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Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

HT Penyakit jantung hipertensi tanpa gagal Jantung I11.9

HT Secondary hypertension, unspecified I15.9

Pembesaran jantung Cardiomegali I51.7

PJK Chronic ischaemic heart disease, unspecified I25.9

HF Heart failure, unspecified I50.9

CHF Congestive heart failure I50.0

Acute ischaemic heart disease, unspecified I24.9

*Lebih di utamakan yg bergaris bawah

Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

Gagal ginjal Acute renal failure, unspecified N17.9

DM Unspecified diabetes mellitus without complications E14.9

DM Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with unspe E11.8

Gasritis Gastritis, unspecified K29.5

Nyeri Perut Other and unspecified abdominal pain R10.4

*Lebih di utamakan yg bergaris bawah

atritis unspecified M13.9

Primary generalized (osteo)arthrosis M15.0

osteoarthritis lutut / rusak tulang rawan Gonarthrosis, unspecified m17.9

Post-traumatic gonarthrosis, bilateral M17.2

*Lebih di utamakan yg bergaris bawah

Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

TBC Respiratory tuberculosis unspecified A16.9

tanpa konfirmasi bakteriologis

TB Anak TB miliar A15.9

COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection J44.1

PPOK Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified j44.9

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Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

Hamil (USG) Supervision of high-risk pregnancy, unspecified Z35.9

(Satu kali rujukan selama kehamilan)

Hipertensi kehamilan degan protein nuri bermakna O14

Ganguan Menstruasi Irregular menstruation, unspecified N92.6

Lesi lama pada cervix Old laceration of cervix uteri N88.1

Endometriosis Endometriosis, unspecified N80.9

*Lebih di utamakan yg bergaris bawah

Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

Sinusitis Acute sinusitis, unspecified J01.9

Tonsilitis Chronic tonsillitis J35.0

OMA Acute suppurative otitis media H66.0

Kurang Pendengaran Conductive hearing loss, unspecified H90.2

*Lebih di utamakan yg bergaris bawah

Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

Mata kabur (KIR Mata) Disorder of refraction, unspecified H52.7

Katarak Cataract, unspecified H26.9

Katarak Senile Senile Cataract, unspecified k25.9

Sulur mata Pterygium H11.0

*Lebih di utamakan yg bergaris bawah

Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

Urticaria, unspecified L 50.9

Sypilis Syphilis, unspesified A53.9

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Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

Nyeri Pinggang Low back pain, site unspecified M54.59

stroke Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction I64

CTS Carpa Tunnel syndrome G56.0

Sakit kepala other specified headache syndromes G44.8

*Lebih di utamakan yg bergaris bawah


Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

Perawatan yang melibatkan penggunaan prosedur rehabilitasi lainnya Z50.8

(Care involving use of other rehabilitation procedures)

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Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

Gangguan jaringan Lunak Other specified soft tissue disorders, shoulder region m79.8

Batu kandung empedu K56.3

Batu saluran empedu dengan kolesistitis K80.4

perawatan habis pembedahan Other specified surgical follow-up carez 48.8

*Lebih di utamakan yg bergaris bawah


Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

Peradangan Prostat Inflammatory disease of prostate, unspecified N41.9

Batu gijal + ureter Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter N20.2

Batu saluran kemih Urinary calculus, unspecified N20.9

*Lebih di utamakan yg bergaris bawah


Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

tumor mamae Carcinoma in situ of breast, unspecified D05.9

FAM mamae Fibroadenosis of breast N60.2
*Lebih di utamakan yg bergaris bawah

Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

Osteoporosis m81.0

Fracture lengan bawah Fracture of forearm S52

Fracture pndak dan lengan atas fracture of shoulder and upper arm S42

Fracture of femur S72

Fracture alat gerak bawah Fracture of lower limb T12

Fracture alat gerak atas Fracture of upper limb T10

*Lebih di utamakan yg bergaris bawah

Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

Susah tidur Sleep disorder, unspecified G47.9

Skizoprenia Schizophrenia,unspecified F20.9

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Nama Diagnosa Nama icd x Kode ICD X

Panas Fever, Unspecified R50.9

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Kode tidak di rujuk

vertigo = R42

benda asing di telinga = T 16 (Foreign body in ear)

ISK =N39.0

Luka bakar = T30.0

Kembang paluh = L74.3 miliaria

ANC = Z35.3

Perawatan post sc = o34.2

Hipertensi kehamilan tanpa protein nuri bermakna= o13

Hemoroid = I84.9 ( Unspecified haemorrhoids without complication)


Z01.7 = Pemeriksaan laboratorium

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