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Lessons from Leading Women: A

Series of Podcasts
Word count: 3356


I applied what I learned in Mathematics class, to evaluate the quality of my product

against the criteria using a Stratified Random Sampling Survey because it eliminates

bias. The survey evaluated the success of my product against the success criteria that

I created at the start of my process. The study determined that my product covered

almost all the criteria with great success. The area that needed most improvement was

budget because I exceeded it by 25 dollars. I could have avoided this by talking with

my Technology teachers and people who owned recording equipment, instead of

having to buy some of it myself. To complete a criterion, it needed to be rated at least

a 7/10. Except for budget, all the other criteria were scored a minimum of 8/10.

To identify strengths, weaknesses, and improvements for my podcast, I used a bar

graph to illustrate its score against the success criteria. Listening to people’s feedback

helped me understand improvements to make. Many of them suggested to equalize

the length of my podcasts because they varied a lot. This happened because I did not

cut out the silence at the end before publishing.

Every time I made a mistake, I recorded it in a table to avoid making it again and to

remember the solution. For example, when starting my process journal, I needed to

find a method of saving it in case of an accident. My supervisor suggested printing it

from time to time, but that approach would waste a lot of paper considering the length

of the process journal as well as the fact that I did not work on it in bulk but rather used

it to record little steps. To solve this issue, I agreed with my supervisor to keep a virtual

copy of the documents, on iCloud. Using iCloud, I could access my file using any

computer. I could have used Google Docs, but I found that it allowed less flexibility

with tables and graphs. Another problem that required extensive research and external

help was improving the sound quality of my recordings. I had several discussions with

an expert in audio technology that looked over my method of recording, my budget,

timeframe and success criteria. After investigating my current sound system, he

strongly urged me to change to a professional microphone. The new system was more

complex but with help it was worth it. I realized that the time limits that I set for myself

to finish editing the podcast was too slim, and I could not manage to complete all the

necessary recording by September so after thorough reconsideration I set myself a

more realistic deadline: finish before the October break.

Throughout the project, I gained a deeper understanding of the span and significance

of my topic and the global context Fairness and Development. I understood that the

issue of gender inequality was extreme in underdeveloped parts of the world where

over 700 million women alive today were married before their 18th birthday1. However,


I did not understand how evident gender inequality is in MEDCs today. I learned that

the cases are less obvious but still common, as explained by one of the interviewees.

She said women negotiate as much as men but often face pushback by being called

“bossy” or “too aggressive”. The Head of Communications for the UN explained this

with an anecdote of her time as a journalist when she heard her bosses say they were

thankful there weren’t any women in the meeting so they could “do things their way”.

She contested her bosses about this comment in an assertive but peaceful way- a

perfect role model for any woman facing a similar situation.

I based my reflections about the success of my product on evidence that I gathered

through a survey that I analyzed. The survey rated the product against the success

criteria. The data from my end-users was made into a comprehensive table so that I

could see areas of improvement.

I felt that throughout the project, the IB learners profile skills that I noticeably improved

in were risk taking, communicating and reflecting. Talking with such courageous

women helped me understand that the unknown does not have to be frightening but

instead, an opportunity to develop as a person. Looking at the development that I have

made since the start of the project, I am less afraid of failing at something because I

know that there will be other opportunities to succeed. When carrying out the first

interview with Cristina Gallach, I had a technical failure and did not record the

interview. I felt like abandoning my project and was not motivated to move on. If I were

to encounter the same situation again, I would be disappointed, but I would be more

resilient. The Personal Project has also developed my communication skills. I speak

with more confidence and fluidity than before. Part of communicating is listening, and

I feel that I have developed in this area because so much of my project was about

listening. My reflective skills have also developed during the project. I continue to learn

new things from past events just by reflecting on them, and I appreciate that

sometimes, the best lessons are learned after the situation.

My strengths in completing the project was my sense of organizing and planning.

Because I have had a lot of practice scheduling homework and events, I could use

those skills to my advantage during the Personal Project. Another strength is my

critical thinking when evaluating the sources. A weakness that I noticed was that I was

scared and reluctant to do things because I was afraid of failing. Nevertheless, this

charged throughout the project. A weakness that I found was that I could have been

more open-minded. People around me were suggesting ideas but I did not always take

them into account because I thought my way was better. In the case of the microphone

I was wrong: my computer microphone was not good enough and I needed to have a

professional one.

The personal project has impacted my future learning because it has developed skills

that will be useful to me in next projects that I undertake. Not only did it help by learning

how to execute a project but it will have an impact on everyday activities when I am

required to think, communicate, act and evaluate situations. It taught me to consider

variables that as an adult, I will need such as being flexible with meetings, think

originally to solve problems, think critically, look at biases and listen actively. I am

grateful for the opportunities that the Personal Project has allowed me to discover and

skills that it has helped me develop.

Extract 9- Survey and Self-Evaluation

Radar graph illustrating the minimum pass mark for each success
criteria and the mark given by listeners

intellectual property
Applies to target audience
Not too long/to the point
Interesting questions
Good sound quality

0 2 4 6 8 10
mark given minimum pass mark

Self-evaluation is an important part of learning but the way we evaluate ourselves can be biased and that is
why I created a survey so that other people could give their opinion about my podcast series. And I could
make a better conclusion as to whether my podcasts were a success.
This radar diagram was made from data that I collected through a survey of a group of 20 people that
listened to my podcasts. The data was collected and made into averages that were rounded to the nearest
integer and compared to the minimum score of 7/10. The lowest score of all was in Budget
passed it by 25 dollars.
target aud

The mind map below shows how each aspect of my project links to a IB learners profile quality. This map
helped me reflect on my strengths and weaknesses as well as how I developed as a learner throughout the

Extract 10- hurdles and problems that I overcame
Challenge Date Solution Date
How do I make a good research plan? 28.04.16 I asked the Design teacher at school to look at mine 01.05.16
and give me advice on how to improve it.
Finding the best software to record the call. 19.05.16 Call recorder for Skype. 29.05.16

12-15-year- 03.06.16 I made a survey to 35 girls between the ages of 12 23.05.16

podcasts so my target audience needs to and 18 and found out that the year group that
change. listens to the most podcasts are 18-year-olds
followed by 17 and 16-year-olds. So, I changed my
target audience to 14-18. (High School students)
Finding the software to make the interview into 10.05.16 Logic Pro X- a classmate gave it to me. 01.06.16
a podcast and editing it.
Saving the process journal 30.04.16 Using iCloud to save the files. 31.04.16
22.08.16 I changed the perspective of the project to a 04.09.16
want to project to sound like I was educating collection of advice rather than advice that I
other women, I wanted there to have more of a research, collect and then use as my podcast. The
focus on the interviewees and their experiences old version would indicate that I would use the
being passed on to the listeners. interviews as inspiration but not include them.
Scheduling a date with Head of communication 19.08.16 Emailed both her secretaries and assistants using 28.08.16
the UN because of time zone the Cc. options
Lady from the UN never had enough time for me 20.08.16 Instead of introducing her before asking questions 03.09.16
to get a decent sized interview. like do many other podcasts and radio shows, I
recorded her introduction in the recording studio
which saved us some time.
Finding an expert on Podcast making. 31.08.16 Audio editing expert at school was extremely 04.09.16
helpful and was very knowledgeable about audio
The interview did not record the first time that it 14.09.16 Now I remember to click the button and keep that 28.09.16
was used It! I went through 20 minutes of time little tab open and visible to double check. I was
without recording anything! very embarrassed but she was open to redoing an
interview so we did; and this time I made sure I was
recorded it.
One of the interviewees scheduled something 21.09.16 I learnt that it was important to email the person 21.09.16
over our interview because I did not remind her. one day before, to remind them
After talking with my audio expert. The sound 06.09.16 My audio expert gave me a microphone and a wind 10.09.16
was not very good on my side and it was not stopper with a stand and showed me how to use it
very loud during a study period.
I did not have a good method for meeting up 30.08.16 Using Managebac was a better way of 18.09.16
with supervisor communicating because we always had the
conversation available. Using iCal too.
I had pay 25 francs for the logo so now I am over 10.11.16 There was no solution to lower my budget. 10.11.16
budget of 70 that I spent on some equipment.
Publication on iTunes requires a license that I 04.12.16 I used Sound Cloud to create my URL link and from 11.12.16
there published it on iTunes.
Publication on iTunes takes a very long time and 13.12.16 Podcast gets published! 25.12.16
I am unsure if it was accepted.
28.12.16 The rating and reviews only show up on iTunes in 10.01.17
even though I know that many people have the region that they are written in so that is why I
written them I asked for people


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