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Censorship is defined as the act or practice of removing obscene, vulgar, and highly objectionable

material from things we encounter every day. Whether it is on TV, in music, books, or on the
Internet censorship is an inescapable part of our lives. Free expression is one of the basic roots that
are country is based on, although this right is constantly challenged and contested. The
Communications Decency Act was passed by congress on February 1st 1996. This act sent
shockwaves throughout the Internet community.

The Communications Decency Act of 1996 was an outright attempt to censor another form of
media believed to "initiate the transmission of, any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image,
or other communication which is …show more content…
Internet users would now have to limit all language used in online discussions accessible to minors
just in case a minor signs onto the discussion. So the bottom line is that any person who crosses the
so-called line of "indecency" will be subject to a two-year prison sentence and substantial fines.

There is no question that the internet has had a tremendous impact on today's society. The internet
was first invented in the early 1960's with the intention of enhancing the computers used by our
nation's military. This first form of internet was named "Arpanet" and was successfully established
in the 1970. In its early stages Arpanet could only be seen at military bases and a few college
campuses. As time went on many private companies began to show interest in the internet as its
popularity was steadily growing. The number of host computers which store information and relay
communications to internet users went from 23 hosts in 1971 to 10 million hosts in 1996. Today
approximately 200 million people in over 150 countries are connected to the internet. As a new
generation grows up as accustomed to communicating through a keyboard, life on the Internet will
become an increasingly important part of life on Earth.2

President Clinton signed the Communications Decency Act on February, 8th 1996 sparking a great
debate over the constitutionality of the act. After the act was passed, 20 companies joined together
in a lawsuit against the Attorney

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