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Poor sleep can negatively affect a student’s grades, increase the odds

of emotional and behavioral disturbance

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE: June 9, 2008, at 12:01 a.m.


WESTCHESTER, Ill. – Insufficient sleep among adolescents may not only contribute
to lower grades and a lack of motivation, but may also increase the odds of serious
levels of emotional and behavioral disturbances, including ADHD, according to a
research abstract that will be presented on Monday at SLEEP 2008, the 22 nd Annual
Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS).

The study, authored by Fred Danner, PhD, of the University of Kentucky, focused on
882 high school freshmen who provided information about their sleep habits and
school grades and also completed psychological and behavioral assessments.

According to the results, students reported sleeping, on average, 7.6 hours per
school night, with 48 percent reporting less than eight hours. Hours of sleep per
school night were significantly positively associated with GPA and level of
motivation, and significantly negatively associated with clinically significant levels of
emotional disturbance and ADHD. Each additional hour of sleep on school nights
lowered the odds of scoring in the clinically significant range of emotional
disturbance and ADHD by 25 percent and 34 percent, respectively.

“Since these findings are based on associations rather than direct experimental
manipulation, they cannot conclusively prove that insufficient sleep causes a loss of
motivation, poor grades, ADHD, and emotional disturbance during adolescence,”
said Dr. Danner. “The results, however, are consistent with a growing body of
research that many adolescents do not get sufficient sleep and that even mild
chronic sleep deprivation has serious effects on their psychological
functioning. Lack of sleep should no longer be considered a traditional adolescent
rite of passage because it can have serious consequences.”

It is recommended that adolescents get nine hours of nightly sleep.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) offers the following tips on how
to get a good night’s sleep:

 Follow a consistent bedtime routine.

 Establish a relaxing setting at bedtime.
 Get a full night’s sleep every night.
 Avoid foods or drinks that contain caffeine, as well as any medicine that has a
stimulant, prior to bedtime.
 Do not stay up all hours of the night to “cram” for an exam, do homework, etc. If after-
school activities are proving to be too time-consuming, consider cutting back on
these activities.
 Keep computers and TVs out of the bedroom.
 Do not go to bed hungry, but don’t eat a big meal before bedtime either.
 Avoid any rigorous exercise within six hours of your bedtime.
 Make your bedroom quiet, dark and a little bit cool.
 Get up at the same time every morning.

Those who suspect that they might be suffering from a sleep disorder are
encouraged to consult with their primary care physician or a sleep specialist.

More information about teens and sleep is available from the AASM on the Sleep
Education website.

The annual SLEEP meeting brings together an international body of 5,000 leading
researchers and clinicians in the field of sleep medicine to present and discuss new
findings and medical developments related to sleep and sleep disorders.

More than 1,150 research abstracts will be presented at the SLEEP meeting, a joint
venture of the AASM and the Sleep Research Society. The three-and-a-half-day
scientific meeting will bring to light new findings that enhance the understanding of
the processes of sleep and aid the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders such
as insomnia, narcolepsy and sleep apnea.

Abstract Title: Sleep Habits, Emotional Disturbance, and ADHD in High School

Presentation Date: Monday, June 9

Category: Sleep Deprivation

Abstract ID: 0321

Transcript of islamic parenting

Islamic Parenting Nur Sakinah Bt Mohd Shukor 1026360
Nur Liyana Bt Tun Mohd Adib 1019762
Nadia Safiyyah Bt Saiful Bahri 1028988 Nurturing Responsibilities Conclusion Kindness and
affection Clarify your own belief Breastfeeding Physical Mental Preparation Taking care of
child’s body and
Prevention and treatment
of diseases
Clean body, clothes,
Nutritious food
Involve in sports
Regular checkups Formation of correct mental thinking
Ability of good judgment
Insightful thinking and inference
Expose to the world of knowledge :- read and write
Expose to the outside world :- ponder Allah’s creation
“Read in the name of your Lord Who created.
He created man from clot.
Read and your Lord is Most Honorable,
Who taught (to write) with the pen.
Taught man what he knew not.”
[96:1-5] Instill and develop best morals in the child’s life
Good role model
Effect of their behavior
Religious principles and worship Allah
3 years old : Laa ilaha illallah
3 years 7 month 20 days old : Muhammadur Rasulullah
4 years old : Allahumma Solli 'Ala Muhammad Wa 'Ala Aali Muhammad
5 years old : face qiblah and sujd
6 years old : pray, ruku’ and sujd
7 years old : wash face and hand and pray
9 years old : proper wudhu’ and prayer
Choose good company
Muslims != Non-Muslims
Feeling of love – Allah, Prophet,
Muslims and all people Human milk contains thousands of nutrients,
some of which are not found
anywhere else in nature.
The emotional and spiritual bonding
that takes place between mother and child.
Allah has given the woman
the role of nurturer of life,
the role of providing the warmth,
comfort, security and
compassion that sets life
on the best course. Parents should be kind and
affectionate towards their childrens.
For example:
The Prophet (PBUH) used to kiss
his grandchildren and openly display his great affection for them. What religion we believe,
in order to foster spirituality in your child.
What kind of education and
examples we want to teach them.
Tell stories of the previous nations
Introduce a simple form of prayers Children are blessings from Allah.
Hence, it is really important to take care of them. The couple should be prepared for the
parenthood life.
They should know what kind of preparation they have to do in order to become a good
In terms of mental, physical and spiritual preparation for the benefits of the child.
Fulfilling the rights of their child and nurture them.
So they can raise a better generation for d future.. Children are the trust from Allah.
Parents have the obligation in training
their children on right lines. Parents should not curse and
disinherit their children but
to observe their rights.
Parents should train their children
to ensure love for Islam, love for Allah,
love for the holy Prophet Muhammad,
love for their parents, love for their teachers
and love for their community. Sunnah to slaughter an animal when
a baby is born. Introduction “Every new born has the correct instinct (fitrah), it is his parents
that make
him Jewish, Christian or
fire worshipper”. Prophet Muhammad SAW said : Spiritual Prophet says: “Honour your
offspring and nourish them with good manners and desirable virtues”. The examples of
parents play a very important role
in bringing up a child Amirul Momineen (r.a.) has, in his letter to
Hasan al-Mujtaba (r.a.) said:
The heart of a growing child its
like a land without any grass or vegetation.
It accepts whatever seed is
thrown in it and then
nourishes it is itself. Good name for the children. Parents should be fair to their children so
they can be fair with others around them. Parents should send their children to school,
to educate them in worldly and
hereafter affairs. One huge responsibility is to teach them good manners. The Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) has stated that
“No father can give his child anything better than
good manners” (Tirmidhi). Teach them respect
consider the child's level
emphasize positive actions
control your anger
consult your child “Then set your face upright for
religion in the right state. The nature
made by Allah in which He has made men; there is no altering of Allah’s creation;
that is the right religion,
but most people do not know”
More presentations by saki kumayaro
 LE 4000

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