Nipuna PR 30-01-2019 PDF

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05 06 & 07

   

  ?  

Every Wednesday Free Suppliment

30  2019
 8
Guide to
Excellence  
-  ,      ..     ..
     

2019-20    

   
� 
-1 (2018)  1  25  23-29
� �  1  28  26
 ,  17 � 15  11-13
 
��  ,   17 � 15 -
 -1 (2019)  1  28 -
-2019 -1 � 31  28 -
�- 2019  12 2020  10 -
: 2018�  �   �  
. � � � �.

..        . :  �    , , � , ��,   . � �� 
       �� �  �   � , �  �  �� � 20 �  � 
�    � �. �  �� . �
...  , .     � ��  �  1977� �   :  ,    �  . �
        �  � �� . , , , � (), � 50   �    
    ().    � ,  �  . , , ��  ,.,  � �.  � 
 (� ), � � �   �  ..   �
           ...? � �.  � �.  �  
        �   ,  (,
 ...? � � , , �
. 2019   ,    , ),  �  �.
,   ,  � � � �  �  
    ... �

...�  

Guide to Excellence
 
Raju is an exercise fanatic
� abba.
� � �  � (head) �
 (Bishop of Rome) �.  �
(pope) �. Pope   papa (father)
    . �  �
   � pope ��.
� ‘  � � �’  ��� � Pasture ( �) � �� ‘pasco’
�... � ��. ‘��....,   . Pasco  to feed (�
��’ �  �  ‘ ). �    
��’ ��. � � pasture.
(sceptics/skeptics) � �. � Pastures ( ��)  � 
� Bible  � Jesus Christ    � pastor.  � (shepherd) 
(Crucifixion) � �� � � �. ��  �� pastoral
(resurrection) ��.  �  communities �.
 � (apostles)   � � � � �  �
(St. Thomas) �� . � (congregation) �� �, � �
� ,     � � (pastor).
� � ,  � � �. � � � � (at the end of prayer) 
� �� ��  �    (Amen)   ��
� doubting Thomas �. (A person (Hebrew) �  . � �
who is sceptical and refuses to believe (certainly), �� (truely),  
something without proof) � (so be it) ��. �  
�  � �  � �   � Amen 
�  � (Theism: theos god), � .
 (Theists).  �   � �� �  �  goodbye
� � �  � recognise � He visits his mother religiously every week �. Good  god. Goodbye �
�  � � � atheism (Greek: (re-again, cognise - know). (  � � � 
a - without, theos - god),  � ‘God bye’  God be with you ‘
� � �� �   � (rule) �  �). �   �’  .
� � � (atheists).  � �.  � �  ��   � ��
�  �� �    �  incognito (Latin: in - not, cognitus -  � � � (extremist) ��
(Logic) , � �� � known)  incognito  �  Italian  � � (excessive zeal)
 � (agnostics).  �  � �   
�� � . � fanatics �. (festivals)   �. 
� (agnosticism - Greek: a - without, � �� � ��  �:
gnostos - known).
� Holiday ()   holyday (
��  � ‘�   � religious fanatic ( � �)  �)  . 
� ��? �?   �  � ��  � �?�  religious fanaticism ( �)
theist,   atheist, � �  (I
� holydays �  � 
�  �   � �. � exercise fanatic (� �� �) holidays ��.
don't know),   (you don't know)  �? � ��? � My friend Raju is an exercise fanatic
 agnostic.
� � Holy  �  �
 � �  �!’  �. � My colleague Srinivas is a cricket fanatic. sacred, sanctity. � �� sacre,
�  �� ‘gnostos (known)’        independent�  Fanatic  (shot)  fan (�).
� �... Prognose (pro-before, gnosis-
� � sacrere  � (sacred
  ��    .   � .   �  person), � � (godly
knowledge).  �� (medical �   (Deism).  �  � (amusement) �, 
terminology) �  �   � person). Ocard wilde   
 � ��� deism �. (happiness) �     �  �..
prognose. ���  �  �   dependent�  Theism. � � (fan) �.  
(fore telling).
� � Every saint has a past, every sinner
  ��  �   ��,  �� has a future ( �  
� Diagnose (dia-apart, gnosies - known)  �� � � theism �. (obsession)  �  �
 �� � (to know � � (Christianity), � (Islam),  �  ��
thoroughly).  �   � �/� (Judaism)  � (fanatic) �� �.
  (distinguish)   � �  . �  �� � � �� fanum  ��
.  �  (tests) �� � Monotheism (Greeks: mono- one, theos- god).  (holy of holies).  
�  (disease) � � ��  � � �  �  �  fane  
diagnosis. �� Polytheism (Gr: Poly-many .   � 
� � �   � � theos - god).  (idol) ��  � ��  �
cognition (cognise - known).  the act  �� (idolotry). (excessive enthusiasm) 
of knowing. � ‘  � � ’-  () � fanatics �.
,  ��� ��   � Fane  temple  profane
� . �  � (thought)   outside the temple (pro-
� � (manifest) � (words) outside; fane- temple).  
� � �   (nonreligious), �
(endless), �� (formless),  � (secular),  (unholy) 
  � �� � (idols) �. sacred � profane �. .  �  
�� � �� �. �  (god) ��  (good) � ).
�  (religion)   religare  � �.  god  good. � � ��� , �
  . Religare   (god spell) �  �� (good (persons and relationships)
 (to connect with god/certain news). �� god spell gospel (� holyness  , , 
� ,
beliefs).  �, � ��  )� �.  � (revelation or  (objects, places and
 . teaching)  �� gospel. happenings) sacredness  
� � �    �  �� �  (aramaic).  ���.
G.Madhusudan Reddy � � ��  .  religious� �� ‘abba’  . �� �� � �  . ��  
Dy.Inspector General   regular�  . ‘�’  �.    .   .  
(Regn.&Stamps) �: Do these exercises religiously every day � (monks)   � �  sanctum sanctorium (holy of
9121220229 ( ���  � �� monastery �.   abbot.  holies).
mail- �). � ��. Abbot � 
-1  03
Every Wednesday Free Suppliment 30  2019
 8

‘’   

�. ‘  �, �  
�’  ��.
 
� �  �  
�  �� �. 
 23   .  24
� �� �� . � �
 ��  ��, ��
� � �  � � .  26 ���
  ��  �� � � � �, ���
6 �� �� ��.  �  �.  27 �  
 �� �   �, 7 � �� ��    
  � .  �  . 28 , , ��
� � � ���,  �� � �.  �
�� �� � ��, 7 �  �, � �, 
�   ��  �
    �. � � � 
 � �  �
     � � .
�, ��,  � �

  � . �  -  

�� �  �, � �  �� � �  
� � �.  �  �  �.
� � � � � �   � � 
� � �  ( � �   � ��
)� �. � �  ��.  � � 
�� . �� �� � 144  �.
� � � � � 2009,  28 �   �
2009, � 21  �   � �� �  
�.   �  �.    , �
��. �� � �� � �, �  � 
6 �� �� �  �. � �   �
  ��  � �.
��  � �� �. �, �� 6 �� �� �   29 �    .
��� � �. � ��  � � �   ,   �� 

�  �, � �  

7.50   �. �
2009, � 9 .    �� � �     �  
� � �.  �� �   �� �. � � �� �
�   �  �.  �   � � �
��  �  �� � � �  �   � ��� �.  � ��
  � � ‘�   . � �  �.    
� ��,  � ��’  � �   � � �
 �   �� � � 19 �   �   ,  � �
�. ‘ ��  � � �  � �� �  � . �  ��
�  � �. �  �. � � � � 10  �
 . � � �. ,  14 � � �. � �
�   �   �� �
 �  �  �
 ��   � �� �  �.  
 �.  � � 24 .   
 � �� ��. �  �   �.
 �� 

� � � �.
�  . ��   � �� 4 � �
�, ��  � �. �  �

�� ,   �. � �  

, ���   �  � ��.  �   
� ��  ��  �   . 
����,  �  �� � � ��.
� �  � �   � � �� �� �.
� �� �� �� �� � . �  
 � ’  ��� �� �  
� �  � . � �� ��.
�. � �  �� 6 ��
� � �, � �   �

��  ��    �   � ���   ��  �
  ��  . � � 1972�  � ��
 , �  � �
  �� � � �
 �   ��  � � ��.
� � �.  �� �  �� � ��
� � � �  ��  � �, �
  � �,  � � ��.
�  �� .
� � �    
� �   � 14� 2009,  21 �� �
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  �  �   � � � ‘� � �
 .  �� �, � ’� �.   � 
.  � ��  � .  �
 ,   �� ,  , � , �� 
� �� �� , � � � � � 14 �
� �.   �  � � �.
�  �� � � � �.
� ��  � � ���   
�� , ��, �, �� ��  � �. 
�� � � � � �� 2009,  22
� �� �. �
� ��  �� � 
 � � �, �

�  � � �   

� �� � � � � . .    �  �   
� ���   � � �, �, ��, � � � � ��, �    , 
�  � �.  � �   14 � ��  �, � � 
9492 575 006
Guide to Excellence
 
 + = 
, � �   ��
�.     �� �
 �� � �� �
 �.    �  
� ��. � � �� .
� � � �  . �

    

� � 13 � ��
      � ��.    
   � 378 ��  �� ��.
   44   �  �  � �,  
 .     �. �� 9.8  � �.
... 123 ��  �     �  � � �... , �

� � � ��

   �. � �.       � �
   ��  �.
 � � �. � 360 � 
     
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  �.  �  �  �� �  
 �� �   
 �� �. �� 9.3 �.  �       13 � � �.   24
 � �.   �   .    
  � ��  �
  �� � �    
 ��  �.

- �  � �  �  

              -  . 
� � �,  � �
� ��  �.  � �� ��         � �  � �  �
� .  �   � 44 
� �� �   
      .          
� ��  .
.  � �, ��  � � �  ��
  .  ��  �.   ,     �
� , � , �  ��
�   � ���� �  � �           ,    �.
�,  �� �  �   ��  �   � �  �
 �  �.  ..�        � 

 ���. � �

� � �    �  , .. ��  ���  � �� .
 �� �� �. �    �, � �
 � �     �, �. �.  � 
 � ��.   �   � � �    �
� � � �� . � � � � �  � �.. � � �� �
� � � . �    ��. �, �   � � 
�   �    � �  �  � :  
 ��  � �,  �              : ,  
   � �. �    . �  . �  � � �  : 9.8  
�   �  �    �       (): 985 
 ��  �  .  :    
 �.  �  �      
:   �  �  �  �  :   13 
�� �. :  , 
 �  � : 9.3  
 �   (): 963 
� �,    :   44 
�  � �.   �� 200 � ..� , ��
 183 � ��.    ��   �
�� �   . . �  �
� �   .    �     �  , �
�� �  �  � ��.    �.
   .     � �� ,   � �  �  � 40 � �   � �� �,
     �. �  �, �      � � ��.   ��   �   �
   9.8  � ��.  � � �. �  �� � � �� �.
 .    � . �   �  � 45  � �  � �� �, �  �   
      �� � � �. �   � �  �  � �  
 . � �.   �     �   ��. ��  �  �
�   � 967 �  � �   �.  � � � �  ��  �  �  � ()
� �. � ��  �    ���� �  �  �. �   
�   � ��  � �. �� � � , � � �  �    � �� .
200 � � 172 �  �  � . �.  �  �   � �. �  � �  ,
�.  � � �   �       � �     �   � �  ��      , �  
�  .    , � � � �   ��, � ��. �  � �.  � 
�  � 473 � �. � �  �  �   �  �       � � ��.  � � �  �
�  � ��. � �� � �   �� �.  ��  � �� � �.
   � � . � � �    � �  �.
 ��  �  �� �  �  � �  
33 � ��. �.  � �.
� �  �  � �  � � �
�.      :  
� �� � �. : 
:   �  �  �� : 9.5 
:  �  ��    (): 977 
: 9.8  �   � 9.5   : 183/200 
 (): 967  � ��. �   :   40 
 :   33  �     :    
�  977 � � (  )
-1  05
Every Wednesday Free Suppliment 30  2019
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    ?

4) � �, � � �  
40.      
 ?
1) � �
2) 
1.    ,   1) � 2) �� 26.    ? 3) � � 
     ? 3) � � 4) � � 1) ( ��/� ) X 100 4)  � � 
1)  �   � 12.     ? 2) ( ��/� �) X 100 41.      ?
2)  �  �   � 1)   2)   3) (� ��/ �)� X 100 1) ��  � � 
3) �   �  � 3) � ��  4) (� �/ ��) X 100 �  
4) �   �  � 4) � �  � 27.   ? 2) �  ��  ���
2.      13. 13   , 14    1) 20 �� - 1975 
,   ?        2) � - 1977 3) � �� 
1) �  �  �� ? 3)   � ��-1964 4) ��� �� 
 . ��   .   4) �  � - 1962 42.   , .... ?
2) �  �   . � �� � . 2011 �� 28.       ? 1)   2) �
 � 1) ,  2) , ,  3) ,  4) ,  . �� .  3)  � 4) �� �
3)  �� �   � 14.       . � .   43.    ?
4) � � �    ? . � 1)  �  �
 1)  � 1) , , , ,  2) , , , ,  2) � , ��  �
3.      2) � � 3) ,  , , ,  4) , , , ,  3) � 
 ? 3) �� �� ,   29.     4) �
1)  �=     ? 44.   ?
2) �=  4)   � 1) � � �- 1993 1)  � 2) � �
3) =  15.      ? 2) � � �- 2000 3)  4) �� �
4) =   1)  � 2) � � 3) � �   45.  , ,     
4.    -   3)  � 4)  4) ��     ?
 ? 16.    ? 30.     ? 1) �� 2) 
1)    2) � � 1) �  ��  1) 2000, � 28 2) 2006, � 3 3)  4)  
3)   4)    2) ��, � 3) 2006, � 18 4) 2004,  18 46.     
5.      ? 3)  �  4) � 31.     ? ?
. �    �  17.     ? 1) �    1)  2) 
.  � � � 1) � � 2)  � 2)    3) � 
. �   �� � 3)    � 3) � �  4)  � �
�� � 4) � �  � 4) 1, 2 47.      
.   � �� 18.       32.      ?  ?
1) , ,  2) , , ,      ? 1) � 2) � 1)  �� 
3) , ,  4) ,  1) �  3) � 4) � 2)  �
6.      ? 2) ��, � 3) �  33.   ? 3)  � 
1)   �  � 4) �, �  1) � �� � 4)  �� 
2) � � � � 19.      2) � �� � 48.    ....
3) �  4) � �     3) �  � 1)  � 
7.    ?  ? 4) �  � 2) � � 
1) -�-�  1)  � 2)  ��� 34.    ? 3) � 
2)  �  3)  � � 4)  � 1) 1 �� 2) 2 �� 4) �  
3) ���� � 20.  ‘ ’  ? 3) 4 �� 4) 10 ��
4) �  1) 2  � 35.      
8.  ,   2) 3  � ? 1-4, 2-2, 3-1, 4-4, 5-1, 6-1,
. 3) 1966-69 � � . 1997� � � � 7-1, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, 11-3, 12-4,
.  � 1.  � 4) 4  � . 2001� � � 13-4, 14-3, 15-1, 16-3, 17-4, 18-4,
.   2. ��� � 21.        . 2005� 5 � � 19-3, 20-3, 21-2, 22-1, 23-2, 24-3,
. ��  3. � � ? 1)   2) ,  3) ,  4) ,  25-2, 26-4, 27-4, 28-4, 29-4, 30-2,
. ,  4.  �� 1) � 2) � 36.   ? 31-4, 32-3, 33-4, 34-2, 35-1, 36-4,
1) -1, -2, -3, -4 3)  4)  . , �  - 1956 37-4, 38-2, 39-3, 40-4, 41-1, 42-4,
2) -1, -2, -3, -4 22.     ? . � �  - 1955 43-3, 44-4, 45-4, 46-2, 47-4, 48-3.
3) -1, -2, -3, -4 1) � � 2)  � . � � , � 
4) -1, -2, -3, -4 3) � � 4) � - 1960
9.   ? 23.      1)  2) ,  3)  4)  
1) �  �� � 41,110   ? 37.   , , , 
��   � �� 1) 3  � �     ?
2) ��  �� � 60 2) 4  � � 1) � 2) 
��   � �� 3) 8  � � 3)  4) �
3) 1, 2 4) 1 4) 6  � � 38.     ?
10. 11      24.        1)  2) � 
   ? ? 3) �  4) �
. � �    1) �� � 39.    ?
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4)  �
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1) ,  2) ,  3) ,  4) , ,  25.     ?   
11.      1)  2)  3) � �,  � �  9966330068
  ? 3) � 4)  
Guide to Excellence
06. JL English
1. "Okonkwo" is a character from..... B) The Frontiers of Criticism an adult. received through....
A) A Room of one's own C) Metaphysical Poets D) The speaker is in awe of nature. A) the mind. B) history.
B) Untouchable D) Hamlet and His Problems 28. TS Eliot borrowed the epigraph of C) the body. D) one’s family.
C) Things Fall Apart 15. The Augustan Age of English literature "The Waste Land" from........ 43. In the poem “When Lilacs Last in the
D) Edible Woman. is also known as the..... A) Virgil B) Petronius Dooryard Bloom’d” the poet
2. In the novel "Untouchable" the son of A) Neoclassical period B) Restoration C) Seneca D) Homer commemorates the death of........
a leather-worker, and one of Bakha's C) Jacobean period D) Classical age 29. Hamlet’s famous speech ‘To be,or not A) Edward King B) Lincoln
best friends is..... 16. The first English comedy written in the to be; that is the question’ occurs in? C) John F. Kennedy D) Human Values
A) Lakh B) Chota imitation of Plantus comedy in the A) Act II, Scene I B) Act III, Scene III 44. In the beginning of the play Arthur
C) Sohini D) Ali renaissance was..... C) Act IV, Scene III D) Act III, Scene I Miller's "Death of a Salesman", which
3. ‘An Essay of Dramatic Poesie’ is written A) Ralph Roister Doister 30. Which of the following is Golding’s first city did Willy reach before turning
by.... B) Taming of the Shrew novel? back?
A) Jonathan Swift B) Joseph Addison C) Damon and Pythias A) The Inheritors A) Johannesburg B) Washington
C) John Dryden D) Oliver Goldsmith D) The two Gentlemen of Verona B) Lord of the Flies C) New York D)Yonkers
4. The prime theme of Tony 17. The title of Achebe’s famous novel C) Pincher Martin 45. When Sethe first sees Beloved, she
Morrison's"Beloved" is......... 'Things Fall Apart' is taken from... D) Pyramid is.........
A) feminism A) The Second Coming 31. The phrase "Dearest friend" in the A) reading In near the steps of 124
B) dehumanisation of slaves B) The Waste Land poem ‘dearest friend’ refers to........ B) sleeping near the steps of 124
C) colonialism D) all the above C) Prelude D) Byzantium A) Nature B) Dorothy C) walking home from the carnival with
5. The term ‘metaphysical poets’ was 18. The significant feature of C) Coleridge D) Wye Denver
coined by : Shakespeare’s The Tempest is the 32. Who, among the following, is not D) swimming in a stream
A) Andrew Marvell B) John Donne playwright’s use of : connected with the Oxford Movement ? 46. The first ever Poet Laureate is......
C) Samuel Johnson D) Abraham Cowley A) Magic and supernaturalism A) Robert Browning B) John Keble A) Ben Jonson
6. The reign of Queen Elizabeth was B) Satire C) E. B. Pusey B) Alexander Pope
spread over the period : C) Gender-switching D) J. H. Newman C) John Dryden
A) 1554 – 1616 B) 1588 – 1603 D) Violence on stage 33. ‘Heaven lies about us in our infancy’. is D) Wordsworth
C) 1558 – 1603 D) 1564 – 1616 19. A key text in post-structuralism is a line from the poem....... 47. The nationality of the notable writer
7. Who defined poetry as ‘the criticism of Derrida’s book is..... a) Immortality Ode Tony Morrison is.....
life’ ? A) The Critical Difference b) Tintern Abbey A) English B) African
A) John Dryden B) I.A. Richards B) Of Grammatology c) The Second Coming C) Indian D) American
C) F.R. Leavis D) Matthew Arnold C) Seven Types of Ambiguity d) Leda and the Swan 48. The main character in Milk Raj
8. Charles Dickens’s novel ‘David D) The Well-wrought Urn 34. Wordsworth calls himself ‘a Anand's "Untouchable" is.......
Copperfield’ character. 20. Hamlet is a..... Worshipper of Nature’ in his poem..... A) Bakha B) Lakha
A) Autobiographical B) Picaresque A) Tragedy B) Comedy a) Immortality Ode C) Rakha D) Ram Charan
C) Pastoral D) Historical C) Farce D) Novel b) Tintern Abbey 49. Hardy added a subtitle to his novel Tess
9. For Aristotle, tragedy is an imitation of 21. Who coined the word Gynocriticism? c) The Prelude of the D’Urbervilles as his personal
action which is serious, complete in A) Shakespeare B) Elaine Showalter d) The Solitary Reaper statement. What is it ?
itself and having a certain......... C) Virginia Wolf D) Toril Moi 35. What type of poem is My last duchess? A) A Maid’s Tragedy
A) attitutde B) magnitude 22. Which of the following has no A) Dramatic monologue B) Ode B) A Plaything of Fate
C) length D) intension contribution in making Doctor Faustus C) Sonnet D)Terza rima C) A Pure Woman
10. An act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud a tragedy play? 36. The name of the first section in D) A Tragedy of the Innocent
by a character in a play is known as... A) Faustus dies in the end. Golding's"Lord of the Flies" is...... 50. Who wrote the poem "An Old
A) Soliloquy B) Faustus is a 16th century, Renaissance man. A) Huts on the beach Playhouse"?
B) Dramatic monologue C) Elegy C) Faustus' extreme pride is the reason for B) Painted Faces and Long Hair A) Chinua Achebe B) Kamala Das
D) Lyric 11. The expression ‘‘cold fire’’ his downfall. C) Fire on the Mountain C) TS Eliot D) Margaret
is an example of..... D) Being very learned and D) The Sound of the Shell Atwood
A) Metaphor B) Metonymy knowledgeable, Faustus enjoys a high 37. Where are the boys in Lord of the Flies 51. The main plot it Karnad's
C) Hyperbole status in the society. from originally? "Hayavadana" is......
D) Oxymoron 12. The strophe, the anti- 23. "Of Mans First Disobedience, and the A) Ireland B) France. A) Kapila and Devadatta try to kill
strophe and the epode constitute the Fruit Of that Forbidden Tree, whose C) England D) The United States themselves at the Kali Temple
three parts of..... mortal taste Brought Death into the 38. The central themes in Lord of the Flies B) The story of Kapila and Devadatta and
A) The Lesbian Ode World, ..........." are the opening lines in is .... Padmini.
B) The Horatian Ode the literary work...... A) Civility versus savagery. C) man with the face of a horse.
C) The Homeric Ode A) Hamlet B) Tempest B) Political corruption. D) all the above.
D) The Pindaric Ode C) Paradise Lost. C) Doctor Faustus C) Beauty versus ugliness. 52. Hayavadana was published in......
13. Which one of the following pairs is 24. How many times does Milton invoke a D) The betrayal of the mother A) 1972 B) 1982
correct ? muse? 39. In the play Saint Joan, Which of the C) 1952 D) 1962
List-I List-II A) One B) Two following served as the basis for the 53. In Salman Rushdie's "Midnight
I) Parable A) a word or object that C) Three D) Four fictional character of Bluebeard? Children", the name of the estate
stands for another 25. Which is the non-fictional work of A) La Hire B) Philip the Good Saleem is raised on is.....
II) Persona. B) a narrator or a Virginia Woolf ? C) Gilles de Rais A) Bombay Palace B) Methwold’s
storyteller of a literary A) To The Lighthouse D) The Earl of Navy Facial Hair. C) Buckingham D) Jamaica
work created by the B) Mrs. Dalloway 40. In the GB Shaw's play, Saint Joan, 54. The writer of "Satanic Verses" is.......
author C) Modern Fiction Joan of Arc dies as....... A) Girish Karnad
III) Personification C) a brief narrative D) Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown A) She drowned B) Salman Rushdie
with a moral or 26. The ‘touchstone method’ meant B) She was beheaded. C) TS Eliot
religious lesson comparing a work of art with C) She was burned at the stake D) Margaret Atwood
IV) Symbol. D) a device where ideas acknowledged great works of art and D) She was drawn and quartered 55. In what country does Things Fall Apart
or objects are given the concept was developed by : 41. The theme(s) of Virginia Woolf's "A take place?
human characteristics A) Keats B) Mathew Arnold Room of One's Own" is/are........ A) Zimbabwe B) Nigeria
A) I-C, II-B, III-D, IV-A C) S.T. Coleridge D) T.S. Eliot A) creating a legacy of women writers. C) West Indies D) South Africa
B) I-B, II-A, III-C, IV-D 27. How does the speaker in the poem B) financial and intellectual freedom for 56. ‘‘It was the best of times, it was the
C) I-A, II-D, III-B, IV-C TINTERN ABBEY react to nature? women. worst of times’’ are the opening words
D) I-D, II-C, III-A, IV-B A) The speaker hates nature. C) significance of independence to in one of Dickens’ novels. Identify it.
14. In which of the following essays does B) The speaker loves it as a child, but women. A) Oliver Twist
T.S. Eliot use the term ‘‘objective grows fearful of it as an adult. D) all the above. B) A Tale of Two Cities
correlative’’ ? C) The speaker was in awe of it as a 42. In “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” C) Hard Times
A) The Function of Criticism child, but finds deeper meaning in it as Whitman claims that identity is D) Great Expectations
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30  2019
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57. One of the greatest Indian English A) Silent reading enhances the learner’s A) Organic B) Scanning C) providing how to write documents.
writers Mulk Raj Anand died in the comprehension. C) Intensive D) Skimming D) all the above
year.... B) reading helps learners to improve their 79. When two independent judges assessed 91. the form or variety of a spoken
A) 2002 B) 2003 speed of reading. a paper, the scores have fluctuated language peculiar to a region,
C) 2004 D) 2005 C) Silent reading helps learners to much. It means that the test lacked.,,, community, social group etc.
58. 'Poetry is not a turning loose of readwith concentration. A) Validity B) Reliability A) dialect B) style
emotions, but an escape from emotion; D) Silent reading helps learners to C) Practicability D) Scorability C) jargon D) slang
it is not an expression of personality, it improve their pronunciation. 80. The study of words, their information 92. Which of the following is NOT true
is an escape from personality.” Whose 69. Identify the false statement. and various changes in their form is about First Language?
opinion of poetry is this? A) Child should be involved in called.. A) it is acquired naturally.
A) Mathew Arnold B)Coleridge pleasurable activities and learning A) Phonology B) Morphology B) it requires formal instruction.
C) TS Eliot D) I A Richards should be fun. C) Semantics D) Syntax C) it is very rapid
59. Who is the painter of the portrait of the B) children's attempts to communicate 81. The restricted use of Mother tongue is D)it is an instinct.
Duchess in ‘My test Duchess'? should be controlled by the teacher. the principle of.. 93. a language which is taught at
A) Leonardo da Vinci C) Children’s attempts to communicate A) Grammar Translation Method school not as a language of
B) Michelangelo should be encouraged because they B) Direct Method communication within a country.
C) Pablo Picasso learn by trial and error and by C) Reading Method A) First Languge
D) Fra Pandolf observing other learners. D) Bilingual Method B) Second Languge
60. Who, Joan says, has told her not to D) Teacher should understand the levels 82. Which of the following is a Minimal C) Mother Tongue
dress as a woman? of his/her children in the class and Pair? D) Third Language
A) St.Catherine plan the activities accordingly. A) Sit, sweet B) Make, week 94 Identify the incorrect statement about
B) St. Margaret 70. Choose the word with the sound / ei /. C) Fight, sight D) Same, famous Mother Tongue.
C) St.Raphel A) pew B) pea 83. Reading skills can be developed best by A) It is an effective medium of expression
D) St.Michael C) pay D) pie A) writing answers to questions on the text B) it is a source of original ideas
61. How did Okonkwo die? 71. Identify the statement that is not a B) focusing on the use of words from C) It brings about intellectual and
A) He was killed in a wrestling match feature of good English language context in the text emotional development
B) He was killed by Ikemefuna's tribe for textbooks. C) doing vocabulary exercises D) it obstructs learning a foreign
killing Ikemefuna. A) They should contain all the lessons in D) doing quizzes and playing word games language.
C) He was killed by the White the same genre of literature. 84. Interactive listening is
Government for raising a revolt
against it.
B) should match the cognitive levels and
socio-cultural background of children.
A) listening and responding
B) listening for mood and tone ANSWERS
D) He hangs himself to escape trial. C) Lessons in the textbooks should be C) listening for word stress and emphasis
1-C 25-B 49-C 73-D
62. "' . . . I have my doubts about this based on a wide variety of discourses D) listening for finding out speaker’s
theory. I believe -------in fact I may go like songs, stories, poems etc. attitude 2-B 26-B 50-B 74-B
as far as to say l firmly believe that it’s D) They should reflect local arts,local 85. Which of the following is incorrect 3-C 27-C 51-B 75-B
this sort of sentimentality which has customs and local culture. about Three Language Formula? 4-B 28-D 52-A 76-B
been the bane of our literature and 72. In the word 'water', /w/ is A) it was approved by the CMs 5-C 29-D 53-B 77-D
national life. It has kept us from A) a voiced, bilabial and nasal sound. Conference in 1961 6-B 30-B 54-B 78-A
accepting Reality and encouraged B) an unvoiced, bilabial and nasal sound. B) the second language in Non-Hindi
escapism. Still, if you say so, I won’t C) a voiced, bilabial and semi-vowel speaking states is either European 7-D 31-B 55-B 79-B
argue.” sound. language or English 8-A 32-A 56-B 80-B
Which character in the play D) an unvoiced, bilabial and plosive C) First language should be mother 9-B 33-A 57-A 81-B
'Hayavadana’ gives this sound. tongue. 10-A 34-A 58-C 82-C
pronouncement? 73. All the choices or options provided D) The third language in Hindi speaking 11-D 35-A 59-D 83-B
A)Padmini B) Bhagavatha under each stem other than the key are states is English or Modern Indian
12-D 36-D 60-A 84-A
C) Kapila D) Hayavadana called........ language not studied as second
63. Which writer’s pen name is Elia? A) designs B) tools language. 13-A 37-C 61-D 85-B
A) William Hazlitt C) questions D) distractors 86. Reading is an active process which 14-D 38-A 62-D 86-B
B)Fanny Burney 74. Which of the following is an authentic involves. 15-A 39-C 63-C 87-A
C) Charles Lamb material? A) physical faculties 16-A 40-C 64-B 88-C
D) Walter Scott A) Text book B) Electricity bill B) mental faculties
17-A 41-D 65-C 89-D
64. 'George Eliot" is the pen name of...... C) Supplementary text C) psychological faculties
A)Elizabeth Gaskell D) Dictionary D) all the above. 18-A 42-C 66-B 90-D
B) Mary Anne Evans 75. The principles of selecting the content 87. Language proficiency refers to. 19-B 43-B 67-A 91-A
C) Elizabeth Barrette Browning are.. A) FLUENCY B) ACCURACY 20-A 44-D 68-D 92-B
D) Emily Bronte A. Frequency, coverage, simplicity C) APPROPRIATENESS 21-B 45-B 69-B 93-D
65. “A beautiful and ineffectual angel, B. Frequency, range, usefulness D) EFFICIENCY
22-B 46-C 70-C 94-D
beating in the void his luminous wings C. Coverage, beauty, difficulty level Which of the above are true?
in vain.” This is a comment of Mathew D. Learnability, availability, interest A) A, B and C B) B, C and D 23-C 47-D 71-A
Arnold on a romantic poet. Who is the 76. An approach deals with.. C) A, B and D D) A, C and D 24-C 48-A 72-C
poet? A. How to teach? 88. When children are introduced to
A) Lord Byron B) John Keats B. How languages are learnt? English as a second language:
C) P B Shelly D) Robert Southey C. How a thing is done in the classroom? A) they should read first
66. The aim of an argumentative essay is: D. Classroom procedures B) they should begin letters of the
A) to inform the data 77. Which of the following is an incorrect alphabet
B) to convince the reader that the position assumption in language teaching C) they should be exposed to language
you have taken on a subject is right. A. learners acquire language by trying to orally
C) to describe a person you know use it in real situations D) they should begin writing first.
D) to describe the features of an old man. B. learners first language plays an 89. Language labs play an important role in..
67. A teacher is designing activities in such important role in learning A) Structural approach
a way that the students learn on their C. language teaching should have a focus B) Situational approach
own, take part in learning situations in communicative activities C) Communicative approach
and share knowledge with others. In D. language teaching should give D) Audio-lingual approach
this situation the teacher is playing the importance to writing rather than 90. A computer as a part of ICT is useful
role of speech in.. Ch. Srinivas
A) a facilitator B) a producer 78. Reading the illustrations and pictures A) identifying the errors of a sentence M.A., B.Ed, (Ph.d)
C) a motivator D) a leader to tell what the story is about is B) identifying a sentence that lacks Subject expert
68. Identify the wrong statement. called.....strategy of reading. cohesion
Guide to Excellence
Every Wednesday Free Suppliment
30  2019
 8

   

�� �  �  
      
 � � 111  ���    �   �
� ��. 1908,   �� � � . ��
 1   9 �� �.  �- � � ��  21
�  �� � � �   �     �
��. 1965� �  �� ‘ �  �.
� � �,
 2007� ’ � � 1,354  �  �
� , 2015� �   20     �
� �. . �  , 424  �� �. � ��.  ��
�   ��      � � � 
  �,   � � � � � ��.
� , �  � � 122  �    
� � �, ��  �� ��  
 � �  � �    �� �   �
 � ��, � � .  ��  ��-   -
�� �  10 �  � � �
� � . � � �� � �  �� �  . 
��   ��. 545 23 ��.     � ��
 �  �� 25 ��  � � 
 �   �     () � �
  �  �   .
�  �.  20  � �. � ��� 15 �
�   22 �  -44   
      � �  -44 (
 �   � -) �  �
, ��    �  24 �
��   24     22 �   � �.  � 
� .  31�  2019 � 112   �   � � �  � (�),  ��  �� �� ��
� � �� � ��   25   25   � ��  �  �. �� � �
��   �  .  �, . � �  , � �, � �  � � ��,
�. 14  �, 94  �� �,  �, �.  �  �  � ��-
 �� �. � �� � �� � � � 9  ��    �  
    � �� �.
��  � � �� �, � � � , � � � �. � ��-
��  �   �  ,  � � ��  �    � � 274.2 ..
  24 �      �, �� � . � �  �  �   �� �
. �  �,     �   � � . �  .  � 1.2  
�� � � ��  �. �   25 �  ��  �� 450 .. �
  �      ��  �  �  � �.
�.    �, � �  � , � � �� � 
 � �. �  ,    �  �. � 
� � �, �  �  ��
        �  �  � ��
� �  � � �.   � .
 �  � ��      
 ��� ‘�   
-2018’ ��  �  �   � � �  �
. � � �� �� � �
�      �  �� �
�  ‘ �   24 � �    � � �
� �’ ��  � .  26   �  �    25 � 
� �.  � � � � �  �  .  �  28
�� �..  �   25  � . � � � �  �
   
� � �� � �
  �� �.    � ��, � �.  
 �  24  ,
�.  ��    
� -5    
�� � �.
  31 �      2018-19  �� �
�.  ��   ,    ���  � �� � ��.�
 �� � �  �. � � ��
� 
   22  25        
2019   ��  �
 � , �,  21 . ,  �    � � �� �� 
�� � �� � ��,  � ,  �. �, �, �    � ��
 � �  25 � � � �   �� �-10� �  � �.  27
�. �  �  �� �  . �    
 �� �. �.      �� �� � �
     � ()  
 -3   �      � �.�
�� �    � �   �    2019      � �  �
   �� � � � .  � ��   95 �  �� �� �
�  28 �  �� .  ��� �� �  �-
 � ��  500 �  � �  � � .  � 
.  ��  �,  ��  �.  �� ��, �  � 2, � � �� ( )
� � �� . � 3 ��� �. � � � �. 
27  �  � .

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