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Abrupt downstream forest decline following river damming in southern Alberta

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alta., Canada T l K 3M4
Received August 5, 1988


S. 1989. Abrupt downstream forest decline following river damming in southern Alberta.
Can. J. Bot. 67: 1744-1749.
The influence of river damming on the abundance of riparian poplar forests was investigated by comparing forest abun-
dances on the dammed St. Mary and Waterton rivers of southern Alberta with the neighbouring undammed Belly River.
Forest distributions were determined by estimating the linear river distance of forests from airphotos taken in 1961 and 1981,
both upstream and downstream from the dams. During the 20-year interval, a 48% reduction occurred downstream from
the St. Mary Dam, which was completed in 1951. Downstream from the Waterton Dam, completed in 1964, riparian forests
declined 23 %. Poplar abundance along the downstream region of the undammed Belly River was relatively unchanged over
the study period, showing less than a 1% reduction. The upstream (undammed) portions of all three rivers underwent a slight
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forest decline during the 20-year interval; declines of 4.7, 4.6, and 6.1 % occurred along the St. Mary, Belly, and Waterton
rivers, respectively. Thus, the damming of two rivers in southern Alberta has been followed by a rapid and dramatic down-
stream decline in riparian forests. Further, the close association between the location and extent of the forest decline supports
a causal relationship between the river damming and the forest decline. Possible causes of the decline are discussed, including
drought-induced mortality, particularly of seedlings.


S. 1989. Abrupt downstream forest decline following river damming in southern Alberta.
Can. J. Bot. 67 : 1744-1749.
L'influence de l'endiguement des rivibres sur l'abondance des peupleraies d'aval a kt6 CtudiCe en comparant les abondances
forestibres sur les rivibres endiguCes St. Mary et Waterton du sud de 1'Alberta avec la rivibre Belly, une rivibre voisine non
endiguke. Les distributions forestibres ont CtC dCterminCes par l'estimation de la distance fluviale IinCaire des forits ii partir
de photos atriennes prises en 1961 et 1981 en amont et en aval des digues. Au cours de I'intervalle de 20 ans, il y a eu une
rkduction de 48% en aval de la digue de St. Mary, qui a CtC achevCe en 1951. En aval de la digue de Waterton, achevte
en 1964, les forCts ripariennes ont accust un dCclin de 23%. L'abondance des peupliers le long de la rCgion d'aval de la
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rivikre Belly non endigute est demeurte relativement inchangee au cours de la pQiode d'ttude,montrant une rtduction de
moins de 1%. Les parties d'amont (non endigutes) des trois rivibres ont subi un dCclin au cours des deux dtcades; des dCclins
respectifs de 4,7, 4,6, et 6,l ont t t t notts le long des rivibres St. Mary, Belly et Waterton. Ainsi, l'endiguement de deux
rivibres dans le sud de 1'Alberta a caust un dtclin rapide et dramatique des forCts ripariennes. En outre, l'association Ctroite
entre la localisation et le degrt du dtclin forestier indique une relation causale entre l'endiguement et le dCclin forestier. Les
causes possibles du dtclin sont discuttes et comprennent peut-Ctre la mortalitC, en particulier celle des semis, causCe par la
[Traduit par la revue]

understanding of the ecological consequences of river dam-

Introduction ming is particularly relevant to this region.
Although it is unquestionable that human influence has con- The St. Mary, Belly, and Waterton rivers flow from the
siderable impact on terrestrial ecosystems, the complex web of Rocky Mountain foothills in northern Montana and south-
biological and physical interactions complicates analyses of western Alberta along parallel northeasterly paths character-
the ecological consequences of specific human activities. With ized by generally similar topographical features. The St. Mary
the increasing demand for water for agricultural, industrial, Dam was completed in 1951, replacing the smaller Kimball
and domestic uses, rivers throughout the world are being Dam. The Waterton River was dammed in 1964. The Belly
dammed, diverted, and altered. Whereas it is certain that alter- River is situated between the St. Mary and Waterton rivers and
ation of riverflows influences riparian ecosystems, the specific only has diversion weirs, which have less impact on down-
influences are generally poorly understood since riparian eco- stream hydrology than the large dams.
systems may be complex and respond dynamically to artificial The presence of these three rivers provides an ideal situation
as well as natural events, including catastrophic floods (Kon- to investigate the consequences of river damming on the distri-
dolf et al. 1987). Few damming and diversion projects have bution of riparian poplars. The three were reasonably similar
been preceded by riparian ecosystem assessments that would in the past with respect to riparian vegetation (Dawson 1885).
allow for subsequent analysis of the ecological impacts of the Two of the three rivers have been dammed, whereas the Belly
river damming or water diversion. Further, the damming River, located in the middle of the three, is less altered. As
projects are typically coincidental with intensification of well as permitting comparisons across the three rivers, ade-
agricultural, urban, and recreational developments, also con- quate river segments exist upstream and downstream from the
founding the issue. dams and allow for comparisons within each river. All three
With a warm summer, fertile soil, and limited rainfall, rivers originate in the Waterton - Glacier International Peace
southern Alberta has become the focus for agricultural irriga- Park (Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, and Glacier
tion in Canada. Damming and diversion projects are planned National Park, Montana) and two flow along Indian reserves;
or have been implemented on all of the rivers in southern thus, the three river valleys and their watersheds are relatively
Alberta; on rivers where projects have been implemented, pristine, minimizing other artificial alterations that might con-
flow regimes have been altered to varying degrees. Thus, an found the study of the impact of damming on riparian forests.
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FIG. 1. Location of the dams and rivers in southwestern Alberta from which poplar abundances were determined from air photos. Gauging
stations are represented by (*).

Methods (Rood et al. 1986), there was less rationale for investigating specific
differences in the decline of the different poplar genotypes.
The study area (Fig. 1) consists of three river valleys in the south- Two sets of air photos were used to identify riparian poplar forests:
west corner of Alberta. The Belly, St. Mary, and Waterton rivers 1961 (scale = 1 : 3 1 680) and 1981 (scale = 1 : 60 000). Transparen-
originate in alpine tundra (elevation 2000-3000 m) in the Lewis cies were placed on one of a stereoscopic pair of air photos, and
Range of the Rocky Mountains and flow northeasterly through mon- rivers and riparan poplar forests were traced on the transparency. The
tane forest and the Rocky Mountain foothills (aspen parkland) before abundance of poplar forests was measured from the transparencies by
cascading into the treeless stretches of fescue prairie (elevation 900- a lineal ticking method measured to the nearest rnillimetre. In this
1000 m). All three rivers originate from mountain snowmelt and rain- method, the tracing of the rivers was broken into 1-mm segments and
fall runoff, are relatively steep in gradient, and contain generally
the number of segments associated with forest was counted. This
clear and cold water. The river discharges are quite erratic, respond- procedure did not consider the two-dimensional area of the forests,
ing quickly to changes in precipitation and temperature. but estimated the lineal distance of forest abundance, a one-dimen-
Hydrological data were collected by the Water Survey of Canada sional representation.
(Environment Canada 1985, 1986). Figures 3 -5 represent typical
Ten 4-km river reaches were evaluated upstream and downstream
data for the study area and originate from hydrometric gauging sta- from the St. Mary and Waterton dams and a corresponding 80-km
tions 05AD003 at the Waterton River near Waterton Park (upstream stretch of the Belly River was also studied (twenty 4-km segments for
data), 05AD008 at the Waterton River near Stand Off (downstream, each river). For each 4-km study segment, the proportion of river
1950- 1966), and 05AD028 at the Waterton River near Glenwood
with a poplar forest associated with at least one river bank was deter-
(downstream, 1967- 1985). Figure 6 represents data from stations mined, and this value is referred to as the "forest abundance." Mean
05AD005 at the Belly River near Mountain View (upstream) and (* SE) forest abundances were calculated from the 10 segments of
05AD002 at the Belly River near Stand Off (downstream). each of the six river sections (three rivers, upstream and down-
The riparian ecosystem along southern Alberta prairie rivers is stream). The 80-km sections upstream and downstream from the
floristically relatively simple with the dominant, and generally exclu- dams comprised almost the entire rivers; hence, this sampling evalu-
sive, large woody plants present being poplars (Shaw 1976). Populus ated most of the river valley forests rather than providing a sample
angustifolia, P. balsamifera, and P. deltoides comprise a unique, for extrapolation to a larger population.
natural, disectional, trispecific hybrid swarm (Brayshaw 1965; Rood
et al. 1986). Results and discussion
No attempt was made to investigate possible preferential survival
of the poplar species or of certain hybrids. Rather, in the present Along undarnrned segments of rivers in southern Alberta
study only overall forest abundances were determined. Since the (i.e., the Belly River and upstream portions of the St. Mary
three species freely interbreed forming a continuous hybrid swarm and watertonrivers), forests generally occurred along
1746 CAN. J . BOT. VOL. 67, 1989

UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM TABLE1. Percent change in forest abundance between 1961

and 1981 along rivers of southern Alberta upstream and down-
stream from dams

River Upstream Downstream -upstream
St. Mary -4.7k 1.8 -47.8,4.0 -43.1
Belly (undammed) -4.6+1.5 -0.1 k 2 . 6 4.5
Waterton -6.1k1.9 -22.9k1.7 -16.8
NOTE: Values are means t SE of 10 values, except downstream St. Mary for
which nine values were included.

the forest abundance plots for 1961 and 1981 (Fig. 2). The
average decline during the 20-year interval was almost one-
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quarter (-22.9%) and was consistently lower than the decline

observed downstream from the St. Mary Dam (Table 1). A
greater decline downstream from the St. Mary Dam might be
BELLY expected because this dam was completed in 1951, whereas
the Waterton Dam was completed in 1964.
There was very little variation in forest abundance along the
corresponding (control) downstream portion of the Belly River
over the study interval (Fig. 2; Table 1). This argues against
the downstream decline being due to confounding factors
rather than the damming, since the Belly River is located
between the St. Mary and Waterton rivers (Fig. 1).
Upstream portions of all three rivers showed a slight reduc-
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tion in forest abundance over the 20-year interval (Fig. 2).

Quantitatively, the upstream forest decline was similar along
all three rivers and indicated that a minor forest decline
occurred, even without damming, over the interval from 1961
and 1981 (Table 1).
The patterns reported above were very consistent; hence,
the effects of both upstream versus downstream and specific
FIG. 2. River valley forest abundance along ten 4-km river seg- river were statistically highly significant (two-way ANOVA:
ments above and below the St. Mary and Waterton dams and along upstream versus downstream, F = 68.0, df = 1, P < 0.001;
a corresponding portion of the neighbouring Belly River. Abun- rivers, F = 40.6, df = 2, P < 0.001). A highly significant
dances were determined from air photos taken in 1961 (a) and 1981
interaction of upstream -downstream versus river ( F = 35.8,
(El), and the offset between the two lines represents the change over
the 20-year interval. df = 2, P < 0.001) confirms the differential forest decline on
the dammed versus undammed rivers (Table 1). Downstream
portions of the dammed St. Mary and Waterton rivers under-
went greater forest declines than the upstream reaches of those
70-80% of the river length (Fig. 2). Some river segments, same rivers. In contrast, along the undammed Belly River the
such as the upper Waterton River near km 16, were less downstream portion displayed less forest decline than the
favorable for the poplar groves and this probably reflected upstream reach between 1961 and 1981.
river valley morphology. For example, steep-walled canyons Thus, the data indicate three patterns with respect to river
exist along certain river segments and are undesirable for the damming and forest abundance: (i) forest decline occurred
riparian poplar forests. downstream from two dams but not along a corresponding
Downstream from the St. Mary Dam (Fig. 2, upper right downstream portion of an undammed river; (ii) forest decline
graph) there was a considerable and consistent decline in was greater downstream than upstream from dams on two
forest abundance over the 20-year interval from 1961 to 1981. rivers; and (iii) the duration of damming may be related to the
In all of the nine river segments studied (excluding km 36, degree of forest decline. Collectively, these data demonstrate
which was void of trees in 1961), forest decline was observed. a close relationship between river damming and poplar forest
Represented as a fraction of 1961 abundance, this decline decline in southern Alberta. Further, the spatial and quantita-
averaged almost one-half (-47.8%, Table 1). There was a tive associations involving three types of comparisons support
trend towards lower forest abundances along the furthest a causal relationship between the river damming and forest
downstream portions of the St. Mary River both in 1961 and decline.
in 1981, a pattern that had already been reported in 1885 Although these data clearly demonstrate that an abrupt
(Dawson 1885). decline in poplar forest abundance is associated with river
Substantial forest decline was also observed downstream damming in southern Alberta (Fig. 2; Table l), the ecophysio-
from the Waterton Dam (Fig. 2, lower right graph). The logical basis for the decline is less clear. Declines in poplar
decline was observed in all of the 10 river segments and was forest abundance have recently been reported downstream
very consistent; parallel but offset variation was observed in from dams from two other rivers in the western North Ameri-



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1950 19 6 0 1970 19 8 0


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FIG.3. Maximum daily discharge for the Waterton River upstream

and downstream from the Waterton Dam for the period 1941-1981 FIG. 4. Mean daily discharge for the Waterton River upstream and
(data from Environment Canada 1985). downstream from the Waterton Dam for the period May 1 to Septem-
ber 30, 1985 (data from Environment Canada 1986).

can prairies (Bradley and Smith 1985; Johnson et al. 1976).

The proposed causes for the poplar decline in the previous vals (Phinney 1982) and are relatively unaltered by the present
studies can be partially tested with the replicated, controlled dams in southern Alberta. Intermediate-intensity flood peaks
experimental design of the present study. Such an analysis are slightly moderated by the dams, and during dry years
must occur within the context of the ecophysiology of southern minor flood peaks are substantially reduced (Fig. 3). The
Alberta poplar forests. timing of peak discharge is generally unaltered or delayed
The poplars indigenous to southern Alberta are typical of slightly. Because the dams in southern Alberta have very little
riparian poplars in their regeneration requirements and life impact on hydrological aspects of spring flooding, it is
cycle. Although there is some clonal propagation through unlikely that attenuation of flooding is the cause of the
suckering (new shoot production from existing roots), they observed downstream forest decline.
probably regenerate principally through seedling establish- Whereas flooding is essential for seed germination and
ment. The poplars are relatively fast growing and quite short- establishment, subsequent seedling survival is another limita-
lived. Thus, for the riparian poplar groves to be replenished, tion to poplar replenishment (McBride and Strahan 1984). Due
replacement seedling establishment must occur on an ongoing to small seed size, and, consequently small seedling root sys-
cycle of about 50 years (Shaw 1976). tems, poplar seedlings are particularly prone to drought-
Poplar seeds are extremely small and consequently lose induced mortality (Read 1958). Thus, conditions of adequate
viability quickly (Fenner et al. 1984; McComb and Lovestead soil moisture must be maintained throughout the summer if
1954); Alberta poplar seeds die within 2-4 weeks (Moss poplar seedlings are to survive.
1938). They require moist soils that lack competing vegetation This provides a second aspect of poplar replenishment that
and sites well exposed to sunlight for successful germination could be disturbed by the dams. Summer flows downstream
and initial seedling establishment (Read 1958). These condi- from southern Alberta dams are dramatically reduced as water
tions exist on an irregular basis following spring flooding is diverted through canals for irrigation (Fig. 4). The dams are
(Everitt 1968). Since dams often alter spring flooding down- presently managed to maintain a minimum downstream flow
stream, previous authors have proposed this as a basis for the of 1 m3 . s-', a fraction of the natural flow (Fig. 4). Particu-
negative impact of damming on riparian forests (Bradley and larly in July and August, downstream discharge is minimal in
Smith 1985; Fenner et al. 1985). However, the irrigation most years (Fig. 5).
reservoirs of the present study are not managed in a manner The reduced downstream discharge throughout the growing
that effectively alters spring flooding. In most years, flooding season is expected to lead to generally reduced plant vigor
persists downstream from the dams and peak discharges are (Reily and Johnson 1982) and probably to increased mortality.
not substantially reduced (Fig. 3). Major flood events, such as Following the prolonged drought of the 1930s and correspond-
those of 1964 and 1975 (Fig. 3), occur at about 20-year inter- ingly reduced stream flows, extensive riparian poplar mortal-
1748 CAN. J. BOT. VOL. 67, 1989

-- 2 0 -


3 0
a C) T

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1950 1960 1970 1980

FIG.6. Mean discharge in August for the Belly River upstream and
downstream from the main weir for the period 1950-1984 (data
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from Environment Canada 1985).

FIG.5. Mean discharge in August for the Waterton River upstream
and downstream from the Waterton Dam for the period 1950- 1984
(data from Environment Canada 1985). to water stress as the water table recedes and the evapotranspi-
rational demand increases with increasing midsummer temper-
atures. It is possible that a gradual reduction of river flow
ity was observed in the central and northern American prairies could enable hardening of the seedlings and seasonal harden-
(Albertson and Weaver 1945). Similarly, it is likely that the ing of established trees, whereas the abrupt restriction of water
extensive diverison of water away from the rivers results in an downstream from dams would be more-lethal.
artificial drought condition in the river valleys. While the abrupt restriction of downstream discharge is a
Whereas this second hydrological alteration, i.e., the reduc- logical partial cause of the poplar decline, it is probably not
tion in downstream discharge during the summer, is possibly the only factor underlying the failure of poplar replenishment.
the cause of the poplar forest decline, an analysis of flow The large St. Mary and Waterton reservoirs slow the water
characteristics of the Belly River complicates this argument. flow almost to a halt, resulting in deposition of all sediment
Although the Belly is undammed, a diversion weir was con- but the fine clay. The downstream discharge is relatively clear
structed in 1935 at about the same elevation as the Waterton and impoverished of bed load and suspended material; conse-
and St. Mary dams. The weir has almost no impact on spring quently, downstream sedimentation is considerably reduced
flooding but does considerably reduce the late season flow as (Bradley and Smith 1984; Williams and Wolman 1984). Given
water is diverted for irrigation (Fig. 6). Poplar forests down- the importance of the dynamic meandering of prairie rivers
stream from the Belly River weir have not experienced the and the need for new point bars for poplar replenishment, the
dramatic declines observed downstream from the St. Mary and consequence of this reduced sedimentation would be a less
Waterton dams (Fig. 2; Table 1). Hence, it is not solely the favorable habitat for poplar recruitment (Bradley and Smith
reduction in August flow that has caused the forest decline 1985; Everitt 1968; Johnson et al. 1976; Noble 1979). The
downstream from these two dams. capture of sediment in reservoirs and consequent reduction in
One aspect of the downstream hydrology that generally downstream sedimentation might contribute to the observed
differs between the lower Belly and St. Mary or Waterton poplar forest decline.
rivers is the abrupt reduction in downstream discharge after Previous studies have indicated that recovery of suspended-
the spring peak (Fig. 4). Whereas operation of the dam creates sediment loads may require up to hundreds of kilometres
a sharp reduction in flow as the sluice gates are closed, the downstream from major dams (Williams and Wolman 1984).
flow reduction downstream from weirs is usually a more grad- In the present study, there was no evidence of recovery of the
ual tapering. f o r e ~ t ~ w i t hthe
i n 40-km segments downstream from dams; no
The importance of the gradual reduction of downstream dis- convergence of the 1961 and 1981 forest-abundance plots
charge may relate to seedling mortality. Seedling roots must occurred downstream (Fig. 2). Both the abrupt flow restriction
be able to grow downwards and maintain contact with the in midsummer and the reduced sedimentation would be
water table. Further, the seedlings probably become hardened expected to have influence for at least 40 km downstream. The

flow alteration would only be moderated when another tribu- Geological and Natural History Survey and Museum of Canada.
tary or other drainage compensates for the flow restriction. In Dawson Bros., Montreal, Que.
the case of the St. Mary and Waterton rivers, there are no ENVIRONMENT CANADA. 1985. Historical streamflow summary:
major tributaries within 40 krn downstream of the dams. Alberta, to 1984. Environment Canada, Ottawa.
1986. Surface water data: Alberta, 1985. Environment
The poplars of southern Alberta comprise the principal, and
Canada, Ottawa.
generally only, large woody plants in the riparian forests. EVERITT, B. 1968. Use of cottonwood in an investigation of the recent
Consequently, the fate of the entire forest is ultimately tied to history of a floodplain. Am. J. Sci. 266: 417-439.
the fate of the poplars. The poplar groves provide a forest FENNER, P., BRADY, W. W., and PATTON, D. R. 1984. Observations
canopy allowing for the development of an understory of of seeds and seedlings of Fremont cottonwood. Desert Plants, 6:
shrubs and herbs. Arboreal bird nesting is common and the 55-58.
forests support a rich terrestrial fauna. The central role of 1985. Effects of regulated water flows on regeneration of
poplars in the riparian ecosystem is undeniable, and as the Fremont cottonwood. J. Range Manage. 38: 135- 138.
poplars die, so dies the riparian forest ecosystem. JOHNSON, W. C., BURGESS, R. L., and KEAMMERER, W. R. 1976.
In summary, a close relationship was established between Forest overstory vegetation and environment on the Missouri River
floodplain in North Dakota. Ecol. Monogr. 46: 59-84.
river damming and riparian forest decline in southern Alberta.
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KONDOLF, G. M., WEBB,J. W., SALE,M. J., and FELANDO, T. 1987.

Some possible causes of the decline based on altered hydrolog- Basic hydrologic studies for assessing impacts of flow diversions on
ical patterns are discussed and these might contribute to a riparian vegetation: examples from streams of the eastern Sierra
failure of poplar replenishment due to drought-induced mortal- Nevada, California, USA. Environ. Manage. 11: 757 -769.
ity, particularly of seedlings. MCBRIDE, J. R., and STRAHAN, J. 1984. Establishment and survival
of woody riparian species on gravel bars of intermittent streams.
Acknowledgements Am. Midl. Nat. 112: 235-245.
MCCOMB, A. L., and LOVESTEAD, H. S. 1954. Viability of cotton-
Preliminary data was gathered with the enthusiastic assis- wood seeds in relation to storage temperatures and humidities.
tance of Dennis Wollersheim, Marie Wilfong, MaryLee USDA For. Serv. Tree Planters Notes, 17: 9- 11.
Naydiuk, and Nic Bate. Useful discussions about sampling Moss, E. H. 1938. Longevity of seed and establishment of seedlings
methodology were provided by Dr. John S. Campbell and in species of populus. Bot. Gaz. 99: 529-542.
Mr. John Mahoney. Dr. Alex Johnston and Mr. Ron Middle- NOBLE,M. G. 1979. The origin of Populus deltoides and Salk
ton provided useful comments on historical aspects of flooding interior zones on point bars along the Minnesota River. Am. Midl.
For personal use only.

and damming in southern Alberta. This study was supported Nat. 102: 59-67.
by Alberta Environmental Research Trust grant TO1016 and a PHINNEY, R. B. 1982. Flood of June 1975 in the Oldman River Basin,
University of Lethbridge research grant to S.B.R. Alberta. Environment Canada, Water Resources Branch Report.
READ,M. A. 1958. Silvicultural characteristics of Plain's Cotton-
ALBERTSON, F. W., and WEAVER, J. E. 1945. Injury and death or wood. Rocky Mt. For. Range Exp. Stn. Pap. No. 33.
recovery of trees in prairie climate. Ecol. Monogr. 15: 395-433. REILY,P. W., and JOHNSON, W. C. 1982. The effects of altered hydro-
BRADLEY, C. E., and SMITH,D. G. 1984. Meandering channel logic regime on tree growth along the Missouri River in North
response to altered flow regime: Milk River, Alberta and Montana. Dakota. Can. J. Bot. 60: 2410-2423.
Water Resour. Res. 20: 1913- 1920. ROOD,S. B., CAMPBELL, J. S., and DESPINS, T. 1986. Natural poplar
1985. Plains cottonwood recruitment and survival on a hybrids from southern Alberta. I. Continuous variation for foliar
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and northern Montana. Can. J. Bot. 64: 1433- 1442. SHAW,R. K. 1976. A taxonomic and ecologic study of the riverbot-
BRAYSHAW, T. C. 1965. Native poplars of southern Alberta and their tom forest on St. Mary River, Lee Creek and Belly River in South-
hybrids. Can. Dep. For. Publ. No. 1109. western Alberta, Canada. Great Basin Nat. 36: 243-271.
DAWSON, G. M. 1885. Map showing wooded and prairie districts, WILLIAMS, G. P., and WOLMAN, M. G. 1984. Downstream effects of
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Maps, etc., to accompany rePo& of progress for 1882- 83 - 84.

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