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ANDAM, Jonbert M.

Project Management Removal Requirement

Chapter 8: Discussion Questions

1. Discuss some of the examples of poor quality in information technology projects presented in the
“What Went Wrong?” section. Could most of these problems have been avoided? Why do you think
there are so many examples of poor quality in information technology projects?


A significant number of these issues could be maintained a strategic distance from by performing
better quality management. One issue is that software and hardware is hitting the market excessively
quick, so individuals moving these may be more worried about money than security or prosperity of the
customers or the organization in the long time.

2. What are the main processes included in project quality management?


1. Development of the project management quality plan

2. Quality assurance
3. Quality control

3. How do functionality, system outputs, performance, reliability, and maintainability requirements affect
quality planning?


 Functionality is how much a framework plays out its planned function

 Features are the framework's extraordinary attributes that intrigue to clients
 System output are the screens and reports the framework produces
 Performance tends to how well an item or administration plays out the client's purposed use

4. What are benchmarks, and how can they assist in performing quality assurance? Describe typical
benchmarks associated with a college or university.


Benchmarking creates thoughts for quality enhancements by looking at explicit task practices or
item attributes to those of different ventures or items inside or outside the performing organization.

5. What are the three main categories of outputs for quality control?

 Acceptance Decisions
 Rework
 Process Adjustment

6. Provide examples of when you would use the Seven Basic Tools of Quality on an information
technology project.


To find the main cause of a system problem, decide whether a procedure goes wrong, to
perform drift investigation and figure future results, to dissect how problem happen and how procedures
can be develop.

7. Discuss the history of modern quality management. How have experts such as Deming, Juran, Crosby,
and Taguchi affected the quality movement and today's use of Six Sigma?


These specialists have made quality an unmistakable standard that organizations strived to
accomplish. Grants have been built up to look for quality and reward the individuals who have
accomplished it. Quality ventures have been utilized to meet client desires rather than just organization
needs. A more extensive extent of what quality is and isn't has been created to give benchmarking
criteria to organizations. Bringing up the expense of low quality will offer inspiration to organizations and
build their longing for quality. U.S. organizations watched BOTH the accentuation on quality in different
countries AND those countries' accomplishments in the commercial center. It was the monetary
achievement owing to the accentuation on quality that made U.S. organizations sit up and pay heed.

8. Discuss three suggestions for improving information technology project quality that were not made in
this chapter.


A few thoughts would give better preparing to individuals in information technology to deliver
better quality, giving motivations to meeting quality objectives, building up least quality prerequisites for
explicit IT items.

9. Describe three types of software that can assist in project quality management.

Answer: List of software can use

 Spreadsheet Software
 Databases
 Charting Software
 Statistical Software

Chapter 9: Discussion Questions

1. Discuss the changes in the job market for information technology workers. How does the job market
and current state of the economy affect human resource management?


The job market changed drastically after 2000 and again in 2008. At the point when there is a
shortage of workers, organizations frequently give higher pay and motivators. Organizations still need to
treat individuals well paying little respect to the market circumstance. Numerous individuals in IT
understand that aptitudes like task the executives and business examination are much progressively
imperative in a testing financial condition.

2. Summarize the processes involved in project human resource management.


The process includes:

 Developing a human resource plan

 Acquiring the project team

 Developing the project team

 Managing the project team

3. Briefly summarize the works of Maslow, Herzberg, McClellan, McGregor, Ouchi, Thamhain and
Wilemon, and Covey. How do their theories relate to project management?


Maslow's hierarchy of needs is necessities of significance in the HR/People Issues part of Project
Management. Measurably, cash for representatives isn't the best help, rather, it's the fascinating
assignments that they chip away at, and obviously regard. This idea is essential for Project Managers to
comprehend for representative inspiration.

4. Describe situations where it would be appropriate to create a project organizational chart, a

responsibility assignment matrix, a RACI chart, and a resource histogram. Describe what these charts or
matrices look like.


Substantial ventures ought to have an undertaking authoritative chart. At the point when it's
essential to clarify roles and responsibilities regarding the tasks, a RAM can be useful. A RACI graph is a
kind of RAM that illuminates who has obligation, responsibility, conference, and educated jobs on a task.
A resource histogram demonstrates the quantity of individuals by expertise required each day and age
for an undertaking.
5. Discuss the difference between resource loading and resource leveling and provide an example of
when you would use each technique.


Resource loading helps you see what individuals are planned to deal with ventures and when
they are booked to work. Resource leveling helps you to smooth out resource designations and diminish
planning clashes. Both of these procedures make it less demanding to oversee HR.

6. Explain two types of team-building activities described in this chapter.


The two kinds of activities are physical challenges like ropes courses or essential preparing and
psychological preference indicator like MBTI or the social styles profile.

7. Summarize different tools and techniques project managers can use to help them manage project
teams. What can they do to manage virtual team members?


Tools and techniques include:

 Observation and conversation

 Project performance appraisals

 Conflict management

For virtual groups, venture administrators should regularly invest more energy setting up great
interchanges and methods. An underlying eye to eye of telephone meeting is regularly useful.

8. How can you use Project 2010 to assist in project human resource management?


You can enter resource information, for example, names, classifications, accessibility, costs in
Project 2010 and dole out those assets to explicit errands. You can likewise see asset histograms and
level assets with Project 2010.
Chapter 10: Discussion Questions

1. Think of examples in the media that poke fun at the communications skills of technical professionals,
such as Dilbert® or cartoons. How does this satire influence the industry and educational

Dilbert gives a great case of media jabbing fun at the poor interchanges abilities of specialized
experts. A few people contend, be that as it may, this may make individuals bashful far from entering a
specialized calling. Numerous instructive projects still spotlight essentially on specialized courses,
although some have understood the need to require all the more talking, composing, and listening
aptitudes as a feature of specialized degree necessities.

3. What items should a communications management plan address? How cans a stakeholder
Analysis assists in preparing and implementing parts of this plan?
A communications management plan should address partner interchanges prerequisites, data to
be conveyed, who will get and create the correspondences, proposed techniques or innovations,
recurrence of correspondence, acceleration strategies for settling issues, amendment methods, and a
glossary of terms. A partner examination indicates which partners ought to get which composed
correspondences and in what arrange. Partners should help with deciding this data by clearing up their
particular correspondences needs.

4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of distributing project information.


Electronic communications are frequently helpful when it is imperative to send data rapidly to a
huge gathering of individuals. Face-to-face communications are vital for creating connections and trust
with task partners. Formal written communications are essential for recording legitimate and other
pivotal data. Verbal communications are vital for some individuals who want to impart verbally and make
explicit inquiries as opposed to peruse data.

5. What are some of the ways to create and distribute project performance information?
Project performance Ways of Distributing information:
 Verbally
 Written format
 Via e-mail
 Via the web,
 Formally
 Informally
7. Explain why you agree or disagree with some of the suggestions in this chapter for improving project
communications, such as creating a communications management plan, stakeholder analysis, or
performance reports. What other suggestions do you have?
The initial step for enhancing a project manager's communication with groups is to characterize
clear gathering goals. It is safe to say that you are attempting to take care of an issue, settle on a choice,
conceptualize another thought, or give a task refresh? The target for the gathering ought to decide the
setting and tone for the gathering.

8. How can software assist in project communications? How can it hurt project communications?
Software can assist in project communications by making and appropriate undertaking
information. Project 2010 has a few highlights to upgrade project communications, and numerous
different instruments are accessible. Software can hurt undertaking communications if individuals
depend too intensely on utilizing software alone to impart. It is imperative to have gatherings and casual
communications on tasks, as well.
Chapter 11: Discussion Questions

1. Discuss the risk utility function and risk preference chart in Figure 11-2. Would you rate yourself as
being risk-averse, risk-neutral, or risk-seeking? Give examples of each approach from different aspects of
your life, such as your current job, your personal finances, romances, and eating habits.
I rate and I consider myself as being risk-seeking. I search for remuneration in impossible spots.

2. What are some questions that should be addressed in a risk management plan?


What are the organization's best risks, how serious is their effect and how likely would they say
they are to happen? How regularly does the organization revive its appraisal of the top risks? Who
possesses the top risks and is responsible for results, and to whom do they report?

3. Discuss the common sources of risk on information technology projects and suggestions for managing
them. Which suggestions do you find most useful? Which do you feel would not work in your
organization? Why?


The most widely recognized risk in information technology projects incorporate market,
budgetary, innovation, individuals, and structure/process risks. Market risks have to do with the way that
an undertaking must be led in view of the market. This may involve statistical surveying to decide
whether another person is as of now doing likewise, and on the off chance that they are doing it
ineffectively enough to permit your task a chance to be a reasonable choice.

4. What is the difference between using brainstorming and the Delphi technique for risk identification?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? Describe the contents of a risk
register and how the risk register is used in several risk management processes.


The Delphi technique utilizes an arbitrator and keeps the data sources mysterious, while
brainstorming has everybody state thoughts out in the open. Brainstorming is regularly quicker, less
demanding, and more affordable to do, however the Delphi technique can help maintain a strategic
distance from predisposition and political issues. It is utilized in a few risk management procedure to
help recognize, rank, evaluate, and screen and control risks.
5. Describe how to use a probability/impact matrix and the Top Ten Risk Item Tracking approaches for
performing qualitative risk analysis. How could you use each technique on a project?


A probability/impact matrix or chart list the general probability of a risk happening on one side
of a matrix or axis on a diagram and the overall effect of the risks happening on the other. Rundown the
risk and after that name every one as high, medium, or low as far as its probability of event and its effect
on the off chance that it occurred.

6. Explain how to use decision trees and Monte Carlo analysis for quantifying risk. Give an example of
how you could use each technique on an information technology project.


Figure 11-6 demonstrates a case of utilizing a choice tree with the EMV estimations. Figure 11-7
demonstrates the consequences of a Monte Carlo recreation with Project 2007 to help comprehend plan

7. Provide realistic examples of each of the risk response strategies for both negative and positive risks.


One case for staying away from negative risk may be that you could utilize a current bit of
hardware to keep away from the risk of sitting tight for a more up to date item. You could take your risks
that the new item will be accessible for instance of risk acceptance, and in the event that it's not,
manage the issue. You could make a temporary worker bear the risk of giving the new hardware on time
or endure some sort of results for instance of risk transference. For risk mitigation, you could diminish
the probability of a risk occasion happening, for example, moving the go back to be increasingly sure the
new hardware will be accessible. For positive risk strategies, for example, profiting on another item, you
could utilize chance misuse by seeking after investment, chance sharing by cooperating with another
firm, chance upgrade by giving motivating forces to influence the positive risk to occur, and chance
acknowledgment by simply tolerating the risk on the off chance that it happened.

8. List the tools and techniques for performing risk monitoring and control.


 Risk reassessment
 Risk audits
 Variance and trend analysis
 Technical performance measurement
 Reserve analysis
9. How can you use Excel to assist in project risk management? What other software can help project
teams make better risk management decisions?


You can use Excel to help ascertain risk factors, anticipated money related esteem, and to
perform affectability examination. Other software products that can aid chance administration
incorporate undertaking the project management software, risk management software, and simulation

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