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The way teachers interact with students affects students

achievement(Precocious et al. 2013)
Therefore the effectiveness of learning vary upon the teachers strategy on how they
handle or interact with their students.
In education scaffolding refers to a variety of instructional techniques used to
move students
progressively toward stronger understanding and ultimately greater independence on
the learning process.
It also process in which teachers model to demonstrate how to solve a problem and
then step back, offering
support they need while learning something new, they stand a better chance of using
that knowledge
independently. However scaffold learning can bridge learning gaps and help student
According to (Brian Herbert 2014) the capacity to learn is a gift; the ability
to learn is a skill and the willingness to learn is a choice.
Learning is the acquisition of knowledge skills through experience,
study or by doing taught. Therefore effective learning start within the students, the
learners interest or choice
to learn. But the teacher can do something to enhance the learning of the respondent.
Brunner believed that
when children start to learn new concepts, they need to help from teachers and other
students adults in the
form of active support. To begin with, they are dependent on their adult support but as
they become more
independent in their thinking and acquire new skills and knowledge, the support can
be gradually faded.
In very specific way scaffolding represent a reduction in the many choices a child might
face, so that they become
focused only on acquiring the skills or knowledge that is acquired. Scaffolding is a
temporary structure which
provides help at specific points in the learning process. It allows learners to complete a
challenging task which.
they would not be able to accomplish without help. Lev Vygotsky (2014) agreed that
the child is actively
involved in the learning and development process. They provide feedback to the adult
or teacher about their
level of understanding. Also started that the child begins to perceive the world not
only through his eyes but
also through his speech. The researcher studied the effect of scaffolding on students
algebra proficiency where
algebra is any of various system or branches of mathematics or logic concerned with
the properties and
relationship of abstract entities manipulated in symbolic form under operation often
analogous to those of
arithmetic most of the students have negative perception in mathematics which makes
their performance in
low level. But through scaffolding this will help the students enhance their level of
learning and interest (Jean
Piaget) believe that the principal goal of education is to create individuals who are
capable of doing new
things not simply of repeating what others generations have done.
II. Action Researcher Question:

1. Does the scaffolding is an effective approach in a students?

2. Is scaffolding can increase knowledge and skills to the students?

3. What are the strategy to be effective in doing scaffolding?

4. How do we scaffold learning?

5. What kind of scaffolding does the teacher use in her class?

III. Proposed Innovation , Intervations and Strategy:

The effects of scaffolding in the classroom support contingency and students

independent working time in relation to students achievement task effort and
appreciation of support. It is claimed to be effective (Roelter and Cantlon 2013) .
However most research on it in the classroom has been correlation until now. This
research investigate on how scaffolding effects learning of the students. In order to
scaffold it children’s learning. The researcher considered ever situation that they
encounter by providing a challenge that is just beyond what the child can already do
easily by him or herself. And also providing guides, outlines and team performing task
or learning a new concept through the gradual release of responsibility (Echevarria,
Vigt and short ,2014; Fishen and Frey 2013). It also acquire that the teacher has a
specific aim for the students to achieve; a finite goal. The teacher backward plans form
this goal and provides teaching and learning activities that support and step the
students towards achieving the goal. The students is their able to take up increased
responsibility for achieving the goal, demonstrating a greater level of independence at
home later stage. The aim of scaffolding is to gradually withdraw the support and
handover full responsibility to the students
IV. Action Research Methods:

The grade eight high school students of Salazar Colleges of Science and Institute of
Technology. The researcher will be going to survey by giving a question to gather to
them and information whether the scaffolding on students algebra proficiency is
effective to provide intervention to students to develop their mathematical skill and
establish a tutor-tutee relationship in algebra. By providing interesting and challenging
activities involving math such as games. Through this students can develop their
techniques in solving algebra and can improve the students and enhance their abilities
on algebra techniques in solving.
V. Action Research work Plan and Timelines

Area of Objectives Strategy Person’s Budget Budget Time Exported Actual Remarks
concern involved Source Frame Outcome Outcome
To Gather The students Grade 8 P210.00 Pocket September The students
Information. will be given students. money. 17, 2018 will be done
SC-SIT questions to answer.
be answer. September
19, 2018
To Understanding We the P190.00 Pocket SEPTEMBER The data will
HOME understand the researcher. money. 24, 2018 be done by
TASK the information understanding
information we gathered. September the
gathered. 30, 2018 information.
To encode All the We the P150.00 Pocket October 1, All the
all the information researcher. money. 2018 information
HOME information that we already
TASK that we gathered we October 5, encode.
gathered. are going to 2018
To finalize The Mr. Gaspar P100.00 Pocket October 6, The
the information Batolbatol money. 2018 information of
information. that we our action
SC-SIT gathered will We the October 26, research will
be checked by researcher 2018 be checked.
the action
teacher .
To encode We the We the P400.00 Pocket November All the
and prepare researcher will researcher. money. 5, 2018 materials will
HOME all the going to be ready to
TASK materials. prepare the November use.
materials to 26, 2018
be use.
To share We the The SC-SIT P180.00 Pocket December The ideas and
ideas that researcher will grade eight money. 3, 2018 strategy will
can help to have a students. be already
SC-SIT them to strategy and December share to the
enhance ideas of how 6, 2018 students.
their we are going
learning. to handle the
VI . Cost Estimate :

Need to be as accurate as possible to cover the expenses proposed in the project.

 Expected Expenses:

*Internet expenses P300.00

*Print Out P600.00
*Rent expenses of laptop P200.00


VII . Plans of Dissemination and Utilizations:

It is a planned process that involved consideration of target audiences and the

setting in which researcher findings are to be received and where, appropriate,
communicating and interacting with wider policy and health service audiences in ways
that will facilitate research uptake in decision-making.
The Effect of Scaffolding

on Student Algebra





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