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2.1. Verbos

 Travel: Viajar
 Journey: Viajar
 Relax: Relajarse
 Lie: Acostarte, mentir
 Set off: Partir (Viaje)
 Miss: Perder (Vuelo, autobús, etc.)
 Arrive: Llegar
 Leave: Abandonar (un lugar)
 Pick up: Coger (un objeto)
 Park: Aparcar
 Check in: Facturar
 Take off: Despegar
 Land: Aterrizar

2.2. Sustantivos y adjetivos

 Traffic jam: Atasco

 Rush hour: Hora punta
 Car crash: Accidente de coche
 Parking fine: Multa de aparcamiento
 Speed limit: Límite de velocidad
 Speed cameras: Radares de velocidad
 Cycle lanes: Carríles-bici
 Pedestrian areas: Áreas para peatones
 Car parks: Aparcamientos de coches
 Seat belt: Cinturón de seguridad
 Motorcyclist: Motociclistas
 Holidays: Vacaciones
 Relaxing: Relajante
 Weather: Tiempo, clima
 Flight: Vuelo
 Health: Salud
 Cyclist: Ciclistas
 Helmet: Casco
 Platform: Andén (tren)
 Station: Estación (tren)
 Gate: Puerta (aeropuerto)
 Motorway: Autopista
 Tourist: Turista
 Tourist guide: Guía turística
 Journey: Viaje
 Trip: Viaje
 Luggage: Equipaje
 Suitcase: Maleta
 Railway station: Estación de ferrocarril

2.3. Medios de transporte

 Train: Tren
 Subway: Metro (USA)
 Underground: Metro (UK)
 Plane: Avión
 Coach: Autocar
 Bus: Autobús
 Lorry: Camión
 Van: Furgoneta, camioneta
 Motorbike: Moto
 Bike: Bicicleta
 Tram: Tranvía

Sofia: Okay, so what’s happening this week? Let’s make some plans.

Jack: Okay, well, tomorrow’s first day of the month, so we need a new train ticket. Let’s
leave early to avoid the queue at the ticket office and then we’ll catch the train at seven.

Sofia: The train leaves at quarter past, not seven.

Jack: Oh, okay. And what are you doing at work this week?

10 Sofia: I’ve got a big conference tomorrow. It starts at ten and finishes at six so I won’t
be back til’ late. And you?

Jack: Busy day, busy day. I’ve got to travel to the airport to pick up Jimmy Jinx. His plane
lands at 8.30 and then we’re going to a meeting about the Bogotá situation.

Sofia: How are you gonna pick him up when you can’t drive?

Jack: I’m gonna get on a motorbike and drive through rush hour!

Sofia: Okay, don’t be sarcastic.

Jack: But How do you think I’m gonna pick him up? I’m gonna catch the train or a cab.
It’s like… you have this weird love of reminding everyone I can’t drive.

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