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PART | Statutory Notilcations (8.R.O.) GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CABINET SECRETARIAT (Cabinet Division) NOTIFICATIONS Reywalpindi; the VOI April, 1975. 5. RL. 401 (L715, ndongd Properites title a omnes es. may be called ihe Properties (Taking over are Rules 1983, Racdemed (2) They shall come into force at once. 4. Definitinns—In these rules. unless there. is anything repugnant in the or comtext— /, (a) Ace” menus ie Abandoned Preperlics (Taking Over und Manage- ment} Act, 1975. (XX of 1975); (b) “section? means sections of tlie Act j and (¢) words and expressions uscd but oot defined in these rales shall bave the meaning assigned to them im the Act, 4, Conditions of service of the Administrator, cte.—(1} The Administrator inted under the c\ct shall de un officer an Grade 20 und the Deputy. Admin's seo appointed Shall be ctiher ir Grade 18 or 19 of tke National Pay Scales. (2) All officers appointed under the Act shall, Subject to any speeial contract fe aorttary, Fe governed by the rules applicable to the grace of officers to they belong. 4, Allocation of femetions—Subject to the provisions of the Act, Federal Government may, by genoral or ipecial order, provide fur the allocath or distribution of fumctinns to be gerfermed by the Administator and Dep Administrators; , 5, Entry and search of -sbandonad erty.—The Administrator ur a Person authorsed by him in thy (ial eae (a) enter aud inspect anydand and premises if ke has reason to belie thot if 5 an abandoued property; (b) search any building ot place in which he has reason to believe. tf any abandoned property ar any document tending to show, that ‘a person is a speciied person, is being concealed. and take pasessi: Uieroak ; (¢) if the premites where entry is required to be made is locked, break op: that Jock and search the premises - and (d) after effovting entry into the premises, take possesion of the: abandon sn Property in accomauce with the provisions of rule f, 6. Taking possession of abandoned property—Where any abandoned QB Perty is to be taken pusscasioa of, the Administrator or any petsoa- authorised | himri this behalf may take. Soeesion (a) if the property is immovable: property, be evicting. the. person | Possession. supervision or manavement thereof, ar by sealing the pr mises, or by-serving.on such: person a notes directing him to poy #1 Tedil, lease money or licéice fe, as the case may be, to the. Adin: Calor or to any person duly-authorised to-receive such payunent ¢ (b) ifthe property-consmts of a-debl or lepacy or interest fable on or legacy, hy serving on the person liahie to pay a ike directing hi topay the Administrator or to: any psrson-duly authorised to Toceive Sligh payment ; E (¢) if the peoperty consists of stock pr shares ina company, by infermin the princi fcer of the company that the stovk.or shares have yeste in -the “Administartor. (2) Where the Administrator or any person authorised by him inthis te half takes possession of any movable ote Property: inchidins. stock-ir trads, plaator muchincry, he shall Brepate aninventory in duplicate in the ‘prescné of not less tham two respectable residents of the locality aad shall give a eapy <¢ the inventory to the person from whom posstesion is taken or,an his.ebsence, 0 ene of the persons in whese presence the iuvealory is prepared, (3) Aretord ofall abandoned piniperty attached or taken possesion of shi be made: im repislers in such: form as the Administrator may direct, 7, Holding of inquiries, ete—(1) For the parposes of scction 31 and fo the framing, Sgaing ane verification of clainis-and i relation to pioceedings. in Vol¥ing Holding of ai inéviry and hearing an zppeal or revision under the ‘act the procedure faid down in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1906 qAct“V of 1908} with the necessary modifications, shull followed, (2) The udministeator when holding an inquiry, and [the Hoard, wher hearing en appeal or revision, shi’ Have The same are vested tna eouin ae om der the Code-of Civil Provedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908), when trying & suit, 19 tool ihe following matters, namely :— (a) calling for any public record from a court or ofice ; (p) infunetions: (@}appaintment of a guardian ; {dj appcintment of receivers : » {¢) atlachment + (Ff) substituting, the names of rightful claimants; (g) adding legal representative of deceased applicants. or claimants ; and (h) consolidadion of cases. “8, Procedure snd the time limit for submission of application under section An application for confirmation under sub-section (2) of section 13 Tl comtain full particala of the ubandoned Property, the name-of the transferor hhit present address, if known, the nature of t ¢ transaction sought to be con- and consideration paid or deferred together wita the date or dates on paid. Q) The application shall be presented within ihirty days of the date of publi- notification under section, 11 and shall bz accompanied bya postal ercer pees. Procedure and: time limit for submission uf application under section “Ag application in relasion to-a claim under gub-scetion (1) of section 14. sortain full particulars of the abandoned property, the nature of right or st claimed thetrin, sual the facts om which the claim is based. The application shall be presented within thirty days of the date of pp : nn of notiication under section 11 and shall be accompanied by a postal fe Tp ee " 2 in which rs oxtend Time in any case in which Fowirr of Aatnestratar 1 ak nol beens able to present on APT Oo vahin the periad specified int i Featien after the oy rule ecept the appl te be recardeds —yuyoy Inaving it-on the last Lrown place of business or residence of the per / ‘son concerted of giving of tendering it te Some adult member of his E family 5 | (6) by Setiding it by repistered post ; - {e} by affixing it on sume conspicuous part of the premises concerned oF ap the last Known place of business of Tesidence of the person concer ned; at (¢) by publication in a newspaper or proclamation by beat of drum in the ». lovality. al anf revision. (1) An. appeal under subssection (1) of section e presented within thinly days of the date of tke order ¢ppealed egainse.

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