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NG|Polling System Admin Guide

Version 1.3.2

NetGuardians SA <>
Table of Contents

1. Audit Trail Polling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2

2. General polling information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
2.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
2.2. Polling Target Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
2.3. Working Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
2.4. Batch Mode invocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
3. Database Polling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
3.1. Database polling configuration parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
3.2. XML Field processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
3.3. Duplicate detection mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
3.4. Post-processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
3.5. Database polling configuration example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
4. T24 Polling (simple legacy version) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
4.1. T24 polling configuration parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
4.2. Post-processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
4.3. T24 polling configuration example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
5. New T24 Polling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
5.1. New T24 polling configuration parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
5.2. Handling of RECID’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
5.3. Fetching logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
5.4. Duplicate detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
5.5. Post-processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
5.6. New T24 polling configuration example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
6. History Table Post Processor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
6.1. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
6.2. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
6.3. Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
6.4. T24-specific details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
6.5. Finnova-specific details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
6.6. Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
7. FlexCube Polling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
7.1. FlexCube Connector specifics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
7.2. FlexCube polling configuration example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
8. Microsoft WMI Polling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
8.1. WMI polling configuration parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
8.2. WMI polling configuration example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
NG|Polling System Admin Guide
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Preface | 1
NG|Polling System Admin Guide

Chapter 1. Audit Trail Polling

As illustrated on the Figure [log_collection_mechanisms_polling] below, NG|Screener audit

trails collection mechanisms include active Polling capabilities (Database Polling, Microsoft
WMI Polling, etc).

The different polling mechanisms will be further explored in the next chapters

• General polling information - General information on the Polling System.

• Database Polling - Collects any data stored in a database with generic JDBC connector.

• T24 Polling (simple legacy version) - Collects T24 data stored in a temenos T24
database. Simple version of the T24 Connector.

• New T24 Polling - Collects T24 data stored in a temenos T24 database . simple version
of the T24 Connector.

• Specific Post Processor for T24 History Table - A specific Post Postprocessor to collect
T24 History table information.

• FlexCube Polling - Collects Flexcube events.

• Microsoft WMI Polling - Collects Microsoft Event Viewer events.

2 | Chapter 1. Audit Trail Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide

Chapter 2. General polling information

2.1. Introduction

The Polling System enables NG|Screener Platform administrators to define target database
tables te be polled on a regular basis (Online Polling mode) or on a casual basis (batch
execution mode).

A Polling target configuration typically involves defining in minimum

• A database connection to the target database containing the information to be imported

within the NG|Screener /log-collector.

• Specific Query(-ies) to reach the target table in the target database.

• A syslog service and host name to index the data within the /log-collector.

The Polling System is usually started in online service mode in which mode a system
service is started and executed polling target regularly after each configured delay.

The Polling System can also work in batch mode in which mode it takes a polling target
name as argument and creates a process that fetches this specific target and then finishes.

2.2. Polling Target Configuration

Polling configuration is done by editing configuration files in the directory dedicated to the
polling method chosen.

+ jdbcTargets
+ t24Targets
+ newT24Targets
+ mswmiTargets
+ sapTargets
+ flexcubeTargets

Polling configurations contain the following elements:

• Service Name: The name of the service where audit trails will be classified in (should
match with the connector).

• Host Name: The name of the host where audit trails will be classified in (will be visible
in NG|Browser).

Chapter 2. General polling information | 3

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
• Interval: The delay between two polls (delay define in second).

• Specific information: Depending on the polling type and mode chosen (SQL Query,
status field, username, etc)

Polling configuration examples for each type of polling are available in


Polling status (next poll date and last polled id in case of poll with status mode) is stored in


Once the new polling configuration has been done, in order to apply it you should restart
the Polling System.

service polling-system restart

At start-up, NG|Screener will read all polling configurations and check if there is a next
polling time (service@host.nextpoll in status directory) already existing. If yes, the
next polling time will be preserved. If no, the polling will start immediately.

If a polling configuration has been modified, it may be useful to remove the

service@hots.nextpoll and service@host.pollstatus (if used) files to
immediately restart the polling (status files are stored in /etc/ng-screener/polling-

Checking polling logs may help to verify that everything has been configured correctly.

Two logs files help to troubleshoot polling configurations.

• Polling status log: Provides the status of polled targets at the last ng-screener daemon
startup time.


• Polling module log: Provides all polling logs (when polling, how many events polled,


4 | Chapter 2. General polling information

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
2.3. Working Mode

Every Polling target configuration support notion of a working mode corresponding to both
ways of invoking the Polling System.

Working Mode are as follows:

• batch: mode means the polling target can only be called in batch mode. Batch mode is
a unique execution of the polling target scheduled from the outside. The Polling System
instantiates a JVM, executes the polling target and shuts down Note : a batch execution
will fail immediately if it runs a target at the precise same time an online execution of
the same target is running. Polling target configured in batch mode are not taken into
consideration by the online targets execution JVM, They are left over (skipped)

• online: mode means the polling target can only be called in online mode Online is the
usual behaviour : The Polling System starts a JVM and keeps running forever, running
targets again and again after every configured ’Delay’

• both: modes means the polling target can be executed in both modes. In this case the
online targets execution JVM will consider the target and schedule its execution after
every ’Delay’ but the target can also be executed by an outside scheduler in batch
mode. In this case, a protection mechanism is put in place to ensure that a ``batch''
execution cannot be executed at the same time an online execution is running

Default mode is “both”

It is important to note that if a polling target is intended to be used only on a case by case
basis, it has to be explicitly defined as batch. Otherwise the online system will attempt to
execute it on a regular basis as well in online mode.

2.4. Batch Mode invocation

A script is provided by the polling system to invoke polling targets in batch mode. This
script is named ngPolling and available in the system PATH.

Invocation of the script is straightforward : it simply takes the name of the target in the
form service@host (Syslog service name and host name) as argument.

A protection mechanism is put in place that forbids the execution of a specific target in
batch mode in case the same target is executed in online mode at the same time. This
protection mechanism is pretty robust and for instance it checks that the process owning

Chapter 2. General polling information | 5

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
the lock is actually running when such a lock is already taken.It may occur however under a
system with heavy load where process PIDs are recovered by other processes that a lock
may be wrongly indicated as valid. In this case the administrator can delete the lock file
from the status directory for the target to resolve the situation.

6 | Chapter 2. General polling information

NG|Polling System Admin Guide

Chapter 3. Database Polling

NG|Screener polling engine is based on JDBC and allow audit trails collection from any
databases supporting JDBC.

JDBC drivers for the following databases are included by default in NG|Analytics Server [1:
Additional drivers may be added by the administrator if necessary. Please contact
NetGuardians SA for the detailed procedure]:

• Oracle

• Microsoft SQL


• AS400

• PostgreSQL

Three database polling modes may be defined:

• Fetch with status: Relies on a status field to determine the audit trails to fetch. The
status field is usually an ID or a timestamp (should be incremental) NG|Screener will
remember the last status and fetch only elements inserted after it. This is the standard
mode that will allow NG|Screener to collect all new elements entered since the last

• Fetch all: fetches all elements defined in the SQL query at each poll. This mode is used
if the database is emptied between two polls. If it not the case the same events will be
polled at each poll. Which will generate duplicates.

• Fetch and delete: fetches all elements and delete them from the database. This mode is
used when audit trails need to be cleaned on the source system after NG|Screener have
collected them.

3.1. Database polling configuration parameters

The following parameters need to be set for database polling:

Parameter Description Mode

SyslogServiceName The service name for audit trails All
SyslogHostname The host name for audit trails All

Chapter 3. Database Polling | 7

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
Parameter Description Mode
DateField_X Field(s) used to define audit trails All
DateFieldFormat_X Position of the timestamp in the date field All
Username DB user with Read Only rights for All
FetchAll/FetchwithStatus mode and Read
and Delete rights for FetchAndDelete
Password DB password. This password can be in All
plain text or encoded by the NgAdmin
encodePassword command. WARNING: If
the password is encoded, you should
append == in front of the encoded value to
indicate to the polling system that the
password is in encoded form.
DriverClass JDBC Driver (see example) All
ConnectionString JDBC connection string (see example) All
Delay Interval between two polls All
Mode fetchWithStatus, fetchAll or All
Query SQL query to fetch audit trails All
StatusField Field to use for the status (ID, timestamp) Fetch With Status
StatusQuery SQL Query to gather status Fetch With Status
DeleteRowId Field determining ID of the row to delete Fetch And Delete
DeleteQuery SQL query to delete row Fetch And Delete

3.2. XML Field processing

An XML Field parsing mechanism is implemented that enables the Polling system to
extract XML fields in a specific way.

Internal XML elements values can be extracted and put un the resulting log as if they were
native database columns.

Please refer to the sample configuration below for more information in this regards.

3.3. Duplicate detection mechanism

A duplicate detection mechanism is implemented that enables the Polling system to detect
when a DB row is duplicate of a previously fetched row. This is especially useful for the
FetchAll mode but can also well be useful for polling with status when the status is not a
sufficiently unique identifier.

8 | Chapter 3. Database Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
The duplicate detection mechanism is built on-top of MapDB, a transactional Map
implementation backed by the filesystem. Thanks to MapDB, the duplicate cache is properly
recovered upon Polling System restart.

The cache file is stored within the same folder that the status file and the user can reset the
cache by deleting this file after having properly stopped the Polling System.

The duplicate detection system requires proper configuration and the user may want to
refer to the sample configuration provided below to get more information on the topic.

3.4. Post-processors

It can happen that the standard mechanism to generate events from the data fetched from
the target database is not sufficient, for instance when a database row needs some very
specific processing to be transformed in one, or sometimes several, events stored in
/log-collector files.
A Post-Processor architecture is available for this purpose.
The following Post-processors are available as of this version of the Polling-System:

3.4.1. SplittingPostProcessor

The SplittingPostProcessor searches within a specific splitting field read from the
database for a specific splitting pattern. The target field is then split into multiple partial
fields according to these pattern.

Instead of generating one single event for the database row, the Splitting Post-Processor
generates an event for each and every split. The other fields read from the database, i.e.
additional fields to the split field, are duplicated for each and every split.

The SplittingPostProcessor is configured for instance as follows:


The above configuration would look for instance for a field CONTENT=a1,b2,c3 and
generate cloned rows for every values a1, b2 and c3.

Chapter 3. Database Polling | 9

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
3.4.2. CachingSplittingPostProcessor

The CachingSplittingPostProcessor behaves just as the

SplittingPostProcessor but supports an additional feature : the caching of splits
already processed.

This is mostly useful when the same database row containing the various splits is updated
throughout the day and new splits added to it. Using the CachingSplittingPostProcessor, the
Polling System can use the FetchAll fetching mode to get the same row over and over
again and only process the new splits added to the row.

The CachingSplittingPostProcessor is configured the same way than the

SplittingPostProcessor but requires one additional property which is the field to be used to
identifies the various rows (without split identification since this is automatic using split
number) within the Cache.

The Cache is persistent and is recovered upon Polling System restarts.

The CachingSplittingPostProcessor is configured for instance as follows:


3.4.3. KeyValueParsingPostProcessor

The KeyValueParsingPostProcessor searches within a specific parsing field read

from the database for keys and values separated by a parsing splitting pattern. The target
field will be split by the splitting patterns and the various split will be matched against pre-
configured keys (parsingFieldList).

All the identified values along with matching keys will be added as new fields in the original
rows, as if they’d been database columns read from the original row.

The KeyValueParsingPostProcessor is configured for instance as follows:


10 | Chapter 3. Database Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
The above configuration would look for instance for a field
CONTENT=abc,John,Doe,NewYork and generate add new fields to the original DB row
such as MSG=abc, NAME=John, SURNAME=Doe and ADDRESS=NewYork.

3.4.4. CompositePostProcessor

The CompositePostProcessor associates other post-processors and chain them


For instance, if someone wants to associates a SplittingPostprocessor and a

KeyValueParsingPostProcessor, he might use the following Configuration :


Such a configuration invoked for instance on a row such as


Would lead to the following changes:

1. First the initial row


2. Would be split by the Splitting Post-processor into the following distincts rows :

3. Then The Key Value Post-processor would replace the CONTENT field by the a new set
of fields DATE=20150820 APP=KCB.ACCT.STMT.ONLINE ID=2202204024
USER=UG0010022 FULLDATE=20150820152828 IP=
DATE=20150820 APP=KCB.ACCT.STMT.ONLINE ID=2202204024

Chapter 3. Database Polling | 11

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
USER=UG0010022 FULLDATE=20150820152833 IP=

3.5. Database polling configuration example

Template JDBC polling configuration files are available on the NG|Analytics Server for the
Oracle, MS SQL, MySQL, AS400 and PostgreSQL databases. The Oracle configuration file is
listed below as an example.

# Unique name of the current polling configuration

# with the following form: SyslogServiceName@SyslogHostname
# e.g.


# Working mode : either "batch", "online" or "both"

# "batch" : mode means the polling target can only be called in
# batch mode.
# Batch mode is a unique execution of the polling target
# scheduled from the outside.
# The Polling System instantiates a JVM, executes the
# polling target and shuts down
# Note : a batch execution will fail immediately if it
# runs a target at the precise same time an "online"
# execution of the same target is running.
# Polling target configured in "batch" mode are not taken
# into consideration by the "online" targets execution JVM,
# they are left over (skipped)
# "online" : mode means the polling target can only be called in
# online mode
# Online is the usual behaviour : The Polling System
# starts a JVM and keeps running forever, running targets
# again and again after every configured 'Delay'
# "both" : means the polling target can be executed in both modes.
# In this case the "online" targets execution JVM will
# consider the target and schedule its execution after
# every 'Delay' but the target can also be executed by
# an outside scheduler in "batch" mode.
# In this case, a protection mechanism is put in place
# to ensure that a "batch" execution cannot be executed
# at the same time an online execution is running
# Default is "online"


# Service identification (name) related to the connector. It is

# important to match the "SyslogService" configuration statement
# defined by the connector.

# Hostname provided to NG-Browser
12 | Chapter 3. Database Polling
NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# Time delay between two polls [seconds]

# Advanced Option: Timezone

# If set, it will convert the timezone of the log header date.
# You can find here
# ( the
# list of available Timezone ID's.
# Note that the value is case sensitive

# Default separator for JDBC Polling

# must be unicode
# \u0009 - \t (tabulator)
# \u0020 - \s (space)
# If you want to use other unicode characters as separator, check this
# page:
DefaultSeparator = \u0009


# User name to connect to DB


# Password to connect to DB
# If the password is encoded, you should append == in front of the
# encoded value

# JDBC connection string (IP, DB name, etc.)

# default port: 1521

# Timeout (in seconds) used for all the queries

# If not set, the default JDBC timeout will be used

# Initial statement (optional). This is ran before any polling occurs.

#InitialStatement=select f2qlogin.f_setuser('username','pwd') from DUAL

# Optional connection properties


# Audit trail date (syslog date header).

# Date can be extracted by one column in the query, or it is a
# concatenation of multiple fields, those fields are separated by the
# plus (+) character.
# Date extracted by the query may be a string which represents the
# date. In that case, the DateFieldFormat represents the corresponding
# format of the date in DateField. If the date string has more
# characters than the expected date format, the DateFieldFormat may
# add the question mark (?) characters to indicate those characters
# will not be considered in the DateField. For example, the date
# string '201307241234103000' with DateFieldFormat yyyyMMdd????HHmmss
# will not parse the sub-string '1234' in the middle, and the date

Chapter 3. Database Polling | 13

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# extracted would be '10:30:00 24/07/2013'.
# If the DateFieldFormat is empty, the DateField in the query has type
# Timestamp, or it was a number which represents the number of
# milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. In both case, they
# can be converted to a date.
# Since the date can be extracted by more than one way, we provide
# multiple options for constructing the date. It parses the DateField
# in order. If the construction is successful in some DateField, it
# uses that date directly and stops considering other options.
# If no DateFields are suitable, the current date will be used.


# In FetchWithStatus mode
# The status field is extracted from the Query, thus a statusField
# name is given and a StatusQuery is provided in order to retrieve
# the status during the first start of the module (in order to dump
# the whole BD during the first start)

# In FetchAll mode
# No status are needed, the whole table data is fetched at each poll.
# Such mode can be used if the table is purged between each poll
# Mode=fetchAll

# In FetchAndDelete mode
# No status are needed (a row is "mark" as fetch when the row is not
# anymore available into the DB. Thus, a unique row id should be
# provided by the Query and then used by the DeleteQuery in order to
# delete the right row
# Mode=fetchAndDelete


# Options for data extraction

# for FetchWithStatus mode : Query, StatusQuery, StatusField
# for FetchAndDelete mode : Query, DeleteRowId, DeleteQuery
# for FetchAll mode : Query

# SQL query to run every "delay" intervals in order to fetch last

# audit trails.
# The query needs to SELECT the audit trail date and its unique audit
# trail identifier. The query needs to filter audit trails in order to
# fetch last entries:
# WHERE "statusField" > ?
Query=SELECT id, timestamp, audit_tail_data FROM Table WHERE id > ?

# Unique identifier column name (extracted by the "Query" and

# "StatusQuery" statements)

14 | Chapter 3. Database Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# SQL query run during the first polling startup in order to fetch
# the last audit trail unique identifier
StatusQuery=SELECT MAX(id) FROM table

# Unique identifier column name (extract by the "Query" and

# "DeleteQuery" statements)
# DeleteRowId=id

# SQL query run during the delete operation

# DeleteQuery=DELETE FROM Table WHERE id = ?


# The XML field(s)

# The XML field specifies the columns in the query that contains the
# results in XML format. If this field is not specified, all XmlTag
# fields will be discarded.

# The XmlTag contains a map between the XML tags in the XMLField and
# the key word in the log file. An XML tag represents the path of an
# element of the XML document from the root node. All mapping fields
# must be put in the order as they occur in the log file.


# Used to detect duplicates while polling the flexcube DB. It keeps

# in a cache hashes of the polled information.

# Maximum number of lines to keep in cache. Cannot be larger than

# 2_000_000 (2 million).
# Use a CacheSize of 0 (default) to de-activate duplicate detection
# CacheSize=0

# Maximum time that a line is kept in cache, in milliseconds

# 86_400_000 = 1 day
# CacheExpire=86400000

# Columns used for detecting duplicates. For a given event, if all

# these columns contain the same data has another entry in the cache,
# the event is ignored.
# UniqueFields=COLUMN1;COLUMN2

Chapter 3. Database Polling | 15

NG|Polling System Admin Guide


#postProcessorProperty_1=APPLI.trigger=Application id, xmlrecord
FROM USER_T24 WHERE id like '{1}' id, xmlrecord
FROM USER_T24_HISTORY WHERE id like '{1};%'

16 | Chapter 3. Database Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide

Chapter 4. T24 Polling (simple legacy version)

Temenos T24 audit trails may be polled by NG|Screener using database polling. It is based
on JDBC but Temenos T24 provides a special format in the dedicated database.
NetGuardians has adapted its JDBC polling to provide a clean and easy way to poll these
audit trails.

4.1. T24 polling configuration parameters

The following parameters may be configured for T24 polling.

Parameter Description
SyslogServiceName The service name for audit trails classification
SyslogHostname The host name for audit trails classification
Delay Interval between two polls
Username DB user with Read Only rights.
Password DB password
DriverClass JDBC Driver (see example)
ConnectionString JDBC connection string (see example)
QueryWithoutStatus SQL query run the first time when status is not determined.
After this running, a status is defined and all the data in the
database is extracted.
QueryWithStatus SQL query run every ’delay’ interval and extract data inserted
between the previous poll.
StatusField Field to use for the status (ID, timestamp)
StatusFormat The format of the status field
DateField_X Field(s) used to define audit trails timestamp
DateFieldFormat_X Position of the timestamp in the date field
XmlField The XML field specifies the columns in the query that contains
the results in XML format.
XmlTag_X The XmlTag contains a map between the XML tags in the
XMLField and the key word in the audit trails file.

4.2. Post-processors

Same PostProcessors can be applied than for generic JDBC Connector as documented
here : Post-processors.

Chapter 4. T24 Polling (simple legacy version) | 17

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
4.3. T24 polling configuration example

The following commented T24 polling configuration is also available on NG|Analytics


# Author : NetGuardians SA
# Date : 24-JUL-2013
# Description : T24 polling configuration sample file
# Information : This file presents a sample of the T24 polling
configuration file
# Copyright (c) 2013 NetGuardians SA, all rights reserved.

# Unique Identifier
# Unique name of the current polling configuration
# with the following form: SyslogServiceName@SyslogHostname
# e.g. testService@testHost

# Working Mode

# Working mode : either "batch", "online" or "both"

# "batch" : mode means the polling target can only be called in
# batch mode.
# Batch mode is a unique execution of the polling target
# scheduled from the outside.
# The Polling System instantiates a JVM, executes the
# polling target and shuts down
# Note : a batch execution will fail immediately if it
# runs a target at the precise same time an "online"
# execution of the same target is running.
# Polling target configured in "batch" mode are not taken
# into consideration by the "online" targets execution JVM,
# they are left over (skipped)
# "online" : mode means the polling target can only be called in
# online mode
# Online is the usual behaviour : The Polling System
# starts a JVM and keeps running forever, running targets
# again and again after every configured 'Delay'
# "both" : means the polling target can be executed in both modes.
# In this case the "online" targets execution JVM will
# consider the target and schedule its execution after
# every 'Delay' but the target can also be executed by
# an outside scheduler in "batch" mode.
# In this case, a protection mechanism is put in place
# to ensure that a "batch" execution cannot be executed
# at the same time an online execution is running
# Default is "online"

18 | Chapter 4. T24 Polling (simple legacy version)

NG|Polling System Admin Guide

# Syslog Header

# Service identification (name) related to the connector. It is

# important to match the "SyslogService" configuration statement
# defined by the connector.
# Transaction audit trails : temenosT24Transaction
# Protocol audit trails : temenosT24Protocol

# Hostname provided to NG-Browser


# Time delay between two polls [seconds]


# Advanced Option: Timezone

# If set, it will convert the timezone of the log header date.
# You can find here
# (
# the list of available Timezone ID's.
# Note that the value is case sensitive

# Database Connection

# User name to connect to DB


# Password to connect to DB

# JDBC driver to use

# AS400 :
# MS SQL Server:
# MySQL : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
# Oracle : oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

# JDBC connection string (IP, DB name, etc.)

# AS400 (default port: 8471)
# jdbc:as400://HOSTNAME/DATABASE_NAME;transaction isolation=read
# MS SQL Server (default port: 1433):
# jdbc:sqlserver://HOSTNAME:PORT;databaseName=DATABASE_NAME
# MySQL (default port: 3306):
# Oracle (default port: 1521)
# jdbc:oracle:thin:@//HOSTNAME:PORT/DATABASE_NAME

Chapter 4. T24 Polling (simple legacy version) | 19

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# Timeout (in seconds) used for all the queries
# If not set, the default JDBC timeout will be used

# Data extraction
# SQL query to run the first time when status is not determined.
# It is used to extract all the audit trails in the database. The
# query should return String values.
QueryWithoutStatus=SELECT recid as key, T.xmlrecord.getStringVal() as
xmlrecord FROM table T WHERE recid LIKE '20%'

# SQL query to run every "delay" interval in order to fetch last

# audit trails.
# The query needs to filter audit trails in order to fetch last
# entries. The query should return String values.
QueryWithStatus=SELECT recid as key, T.xmlrecord.getStringVal() as
xmlrecord FROM table T WHERE recid LIKE '20%' AND
SUBSTR(recid,1,8)||SUBSTR(recid,14,5) >= ?

# Unique identifier column name (extracted by the "Query"

# statements)

# The format of the StatusField

# If the StatusField is not incremental and it has special format
# in which we extract to get the incremental value, this format is
# defined to specified its format. For T24 connector, the predefined
# characters are:
# D: indicates a character of Date/Time
# T: indicates a character of Terminal ID
# N: indicates a character of Sequential Number
# ?: indicates an arbitrary character, it is not counted in the
# status
# The Date/Time is extracted as a value that the next polling will
# base on. For each second, there may be many logs from different
# Terminal, and each Terminal may have more than one log at the same
# second. Thus the status is a combination of the last second
# extracted and the list of pairs of (TerminalId, last sequence
# number of that TerminalId).
# If the StatusFormat is not defined or empty, it uses the whole
# StatusField as status.

# Audit trail date (syslog date header).

# Date can be extracted by one column in the query, or it is a
# concatenation of multiple fields, those fields are separated by
# the plus (+) character.
# Date extracted by the query may be a string which represents the
# date. In that case, the DateFieldFormat represents the
# corresponding format of the date in DateField. If the date string
# has more characters than the expected date format, the
# DateFieldFormat may add the question mark (?) characters to
# indicate those characters will not be considered in the DateField.
# For example, the date string '201307241234103000' with
# DateFieldFormat yyyyMMdd????HHmmss will not parse the sub-string
# '1234' in the middle, and the date extracted would be

20 | Chapter 4. T24 Polling (simple legacy version)

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# '10:30:00 24/07/2013'.
# If the DateFieldFormat is empty, the DateField in the query has
# type Timestamp, or it was a number which represents the number of
# milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. In both case,
# they can be converted to a date.
# Since the date can be extracted by more than one way, we provide
# multiple options for constructing the date. It parses the
# DateField in order. If the construction is successful in some
# DateField, it uses that date directly and stops considering other
# options.
# If no DateFields are suitable, the current date will be used.

# XML Configuration

# The XML field specifies the columns in the query that contains
# the results in XML format. If this field is not specified, all
# XmlTag fields will be discarded.

# The XmlTag contains a map between the XML tags in the XMLField
# and the key word in the log file. An XML tag represents the path
# of an element of the XML document from the root node. All mapping
# fields must be put in the order as
# they occur in the log file.


# Duplicates detection

# Used to detect duplicates while polling the flexcube DB. It keeps

# in a cache hashes of the polled information.

# Maximum number of lines to keep in cache. Cannot be larger than

# 2_000_000 (2 million).
# Use a CacheSize of 0 (default) to de-activate duplicate detection
# CacheSize=0

# Maximum time that a line is kept in cache, in milliseconds

# 86_400_000 = 1 day

Chapter 4. T24 Polling (simple legacy version) | 21

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# CacheExpire=86400000

# Columns used for detecting duplicates. For a given event, if all

# these columns contain the same data has another entry in the
# cache, the event is ignored.
# UniqueFields=COLUMN1;COLUMN2

# Post-processors configuration


#postProcessorProperty_1=APPLI.trigger=Application id, xmlrecord
FROM USER_T24 WHERE id like '{1}' id, xmlrecord
FROM USER_T24_HISTORY WHERE id like '{1};%'

22 | Chapter 4. T24 Polling (simple legacy version)

NG|Polling System Admin Guide

Chapter 5. New T24 Polling

Temenos T24 audit trails may be polled by NG|Screener using database polling. NG has
implemented an improved polling connector specifically designed to handle T24’s specific
RECID in a way that enables to:

• avoid duplicates that may occur when several rows are inserted for same RECID in the
target table

• eliminate missing entries when rows are added for RECID’s identified by a timestamp in
the past or after the latest RECID previously found in the target table

5.1. New T24 polling configuration parameters

The following parameters may be configured for T24 polling.

Parameter Description
SyslogServiceName The service name for audit trails
SyslogHostname The host name for audit trails classification
Delay Interval between two polls
Username DB user with Read Only rights.
Password DB password
DriverClass JDBC Driver (see example)
ConnectionString JDBC connection string (see example)
QueryTimeout Timeout (in seconds) used for all the queries
QueryWithoutStatus SQL query run the first time when status is
not determined. After this running, a status
is defined and all the data in the database is
extracted. This version extracts only the
QueryWithStatus SQL query run every ’delay’ interval and
extract data inserted between the previous
poll. The query should return String values.
QueryForDataTemplate This the 2nd stage query that is used to
actually fetch the data. It processes a list of
RECIDs given in an SQL IN clause statement.
StatusField Field to use for the status (ID, timestamp)
StatusFormat The format of the status field
StatusDateFormat In case the date is given as CCCCCCCC, it
needs a date format

Chapter 5. New T24 Polling | 23

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
Parameter Description
StatusTimeFormat In case the time is given as SSSSSS, it needs
a time format
TimeInSecondsOffsetLogFetching The time in seconds to consider looking
backwards for fetching new logs
TimeInSecondsCacheConservation This is the time in seconds that keys are kept
in the cache of keys already processed, i.e.
already sent to the log collector. This value
must in any case be greater that the value of
the TimeInSecondsOffsetLogFetching above.
TimeInSecondsInitOffset This is the time offset that is used when no
former Status could be found (i.e. upon first
execution of the polling). Logs are fetched
from ``current time'' minus that offset.
dataFetchBatchSize The amount of data (rows) to fetch in a single
batch, i.e. a single access to the database
using the QueryForDataTemplate.
DateField_X Field(s) used to define audit trails timestamp
DateFieldFormat_X Position of the timestamp in the date field
XmlField The XML field specifies the columns in the
query that contains the results in XML
XmlTag_X The XmlTag contains a map between the
XML tags in the XMLField and the key word
in the audit trails file.

5.2. Handling of RECID’s

As the following section will present, the handling of T24’s specific format of RECIDs is
implemented in the New T24 Connector by computing new last status for the next polling
request in a very specific way.

For this reason, the format of the RECID in the target table needs to be precisely indicated
using the following pattern :

D indicates a character of Date (in the form of a number of days since

C indicates a character of Date (in the form of a date yyyymmdd)
U indicates a character of Terminal ID
T indicates a character of Time (in the form of a number of seconds
since midnight)
S indicates a character of Time (in the form of a time HHMMss)
N indicates a character of Sequential Number

24 | Chapter 5. New T24 Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
X index of the entry in the stmt entry array

A few examples :

CCCCCCCCUUUUUSSSSSS?NNXXXX 20150304abcde121530.011234
DDDDDUUUUUTTTTT?NNXXXX 12345abcde45678.011234
DDDDDTTTTT 1234545698
CCCCCCCCCCUUUUUTTTTT?NNXXXX 2015-03-04abcde00600.011234

5.3. Fetching logic

5.4. Duplicate detection

The Duplicate detection mechanism in the FlexCube connector is somewhat similar to the
generic mechanism implemented in the generic JDBC connector but uses solely the RECID
to identify duplicated rows.

This specific duplicate detection system requires proper configuration and the user may
want to refer to the sample configuration provided below to get more information on the

5.5. Post-processors

Same PostProcessors can be applied than for generic JDBC Connector as documented
here in Post-processors.

5.6. New T24 polling configuration example

The following commented T24 polling configuration is also available on NG|Analytics


# Unique name of the current polling configuration

# with the following form: SyslogServiceName@SyslogHostname
# e.g. temenosT24Protocol@

# Working Mode

# Working mode : either "batch", "online" or "both"

# "batch" : mode means the polling target can only be called in
# batch mode.
# Batch mode is a unique execution of the polling target
# scheduled from the outside.
# The Polling System instantiates a JVM, executes the
Chapter 5. New T24 Polling | 25
NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# polling target and shuts down
# Note : a batch execution will fail immediately if it
# runs a target at the precise same time an "online"
# execution of the same target is running.
# Polling target configured in "batch" mode are not taken
# into consideration by the "online" targets execution JVM,
# they are left over (skipped)
# "online" : mode means the polling target can only be called in
# online mode
# Online is the usual behaviour : The Polling System
# starts a JVM and keeps running forever, running targets
# again and again after every configured 'Delay'
# "both" : means the polling target can be executed in both modes.
# In this case the "online" targets execution JVM will
# consider the target and schedule its execution after
# every 'Delay' but the target can also be executed by
# an outside scheduler in "batch" mode.
# In this case, a protection mechanism is put in place
# to ensure that a "batch" execution cannot be executed
# at the same time an online execution is running
# Default is "online"

# Syslog Header

# Service identification (name) related to the connector. It is

# important
# to match the "SyslogService" configuration statement defined by the
# connector.
# Transaction audit trails : temenosT24Transaction
# Protocol audit trails : temenosT24Protocol

# Hostname provided to NG-Browser


# Time delay between two polls [seconds]


# Advanced Option: Timezone

# If set, it will convert the timezone of the log header date.
# You can find here :
# (
# the list of available Timezone ID's.
# Note that the value is case sensitive

# Database Connection

# User name to connect to DB


26 | Chapter 5. New T24 Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# Password to connect to DB

# JDBC connection string (IP, DB name, etc.)

# AS400 (no default port)
# jdbc:as400://HOSTNAME/DATABASE_NAME;transaction isolation=read
# MS SQL Server (default port: 1433):
# jdbc:sqlserver://HOSTNAME:PORT;databaseName=DATABASE_NAME
# MySQL (default port: 3306):
# Oracle (default port: 1521)
# jdbc:oracle:thin:@//HOSTNAME:PORT/DATABASE_NAME
# PostgreSQL (default port: 5432)

# Timeout (in seconds) used for all the queries

# If not set, the default JDBC timeout will be used

# Optional connection properties


# Data Extraction

# SQL query to run the first time when status is not determined. It
# is used to extract all the audit trails keys in the database.
# Unlike the former T24 connector, this version extracts only the
# This is used only if the format of the status doesn't allow to use
# the TimeInSecondsInitOffset
QueryWithoutStatus=SELECT recid as key FROM table T WHERE recid LIKE '20%'

# SQL query to run every "delay" interval in order to fetch last audit
# trails.
# The query needs to filter audit trails in order to fetch last entries.
# The query should return String values.
QueryWithStatus=SELECT recid as key FROM table T WHERE recid LIKE '20%'
AND SUBSTR(recid,1,8)||SUBSTR(recid,14,5) >= ?

# This the 2nd stage query that is used to actually fetch the data.
# It processes a list of RECIDs given in an SQL IN clause statement.
QueryForDataTemplate=SELECT recid as key, T.xmlrecord.getStringVal() as
xmlrecord FROM table T WHERE recid IN

# Unique identifier column name (extracted by the "Query" statements)


# The format of the StatusField

# If the StatusField is not incremental and it has special format in
# which we extract to get the incremental value, this format is

Chapter 5. New T24 Polling | 27

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# defined to specified its format.
# For T24 connector, the predefined characters are:
# D: indicates a character of Date (in the form of a number of
# days since ...)
# C: indicates a character of Date (in the form of a date
# yyyymmdd)
# U: indicates a character of Terminal ID
# T: indicates a character of Time (in the form of a number of
# seconds since midnight)
# S: indicates a character of Time (in the form of a time HHMMss)
# N: indicates a character of Sequential Number
# X: index of the entry in the stmt entry array
# ?: indicates an arbitrary character, it is not counted in the
# status
# The Date/Time is extracted as a value that the next polling will
# base on. For each second, there may be many logs from different
# Terminal, and each Terminal may have more than one log at the same
# second. Thus the status is a combination of the last second
# extracted and the list of pairs of (TerminalId, last sequence
# number of that TerminalId).
# If the StatusFormat is not defined or empty, it uses the whole
# StatusField as status.

# In case the date is given as CCCCCCCC, it needs a date format


# In case the time is given as SSSSSS, it needs a time format


# The time in seconds to consider looking backwards for fetching new

# logs
# Use by default 1 hour = 3600 seconds that will make the polling
# always look backwards one hour to see if new logs for this period
# perhaps appear lately (i.e. after newer entries)

# This is the time in seconds that keys are kept in the cache of
# keys already processed, i.e. already sent to the log collector.
# This value must in any case be greater that the value of the
# TimeInSecondsOffsetLogFetching above, at
# least one more hour
# The default value is 2 hours = 7200

# This is the time offset that is used when no former Status could
# be found (i.e. upon first execution of the polling)
# Logs are fetched from "current time " minus that offset
# Default is 86400 seconds = 24 hours
# IMPORTANT : use value "-1" to disable this feature and force fetch
# everything if no former status was found

# The amount of data (rows) to fetch in a single batch, i.e. a

# single access to the database using the QueryForDataTemplate.
# Default value is 50

28 | Chapter 5. New T24 Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# Audit trail date (syslog date header).
# Date can be extracted by one column in the query, or it is a
# concatenation of multiple fields, those fields are separated by
# the plus (+) character.
# Date extracted by the query may be a string which represents the
# date. In that case, the DateFieldFormat represents the
# corresponding format of the date in DateField. If the date string
# has more characters than the expected date format, the
# DateFieldFormat may add the question mark (?) characters to
# indicate those characters will not be considered in the DateField.
# For example, the date string '201307241234103000' with
# DateFieldFormat yyyyMMdd????HHmmss will not parse the
# sub-string '1234' in the middle, and the date extracted would be
# '10:30:00 24/07/2013'.
# If the DateFieldFormat is empty, the DateField in the query has
# type Timestamp, or it was a number which represents the number of
# milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. In both case,
# they can be converted to a date.
# Since the date can be extracted by more than one way, we provide
# multiple options for constructing the date. It parses the DateField
# in order. If the construction is successful in some DateField, it
# uses that date directly and stops considering other options.
# If no DateFields are suitable, the current date will be used.

# XML Configuration

# The XML field specifies the columns in the query that contains
# the results in XML format. If this field is not specified, all
# XmlTag fields will be discarded.

# The XmlTag contains a map between the XML tags in the XMLField
# and the key word in the log file. An XML tag represents the path
# of an element of the XML document from the root node. All mapping
# fields must be put in the order as
# they occur in the log file.



Chapter 5. New T24 Polling | 29

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# Duplicates detection

# Used to detect duplicates while polling the flexcube DB. It keeps

# in a cache hashes of the polled information.

# Maximum number of lines to keep in cache. Cannot be larger than

# 2_000_000 (2 million).
# Use a CacheSize of 0 (default) to de-activate duplicate detection
# CacheSize=0

# Maximum time that a line is kept in cache, in milliseconds

# 86_400_000 = 1 day
# CacheExpire=86400000

# Columns used for detecting duplicates. For a given event, if all

# these columns contain the same data has another entry in the
# cache, the event is ignored.
# UniqueFields=COLUMN1;COLUMN2

# Post-processors configuration


#postProcessorProperty_1=APPLI.trigger=Application id, xmlrecord
FROM USER_T24 WHERE id like '{1}' id, xmlrecord
FROM USER_T24_HISTORY WHERE id like '{1};%'

30 | Chapter 5. New T24 Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide

Chapter 6. History Table Post Processor

The History Table PostProcessor is provided to handle the specific case of staged polling
for architectures based on a current/history table and a mutation log. It gives the ability to
detect and report changes of business entities stored in those tables.

6.1. Background

The reason this post-processing is required is that there is no direct and efficient means of
detecting whether a new change has been appended to the history table. There is no
common and incremental key for these entries that would allow querying for recent
changes, which means that each business entity (like a user, account, etc.) would need to
be queried for separately. This is impossible due to performance reasons. There is a
mutation log table though (called the protocol log as well) which contains information about
every change performed in the system. This log contains only the metadata of the change
(like the time and entity ID) so the current and history queries still need to be queried for
the exact changes performed. However, that allows for selective querying of the history
table, which results in substantially reduced traffic to the database.

6.2. Overview

The mechanism of the secondary polling is implemented to be as general as possible.

Some details are specific to each core banking system - these are described further down
this document.

6.3. Implementation

This post-processor is fed with data retrieved by the main polling mechanism from the
mutation log. Each such record is cached and serves as a suggestion for the post-
processor that changes might have occurred or might occur in the near future. These are
then used to selectively poll the history table for the specified business entities to detect

Chapter 6. History Table Post Processor | 31

NG|Polling System Admin Guide

To make change detection possible, a cache of the maximum versions of all the
records in the history table is built when initializing the application for the first time (a
process that might take some significant time) and maintained throughout it’s whole
lifetime. This cache is then used as a reference point when polling for the candidates
detected beforehand. This is also the reason for which only changes that have occurred
after the polling system has been initialized will be detected.

A poll is performed periodically on the history table using information from those cached
entries as a filter. The version number of the most current record in the history table is
then compared to the maximum version that the post-processor keeps in its cache. If the
version present in the history table is higher, then that explicitly means that a change (or
changes, because multiple of them might have occurred between the polling interval) has
been performed on the entity. In that case, all the history table records with a version
number higher than the one cached are fetched, the current record from the current table
is retrieved and all of them are then used to generate and send the respective log(s). The
highest version number encountered is then cached as the most recent one by the post-
processor for future reference and the mutation log entry that triggered the process is

6.4. T24-specific details

When a user opens an edition window in a T24 application, a record is generated in the
protocol table indicating that event. He can then apply and save some modifications to the
entity or simply close the windows without performing any changes. No record is generated
when a change is committed though, that’s why there is no direct means to detect that a
change was performed for an entry in a T24 application. This is the reason that the polling
needs to be repeated periodically - to support the case where a user keeps the edition
window open for some time and only then saves the changes. On the other hand, if such
changes are never saved, no new records will appear in the history table. To prevent the
protocol logs from occupying the cache forever, they are evicted after some configurable
time. This time can be understood as the maximum expected time that the user might
perform changes in.

6.4.1. Current/history tables

This is to clarify how these tables work and why caching just the maximum version of a
record in the history table is enough.

32 | Chapter 6. History Table Post Processor

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
A T24 application consists (on the DB level) of two related tables: the current table and the
history table.

The current table holds the current (most up-to-date) entries for all business entities
(users, accounts, etc.), that the application is about. The schema is the following:

|JOHN | <DATA> |

The history table holds all the historical values a particular entry ever had. The significant
difference here being that the ID now has the version number appended:

|JOHN;1 | <DATA> |

If a record had only one (initial) state ever then that entry obviously does not appear in the
history table (PETER being the example here). Now, whenever a change is made to a user,
its current value from the current table is moved to the history table with an incremental
version appended to the ID and the new version of the entry is replaced in the current table.

That makes it enough to only hold the maximum version of a record (or none if not existent)
to detect any changes. Whenever a query is performed on that particular entry, merely
comparing the current version with the cached version reveals the information whether a
change has been performed and how many of those changes were performed.

6.5. Finnova-specific details

In contrary to the T24 implementation, Finnova implements its entity IDs and versions in
separate table columns. What is more, to differentiate unique entities, a composite key
needs to be used - a combination of creation ID and creation date.

Chapter 6. History Table Post Processor | 33

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
6.6. Configuration

The post-processor can be configured with the following parameters. Note: when added to
the polling configuration, all of the parameter keys need to be prefixed with
postProcessorProperty_x=, where x are consecutive numbers starting from 1.

• APPLI.trigger
The name of the field which specifies the name of the application.
The character # can be added at the end of the field name when only a part of the field
content should be matched for the application name - only the part before the
expression specified in APPLI.separator. For example, if you audit the table USER
and want to match USER.TEST as well, APPLI.separator should be set to \\.. That
way the configuration specified for USER will match USER.TEST as well.

• APPLI.separator
Used when APPLI.trigger is suffixed with a #. The field can be any valid regular
expression according to

• APPLI.actionOnMissing
Defines whether a protocol log received from the main polling should be sent to syslog
when the configuration for the application it comes from is missing.
Possible values : SEND (default) or DROP

• APPLI.secondaryPollingIntervalSeconds
Time to wait (in seconds) between consecutive polling runs

• APPLI.cacheEvictionMinutes
Time (in minutes) to keep the protocol logs as candidates for polling in the cache

• APPLI.applications
A comma-separated list of applications (table names) for which to perform secondary
polling on. Each such application must have a complete set of application-specific
parameters defined.

• APPLI.metadataExtractor
An implementation-specific metadata extractor. Implements the logic required to
extract the ID and version of records.
Possible values: T24MetadataExtractor or FinnovaMetadataExtractor

• APPLI.metadataExtractorIdFields
A comma-separated list of field names that uniquely identify the business entity. Can be
a single field or a composition.
34 | Chapter 6. History Table Post Processor
NG|Polling System Admin Guide
• APPLI.metadataExtractorVersionField
The name of the field that contains the record version.

Application-specific parameters:
Replace the xyz with a specific application name.

The comparison strategy:

1. ALL: All values from the older entry are prefixed with OLD_ and all new values are
prefixed with NEW_. No comparison is done and all values are appended to the log.

2. DIFF: Only the differences are appended to the log. For values which exist in both
entries the old values are prefixed with OLD_ and new values with NEW_. If a value
exists only in one entry, that value is added as well.

3. DIFF_CONSOLIDATED: Same behaviour as DIFF, except that the output is different.

All old values are appended to a field called OLD_VALUES and all new values to a
field called NEW_VALUES. Example:
In addition, for all the fields defined in, their old and
new values will be output as well with OLD_ and NEW_ prefixes respectively.

4. WHITE: Performs the DIFF strategy but only on the fields provided in the parameter.

5. BLACK: Performs the DIFF strategy but skips the fields provided in the parameter.

A comma-separated list of fields to use with the BLACK, WHITE or

The query used to fetch all history table records for metadata (usually ID and version).
Only the minimum required fields should be defined to extract the required data and
their names should match those specified in the metadata extractor configuration. This
query is used only once when the application is first stared to initialize the maximum IDs

The query used to fetch data from the history table. The rows returned should be limited

Chapter 6. History Table Post Processor | 35

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
to those relevant for the current context (application, business entity). Fields from the
original query can be injected into this query to achieve that. Placeholders in the form of
{x} can be inserted in the query, which will then be replaced with the values of the
fields specified in - with x being a number that maps to
those fields in order, starting from 1.

A comma-separated list of fields to inject into

The query used to fetch data from the current table. Only one row must be returned. All
the details from apply here as well.

A comma-separated list of fields to inject into

6.6.1. T24 sample configuration

36 | Chapter 6. History Table Post Processor

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
QueryWithStatus=SELECT recid as key FROM T24_F_PROTOCOL T WHERE recid LIKE
'20%' AND SUBSTR(recid,1,8)||SUBSTR(recid,14,5) >= ?
QueryForDataTemplate=SELECT recid as key, T.xmlrecord.getStringVal() as
xmlrecord, extractValue(XMLRECORD, '/row/c11') as t24_id FROM




postProcessorProperty_4=APPLI.USER.currentTableQuery=SELECT recid as
t24_id, T.xmlrecord.getClobVal() as xmlrecord FROM T24_F_USER T WHERE
recid like '{1}'
postProcessorProperty_5=APPLI.USER.historyTableQuery=SELECT recid as
t24_id, T.xmlrecord.getClobVal() as xmlrecord FROM T24_F_USER#HIS T WHERE
recid like '{1};%'
postProcessorProperty_11=APPLI.USER.historyTableMetadataQuery=SELECT recid
as t24_id FROM T24_F_USER#HIS


Only parameters relevant to the post-processor are included in the sample configuration.

Application name must be available from the protocol logs as well (the recid/key is just a
number in this case), that’s why it is extracted from the XML field in
QueryForDataTemplate and assigned to t24_id.

metadataExtractorVersionField does not need to be provided since the

T24MetadataExtractor already implements the key/version extraction logic from the
single metadataExtractorIdFields field.

6.6.2. Finnova sample configuration

Chapter 6. History Table Post Processor | 37

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
Query=select lpad(mg_log_lnr,22,0)||lpad(mg_log_sub_lnr,22,0) as key,
trak_dt, db_mut_cd, tab_bez, to_char(create_dt_tab, 'YYYY-MM-DD
HH24:MI:SS') as finnova_create_date, create_id_tab as finnova_create_id,
vers_vor_mut as finnova_version, kd_lnr_vis from SR_MG_LOG where 1 = 1
and mg_log_typ_cd = 2 and userbk_nr = 7660 and tab_bez in ( 'KD_STAMM',
'KD_ADR', 'KD_RGL', 'KT_GRP' ) and kd_lnr_vis <> 901 and
lpad(mg_log_lnr,22,0)||lpad(mg_log_sub_lnr,22,0) > ?
StatusQuery=select max(lpad(mg_log_lnr,22,0)||lpad(mg_log_sub_lnr,22,0))
as key from SR_MG_LOG


to_char(CREATE_DT, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as finnova_create_date,
create_id as finnova_create_id, vers as finnova_version FROM
postProcessorProperty_7=APPLI.KD_ADR.currentTableQuery=select KD_WERB_CD,
to_char(CREATE_DT, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as finnova_create_date,
CREATE_ID, CREATE_ID as finnova_create_id, MUT_VON, VERS_VOR, STAT_CD,
USERBK_NR, VERS, VERS as finnova_version from KD_ADR where CREATE_ID =
'{1}' and CREATE_DT = TO_DATE('{2}', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and VERS =
postProcessorProperty_9=APPLI.KD_ADR.historyTableQuery=select KD_WERB_CD,
to_char(CREATE_DT, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as finnova_create_date,
CREATE_ID, CREATE_ID as finnova_create_id, MUT_VON, VERS_VOR, STAT_CD,
USERBK_NR, VERS, VERS as finnova_version from F2LARCP0_KD_ADR where
CREATE_ID = '{1}' and CREATE_DT = TO_DATE('{2}', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
and VERS < '{3}'


Only parameters relevant to the post-processor are included in the sample configuration.

Any dates meant to be used in WHERE statements later (finnova_create_date from

Query in this case, for example) must be extracted with a resolution enough to select the
38 | Chapter 6. History Table Post Processor
NG|Polling System Admin Guide
proper rows when converted back to a date with to_date().

6.6.3. v1.3.1 to v1.3.2 migration

The following parameters became obsolete with version 1.3.2:

• postProcessorProperty_x=APPLI.applicationFieldName

The following new parameters appeared in version 1.3.2:

• postProcessorProperty_x=APPLI.applications

Chapter 6. History Table Post Processor | 39

NG|Polling System Admin Guide

Chapter 7. FlexCube Polling

FlexCube Polling is a specific version of the JDBC Connector that supports processing of
the very specific FlexCube XML.

Tracking User activities in Flexcube is a challenge since detailed information is stored in a

CLOB XML field where the format is different for each type of message.

The Flexcube polling connector serializes the XML information in a KEY=VALUE form for
simplifying the data interpretation.

An example of a Flexcube XML field is as follows :


TEST1~A~001~ALLROLES~all roles~

For each FV tag, the related FN description (using TYPE to find the appropriate description)
should be found and the event formatted

7.1. FlexCube Connector specifics

One should note that Post-processor are not available (yet) for the FlexCube connector.

7.2. FlexCube polling configuration example

A Flexcube configuration example is as follows

# Unique name of the current polling configuration

# with the following form: SyslogServiceName@SyslogHostname
# e.g.


# Working mode : either "batch", "online" or "both"

# "batch" : mode means the polling target can only be called in
# batch mode.

40 | Chapter 7. FlexCube Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# Batch mode is a unique execution of the polling target
# scheduled from the outside.
# The Polling System instantiates a JVM, executes the
# polling target and shuts down
# Note : a batch execution will fail immediately if it
# runs a target at the precise same time an "online"
# execution of the same target is running.
# Polling target configured in "batch" mode are not taken
# into consideration by the "online" targets execution JVM,
# they are left over (skipped)
# "online" : mode means the polling target can only be called in
# online mode
# Online is the usual behaviour : The Polling System
# starts a JVM and keeps running forever, running targets
# again and again after every configured 'Delay'
# "both" : means the polling target can be executed in both modes.
# In this case the "online" targets execution JVM will
# consider the target and schedule its execution after
# every 'Delay' but the target can also be executed by
# an outside scheduler in "batch" mode.
# In this case, a protection mechanism is put in place
# to ensure that a "batch" execution cannot be executed
# at the same time an online execution is running
# Default is "online"


# Service identification (name) related to the connector. It is

# important to match the "SyslogService" configuration statement
# defined by the connector.

# Hostname provided to NG-Browser

# Time delay between two polls [seconds]


# Advanced Option: Timezone

# If set, it will convert the timezone of the log header date.
# You can find here
# (
# the list of available Timezone ID's.
# Note that the value is case sensitive

# Default separator for JDBC Polling

# must be unicode
# \u0009 - \t (tabulator)
# \u0020 - \s (space)
# If you want to use other unicode characters as separator, check
# this page:
DefaultSeparator = \u0009


Chapter 7. FlexCube Polling | 41

NG|Polling System Admin Guide

# User name to connect to DB


# Password to connect to DB
# If the password is encoded, you should append == in front of the encoded

# JDBC connection string (IP, DB name, etc.)

# default port: 1521

# Timeout (in seconds) used for all the queries

# If not set, the default JDBC timeout will be used

# Initial statement (optional). This is ran before any polling occurs.

#InitialStatement=select f2qlogin.f_setuser('username','pwd') from DUAL

# Optional connection properties



# In FetchWithStatus mode
# The status field is extracted from the Query, thus a statusField
# name is given and a StatusQuery is provided in order to retrieve the
# status during the first start
# of the module (in order to dump the whole BD during the first start)

# In FetchAll mode
# No status are needed, the whole table data is fetched at each
# poll. Such mode can be used if the table is purged between each
# poll
# Mode=fetchAll

# In FetchAndDelete mode
# No status are needed (a row is "mark" as fetch when the row is not
# anymore available into the DB. Thus, a unique row id should be
# provided by the Query and then used by the DeleteQuery in order to
# delete the right row
# Mode=fetchAndDelete


# Options for data extraction

# for FetchWithStatus mode : Query, StatusQuery, StatusField
# for FetchAndDelete mode : Query, DeleteRowId, DeleteQuery
# for FetchAll mode : Query

42 | Chapter 7. FlexCube Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# SQL query to run every "delay" intervals in order to fetch last
# audit trails.
# The query needs to SELECT the audit trail date and its unique audit
# trail identifier. The query needs to filter audit trails in order to
# fetch last entries:
# WHERE "statusField" > ?
Query=SELECT id, timestamp, audit_tail_data FROM Table WHERE id > ?

# Unique identifier column name (extracted by the "Query" and

# "StatusQuery" statements)

# SQL query run during the first polling startup in order to fetch
# the last audit trail unique identifier
StatusQuery=SELECT MAX(id) FROM table

# Unique identifier column name (extract by the "Query" and

# "DeleteQuery" statements)
# DeleteRowId=id

# SQL query run during the delete operation

# DeleteQuery=DELETE FROM Table WHERE id = ?

# Audit trail date (syslog date header).

# Date can be extracted by one column in the query, or it is a
# concatenation of multiple fields, those fields are separated by the
# plus (+) character.
# Date extracted by the query may be a string which represents the
# date. In that case, the DateFieldFormat represents the corresponding
# format of the date in DateField. If the date string has more
# characters than the expected date format, the DateFieldFormat may
# add the question mark (?) characters to indicate those characters
# will not be considered in the DateField. For example, the date
# string '201307241234103000' with DateFieldFormat yyyyMMdd????HHmmss
# will not parse the sub-string '1234' in the middle, and the date
# extracted would be '10:30:00 24/07/2013'.
# If the DateFieldFormat is empty, the DateField in the query has type
# Timestamp, or it was a number which represents the number of
# milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. In both case, they
# can be converted to a date.
# Since the date can be extracted by more than one way, we provide
# multiple options for constructing the date. It parses the DateField
# in order. If the construction is successful in some DateField, it
# uses that date directly and stops considering other options.
# If no DateFields are suitable, the current date will be used.


# Some columns in flexcube's tables contain xml with several fields

# (with their names and values). These column will be parsed and
# transformed.

Chapter 7. FlexCube Polling | 43

NG|Polling System Admin Guide

# Used to detect duplicates while polling the flexcube DB. It keeps

# in a cache hashes of the polled information.

# Maximum number of lines to keep in cache. Cannot be larger than

# 2_000_000 (2 million).
# Use a CacheSize of 0 (default) to de-activate duplicate detection
# CacheSize=200000

# Maximum time that a line is kept in cache, in milliseconds

# 86_400_000 = 1 day
# CacheExpire=86400000

# Columns used for detecting duplicates. For a given event, if all

# these columns contain the same data has another entry in the
# cache, the event is ignored.
# UniqueFields=COLUMN1;COLUMN2

44 | Chapter 7. FlexCube Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide

Chapter 8. Microsoft WMI Polling

Windows audit trails may be polled by NG|Screener using WMI (Windows Management
Instrumentation). All audit trails (Security, System, Application, etc) may be polled using
this method.

8.1. WMI polling configuration parameters

The following parameters may be configured for WMI polling. Configuration is needed in
windows server to allow WMI polling. Refer to windows connector documentation.

Parameter Description
SyslogServiceName The service name for audit trails classification (never change
Username User with WMI RO rights
Password Password
Hostname Server hostname or IP address
Domain Microsoft Domain
Delay Interval between two polls
WmiDefaultNamespace Default Namespace
StatusField Field used for the status (should be a date!)
Facilities Windows Event Logs to poll (Security, Application, System, etc).
WindowsVersion Windows Server Version (Windows 2003 and 2008 are

8.2. WMI polling configuration example

The following commented WMI polling configuration example is also available on

NG|Analytics Server.

# Author : NetGuardians SA
# Date : 21-AUG-2012
# Description: MSWMI polling config sample for Windows system eventlog
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 NetGuardians SA, all rights reserved.

# Unique Identifier
# Unique name of the current polling configuration
# with the following form: SyslogServiceName@SyslogHostname
# e.g. mswmiServiceName@MyServer

Chapter 8. Microsoft WMI Polling | 45

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# Working Mode

# Working mode : either "batch", "online" or "both"

# "batch" : mode means the polling target can only be called in
# batch mode.
# Batch mode is a unique execution of the polling target
# scheduled from the outside.
# The Polling System instantiates a JVM, executes the
# polling target and shuts down
# Note : a batch execution will fail immediately if it
# runs a target at the precise same time an "online"
# execution of the same target is running.
# Polling target configured in "batch" mode are not taken
# into consideration by the "online" targets execution JVM,
# they are left over (skipped)
# "online" : mode means the polling target can only be called in
# online mode
# Online is the usual behaviour : The Polling System
# starts a JVM and keeps running forever, running targets
# again and again after every configured 'Delay'
# "both" : means the polling target can be executed in both modes.
# In this case the "online" targets execution JVM will
# consider the target and schedule its execution after
# every 'Delay' but the target can also be executed by
# an outside scheduler in "batch" mode.
# In this case, a protection mechanism is put in place
# to ensure that a "batch" execution cannot be executed
# at the same time an online execution is running
# Default is "online"

# Syslog Header

# Service identification (name) related to the connector. It is

# important to match the "SyslogService" configuration statement
# defined by the connector.
# NEVER CHANGE the service name.

# IP address or hostname of the Microsoft Windows Server


# MSWMI Connection

# user information

# connection settings

46 | Chapter 8. Microsoft WMI Polling

NG|Polling System Admin Guide

# Time delay between two polls [seconds]


# MSWMI Options
# Default Namespace

# This field define what kind of information we extract from the

# configured Windows server.
# E.g. Facilities=Security,System,Application

# Windows version, supported versions: 2003, 2008 (32bits and

# 64bits), 2008 R2, 8
# Possible values:
# - 2003
# - 2008_32
# - 2008_64
# - 2008_R2
# - 8

# MSWMI Expert Mode

# The date reference use to fetch new Windows Event Log entries
# (default value: NOW)
# Possible values:
# - ALL
# - NOW
# - Specific date (needed format: yyyyMMddHHmmss.SSSSSS-SSS)
# Mechanism:
# - if the PollingStatus exist, we will use it to search the last
# records changed from Windows Event Log
# - if the PollingStatus does not exist and the StartDate exist, we
# will use the StartDate to search the last records changed from
# Windows Event Log
# - if even PollingStatus and StartDate does not exist, we will get
# all the records from Windows Event Log

# Status field (must be a date)


# Delimiters
# For special characters use the following syntax [character].
# E.g. [\t] [\n]

# Output log format

# The default LogFormatOutput value is "default", if you want the

Chapter 8. Microsoft WMI Polling | 47

NG|Polling System Admin Guide
# Snare output format change the value to "snare"
# With the "snare" output format, you must configure the
# SyslogServiceName as windows[Facility]Events. E.g.
# windowsApplicationEvents or windowsSecurityEvents or windowsSystemEvents

# Event fields list, the list of fields is only used with the
# "LogFormatOutput=default"

# EventCodes to skip
# We skip the events 4661 and 4658 because they are generated by the
# polling WMI when an object is requested

# Security ID cache size

# Size of the cache that have the relation between SecurityID and
# Caption in memory, in order to avoid several call to the windows
# machine

# Transform SID (Security ID) to Caption. Possible values: 'true'

# or false'
# If true the transformation will be done, otherwise skip the
# transformation

48 | Chapter 8. Microsoft WMI Polling

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