skill you selected: this journal entry reflects the skill of self-management because I
am starting to create part of my final product by taking on this big task by myself without help, in other words I am
controlling the way this product is made and how it works out in the end

Process journal #8: sewing the vest 12/29/16

To sew the vest I took my measurements and created a rough sketch on a scrap piece of fabric. I then tried
it on and made adjustments and marked them on the rough copy. After I traced it onto the outer layer,
pinned the pieces together, and sewed it. I then made adjustments and repeated the process with the inner
layer. Once the actual vest was made I mad half oval shapes and made 32 of them; I pinned two together
and sewed them together. After I sewed those together I ironed them to make them flat and pinned and
sewed them at the bottom of the vest one after the other. To start the designs I started by pinning the two
red and yellow ribbons and overlapped them and sewed them on the perimeter of the vest. On the scallops
at the bottom of the vest I sewed sequins to the edges of them and I embroidered two leaves, a flower, and
a bead on each scallop. Finally I started to embroider flowers, stems, and different designs with sequins
and beads. I first started by embroidering flowers with sequins, I made three of them and made them
symmetrical on each side. I then repeated those flowers on the back but in a different pattern. When I was
done with the flowers I started to embroider stems with sequins and made leaves coming out, in addition
to the sequins I used beads. Once I finished the main design, I did the same thing I did for the scallops all
over the vest to add more designs but I made them symmetrical.

Criterion demonstrated in this journal entry

Investigating Planning Taking Action Reflecting

x this reflects the criterion you selected: this journal
Explain why x entry demonstrates the criterion of taking action
becausexI am starting my final product, meaning I’m starting
x to take action on my research by starting the final
x ATL Skills Categories:

Thinking Self-Management Research Social Communication

Explain why this reflects the skill you selected: this journal entry reflects the skill of self-management because I
am starting to create part of my final product by taking on this big task by myself without help, in other words I am
controlling the way this product is made and how it works out in the end

Process journal #9: presenting my research and product 1/6/17

For my presentation, I
originally planned on presenting at the Hartford Polish Saturday language school I volunteer in,
but due to many snow days my presentation got pushed off by 4 weeks and I was unable to
present because the class I had to present to had to continue with their work. I still wanted to
present and not
give up, so the
Friday before my
presentation date
when the teacher
emailed me back
evidence of the
product was
already due so I
wanted to still pull
together a
because I wanted
to stick with my
plan; all the
teachers from the
classes I had that
day were unable to
let me present
during class so I
made a plan to
present during my
lunch. I told a lot
of people and had
them pass it on but
only about 15 out
of the grade were
able to make it
which is around the
size of the class I
would be
presenting to. For
my presentation I
had a pre and post
quiz (the pre quiz was verbal and the post was written) and a presentation. For the pre quiz I
asked similar questions that were on the post quiz and no one knew the answers. I then presented

a power point that included history of the costume, the reason, and components of the costume.
Then finally I handed out the post quizzes (which there are 2/15 pictured above) and everyone
got everything right; I then asked for feedback and I got all positive feedback on the costume
which was mostly compliments, and then for my presentation it was positive feedback and
constructive criticism on how I could better my presentation skills and presentation.

Criterion demonstrated in this journal entry

Investigating Planning Taking Action Reflecting

x this reflects the criterion you selected: this journal
Explain why x entry demonstrates the criterion of taking action
and reflecting
x because I decided to do something more withxmy product and presents it to multiple people and get
feedback so I can reflect and better my presentation or any further use
x ATL Skills Categories:

Thinking Self-Management Research Social Communication

Explain why this reflects the skill you selected: this journal entry reflects the skill of self-management and
communication because I am taking it upon myself to still present and make sure I met every criterion I planned on
and I presented to multiple people sharing and communicating to them a topic that is important to me and that I
have researched and that I want them to know more about since they had no previous knowledge


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