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My sister... (1) to cook. ... (2) always has brilliant ideas for my lunch every day. ...

(3) cooks oxtail soup for today. I

invite my freinds to our house to taste this soup. ... (4) love it so much and tell ... (5) sister to open a restaurant
because they think many people will like this soup and she will make much money from ... (6).

1. a. Lvoe
b. love
c. loving
d. loves
e. loven
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan: Kata kerja untuk subjek orang ketuga tunggal ditambah s/es

2. a. He
b. She
c. They
d. I
e. We
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: menggantikan “my sister” di kalimat sebelumnya

3. a. We
b. Them
c. Us
d. She
e. It
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan: menggantikan “my sister” di kalimat sebelumnya

4. a. He
b. She
c. Them
d. They
e. It
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan: menggantikan “my freinds” di kalimat sebelumnya

5. a. his
b. their
c. hers
d. my
e. mine
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan: untuk menunjukkan bahwa yang memasak adalah kakak dari penulis

6. a. it
b. its
c. them
d. it’s
e. her
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan:untuk menggantikan “oxtail soup” dalam pembahasan

This dialogi is for questions no 7-9

Lisa : “Hello, Sally, Have you read the announcement?”

Sally: “About what?”
Lisa : “I have jus told by Eric via SMS that you had passed the National Examination.
Sally : “Oh, really?”
Lisa : “Yes, you may read the SMS yourself, here you are.”
Sally : “Wow, thank you so much for telling me.”
Lisa : “Don’t mention it. I .... (7)”
Sally : “ ... (8) for saying so.”
Lisa : “...(9). So, where will you continue your study?”
Sally : “I still have no idea yet.”

7. a. congratulate on your graduation

b. congratulate on your achievement
c. am sorry to hear that
d. am so proud of you
e. like it
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan: sebagai ekspresi bahwa Lisa bangga terhadap Sally.

8. a. Don’t
b. Thank you very much
c. I’m happy
d. I’m really happy
e. I’m very proud
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan:mengucapkan terima kasih atas pujian dari Lisa

9. a. Okay
b. You’re welcome
c. Of Course
d. Yes, I do
e. Good Luck
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: tanggapan ucapan terima kasih yang diucapakn oleh Sally

10. is – fragrance – jasmine – the – hers – white

What is the correct arragement of the wrods above?
a. The white jasmine fragrance i shers.
b. White jasmine fragrance is the hers.
c. The fragrance white jasmine is hers
d. The hers is white jasmine fragrance
e. The fragrance is white jasmine hers
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan:kata sifat digunakan sebelum penggunaan kata benda dalam kalimat. Maka, the white jasmine
fragrance is hers adalah kalimat yang urutannya benar.
11. rose – red – it’s – a – beautiful
What is the corret arragement of the words baove?
a. A red rose it’s beautiful
b. It’s a beautiful rose red
c. It’s a beatiful red rose
d. A beautiful it’s red rose
e. A rose it’s beautiful red
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: Kata sifat digunakan sebelum penggunaan kata benda dalam kalimat. Maka, it’s a beautiful red rose
aalah urutan kalimat yang benar.

12. new – that – Japanese – belongs – car – to – director – the – black – expensive
What is the correct arragement of the words above?
a. That black new expensive Japanese car belongs to the director
b. That Japanese car new expensive black belongs to the director
c. That new Japanese black car expensive belongs to the director
d. That expensive new black Japanese car belongs to the director
e. That new black expensive Japanese car belongs to the director
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan: Kata sifat digunakan sebelum penggunaan kata benda dalam sebuah kalimat (diawali dengan opinion
adjective ‘expensive’ lalu diikuti oleh fact adjective, ‘new’, ‘black’, ‘Japanese’). Maka, That expensive new black
Japanese car adalah urutan kalimat yang benar.

13. bag – belongs - , - Harry – little – my – to – brother – the – blue – sleeping – small
What is the correct arragement of the words above?
a. The small blue bag belongs to my little sleeping brother, Harry
b. The little blue sleeping bag belongs to my small brother, Harry
c. The small blue sleeping bag belongs to my little brother, Harry
d. The blue small sleeping bag belongs to my little brother, Harry
e. The sleeping bag small blue belongs to my little brother, Harry
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: kata sifat digunakan sebelum penggunaan kata benda dalam sebuah kalimat (diawali dengan opinion
adjective ‘small’ lalu diikuti oleh fact adjective ‘blue’). Maka, The small blue sleeping bag belongs to my little brother,
Harry adalah urutan kalimat yang benar

This dialog is for questions no. 14-17.

Shinta : “I heard you won the first prize for your short stroy. .... (14)”
Wulan : “ ... (15).”
Shinta : “As your freind I’m ... (16).”
Wulan : “Thank you.”
Shinta : “You deserve it because it’s a very good story.”
Wulan : “... (17)”

14. a. Congratulations!
b. Thank you
c. Very produd of you
d. Really!
e. What are you doing?
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: mengucapkan selamat atas keberhasilan Wulan
15. a. Very proud of you
b. Congratulations
c. Thank you
d. That’s a pity
e. I’m very proud of you
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: Mengucapkan terima kasih atas ucapan selamat dari Shinta.

16. a. very proud of you

b. thanks
c. thank you very much
d. really
e. sure
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: mengatakan bahwa Shinta bangga terhadap pencapaian keberhasilan Wulan.

17. a. Really?
b. Of course
c. Thank you
d. Sure
e. No problem
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: mengucapkan terima kasih untuk kedua kalinya karena Shinta memuji Wulan kembali.

18. The following sentences are expression of congratulation, except....

a. please accept my warm congratulation
b. I congratulate you on your success
c. I’m sorry to hear that
d. congratulations!
e. well done, congratulations for you
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: ungkapan I’m sorry to hear that diucapkan ketika seseorang mengalami musibah atau hal yang tidak

19. The following sentences are responses of congratulation, except....

a. thank you
b. thank you very much
c. it was really nothing
d. it’s nice of you to say so
e. no problem
Jawaban: e
Pembahasan: Ungkapan no problem diucapkan ketika seseorang membalas ucapan terima kasih dari orang lain.

20. Which statement is true?

a. Congratulation is the act of expressing joy or acknowledgement, as for achievement
b. Congratulation is the feeling of being grateful
c. Congratulation is something that you sayor do to greet
d. Congratulation is the feeling of being sorry for somebody
e. Congratulation is an arragement, a promise
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: penjelasan opsi a merupakan pengertian yang benar

21. What did John tell to Mr./Mrs. Smith in his letter?

a. His feeling during her stay in Jogjakarta
b. His visit to tourism objects in Jogjakarta
c. His impression of Borobudur temple
d. His experience in writing the letter
e. His appreciation for her parents
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: surat tersebut menceritakan pengalaman John saat mengunjungi Jogjakarta

22. John is Mr./Mrs Smith’s....

a. niece
b. nephew
c. cousin
d. daughter
e. son
Jawaban: e
Pembahasan: John adalah anak laki-laki Mr./Mrs. Smith

23. Further information about Borobudur and Prambanan temples can be found in....
a. paragraph 2
b. paragraph 3
c. John’s recent letter
d. John’s next letter
e. first paragrah
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: paragraf 2 menceritakan tentang kedua candi tersebut.

24. Why did John go to Jogjakarta?

a. Because he wanted to visit his grandmother
b. Because he wanted to visit five tourism objects.
c. Because he wanted to visit her uncle
d. Because he wanted to visit Prambanan temple
e. Because he wanted to visit his hometown
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: karena ingin pergi ke tempat wisata

25. When did John and his freinds arrive at home?

a. Early in the morning
b. At midday
c. In the evening
d. At midnight
e. The following day
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: dalam teks disebutkan ‘back home at 6.15 pm’. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah ‘in the evening’.

This text is for questions no. 26-30

Bali Bird Park is a large walk-in-aviary which consists of more than 1.000 birds. Located in Singapadu, Bali, this park
was opened in September 1995. Before 1995, the site of Bird Park in Singapadu was just an expanse of terraced rice
fields. This extraordinary transformation was don by Edi Swoboda. A dedicated naturlist since childhood, Edi
Swoboda, has lived in Bali for many years. He had long dreamed of creating a bird park. He personally designed
every detail of the gardens and aviaries. To enrich the park, Edi Swoboda placed orignal artifacts from different
places in Indonesia (many incorporating bird themes). These artifacts, undoubtedly, draw visitor’s attention, and
giving nuances of nature to them.

Source: Taken from Contact Magazine

26. How many birds are there in Bali Bird Park?

a. 1.000 birds
b. 100 birds
c. 1.001 birds
d. 10.000 birds
e. more than 1.000 birds
Jawaban: e
Pembahasan: dalam teks disebutkan ‘more than 1000 birds’.

27. Where is the location of Bali Bird Park?

a. Legian
b. Kuta
c. Singapadu
d. Denpasar
e. Karangasem
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: dalam teks disebutkan ‘located in Singapadu, Bali’.

28. When was Bali Bird Park Opened?

a. Before September 1995
b. In September 1995
c. In September 2001
d. Before September 2001
e. After September 1995
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: dalam teks disebutkan ‘in September 1995’.

29. Who designed every detail of the gardens and aviaries?

a. A naturalist
b. A botanical expert
c. A visitor
d. A Balinese
e. A gardener
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: dalam teks disebutkan ‘a naturalist’.

30. Where did Edi Swoboda get the artifacts to enrich the park?
a. From different places in the world
b. From regencies in Bali
c. From different parts of the world
d. From various sources
e. From different places in Indonesia
Jawaban: e
Pembahasan: dalam teks disebutkan ‘from different places in Indonesia’.

This text is for questions no. 31 – 35

Tanjung Benoa Beach

Tanjung Benoa is a beach town. It is located at the elite are in Nusa Dua Bali. The are is situated with the view of the
sea in Blai. On the north side, there are Benoa harbour, Mertasari Recreation Park, and Serangan Island. The
foreigners call it the turtle island, because it is used to breed the turtles.

At Tanjung Benoa Beach, tourists can have various activities, such as swimming, sailing, waterskiing, and surfing.
Surfing is a water sport of riding waves that are coming towards the shore by standing or lying on a special board
called surfboard. It is a very enjoyable and an impressive sport. Most surfing lovers call it the most challenging water
sport, as it needs skill, strength, as well as bravery. The others think that it is a very dangerous sport, as it fights
against the dangerous waves of sea.
A part from swimming around the beach, snorkeling and diving are also kinds of water sports favored by the tourists.
Through diving goggles, the beauty of Bali marine park can be viewed. Those who cannot dive can also enjoy the
beauty of the marine park throught the glass bottomed motor boats that are specially provide for the tourists.

31. Which of the following statements is not true about the text?
a. Tanjung Benoa is a beach town located in Nusa Dua Bali
b. Tanjung Benoa is a very famous beach in Nusa Dua Bali
c. Tourists can enjoy many kinds of water sports in Tanjung Benoa
d. Tourists who cannot dive can also enjoy the beauty of the marine park
e. Tourists can visit the turtle island which is used to breed the turtles
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: dalam teks disebutkan bahwa Tanjung Benoa adalah sebuah kota, bukan pantai

32. What can be viewed through the diving goggles?

a. The beauty of the marine park
b. The beauty of the Mertasari Harbour
c. The view of Tanjung Benoa
d. The view of the big waves
e. The turtle island
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: dalam teks disebutkan ‘the beauty of the marine park can be viewed’.

33. What does paragraph three discuss?

It is about....
a. The water sports of Tanjung Benoa Beach town
b. snorkeling and diving are alternative tourism activities in Tanjung Benoa
c. surfing becomes the most favorite water sport in Tanjung Benoa
d. tourist can go swimming, diving, surfing, and so on in Tanjung Benoa Beach
e. the turtle island which is used to breed the turtles
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: dalam teks disebutkan menyelam juga salah satu aktivitas yang disukai turis selain berenang

34. Why is Serangan Island called turlte island?

It is called turtle island because....
a. it is used to trade many kinds of turtle
b. it is a place where thousand turtles live naturally
c. it is used to breed turtles
d. it is used to breed and to trade turtles
e. it is used to hunt turtles
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: dalam teks disebutkan bahwa pulau tersebut digunakan untuk mengembangbiakan kura-kura.

35. “Those who cannot...” (Paragrah three)

The word “those” refers to....
a. The tourists
b. water sport
c. turtles
d. swimming and diving
e. islands
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: menggantikan kata ‘the tourist’ dalam kalimat sebelumnya.

This text is for questions no. 1-7

My name is Hani. Layla and I live next to each other. …(1) often go shopping together. Layla is …(2) best friend. On
Sunday, …(3) came to visit me and saw a new car outside. “Does that car be long to you?”, she asked. “Where is …
(4) old car?” No, it’s not …(5)”, I said” …(6)” belongs to david and Fatima in next door. It’s …(7) car.
1. a. She
b. We
c. They
d. It
e. He
Answer: b
Pembahasan: menggantikan 'Layla and I' dalam kalimat sebelumnya

2. a. her
b. his
c. our
d. my
e. its
Answer: d
Pembahasan: Menunjukan kata kepunyaan

3. a. he
b. they
c. we
d. she
e. he
Answer: d
Pembahasan: menggantikan 'Layla' dalam kalimat sebelumnya

4. a. your
b. you
c. it
d. his
e. our
Answer: a
Pembahasan: menunjukan kata kepunyaan

5. a. his
b. mine
c. hers
d. ours
e. its
Answer: b
Pembahasan: menunjukkan kata kepunyaan

6. a. its
b. it
c. his
d. they
e. she
Answer: b
Pembahasan: menggantikan kata 'car' yang dimaksud dalam teks.

7. a. theirs
b. his
c. their
d. her
e. my
Answer: c
Pembahasan: menunjukkan kata kepunyaan

This text is for questions no. 8-10

Helen visits Naiya in Brazil. Naiya tells Helen about the famous Samba Festival which occurs once in a year. Helen
is so happy to hear that. She wants to learn how to dance Samba. They both travel around before they see the
festival. They visit some places which introduce the culture of Brazil. Helen buys feijoada, a traditional dish in Brazil,
and she loves it so much. Naiya then takes Helen to see the festival at night. Helen is so happy and say thanks to her
best friend for the unforgettable memories.

8. Who is Naiya?
a. Helen’s youngers sister.
b. Helen’s best friend.
c. Helen’s pen pal.
d. Helen’s acquaintance.
e. Helen’s older sister.
Answer: b
Pembahasan: disebutkan dalam teks kalimat terakhir

9. What festival does Helen visit in Brazil?

a. Tango
b. Macau
c. Samba
d. Night
e. Salsa
Answer: c
Pembahasan: disebutkan dalam teks kalimat kedua

10. What is the name of the traditional dish that Helen bought?
a. Feijoara
b. Feijoada
c. Feijonada
d. Ferijoada
e. Freijoada
Answer: b
Pembahasan: disebutkan dalam teks kalimat ketujuh

11. Yuri … to Bali with her sister.

a. go
b. gone
c. goes
d. goer
e. goers
Answer: c
Pembahasan: verb untuk subjek orang ketiga tunggal ditambah es/s

12. Kevin …roses for his grandmother who … in Jakarta.

a. buys, live
b. buy, lives
c. buys, lives
d. buy, live
e. bring, lives
Answer: c
Pembahasan: verb untuk subjek orang ketiga tunggal ditambah es/s

This text is for questions no. 13-15

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea, travels near
China’s capital, Beijing, and continues to west through numerous provinces. It winds like a snake through China’s
varied terrain for thousands of miles. Smaller walls extend from the main wall.
According to conservative estimates, the Great Wall’s length is approximately 2,400 miles. Its thickness rangers
from 15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to about 25 feet. The Great Wall has been considered as one of the
world’s wonders. The Great Wall is undeniably one of humankind’s most prominent and enduring architectural feats.
It is a testament to people’s ability to plan, organize, create and work diligently together. The wall is a monument to
the Chinese civilizations, one that came at great costs and through countless sacrifices.

13. Where is the Great Wall located?

a. China
b. Hong Kong
c. Taiwan
d. Macau
e. Mongolia
Answer: a
Pembahasan: disebutkan dalam teks kalimat pertama

14. How Thick is the Great Wall?

a. 15-25 feet wide
b. 10-25 feet wide
c. 15-30 feet wide
d. 15-35 feet wide
e. 15-20 feet wide
Answer: c
Pembahasan: disebutkan dalam teks kalimat keenam

15. Where does the Great Wall begin?

a. in the south at the yellow Sea
b. in the north at the Red Sea
c. in the south-east at the Yellow Sea
d. in the north west at the Yellow Sea
e. in the east at the Yellow Sea
Answer: e
Pembahasan: disebutkan dalam teks kalimat kedua

II. Arrange the words below into good order!

1. Big – London – located – is – Ben – in

Answer: Big ben is located in London.

2. Dewi – the – her – friends – Egypt – to – Pyramid – go – and – to – see

Answer: Dewi and her friends go to Egypt to see the pyramid.

3. He – roses – his – buys – mother – for

Answer: He buys roses for his mother.

4. My – hates – mother – dirty – my – socks

Answer: My mother hates my dirty socks

5. Italy – to – wants – go – she – to

Answer: She wants to go Italy.

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