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Monitoring Academic Achievement in the Classroom

National University

Chelsea Johnston

ITL 604 Learners and Learning I

Carroll Green

Week Two Assignment – Complete Iris RTI Module 1

17 January 2019

Monitoring Academic Achievement in the Classroom

Section: Initial Thoughts

What Kind of Information Would Best Help Ms. Begay Evaluate Her Students’ Learning

The kind of information that would best help Ms. Begay to evaluate her students learning

would be to understand their progression and scores from previous years, insight on prior success

techniques from previous teachers, and if applicable, their Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

This information would allow Ms. Begay to provide the necessary tools to gear her students

towards success while being able to motivate them to achieve higher goals.

Why is it Important for Ms. Begay to be Aware of Her Students’ Progress

It is important for Ms. Begay to be aware of her students’ progress, so she can provide

the best educational experience for each student. Being aware of each student’s progression will

allow her to understand the areas of strength and weakness for each, permitting her to modify the

lesson to appeal the majority of the students. Understanding the success and needs of the students

aids in the quality of education that can be provided.

What Steps Can Ms. Begay Take to Monitor Her Students’ Progress Throughout the Year

The steps that Ms. Begay can take to monitor her students’ progression throughout the

year is to regularly collect data through informal and formal assessments, observations, and

feedback from the students. Obtaining data on the students allows for clear indications on

progression and regression trends and can indicate trends that can be used for educational

assistance. Asking for constant student feedback can provide insight on deeper learning matters

than what would be seen through our own perception. This can help reveal new techniques to

appeal to the students.

Assessment Section

Describe Three Advantages of Progress Monitoring Over Annual Achievement Tests

Three advantages of progress monitoring over annual achievement tests are: being able to

estimate rates of improvement for each student, identifying student’s strength and weaknesses

throughout the curriculum, and being able to evaluate the instruction effectiveness. These

advantages allow for the educator to be able to assess the success of their students throughout the

year and to be able to modify the lesson/instruction in real-time to better appeal to the majority

of the students.

Describe Two Key Differences Between Mastery Measurement and CBM

Two key differences between Mastery Measurement and CBM are the ability to monitor

maintained of skills and the items found on the test. With Mastery Measurement, it is not

possible to monitor maintenance of skills, while it is with CBM. With Mastery Measurement,

items on the test are from on part of the curriculum, while with the CBM, it’s sampled from the

entire curriculum.

Describe Three Ways CBM Can be Used to Help At-Risk Students

Three ways CBN can be used to help at-risk students are: it can help identify those skills

with which students are having the greatest difficulty, help compare the effectiveness of different

instructional strategies, and track progression of IEP goals.

What are the Six Steps in the CBM Process

The six steps in the CBM process are: create or select appropriate tests, administer and

score the probes, graph the scores, set goals, make instructional decisions, and communicate


How Would You Use CBM When Teaching Basic Multiplication Facts

I would use CBM when teaching basic multiplication facts by weekly assessing the

progression of memorization of multiplication facts of each student. I could better track their

progression, better assess my instruction, and be able to tweak my approach to aid in their

progression. The idea would be to introduce them to multiplication facts 1-12, but weekly

introduce them to a new number. This way they can continue to work on all learn facts while

learning new ones.

For each of the six steps of CBM, I would: weekly provide probes that consisted of the year’s

mathematics and observe how the grow throughout the year, I would score each assessment the

same way and inform the students that they should be progressing and receiving better scores as

the year goes on, graph and make note of the progression/regression of each of the students and

use this information to adjust the lessons and instruction given, I would then set goals for what I

want the majority of the students to reach by the end of the year, I would then make instructional

decisions based on the data to improve the education quality for the students, and then I would

communicate the progress with the students, parents, and other educational professionals with

the information found with the CBM information.

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