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START >>>>> RootTools

Detecting root with RootTools. Start at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.394+0100

STARTING >>>>> IsAppByU at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.403+0100
STARTING >>>>> SendEvent at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.408+0100
STARTING >>>>> VerififyAI at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.405+0100
STARTING >>>>> FindDaemonInProc at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.411+0100
STARTING >>>>> isPresentOTA at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.411+0100
STARTING >>>>> verifyFSysACk at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.411+0100
STARTING >>>>> vBT at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.417+0100
STARTING >>>>> verifyR0M at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.434+0100
Check result for vBT: false
FINISH >>>>> vBT Total elaspsed time in mills: 33
STARTING >>>>> IsDebuggable at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.449+0100
STARTING >>>>> VerifyBB at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.472+0100
STARTING >>>>> IsDebugEnabled at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.462+0100
STARTING >>>>> IsDebugConnected at: 2018-12-11T10:44:26.468+0100
Check result for IsDebugConnected: false
Check result for IsDebuggable: false
Check result for IsDebugEnabled: false
FINISH >>>>> IsDebugConnected Total elaspsed time in mills: 23
FINISH >>>>> IsDebuggable Total elaspsed time in mills: 43
FINISH >>>>> IsDebugEnabled Total elaspsed time in mills: 31
Check result for VerififyAI: false
FINISH >>>>> VerififyAI Total elaspsed time in mills: 136
Check result for verifyR0M: false
FINISH >>>>> verifyR0M Total elaspsed time in mills: 134
Check result for isPresentOTA: false
Check result for SendEvent: true
Check result for VerifyBB: false
FINISH >>>>> isPresentOTA Total elaspsed time in mills: 173
FINISH >>>>> SendEvent Total elaspsed time in mills: 174
FINISH >>>>> VerifyBB Total elaspsed time in mills: 110
Check result for verifyFSysACk: false
FINISH >>>>> verifyFSysACk Total elaspsed time in mills: 207
Check result for IsAppByU: false
FINISH >>>>> IsAppByU Total elaspsed time in mills: 447
Check result for FindDaemonInProc: false
FINISH >>>>> FindDaemonInProc Total elaspsed time in mills: 904
SanityValue: 5
FINISH >>>>> Total elaspsed time in mills: 943
FINISH Check result: true
START >>>>> RootTools
Detecting root with RootTools. Start at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.356+0100
STARTING >>>>> verifyFSysACk at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.363+0100
STARTING >>>>> VerififyAI at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.364+0100
STARTING >>>>> FindDaemonInProc at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.371+0100
STARTING >>>>> IsAppByU at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.386+0100
STARTING >>>>> isPresentOTA at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.392+0100
STARTING >>>>> IsDebuggable at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.402+0100
STARTING >>>>> vBT at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.419+0100
STARTING >>>>> IsDebugEnabled at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.398+0100
STARTING >>>>> verifyR0M at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.404+0100
STARTING >>>>> IsDebugConnected at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.396+0100
STARTING >>>>> SendEvent at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.423+0100
Check result for IsDebugEnabled: false
FINISH >>>>> IsDebugEnabled Total elaspsed time in mills: 32
Check result for vBT: false
STARTING >>>>> VerifyBB at: 2018-12-11T10:44:40.402+0100
Check result for IsDebuggable: false
Check result for IsDebugConnected: false
FINISH >>>>> IsDebugConnected Total elaspsed time in mills: 35
FINISH >>>>> IsDebuggable Total elaspsed time in mills: 27
FINISH >>>>> vBT Total elaspsed time in mills: 10
Check result for VerififyAI: false
FINISH >>>>> VerififyAI Total elaspsed time in mills: 150
Check result for verifyFSysACk: false
FINISH >>>>> verifyFSysACk Total elaspsed time in mills: 157
Check result for isPresentOTA: false
Check result for VerifyBB: false
FINISH >>>>> isPresentOTA Total elaspsed time in mills: 163
Check result for SendEvent: true
FINISH >>>>> VerifyBB Total elaspsed time in mills: 155
FINISH >>>>> SendEvent Total elaspsed time in mills: 132
Check result for verifyR0M: false
FINISH >>>>> verifyR0M Total elaspsed time in mills: 176
Check result for IsAppByU: false
FINISH >>>>> IsAppByU Total elaspsed time in mills: 363
Check result for FindDaemonInProc: false
FINISH >>>>> FindDaemonInProc Total elaspsed time in mills: 751
SanityValue: 5
FINISH >>>>> Total elaspsed time in mills: 774
FINISH Check result: true
START >>>>> RootTools
Detecting root with RootTools. Start at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.935+0100
STARTING >>>>> FindDaemonInProc at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.944+0100
STARTING >>>>> verifyFSysACk at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.945+0100
STARTING >>>>> VerififyAI at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.947+0100
STARTING >>>>> SendEvent at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.961+0100
STARTING >>>>> isPresentOTA at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.962+0100
STARTING >>>>> IsAppByU at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.960+0100
STARTING >>>>> VerifyBB at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.968+0100
STARTING >>>>> verifyR0M at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.970+0100
STARTING >>>>> IsDebugConnected at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.968+0100
STARTING >>>>> vBT at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.982+0100
STARTING >>>>> IsDebugEnabled at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.970+0100
Check result for IsDebugConnected: false
Check result for vBT: false
FINISH >>>>> IsDebugConnected Total elaspsed time in mills: 21
Check result for IsDebugEnabled: false
STARTING >>>>> IsDebuggable at: 2018-12-11T10:48:07.971+0100
FINISH >>>>> vBT Total elaspsed time in mills: 8
Check result for IsDebuggable: false
FINISH >>>>> IsDebugEnabled Total elaspsed time in mills: 21
FINISH >>>>> IsDebuggable Total elaspsed time in mills: 40
Check result for VerifyBB: false
FINISH >>>>> VerifyBB Total elaspsed time in mills: 74
Check result for VerififyAI: false
FINISH >>>>> VerififyAI Total elaspsed time in mills: 130
Check result for SendEvent: true
FINISH >>>>> SendEvent Total elaspsed time in mills: 140
Check result for verifyFSysACk: false
FINISH >>>>> verifyFSysACk Total elaspsed time in mills: 182
Check result for isPresentOTA: false
FINISH >>>>> isPresentOTA Total elaspsed time in mills: 164
Check result for verifyR0M: false
FINISH >>>>> verifyR0M Total elaspsed time in mills: 188
Check result for IsAppByU: false
FINISH >>>>> IsAppByU Total elaspsed time in mills: 364
Check result for FindDaemonInProc: false
FINISH >>>>> FindDaemonInProc Total elaspsed time in mills: 971
SanityValue: 5
FINISH >>>>> Total elaspsed time in mills: 998
FINISH Check result: true
START >>>>> RootTools
Detecting root with RootTools. Start at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.137+0100
STARTING >>>>> IsAppByU at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.157+0100
STARTING >>>>> VerifyBB at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.156+0100
STARTING >>>>> SendEvent at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.151+0100
STARTING >>>>> IsDebuggable at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.157+0100
STARTING >>>>> vBT at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.161+0100
STARTING >>>>> verifyR0M at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.163+0100
STARTING >>>>> IsDebugConnected at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.155+0100
Check result for IsDebugConnected: false
STARTING >>>>> isPresentOTA at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.157+0100
STARTING >>>>> FindDaemonInProc at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.197+0100
FINISH >>>>> IsDebugConnected Total elaspsed time in mills: 52
STARTING >>>>> verifyFSysACk at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.164+0100
Check result for vBT: false
STARTING >>>>> VerififyAI at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.157+0100
Check result for IsDebuggable: false
FINISH >>>>> vBT Total elaspsed time in mills: 43
FINISH >>>>> IsDebuggable Total elaspsed time in mills: 61
STARTING >>>>> IsDebugEnabled at: 2018-12-11T10:49:45.167+0100
Check result for IsDebugEnabled: false
FINISH >>>>> IsDebugEnabled Total elaspsed time in mills: 64
Check result for verifyFSysACk: false
Check result for SendEvent: true
FINISH >>>>> verifyFSysACk Total elaspsed time in mills: 218
FINISH >>>>> SendEvent Total elaspsed time in mills: 234
Check result for isPresentOTA: false
FINISH >>>>> isPresentOTA Total elaspsed time in mills: 277
Check result for VerifyBB: false
FINISH >>>>> VerifyBB Total elaspsed time in mills: 342
Check result for VerififyAI: false
FINISH >>>>> VerififyAI Total elaspsed time in mills: 353
Check result for verifyR0M: false
FINISH >>>>> verifyR0M Total elaspsed time in mills: 355
Check result for IsAppByU: false
FINISH >>>>> IsAppByU Total elaspsed time in mills: 627
Check result for FindDaemonInProc: false
FINISH >>>>> FindDaemonInProc Total elaspsed time in mills: 995
SanityValue: 5
FINISH >>>>> Total elaspsed time in mills: 1048
FINISH Check result: true

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