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StarGrunt 40,000 Introduction StarGrunt 40,000 is a system for converting Warhammer 40,000 army lists into a format that will work well with the Stargrunt IT rules system, More information on Stargrunt IT and related games can be found at Geo Hex. Absolutely phenomenal rules systems, these games. I also have constructed an ettata page for the Stargrunt IT rules based on some correspondence with the author. The idea behind these rules is that you should be able to take a Warhammer 40,00 army list, constructed normally, draw up standard Stargrunt squad information sheets, and play a more-or-less normal game of Stargrunt, Naturally, some of the special rules carry over, and the Psychic phase is copied basically wholesale, at least for now, but if you're not playing with psychic abilities you should be able to play a game with just your Codex and these coversion rules. Let me know what you think, please mail me with comments. As pet Games Workshop's draconian intellectual property policy I have to say that: This website is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited, Like I'd do anything for those money grubbing bastards, never mind the fact that I somehow think that a page completely devoid of graphics would be highly unlikely to be mistaken for anything by them. Don't get me wrong here, GW has done a lot of nice things, in particular their games’ background histories are excellent, but I am so sick of their pricing schemes it's not funny. For more of my ranting, see my boycotting Games Workshop page. I haven't bought a GW miniature directly from them for several years now, and it's great because instead I buy from fellow gamers for 4S a miniature. Status Stargrunt Chapters Done: 3,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,20,10-Drones Stargrunt Chapters Left: 16,17,18,19, and Drones Stargrunt Chapters Irrelevant: 1,2,4,5,6,12,22,23,24,25,26 ‘Note that by irrelevant I mean that those chapters are not effected by any WH40K special rules or conversions. Stargrunt Chapter 3: Organising Your Forces Command Levels + All command level definition must be done before the game starts and must be available to your opponent ‘upon request, ‘* Squads must be organized into platoons. * Each Platoon must contain at least 3 squads, unless you're only playing with one platoon. © The army leader may be the Company Commander if at least one full platoon (i.e. 3 or more squads) is on table, otherwise he is the Platoon leader. + Platoons leaders must be WH40K characters, although they can certainly be attached to a squad. ‘+ Specialist squads and vehicles may, and probaby should, operate outside the platoon command structure as company-level for * All leaders must be designated as such and distinguishable in some way. Quality + Untrained = (WS + BS)/2 <= 2. + Shift up one for each ((WS + BS)/2)-2, rounded up. itp inl w sar019 StorGrunt 40,000 ‘+ Shift up one for each (I-((WS + BS)/2)/2), rounded up. The theory here is that any beings with uncommonly fast reaction times also will be better HTH combatants and can fire faster, ete. + If one of WS or BS is 0, do not divide by two. Such beings cannot carry weapons or engage in HTH, as appropriate. If forced to engage in HTH, a being with WS of 0 dies immediately unless special rules apply. Leadership + WH40K Ld <7 gives an SG40K Leadership of 3. + WH40K Ld =7 or 8 gives an SG40K Leadership of 2. + WH40K Ld > 8 gives an SG40K Leadership of 1 Stargrunt Chapter 8: Confidence * Beings with Immunity to Psychology are immune to the effects of Suppression. # Beings that do not have to take Break tests are given no Confidence marker, and are unaffected by all the rules related to Confidence. + Space Marine Shaken Rule: When a space marine unit hits shaken, the next drop in CL has no effect After that... Stargrunt Chapter 9: Movement * M=4 in WH4OK translates to 6"/D6 in SG40K, Shift for each 2" difference in M as appropriate, + Heavy weapons encumber whole squad (shift movement down one). * Infiltration as per normal for WH40K. Stargrunt Chapter 10: Hidden Troops Sensors, By Race And Armour Type ‘+ Imperial Guard, Orks: None (D4) ‘+ Troops In Enclosed Mesh: Basic (D6) ‘+ Troops in Power Armour: Enhanced (D8) ‘+ Troops with Scanners: Superior (D12) Stargrunt Chapter 11: Characters * All WH40K Assasins and Snipers are SG40K Snipers. + Other WH40K Characters may be named SG40K Snipers, but in this case they may not lead and may not amy heavy or support weapons of any kind. racters have Quality and Leadership as per normal Stargrunt Chapter 12: Armour No Armour D4 Flak D6 Mesh D8 Aspect & Power D10 Dreadnought D12 Shift up by one for each T>3. This will mean that a figure’s toughness has less and less effect as the armour gets better and better which, of course, makes sense: how likely are you to survive a blast that was itp inl an ‘v22n0t9 StarGrut 40,000 able to shred your Dreadnought armour?!? Stargrunt Chapter 13: Vehicles + Size Class = WH40K Ram Strength - 4 ‘+ Armour Class = Average Frontal Armour / 6, Round Down. ECM - By Race ‘+ Eldar, Space Marines, Squats: Superior + Imperial Guard, Chaos: Enhanced + Orks: Basic Fire Control ‘+ No Targeter = None, D4 ‘+ Target = By Race, as per ECM above. ‘+ Other enhancements shift up by one. Stargrunt Chapter 14: Fire Combat ‘Small Arms ranges as usual for SG40K, except for template and special rule weapons. All weapons with WH40K D>1 are SG40K support weapons. All support weapons which are not slug throwers are SG Heavy Weapons. All support weapons which ARE slug throwers are considered SAWs (Squad Automatic Weapons). Fire Power is number of sustained fire dice plus 1 plus damage, round to nearest die type for support weapons. Fire Power examples: Bolter=2, Shuriken Catapult or Storm Bolter=3, Ripper Gun=4 ‘+ Move-or-fire WH40K heavy weapons are considered Crew-Served Weapons in SG40K (see rules on pg. 30). Move-or-fire WH40K weapons which are not also heavy weapons simply have their FP halved to represent their lower fire rate ‘Weapons that take a turn to recharged in WH40K also do in SG40K. SG Close range applies to any WH40K weapon whose outside range is 16 or less. Impact Value is STR+4 rounded up to the nearest 2, max 12 as usual, 7 or less rounded down. Heavy Weapons have no fire control unless they have a targeter, which gives Basic FC. Other enhancements, i.e, Dark Reaper Range Finder, given Enhanced FC. ‘+ All missle systems from WH40K become guided missles in SG40K and are heavy weapons. Start with 3 counters of each misssle type taken, add 3 counters for 5 pts, but no one model may carry more than 6 missles. Extras can be given to other models in the squad, recoverable from casualties on a 4-6 on a D6. Stargrunt Chapter 15: Close Combat WH40K Fear and Terror = SG40K Terror. Swords, knives, ete. are weapons with S of wielder. ‘Weapons shift up one for each (S-3)/2, round up, min 1 Shift up one per (A-1)/2, round up. Record this bonus on the squad record sheet, Stargrunt Chapter 20: Advanced And Optional + Mine counters cost 50x the cost of the appropriate grenade type: mines are assumed to act as grenade type, including impact value. itp inl air

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